From: (abolition-usa-digest) To: Subject: abolition-usa-digest V1 #117 Reply-To: abolition-usa-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk abolition-usa-digest Thursday, April 22 1999 Volume 01 : Number 117 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 23:39:14 -0700 From: Jackie Cabasso Subject: (abolition-usa) US Congressional Rep comes out against the war Dear friends, I just came across this article. Even though it's a week old, I thought it was important to share. As far as I know, only one other US Congressional representative, Barbara Lee (Democrat, CA) has come out against the war. -- Jackie Cabasso I've Changed My MindStop the Bombing Why is Belgrade a Target? by Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH) 4/9/99 New York Times April 9, 1999 The world's democracies have a responsibility to relieve the suffering of the people of Kosovo, to insure that the refugees can return to an autonomous nation and to help rebuild the province and prosecute war criminals. That is why I voted my support for President Clinton's initiatives and for the use of American soldiers in keeping the peace in the region. Yet NATO is now engaged in a bombing campaign in which the destruction of the civilian infrastructure of Yugoslavia has become part of the strategy to end the war on Kosovo. We say our quarrel is with President Slobodan Milosevic and his army, yet instead of doing all that we can to directly confront that military we are bringing down terror on the Serbian people. What has this bombing accomplished? It has not stopped the ethnic cleansing or the grim procession of hundreds of thousands of refugees. So I must challenge NATO's justification for its military campaign against civilians -- before we destroy all the bridges in Belgrade and Novi Sad; before we obliterate the power plants, water systems, roads and telecommunications centers that serve civilian populations; before we begin hearing the the phrase "collateral damage" routinely. Otherwise, NATO's actions will destabilize the region for decades to come. As a start, NATO should honor a cease-fire this weekend of Orthodox Christian Easter -- not because of Mr. Milosevic's feigned concern for the faith of his people, but to show genuine respect for the civilian population's religion. The bombings in Belgrade and Novi Sad punish people who have already suffered under Mr. Milosevic's authoritarian regime. NATO's actions will only help Mr. Milosevic convert more of the Serbian people to his mix of militant nationalism and religious fervor -- even those who don't believe in his policies will defend their flag and their faith. One does not need to be steeped in the mythology of the Battle of Kosovo of 1389 to know that the Serbian people will never accept a peace with the ethnic Albanians as long as we are dropping bombs on their heads. The United States now has to decide whether we will continue to destroy a civilian population misled by Mr. Milosevic. Fifty-three million people died in World War II, 60 percent of them civilians. About half of the 26 million killed in World War I, the 3 million killed in Korea and the 2.3 million dead in Vietnam were civilians. Civilians always pay the heaviest price -- and in this case it is not just the Serbs who are suffering. This week's bombing campaign has added to the devastation of Pristina, the capital city of the people we are trying to help. Americans will pay a price, too. If we continue to support NATO bombing, we will have muddied our ethics and tarnished our reputation for defending those who live under dictatorships. W e need to rethink not only the manner in which we wage war, but also the manner in which we manage conflict and keep the peace. We must demonstrate that we know the difference between a legal and just humanitarian intervention on behalf of a civilian population and an illegal and unjust military intervention against civilians. Otherwise, we will have bombed the village in order to save it, and created a war in the name of ending one. Dennis J. Kucinich, a Democrat, is a Representative from Ohio. Copyright 1999 The New York Times Company ****************************************************** Jacqueline Cabasso, Executive Director WESTERN STATES LEGAL FOUNDATION 1440 Broadway, Suite 500 Oakland, California USA 94612 Tel: +(510)839-5877 Fax: +(510)839-5397 E-mail: ****************************************************** Western States Legal Foundation is part of ABOLITION 2000 A GLOBAL NETWORK TO ELIMINATE NUCLEAR WEAPONS - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 09:52:22 EDT From: Subject: (abolition-usa) looking for info re: OSCE monitors & their effectiveness prior to bombing I'm looking for information about the OSCE monitors that were placed in Kosovo and any reports on their effectiveness or lack thereof prior to the NATO bombing. Should this process have been strengthened as a means of preventing the two sides from attacking each other? Debby Reelitz-Bell 847-266-1525 - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 11:45:59 PDT From: "Masaaki Sakai" Subject: (abolition-usa) UCLA teach-in on NATO & Nukes Dear US abolitionists, There exist Abolition 2000 supporters in L.A., too!? We activists from various local groups formed "Southern California Abolition 2000" February. While echoing to 'Citizens’ Summit to De-nuke NATO’ in DC Friday, we are going to organize a teach-in at UCLA Wednesday about NATO’s nuclear policies & nuclear abolition at large along with UCLA student groups. Below is the flyer. I hope you all are well. Masaaki Sakai Southern California Federation of Scientists CAPSA (Concerned Asian Pacific Students for Action) and UCLA Environmental Coalition present Teach-in "Change NATO Policies Toward Nuclear Disarmament" Wednesday, April 21 6:30 p.m. Moore Hall Room 100, UCLA State heads will meet in Washington, DC, April 23 to 25 to commemorate NATO 50th anniversary. However, we need to ask ourselves: what does this Cold War apparatus still exist for; who is a potential enemy that NATO must deter with its ‘first-strike’ doctrine and with its nuclear weapons on the hair-trigger alert? NATO expansion as well as recurring US missile defense development can become an obstacle to Russia’s nuclear