From: (abolition-usa-digest) To: Subject: abolition-usa-digest V1 #210 Reply-To: abolition-usa-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk abolition-usa-digest Monday, November 1 1999 Volume 01 : Number 210 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 17:24:38 -0400 (EDT) From: Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space Subject: (abolition-usa) Assn of State Green Parties supports activities regarding Nukes and Weapons in Space (fwd) Bruce K. Gagnon Coordinator Global Network PO Box 90083, Gainesville, Fl 32607 Web site: (352) 337-9274 The Association of State Green Parties has voted unanimously to support the planned actions as described below. Please use our name and let us know how we can help in other ways. Sincerely, Dean Myerson, ASGP Secretary Association of State Green Parties - ------------------------------- Green Party of Arkansas Arizona Green Party Green Party of California Green Party of Colorado Green Party of Connecticut Georgia Green Party District of Columbia Green Party Hawai'i Green Party Massachusetts Green Party Maine Green Party Green Party of Michigan Green Party of Minnesota Nevada Green Party Green Party of New Jersey New Mexico Green Party Green Party of New York State Green Choice Party Green Party of Ohio Pacific Green Party of Oregon Pennsylvania Green Party Green Party of Rhode Island Green Party of Tennessee Green Party of Utah Green Party of Virginia Wisconsin Green Party Wyoming Green Party ================================= 1) The ASGP will respond to Dr. Helen Caldicott , Dr. Michio Kaku, David McReynolds and the War Resister's League, and The Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space of ASGP's decision to join Global Network as an endorser of the call to action, and to lend the ASGP name to the publicity as an endorsor of the April 14-17, 20000 events; 2) The ASGP will publicize the events in newsletter and email correspondence to our member states; 3) The ASGP will issue a press release and a position statement about our position against militarization of space in general, and against the Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) system, specifically; 4) The ASGP will encourage member states to also endorse, publicize and participate; and 5) The ASGP will encourage each member state to send at least one representative to the events. 6) The ASGP will send at least one official representative from the ASGP International Committee, who will participate in the events of April 14th to April 17, 2000 as delineated: FRIDAY, APRIL 14: A non-violent rally on the steps of the Treasury Department to illustrate the enormous waste of our tax-dollars on Star Wars. To date over $100 billion has been spent on space weapons development while social spending is under relentless attack. Following the rally a "No BMD, No Star Wars" message will be delivered to Clinton at the White House. SATURDAY, APRIL 15: "Star Wars Revisited: An International Conference on Preventing an Arms Race In Space". This day long event will focus on sharing information about the latest developments in the U.S. plan to become the "Master of Space". Leaders in the international movement to keep space for peace will be the featured speakers. SUNDAY, APRIL 16: Training on Lobbying Congress in the morning; Afternoon meeting of the Global Network to plan international strategies to "Stop Star Wars". MONDAY, APRIL 17: Lobby Day: Give Congress the message about our growing international movement to prevent a new arms race in space. Representatives of peace groups around the world will hold a DAY LONG VIGIL on the Capitol steps. - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1999 17:53:59 +1000 From: FoE Sydney - Nuclear Campaign Subject: (abolition-usa) PLEASE SIGN LETTER ON Y2K/DE-ALERTING N-WEAPONS TO DEFENCE SECY COHEN/CLINTON John Hallam Friends of the Earth Sydney, 17 Lord street, Newtown, NSW, Australia, Fax(61)(2)9517-3902 ph (61)(2)9517-3903 DEAR ALL: THIS LETTER IS TO BE FAXED THIS COMING SATURDAY SYDNEY TIME (18 hours before US time, so friday US time). It asks US Defence Secy Cohen to take nuclear weapons off alert over the y2K rollover period. If you think it's insane to have 2,000 US warheads (and 3.600 Russian ones) capable of being launched over 20 minutes, over the Y2K rollover, let secretary Cohen know. If you want to sign on to a similar letter to Yeltsin and Sergeyev, please sign the existing Yeltsin/Clinton sign on, on A global fax campaign will commence (or re-commence - one already exists) on November 7. My apologies for the inevitable double-postings. TO: WILLIAM COHEN, US SECRETARY OF DEFENCE, +1-703-695-1149, PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON, WHITE HOUSE, WASHINGTON, US, +1-202-456-2461, +1-202-456-2883. Y2K AND DE-ALERTING OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS Dear President Clinton and Secretary for Defence Cohen, I am writing to urge your administration to take US nuclear forces off 'hairtrigger alert' even if only during the Y2K rollover period. It is particularly disturbing that you are reported as having stated in Moscow that de-alerting of nuclear forces is 'off the table' as a stability building measure. You have also been quoted as saying that 'The better course is reduction, limiting the number of weapons, and establishing shared early warning centers'. These measures are not in competition with each other. All of them - reductions in the number of weapons, the establishment of shared early warning centers and de-alerting - are equally vital to the reduction of tension and the establishment of strategic stability. This is particularly the case in view of the uncertainties posed by the millennium date change (Y2K). As you are well aware, the largest and oldest computer system complexes in the world are those that control nuclear weapons systems. We are well aware that the chief of Stratcom, Admiral Mies has said in congressional testimony in April and July 1999 that the defence department is well advanced in terms of its Y2K-remediation program. The Y2K problem is such that it is just not possible to be as certain as Mies is in his testimony. This is because very nature of this kind of problem prohibits you from being certain that every possible programming glitch is truly fixed. In fact no - one will be completely certain until the real date change itself, and indeed until well into the new year. And even if you are able to convincingly prove that US strategic nuclear computer systems are truly Y2K compliant and that they are 'fail safe', you will be well aware of the great concern that has been voiced over the Y2K readiness of Russia. Russia has, until recently, made little effort to even acknowledge the Y2K problem, let alone fix it. It is therefore quite possible that Russian computerized control systems are not Y2K compliant and that they will experience widespread failures during the Y2K rollover period. Even more disquieting is the fact that that the Russians have constructed the system known as 'Perimeter', or the 'dead hand'. Perimiter seems to offer additional pathways by which Y2K -related command and control failures could lead to an accidental launch of missiles, possibly by Y2K - related failures in sensors combined with system blackout fooling the system into thinking that an attack had taken place. The establishment of a Y2K strategic stability center in Colorado is certainly an advantageous move and an absolutely essential one. However, it does not entirely remove the danger of an accidental launch of nuclear weapons. The fact that the Center is scheduled, as far as the public is aware, to come into operation only on December 27th, four days prior to the rollover, is itself far from reassuring. A four day delay will render it useless. Similarly, the center itself will depend on the availability of ultra-reliable hotlines between it and Moscow. The recently admitted Y2K vulnerabilities discovered, according to Reuters reports of congressional testimony, in six of the seven hotlines established during the cold war period are also cause for deep concern. If nuclear weapons are removed from a status in which they can be launched within minutes, and placed in one which would require at least days to launch, the risk of an accidental missile launch induced by Y2K or other errors in command and control systems will be virtually eliminated. This has been done by the UK, which has moved the 'notice to fire' for its missile forces from minutes to days. De-alerting of nuclear forces was strongly recommended by the Canberra Commission in 1996 as a way to develop strategic stability and build trust between the US and Russia. It has also been incorporated into last year's and this years text of the New Agenda Resolution in the UN General Assembly. In addition it has been the subject of two resolutions passed by the Australian Senate on 12 August and 20September. (Text of these resolutions has been passed on to you by the deputy president of our Senate, Senator Sue West.) Mr. Clinton and Mr. Cohen, we believe that in taking De-alerting 'off the table', the United States is making a serious error. We believe that failure to take nuclear forces off hairtrigger alert over the Y2K 'rollover' period is an error that has the potential of causing unthinkable consequences. The probability of this may be low but it will never be zero as long as nuclear forces remain on hair-trigger alert. In a letter in response to a sign on letter from over 270 (now 460) NGOs, Russian Foreign Minister Ivanov said that: "The questions of removing from the military duty of Russian and American nuclear armaments which you mention in your appeal may become the matter for discussion between the two countries in the context of negotiations on further limitation of the strategic nuclear weapons" This hardly indicates that De-alerting is 'off the table' as far as the Russian Government is concerned. It should be very much on the table as far as your administration is concerned. (Text of the Russian reply with english translation to our letter is enclosed). In a previous administration, President Bush took strategic bomber forces off alert. We urge you to do this with all US nuclear forces. Signed John Hallam, Nuclear Campaigner, Friends of the Earth Sydney. Ak Malten, Global Anti-Nuclear Alliance, The Hague, Tom Mc Donald, British-American Security Information Council,(BASIC) London, Marion Hancock, Aotearoa Peace Foundation, Auckland, NZ., Alice Slater, Global Resource and Action Centre for the Environment, NY., Ellen Thomas, Proposition-1 Committee, Washington DC., Marylia Kelley, Executive Director, Tri -Valley CAREs, (Communities Against a Radioactive Environment), Livermore, CA, Laurie grossman, Y2K-WASH,(World Atomic Safety Holiday) San Francisco, Carah Ong, Abolition 2000 Coordinator, - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1999 12:23:46 -0800 From: Shundahai Network Subject: (abolition-usa) Happy99.Worm is back, here's help Folks, Happy Worm is back, If you opened a attachment called Happy99.exe and saw the fireworks you got it ,it is a worm program not a's some help. Shundahai, Gregor Here is link to fix it you get to the page Read the Instructions for HAPPY99.EXEWorm and download the program that will remove it called RMSKA.ZIP Download this file, to known location, unzip the program and run rmska.exe Hope this helps, Gregor Here are manual instructions