From: (abolition-usa-digest) To: Subject: abolition-usa-digest V1 #242 Reply-To: abolition-usa-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk abolition-usa-digest Wednesday, December 29 1999 Volume 01 : Number 242 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1999 11:30:08 PST From: "Abolition2000 Pacific Region" Subject: (abolition-usa) [Indigenous Peoples' Organizing for 2000 NPT] Re: Inviting NPT speakers CC: Gabriel Tetiarahi, French-Occupied Polynesia; Henry Vira, Coordinator, PIANGO Secretariat, Vanuatu; Pacific Concerns Resource Centre, Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific Movement, Fiji; Tina Takashy, Federated States of Micronesia NGOs; Marie Maddison, Marshall Islands; Kilali Alailima, Samoa; Priscilla Settee, Cree, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada; Terry Keko'olani-Raymond, Ohana Koa-Hawai`i; Lori Goodman, Navajo RECA Reform Working Group, USA; Kanaka Maoli Allies Group, Hawai`i, Pacific Islands, Americas. * FYI: This is an early attempt to coordinate the participation of Indigenous peoples and the presentations of their issues and concerns at the NPT Formal Review in 2000 at UN headquarters in New York City. If you have not read Alice Slater's proposal, please contact her directly or myself. Alice's email address appears below. Please share your ideas on strategies, funding, etc. Also, can you please distribute this message to Indigenous Peoples' groups working on nuclear disarmament, uranium mining, and nuclear testing impact issues? Mahalo anui loa (thanks) and Aloha from Hawai`i). Richard Salvador - --- From: richard n salvador To: Shundahai Network CC: Tom Goldtooth ,, ASlater , salvador@hawaii.eduA Subject: [Indigenous Peoples' Organizing] Re: Inviting NPT speakers (fwd) Date: Mon, 27 Dec 1999 18:28:33 -1000 Dear Michelle, Mateo, Corbin, Greg and others at Shundahai, and Tom Goldtooth, and various others, As you may have seen, Alice Slater's proposal (from her posting today to the Abolition caucus list), is a well thought-out and powerful one. I propose that while the larger global Abolition 2000 community work the details out of the NGO presentations at the 2000 NPT Review Process, we start at once to think about what we can organize about Indigenous peoples' issues and concerns. I quote directly below Alice Slater's note of urgency expressing the need for the entire nuclear abolition network to organize and galvanize worldwide civil society support for abolition of nuclear weapons during the 2000 NPT Review Process: "The critical need this year is to alert US public opinion that the NPT is happening and create a groundswell for nuclear disarmament. In other words, NPT should become a household word like WTO. By organizing a session of world leaders, public figures, filling in with moving downwinders, hibakusha, eloquent indigenous leaders and other victims of the toxic legacy of the nuclear age we could focus world attention on the precarious state of the NPT and the need for the nuclear weapons states to fulfill their Article VI obligations and begin negotiations on a treaty to eliminate nuclear weapons" (A. Slater, 12/27/99 email). Personally, I feel that the list of potential speakers that Alice has proposed is diverse and therefore representative of Indigenous and non-Indigenous voices. We have Jose Ramos-Horta and Jacqui Katona representing the Pacific region, Winona La Duke, Oren Lyons (and Grace Thorpe?) representing the Americas, and a number of individuals representing various regions of the world. Because of its diversity, I suggest that we get onto this matter early on and support it within Indigenous communities worldwide. I appreciated the way that you Michelle, Sally Light, Tom and others worded the USA Abolition Campaign Indigenous Peoples' Working Group Statement, incorporating the Principles of Environmental Justice and Working Group Notes from Ann Arbor. I think we should use these to immediately start rallying for support and consensus-building within our Indigenous communities worldwide. Apart from the speaking engagements which Alice's potential speakers will be participating in at the UN, we need to organize a series of panels in and around the United Nations, feeding into all previous and future ideas we can generate on the topic of Indigenous Peoples and the Nuclear Age. We have a powerful message to tell the world, but we need to coordinate the voices so that we can share our message informed by the experiences of all Indigenous peoples have been exposed to the deadly touch of nuclear weapons and energy production. Alice Slater's list may or may not need additions or deletions, but the panels we can organize throughout the NPT Review Process, hopefully, with each group highlighting the uniqueness of their experiences will, if we can find the resources to do it, need to be representative. On this matter, we will need to rely on Alice Slater and or some of our allies and friends in New York City to request time slots for additional Indigenous panels within the UN. We have done well throughout the past three NPT prepcomms to raise awareness and keep the pressure on. What can we do differently next year to elevate the quality of presentations and or to suggest practical steps (environmental