From: (abolition-usa-digest) To: Subject: abolition-usa-digest V1 #275 Reply-To: abolition-usa-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk abolition-usa-digest Thursday, March 23 2000 Volume 01 : Number 275 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 10:38:09 -0600 From: "Boyle, Francis" Subject: (abolition-usa) Persecution: Plowshares Trial Continues This Judge just ruled that he will not listen to anything i have to say in court even on an offer of proof. Notice the basic unfairness of this persecution/prosecution of the DU Plowshares. The Government gets to put on its so-called "expert" in order to convict them. But the DU Plowshares cannot put me on to explain why DU is criminal under international law, thus negating any malice on their part. Here in the United States of America: WAR IS PEACE FREEDOM IS SLAVERY IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH WE ALL LOVE BIG BROTHER Francis A. Boyle Professor of International Law In the Nuclear Empire - -----Original Message----- From: Max Obuszewski [] Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2000 7:26 PM To: Undisclosed Recipients Subject: Plowshares Trial Continues Jonah House, 1301 Moreland Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21216 Ph: 410-233-6238 or PRESS RELEASE--IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 21, 2000 CONTACT: Max Obuszewski 410-323-7200 or 410-377-7987 or Jonah House 410-233-6238 or DEFENSE BEGINS CASE IN PLOWSHARES TRIAL IN MARYLAND WHO: On Sun., Dec. 19, Philip Berrigan and Susan Crane of Baltimore's Jonah House, the Rev. Stephen Kelly, SJ, from New York City, and Elizabeth Walz, a Catholic Worker from Philadelphia, calling themselves the Plowshares Vs. Depleted Uranium, disarmed two A-10 Warthog [Fairchild Thunderbolt II] aircraft. The aircraft were located at the Warfield Air National Guard base in Middle River, Mary. Following Isaiah's vision of a disarmed world, the activists hammered and poured blood on A-10s, because the Warthog, used against Iraq and Yugoslavia, has a Gatling gun which fires depleted uranium [DU] ammunition. Assistant State's Attorney Mickey Norman rested his case. Jonathan Katz, representing Kelly, Ramsey Clark, representing Crane, and Berrigan and Walz, acting pro se, asked Baltimore County Circuit Court Judge James T. Smith Jr. to dismiss all charges: 1] malicious destruction of property--with a property damage of more than $300-three years and/or $2,500 fine; 2] conspiracy to maliciously destroy property--maximum three years); and 3] trespass--a maximum 90 days in jail and/or a $500 fine. Susan Crane is also facing a second-degree assault charge, which carries a maximum sentence of ten years imprisonment. WHAT: Judge Smith dismissed the trespass charge, after Katz pointed out that no evidence was presented that the defendants entered private property. However, the other charges would remain, including the assault charge against Crane. With the courtroom filled with Plowshares supporters, Walz, in her opening statement, asked the jurors to hear the music [why disarmament is necessary] and dance with [acquit] us. In Clark's opening statement, he explained there is no dispute that the pacifists hammered on A-10s. However, he indicated that they did so, after studying international law, in order to prevent the use of depleted uranium, which has harmed civilians in Iraq and Kosovo and U.S. soldiers in the Persian Gulf. The defense is now prepared to put witnesses on the stand. WHEN: Wednesday, March 22 at 9:15 AM WHERE: Circuit Court, Room #2, 3d floor, 401 Bosley Ave., Towson, Maryland WHY: The defendants readily admit turning the Warthogs into plowshares, but argue they acted without malice and criminal intent. They intend to testify that the use of DU is criminal, and therefore citizens must act to prevent further harm. It is unclear how much of such testimony, Judge Smith will permit. Air National Guard security agents Thomas Piddington and Jonathan Garfield testified today that they confronted Crane and Kelly while the activists were hammering on one of the A-10s. They were responsible for charging Crane with assault. In testimony, however, they admitted Rev. Kelly did the same as Crane, but he was never charged with assault. Garfield initially denied tackling Crane, but Katz produced a Dec. 19 statement in which he said he tackled her. Clark, on Crane's behalf, made the argument there was insufficient evidence for this charge to go to the jury. He added that it was a case of overcharging. Unfortunately, Judge Smith would not dismiss the charge. The most provocative testimony came from Tactical Sergeant Christopher Rivera, who described the A-10 as his specialty. An 18-year veteran with the Air National Guard, he testified, "I am the mother, the aircraft is my child." However, under oath, he claimed to know nothing about depleted uranium. Another legal skirmish occurred when Katz challenged the government's