to remove it for the more technical inclined: Happy99.Worm Aliases:Trojan.Happy99, I-Worm.Happy Likelihood: Common Region Reported: World Wide Characteristics: Trojan Horse, Worm Description This is a worm program, NOT a virus. This program has reportedly been received through email spamming and USENET newsgroup posting. The file is usually named HAPPY99.EXE in the email or article attachment. When being executed, the program also opens a window entitled "Happy New Year 1999 !!" showing a firework display to disguise its other actions. The program copies itself as SKA.EXE and extracts a DLL that it carries as SKA.DLL into WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. It also modifies WSOCK32.DLL in WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory and copies the original WSOCK32.DLL into WSOCK32.SKA. WSOCK32.DLL handles internet-connectivity in Windows 95 and 98. The modification to WSOCK32.DLL allows the worm routine to be triggered when a connect or send activity is detected. When such online activity occurs, the modified code loads the worm's SKA.DLL. This SKA.DLL creates a new email or a new article with UUENCODED HAPPY99.EXE inserted into the email or article. It then sends this email or posts this article. If WSOCK32.DLL is in use when the worm tries to modify it (i.e. a user is online), the worm adds a registry entry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\RunOnce=SKA.EXE The registry entry loads the worm the next time Windows start. Removing the Worm Manually 1.delete WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SKA.EXE 2.delete WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SKA.DLL WINDOWS\SYSTEM\ directory, rename WSOCK32.DLL to WSOCK32.BAK WINDOWS\SYSTEM\ directory, rename WSOCK32.SKA to WSOCK32.DLL 5.delete the downloaded file, usually named HAPPY99.EXE Windows prevents you to do step #3 and #4 above if the machine is still connected to the Internet. The file "windows\system\wsock32.dll" is used whenever the machine is connected to Internet (i.e. through dial-up or LAN connection). If you are using dial-up connection (i.e. America Online), you need to do the following: 1.terminate internet connection 2.delete WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SKA.EXE 3.delete WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SKA.DLL WINDOWS\SYSTEM\ directory, rename WSOCK32.DLL to WSOCK32.BAK WINDOWS\SYSTEM\ directory, rename WSOCK32.SKA to WSOCK32.DLL 6.delete the downloaded file, usually named HAPPY99.EXE If you are connected to Internet through LAN (i.e. in the office or cable modem), you need to do the following: 1.From the Start menu, select shutdown-restart in MS DOS mode 2.type CD \windows\system when DOS prompt (C:\)appears 3.type RENAME WSOCK32.DLL WSOCK32.BAK 4.type RENAME WSOCK32.SKA WSOCK32.DLL 5.type DEL SKA.EXE 6.type DEL SKA.DLL Safe Computing This worm and other trojan-horse type programs demonstrate the need to practice safe computing. One should not execute any executable-file attachment (EXE, SHS, MS Word or MS Excel file) that comes from an email or a newsgroup article from an untrusted source. ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< SHUNDAHAI NETWORK "Peace and Harmony with all Creation" out,out5007 Elmhurst St., Las Vegas, NV 89108-1304 Phone:(702)647-3095 (FAX)647-9385 Email: 0000,0000,fefe Shundahai Network is proud to be part of: US Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons Abolition 2000: A Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons & Healing Global Wounds Alliance ><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1999 12:26:03 -0800 From: Shundahai Network Subject: (abolition-usa) Happy99.Worm is back, here's help Folks, Happy Worm is back, If you opened a attachment called Happy99.exe and saw the fireworks you got it ,it is a worm program not a's some help. Shundahai, Gregor Here is link to fix it When you get to the page Read the Instructions for HAPPY99.EXEWorm and download the program that will remove it called RMSKA.ZIP Download this file, to known location, unzip the program and run rmska.exe Hope this helps, Gregor Here are manual instructions to remove it for the more technical inclined: Happy99.Worm Aliases:Trojan.Happy99, I-Worm.Happy Likelihood: Common Region Reported: World Wide Characteristics: Trojan Horse, Worm Description This is a worm program, NOT a virus. This program has reportedly been received through email spamming and USENET newsgroup posting. The file is usually named HAPPY99.EXE in the email or article attachment. When being executed, the program also opens a window entitled "Happy New Year 1999 !!" showing a firework display to disguise its other actions. The program copies itself as SKA.EXE and extracts a DLL that it carries as SKA.DLL into WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. It also modifies WSOCK32.DLL in WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory and copies the original WSOCK32.DLL into WSOCK32.SKA. WSOCK32.DLL handles internet-connectivity in Windows 95 and 98. The modification to WSOCK32.DLL allows the worm routine to be triggered when a connect or send activity is detected. When such online activity occurs, the modified code loads the worm's SKA.DLL. This SKA.DLL creates a new email or a new article with UUENCODED HAPPY99.EXE inserted into the email or article. It then sends this email or posts this article. If WSOCK32.DLL is in use when the worm tries to modify it (i.e. a user is online), the worm adds a registry entry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\RunOnce=SKA.EXE The registry entry loads the worm the next time Windows start. Removing the Worm Manually 1.delete WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SKA.EXE 