From: (abolition-usa-digest) To: Subject: abolition-usa-digest V1 #163 Reply-To: abolition-usa-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk abolition-usa-digest Friday, August 6 1999 Volume 01 : Number 163 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 03 Aug 1999 11:50:17 -0400 From: ASlater Subject: (abolition-usa) Fwd: [y2k-nuclear] Re: Fw: Revamped BugNetwork Goes Live on 3rd August Dear Friends, For those of you working on Y2k, here's some interesting contacts, both here and abroad. Regards, Alice Slater >Date: Tue, 03 Aug 1999 00:36:41 -0400 >Subject: Fwd: [y2k-nuclear] Re: Fw: Revamped BugNetwork Goes Live on 3rd August >To:,, > >Cc:, >From: ( > >------Begin forward message------------------------- > >Date: Tue, 03 Aug 1999 09:06:21 +0900 >From: Yumi Kikuchi > > > >Hi Yumi, > I think it would be great if a meeting[s] can be arranged with >Markey. Senators Paul Wellstone of Minnesota and Tom >Harkin of Iowa might be good contacts, too. As might Senators Bennett of >Utah and Dodd of Connecticutt, Co-Chairs of the >Senate Y2K committee who just a few days ago made some noise about the >possibility of an accidental Y2K induced nuclear war. >Congressman Horne of California chairs the House Y2K Sub Committee. They, >too are available through the same Congressional >Switchboard phone# at: 202-224-3121. All three can be reached through the >Congressioanl switchboard in D.C. at: 202-224- >3121. Ed Markey's aid that deals with these issues is Lowell Ungar who can >be reached at: Also >potentially helpful is "The Center for Defense Information" which has a >weekly half hour TV program on PBS called "America's >Defense Monitor." They should do a show about Y2K/Nukes. Their program >director is Mark Sugg who can be reached at: > CDI can also be reached via phone at: 1-800-CDI-3334 and >202-332-0600 and by Fax at: 202-462-4559 Their >web site is Their snail mail address is: > > > Center for Defense Information > 1779 Mass Ave., N.W. > Washington. D.C. 20036 > USA > > > A contact in Germany is Regina Hagen who's been working on the Cassini >"Space Nuke" shot. You can reach Regina at: > Her fax# is: 011-49-6151-47-105 > > > Another source people should be in touch with is Ralph Nader & his >group "Public Citizen." Maybe overtures can be made to >Nader himself to get involved with this campaign [he ran for President >here in the USA in 1996] & bring it to public >consciousness. The division at "Public Citizen" that deals with nuclear >power is "Critical Mass." Winonah Hauter and Rim >Riccio are key contacts there. They can be reached at: Jim Riccio > Phone:202-546-4996, Fax: 202-547- >7392, Winonah Hauter: Phone: 202-546-4996, Fax: >202-547-7392 > > > > Let's Shut 'Em Down, > Bill Smirnow > > > > >Hi, John, >How is your Aug 5 and 6 events coming along? Did you get my >message? I sent it to a wrong address first. I should resend >it perhaps just in case. > >John Thomas wrote: >>> >>> Dear All, >>> Perhaps this can be of use. . . >Thank you. I will check it. >John, by the way, is there any media contact you have in W.D.C, >such as Washington Post or NY Times or major TV?? I wonder if I >can come to D.C. , meeting Ed Markey or some congress people who >are working on Nuke-Y2K issue and ask one of then the head of the >Y2K-WASH Campaign? > >Is it helpful at all if I can come during IMF/World Bank meeting on >24-26 Sep to lobby and raise issue there? Can you or someone help me >to get pass to the meeting? Will it be at UN in NY, or in WDC? >Do you know? I have done a lot of lobbying during the Earth Summit >and prep.coms for that in 1991-92, and also organized several >symposium in NY. > >What I am going to do(and what I can do at least) is to organize an >international conference on Y2K and Nuclear issue, or to apeal wider >range of people, just Y2K and Sustainable Future, or something in Japan >and in Germany. I have organized several international conferences >before and I know how to do it in Japan. But in Berlin, I need a local >help for logistics and general preparation(place, time & date, >publicity, >invitation list, accomocation, etc.) > >I wonder if anyone in this list is from Germany or have contacts there, >preferably in Berlin?? The G8 meeting on Y2K contingency plan is on >Sep 21 in Berlin and all the government officials are there, you know? >I wonder how many people have interest to that meeting. >How many people in this list can actually come to Berlin >if there is Y2K Citizens' Summit 'Year 2000 and Beyond, for creating >sustainable future'(it is just an idea and no official title is >decided). I really would like to have some support or to work with >someone who shares the same concern to organize this event in Germany. >I will be working out of Japan and I can do very little on the >actual preparation. What we are trying to do is to get the funding, >but there should be someone in Germany who has been working on the >nuclear issue for many years. Green Party is anti-nuclear, isn't it? >Please help me. > >I know some people in this list is uncomfortable to mix nuclear power >and bombs as the consequence is too different and people can easily >support de-alerting but can necesarily support shutting down the >power plants. But Chenobyl is very real if we lose power due to >Y2K, even though nuclear power plants have backup generator(deasel) >but their reliability is not so great and they are only for emergency >and not designed for a long term operation. > >I and Dr Allan had a separate discussion and I understand his point >but still I think it is wise to take as much precaution as possible >to prevent nuclear disaster. > >Internationa Symposium in Japan will be sometime before the G8, >maybe on 11 nd 12 Sep or 15 Sep depending on the availability of >the conference hall. > >I would love to invite all of you in the list for the conference if >you can make it(we can not pay for airfare but we maybe able to >accomodate you in our homes). Think about it. Or see you all in >Berlin. Let's show them we are serious and just asking very reasonable >thing for public safety. > >Love, Yumi >>> >>> >To find out more click on >>> > >>> > >>> >The interview will be conducted by Jon Ivinson, Vice President of >>> >Professional and Public Affairs at the British Computer Society and >>> >Consultant to Action 2000. >>> > >>> >For any further information contact the site editor, Mark Mitchinson at >>> > >>> >>> Regards >>> John Thomas >>> >>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>> Click Here to apply for a NextCard Internet Visa and start earning >>> FREE travel in HALF the time with the NextCard Rew@rds Program. >>> >>> >>> home: >>> - Simplifying group communications > > > >------------------------------------------------------------------------ >Click Here to apply for a NextCard Internet Visa and start earning >FREE travel in HALF the time with the NextCard Rew@rds Program. > > > > home: > - Simplifying group communications > > > > >------End forward message--------------------------- > Alice Slater Global Resource Action Center for the Environment (GRACE) 15 East 26th Street, Room 915 New York, NY 10010 tel: (212) 726-9161 fax: (212) 726-9160 email: GRACE is a member of Abolition 2000, a global network working for a treaty to eliminate nuclear weapons. - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Aug 1999 13:57:41 -0700 (PDT) From: Nuclear Age Peace Foundation Subject: (abolition-usa) Updated List of Events for Hiroshima/Nagasaki Dear Friends and Activists, The following is another update of events commemorating the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Please join others in this time of reflection and action and encourage others to participate as well. In Peace, Carah **New**As the anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima on August 6th approaches, a Bay Area atomic bomb survivor along with a group of Bay Area multicultural performing artists, storytellers, ceremonial performance artists and musicians have come together to rally support across the world for a Nuclear Free Planet. This project THE FIRST LIGHT, will build a bridge of peace and compassion, apology and forgiveness starting in New Mexico, the site of the first nuclear bomb test and ending in Hiroshima and Nagasaki where the bombs were dropped. For more information, contact: Eth-Noh-Tec: Nancy Wang/Tisha Mitsunaga 415-282-8705 FAX 415-282-8795 email: **New** In Esbjerg,Denmark -There will be a rememberence of the bombing of Hiroshima in the garden of Heerup at 9 p.m. on August 6. The garden is located on the corner of Skolegade and Torvegade. Lotus flowers will be placed in the water and Poul Eck Sorensen will commemorate the event. For more information, please contact: Poul Eck Sorensen at **New**The Alliance of Atomic Veterans have coordinated a sequence of events in Las Vegas for August 5 through 9. If you are interested in participating in these events please contact: John Smitherman - Nevada Chapter July, 28, 1999 For Immediate Release Contact: Charlie Hilfenhaus 702.648.1575 **New**As you might know a Global Peace March is presently taking place with the objective of total nuclear disarmament, a weapons free society and the establishment of a just and humane global order. A world-wide signature campaign is simultaneously happening, in support of this march. The march is also making people aware about the dangers of radioactivity and seeking support to abandon the nuclear energy programme. WE WOULD LIKE TO INVITE YOU TO JOIN US DURING THE END OF THE MARCH, ON AUGUST 6, 1999, (HIROSHIMA DAY) FROM VARANASI TO SARNATH, AND FOR A DAY-LONG PROGRAMME ON THE SAME DAY AFTER REACHING SARNATH. Please contact: Ajit Singh, S-8/395, Khajuri Colony, Varanasi, Phone: (0542) 342253, in Varanasi. The public meeting on August 6 will take place in Tibetan Institute, Sarnath, where the contact person is Prof. Rimpoche. **New**The