From: (abolition-usa-digest) To: Subject: abolition-usa-digest V1 #6 Reply-To: abolition-usa-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk abolition-usa-digest Thursday, July 30 1998 Volume 01 : Number 006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 25 Jul 1998 01:31:25 -0400 From: peter zimmerman Subject: Re: (abolition-usa) "Bagpipe" nuke test scheduled for September At 02:22 PM 7/25/1998 -0700, you wrote: > > >Then, on October 1st: we hope to do send a Citizen Inspection Team into >Nellis Air force Base to investigate the storage and handling of nuclear >weapons and bombs that might be used in a first strike. (Any advice on this >is greatly appreciated!) Please be very careful in this demonstration. I have been to nuclear storage sites on ACDA business and certainly have the impression that the guard force is trained and authorized at all times to use deadly force to block access to the weapons. They are all nice kids under any other circumstances, but when it's time to protect their nukes, a high-adrenaline conditioned reflex takes over. If they perceive a threat moving toward certain targets, their behavior may not be predictable. pz > > - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 25 Jul 1998 01:31:23 -0400 From: peter zimmerman Subject: (abolition-usa) nuclear targeting At 02:22 PM 7/25/1998 -0700, you wrote: > A bunch of us old nuclear hawks and cynics were drinking and thinking this evening and came up with a good idea to help the Indians and Pakistanis know what they have gotten in the bargain. We should point out to them that any nuclear use on the subcontinent threatens the peace of the world, and that, as a result, the SIOP and RISOP are being altered to place Indian and Pakistani military targets on the list for one or another option. Specific launch complexes could be identified with the new responsibilities, and the conditions established under which they would get an "execute" order made clear. Something, I would think, a bit like Kennedy's announcement about missiles from Cuba being counted as from the USSR. No retargeting need actually take place; there is no real need to take aim at Delhi and Islamabad, but both capitals should come to understand that with their new-built ability to strike the rest of the world, the rest of the world now welcomes the newest members to the club of nuclear target sets. The new possessor states may not have realized yet, but they have just purchased the kind of nuclear sword of Damocles the rest of us live with. The USA and USSR got through the dark days of the cold war for three reasons: 1) Nuclear deterrence certainly raises the stakes at which nations might go to nuclear war. 2) The two nations started at 7000 or so mile range with only B-29 bombers to bridge the gap. Reaction time was very slow. Both sides learned to face missile flight time-scales after enduring ever-shrinking bomber and air-borne missile time scales, but the decrease in required reaction time came so slowly that the participants had time to learn acceptable strategic behavior which did not -- usually -- seem threatening to the other side. 3) The US and USSR were incredibly lucky, not incredibly smart and skillful. And both countries know that now. In contrast, 1) There is a common border in S. Asia, and the distances aren't so great. 2) Both sides have attack jet aircraft with twice the speed of the B-29, perhaps 5x the speed, and both have ballistic missiles which provide essentially zero warning since neither side has forward deployed warning radar. People who believe in peace should be trying to bring home to the Indians and Pakistanis that there cases do not parallel 1949-89, but are more akin to Berlin, 1948 and 1961 plus Cuba in 1962 aggravated by frequent cross border raids which kill people and inflame passions. If there must be nuclear weapons in s. Asia, let them at least be long reaction time devices. Let the countries buy themselves whatever it takes to KNOW if a rocket firing means a war launch, a space shot, or an accident. And let us hope that if there is an exchange of nuclear fires on the subcontinent, one of the greater powers will enforce a Truce Atomica in a hurry. - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 07:33:18 -0700 From: Shundahai Network Subject: (abolition-usa) 98 Annual Report and Project Plan Hello Friends Shundahai Network has just published our "1998 Annual Report and Project Plan". This outlines what our current strategies and focused projects are. We have made 5000 copies but can only afford to send out 1000 and we are trying to limit this to who really wants them. So if you would like to be sure and recieve a copy please send us a reply with your mailing address listed. I will be glad to check to make sure you are already on our mailing list or add