2.delete WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SKA.DLL WINDOWS\SYSTEM\ directory, rename WSOCK32.DLL to WSOCK32.BAK WINDOWS\SYSTEM\ directory, rename WSOCK32.SKA to WSOCK32.DLL 5.delete the downloaded file, usually named HAPPY99.EXE Windows prevents you to do step #3 and #4 above if the machine is still connected to the Internet. The file "windows\system\wsock32.dll" is used whenever the machine is connected to Internet (i.e. through dial-up or LAN connection). If you are using dial-up connection (i.e. America Online), you need to do the following: 1.terminate internet connection 2.delete WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SKA.EXE 3.delete WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SKA.DLL WINDOWS\SYSTEM\ directory, rename WSOCK32.DLL to WSOCK32.BAK WINDOWS\SYSTEM\ directory, rename WSOCK32.SKA to WSOCK32.DLL 6.delete the downloaded file, usually named HAPPY99.EXE If you are connected to Internet through LAN (i.e. in the office or cable modem), you need to do the following: 1.From the Start menu, select shutdown-restart in MS DOS mode 2.type CD \windows\system when DOS prompt (C:\)appears 3.type RENAME WSOCK32.DLL WSOCK32.BAK 4.type RENAME WSOCK32.SKA WSOCK32.DLL 5.type DEL SKA.EXE 6.type DEL SKA.DLL Safe Computing This worm and other trojan-horse type programs demonstrate the need to practice safe computing. One should not execute any executable-file attachment (EXE, SHS, MS Word or MS Excel file) that comes from an email or a newsgroup article from an untrusted source. ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< SHUNDAHAI NETWORK "Peace and Harmony with all Creation" out,out5007 Elmhurst St., Las Vegas, NV 89108-1304 Phone:(702)647-3095 (FAX)647-9385 Email: 0000,0000,fefe Shundahai Network is proud to be part of: US Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons Abolition 2000: A Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons & Healing Global Wounds Alliance ><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 Nov 1999 15:29:47 +1000 From: FoE Sydney - Nuclear Campaign Subject: (abolition-usa) PLEASE SIGN LETTER ON Y2K/DE-ALERTING N-WEAPONS TO DEFENCE SECY COHEN/CLINTON John Hallam Friends of the Earth Sydney, 17 Lord street, Newtown, NSW, Australia, Fax(61)(2)9517-3902 ph (61)(2)9517-3903 DEAR ALL: THIS LETTER IS TO BE FAXED THIS COMING SATURDAY SYDNEY TIME (18 hours before US time, so friday US time). It asks US Defence Secy Cohen to take nuclear weapons off alert over the y2K rollover period. If you think it's insane to have 2,000 US warheads (and 3.600 Russian ones) capable of being launched over 20 minutes, over the Y2K rollover, let secretary Cohen know. If you want to sign on to a similar letter to Yeltsin and Sergeyev, please sign the existing Yeltsin/Clinton sign on, on A global fax campaign will commence (or re-commence - one already exists) on November 7. My apologies for the inevitable double-postings. TO: WILLIAM COHEN, US SECRETARY OF DEFENCE, +1-703-695-1149, PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON, WHITE HOUSE, WASHINGTON, US, +1-202-456-2461, +1-202-456-2883. Y2K AND DE-ALERTING OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS Dear President Clinton and Secretary for Defence Cohen, I am writing to urge your administration to take US nuclear forces off 'hairtrigger alert' even if only during the Y2K rollover period. It is particularly disturbing that you are reported as having stated in Moscow that de-alerting of nuclear forces is 'off the table' as a stability building measure. You have also been quoted as saying that 'The better course is reduction, limiting the number of weapons, and establishing shared early warning centers'. These measures are not in competition with each other. All of them - reductions in the number of weapons, the establishment of shared early warning centers and de-alerting - are equally vital to the reduction of tension and the establishment of strategic stability. This is particularly the case in view of the uncertainties posed by the millennium date change (Y2K). As you are well aware, the largest and oldest computer system complexes in the world are those that control nuclear weapons systems. We are well aware that the chief of Stratcom, Admiral Mies has said in congressional testimony in April and July 1999 that the defence department is well advanced in terms of its Y2K-remediation program. The Y2K problem is such that it is just not possible to be as certain as Mies is in his testimony. This is because very nature of this kind of problem prohibits you from being certain that every possible programming glitch is truly fixed. In fact no - one will be completely certain until the real date change itself, and indeed until well into the new year. And even if you are able to convincingly prove that US strategic nuclear computer systems are truly Y2K compliant and that they are 'fail safe', you will be well aware of the great concern that has been voiced over the Y2K readiness of Russia. Russia has, until recently, made little effort to even acknowledge the Y2K problem, let alone fix it. It is therefore quite possible that Russian computerized control systems are not Y2K compliant and that they will experience widespread failures during the Y2K rollover period. Even more disquieting is the fact that that the Russians have constructed the system known as 'Perimeter', or the 'dead hand'. Perimiter seems to offer additional pathways by which Y2K -related command and control failures could lead to an accidental launch of missiles, possibly by Y2K - related failures in sensors combined with system blackout fooling the system into thinking that an attack had taken place. The establishment