Nuclear Regulatory Commission requires that nuclear plants be Y2K ready,yet apparently have set no compliance criteria! On August 6, Hiroshima Day at UN Plaza in SF at 5:00 pm we will be raising our voices. Join us & others around the world who will be doing the same. Call (415) 789-8032 or for more information on the issue check the Nuclear Information Resource Services website at **New** Sacramento-Yolo Peace Action is proud to sponser the 13th Annual Auust Women's Peace Event on Friday, August 6th, from 6 to 8:30pm at The Grand, 1215 J Street,in Sacramento. This family-oriented program is centered on the theme "Peace Begins at Home". The event's mission is to remembert the Hiroshima/Nagasaki bombings through the "Story of Sadako and the 1000 Cranes" and to provide a collective experience that celebrates all the interconnected peoples and cultures around the world. Tickets range from $3 to $5. To purchase tickets in advance, please call 916-441-0764. **New**The Southern California Federation of Scientists are sponsoring a lecture by John Owen entitled, "Nukes and Peace: Hiroshima/Nagasaki Commemoration". The lecture will take place in the Community Meeting Room of the Midnight Special Bookstore on Tuesday, August 10, 1999 at 7:30pm. The Bookstore is located at 1318 3rd Street Promenade, Santa Monica, CA. For more information contact the Southern California Federation of Scientists at: 3318 Colbert Ave, Suite 200 Los Angeles, CA 90066 310-390-3898 (phone/fax) **New**PLOWSHARES PLAY COMING TO BALTIMORE Baltimore's Hiroshima-Nagasaki Commemoration Committee, a coalition of peace organizations including AFSC-Baltimore, will be presenting in Baltimore on Saturday, August 7, Dan Kinch's Plowshares play, "A Clown, a Hammer, a Bomb and God". On the morning of April 1, 1994, an activist priest dressed in a clown suit disabled a nuclear missile. This disarmingly simple play is directed by Rhett Wickham and features Ben Roberts. Doors will open at 7 PM at Stony Run Friends Meetinghouse, 5116 North Charles, for an 8 PM performance. Japanese survivors of the atomic bombs [Hibakusha] will also be at Stony Run. Refreshments will be available. The Committee will be asking for a free will donation, but no one will be turned away. For more information, call: Max Obuszewski 410-323-7200 or 410-377-7987 Pedals for Peace of San Luis Obispo will have a lantern launching on the creek near the Mission in SLO to commemerate the 54th anniversary of the bombings and sufferings of the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at 7 pm on Sunday August 8th. They will also reflect on the impact of the nuclear age on the indigenous peoples of the world and all humankind. For more information, contact: Sheila Baker Pedals For Peace A-BOMB SURVIVORS TO SPEAK IN SEAVILLE ON 8/7 Two Hibakusha, or survivors of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs, will speak at the Coalition for Peace and Justice’s annual Hiroshima Day Commemoration, to be held at 7:30 PM at the Seaville Friends Meetinghouse, Route 9 in Seaville, about one half mile south of the Route 50 and Route 9 intersection. There will also be a short slide show on the medical effects of nuclear bombs and the Abolition 2000 Campaign to abolish nuclear weapons worldwide. This event is co-sponsored by the Seaville Friends Meeting. Chiyono Yoneda, and Masao Tamaru are the two Hibakusha who will speak. Chiyono Yoneda, 72 years old, now lives in Yokohama, Japan. She was present at the bombing of Nagasaki on August 9th, 1945. She has been a Japanese peace activist and member of Hidanyko, the Japanese atomic bomb victims association for many years. She will describe her experiences both during the bomb blast itself and in the days following the attack. For More information contact Norm Cohen at or visit the website at: The Nuclear Age Peace Foundation is proud to sponsor Sadako Peace Day. A ceremony will be held at the Sadako Peace Garden at La Casa de Maria in Santa Barbara, California. For more information, please call 805-965-3443 Cambridge, Massachusetts peace groups will remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki at 6:45 PM on August 5 at Grace Church, 56 Magazine Street (Central Square). Japanese Hibakusha (A-Bomb Survivors), a Pueblo Indian woman from New Mexico who lived near and worked in a uranium mine, the Cambridge Peace and Justice Youth, and notable figures within the Cambridge peace movement will reflect on the meaning of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki for our present struggle for the abolition of nuclear weapons, war, and violence. We will close with a candlelight procession to the bank of the Charles River, where we will float flowers in honor of Hiroshima's victims. On the morning of the 6th, Cambridge high school and college students will lead peace activities with local children. At 1:00 the children, Hibakusha and marchers from Harvard Square will meet on the steps of Cambridge City Hall. The ceremony will focus on the importance of citizens of all ages in carrying on the memory of the Hibakusha and their message of peace. For information please contact Joseph Gerson or Kevin Heffel (American Friends Service Committee) at 617-661-6130 or email at This program is sponsored by the New Century Peace and Justice Leadership Project and Peace and Justice Studies at Tufts University. People for Nuclear Disarmament in Perth, Western Australia, will again be conducting a vigil outside Wesley Church on Friday August 6th, commemorating the first use of nuclear weapons at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They will also be focusing on uranium mining and nuclear waste dumping in Australia. There will be a display of photographs plus two or three tables to house leaflets, petitions, and banners related to the above themes. Also, there will be books and buttons for sale as well as leaflets to hand out and petitions in support of nuclear disarmament and an end to Uranium mining and waste dumping. For further information, contact Graham Daniell at: Washington DC abolitionists traditionally commemorate Hiroshima at the moment of the bombing, which in D.C. is August 5th, early evening (early morning August 6th in Japan), from 5:00 p.m. to dark (candlefloat) at the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool. Tabling encouraged; brief speeches begin the event. Hibakusha (survivors of the bombs) will be present; there aren't too many of them left, so now is a good time to come hear the story from their own mouths. For more details, contact John Steinbach, Hiroshima-Nagasaki Committee, 703-369-7427 In Adelaide, Australia, peace groups will hold a 'Candles and Cranes' walk through the centre of town, starting at 5.30pm. During the function, the Y2K De-Alerting Letter to Clinton and Yeltsin will be launched by a politician (state) who is one of the signatories of the letter. Another politician (federal) will accept the latest load of "Declarations of Public Concern", from concerned individuals to our Prime Minister, which call upon the Australian Government 'to initiate moves towards a global treaty for the abolition of nuclear weapons, with a time-line for this to be in place by the year 2000.' The World Conference against A & H Bombs invites you to join the "Hiroshima and Nagasaki Days International Joint Action for Nuclear Free 21st Century" on Aug.6 and 9, 1999. There will be a posting entitled "International Joint Action for Nuclear Free 21st Century" on their website: Princeton New Jersey -- Coalition for Peace Action will commemorate the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 5th at the Woodrow Wilson School Plaza on the Princeton University Campus. The picnic will begin at 6pm and the program at 7pm. Youth for Peace will be on hand to fold paper cranes with children of all ages. Susan Tenney and her dancers will open the program. Then a moment of silemnce will be held at 7:15. Speakers scheduled will include Zia Mian, a Pakistani physicist; 2 Hibakusha, one each from Hiroshima and Nagasaki; and (possibly) a Gulf War Veteran. Music will be supplied by the Solidarity Singers. At the end of the program, the dancers will present "Shadows," a piece Sunsan Tenney composed for the event. Then all will float candles on the reflection pond. For more information, please contact: LL Morgan-DuBreuil, Associate Director, Coalition for Peace Action 40 Witherspoon Street, Princeton, NJ 08542 (609) 924-5022 voice, (609) 924-3052 fax The Long Beach Peace Network will hold a demonstration at the Seal Beach Nuclear Weapons Station on Seal Beach Boulevard at 11 am on Saturday, August 7, in memory of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. For information all Gene Ruyle at 562 438-6505. The Asahi Shimbun Newspaper will be running a special edition on the bombings, with some new findings by a team of investigative reporters. 3rd-9th-The World Conference Against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs will be held in Hiroshima & Nagasaki. For more information, please contact: 3rd-8th-Tromp Trident Trek III is a 52 mile peace walk commemorating the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It begins in Ashland and ends at Project ELF. For more information, contact Nukewatch at 715-472-4185 or email at 6th-Hiroshima Commemoration at Livermore Lab. It begins at 2:30 PM at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, where nuclear weapons are designed and a new weapons facility is currently under construction that is intended to create thermonuclear blasts in a reactor vessel, called the National Ignition Facility. The gathering will be at the corner of East Avenue and Vasco Road. After a program of speakers and music, there will be a procession to the gates of the Laboratory. This annual commemoration is sponsored by many San Francisco Bay Area peace and environmental organizations, including the Livermore-based Tri-Valley CAREs. For more information, call 925-443-7148. 