you. Peace, Reinard *************************************************************** SHUNDAHAI NETWORK "Peace and Harmony with all Creation" *Breaking the Nuclear Chain* 5007 Elmhurst Ln., Las Vegas, NV 89108-1304 ph(702)647-3095 Fax: (702)647-9385 Email: Shundahai Network is proud to be part of: Healing Global Wounds Alliance, a multi-cultural alliance to foster sustainable living and break the nuclear chain; and Abolition 2000: A Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons **************************************************************** - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 09:32:22 +0100 From: "Sally Light" Subject: Re: (abolition-usa) 98 Annual Report and Project Plan Hi, Reinard - I would like a copy of your "1998 Annual Report and Project Plan." My street address is: Sally Light 825 Kains Avenue, #H Albany, CA 94706 Thanks in advance. Best to you and all the good people at Shundahai. Peace ... Sally. - ---------- > From: Shundahai Network > To:;;; > Subject: (abolition-usa) 98 Annual Report and Project Plan > Date: Monday, July 27, 1998 3:33 PM > > Hello Friends > > Shundahai Network has just published our "1998 Annual Report and Project > Plan". > This outlines what our current strategies and focused projects are. > > We have made 5000 copies but can only afford to send out 1000 and we are > trying to limit this to who really wants them. So if you would like to be > sure and recieve a copy please send us a reply with your mailing address > listed. I will be glad to check to make sure you are already on our mailing > list or add you. > > Peace, Reinard > *************************************************************** > SHUNDAHAI NETWORK > "Peace and Harmony with all Creation" > *Breaking the Nuclear Chain* > > 5007 Elmhurst Ln., Las Vegas, NV 89108-1304 > ph(702)647-3095 Fax: (702)647-9385 Email: > > > Shundahai Network is proud to be part of: > Healing Global Wounds Alliance, a multi-cultural alliance to > foster sustainable living and break the nuclear chain; and > Abolition 2000: A Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons > **************************************************************** > > - > To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" > with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 12:40:42 -0400 From: Ish Subject: (abolition-usa) Fwd: Live From ASEAN, It's ... >From: >Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 12:26:30 EDT >X-Mailer: AOL 4.0 for Windows 95 sub 212 >From: >Return-path: >Subject: Live From ASEAN, It's ... >Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 12:15:03 EDT >Mime-Version: 1.0 >Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII >Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit > >Live From ASEAN, It's ... > >.c The Associated Press > > By TOM RAUM > >MANILA, Philippines (AP) - Posing as star-crossed lovers, Secretary of State >Madeleine Albright and Russian Foreign Minister Yevgeny Primakov brought down >the house today as they sung duets from the musical ``West Side Story,'' >remamed ``East-West Story.'' > >Indians joked about their nuclear weapons testing. > >The musical parodies came at a concluding banquet of a Southeast Asian >diplomatic conference, continuing a long tradition at such gatherings. > >A red rose behind her ear, Albright took on the character ``Maria'' and >serenaded Primakov: ``The most beautiful song I ever heard, Yevgeny, Yevgeny, >Yevgeny, Yevgeny.'' Primakov, in a black Russian Navy cap, belted back in >English: ``Madeleine Albright, I just met a girl named Madeleine Albright ... >. And suddenly I find, she thinks she'll change my mind ... for free.'' > >And then he ad-libbed: ``Never!'' > >The banquet was behind closed doors. But interviews afterwards with >participants and members of the audience, and listening to a tape, helped >reconstruct the scene. > >``She's over the top, but she's all right ... . From Prague to Manila, she's >stomped like Godzilla,'' Primakov's lyrics continued. > >Her refrain: ``Who me?'' > >India's delegation took a light look at its nuclear tests last May. > >``Why such fuss over a few crackers in the Thar,'' said one line in the song, >referring to the desert where India stunned the world by conducting nuclear >tests. > >At the final banquet of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations' annual >meeting with counterparts from major powers outside the region, the >delegations traditionally perform either cultural dances or song parodies. > >Last year, Albright was the hit of the conference with an Evita-style >rendition of ``Don't cry for me ASEAN.'' > >The Indian song suggests the nuclear tests were not such a big deal, compared >to those by other nations. > >``They weren't as loud as Nevada and Lop Nor,'' the song said, mentioning the >sites of U.S. and Chinese tests. > >``Talk of your bikinis, talk of your atolls, before you talk of our sands,'' >went another line, referring to U.S. and French nuclear tests in the South >Pacific. > >The U.S.