restoration, support for health care for Indigenous victims of uranium mining and nuclear testings, etc). These are things we must continue to lobby for at local, regional, and international levels. However, we must always combine these demands together with the call to abolish once and for all nuclear weapons and all weapons of mass destruction. To Alice Slater [and others on and off the Ab2000 global caucus listserv]: can you suggest other ideas, strategies that we might consider in our efforts to organize Indigenous peoples? Thank you, and thanks to everyone. Let's start working on this. Hope your Christmas was great. Have a Happy New Year! Richard Salvador Pacific Islands Association of NGOs (Honolulu, Hawai`i) [Previous Convenor for Indigenous Peoples' participation during NPT Preparatory Committees: 1997, 1999] - ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Alice Slater, Mon, 27 Dec 1999: Dear Friends, Here's the list of proposed invitees, collected by email, meetings, etc. John Burroughs pointed out that elected officials and royalty should not be eligible to represent civil society and if you agree, that would help us to whittle the list down. There are seven people in that category: Clark, Roche, Woolsey, Markey, Noor, Talal, Charles. Hope we can develop a process for decision making--but in any event you now have all the info that I have. Peace, Alice Slater Oscar Arias Archbishop Tutu Jose Ramos Horta Mikhail Gorbachev Thich Nhat Hanh Nelson Mandela Graciela Machel Mairead Corrigan Maguire Grace Thorpe Oren Lyons Joseph Rotblat Ted Taylor Jimmy Carter Arundhati Roy Helen Caldicott Prince Charles Paul Newman Michael Douglas Joanne Woodward Martin Sheen Warren Beatty Susan Sarandon Meryl Streep Lee Butler Admiral Ramdas Robert McNamara Queen Noor Judge Weermanty Jonathan Schell Lech Walesca Jodi Williams Marianne Willianson Alan Cranston Oprah Winfrey Barbara Streisand Walter Cronkite Ted Turner Pierce Brosnan Maya Angelou Lynne Woolsey Ed Markey Stanisfield Turner The Baldwin Family Mayor of Hiroshima Mayor of Nagasaki Amartya Sen Douglas Roche Helen Clark Rob Green Jacqui Katona Winona la Duke Seamus Heaney Wole Soyinka Miyoko Matsubara Alice Slater Global Resource Action Center for the Environment (GRACE) 15 East 26th Street, Room 915 New York, NY 10010 tel: (212) 726-9161 fax: (212) 726-9160 email: GRACE is a member of Abolition 2000, a global network working for a treaty to eliminate nuclear weapons. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1999 14:51:52 -0500 From: "John Krehbiel, Jr." Subject: (abolition-usa) NPT speakers, NGO's, & abolition December 26, 1999 To:Alice Slater - abolition caucus - Roger Smith - committee on disarmament From John Krehbiel, Jr. NPT Speakers list discussion THANK YOU ....Especially for you patience, persistence, and peacefulnes= s while engaging fully in this disarming process. THANK YOU as well for taking time to meet and to write about your meetings, so that far-flung interested people might be brought up-to-date and included in your discussions. At times, it seems so awesome and overwhelming that we ar= e able to bridge such distances so quickly that I still need to remember to take time to breathe slowly and allow my mind time to slowly process what you all are saying...and there are so many voices. Thank you to WILPF for the effort that is a part of reaching critical will. Your effort is very important out here in the rural area of Northern Kentucky where one could feel isolated from discussions regarding the NPT, NGO=92S, and disarmament. One could hesitate to speak about nuclear weapons abolition to such a sophisticated group of professional people. Assuming for a moment that hesitation is inappropriate considering the dangers inherent in the existence of nuclear weapons, please, may I ask for some clarification ...Regarding the point that =93the government delegates have become familiar with NGO views over three successive years but have taken no concerted action for disarmament=94. One...when we refer to the government delegates ... I am wondering if there are sets or subsets of these delegates that are ready to take concerted action for disarmament. Two...(perhaps a corollary to one) are there identifiable sets or subsets that are strongly inhibiting concerted action for disarmament? Three... do you believe the reason the government delegates that are not enabling concerted action for disarmament has to do with what spokes people familiarize them with NGO views? Though the answers may seem obvious to those of you who have been working with these people over the years ... maybe it is still relevant to when, where, and to whom various NGO=92s, =93prominent or famous peo= ple, the Mayors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki eloquent indigenous leaders and victims of the nuclear age (Hibakusha, Marshall Islanders, downwinders, etc.)