weapons reduction, which is crucial in forestalling nuclear accident and terrorism. Speakers from various fields will discuss NATO’s dangerous nuclear policies and global sentiment aspiring for a nuclear weapons-free 21st century. Moderator: John Owen, Organizer of No Nukes "A History of Change: Women Working Toward World Disarmament" Beth Ann Lerch, Co-chair of Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) L.A. Branch "Nuclear Weapons are Illegal: A Historic 1996 ICJ Opinion" James Lafferty, Exec. Director of National Lawyers Guild L.A. Chapter "Nuclear Weapons: Old and New" James Warf, Ph.D., Professor of Nuclear Chemistry, USC and founding member of Southern California Federation of Scientists "Abandon NATO’s First-Strike Doctrine, De-alert Nuclear Weapons" David Krieger, J.D., Ph.D., President of Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, which is the international contact for Abolition 2000 A 1998 video, "Can We Learn to Live Without Nuclear Weapons?" will be shown from 6:00 p.m. For more information: UCLA Environmental Coalition at (310)206-4438 Supported by: Southern California Abolition 2000, Southern California Federation of Scientists, No Nukes, Commission for Earth and Public Safety, The State of the World Forum, Atomic Mirror, Office of the Americas, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Wesley Foundation _______________________________________________________________ Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 15:15:17 -0400 From: ASlater Subject: (abolition-usa) nato heads of state Dear Friends, Here are contact numbers for NATO heads of state. Give 'em hell!! Alice Slater M. Jean-Luc Dehaene Premier Ministre rue de la Loi 16 B-1000 Brussels Belgium phone 02-501-02-11 e-mail webpage Jean Chretien, M.P. Prime Minister House of Commons, PO Box 1103 Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6 Canada phone 1-613-992-4211, fax 1-613-941-6900 e-mail webpage Vaclav Havel President Office of the President of the C.R. Hrad (Castle) 119 08 Praha 1 Czech Republic phone 420-2-3337-1111, fax 420-2-2437-3300 e-mail webpage Poul Nyrup Rasmussen Prime Minister Prime Minister`s Office Christiansborg, Prins Jorgens Gaard 11 DK-1218 Copenhagen Denmark phone 45-33-92-3300, fax 45-33-11-1665 e-mail webpage M. Jacques Chirac President de la Republique Palais de l`Elysee 55 et 57, rue du Faubourg Saint-Honore 75008 Paris France phone 331-42-92-81-00, fax 331-47-42-24-65 e-mail page webpage Gerhard Schoeder Chancellor Adenauerallee 141 PA: Briefpost, PLZ 53106 53113 Bonn Germany phone 49-228-56-0, fax 49-228-56-2357 e-mail page webpage Kostas Simitis Prime Minister Office of the Prime Minister Greek Parliament Bldg., Constitution Square Athens Greece fax 301-671-6183 e-mail webpage Viktor Orban Prime Minister Kossuth Lajos ter 1-3 1055 Budapest, Budapest fovaros Hungary phone 36-1-268-3000, fax 36-1-268-4702 e-mail webpage David Oddsson Prime Minister Office of the Prime Minister Stjornarradshusinu 150 Reykjavik Iceland phone 354-609400, fax 354-622373 e-mail webpage Massimo D'Alema Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri (Prime Minister) Piazza Colonna, 370 00187 Rome Italy phone 39-6-67791, fax 39-6-678-3998 e-mail page webpage Jean-Claude Juncker Prime Minister Ministere d`Etat 4, rue de la Congregation L-2910 Luxembourg Luxembourg phone 352-47-81 e-mail page webpage Willem Kok Prime Minister Binnenhof 20, 2513 AA Postbus 20001, 2500 EA The Hague Netherlands phone 31-70-356-4100, fax 31-70-356-4683 webpage Kjell Magne Bondevik Prime Minister Akersgt. 42, blokk H P.O. Box 8001 Dep N-0030 Oslo Norway phone 47-2224-9832, fax 47-2224-2796 e-mail webpage Jerzy Buzek Prime Minister Prime Minister's Office al. Ujazdowskie 1/3 00-583 Warsaw Poland e-mail webpage Antonio Manuel de Oliveira Guterres Prime Minister Gabinete do Primeiro-Ministro Lisboa Portugal e-mail page webpage Excmo. Sr. Jose Maria Aznar Presidente del Gobierno Complejo de la Moncloa Edf. Semillas 28071 Madrid Spain phone 34-1-335-3535, fax 34-1-390-0329 webpage Bulent Ecevit Prime Minister Office of the Prime Minister Basbakanlik 06573 Ankara Turkey fax 90-312-417-0476 e-mail Rt. Hon. Tony Blair Prime Minister 10 Downing St. SW1A 2AA London United Kingdom fax 44-171-925-0918 email: webpage William Clinton President The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, District of Columbia 20500 United States of America phone 1-202-456-1414 fax 1-202-456-6218 or 1-202-456-2461 e-mail webpage Alice Slater Global Resource Action Center for the Environment (GRACE) 15 East 26th Street, Room 915 New York, NY 10010 tel: (212) 726-9161 fax: (212) 726-9160 email: GRACE is a member of Abolition 2000, a global network working for a treaty to eliminate nuclear weapons. - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 15:21:49 -0400 From: ASlater Subject: (abolition-usa) Fwd: 'Let Civility Prevail': an appeal from Belgrade >Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 13:24:06 -0400 >Subject: 'Let Civility Prevail': an appeal from Belgrade >Priority: non-urgent >X-FC-MachineGenerated: true >To:,, > >X-FC-Forwarded-From: >From: ( > > >---------------------- Forwarded by Tom K Snowdon/Winnipeg/MCC on 04/20/99 >11:16 >AM --------------------------- > > > > >From: Zarana Papic >To: Bojan Aleksov >Subject: [Fwd: Syndicate: Let Civility Prevail - A >Statement of Concerned SerbianCitizens] >Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 15:31:01 +0200 > >-------- Original Message -------- > >Subject: Syndicate: Let Civility Prevail - A Statement of >Concerned SerbianCitizens >Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 09:08:13 +0100 >From: Andreas Broeckmann >To: > >Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 16:45:32 +0200 (CEST) >From: > >LET CIVILITY PREVAIL > >A STATEMENT OF CONCERNED SERBIAN CITIZENS > >As long time proponents of and activists for a democratic and >anti-nationalist Serbia, who have chosen to remain in >Yugoslavia during this moment of crisis and who want to see >our country reintegrated into the community of world nations, >we state the following: > >1. We strongly condemn the NATO bombings which have >hugely exacerbated violence in Kosovo and have caused the >displacement of people outside and throughout