of a Y2K strategic stability center in Colorado is certainly an advantageous move and an absolutely essential one. However, it does not entirely remove the danger of an accidental launch of nuclear weapons. The fact that the Center is scheduled, as far as the public is aware, to come into operation only on December 27th, four days prior to the rollover, is itself far from reassuring. A four day delay will render it useless. Similarly, the center itself will depend on the availability of ultra-reliable hotlines between it and Moscow. The recently admitted Y2K vulnerabilities discovered, according to Reuters reports of congressional testimony, in six of the seven hotlines established during the cold war period are also cause for deep concern. If nuclear weapons are removed from a status in which they can be launched within minutes, and placed in one which would require at least days to launch, the risk of an accidental missile launch induced by Y2K or other errors in command and control systems will be virtually eliminated. This has been done by the UK, which has moved the 'notice to fire' for its missile forces from minutes to days. De-alerting of nuclear forces was strongly recommended by the Canberra Commission in 1996 as a way to develop strategic stability and build trust between the US and Russia. It has also been incorporated into last year's and this years text of the New Agenda Resolution in the UN General Assembly. In addition it has been the subject of two resolutions passed by the Australian Senate on 12 August and 20September. (Text of these resolutions has been passed on to you by the deputy president of our Senate, Senator Sue West.) Mr. Clinton and Mr. Cohen, we believe that in taking De-alerting 'off the table', the United States is making a serious error. We believe that failure to take nuclear forces off hairtrigger alert over the Y2K 'rollover' period is an error that has the potential of causing unthinkable consequences. The probability of this may be low but it will never be zero as long as nuclear forces remain on hair-trigger alert. In a letter in response to a sign on letter from over 270 (now 460) NGOs, Russian Foreign Minister Ivanov said that: "The questions of removing from the military duty of Russian and American nuclear armaments which you mention in your appeal may become the matter for discussion between the two countries in the context of negotiations on further limitation of the strategic nuclear weapons" This hardly indicates that De-alerting is 'off the table' as far as the Russian Government is concerned. It should be very much on the table as far as your administration is concerned. (Text of the Russian reply with english translation to our letter is enclosed). In a previous administration, President Bush took strategic bomber forces off alert. We urge you to do this with all US nuclear forces. Signed John Hallam, Nuclear Campaigner, Friends of the Earth Sydney. Ak Malten, Global Anti-Nuclear Alliance, The Hague, Tom Mc Donald, British-American Security Information Council,(BASIC) London, Marion Hancock, Aotearoa Peace Foundation, Auckland, NZ., Alice Slater, Global Resource and Action Centre for the Environment, NY., Ellen Thomas, Proposition-1 Committee, Washington DC., Marylia Kelley, Executive Director, Tri -Valley CAREs, (Communities Against a Radioactive Environment), Livermore, CA, Laurie grossman, Y2K-WASH,(World Atomic Safety Holiday) San Francisco, Carah Ong, Abolition 2000 Coordinator, - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 Nov 1999 01:41:16 -0800 From: "David Crockett Williams" Subject: (abolition-usa) US/Global Nuclear Disarmament Plan, Nov1'99 draft edition US/Global Nuclear Disarmament Plan, Nov1'99 draft edition [[[please forward this text draft around the world for its support]]] This Plan is offered to suggest a way to effectively increase the number of activists involved in the nuclear aboliton movement while combining a global approach to nuclear disarmament and economic conversion with a stronger US grassroots movement to capture the momentum of the US Presidential Campaign2000 as well as the timeclock-like increasing pubic and media exposure due to the Global Peace Walk2000 uniting all survival issue messages under the banner of "Global Peace Now!" to further Nuclear Abolition2000 and actually achieve a workable worldwide Global Nuclear Disarmament legal agreement by the end of the Year2000. The multilateral global abolition of nuclear weapons is by this time almost a "mainstream conservative" issue but, while many are in favor of this result, few can overcome the appearance of this goal as a "mission impossible" given the size of its economic infrastructure and inertia (corresponding resistence to economic change). While many special issue group activists are in favor "in principle" of nuclear abolition, because it seems such a daunting task most chose to focus their activism primarily on other "survival issue messages". A serious opportunity to unite all other "survival issue messages" and their activists in a cohesive action plan for nuclear abolition may be an overlooked "side effect" of the proposal from Proposition One in Washington DC embodied in the pending Nuclear Disarmament and Economic Conversion Act HR 2545 as described in its Section 2. (2) (A) and (B), to wit, SEC 2. REQUIREMENT FOR NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT AND ECONOMIC CONVERSION. (2) redirect resources that are currently being used for nuclear weapons programs to use- (A) in converting all nuclear weapons industry employees, processes, plants, and programs smoothly to constructive, ecologically beneficial peacetime activities during the 3 years following the effective date of this Act, and (B) in addressing human and infrastructure needs such as housing, health care, education, agriculture, and enviromnental restoration; The "economic leverage" inherent in this new law lies in its ability to provide funding previously allocated to nuclear weapons to pay for programs to solve problems associated with other important survival issue messages indexed to catagories spelled out in Sec.2.