witness, John Herzberger, chief of quality assurance, as an expert. This matter was raised as the prosecution failed to provide the defense with Herzberger's reports on damage assessment of the A-10s. The judge ruled he could testify as an expert, even though Doug Rokke, a defense witness, was excluded as an expert on depleted uranium. Herzberger, on cross-examination, claimed a lack of knowledge of deleted uranium. Eventually, though, he admitted the military does not use the term. Instead, the radioactive ammunition is called Armor Piercing Incendiary [API], an obvious euphemism. No prosecution witness admitted receiving any training in the use of DU. The trial should go to the jury on Thursday after the defense rests and closing statements are made. If the jurors were attentive to the testimony, they will probably acquit Susan Crane of assault. The question remains, though, what the jury will make of the argument that the A-10s violated international law and the laws of armed conflict. There have been more than 70 Plowshares actions. The first took place on Sept. 9, 1980, when Philip and Daniel Berrigan and six others hammered on nuclear nose cones at a General Electric plant in King of Prussia, Penn. Philip Berrigan, Crane and Kelly were members of the Prince of Peace Plowshares, which disarmed an Aegis destroyer at the Bath [Maine] Iron Works on Feb. 12, 1997. After Rev. Kelly served his sentence for the Maine action and refused to cooperate with federal probation, federal marshals were pursuing him. "They shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. One nation shall not raise the sword against another, nor shall they train for war again." Isaiah 2:4 ************************ - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 14:01:54 EST From: Charles F Hilfenhaus Subject: (abolition-usa) Thoroughbred Subcritical Test Mercury, Nevada, U.S.A. 3-22-2000 11:00 a.m. PST The United States Department of Energy has just conducted the subcritical nuclear test "Thoroughbred" at the LYNER facility on the Nevada Test Site. This, following "Oboe 3" in February, is the second subcritical nuclear test of 2000 by the United States. The test "Oboe 4" is currently being readied and should occur sometime in April. Seventeen people gathered at sunrise in protest this morning at the Mercury entrance to the Nevada Test Site. Under the banner of Shundahai Network and lead by Western Shoshone spiritual leader Corbin Harney they conducted a ceremony following which six individuals entered onto the Test Site and were arrested. They were subsequently cited for trespass and released. Additional protests are planned this afternoon in Las Vegas at the Department of Energy offices from 3-5p.m.. Charlie Hilfenhaus Alliance of Atomic Veterans Director, Atomic Workers Division - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 16:17:28 -0600 From: "Boyle, Francis" Subject: (abolition-usa) Persecution of DU Plowshares Continues: Doug Rokke Press Conferen ce Here in the United States of America--"..the land of the free, and the home of the brave": WAR IS PEACE FREEDOM IS SLAVERY IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH WE ALL LOVE BIG BROTHER Francis A. Boyle Professor of International Law In the Nuclear Empire - -----Original Message----- From: Max Obuszewski [] Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2000 4:05 PM To: Undisclosed Recipients Subject: Doug Rokke Press Conference Jonah House, 1301 Moreland Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21216 Ph: 410-233-6238 or PRESS RELEASE--IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 22, 2000 CONTACT: Max Obuszewski 410-323-7200 or 410-377-7987 or Jonah House 410-233-6238 or DEPLETED URANIUM EXPERT, NOT ALLOWED TO TESTIFY IN PLOWSHARES TRIAL, TO HOLD PRESS CONFERENCE WHO: On Sun., Dec. 19, Philip Berrigan and Susan Crane of Baltimore's Jonah House, the Rev. Stephen Kelly, SJ, from New York City, and Elizabeth Walz, a Catholic Worker from Philadelphia, calling themselves the Plowshares Vs. Depleted Uranium, disarmed two A-10 Warthog [Fairchild Thunderbolt II] aircraft. The aircraft were located at the Warfield Air National Guard base in Middle River, Mary. Following Isaiah's vision of a disarmed world, the activists hammered and poured blood on A-10s, because the Warthog, used against Iraq and Yugoslavia, has a Gatling gun which fires depleted uranium ammunition. Today, Crane's testimony was repeatedly interrupted by the objections of Assistant State's Attorney Mickey Norman. He also asked her to name who drove the activists to the air base. She refused to implicate anyone. Jonathan Katz, representing Kelly, and Ramsey Clark, representing Crane, argued that Doug Rokke, a Department of Defense expert on depleted uranium, should be allowed to testify. Otherwise, the defendants could present no defense as to the poisonous nature of depleted uranium. As Clark argued, the jury would have nothing