Yugoslavia. We >strongly condemn the ethnic cleansing of the Albanian >population perpetrated by any Yugoslav forces. We strongly >condemn the Kosovo Liberation Army's (KLA) violence >targeted against the Serbs, moderate Albanians and other ethnic >communities in Kosovo. The humanitarian catastrophe in >Kosovo - death, grief and extreme suffering for hundreds of >thousands of Albanians, Serbs and members of other ethnic >communities - has to be ended now. All refugees from >Yugoslavia must immediately and unconditionally be allowed >to return to their homes, their security and human rights >guaranteed, and aid for reconstruction provided. Perpetrators of >crimes against humanity whoever they are must be brought to >justice. > >2. The fighting between Serbian forces and KLA has to be >stopped immediately in order to start a new round of >negotiations. All sides must put aside their maximalist >demands. There are (as in other numerous similar conflicts such >as Northern Ireland) no quick and easy solutions. We all must >be prepared for a long and painstaking process of negotiation >and normalization. > >3. The bombing of Yugoslavia by NATO causes destruction >and growing numbers of civilian victims (at least several >hundred, maybe a thousand, by now). The final outcome will be >the destruction of the economic and cultural foundations of >Yugoslav society. It must be stopped immediately. > >4. The UN Charter, the Helsinki Final Act, the founding >document of NATO, as well as the constitutions of countries >such as Germany, Italy, Portugal, have been violated by this >aggression. As individuals who have devoted their lives to the >defense of basic democratic values, who believe in universal >legal norms we are deeply concerned that NATO's violation >of these norms will incapacitate all those struggling for the >rule of law and human rights in this country and elsewhere >in the world. > >5. NATO's bombings have further destabilized the southern >Balkans. If continued this conflict can escalate beyond Balkan >borders and, if turned into land military operations, thousands >of NATO and Yugoslav soldiers, as well as Albanian and >Serbian civilians, will die in a futile war as in Vietnam. Political >negotiations toward a peaceful settlement should be reopened >immediately. > >6. The existing regime has only been reinforced by NATO's >attacks in Yugoslavia by way of the natural reaction of people >to rally around the flag in times of foreign aggression. We >continue our opposition to the present anti-democratic and >authoritarian regime, but we also emphatically oppose NATO's >aggression. The democratic forces in Serbia have been >weakened and the democratic reformist Government of >Montenegro threatened by NATO's attacks and by the regime's >subsequent proclamation of the state of war and now find >themselves between NATO's hammer and regime's anvil. > >7. In dealing with the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia the >leaders of the world community have in the past made >numerous fatal errors. New errors are leading to an aggravation >of the conflict and are removing us from the search for peaceful >solutions. > >We appeal to all: President Milosevic, the representatives of >the Kosovo Albanians, NATO, EU and US leaders to stop all >violence and military activities immediately and engage in the >search for a political solution. > >Belgrade, April 16, 1999 > >1. Stojan Cerovic, "Vreme" columnist and journalist >2. Jovan Cirilov, Belgrade International Theater Festival (BITEF) >selector and former director of the Yugoslav Drama Theater; Theater >History Center Director >3. Sima Cirkovic, Member Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, >Professor, Belgrade University, Dept. of History >4. Mijat Damnjanovic, Former Professor, Belgrade University, Faculty >of Political Sciences, Center for Public Administration and Local >Government (PALGO) Director >5. Vojin Dimitrijevic, Former head of the Department of >International >Law, Belgrade Law School; The Belgrade Center for Human Rights >Director; UN Human Rights Committee former Vice Chairman >6. Dasa Duhacek, Director Women Studies Center, Board Member of >Alternative Academic Educational Network (AAEN) >7. Milutin Garasanin, Member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and >Arts; Vice President of The Association for Research of South-Eastern >Europe (UNESCO) >8. Zagorka Golubovic, Professor, Belgrade University, Department of >Sociology; Chair Social Sciences Department of AAEN >9. Dejan Janca, Professor, Novi Sad University, Law School >10. Ivan Jankovic, Belgrade lawyer, human rights activist, Board >President of Center for Anti-War Action >11. Predrag Koraksic, Belgrade caricaturist >12. Mladen Lazic, Professor, Belgrade University, Department of >Sociology, AAEN Board member >13. Sonja Licht, President, Fund for an Open Society Executive Board >14. Ljubomir Madzar, Professor Belgrade University, Faculty of >Economy, Member Group-17 >15. Veran Matic, Editor in Chief, Belgrade Radio B92, President >Alternative Network of Electronic Media (ANEM) >16. Jelica Minic, Secretary General, European Movement in Serbia >17. Andrej Mitrovic, Professor, Belgrade University, Department of >History >18. Radmila Nakarada, Senior Reserach Fellow, Belgrade Institute for >European Studies >19. Milan Nikolic, Director, Center for Policy Studies >20. Vida Ognjenovic, Theater director, playwrite >21. Borka Pavicevic, Director, Center for Cultural Decontamination >22. Jelena Santic, Anti-war 487 group, human rights activist >23. Nikola Tasic, Associate member of the Serbian Academy of >Sciences >and Arts, Member European Academy >24. Ljubinka Trgovcevic, Senior Research Fellow, Belgrade >University, >Department of History >25. Srbijanka Turajlic, Professor, Belgrade University, Faculty of >Electrical Engineering, Board President AAEN >26. Ivan Vejvoda, Fund for an Open Society Executive Director, >27. Branko Vucicevic, translator > >--- ># distributed via nettime-l : no commercial use without permission ># # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets ># more info: and "info nettime-l" in the msg body ># URL: contact: > >------Syndicate mailinglist-------------------- >Syndicate network