6th-9th-Peace Action and Peace Action Education Fund National Congress are calling for students, activists and concerned citizens form across the nation and from around the world to join them in Albuquerque, New Mexico to commemorate the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. For more information, please contact: Peace Action 202-862-9740 ext. 3038 1819 H St. NW Suite 420 Washington, DC 20006 On Nagasaki Day Peace Action will host a major direct action at the Los Alamos lab! The contact email for more info is For the 17th consecutive year, a fast on water will take place from 6 to 9 of August in Tavery, North of Paris, headquarters of the french "force de frappe". Please, send by mail your own information, support and projects to the fasters : jeûne du 6 au 9 août 1999 Maison de Vigilance 135, rue de Béthemont 95150 - Taverny France The fasters demand an end to the Mégajoule project for the modernization of nuclear bombs, and an really independent and thourough environment and health survey in Polynesia and in the Sahara, with compensations for the victims. Brandywine Peace Community is commemorating the bombings of Hirsoshima on Friday August 6th, with a vigil from 8am til Noon at Lockheed Martin, Mall Blvd in Valley Forge, PA. At Noon, friends and activists are invited to participate in "Through Hiroshima Eyes", a nuclear age remembrance and nonviolent civil disobedience. On Monday, August 9th, there will be a vigil from 7:30am til 11am at the Lockheed Martin Aegis warship site on Centerton Rd. in Moorestown, NJ. A ceremony for the victims of US war-making will follow at 11am. For more information please contact: Brandywine Peace Community P.O. Box 81 Swarthmore, PA 19081 610-544-1818 email: Hiroshima Day Bike Tour to Livermore Labs will be held on Friday, August 6th and to be followed by a rally and Non-violent Direct Action at the Livermore Nuclear Weapons Laboratory. For more information, call 510-832-4347 or visit the web site at: Carah Lynn Ong Coordinator, Abolition 2000 Nuclear Age Peace Foundation 1187 Coast Village Road PMB 121, Suite 1 Santa Barbara CA 93108 Phone (805) 965 3443 FAX(805) 568 0466 Email: Website Join the Abolition-USA or Abolition-Global Caucus list serve to regularly receive updates about the Abolition movement. Both caucus' also provide a forum for conversation on nuclear-related issues as well as they are used to post important articles and information pertaining to nuclear abolition. To subscribe to the Abolition-USA listerve, send a message (with no subject) to: In the body of the message, write: "subscribe abolition-usa" (do not include quotation marks) To post a message to the Abolition-USA list, mail your message to: To subscribe to the International Abolition-caucus, send a message (with no subject) to: In the body of the message, write: "subscribe abolition-caucus" (do not include quotation marks) To post a message to the International Abolition list, mail your message to: - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 04 Aug 1999 21:05:51 -0400 From: ASlater Subject: (abolition-usa) Fwd: LA Times op-ed >____________________________________________________________________________ >____________________________ >LA TIMES > >Tuesday, August 3, 1999 > >China Spy Case Takes Aim at the Wrong Issue >Espionage: Beijing's capability is so primitive that giving it better bombs >might make it feel less trigger-happy. >By ROBERT SCHEER > > >The "Chinaman" did it. The diabolical Asian has long been a staple of >American racism, and it's not surprising that the folks attempting to whip >up a new red espionage scare would focus on Wen Ho Lee. > > >No matter that Lee was born and raised in militantly anti-communist Taiwan >and that, as he stated convincingly Sunday on CBS-TV's "60 Minutes," the >whole reason for his years of hard work on nuclear weapons design at Los >Alamos was to help defend his adopted country against its enemies. Nor that >there is not a scintilla of evidence that any secret data from Lee ever >made >their way to any unauthorized person. > > >Facts evidently don't matter to those in Congress, led by Rep. Christopher >Cox (R-Newport Beach), and in the media, where the august New York Times >has >acted as head cheerleader for those sounding the alarm of a Chinese nuclear >threat. They seem not to have noticed that the Chinese nuclear weapons >program is minuscule and 40 years behind our own. The Chinese have, at >most, >30 primitive nuclear explosives, atop unstable liquid fuel rockets, capable >of hitting the U.S. The United States has 6,000 of the most ultramodern of >such weapons, ready at the wait on land, at sea and in the air, providing >an >unstoppable and total life-obliterating retaliatory force. > > >There is, in short, no evidence of a criminal or a crime. After years of >exhaustive investigation, the Justice Department is finally getting ready >to >charge Lee--not with criminal espionage but rather with the immensely >underwhelming charge of doing his work on an unsecured computer. >If the Justice Department has any sense of proportion, a deal will be >brokered, and Lee will be slapped on the wrist for a sloppiness that is all >too common at both the Livermore and Los Alamos labs. After all of the >fuss, >the grand result will be a call for increased tidiness in the operation of >the nuclear weapons labs, and we can all toast to that. Neatness is a >virtue >to be respected. > > >As for the sexier stuff of espionage, forget it. The dirty secret of the >nuclear weapons business is that there are no secrets. Nothing has happened >since Hiroshima and Nagasaki to render these weapons any more plausibly >useful as weapons. A crude nuclear weapon dropped from a propeller-driven >plane or carried in a suitcase does the job of terrorizing civilian >populations--the only function of nuclear weapons--as effectively as the >modernized warheads, whose technology some claim Beijing has stolen. > > >Indeed, the argument made by the U.S. government in pushing ahead with >weapons modernization was that the newer nuclear weapons would be more >stable and less threatening. Mobile missiles on land or on subs were >presumed far less vulnerable to a first strike, freeing the man with his >finger on the button from the obligation to make a decision within a matter >of minutes to "use them or lose them." >As matters now stand, if the leaders in Beijing think the U.S. has launched >a preemptive nuclear strike, they would have 12 minutes in which to decide >whether to launch their fixed land-based missiles before U.S. rockets >arrive >to obliterate them. That was the choice that a rudely awakened Boris >Yeltsin >faced in 1995, when a Norwegian rocket launch was misinterpreted as one of >ours. Fortunately, Yeltsin decided to go back to bed when his advisors >learned in time that they had made a mistake. > > >In today's heightened hysteria between the U.S. and China, decision-making >might not be quite so restrained. In the perverse logic of the nuclear arms >race, it would be in our national security interest to supply the Chinese >with a Trident-class sub that works, as opposed to their lone sub contender >that leaks radiation so badly that it isn't operational. > > >And, heresy of heresies, we should give the Chinese some submarine-suitable >missiles armed with the miniaturized W-88 warhead that they are supposed to >have stolen. That way, even if they thought a nuclear weapon was en route >to >them, they would not have to instantly respond, being secure in the >knowledge that they possessed survivable retaliatory power. > > >Sounds nutty, I know. But that's nuclear war for you. Perhaps that is why >work at the nuclear weapons labs sometimes veers into ditzier realms. What >the nuclear weapons scientists know full well, even if some in Congress and >the media don't, is that if these weapons are ever used, the only >beneficiaries from their work will be the radioactive-proof cockroaches >that >then will inherit the Earth. > > >Robert Scheer Is a Contributing Editor to The Times > >Copyright 1999 Los Angeles Times. All Rights Reserved > Alice Slater Global Resource Action Center for the Environment (GRACE) 15 East 26th Street, Room 915 New York, NY 10010 tel: (212) 726-9161 fax: (212) 726-9160 email: GRACE is a member of Abolition 2000, a global network working for a treaty to eliminate nuclear weapons. - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 5 Aug 1999 16:16:22 -0600 From: "Bob Kinsey" Subject: Re: (abolition-usa) Fall Call for Abolition Action! This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_0194_01BEDF5D.DBF3E7A0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Please send 25 kits to my Task Force @6555 Ward Road, Arvada, Colorado. = 80004 _________________________________________________________________________= ____________________________________ Bob Kinsey, Peace and Justice Task Force United Church of Christ, Rocky Mountain Conference 303-425-0348 "Two paths lie before us. One leads to death, the other to life." = Jonathan Schell "Faith has need of the whole truth" Teilhard de Chardin "Jesus was non-violent. Shouldn't Christians be? - ------=_NextPart_000_0194_01BEDF5D.DBF3E7A0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Please send 25 kits to my = Task Force=20 @6555 Ward Road, Arvada, Colorado. 80004
__________________________________________________________= ___________________________________________________
Bob=20 Kinsey, Peace and Justice Task Force
United Church of Christ, Rocky = Mountain=20 Conference
= 303-425-0348
"Two=20 paths lie before us.  One leads to death, the other to =20 life."  Jonathan Schell
"Faith has need of the whole=20 truth"  Teilhard de Chardin
"Jesus was = non-violent. =20 Shouldn't Christians be?