to base a decision on regarding the defendants' study of DU. They could just as easy, Clark noted, express a belief that they went to the air base to prevent an attack by extra-terrestrials. It makes no sense to a jury to hear a defendant say what s/he believes, and then not be allowed to present an expert witness to provide context. WHAT: Baltimore County Circuit Court Judge James T. Smith Jr. reluctantly allowed Rokke on the stand, but sustained the prosecutor's objections to each question asked of the witness. It became clear to the defendants that they would not be permitted to raise a defense. So they refused to continue. Supporters in the courtroom began speaking out, and eventually the room was cleared when singing broke out. Because of the importance of Rokke's testimony, he will be appearing at a press conference to explain what he would said about the hazardous nature of depleted uranium. A number of the Plowshares supporters will also attend. WHEN: Wednesday, March 22 at 6:00 PM WHERE: 4806 York Road, AFSC-Baltimore headquarters WHY: The defendants readily admit turning the Warthogs into plowshares, but argue they acted without malice and criminal intent. Since they were not permitted to present evidence as to their intent, they saw no reason to continue. On December 26, 1999, CBS 60 Minutes, the first large media outlet, discussed the dangers of depleted uranium. Doug Rokke was a prominent part of the show, as he actually produced for the Pentagon training films on the handling of depleted uranium. The films were never used, and Persian Gulf veterans told 60 Minutes that they were not trained in the handling of DU. In fact, some of them believe their illnesses were caused by DU. Rokke has documents indicating the Department of War was aware of the dangers of this ammunition as far back as 1943. He will also indicate that he went to the White House before NATO's air war against Yugoslavia to advocate that depleted uranium should not be used. His advice was disregarded, and NATO planes shot DU ammunition in Yugoslavia. The jury is expected to start deliberations tomorrow on the following charges:malicious destruction of property--with a property damage of more than $300-three years and/or $2,500 fine and conspiracy to maliciously destroy property--maximum three years. Susan Crane is also facing a second-degree assault charge, which carries a maximum sentence of ten years imprisonment. Court will resume on Thursday, March 23, at 9:15 AM. There have been more than 70 Plowshares actions. The first took place on Sept. 9, 1980, when Philip and Daniel Berrigan and six others hammered on nuclear nose cones at a General Electric plant in King of Prussia, Penn. Philip Berrigan, Crane and Kelly were members of the Prince of Peace Plowshares, which disarmed an Aegis destroyer at the Bath [Maine] Iron Works on Feb. 12, 1997. After Rev. Kelly served his sentence for the Maine action and refused to cooperate with federal probation, federal marshals were pursuing him. "They shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. One nation shall not raise the sword against another, nor shall they train for war again." Isaiah 2:4 ************************ - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 16:32:09 +0000 From: Sally light Subject: (abolition-usa) Report on San Francisco protest of "Thoroughbred" subcritical nuclear test At noon today, March 22, 2000, a protest took place in San Francisco against the US subcritical nuclear test, =93Thoroughbred,=94 that was detonated at 11 am this morning at the Nevada Test Site. About 15 anti-nuclear protesters gathered in front of the international headquarters of the Bechtel Group, the corporation that operates the Nevada Test Site pursuant to a contract with the US Department of Energy. A =93chalk action=94 style demonstration resulted in about 1 block of sidewalk being covered with names of many of the 1,000-plus US nuclear tests conducted since 1945. Protesters also passed out information and spoke over bullhorns so that the passersby and Bechtel employees could learn about why the =93chalk action=94 was going on. Organizations represented included Tri-Valley CAREs (Communities Against A Radioactive Environment), Western States Legal Foundation, California Peace Action and the Livermore Conversion Project. Several Bechtel employees expressed their personal support of the protesters. There were no arrests. Sally Light Nuclear Weapons Program Analyst Tri-Valley CAREs (Communities Against A Radioactive Environment) - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 19:42:01 -0800 From: "David Crockett Williams" Subject: (abolition-usa) l--GPW Clean-Energy Overture for EarthDay2000 promotions Wednesday, March 22, 2000, 4:20PM "30-Days 'til Earth Day 2000" For Immediate Release: Contact -- Baseline Mansion 602-305-7988 Global Peace Walk 2000 is carrying new Clean-Energy information to support the EarthDay2000 "Clean Energy