for media culture and media art >information and archive: >to unsubscribe, write to >in the body of the msg: unsubscribe your@email.adress > Alice Slater Global Resource Action Center for the Environment (GRACE) 15 East 26th Street, Room 915 New York, NY 10010 tel: (212) 726-9161 fax: (212) 726-9160 email: GRACE is a member of Abolition 2000, a global network working for a treaty to eliminate nuclear weapons. - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 09:37:15 -0700 From: Shundahai Network Subject: (abolition-usa) New activity at Nevada Nuclear Test Site Dear Friends, We have received information which has been confirmed and could prove to be disturbing in light of current world events. The Department of Energy (DOE) staff at the Nevada Test Site (NTS), has re-initiated work at "Ice Cap" which was the hole drilled for the last full scale nuclear weapons test in 1992 but was canceled when Bush signed the Nuclear Testing Moratorium. This was to have been a joint U.S. - British Nuclear Test. It appears that the crews working at this site are assessing conditions, removing equipment and beginning to install new equipment and electronics. We believe that this could be in line with NTS's guideline of maintaining capabilities to resume full scale nuclear weapons testing within six months of a presidential order but this is a precedent because it is the first work being done on a hole designed for a full scale nuclear explosion in nine years. Also work is being completed at the Ua1(LYNER) tunnel that houses the subcritical nuclear weapons tests to enlarge and modernize the facility allowing more people to work below the surface at once. The current work capacity is for a crew of 125 (which is sopposed to be classified information) and the DOE is expanding this to allow 160 people to work below the surface. It is important for the international abolition movement to be aware that the U.S has the capabilities of resuming full scale nuclear testing quickly. In light of the current role the U.S government has decided to play in international politics this could be very distressing. If any one else has any other information please pass it on to us and we will keep you updated as well. Peace, your friends at Shundahai Network ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< SHUNDAHAI NETWORK "Peace and Harmony with all Creation" out,out5007 Elmhurst St., Las Vegas, NV 89108-1304 Phone:(702)647-3095 (FAX)647-9385 Email: 0000,0000,fefe Shundahai Network is proud to be part of: Healing Global Wounds Alliance, a multi-cultural alliance to foster sustainable living and break the nuclear chain; and Abolition 2000: A Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons Honoring the Mother, Healing Global Wounds Spring Gathering, May 7-10, 1999 at the Nevada Test Site ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 21:36:57 EDT From: Subject: Re: (abolition-usa) looking for info re: OSCE monitors & their effectiveness ... There will be a Stop the Nato bombing at the Oakland, CA. Federal building on the 23April at 12noon. Please let everyone know that you can. This is a non-violent demo. Thanks, Michael Niece Vision of Micah Affinity group - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 21:29:11 EDT From: Subject: (abolition-usa) Serbia Threatened with Ecological Disaster Jim Forest sends on this post from Yugoslavia. Not a government statement. Peace, David McReynolds << From: "Mirko S. Mandrino" > - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 20:58:57 -0700 From: "David Crockett Williams" Subject: (abolition-usa) 38,000 NATO coffins? From: Gary Vesperman To: Subject: 38,000 NATO coffins? Date: Wednesday, April 21, 1999 8:53 PM Having two sources adds some credibility. Does anyone know someone in the funeral or coffin industries who could verify this report? Maybe do a search of coffin making or British Cyprus funeral homes on the Web? Gary Vesperman - ------Begin forward message----------------------------------- Subj: [InTheShadows] Re: THOUSANDS OF NATO COFFINS ARRIVE IN BRITISH CYPRUS Date: 4/19/99 11:19:20 AM Pacific Daylight Time From: (Hilary A. Thomas) Reply-to: - -Caveat Lector- On Mon, 19 Apr 1999, Hilary A. Thomas wrote: > -Caveat Lector- > > THOUSANDS OF NATO COFFINS ARRIVE IN BRITISH CYPRUS: EXPECT HEAVY LOSSES > FROM GROUND ATTACK > > April 18, 1999 Stratfor News > > 1813 GMT, 990418 Ekho Moskvy radio in Moscow cited RIA-Novosti news agency > reports that NATO has delivered thousands of coffins to a British military > base in Cyprus today. The reports suggest NATO is preparing for a ground > attack and expects heavy losses. > > > > Hmmmmmm....has anyone else heard stuff about this? On PBS's "McLaughlin Group" yesterday, McLaughlin mentioned a rush order by U.S. for 38,000 coffins. Brian Redman Editor, CNNS Geezy, wheezy, people!!! Hilary - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 12:16:00 -0400 From: Tracy Moavero Subject: (abolition-usa) Query for David Dear David, Greetings. As you probably know, Peace Action is planning our 1999 annual congress, to be held in Albuqueque, with a major direct action to follow at the Los Alamos lab on Nagasaki Day. The day befoe the action we will have a panel of international speakers sharing their experience of grassroots anti-nuclear activism. We are looking for a broad range of international speakers, and we need some leads on Indian and/or Pacific Islanders living in the United States who could join our panel. Do you have any suggestions for us? We are bringing some speakers from overseas, but as funding is uncertain, we really wish to find some speakers in the U.S. So far we have confirmations from speakers representing campaigns in the UK, France, Pakistan, Japan and possibly Australia. Any suggestions you could give us for Indian or Pacific region activists who are living in the U.S. or who will be travelling here at that time (Aug. 6-9) would be much appreciated. Hope things are going well at NAPF. All the best, Tracy Moavero - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 16:38:43 EDT From: Subject: Re: (abolition-usa) Serbia Threatened with Ecological Disaster Hello, Please let as many people know about the demonstration about the Stop the Nato bombing at 12 noon