(2)(A)&(B) of HR 2545 above. Passing this Bill into Law then also offers a way to solve other important problems of concern to frustrated activists and motivates them by this understanding to unite behind the nuclear abolition issue and this legislative vehicle to accomplish it. Since even after its passage by the House and the Senate into law the US is not required to implement nuclear disarmament until "the President certifies to the Congress that all foreign countries possessing nuclear weapons have established legal requirements comparable to those set forth in section 2 and those requirements have taken effect", ie, "disable and dismantle all its nuclear weapons and refrain from replacing them at any time with any weapons of mass destruction", this offers an ideal opportunity to immediately interject into this stage of the US Presidental campaign arena a cry from the people at every campaign appearance of every candidate questioning: "If you were elected President would you strive to implement HR 2545?" It would be very hard for any candidate to say no to that question and in this way HR2545 may be readily introduced also to Congressional election campaigns via the "media election circus" and by sufficient constituents demanding an answer to this question before deciding who they will vote for. Other suggestions for inclusion in this US/Global Nuclear Disarmament Plan are interspersed below between existing sections of the following proposal which forms the Plan Foundation. Suggestions for additions are [bracketed], for deletions are ((parenthetical)) with explanatory {comments}. PROPOSAL TO BUILD A GRASSROOTS MOVEMENT TO PRESSURE THE U.S. POLITICAL SYSTEM FOR [GLOBAL] NUCLEAR WEAPONS ABOLITION October, 31,1999 (Updated)--revised draft suggestions In order to abolish nuclear weapons before the end of the ((century)) [year 2000], or, for that matter, at any time in the future, it is essential to build a strong U.S. abolition campaign. We hope this proposal will be considered during evaluation and development of specific strategies and activities to create a broadly inclusive campaign that will inject denuclearization and the elimination of nuclear weapons into the political mainstream. BACKGROUND FACTS: The United States (1) was first to research, produce, test, and deploy nuclear weapons, and first to use them against human targets, (2) has led the world in the development and production of innovative nuclear weapons and delivery systems throughout the nuclear age, and (3) notwithstanding the NPT and CTBT, continues to test, develop, and produce new weapons systems. No wonder the U.N. resolutions for a nuclear weapons abolition convention are getting nowhere fast. We believe that as long as the nuclear weapons policy of the United States remains unchanged, it is highly unlikely that anyone is going to take suggestions for international abolition seriously. Most of the world is snickering at the blatant NPT/CTBT/Subcritical hypocrisy of the United States. Of course, this has always been a major obstacle to using the NPT or CTBT as tools for securing an international convention on nuclear weapons. Today international credibility of these treaties is even more suspect. ((At the very moment that this proposal is being written, the)) The US Senate ((is debating)) [has defeated] ratification of the CTBT. ((Opponents of the treaty, confident that they can kill the measure, are pressing for a ratification vote.)) In the meantime the US is conducting tests of anti-ballistic missile systems, imperiling both the ABM and SALT treaties. If we are to be practical, we must accept the fact that neither treaties nor mere resolutions alone will necessarily turn this problem around. [, even if working towards these goals keeps nuclear abolition movement activists busy and comforted by "at least trying" and doing "something".] Zia Mian alluded to this fact in his address to the NPT Preparatory Committee at the U.N.: "We believe it is time for these opinions to be acted upon. Words are cheap. It is the responsibility of all the states who have supported these resolutions in the General Assembly and the Conference on Disarmament to force negotiations upon those who will not negotiate. Otherwise they are doing no more than standing on the sidelines wringing their hands, they are providing cover for those countries who have no intention of negotiating." <{Date?}> We must question the direction of those dedicated to interjecting the elimination of nuclear weapons into the political mainstream. [and answer with a more successful course determined by a realistic specific action plan]. Until now, the entire political movement within the United States could be summed up in three proposed House Resolutions, H. Res. 74 and H.Res. 177, proposed by Congressman Markey, and H. Res. 82, proposed by Congresswoman Woolsey. These ideas - Markey's de-alerting and stockpile stewardship, and Woolsey's global convention to abolish nuclear weapons - are positive expressions. As resolutions, however, even if passed by Congress, they would have very little enforceable effect toward denuclearization. PROPOSED STRATEGY FOR MAJOR POLITICAL CHANGE WITHIN THE UNITED STATES Any meaningful strategy must necessarily go beyond educating, outreaching, conferencing and mere talk in general. A successful strategy must be based on promoting some tangible, workable vehicle that is actually capable of carrying an abolition movement to its desired culmination. A strong foundation for exerting decisive political pressure on the United States to abolish nuclear weapons was laid by U.S. Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton in 1994, '95, '97, and '99, when she introduced the Nuclear Disarmament and Economic Conversion Act (presently H.R. 2545) to the U.S. House of Representatives. In essence, the bill would mandate that the U.S. government eliminate its nuclear weapons if all other countries do, and that it redirect its nuclear weapons budget towards converting the nuclear weapons industries and restoring the environment. It is a statement of principle, enforceable in stages. The text of H.R. 2545 appears at the end of this proposal. The official government version of the bill can be accessed online at -- type "H.R. 2545" into the box, and click "Search." The text and a great deal more information is also available online at Obviously, if Mrs. Norton's bill were to become law it would send an unmistakably clear message to the world that the United States is actually sincere about trying to reverse the nuclear weapons program it's been pursuing, and the strategic objective for achieving major political change within the United States would be accomplished. Unfortunately, although Mrs. Norton has introduced the Nuclear Disarmament and Economic Conversion Act four separate times (H.R. 3750 in 1994, HR. 1647 in 1995, and H.R. 827 in 1997, and now a significantly re-ordered H.R. 2545), thus far it has failed to gain enough political support to make its way out of committee. However, as the focus of a broad-based grassroots movement H.R. 2545 could easily gain widespread political support. PROPOSED TACTICS TO ACHIEVE THE STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE The following are possible or current joint activities by grassroots groups around the country. The listing is not exhaustive. 1. Due to the existence of Mrs. Norton's Nuclear Disarmament and Economic Conversion bill, the most obvious opportunity for grassroots joint activity is banding together in support of this existing legislation. The only thing standing between Norton's bill becoming the law of the land is lack of legislative support. The only thing lacking for legislative support is U.S. voter pressure upon congressional representatives. 2. Building voter initiative movements, similar to the Freeze initiatives of the early 80's, in states where Representatives won't support the bill would impress upon the politicians that there is popular support for the idea. 3. The inclusion of abolition initiatives on ballots around the country would guarantee that the subject would be center stage in the electoral debates. {Many "successful" activists are associated with power/funding sources established as tax exempt organizations. As a general rule the staff and directors of tax exempt organizations feel prevented by their (usually) 501(c)(3) IRS status from engaging in "political activities" and so often completely ignore the ballot initiative process which has demonstrated itself so successful in quickly establishing large networks of supporters for various issues (and for their organizations as a "side effect") as exemplified in the case of HR2545 which was only introduced to congress by mandate of a successful Washington DC ballot initiative. Part of this proposal then could well include a section 3a which offers the correct legal citations that authorize tax exempt organizations to participate in the ballot initiative process and (while they cannot support specific candidates in elections) whether they are also allowed to then promote the passage of a bill such as HR2545.} 4. Petition drives. Although simple petitions do not usually carry great weight with politicians in office, petitions that qualify voter initiatives for the ballot have significant weight unto themselves. 5. Producing educational materials and a designated website would be essential to any political movement. Of course, we already have a website (, as does the Abolition movement and we've produced a couple of video tapes. 6. Public television documentary could feature commentary from experts like General Lee Butler, Eugene Carroll, and Russian Defense Minister Igor Sergeyev, as well as economic authorities, who would explain how much the United States has spent on its nuclear arsenal, and offer alternatives as to how that money might be constructively spent. A documentary of this nature could be a significant moment of public engagement with the nuclear issue and would serve as method of mobilizing public support for lobby and/or voter initiative participation. "Y2K-WASH" and "Cry at the End of the 20th Century" are two excellent examples. 7. Speaking tours by people like General Lee Butler, Admiral Stansfield Turner, other former government officials, and nuclear, religious, or economic authorities, building public exposure on issues of Nuclear Disarmament and Economic Conversion. Couple with #8: 8. Outreach to colleges and universities. A special effort could be made to encourage debates, teach-ins, and conferences on college and university campuses, as a way of engaging students and faculty in the challenge of eliminating nuclear weapons, and enlisting them into practical lobbying and electoral projects. See, for example, the "Campus Outreach Project" and questionnaire at and 9. Outreach to the religious community would be a natural. After all, even most fundamentalist Christians agree Jesus wouldn't build a nuclear weapon, and most fundamentalist Moslems agree that nukes aren't acceptable for use in ((a)) Jihad. 