-Russian performance featured members of both delegations, dressed in >jeans and T-shirts as the ``Jets'' and the ``Sharks'' in the Leonard Bernstein >musical. > >The opening finger-snaping scene featured the two delegations ``rumbling.'' A >Russian ran out onto the stage and spray-painted graffiti on a wall. An >American chased him off with a knife. > >After Albright and Primakov's duet and a rendition of ``America,'' the two >delegations came out for the finale: ``Tonight, tonight, we do not have to >fight tonight ... . Going mad, launching bombs into space ... . For days and >days we had the feeling, those two would get together ... . We know now we >were right. > >``So East meets West and freedom is the best. ... The Asian value of the hour >is people power.'' > >Albright and Primakov practiced the skit the night before, and again for 45 >minutes before the performance today, said a U.S. official, speaking on >condition of anonymity. > >AP-NY-07-28-98 1211EDT > > Copyright 1998 The Associated Press. The information contained in the AP >news report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or otherwise >distributed without prior written authority of The Associated Press. > > > >To edit your profile, go to keyword >NewsProfiles. >For all of today's news, go to keyword News. > Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit) Unenh onhwa' Awayaton __ (\ .-. .-. /_") \\_//^\\_//^\\_// `"` `"` `"` - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 15:00:06 -0400 From: Kathy Crandalll Subject: (abolition-usa) STOP Tritium Production URGENT ACTION ALERT * URGENT ACTION ALERT OPPOSE TRITIUM PRODUCTION IN COMMERCIAL REACTORS Urge your Senators and Representatives to support the Markey-Graham Amendment to the Defense Authorization bill prohibiting commercial reactor production of tritium. Background: Tritium: Reactor Production Amendment in Senate-House Conference The Department of Energy (DOE) says it needs a new source of tritium, the radioactive gas which boosts the explosive power of nuclear weapons, and is considering producing it in a commercial nuclear reactor or by building a new accelerator. However, tritium is not needed because it can be recycled from dismantled weapons. Real progress on nuclear disarmament will alleviate the "need" for tritium production long into the future.(Abolition of nuclear weapons will eliminate the need for tritium.) Tritium production, in contrast, sends the message that we intend to maintain our overkill arsenal long into the indefinite future. Moreover, using a power plant to produce a bomb ingredient counters long-standing U.S. policy which keeps civilian and military nuclear activities separate. While the House of Representatives has agreed with this policy by passing the Markey-Graham amendment to the Defense Authorization bill prohibiting commercial reactor production of tritium, the Senate passed an amendment allowing DOE's options to remain open to choose either source. This issue could be decided in House- Senate conference committee by July 31. ******************************************************************** WHAT YOU CAN DO: Take action now! Especially if your elected officials serve on the House National Security Committee or the Senate Armed Services Committee, urge them to incorporate the Markey-Graham language on tritium into the Defense Authorization bill. (If you don't know your members' committee appointments, find out from PSR's on-line Legislative Action Center, or contact the member's district office.) Here is a listing of the chosen Conferees (Senators and Represenatives negotiating the language of the Defense Authorization Bill) - from Brad Morse, Alliance for Nuclear Accountability: The following were named Conferees for the House from the National Security Committee on the Defense Authorization Conference (Senate Conferees are just the Armed Services Committee): Republicans: Spence (SC-Chair) Stump (AZ) Hunter (CA) Kasich (OH) Bateman (VA) Hansen (UT) Weldon (PA) Hefley (CO) Saxton (NJ) Buyer (IN) Fowler (FL) McHugh (NY) Watts (OK) Thornberry (TX) Chambliss (GA) Jones (NC) Pappas (NJ) Riley (AL) Democrats: Skelton (MO) Sisisky (VA) Spratt (SC) Ortiz (TX) Pickett (VA) Evans (IL) Taylor (MS) Abercrombie (HI) Meehan (MA) Harman (CA) McHale (PA) Kennedy (RI) Allen (ME) Snyder (AR) Maloney (CT) *Conferees were named on July 22 and can be found in that day's Congressional Record For further information, please contact: Lisa Ledwidge, Physicians for Social Responsibility, ****************************************************** FROM: Disarmament Clearinghouse 1101 14th Street NW #700 Washington DC 20005 