Oakland, Federal building, 23April Friday. This will be an interfaith demonstration with prayer and possible cd.A non-violent demonstration in the way of Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Vision of Micah affinity group sponsoring. thanks Mike - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 16:23:33 EDT From: Subject: Re: (abolition-usa) looking for info re: OSCE monitors & theireffectiveness ... thanks for putting out the data for the demonstration. Mike - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 15:47:27 -0700 From: "David Crockett Williams" Subject: (abolition-usa) End Wars to Stop Global Warming with Free Energy and Hemp for Victory! End Wars to Stop Global Warming with Free Energy and Hemp for Victory! This a current comprehensive summary of the overlooked problems and solutions associated with today's increasingly catastrophic manifestation= s of global climate change and what you can do about it by bringing out the facts to wake folks up to the need to redirect resources away from war an= d preparations for war into solving critical environmental problems before = it is too late. An EarthDay1999 message. From: David Crockett Williams To: jean hudon [Earth Rainbow Network] Subject: Re: Oxygen depletion data requested Date: Wednesday, April 21, 1999 11:53 AM Thank you Jean for your fine networking and for taking seriously the need= to further discuss the thesis I have advanced based on data not commonly considered by environmental activists regarding seriouly depleting atmospheric oxygen levels and their impact on ozone layer depletion. In fact, hard figures and data on oxygen levels are even harder to come by t= han carbon dioxide levels but I will offer here the basis for my understandin= g on this point. I hope that the information and logic that I will summar= ize below can motivate those in your network with the information access resources to take this seriously enough to find additional hard data and = to bring this issue in to the mainstream public debate on a par with the greenhouse effect. First, as a chemist, I can tell you unequivocably that for each molecule = of carbon dioxide produced by the metabolism of animals and by the combustio= n of fossil fuels that there is one molecule of oxygen removed from the atmosphere. About this there is no doubt as it is fundamental to the stoiciometry of the chemistry involved. Thus on a qualitative level ther= e can be no valid counter-argument of this fact. The enormous increases ea= ch year in the combustion of oxygen by fossil fuels combined with the massiv= e deforestation of our planet of the trees that normally consume carbon dioxide and produce oxygen has reached a level where the overall oxygen levels in the upper atmosphere have diminished to the point of seriously interfering with the delicate balance of ozone layer production even asid= e from the disasterous effects of chlorine and other halogen pollutions interfering with this phototropic production of the ozone layer. This qualitative evaluation was first brought to my attention by Adam Trombly, the director of Project Earth in Colorado founded by Buckminster Fuller a= nd which uses succeeding generations of the latest computers to do enviromen= tal modeling with the continuous input of atmospheric measurements over the years. Trombly reported on July 31, 1988, that the trend at that time ga= ve grave predictions for many adverse changes in atmospheric dynamics includ= ing the prediction that if this trend were not reversed by ending the combust= ion of fossil fuels and saving the trees by 1998 we would begin to go through= a "point of no return" after which it would be inevitable that by the year 2008 the ozone layer depletion would be severe enough to allow sufficient solar radiation to penetrate the atmosphere so as to destroy ALL of the oceanic phytoplankton which are not only the beginning of the oceanic foodchain but also the one celled plants that produce over half of Earth'= s oxygen supply --- a condition that since then I have been discussing as a= n oxygen crisis which portends the destruction of life on Earth as we know = it. When I spoke with Trombly in May of 1997 he said that all of their comput= er modeling predictions had come true on target in the preceding years and a= s evidence of this he discussed the predicted increases in storm intensitie= s and storm wind velocities that we have been observing, saying that it wou= ld get much worse as it has. Even if his picture is a "worst case scenario"= it is my strong conviction that any comprehensive plan to address the amelioration of global climate change must be sufficiently broad to inclu= de a way to address this worst case possibility. Trombly was one of the scientists on the team sent by Earth Island Institute to oversee and dire= ct the unprecedented international effort which successfully and quickly extinguished the Iraq war Kuwaiti oil fires of high chlorine content oil. The Project Earth website is and he may be emailed from that site. With regard to quantitative data on atmospheric oxygen levels, the only numbers that I have seen which support Trombly's position are quite sketc= hy and not well attributed as to who made the measurements, with the excepti= on of the figure I mentioned previously from 1998 DOE CNES of a 33% increase= in atmospheric carbon dioxide since pre-industrial times and I suspect based= on the history of our government that this is very conservative estimate. T= his does not mean a 33% decrease in atmospheric oxygen since the level of atmospheric oxygen is far greater so the percentage of its depletion woul= d be far less, but the actual amounts of change are exactly the same, stoiciometrically. The best information that I have seen is that presen= t overall atmospheric oxygen levels are in any case nowhere near the 21% th= at you quoted but closer to 18-19%. I have seen figures of 14-16% in some areas and 11-13% in areas around cities where a lot of combustion is taki= ng place. Exact and accurate figures, as you can imagine, especially ones t= hat everyone will agree with, are extremely difficult to find, at least for m= e with my newness to the internet and limited informational resources. Whatever the actual amounts