=94 speak. Given that we seem to be in a process of reaching critical will ..perhaps we might be better heard if we strive for a process of inclusion whether or not that is the paradigm modeled by government delegates in the NPT Review process. The motions that would potentially make the views of hardworking NGO=92= s available to as wide an audience as possible may be helpful far beyond = a three hour time in a small space with relatively few people. I have much to learn. Having lived in the only nuclear-weapons-state that has used nuclear weapons admittedly as weapons (i.e. in addition t= o =93tests=94), it is difficult for me to expect that a three hour time s= lot with such a government delegate (as distinct from a delegate of informe= d consenting/consensing people) is the best place to focus NGO energy. =20 At this outpost in the frontier it seems that further development of th= e community represented by the governments/people who are ready to abolish nuclear weapons and the abolitionist people subject to those governments whose actions manifest a continuing willingness to commit crimes against humanity and peace is of paramount importance. Perhaps, I am naive but I had been hoping that NGO=92s did not have to play by t= he rules dictated by criminal states. I know that does not sound very diplomatic and that we hope to gently persuade but the reality of apparent willingness to threaten people with mass indiscriminate destruction and a long term poisoned earth, air, and water is extremely repugnant. The abolitionists of slave times did not play by the heinou= s and unjust rules of those invested in the master/slave state of being.=20 Would it not also be =93outrageous for obvious reasons=94 to hand over = the abolition of nuclear weapons to a process whose rules are dictated by those manifesting a willingness to strike first with nuclear weapons ..= . and consider whether silencing any abolitionist voice from whatever wal= k of life also =93outrageous for obvious reasons=94. Someone who has done marvelous work for nuclear weapons abolition raises the issue of credibility. Please, with all the great respect that your concern is heard and you may be very right, please, also consider that perhaps the reason the issue of credibility is appropriat= e is because it has arisen in the context of a discussion regarding inviting indigenous people to speak at a treaty review. May one assume that WE understand why there would be a credibility issue with regard t= o treaties with nuclear-weapons states and indigenous peoples especially as we may recall so many outrages by dominant military powers, broken treaties, and incredible notions such as =93an inalienable right to nuclear power=94. The credibility of these delegates who speak with su= ch tongues is of grave concern. One might also raise the concern whether delegates, who represent governments engaged in a continuing crime against humanity and peace and without the informed consent of its people, have legitimate authority in a treaty process. One might also wonder if we will ever attain just treaties if the delegates do not behave as equals with full respect for themselves and all. I have been hoping that NGO=92s would speak for/about people who live= in nuclear weapon states who happen to have government delegates that don=92= t legitimately represent them. Do those people who wish to Fulfill their Nuremberg Obligations and wish to stop being systematically coerced int= o paying (i.e. taxed) for nuclear weapons have a voice... or better yet, = a developing global civic community that can enable them to be free of an= y and all enforced complicity in a continuing crime of genocide against indigenous peoples, a continuing crime against humanity, and a continuing crime against peace. I hope and suspect that those seemingly isolated people are a vast number and that if we could develo= p our beloved disarming community to empower each and all to choose non-complicity we could expose the illegitimate representation of the government delegates that are not enabling concerted action for disarmament ...and the voices of humanity crying out for peace would be heard and heeded by delegates who could never allow the threat of mass indiscriminate destruction to continue another moment. Please, consider that those manifesting an aspect of non-complicity with nuclear-weapon states are people living below the so-called povert= y line and below taxable income levels. Is it coincidence many of these people are homeless in the wealthiest nuclear-weapon state on earth?!=20 It is my understanding that judicial systems theoretically strive to make justices/judges immune from political whims and popular pressures so even unpopular but just decisions may be made. Yet when Greenock Sheriff Margaret Gimblett recently made her decision which acknowledges the illegality of Trident=92s possession, use, deployment, and first strike willingness, she also is reported to have stated, =93I am rather worried about my job after this.