TEL: 202 898 0150 ext. 232 FAX: 202 898 0172 - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 08:30:43 -0700 From: (Jack & Felice Cohen-Joppa) Subject: Re: (abolition-usa) NUCLEAR WASTE MOVES QUIETLY ACROSS NORTHERN NEVADA Dear Molly, We had an email glitch during some computer down time & couldn't open the single file of Save Ward Valley News #6. Please direct us to the web page it might be on? or resend as 2 emails or an attachment if you could. THANKS! Jack _____________________________________ the Nuclear Resister "a chronicle of hope" P.O. Box 43383 Tucson AZ 85733 - information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear and anti-war activists - Jack & Felice Cohen-Joppa, editors (520)323-8697 US$15/year/US$20 Canada/US$25 overseas - selections from current issue - updated prisoner addresses - & more can be read at: * FREE SAMPLE ISSUE ON REQUEST * (please supply a postal address for samples) _____________________________________ - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 15:34:01 -0700 (PDT) From: (mesa's) Subject: (abolition-usa) Re: Santa Fe, Camel Rock Stop WIPP Actions (sorry this is late, I won't go into our technical problems) From: The shadow of Los Alamos National Laboratory, Northern New Mexico Santa Fe and Camel Rock, New Mexico Saturday July 25th, High Noon Altogether we had over 40 protesting activists of all ages along the planned WIPP route from LANL to Santa Fe. At least one truck that I know of plastered with anti-WIPP signs traveled from Raton to Santa Fe. In Santa Fe, over 20 activists of all ages gathered up on the green hills on the north side of town, near the Santa Fe Opera. We stood on the corner of the WIPP "Relief Route", Camino La Tierra, and 285/84 - recently rated one of 20 of the most dangerous roads in the nation. (more on the "Relief Route" towards the end if you are interested) We held up banners and signs and handed out flyers to those stopped at the stoplights. Many honks of approval and thumbs up came from cars and trucks rolling down the road. Called, the "Road to Taos", 285/84 is a high-traffic, high-accident route. Our local ABC TV affiliate covered the action as did local radio stations. The Reporter, a weekly Santa Fe paper was there, the dailies reported snippets from press releases and interestingly, the Los Alamos Monitor had the 2-state action on their front page. 15 miles north of Santa Fe also on 285/84 at Camel Rock, another group of around 20 activists turned out. "1000 Clowns" joined by other anti-nuclear protesters brought honks of approval also. Media was there as well. Those travelling the route got to see 2 actions, which was great. All of the organizers wanted hundreds, thousands, in the streets. Yet we continue to raise awareness even if we are few. Lawsuits are crucial to our issue, but the average citizen doesn't know what is really going on except what they are spoon-fed by mainstream media, and our lawsuits don't make mainstream news. Therefore, I think it is important to show the public there are activists out there working on this very important issue. Let us not feel disappointed about turn-out, perhaps we can continue an action once a month along all nuclear routes nationally, now being used or proposed routes. Slowly our forces will grow, as will consciousness. How about the last Saturday of every month at high noon? What is the feeling out there? thanks to all! Suzanne Westerly Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety some details about the "Relief Route" if interested: The north end of the "Relief Route" is on the beautiful north end of Santa Fe. Only last month Camino La Tierra, was a 2-lane curvy road through pinon and cedar-filled hills. There, expensive secluded Santa Fe estates nestled amongst the soft hills. Now, through this very expensive area in Santa Fe, trees and shrubs are being carelessly ripped up and thrown aside, as a huge 4-lane scar goes through this once sleepy wealthy area. But all is "equal" on this "Relief Route", the south side of the route travels through a substantially less wealthy part of town. On this far from finished 4-lane road, developers are tripping over themselves to build on all corners, developers working to add as many stoplights as they can get. Houses are being built at a fast pace, and soon I suppose a strip mall. Is this a "Relief Route"? - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 00:17:47 -0500 (CDT) From: (Robert Smirnow) Subject: (abolition-usa) Fwd: Hibakusha (A-Bomb survivors) tour NJ & PA - ---- et> Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 09:38:15 -0400 Reply-To: Sender: Precedence: bulk From: Norm Cohen To: "" , ) by CREN Here is the finalized itinerary for the Hibakusha tour of NJ and PA: Two Hibakusha: Mr Shigeo Uemoto from Hiroshima & Ms Yasue Yamada from