- ------=_NextPart_000_0194_01BEDF5D.DBF3E7A0-- - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 6 Aug 1999 17:33:21 +1000 From: FoE Sydney - Nuclear Campaign Subject: (abolition-usa) PRESS RELEASE RE 'BILL AND BORIS' Y2K DE-ALERTING LETTER RELEASE IN SYDNEY John Hallam Friends of the Earth Sydney, 17 Lord street, Newtown, NSW, Australia, Fax(61)(2)9517-3902 ph (61)(2)9517-3903 FRIENDS OF THE EARTH/HIROSHIMA DAY COMMITTEE WORLD WRITES TO YELTSIN, CLINTON: TAKE N-WEAPONS OFF ALERT, AVOID GLOBAL NUCLEAR CATASTROPHE. Over 271 peace groups, environment groups, churches, trade unions, and parliamentarians including the worlds largest environment, antinuclear, and anti- weapons organisations and high-powered Washington think-tanks, today released a letter to Presidents Yeltsin and Clinton, asking them to take strategic nuclear weapons off hairtrigger alert over the Y2K rollover period in order to avoid the danger of acccidental nuclear war. Veteran antinuclear and anti-weapons activists Hannah Middleton and John Hallam released the letter this Hiroshima Day morning at a well- attended press conference in the NSW Parliament House. The letter was duly posted to Presidents Yeltsin and Clinton in front of TV cameras. The letter is also being released today in Adelaide, Auckland, Tokyo, Moscow, London, New York, and San Francisco. Hiroshima - Day events in San Francisco, Japan, and London, are making calls for the de- alerting of nuclear weapons and the shutdown of nuclear power plants. According to letter coordinator John Hallam, "The letter is based on research by the well - respected British-American Security Information Council, and the Federation of American Scientists, that casts doubt on whether the computer systems that constitute the command, control, and intelligence systems for nuclear weapon systems will function properly over the Y2K rollover period. These bodies, not given to hysteria, conclude that an unnacceptable risk of accidental nuclear war exists unless nuclear weapons are taken off alert." "We are therefore calling on both sides and on the nuclear weapons states, to take their strategic nuclear forces off hairtrigger alert, as reccommended in 1996 by the Canberra Commission." "Taking strategic nuclear forces of alert has been reccommended by the canberra Commission in 1996, and subsequently by the Middle Powers initiative and by the UN General Assembly. Mutually verfied de-alerting is an option that has no risk, costs nothing, and requires only an executive order to happen. It should be done immediately." The letter has been signed by Friends of the Earth International, with national branches in 59 countries, by Greenpeace international, by MEP Maj-Britt Theorin, ex- member of the Canberra Commission, by the British-American Security Information Council (BASIC) who are releasing it in London, by the Washington- based Centre for Defence Information, by Congressperson Edward Markey, by seven members of the European Parliament, eight members of the New Zealand Parliament, four members of the Canadian parliament, and 22 Australian federal and state parliamentarians, as well as prominent Australians Peter Garrett and Helen Caldicott. Contact: John Hallam, 9517-3903, h9810-2598 Hannah Middleton, 0411-409-954 Helen Caldicott, 02-4365-1093, 0407-547-427 - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 6 Aug 1999 18:08:49 +1000 From: FoE Sydney - Nuclear Campaign Subject: (abolition-usa) 'BILL AND BORIS' Y2K NUKES DE-ALERTING LETTER RELEASED TODAY PLEASE SIGN John Hallam =46riends of the Earth Sydney, 17 Lord street, Newtown, NSW, Australia, =46ax(61)(2)9517-3902 ph (61)(2)9517-3903 WORLD WRITES TO YELTSIN, CLINTON: TAKE N-WEAPONS OFF ALERT, AVOID GLOBAL NUCLEAR CATASTROPHE. YOU CAN STILL SIGN DEAR PEOPLE, This letter was released today in Sydney, and in Adelaide, Auckland, Tokyo, San francisco, Toronto, New York, London, and Moscow. It was officially posted to Yeltsin and Clinton via the postal service, in front of TV cameras. Preliminary versions were faxed a month ago and last eek. It will be again faxed tomorrow. YOU CAN STILL SIGN IT! if you have already signed it, and you know anyone that is head of an NGO, a church person, or a parliamentarian that might sign it, please get them to do so. The future of the planet is at stake (or potentially so). Many thanks! =46ROM: =46RIENDS OF THE EARTH INTERNATIONAL, =46RIENDS OF THE EARTH AUSTRALIA, =46RIENDS OF THE EARTH NEW ZEALAND, =46RIENDS OF THE EARTH ENGLAND WALES AND NORTHERN IRELAND, =46RIENDS OF THE EARTH EL SALVADOR, =46RIENDS OF THE EARTH NIGERIA, =46RIENDS OF THE EARTH UKRAINE, =46RIENDS OF THE EARTH GEORGIA, (TBILSI) =46RIENDS OF THE EARTH FINLAND, =46RIENDS OF THE EARTH DENMARK, =46RIENDS OF THE EARTH ESTONIA =46RIENDS OF THE EARTH FRANCE, =46RIENDS OF THE EARTH CYPRUS, =46RIENDS OF THE EARTH JAPAN SIBERIA PROGRAM, =46RIENDS OF THE EARTH AUSTRIA (GLOBAL-2000) =46RIENDS OF THE EARTH MACEDONIA, =46RIENDS OF THE EARTH BULGARIA/ECOGLASNOST, SOFIA, BULGARIA AUSTRALIAN PEACE COMMITTEE, MEDICAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE PREVENTION OF WAR, PAX CHRISTI N.S.W., UNITING CHURCH OF AUSTRALIA, WAYSIDE CHAPEL, UNITING CHURCH IN AUSTRALIA, PITT STREET UNITING CHURCH, PITT ST, SYDNEY, ST JOHNS ANGLICAN CHURCH, DARLINGHURST, SYDNEY, CAMPAIGN FOR INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AND DISARMAMENT (CICD) AUSTRALIA, AUSTRALIAN ANTI-BASES CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE, PEOPLE FOR NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT, N.S.W., WAR RESISTERS INTERNATIONAL AUSTRALIA, THE WILDERNESS SOCIETY, AUSTRALIAN CONSERVATION FOUNDATION, ENVIRONMENT CENTRE OF THE NORTHERN TERRITORY, ARID LANDS ENVIRONMENT CENTRE, ENVIRONMENT CENTRE OF W.A., ANTI-URANIUM COALITION OF W.A., PEOPLE FOR NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT WESTERN AUSTRALIA, CENTRE FOR URBAN ECOLOGY, S.A., EVERYONE FOR A NUCLEAR-FREE FUTURE LISMORE, BIG SCRUB ENVIRONMENT CENTRE, EVERYONE FOR A NUCLEAR-FREE FUTURE GOLD COAST, EVERYONE FOR A NUCLEAR FREE FUTURE ADELAIDE, PACIFIC CONNECTIONS, TWO BILLION VOICES FOR PEACE PROJECT, UNITED TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL SA., UNITED FIREFIGHTERS UNION OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA, MEDIA AND ENTERTAINMENT AND ARTS ALLIANCE S.A., CFMEU, SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BRANCH, A.M.W.U., SA. OFFICE., ALL-UNION GREEN CAUCUS, GRAHAM F. SMITH PEACE TRUST, SA., RICHMOND RIVER SHIRE COUNCIL, SENATOR LYN ALLISON, VIC., SENATOR MEG LEES, LEADER, DEMOCRATS, VIC., SENATOR NATASHA STOTT-DESPOJA, DEPUTY LEADER AUSTRALIAN DEMOCRATS, SENATOR VICKY BOURNE, DEMOCRAT SENATOR FOR N.S.W., SENATOR ANDREW BARTLETT, DEMOCRAT SENATOR FOR QUEENSLAND, SENATOR DEE MARGETTS, GREENS, W.A., SENATOR BOB BROWN, GREENS, TAS, SENATOR GEORGE CAMPBELL, ALP, N.S.W., SENATOR MARGARET REYNOLDS, ALP, N.S.W, SENATOR JIM MC KEIRNAN, ALP., W.A., ANTHONY ALBANESE, ALP FEDERAL MP FOR GRAYNDLER, TANYA PLIBERSEK, ALP FEDERAL MP FOR SYDNEY, JANN MC FARLANE, ALP FEDERAL MP FOR STIRLING, W.A., JILL HALL M.P., MEMBER FOR SHORTLAND, IAN COHEN, GREEN MLC, NSW., LEE RHIANNON, GREEN MLC, NSW., SANDRA KANCK, DEMOCRAT MLC, S.A., IAN GILFILLAN, DEMOCRAT MLC, SA, ROBYN GERAGHTY, MP, STATE MEMBER FOR TORRENS, SA, =46RANCES BEDFORD, MP, STATE MEMBER FOR FLOREY, SA., JIM SCOTT, W.A., GREENS, LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL, W.A., LOUISE CROSSLEY, NATIONAL CONVENOR, GREENS, HANNAH MIDDLETON, PRESIDENT, COMMUNIST PARTY OF