=94 The vast majority of humanity has nowhere near the job security of a judge. There are significant connections to be made about those who speak and those who are jobless and so we are aptly concerned about free speech, freedom of assembly,=20 and human rights (especially, as it is connected with nuclear weapons states). I hope that what I have written here is understood to come from a plac= e of deep respect for all and that if I have inadvertently been offensive= , please, feel free to counsel with me. In Peace, John Krehbiel, Jr. - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1999 17:20:42 -0800 From: Nuclear Age Peace Foundation Subject: (abolition-usa) Support for Abolition 2000 Dear Friends and Activists, Many of you remember the 1995 Non-Proliferation Treaty Review and Extension Conference where, frustrated by the resolve of the nuclear weapons states to maintain their arsenals, a few activists and concerned individuals had a vision. That vision of a more secure and livable world, free from the threat of nuclear weapons, was the foundation for the international movement that became known as the Abolition 2000 Network. Now, more than ever before, the work of Abolition 2000 is vital to ensure a more secure and livable world for our children, grandchildren and all future generations. We cannot succeed without your help. Please give generously to help meet our shared goal of nuclear disarmament. At the May 1999 Annual General Meeting, we agreed that the year 2000 poses a critical challenge. To preserve the integrity of the Abolition 2000 name and to continue the vital work of the Global network, members have committed to increasing Network membership to at least 2000 organizations by the start of the Non-Proliferation Treaty Conference in April. We will also make Abolition 2000 attendance and presence known at the NPT conference. Since the birth of the Abolition 2000 Network, more than 1,400 organizations in 90 countries have endorsed the Abolition 2000 Statement. Help make the number of supporting groups climb to over 2,000! I hope that you will join me in an increased financial commitment to further the goals of the Abolition 2000 Network by sending a contribution, which will be used to continue efforts to create a more peaceful and just world. Please accept my sincere thanks for your valuable support and assistance in our united vision and common endeavor to create a better world. Sincerely, Carah Lynn Ong Carah Lynn Ong Coordinator, Abolition 2000 1187 Coast Village Road PMB 121, Suite 1 Santa Barbara CA 93108 Phone (805) 965 3443 FAX(805) 568 0466 Email: Website Join the Abolition-USA or Abolition-Global Caucus list serve to regularly receive updates about the Abolition movement. Both caucus' also provide a forum for conversation on nuclear-related issues as well as they are used to post important articles and information pertaining to nuclear abolition. To subscribe to the Abolition Global Caucus, please do one of the following: 1. Send a message to the list moderator at 2. Visit the Abolition-caucus website at: Http:// and submit a membership form. 3. Visit the Abolition 2000 website and submit a membership form. 4. Send an e-mail to: (leave the subject line and body of the message blank). To post a message to the Abolition Global Caucus, send your message to: To subscribe to the Abolition-USA listerve, send a message (with no subject) to: In the body of the message, write: "subscribe abolition-usa" (do not include quotation marks) To post a message to the Abolition-USA list, mail your message to: - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1999 17:16:25 PST From: "Abolition2000 Pacific Region" Subject: (abolition-usa) [To the Abolition 2000 Network] Re: Inviting NPT speakers Dear Abolition 2000 friends and allies, I am not unaware of the difficulty of the tasks before us as we all prepare for the NPT Review Process and understand that we are still exploring ideas and strategies about how best to productively utilize NGO input at the NPT. This process of exploration should be opened up for all to participate in and discuss what the most productive strategies should be. My earlier message about Indigenous peoples' participation both sought to solicit ideas from the larger network community as well as to motivate Indigenous communities to think of ways we could more usefully engage in the larger international nuclear abolition community generally, and in NGO preparations for the NPT in particular. Whatever the outcome of the discussions on NGO presentations at the NPT, we, from Indigenous communities, shall eventually accept and live with the outcome. If there is ever any doubts as to whether the inclusion of Indigenous peoples would raise an issue of credibility or whether there is strategic value of it in the hope of influencing policy changes, that is fine. No one doubts the seriousness and extent of the effects of the nuclear age on Indigenous communities. In that, we are perhaps fortunate in that the impacts of nuclear policies are all visible to all. But we should be interested in finding ways in which to make our voices heard and for them to have some lasting impact, whether inside or outside of the United Nations. We have all been disappointed in the status of the NPT; if it is purely a matter of getting the depressing facts of nuclear impacts down, then those who are experts who can speak to the technical aspects of the nuclear dangers should be given all the time need to argue their case. If it is a matter of getting all the technical, economic, political, and moral reasons down, then an expanded, inclusive process should allow that to take place. Good luck to the discussions in the meantime. Thank you very much to all of you for your work. Thank you and Happy New Year. Richard Salvador Pacific Islands Association of NGOs Honolulu, Hawai`i ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1999 17:28:30 -0800 From: "David Crockett Williams" Subject: (abolition-usa) Join Jan15 start Global Peace Walk 2000 Please forward this invitation for you and your associates who can to come and join the sendoff opening ceremony of Global Peace Walk 2000 in San Francisco, Saturday, January 15th, and the beginning of its journey to Washington DC and the United Nations, ie, "Walk a mile for Global Peace Now!". Following is text of the opening day flyer. For a downloadable typeset efax version of this flyer you can copy and help distribute see For printable typeset efax version of main walk flyer see - ----------- Jan15th flyer text: United Nations 55th Anniversary Future Generations Prayer We are concerned about our future and our human life. Global Peace Walk Develop Spiritual United Nations {logo, includes: Global Peace Walk Global Peace Now Global Peace Zone 2000} San Francisco -- St. Louis --Washington DC -- New York / U.N. 1/15/2000 8/6/2000 10/9/2000 10/24/2000 Participate in the Opening Ceremonies on the first Day of this Historic Peace Walk January 15th, 2000 -- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday 9:00 AM -- War Memorial Building (Van Ness across from City Hall) San Francisco Bring Your Banners & Your Message No Drugs... No Alcohol... No Violence Bring New Consciousness... Humanity must live a Peaceful Way of Life 415-863-2084 -- PO Box 170245 -- San Francisco, CA 94117-0245 - --------------------end flyer text Check Global Peace Walk egroup for other printable flyers for GPW2000 events en route listed by subject at Please subscribe to this list at that website address if you can help as a local or outreach coordinator. Thanks very much, David Crockett Williams Tehachapi CA local coordinator Global Peace Walk 2000 GLOBAL EMERGENCY ALERT RESPONSE The Vision of Paradise on Earth Urge your Congressperson to support H.R. 2545 Global Nuclear Disarmament & Economic Conversion Act Details & Sample Email: Easy indexed site to email Congresspeople & Media (copy & paste email letters to media and Congress) An Agenda for Peace - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 29 Dec 1999 10:54:38 -0800 From: "David Crockett Williams" Subject: (abolition-usa) SLO GPW2000 Jan27 Events This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_0076_01BF51EB.242A9C80 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Please forward this invitation for you and your associates who can take part in special Global Peace Walk 2000 events in the San Luis Obispo CA area January 27-28, 2000. Below is the text of the SLO local events flyer which is attached in WordPad typeset format that can be copied and distributed. This message with attached typeset flyer is also posted at (open flyer attachment from bar at bottom of page) Subscribe to GPW2000 local coordinators email list at - ---------------------San Luis Obispo area flyer text: United Nations 55th Anniversary Future Generations Prayer We are concerned about our future and our human life. San Luis Obispo Area Schedule Global Peace Walk 2000 Develop Spiritual United Nations Bring Your Banners & Your Message Thursday, January 27th 9AM Gate of Camp San Luis (CA National Guard HQ on Hwy1 about 4-1/2mi north of SLO) Walking South on Hwy1 to Foothill Blvd. to California ~10:30-11:15AM Rally Cal Poly SLO Quad then walk Grand Avenue to right on Monterey to NOON Gathering County Government Center (Afternoon Run to Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant Gate) Friday, January 28th, Spiritual Unity Relay Run Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant Gate to Noon Rally, main gate, Vandenberg Air Force Base On The Alert due to February 1, 2000, Big Mountain Relocation Deadline Uniting Survival Issue Messages in "Global Peace Now!" universal human resolve Walk & Run for a Global Peace Zone 2000 San Francisco Jan15th, St. Louis August 6th, Washington DC October 9th, New York City - U.N. October 24, 2000 415-863-2084 -- PO Box 170245, San Francisco, CA 94117-0245 - ----------------------end flyer text Thanks very much for whatever you can do to help, David Crockett Williams Tehachapi CA local coordinator Global Peace Walk 2000 GLOBAL EMERGENCY ALERT RESPONSE The Vision of Paradise on Earth Urge your Congressperson to support H.R. 2545 Global Nuclear Disarmament & Economic Conversion Act Details & Sample Email: Easy indexed site to email Congresspeople & Media (copy & paste email letters to media and Congress) An Agenda for Peace - ------=_NextPart_000_0076_01BF51EB.242A9C80 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="San Luis GPW2000.doc" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="San Luis GPW2000.doc" 0M8R4KGxGuEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPgADAP7/CQAGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAA EAAAAgAAAAEAAAD+////AAAAAAAAAAD///////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 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to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ End of abolition-usa-digest V1 #242 *********************************** - To unsubscribe to $LIST, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe $LIST" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message.