are, it is patently evident from the qualitat= ive analysis and undeniable trends of combustion and deforestation that this argument warrents the application of due diligence in its more comprehens= ive evalutation, and quickly. As to how to address amelioration of this problem, two factors must be addressed. How to reverse, not just reduce, the trends of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide and decreasing atmospheric oxygen. The Kyoto Protocol goals of simply reducing the rate of increased carbon dioxide production to those of 1991 levels over the next ten years or so is simpl= y not adequate. We need to REVERSE this trend to solve these problems and = get back to a healthy balance, not just slow the rate of increases in this problem. I have to go now to an appointment but will soon respond once again on my reasoning and details behind my conclusion that the free energy technolog= ies and widespread hemp cultivation are the most important two areas for publ= ic activism on how to solve the problems of climate change, before it is too late if it is not already. In the phone conversation I mentioned above w= ith Trombly, he said that he personally felt that it was already too late and= he was very upset to have to tell his 16year old daughter that there was no future for life on Earth. I have posted some of the details on these problems and solutions on my GEAR2000 website below. - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Global Emergency Alert Response ********************************************************* GENERAL AGENCY SERVICES David Crockett Williams 661-822-3309 20411 Steeple Court, Tehachapi CA 93561 USA ********************************************************* The Global Peace Walk 1999-2000 1999: 22APR Taos, NM, ---> Santa Fe 26APR 2000: 15JAN San Francisco --> New York 24OCT 19SEP* Washington, DC, Ceremony Rededicating The Washington Monument as a Symbol of Peace. *3rd Tuesday of September is annual opening of UN General Assembly & International Day of Peace October 24th is United Nations Day "GLOBAL PEACE NOW!" Global Peace Zone2000 Remove the scourge of war from future generations FOR ONE HUMAN FAMILY: Love All, Serve All *DC date subject to change by May 1, 1999 From: David Crockett Williams To: Jack Herer ; Chris Conrad Subject: My EarthDay Hemp Message, followup? Date: Thursday, April 22, 1999 3:14 PM Stop Global Warming with Free Energy and Hemp for Victory! I bcc'd this response to Jean of today to her list below. Thought that y= ou might want to add your comments on hemp/cannabis/marijuana issue to her politically timid network. From: David Crockett Williams To: jean hudon Subject: To Ameliorate Global Warming, Ozone Layer Depletion Date: Thursday, April 22, 1999 2:47 PM This is the second part of my response to Jean Hudon and Earth Rainbow Network about the nature, scope, and remediation of overlooked hindrance factors relating to adverse climate change, particularly ozone layer depletion which is the "flip-side" to the greenhouse effect on the "coin"= of climate change. Ozone layer depletion allows increased levels of high energy solar radiation to penetrate the atmosphere and in the area of Antarctica, where the ozone layer depletion is most severe, recent report= s below indicate alarmingly increased melting of ice. Since there was no dispute of my contention of the need to investigate an= d promote the so-called free-energy technologies to replace nuclear and fos= sil fuel power I will not go into more details here but refer for more info t= o links and discussions on the GEAR2000 website below. The main thing activists can do on this issue is to investigate it more deeply and to support Dr. Ehsan Khan at the DOE in his efforts to get funding for the development of these technologies in conjunction with Dr. Hal Puthoff's efforts in theoretical physics to understand the already successful experiments in this area, recognize that what has been previously mislabe= led as "cold fusion" is indeed a promising reality, and support private effor= ts such as Dr. Hal Fox with the Insitute for New Energy whose LENT (Low Ener= gy Nuclear Transmutation) technologies offer the additional advantage of neutralizing radioactive wastes. Regarding the question about my claims that the most important thing that can be done to ameliorate global climate change, by reversing not just reducing the present trend of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide and decreasing atmospheric oxygen resultant from fossil fuel combustion, is a= n environmental-emergency-level resurrection on a global scale of the USDA'= s 1941-45 Hemp for Victory "crash program" to grow this plant as widely as possible as soon as possible, I will offer here a very brief summary of t= he information and logic on this that I submitted in my public comments offering to DOE on CNES last year. If there is an interest I will post those details on that website where url links already can now be found to the full hempstory, with authoritative source references, below summarize= d. [ and links are on GEAR2000 site]--dcw Even if we now had these new energy technologies in place, eliminating entirely the combustion of fossil fuels, this would still not solve the climate change problem because of the fact that so many trees have alread= y been destroyed and the atmospheric balance has already been so severely disturbed, the present trend of increasingly catastrophic global climate would continue, just at a lower rate of acceleration. The only way to actually begin to heal the atmosphere by replenishing atmospheric oxygen = and reducing carbon dioxide levels is to first figure out how to save the remaining forests and then in the same move figure out the best way to regreen the planet as rapidly as possible with whatever plants can best consume maximum amounts of carbon dioxide, producing equivalent amounts o= f oxygen, as rapidly as possible. Two factors need to be considered. One = is the comparative bioefficiency of candidate plants (the amount of oxygen produced per acre per year which is directly proportional to the amount o= f biomass per acre per year) and second is the pragmatic consideration of which plants have the best economic motivations so that