AUSTRALIA, WORLD COURT PROJECT UK, SENATOR DOUGLAS ROCHE, SENATE, CANADA, BRITISH-AMERICAN SECURITY INFORMATION CENTRE, US/UK, GREENPEACE INTERNATIONAL, JAPAN CONGRESS AGAINST A AND H-BOMBS (GENSUIKYO) INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LAWYERS AGAINST NUCLEAR ARMS (IALANA), WOMENS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE FOR PEACE AND FREEDOM (Geneva/NY), CENTRE FOR DEFENCE INFORMATION, WASHINGTON, USA, CAMPAIGN FOR NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT U.K., SAFFRON WALDEN GROUP AGAINST NUCLEAR WEAPONS, YOUTH AND STUDENT CAMPAIGN FOR NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT, WEST MIDLANDS CAMPAIGN FOR NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT, YORKSHIRE CAMPAIGN FOR NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT, MEDACT (IPPNW UK), TRIDENT PLOUGHSHARES 2000 NORFOLK UK., NETWORK INFORMATION PROJECT, SOUTHAMPTON,UK, ., CAMPAIGN FOR ACCOUNTABILITY OF U.S., BASES, MENWITH HILL WOMENS PEACE CAMP, YORKSHIRE, UK., GLOBAL NETWORK AGAINST WEAPONS AND NUCLEAR POWER IN SPACE, ANGLICAN PACIFIST FELLOWSHIP, MILTON KEYNES, U.K., EPISCOPAL PEACE FELLOWSHIP, U.K., ST BARTHOLEMEWS JUSTICE AND PEACE GROUP, ST ALBANS, U.K., CHRISTIAN CAMPAIGN FOR NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT, U.K., CALDERDALE GREEN PARTY, YORKSHIRE, U.K., PUBLIC INTEREST CONSULTANTS, SWANSEA, U.K., CUMBRIA AND NORTH LANCASHIRE PEACE GROUPS U.K., GREEN PARTY OF ENGLAND AND WALES, Y2K COMMUNITY ACTION NETWORK U.K., JEANETTE FITZSIMMONS MP, NZ GREENS, BRIAN DONELLY, MP, HARRY DUYNHOVEN, MP, NZ LABOUR, LIANNE DALZIEL, MP, NZ LABOUR, JUDY KEALL, MP, NZ LABOUR, PETER DUNNE, MP, NZ LABOUR, SANDRA LEE, MP, DEPUTY LEADER, ALLIANCE, LAILA HARRE, MP, ALLIANCE, DISARMAMENT AND SECURITY CENTRE, NZ, AOTEOROA/NEW ZEALAND PEACE FOUNDATION, AUCKLAND, NZ., ENGINEERS FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, N.Z., NEW ZEALAND GREENS, NATIONAL CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT, N.Z., PEACE ACTION DUNEDIN, N.Z., PEACE COUNCIL OF NEW ZEALAND, ABOLITION-2000 NEW ZEALAND, IPPNW NEW ZEALAND, VETERANS FOR PEACE NZ., ARCHITECTS AGAINST NUCLEAR WAR, NZ., C.N.D., VETERANS NEW ZEALAND, CENTRE FOR PEACE STUDIES, UNIV. OF AUCKLAND, NZ, NEW ZEALAND NUCLEAR - FREE PEACEMAKING ASSOCIATION, WILPF AOTEAROA, CORSO AOTEAROA/NZ., PACIFIC ISLANDS ASSOCIATION OF NGOS, BELAU., COALITION OF PETROLEUM PRODUCING STATES OF NIGERIA, MALAYSIAN PHYSICIANS FOR THE PREVENTION OF NUCLEAR WAR, GREEN ACTION KYOTO, Y2K WORLD ATOMIC SAFETY HOLIDAY, SENDAI, JAPAN, SOUTH ASIAN COMMUNITY CENTRE FOR EDUCATION AND RESEARCH, NAGERCOIL, INDIA, AWAMI COMMITTEE FOR DEVELOPMENT, MULTAN, PAKISTAN, INDONESIAN NATIONAL NETWORK FORUM ANTI-NUCLEAR SOCIETY, ALTERNATIVE ENERGY PROJECT FOR SUSTAINABILITY, (AEPS) THAILAND, MOVIMIENTO AUTORIDADES INDIGENAS DE COLOMBIA, ECODEFENSE KOENIGSBERG/MOSCOW, WISE-KALININGRAD, ANTINUCLEAR CAMPAIGN OF SOCIAL-ECOLOGICAL UNION MOSCOW, PLATAN YOUTH GROUP, KALININGRAD, EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE KALININGRAD REGIONAL DUMA, GREEN WORLD, SOSNOVY BOR, ST PETERSBURG, RUSSIA, ST PETERSBURG PEACE COUNCIL, ST PETERSBURG, RUSSIA, CENTRE FOR NUCLEAR ECOLOGY AND ENERGY POLICY RUSSIA, BAIKAL ENVIRONMENTAL WAVE, RUSSIA, ECOSENS, ROMANIA, COMMITTEE OF 100, FINLAND, PEACE UNION OF FINLAND, STUDENT NATURE PROTECTION GROUP, TARTU, ESTONIA, SWEDISH PHYSICIANS AGAINST NUCLEAR WEAPONS (SLMK - SWEDISH CHAPTER OF IPPNW)= , NORWEGIAN PHYSICIANS AGAINST NUCLEAR WAR (IPPNW) NORWEGIAN PEACE ALLIANCE, NORWEGIAN LAWYERS AGAINST NUCLEAR ARMS, INTERNATIONAL PEACE BUREAU, OSLO, PEACE MOVEMENT OF ESBJERG, DENMARK, WAR RESISTERS INTERNATIONAL, FREDRIKSHAVN, DENMARK, ALDRIG MERE KRIG (AMK) DENMARK, DANISH ASSOCIATION OF CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTORS, WOMENS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE FOR PEACE AND FREEDOM (FRANCE), MOUVEMENT DE LA PAIX, FRANCE, INTERNATIONAL ALBERT SCHWEITZER FOUNDATION, DR SCHWEITZER HOSPITAL FUND, FRANCE/SWITZERLAND GLOBAL INITIATIVE FOR IMMEDIATE DISARMAMENT, SWITZERLAND, DARMSTAEDTER FRIEDENSFORUM, GERMANY, NUCLEAR-FREE AWARD, GERMANY, ANTI-ATOM PLENUM, BOCHUM, GERMANY, CITIZENS INITIATIVE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, LUECHOW-DANNEBURG, GERMANY= , IPPNW HAMBURG, CENTRE FOR ENCOUNTER AND ACTIVE NON-VIOLENCE, BAD ISCHL, AUSTRIA, IPPNW AUSTRIA, ANTI-ATOM INTERNATIONAL, AUSTRIA, COORDINATION OFFICE OF AUSTRIAN ENVIRONMENT GROUPS, AUSTRIA, INDEPENDENT SALZBURG PLATFORM AGAINST NUCLEAR DANGERS, AUSTRIA, PLATFORM GEGEN ATOMGEFAHR, AUSTRIA, ENERGIE ZUKUNFT MOHTVIERTEL, AUSTRIA, CENTRUM ENERGIE, CZECH REPUBLIC, BURGERINITIATIVE UMWELTSCHUTZ, BUDWEIS, CZECH REPUBLIC., =46OR MOTHER EARTH INTERNATIONAL, GHENT, BELGIUM, WORLD INFORMATION SERVICE ON ENERGY, AMSTERDAM, MDB ENERGY PROJECT, NETHERLANDS, =46OR MOTHER EARTH NETHERLANDS, CENTRE FOR INDIGENOUS PEOPLES, NETHERLANDS, GLOBAL ANTI - NUCLEAR ALLIANCE, NETHERLANDS, ANPED (NORTHERN ALLIANCE FOR SUSTAINABILITY) NETH, ASEED- EUROPE, (AMSTERDAM) STROHALM (UTRECHT) NETHERLANDS, ITALIAN LAWYERS AGAINST NUCLEAR ARMS, MAJ-BRITT THEORIN, MEP, PRESIDENT, IPB., ELIZABETH SCHROEDTER, MEP, ERNST GULCHER, MEP, GREEN GROUP, GERMANY, HEIDI HAUTALA, MEP, GREEN GROUP, FINLAND, GLYN FORD, MEP, LABOR, SW ENGLAND, OZAN KEYHUN, MEP, GERMANY, PER GAHRTON, MEP, GREENS, SWEDEN, CONGRESSMAN EDWARD J. MARKEY, (D-MASS) WASH, D.C., GLOBAL RESOURCE ACTION CENTRE FOR THE ENVIRONMENT (GRACE) N.Y., U.S., TRI-VALLEY CARES, LIVERMORE, CALIF, U.S., NUCLEAR INFORMATION AND RESOURCE SERVICE, U.S., WESTERN STATES LEGAL FOUNDATION, U.S., NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL COALITION OF NATIVE AMERICANS, AMERICAN-INDIAN MOVEMENT OF OKLAHOMA, NUCLEAR-FREE NEW YORK, SAVE WARD VALLEY, CALIF, U.S., METRO-BOSTON COMMITTEE TO DE-ALERT NUCLEAR WEAPONS, NUCLEAR AGE PEACE FOUNDATION, CALIFORNIA, U.S., PHYSICIANS FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, U.S., LIVERMORE CONVERSION PROJECT, OAKLAND, CALIF., ACTION SITE TO STOP CASSINI FLYBY, PROPOSITION-1 COMMITTEE, WASHINGTON DC, US., HEALING GLOBAL WOUNDS, TECOPA, CALIF, U.S., AMERICAN FRIENDS SERVICE COMMITTEE, UNITING CHURCH OF CHRIST ROCKY MOUNTAIN CONFERENCE, PEACE AND JUSTICE TASK =46ORCE, ALL SOULS UNITARIAN CHURCH COLORADO SPRINGS, U.S., METHODISTS UNITED FOR PEACE WITH JUSTICE, U.S., QUEST MINISTRIES, OHIO, U.S., CENTRE FOR MISSION EDUCATION, DENVER, COLORADO, INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR PEACE AND JUSTICE, SAN FRANCISCO, US, WAR RESISTERS LEAGUE, NY, USA., NEW YORK STUDENT ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION COALITION, PEACE RESOURCE CENTRE OF SAN DIEGO, CALIF, U.S., PROMOTING ENDURING PEACE, NY., U.S., PROFESSIONAL NETWORK FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, NY, U.S., GRANDMOTHERS AND MOTHERS ALLIANCE FOR THE FUTURE, WOMENS ACTION FOR NEW DIRECTIONS, CENTRE FOR ENERGY RESEARCH, OREGON, USA, CITIZENS PROTECTING OHIO, OHIO CITIZEN ACTION, PORTSMOUTH/PIKETON RESIDENTS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY AND SANITY (PRESS), CONCERNED CITIZENS FOR NUCLEAR SAFETY NEW MEXICO, PEACE ACTION USA., PEACE ACTION CENTRAL NEW YORK, METRO NEW YORK PEACE ACTION COUNCIL, USA., PAX CHRISTI U.S.A., PAX CHRISTI NEW YORK, PAX CHRISTI, MORRIS COUNTY, NJ, USA., PAX CHRISTI TEXAS, PAX CHRISTI ST AUGUSTINE FLORIDA, =46ELLOWSHIP OF RECONCILIATION TASK FORCE ON LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARRIBEAN= , ENVIRONMENTAL COALITION ON NUCLEAR POWER, CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA CITIZENS FOR SURVIVAL, THREE MILE ISLAND ALERT, PENNSYLVANIA, U.S., ATOMIC MIRROR, CALIF, U.S., NATIONAL CAMPAIGN FOR A PEACE TAX FUND, PEDALS FOR PEACE, SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIF, U.S., SACRAMENTO VALLEY CITIZENS ALONG THE ROADS AND TRACKS, NEVADA DESERT EXPERIENCE, NEVADA, U.S., GRANDMOTHERS FOR PEACE INTERNATIONAL, CALIF, U.S., TAI MEI PEACE ACTION, SAN GABRIEL, U.S., SERIOUS TEXANS AGAINST NUCLEAR DUMPING, U.S., STUDENTS FOR A SUSTAINABLE EARTH, W. MICHIGAN, U.S., ALLIANCE FOR SURVIVAL, COSTA MESA, CALIF., U.S., LONG ISLAND ALLIANCE FOR PEACEFUL ALTERNATIVES, Y2K-WASH CAMPAIGN BAY AREA CHAPTER, BILL BLAIKIE MP, HOUSE LEADER, NEW DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF CANADA, SVEND ROBINSON MP, HOUSE OF REPS, CANADA, JUDY WASLYCIA-LEIS, MP, WINNIPEG, CANADA VETERANS AGAINST NUCLEAR ARMS, CANADA, PHYSICIANS FOR GLOBAL SURVIVAL, CANADA, NEW GREEN ALLIANCE, CANADA, PACIFIC CAMPAIGN FOR DISARMAMENT AND SECURITY, BC, CANADA., THE SIMONS FOUNDATION, VANCOUVER, B.C., PLOUGHSHARES, CALGARY, CANADA, PLOUGHSHARES, SASKATOON, CANADA, ICUEC, (INTER-CHURCH URANIUM EDUCATION COMMITTEE) SASKATOON, CANADA, O.P.I.R.G., PETERBOROUGH, CANADA, UNITED NATIONS ASSOCIATION OF CANADA, ASSOCIATION OF SERBIAN WOMEN, CANADA, INDIGENOUS WOMENS NETWORK, CANADA/USA., PRESIDENT BORIS YELTSIN, OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT, KRASNOPRESENSKAYA-2, MOSCOW, RUSSIA, +7-095-205-4219, +7-095-206-5173 +7-095-205-4330, PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON, WHITE HOUSE, WASHINGTON, US, +1-202-456-2461, +1-202-456-2883. WILLIAM COHEN, US SECRETARY OF DEFENCE, +1-703-695-1149, BILL RICHARDSON, US SECRETARY OF ENERGY, +1-202-586-9987. IGOR SERGEYEV, DEFENCE MINISTER OF RUSSIA, Znamenka-19, 103160, Moscow, Russia, +7-095-293-33-13, 247-2795, 247-2722, 293-3323. =46OREIGN MINISTER OF RUSSIA, +7-095-244-3276, +7-095-244-2203, CC ALL HEADS OF STATE (BY EMAIL) ALL UN MISSIONS (BY EMAIL) Dear Presidents Yeltsin and Clinton, Defence Ministers and Defence Secretaries, Heads of State and UN Missions, The organisations above, representing millions of people worldwide, are writing to convey their extreme concern over the possibility that Year 2000 (Y2K)-related computer failures in nuclear weapons systems may lead to an unacceptable risk of nuclear war by accident or miscalculation. In the current political situation this is most especially the case. According to Alexandr Arbatov, of the Defence Committee of the Russian State Duma, US-Russian relations are at 'the worst, most acute, most dangerous juncture since the US-Soviet Berlin and Cuban missile crises.' The danger during the Y2K rollover lies primarily in the possibility that spurious data may induce commanders, even at the highest levels, to mistakenly authorise the launches of nuclear weapons. Events similar to this have already occurred. For example: In the US in 1980, a malfunctioning computer chip sent spurious alert signals; In 1983 in Russia, satellites mistook glare off the tops of clouds for a US missile launch, (and disaster was averted by the refusal of the local commander to believe the warnings were real); In 1995, a Norwegian research rocket prompted a full-scale Russian alert. If Y2K breakdowns produce inaccurate early warning data, or if communications and command channels are compromised, the combination of hair-trigger force postures and Y2K failures could be disastrous. There should therefore be a 'safety first ' approach to Y2K and nuclear arsenals. Because none of the nuclear weapons states can guarantee that their nuclear- related computer systems are Y2K compliant, the only responsible solution is for them all to stand down nuclear operations. This approach should include taking nuclear weapons off alert status and decoupling nuclear warheads from delivery vehicles. The stakes involved in any nuclear exchange between Russia and the US are such that they dwarf any other considerations. The future of life itself on earth could be in doubt. In light of this, we strongly urge that you remove all strategic and tactical nuclear weapons from 'hair trigger' alert, and place them in a status in which at least hours and preferably days would be required to launch them. The Canberra Commission in August 1996, noted that terminating nuclear alert status would: - --Reduce dramatically the chances of accidental or unauthorised nuclear missile launch. - --Help set the stage for intensified cooperation on a more far- reaching disarmament agenda - --Have a very positive influence on the political climate between nuclear weapon states. This last is especially relevant in the current tension between Russia and NATO, which has prompted Russia to withdraw from cooperation with the US on Y2K problems. According to the Canberra Commission, "Taking nuclear forces off alert could be verified by national technical means and nuclear weapon state inspection arrangements. in the first instance, reduction in alert status could be adopted by the nuclear weapon states unilaterally" If both sides are verifiably de-alerted, it will not be possible for either to launch a disarming first strike. The immediate stakes are so high, and the potential for global catastrophe so clear, that mutually verified de-alerting in the face of the Y2K computer problem must take precedence over all other considerations of politics and national security. Signed Kevin Dunion, Chairperson, Friends of the Earth International, John Hallam, Nuclear Campaigner, Friends of the Earth Australia, Wendy Johnson, Friends of the Earth New Zealand, Dr Patrick Green, Senior Energy, Nuclear and Climate Campaigner, Friends of the Earth England Wales and Northern Ireland, Ricardo Navarro, Friends of the Earth El Salvador, Nnimmo Bassey, Friends of the Earth Nigeria (Environmental Rights Action), Benin City, Nigeria, Viktor Khazan, Friends of the Earth Ukraine, Manana Kochladze, Friends of the Earth Georgia, Tbilsi, Georgia. Jan Kunnas, Friends of the Earth Finland, Bo Stroem, Friends of the Earth Denmark, Tonu Oja, Chairperson, Friends of the Earth Estonia, Tartu, Estonia. Amis de la Terre, Paris, France, Loukia Pavlidou, President, Friends of the Earth Cyprus, Oleg Svistunov, Friends of the Earth Japan Siberia Program, Corine Viellers, Global-2000(Friends of the Earth Austria) Daniela Stojanova, General Secretary, Friends of the Earth Macedonia, Maria Minkova, Deputy Chair, Friends of the Earth Bulgaria/Ecoglasnost, Sofi= a, Peter Garrrett, President, Australian Conservation Foundation, Helen Caldicott, MD, Founding President, PSR, Irene Gale, Australian Peace Committee, SA Branch, Denis Doherty, Secretary, Pax Christi NSW, REV. John Mavor, President, Uniting Church of Australia Rev. Ray Richmond, Wayside Chapel, Uniting Church in Australia, Pitt Street Uniting Church, Pitt St, Sydney, Rev. John Stanley, St Johns Anglican Church, Darlinghurst, Sydney, Julie Marlow, Australian Anti-Bases Campaign Committee, Babs Fuller-Quinn, Australian Peace Committee, National Committee, Susan Wareham, President, Medical Association for the Prevention of War, IPPNW Regional Vice-President, Aust., Pauline Mitchell, Campaign for International Cooperation and Disarmament, Peter Jones, War Resisters International, Australia., Alec Marr, National Campaign Director, The Wilderness Society, Mark Wakeham, Environment Centre of the Northern Territory, Deborah Metters, Arid Lands Environment Centre, Alice Springs, NT., Rowena Skinner, Environment Centre of W.A., Robin Chapple, Anti-Uranium