Nagasaki, plus an interpreter, accompanied by a 4 panel photo display, will speak at the following locations: Tuesday, August 4th, 6:00 PM, Atlantic Friends Meetinghouse, Pitney Rd, Absecon. Sponsored by Coalition for Peace and Justice. Call 609-886-7988, Norm Cohen, or 609-652-9078 Chuck Melchior, for more info. Wednesday, August 5th, 6:00 PM, Woodrow Wilson School, reflecting pool, Princeton University. Sponsored by Coalition for Peace Action. Call 609-924-5022, Bob Moore, for more info. Thursday, August 6th, 8:00 PM, Moorestown Friends Meetinghouse, Main St. & Chester Ave, Moorestown, Sponsored by South Jersey Campaign for Peace and Justice. Call 609-859-2785, Rick Walnut, or 609-667-6194, Dan Sidorick, for more info. Friday, August 7th, 7:15 PM, Pennswood Village, 1382 Newtown-Langhorne Rd, Newtown PA, Sponsored by United Nations Assn, Pennswood Residents Social Concerns, Bucks County Peace Center. Call 215-968-0127, Charley Peterson, and 215-968-2913, Elizabeth Huberman, for more info. Saturday, August 8th, 12 Noon, 1st Presbyterian Church, Doylestown. Sponsored by Doylestown Friends, Call 215-794-8295, Bev Moran for info Sunday, August 9th, 1:30 PM, Philadelphia, Old First Reformed United Church of Christ, 153 North 4th St. Sponsored by Delaware Valley Peace Action, Brandywine Peace Community, WILPF, PSR, others. Call Phyllis Gilbert 215-386-4322 for more info. Tour coordinated by the Coalition for Peace and Justice, PO Box 2344, Cape May, NJ 08204 609-886-7988. If you live near any of these events, please come on out. The Hibakusha are getting older & there will not be that many more times we can hear their testimony. A brief commercial announcement: Join your local Peace Action chapter to help support this work. Membership dues are $25 for individual, $35 for family, or whatever you can afford. Please email me or call the contact names listed above. Peace Norm Cohen Exec. Director, Coalition for Peace and Justice To Van & Shelia, please post on pa list. - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 17:51:44 -0500 (CDT) From: (Robert Smirnow) Subject: (abolition-usa) Fwd: House oks TX Compact conference rpt 7/29 - ---- B Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 16:35:00 -0700 (PDT) Reply-To: Sender: Washington, DC 6/29/98 HOUSE APPROVES TX ME VT COMPACT --SENATE TO VOTE AT ANYTIME CALLS Against HR 629 Conference Rpt URGENTLY NEEDED TO SENATE!! (202-224-3121) Today the US House of Representatives aproved the TX/ME/VT Radioactive Waste Compact by a vote of 305-117. The Compact approved has been stripped of the amendments that would have limited the importation of nuclear waste to Texas (to only ME and VT) and would have provided a means for people near the chosen site (Sierra Blanca) to oppose the dump on grounds of environmental justice. The Compact containing the waste import limitation (the Doggett amendment) was approved in the House last fall by a vote of 309-107. It was approved by unanimous consent in the Senate with both amendments on April 1, 98. Representatives Doggett and Reyes respectively called for ROLL CALL votes. The first followed 1 hour of debate "on the rule." It was to waive the House Rules and allow the compact without amendments to be brought to the House floor for a vote. The waiving of the Rules passed 313-108. There was another hour of debate and the vote on the compact without amendments, which passed 305- 117. Representatives speaking in favor of the Compact today included Vermont's alleged "progressive" Bernie Sanders, both Representatives from Maine (Allen & Baldacci), and Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson from Dallas, an African-American who has ignored environmental justice violations implicit in the Compact so that she may represent the interest of the nuclear power industry located near her district. Joe Barton, Ralph Hall, Gene Green from TX and Dan Schaefer of Colorado also spoke in favor of the Compact and waiving the rules. Opponents included Reyes, Doggett, Rodgriguez,( from TX) and Bercerra (CA) and a few others. Crucial to today's vote was the intervention of Texas' Gov. George Bush, who (along with the governors of ME & VT) persuaded the House that today's version of the Compact represents the interest of the state he governs. Bush has claimed that he will seek legislation in the next Session to insure that only waste from Maine & Vermont will be imported (a promise he is unlikely to keep) but has said nothing about environmental justice. Proponents of the Compact repeatedly refered to letters from all 3 governors, the Western Governors Association, the NAtional Governors Associaiton, the NAtional Conference of State Legislatures (which receives thousands of dollars a year from the US DOE program that pushes for these dumps) and the Nuclear REgulatory Commission favoring