they can/will in fact for that reason actually BE widely planted. The best overall candidate (not the only one but the best by far) is the hemp plant, the most valuable plant in human history (a history carefully censored from the population for reasons explained below) for the overall majority of today's needs for paper, fiber, fuel, food, medicines, compos= ite construction materials, chemical feedstocks, etc. The most bioefficient plants are older mature trees. With respect to new plantings on empty la= nd, the US governement studies indicate that at least 4.1 times as much paper can be made from an acre of hemp than an acre of trees over a 20 year average period. Most of the trees cut for their cellulose are used in making paper, cardboard, and construction forms. All of these products, = and many other composite construction materials (with modern technology), can= be more efficiently made from hemp cellulose thus saving trees. Hemp produc= es multiple times more biomass per acre than any other plant. Because of al= l of its uses (fiber is better, stronger, longer lasting, etc; seeds are second only to soybeans in protein but more digestible and contain immune system activation fatty acids; anything made from petroleum can be made from biomass by pyrolysis, etc., etc., etc.) the hemp plant is overall th= e best choice for solving the problems described above relating to healing = the atmosphere and thereby ameliorating the greenhouse effect and the ozone layer depletion that is being exacerbated by reduction in the atmospheric oxygen from which the ozone layer is produced by sunlight acting on oxyge= n, the process already seriously compromised by chemical pollutions (principally chlorine and other halogens from the breakdown of halogenated hydrocarbons). The only problem is that the hemp plant has been outlawed since 1937 by a fraud perpetrated on the American Congress and people by calling it marijuana in an historic and successful effort by certain industrialists, and their banker and his nephew who was in charge of implementing this fr= aud from his postion within the goverment narcotics agency. This fraud invol= ved William Randolph Hearst, Andrew Mellon, and the DuPont Chemical Company a= nd it was initiated to protect financial interests in forests for paper, chemicals to make that paper (sulphuric acid, at the time 90% of DuPont's business) and later the petrochemical fiber and drug industries. Anyone = who is interested in the real facts on this can check details and find this t= o be absolutely true. The drug policies which still prevail keeping this plant outlawed are a criminal act effecting the future of life on Earth a= nd the lack of fortitude on the part of the activists who are propagandized against hemp and fear to investigate and take a public stand on the truth= of this matter are in fact participating in this criminal act if they do not take this information seriously and take action before it is too late. David Crockett Williams 22April99 Earth Day Bachelor of Science, Chemistry (CSUN 1969) - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Global Emergency Alert Response ********************************************************* GENERAL AGENCY SERVICES David Crockett Williams 661-822-3309 20411 Steeple Court, Tehachapi CA 93561 USA ********************************************************* The Global Peace Walk 1999-2000 1999: 22APR Taos, NM, ---> Santa Fe 26APR 2000: 15JAN San Francisco --> New York 24OCT 19SEP* Washington, DC, Ceremony Rededicating The Washington Monument as a Symbol of Peace. *3rd Tuesday of September is annual opening of UN General Assembly & International Day of Peace October 24th is United Nations Day "GLOBAL PEACE NOW!" Global Peace Zone2000 Remove the scourge of war from future generations FOR ONE HUMAN FAMILY: Love All, Serve All *DC date subject to change by May 1, 1999 From: jean hudon To: David Crockett Williams Cc: Earth Council ; EarthCulture ; Earthstewards Network ; Earthwatch-Friends of the EarthIreland ; Easthstewards ; Ecological Society ; Fo= r Mother Earth <>; For Mother Earth ; For Mother Earth ; For mothe= r earth ; Friends of the Earth = ; Friends of the Earth International Secretariat ; Globa= l Citizens Network ; Global Green USA ; Green Earth Organisation ; Green Party ; Green Party ; Green Party of Aotear= oa ; Rainbow Warrior ; ; ; Greenpeace ; Greenpeace ; Greenpeace ; Greenpeace ; Greenpeace ; Greenpeace ; Greenpeace ; Greenpeace ; Greenpeace ; Greenpeace Argentina ; Greenpeace At ; Greenpeace Australia ; Greenpeace Be ; Greenpeace BR ; Greenpeace Espa=F1a ; Greenpeace Luxembourg ; Greenpeace New Zealand ; Greenpeace USA ; GreenSpider ; Worldwatch Institute ; Rainbow Warrior Subject: Oxygen depletion data requested Date: Wednesday, April 21, 1999 1:45 AM Hello This - the diminishing percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere because of everything we burn (see below) - has also been for me a great concern for= a long while, but I never saw any scientific data proving this. Anyone can provide them? Maybe Gaia has somehow maintained the homeostatic correct 21% oxygen balance so far, but with the dwingling biomass to replenish it (plankton and plant life being now widely destroyed), this feat is jeopardized IMHO. Jean Hudon Earth Rainbow Network Coordinator And thanks David for passing this on ;-) Although I do NOT see hemp as th= e overall magical solution to regreening the Earth - sorry for not sharing your enthusiasm on this. From: "David Crockett Williams" Cc: "jean hudon" Subject: Ozone layer depletion and global warming Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 In addition to the widely talked about impact on global warming due to th= e greenhouse effect of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide (a 33% increas= e since pre-industrial times according to the DOE's 1998 Comprehensive National Energy Strategy (CNES) ) the "flip side" of the greenhouse effect also adding to global warming, especially in the Antarctic area, is the ozone layer depletion that allow= s more high energy radiation to penetrate the atmosphere. What is not discussed yet by any media or even environmental activists or organizatio= ns is that the fundamental root of the ozone