Coalition of W.A., Cherie Hoyle, Centre for Urban Ecology, SA., Graham Daniell, People for Nuclear Disarmament, Western Australia., Zohl D' Ishtar, Pacific Connections, Richard Goode, 2 Billion Voices for Peace Project, Ian Dixon, Big Scrub Environment Centre, Lismore, Isabelle Whyte, Everyone for a Nuclear-free Future, Lismore, Robin Taubenfeld, Everyone for a Nuclear-Free Future, Gold Coast, Jonivar Skullerud, ENUFF, Adelaide, Chris White, Secretary, United Trades and Labour Council, SA, Paul Martinella, State Secretary, CFMEU, SA, Trevor Smith, National Secretary, CFMEU, Forests and Forests Products Division, SA, Stephen Smith, Secretary, CFMEU, Furnishing trade Division, SA, Jacob Grech, Earthworker, All-Union Green Caucus, Mick Doyle, United Firefighters Union of SA, Paul Noak, Secy, A.M.W.U. SA Office. Martin O' Malley, Secy, CFMEU, SA Branch. Stephen Spence, Secretary, Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance, SA., Leonie Ebert, Graham F. Smith Peace Trust, SA., P.T. Muldoon, General Manager, Richmond River Shire Council, Senator Lyn Allison, Democrat Senator for Victoria, Senator Meg Lees, Democrat Senator for South Australia, Leader of the Australian Democrats, Senator Vicky Bourne, Democrat Senator for NSW., Senator Natasha Stott-Despoja, Deputy Leader, Australian Democrats, Senator Andrew Bartlett, Democrat Senator for Queensland, Senator Bob Brown, Green Senator for Tasmania, Senator Dee Margetts, Green Senator for Western Australia, Senator George Campbell, ALP Senator for NSW., Senator Margaret Reynolds, ALP, NSW, Senator Jim Mc Kiernan, ALP, W.A., Anthony Albanese. ALP, Federal member for Grayndler, Tanya Plibersek, ALP, Federal member for Sydney, Jann Mc Farlane, Federal member for Stirling, W.A., Jill Hall, M.P., Federal member for Shortland, NSW, Cheryl Davenport MLC., W.A., Ian Cohen, MLC, Greens, NSW, Lee Rhiannon, MLC, Greens, NSW, Sandra Kanck, MLC,Democrats, S.A., Ian Gilfillan, MLC, Democrats, SA, Robyn Geraghty MP, Member for Torrens, SA., =46rances Bedford, ALP State MP for Florey, S.A., Jim Scott, WA Greens, Legislative Council, W.A., Dr Louise Crossley, National Convenor, Greens, Australia, Hannah Middleton, President, Communist Party of Australia. Commander Robert Green RN (Ret'd), Chair, World Court Project UK, =46elicity Hill, Womens International League for Peace and Freedom, Geneva/N= Y Martin Butcher, British-American Security Information Centre, US/UK, Stephanie Mills, Greenpeace International Nuclear and Disarmament Campaign, Bernice Boermans, Executive Director, International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms, (IALANA), The Hague, Neth., Rear-Admiral Eugene J. Carroll, USN (retd), Deputy Director, Centre for Defence Information, Washington, USA, Dave Knight, Chair, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, U.K., Janet Bloomfield, Former Chair CND, Abolition U.K, Saffron Walden Group Against Nuclear Weapons, Bruce Kent, Vice-President, CND, Jenny Maxwell, West Midlands CND, Birmingham, U.K, Tigger Mc Gregor, Youth and Student CND, U.K., Dave Webb, Yorkshire CND., U.K., Anni Rainbow and Lindis Percy, Campaign for Accountability of American Bases, U.K., Gillian Reeve, Director, MEDACT (IPPNW U.K), Jane Tallents, Trident-Ploughshares 2000, Norwich, Norfolk, U.K., Di Mc Donald, Network Information Project, Southampton, U.K, Catherine Euler, Menwith Hill Womens Peace Camp, Yorkshire, U.K., Catherine Euler, Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space, Sue Claydon, Anglican Pacifist Fellowship, Milton Keynes, U.K., Mary H. Miller, Episcopal peace Fellowship, U.K., Monica King, St Bartholemews Justice and Peace Group, St Albans, U.K., Calderdale Green Party, Yorkshire, U.K., Alan Francis, Chair, Green Party of England and Wales, Alan Watson, Partner, Public Interest Consultants, Swansea, Wales, U.K., Nigel Chamberlain, Cumbria and North Lancashire Peace Groups U.K., Paul Swann, National Coordinator, Y2K Community Action Network, U.K., Jeanette Fitzsimmons, MP, NZ Greens, Brian Donelly, MP, Harry Duynhoven, MP, NZ Labour, Lianna Dalziel, MP, NZ Labour, Judy Keall, MP, NZ Labour, Peter Dunne, MP, NZ Independent, Sandra Lee, Deputy leader, Alliance, Laila Harre, MP, Alliance, NZ., Dr Kate Dewes, Disarmament and Security Centre, Marion Hancock, Aoteoroa/NZ Peace Foundation, Auckland, NZ., Gerry Coates, Engineers for Social Responsibility, NZ, Keith Locke, Foreign Affairs Spokesperson, NZ Greens, Llelwyn Richards, National Consultative Committee on Disarmament, NZ, Barbara Frame, Peace Action Dunedin, NZ., John Urlich, Peace Council of New Zealand, Rev. John Murray/Dame Laurie Salas/Robin Halliday, Abolition-2000, New Zeala= nd, Ian Prior, IPPNW New Zealand, Chris King, Veterans for Peace New Zealand, Derek Wilson, Architects Against Nuclear War, NZ, Robert E. White, Director, Centre for Peace Studies, University of Auckland, NZ., John Gallagher, New Zealand Nuclear-Free Peacemaking Association, Aotearoa/N= Z., WILPF Aoteoroa, Jim Holdom, CORSO, Aotearoa/NZ., Richard N. Salvador, Pacific Islands Association of NGOs, Belau, Tom Mbeke-Ekarem, Chair, Coalition of Petroleum-Producing States of Nigeria, Ron Mc Coy, Malaysian Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, Yumi Kukuchi, Y2K WASH Campaign, Sendai, Japan/USA, Aileen Mioko Smith, Director, Green Action Kyoto, Japan., Hiroshi Taka, Assistant Secretary, Japan Council Against A and H-Bombs (Gensuikyo), S.P. Udayakumar, South Asian Community Centre for Education and Research, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu, South India, Asif Rasheed Leghari, Awami Committee for Development, Multan, Pakistan, Nana Suhartana, Indonesian National Network Forum Anti-Nuclear Society, Pipob Udomittipong, Alternative Energy Project for Sustainability, Thailand, Lorenzo Muelas, Movimiento Autoridades Indigenas de Colombia, Vladimir Sliviak, Ecodefense, Russia, Galina Raghouzhina, World Information Service on Energy (WISE) Kaliningrad, Alexandra Koroleva, Educational Committee, Kaliningrad Regional Duma, Mikhail Trofimov, Ecodefence! International, Kaliningrad, Alisa Nikoulina, Antinuclear Campaign of Social-Ecological Union, Moscow, Pavel Malyshev, Platan Youth Group, Kaliningrad, Oleg Bodrov, Green World, Sosnovy Bor, St Petersburg, Russia, Vera Brovkina, St Petersburg Peace Council, St Petersburg, Russia, Lydia Popova, Centre for Nuclear Ecology and Energy Policy, Russia, Marina Rikhmanova, Baikal Environmental Wave, Baikal, Russia, George Razvan Marcu, Ecosens, Romania, Malla Kantola, Committee of 100, Helsinki, Finland, Laura Lodenius, Peace Union of Finland, Helsinki, Finland, Pepe Mardiste, Student Nature Protection Group, Tartu, Estonia, Gunnar Westberg, MD., SLMK (IPPNW), Swedish Physicians Against Nuclear Weapo= ns, =46redrick S. Heffermehl, President, Norwegian Peace Alliance, =46rederick S. Heffermehl, Norwegian Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms, =46rederick S. Heffermehl, International Peace Bureau, Oslo, Bjorn Hilt, Chair, Norwegian Physicians Against Nuclear War, (IPPNW) Poul Eck S=F8rensen, Peace Movement of Esbjerg, Denmark, Arne Hansen, War Resisters International, Fredrikshavn, Denmark, Majken Jul S=F8rensen, Aldrig Mere Krig, (AMK) Denmark, Anja Johansen, Militaernaegterforeningen, (Danish Association of Conscientious Objectors) Daniel Durand, Secretary, Mouvement de La Paix, France, Solange Fernex, Womens International League for Peace and Freedom, France, Chrystoph Wyss, International Albert Schwietzer Foundation, France/Switz, Chrystoph