the compact with no amendments. The Compact will go before the Senate next, where Sen. Paul Wellstone (D,MN)has vowed to use whatever means are at his disposal to defeat the bill. PLEASE CONTACT YOUR SENATORS immediately to request their NO VOTE on the Compact Conference Report and to encourage them to help if there is a chance they will help Wellstone oppose the Compact in the Senate. Richard Simpson with additions by Diane D'Arrigo, NIRS 202 328-0002 phone Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 14:02:20 -0400 (EDT) From: Richard J Simpson Lone Star Chapter, Sierra Club - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 15:58:11 -0700 (PDT) From: Sue Broidy Subject: (abolition-usa) Youth Meetings in Portugal Jan Lonn Secretary General ISMUN Dear Jan, I am pleased to hear about the Youth Meetings being held in Portugal beginning next week and I would very much like to know how I can get copies of our petition and literature to the delegates. These documents can be downloaded from our website at (click on the sunflower icon). Is there some way I can publicize this? Is there an email address for the three venues? Or addresses of delegates who may be helpful in distributing our literature? In the meantime I hope there is response to your message from anti-nuclear activists in Portugal who may offer to help. Thank you again for letting us know about this - it is very timely as we are beginning to step up our campaign with students - Class of 2000 for Abolition 2000. It is very good news that the final document contains the clause about disarmament of all types of weapons of mass destruction and I am glad you are confident it will be approved. Sincerely, Susan Broidy, Coordinator ************************************************************* Abolition 2000- A Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons c/o Nuclear Age Peace Foundation 1187 Coast Village Road, Box 123 Santa Barbara, CA 93108 phone: +1(805) 965-3443; fax: +1(805) 568-0466 e-mail: URL: - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 18:18:06 -0500 (CDT) From: (Robert Smirnow) Subject: (abolition-usa) Fwd: CMEP: Job Opening - ---- From: Mike Ewall To: Subject: CMEP: Job Opening >From: Special CMEP Account ============================================== Public Citizen's Critical Mass Energy Project ============================================== July 29, 1998 Position Available Legislative Assistant Public Citizen's Critical Mass Energy Project Since its founding in 1974, Public Citizen's Critical Mass Energy Project has been a powerful voice in the movement to end our nation's reliance on nuclear and fossil fuels and to promote safe, economical and environmentally sound energy technologies. From a Capitol Hill office, Critical Mass prepares and disseminates reports, lobbies Congress, and acts as a watchdog of key federal and state energy agencies. Critical Mass also works closely with citizens groups and individuals across the country, empowering them to participate in important decisions affecting their health, safety and standard of living. DESCRIPTION: The Administrative Assistant/Organizer provides administrative and programmatic support for the Director. This position also provides organizing support on key issues. RESPONSIBILITIES: 1) Provide administrative support including database management, file maintenance, faxing, copying, mailings, deliveries and scheduling. 2) Respond to information requests from Public Citizen members, students, and others as needed. 3) Sends alerts to E-mail listservs and updates websites. 4) Work with organizing staff to implement grassroots campaigns and media strategies. 5) Provide research support and develop brief reports, fact sheets and other materials. QUALIFICATIONS: College degree preferred. Strong writing and analytical skills. Must be proficient in WordPerfect and Microsoft Access or similar database. Familiarity with website design software preferred. Can-do attitude and commitment to public interest work important. Candidate should be committed to protecting the environment and consumers. Ability to climb two flights of stairs required. SALARY/BENEFITS: 1) Excellent benefits, including medical and dental coverage. 2) Three weeks paid vacation, 10 holidays. 3) Pension after three years. 