layer depletion is not in fact = the chemical pollutions like chlorine from bleaches and the breakdown of halogenate hydrocarbons (although those are VERY serious factors) but the main cause is the reduction in atmospheric oxygen from the same fossil fu= el combustion that produces increased carbon dioxide levels. The reduction = in the atmospheric oxygen (from which ozone is made naturally) is exactly eq= ual to the increase in carbon dioxide (in actual amounts, not percentages). This factor is virtually unknown to the general public. In July 1988 computer environmental modeling experts made a number of predictions all = of which have been coming true on target. One of those was that by 2008 the ozone layer will be sufficiently depleted that the extra solar irradiatio= n will destroy ALL of the phytoplankton in the oceans, the one celled plant= s at the beginning of the oceanic food chain that produce over half of Eart= h's oxygen supply. Already there is widespread damage and reductions in phytoplankton populations. How to solve this problem? We must eliminate fossil fuel energy technologies and replace them with the new proven but suppressed so-call= ed "free energy" technologies (also mentioned in CNES, on p.57) and do something to regreen the planet on an emergency basis to save the trees t= hat are left and to replenish atmospheric oxygen while reducing carbon dioxid= e. By far the best plant to do this, because it produces over four times as much biomass per acre and because of its economic values to motivate widespread cultivation, is the hemp plant which has been fraudulently outlawed as marijuana since 1937. More details on the both pragmatic an= d spiritual level solutions are found and referenced at David Crockett Williams Bachelor of Science, Chemistry, CSUN 1969 - --------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 09 Apr 1999 From: Susan Ferguson Subject: Global warming may increase ozone hole [I have read that the ozone hole is now larger and our exposure to skin cancer will be greater than ever this summer. A recent article in a healt= h care magazine suggests that people go out in the sun AFTER 4pm. Sound extreme? Check the skin cancer rates for yourself. ---S] Global warming may increase ozone hole March 29, 1999 Despite international measures to reduce atmospheric concentrations of ozone destroying halogens to protect the ozone layer, global warming may lead to a weakening of the ozone layer, according to international scientists. A team of German, Swiss and British scientists reported in the March 26 issue of the journal Science that while future climate change is expected= to heat up the lower atmosphere it is likely to cool the air at the altitude= of the ozone layer in the stratosphere. Cooler air in the stratosphere may lead to increased polar stratospheric clouds, which are believed to play an essential role in ozone hole chemistry. In particular, the cloud particles may settle lower atmospheric layers, thereby removing trace gases which under normal circumstances lead to a deactivation of ozone-destroying chlorine. In other words, in a colder stratosphere the sediment particles may inhib= it an important mechanism protecting ozone. Full article - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -= - Melting of Antarctic ice shelves accelerates...04/09/99 SEE THE ATTACHED PICTURE I SENT YOU ALL TO ILLUSTRATE THIS ARTICLE!! (ENN) Decades of warming temperatures in the Antarctic have caused two ice shelves to break up and melt faster than anyone expected, scientists from Colorado and the United Kingdom said Wednesday. A warming trend in the region has caused the annual melt season to increase by two to three weeks over the last 20 years, say researchers at the University of Colorado at Boulder's National Snow and Ice Data Center and the British Antarctic Survey. In fact, the Larsen B and Wilkens ice sheets on the Antarctic Peninsula have lost nearly 3,000 square kilometers of their total area in the last year, according to satellite photos monitored by NSIDC. According to the photos, the Larsen B ice shelf on the eastern side of the peninsula has continued to crumble after an initial small retreat in spring 1998. In a series of events that began in November 1998, an additional 1,714 square kilometers of shelf area caved away, said Research Associate Ted Scambos of CU-Boulder's NSIDC. On the southwest side of the peninsula, the Wilkins ice shelf retreated nearly 1,100 square kilometers in early March of last year, said Scambos. His team and colleagues at the British Antarctic Survey in Cambridge had predicted the breakup would happen and had their suspicions confirmed by satellite radar images. "The radar images showed a large area of completely shattered ice, indicating an ice front 35 kilometers back from its previous extent," said Scambos. "The sudden appearance of thousands of small icebergs suggests that the shelves are essentially broken up in place and then flushed out by storms or currents afterward." Scientists: Antarctic ice shelves breaking up fast April 8, 1999 WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- Two Antarctic ice shelves have broken up more quickly than anyone predict= ed, indicating that the effects of global warming may be accelerating, scientists said on Wednesday. They published satellite images showing the Larsen B and Wilkins ice shelves in "full retreat," having lost nearly 1,100 square miles (3,000 square km) of their total area in the last year. Ted Scambos of the University of Colorado at Boulder said his team and colleagues at the British Antarctic Survey in Cambridge had predicted the break-up would happen, but not this quickly. "It happened much faster than we thought," Scambos said in a telephone interview. "Within this last calendar year we saw a retreat not only on Larsen but the Wilkins." ...Sea level rising According to the U.S. Geological Survey, global sea level has risen about= 4 inches (10 cm) during the past century. It says if all the Earth's glacie= rs melted, which is unlikely, sea levels would rise by 260 feet (80 meters). Antarctica, the fifth largest continent, contains about 90 percent of the world's glacial ice. 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