Wyss, Dr Schweitzer Hospital Fund, Switzerland, Dr Roland Schutzbach, Global Initiative for Immediate Disarmament, Switzerla= nd, Xanthe Hall, Assistant Director, IPPNW Germany, Berlin, Regina Hagen, Darmstaedter Friedensforum, Germany, Claus Biegert, Nuclear-Free Award, Germany, Horst Hohmier, Anti-Atom Plenum, Bochum, Germany, Ilona Joerden, Citizens Initiative for Environmental Protection, Luechow-Danneburg, Germany, Dr. Herbert Richter-Peill, IPPNW Hamburg, Germany, Matthias Reichl, Centre for Encounters and Active Non-Violence, Bad Ischl, Austria, Dr Klaus Renoldner, President, IPPNW Austria, Claudia and Margit, Anti-Atom International, Claudia and Margit, Coordination Office of Austrian Environment Organisation= s, Heinz Stockinger, Independent Salzburg Platform Against Nuclear Dangers,(PLAGE), Salzburg, Austria, Josef Puehringer, Platform Gegen Atomgefahr, Austria, Josef Puehringer, Centrum Energie, Czech Republic, Josef Puehringer, Burgerinitiative Umweltschutz, Budweis, Czech Republic, Josef Puehringer, Energie Zukunft Mohtviertel, Austria., Pol D'Huyvetter, For Mother Earth International, Ghent, Belgium, Peer de Rijk, WISE- Amsterdam, Netherlands, Ophelia Cowell, MDB Energy Project, Netherlands, Marjan Willemsen, For Mother Earth Netherlands, Ak Malten, Global Anti-Nuclear Alliance, Netherlands, Pieter Van Der Gaag, Deputy international Coordinator, ANPED, Northern Alliance for Sustainability, =46rank Van Schaik, Transport Coordinator, ASEED-Europe, STROHALM, Utrecht, Netherlands, Kaj Leers, Journalist, Netherlands, David Boerma, Coordinator, Pacific Region, Centre for Indigenous Peoples, Netherlands., Giorgio Nebbia, Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Economics, University of Bari, Italy, Dr Joachim Lau, Italian Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms, Maj-Britt Theorin, MEP, Sweden, Elizabeth Schroedter, MEP, Germany, Ernst Gulcher, MEP, Green Group, Germany, Heidi Hautala, MEP, Green Group, Finland, Glyn Ford, MEP, Labour, SW England, Ozan Keyhun, MEP, Germany, Per Gahrton, MEP, Greens, Sweden., Congressman Edward J. Markey, (D-Mass), Capitol Hill, Washington, DC. Alice Slater, Global Resource Action Centre for the Environment, NY., USA., Marylia Kelley, Tri-Valley CARES, Livermore, California, US. Mary Olson, Nuclear Information and Resource Service, US., Jackie Cabasso, Executive Director, Western States Legal Foundation, US., Grace Thorpe, National Environmental Coalition of Native Americans, Carter Camp, Chair, American-Indian Movement of Oklahoma, US, Bill Smirnow, Nuclear-Free New York, US, Molly Johnson, Coordinator, Save Ward Valley, Calif, USA., William F. Santelmann, Metro-Boston Committee to De-Alert Nuclear Weapons David Krieger, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, Santa Barbara, Calif, US. Robert W. Tiller, Physicians for Social Responsibility, U.S.A., Dr Lachlan Forrow, Past Chair, IPPNW, Jonathan Mark, Action Site to Stop Cassini Flyby, Sherry Larsen-Beville, Livermore Conversion Project, Oakland, Calif, USA. Ellen Thomas, Proposition-1 Committee, Washington DC, US., Diana Roose, Peace Education Director, American Friends Service Committee, Patricia Watson, Peacework, American Friends Service Committee, Robert Kinsey, Peace and Justice Task Force, Uniting Church of Christ, Rocky Mountains Conference, Rachel Keeler, Executive Director, Pax Christi, New York, Nancy Small, National Coordinator, Pax Christi, USA, =46rank Dworak, Pax Christi, Morris County, NJ, USA., Adam Eidinger, Pax Christi Washington Action Group, U.S., Joyce Hall, Pax Christi Texas, Paul Villavisanis, Pax Christi, St Augustine, Fl, Betty Obol, SL, The Loretto Community, U.S., Phil Mc Manus, Chair, Fellowship of Reconciliation Task Force on Latin America and the Carribean, U.S., Heidi Cooper, All Souls Unitarian Church, Colorado Springs, US., Howard W. Hallman, Methodists United for Peace with Justice, Washington, USA= =2E, Guy Templeton Black, Quest Ministries, Ohio, U.S., Bill Kelly, Executive Director, Centre for Mission Education, Denver, Colorado, USA., Jennifer Olaranna Viereck, Coordinator, Healing Global Wounds, Tecopa, CA, USA., Karen Talbot, Director, International Centre for Peace and Justice, San =46rancisco, California, US., Chris Ney, War Resisters League, NY, USA., Jasmina Arsova, War Resisters League,, NY. USA., Holly-Poole Kavana, New York Student Environmental Action Coalition, Carol Jahnkow, Peace Resource Centre of San Diego, Calif, US., Janette Michelle Cuevas, Executive Director, Promoting Enduring Peace, NY., Babette Lindfield, Professional Network for Social Responsibility, NY, U.S., Susan Lee Solar and Maria Mendez, Grandmothers and Mothers Alliance for the =46uture, Susan Shaer, Executive Director, Womens Action for New Directions, Peter Bergel, Centre for Energy Research, Salem, Oregon, USA., Harvey Wasserman, Citizens Protecting Ohio, USA., Sarah Ogdahl, Toledo Area Director, Ohio Citizen Action, Vina Colley, Portsmouth/Piketon Residents for Environmental Safety and Sanit= y, Jay Coghlan, Concerned Citizens For Nuclear Safety, New Mexico, USA., Gordon S. Clark, Executive Director, Peace Action USA., Diane R Swords, Peace Action Central New York, =46ran Teplitz, Peace Action, Peace Action Education Fund, USA., Sonya Ostrom, Metro New York Peace Action Council, Judith H. Johnsrud, Environmental Coalition on Nuclear Power, Pennsylvania, U.S, Judith H. Johnsrud, Central Pennsylvania Citizens for Survival, U.S., Scott D. Portzline, Three Mile Island Alert, Pennsylvania, U.S., Pamela Meidell, Atomic Mirror, Calif, U.S., Tom Keirans, National Campaign for a Peace Tax Fund, Shiela Baker, Pedals for Peace, San Luis Obispo, Calif, U.S., Inga Olson, Sacramento Valley Citizens Along The Roads and Tracks, Marc M. Blaise-Page, Nevada Desert Experience, U.S., Earth-Savers, Syracuse, U.S., Barbara Weidener, Grandmothers for Peace International, Calif, U.S., Lyn Miles, Tai Mei Peace Action, San Gabriel, U.S., Alan Moore, Butterfly Gardeners Association, Berkley, Calif, Don Moniak, Program Director, Serious Texans Against Nuclear Dumping, Amarillo, Tex, U.S, Andrew Nixon, Students For A Sustainable Earth, W. Michigan University, U.S.= , Jack and Felice Cohen-Joppa, The Nuclear Resister, Marion Pack, Alliance for Survival, Costa-Mesa, California, USA., Peggy Jacobs, Long Island Alliance for Peaceful Alternatives, U.S., Jane Grossman/Laurie Grossman, Bay Area Chapter, Y2K WASH Campaign, (World Atomic Safety Holiday), USA/JAPAN, Senator Doug Roche, Canadian Parliament, Bill Blaikie MP, House Leader, New Democratic Party of Canada, Svend Robinson MP, House of Representatives,Canada, Judy Waslycia-Leis, MP, Winnipeg, Canada, Dr David Morgan, President, Veterans Against Nuclear Arms, Vancouver, Canada, Dr Barbara Birkett, President, Physicians for Global Survival, Ottawa, Canad= a., Dr Ross Wilcock, Physicians for Global Survival, Canada, Dave Greenfield, New Green Alliance, Saskatoon, Canada, Patti Willis, Pacific Campaign for Disarmament and Security, B.C., Canada, Prof Eric Fawcett, Physics Dept, University of Toronto, Canada, Dr Jennifer Allen Simons, The Simons Foundation, Vancouver, B.C., Sally Hodges, Chair, Ploughshares, Calgary, Canada, O.P.I.R.G., Peterborough, Canada, Genivieve Talbot, United Nations Association of Canada, Snezana Vitorovich, Association of Serbian Women, Canada, Priscilla Settee, Indigenous Womens Network, Canada/USA., - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. 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