10. Introducing the idea in town meetings of abolishing nuclear weapons by outlawing them is another way of stimulating participation in the movement. Abolition proposals have already been adopted by a number of city councils. Providing a legislative vehicle to transform these proposals into law would ((enlarge)) [empower] these efforts to [actuallly] have a practical effect. 11. Abolition walks. Long distance walks [can] offer an activity that brings people together and ((almost)) assure[s] media exposure. ((Whether this is an activity that can or should be repeated as a political tactic might be considered in light of past successes and failures.)) [The Nuclear Abolition2000 message will be carried across the American continent to the public, media, and governments by the Global Peace Walk Project of the Yucca Foundation of San Francisco which is taking the lead role in sponsoring Global Peace Walk 2000 from San Francisco to Washington DC to New York City for the United Nations 55th anniversary October 24, 2000, inaugurating the UN Decade of Creating a Culture of Peace for the 21st Century ] [12] [Global/International networking pressure. Via internet activism encourage correspondents in other countries to not only seek similar Proposition One initiatives and laws, as codefied by HR2545, in their own countries but very importantly ask them to spread the word in their own nations for everyone that has friends, relatives, business associates, or email correspondents who live in the United States to lobby and encourage them to become active here in mobilizing US citizens, voters and the youth to push for passage of HR2545] [suggestions respectfully offered by David Crockett Williams] Sincerely, Proposition One Committee PO Box 27217, Washington DC 20038 USA 202-462-0757 (fax 202-265-5389) -- Nuclear Disarmament and Economic Conversion Act of 1999 (Introduced in the House) HR 2545 IH 106th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 2545 To provide for nuclear disarmament and economic conversion in accordance with District of Columbia Initiative Measure Number 37 of 1992. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES July 16, 1999 --{{{NOTICE coincident date 54th A-Bomb anniversary}}}--- Ms. NORTON introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Armed Services, and in addition to the Committee on International Relations, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. [Co-sponsors as of August 5, 1999: Lynn Woolsey (D-CA), John Lewis (D-GA). Additional co-sponsors in past years were Cynthia McKinney (D-GA), Earl Hilliard (D-AL), James Oberstar (D-MN), David Minge (D-MN), Charles Rangel (D-NY), Al Wynn (D-MD), Walter Tucker III (D-CA).] A BILL To provide for nuclear disarmament and economic conversion in accordance with District of Columbia Initiative Measure Number 37 of 1993 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the "Nuclear Disarmament and Economic Conversion Act of 1999". SEC 2. REQUIREMENT FOR NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT AND ECONOMIC CONVERSION. (1) disable and dismantle all its nuclear weapons and refrain from replacing them at any time with any weapons of mass destruction; (2) redirect resources that are currently being used for nuclear weapons programs to use- (A) in converting all nuclear weapons industry employees, processes, plants, and programs smoothly to constructive, ecologically beneficial peacetime activities during the 3 years following the effective date of this Act, and (B) in addressing human and infrastructure needs such as housing, health care, education, agriculture, and enviromnental restoration; (3) undertake vigorous good faith efforts to eliminate war, armed conflict, and all military operations; and (4) actively promote policies to induce all other countries to join in these commitments for world peace and security. SEC. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Act shall take effect when the President certifies to the Congress that all foreign countries possessing nuclear weapons have established legal requirements comparable to those set forth in section 2 and those requirements have taken effect. ##### ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON District of Columbia Congress of the United States House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 815 15th Street N.W., Suite 100 Washington, D.C. 20005-2201 (202) 783-6065 (202) 783-5211 (Fax) 1424 Longworth House Office Building Washington, D C 20515-5101 (202) 225-8050 (202) 225-3002 (Fax) (202) 225-7529 (TDD) 2041 MARTIN L. KING Avenue, S.E. Suite 300 Washington, D.C. 20030?5734 (202) 678-8900 (202) 578-5544 (FAX) COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE SUBCOMMITTEES AVIATION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, PUBLIC BULDINGS, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND PIPELINE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT REFORM SUBCOMMITTEES RANKING MINORITY MEMBER, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, CIVIL SERVICE ____________________________________________________________ * Peace Through Reason - -Convert the War Machines! * ____________________________________________________________ David Crockett Williams Chartered Life Underwriter Bachelor of Science, Chemistry New Energy Technology Designs Phone: 661-822-3309 Fax: 561-658-2735 20411 Steeple Court, Tehachapi, CA, 93561 General Agency Services Global Emergency Alert Response Capital Hills Research Center Global Peace Walk old website Global Peace Walk 2000 main website - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. 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