4) Shower and bike storage facilities on-site. Salary Based on qualifications; excellent benefits package. For immediate consideration please forward a cover sheet, your resume, and a 1-2 page writing sample to: Public Citizen 1600 20th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20009. Attn. Personnel. Must indicate Job No.ELEC-026 EOE/Non-smoking. NO CALLS. - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 18:22:46 -0500 (CDT) From: (Robert Smirnow) Subject: (abolition-usa) Fwd: CMEP: Senate NRC Oversight Hearing A Fraud!!! - ---- Begin Forwarded Message Return-Path: Received: from ( []) by (8.8.7-s-4/8.8.7/(NETCOM v1.01)) with ESMTP id MAA00982; ; Thu, 30 Jul 1998 12:59:26 -0700 (PDT) Received: from host (localhost []) by (8.8.7/8.8.7) with SMTP id PAA18242; Thu, 30 Jul 1998 15:56:57 -0400 (EDT) Received: from ( []) by (8.8.7/8.8.7) with ESMTP id NAA26753 for ; Thu, 30 Jul 1998 13:17:13 -0400 (EDT) Received: from ( []) by (8.8.7/8.6.12) with SMTP id NAA21342 for ; Thu, 30 Jul 1998 13:19:04 -0400 Message-Id: <> Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 13:18:53 -0400 Reply-To: Sender: Precedence: bulk From: Mike Ewall To: Subject: CMEP: Senate NRC Oversight Hearing Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" X-Sender: X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Pro Version 3.0 (32) X-Listprocessor-Version: 8.0 -- ListProcessor(tm) by CREN >From: Special CMEP Account ============================================== Public Citizen's Critical Mass Energy Project ============================================== For Immediate Release: Contact: Jim Riccio x388 July 30, 1998 Auke Piersma x318 202-546-4996 Senate Oversight Hearing on NRC is a Fraud This oversight hearing on the Nuclear Regulatory Commission by the Senate Subcommittee on Nuclear Safety is a fraud. This fraud becomes transparent in an examination of the junkets financed by the Nuclear Energy Institute, the well-funded lobbying arm of the nuclear industry. The examination, Irradiated Las Vegas Junkets, reveals that the Environment and Public Works Committee Counsel, Andrew Wheeler, received two trips from the Nuclear Energy Institute. Mr. Wheeler enjoyed an all expense paid trip to Las Vegas for a fact finding tour of Yucca Mountain, the potential repository site for high level nuclear waste. His accommodations in Las Vegas, NV were not lacking if he stayed in the same hotel other Congressional staffers used on their trips to Yucca Mountain. On at least one occasion staffers stayed at the Rio Suite Casino Resort, a five star hotel, with a sandy beach by the pool, 15 restaurants, the Copacabana Showroom, golf course, 20 retails stores, and the world's largest public wine collection. "The nuclear industry should not be funding trips for Congressional staff. This outrageous practice is nothing more than another avenue to subvert the democratic process," said Wenonah Hauter, director of Public Citizen's Critical Mass Energy Project. Wheeler also received a junket to New Orleans for the purpose of touring the Waterford nuclear power plant. His stay just happened to coincide with the Jazz Festival in New Orleans, where he stayed at the four star Westin Canal Place Hotel in the French Quarter, offering a heated roof top pool, complete health club facilities, and a marble bath. "Mr. Wheeler is only a small part of the problem because the whole system is corrupt," said Auke Piersma, energy policy analyst with Public Citizen's Critical Mass Energy Project. "However, there are several reactors within driving distance of Washington D.C. he could have visited. But, they probably didn't have any jazz music playing." This efforts comes at a time when deregulation of the electric utility industry will cause many nuclear utilities to cut corners on nuclear safety. A Public Citizen report released earlier this year, Questioning the Authority, showed that 42 reactors were non-competitive in their regions. - - more - "In a time of deregulated markets the nuclear utilities will be hemorrhaging large sums of money from the operation of these white elephants and their operators will be under great pressure to stop the bleeding. Our concern is that the safety programs will be the first to go," said Hauter The Senate Subcommittee on Nuclear Safety is holding this oversight hearing on the Nuclear Regulatory Commission for the unstated purpose of sending a message to the NRC that they over-regulate. The Commission has already bowed to this Committee by removing five plants from NRC's Watch List, the nation's most problem plagued reactors. "This hearing should have happened a year ago when the Millstone fiasco occurred," said Jim Riccio, staff attorney with Public Citizen's Critical Mass Energy Project. "The hearing's focus should have been on the lack enforcement by the NRC and the resultant shutdowns throughout New England." End ============================================== Public Citizen's Critical Mass Energy Project 215 Pennsylvania Ave., SE phone: 202-546-4996 Washington, DC 20003 fax: 202-547-7392 E-mail: HomePage: - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ End of abolition-usa-digest V1 #6 ********************************* - To unsubscribe to $LIST, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe $LIST" in the body of the message. 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