Now!" campaign which is globally poised to engage some 500 million participants drawn from nearly every nation on Earth to April 22nd gatherings such as the annual Global Peace Walk celebration of "Global Peace Now!" in Taos, New Mexico, on the way to which this spiritual walk is conducting ceremonies and celebrations now in Arizona. "Supporting the work of the Global Peace Walk 2000 and its Earth Day celebration is vitally important. I strongly encourage your organization to actively participate in planning and funding activities associated with this educational, action-oriented effort", says Earth Day Network National Coordinator Christopher J. Curtis in his support letter received today. Global Peace Walk 2000 from San Francisco to the United Nations will be in Phoenix for five days of local events starting at 9AM outside Senator John McCain's district office building with the local PeaceWalk to Phoenix City Hall to thank the mayor for his proclamation of yesterday designating Phoenix as a Global Peace Zone to help inspire a worldwide Global Peace Zone 2000. Mayor Rimsza's proclamation also recognizes the Baseline Mansion's Phoenix CoHousing Project which is hosting these events for creating a local culture of peace, including this weekend's musical celebration. Global Peace Walk 2000 maintains that the most important message for all 21st Century leaders to understand is that "Spirituality is the Highest Form of Politics". Phoenix area resident Joseph Newman, who for some time has been conducting an unofficial Write-In Candidacy for US President, has also been invited to take part in these five days of events, finishing with his scheduled main presentation to the walkers, on the March 28th Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant Accident's 21st Anniversary, about his new energy technology designed to replace all nuclear and fossil fuel power systems. The many survival issue messages, letters, and proclamations of support that Global Peace Walk 2000 is carrying to Washington DC, and to the United Nations for its 55th anniversary October 24th to help inaugurate this UN Year and Decade of Creating a Culture of Peace for the 21st Century (and to mark the midpoint of the UN's International Decade of the World's Indigenous Peoples 1995-2004), include those from from Newman and those from American Indian Movement spiritual leader and, according to Amnesty International, US political prisoner Leonard Peltier whose message of support says of the Walk's central theme, "Global Peace Now is critical to the survival of the human race. Global Peace Now is not just an invitation, it is a great cry for us to open our eyes and ears, to use our heads and hands and create the kinds of change that will save the planet and all who live and breathe upon Her." Scheduled for March 28th as a final Global Peace Walk 2000 event in Phoenix is a presentation and demonstration by local Energy Machine Inventor Joseph Newman of his non-polluting Revolutionary Energy Technology designed to replace all nuclear and fossil fuel power systems. In the past Newman has had the support of the Republican Congressional Caucus and eleven Congresspeople who unsuccessfully introduced bills to grant him a US patent by Congressional Act because the US Patent Office has continuously refused to do so. Reportedly now protected by NAFTA and a Mexican patent, Newman says he is finally ready to manufature this fuel-less electric power generator invention after over thirty years of offering his life's work for the benefit of all humanity. In a recent internet auction, the first unit of this motor/generator was purchased on a top bid up from $2,000 to $3,600 by an electrical engineer at a power plant in Indonesia who is coming all the way to Phoenix for Mr. Newman to present it to him on this occasion. Newman's Press Release of March 14, 2000, says "The March for World Peace on March 28, 2000 in the Phoenix Area coincides with Joseph Newman's belief's and lifework and represents the 'WILL OF GOD'. All good and caring people should attend the March for World Peace." In his email "To the People of the World" dated Tuesday, February 22, 2000 12:47 PM, Newman says, "I believe in the Goal of the Global Peace Walk, and I warmly ask people to not only give their physical presence to the event, but most importantly to give their HONEST THOUGHTS in its support. God has stated that WE ARE ALL TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER, and that most definitely includes the 7 Major Religions of the World." -30- Joseph Newman info Leonard Peltier info http://www.freepeltier GPW support letter Below is the text of the March 21, 2000, Mayoral Proclamation for Global Peace Walk 2000. A signed faxed copy can be read/printed from - -----------------------text of Phoenix Mayoral Proclamation: City of Phoenix Office of the Mayor A Proclamation Global Peace Zone 2000 Whereas, the Global Peace Walk Project began in 1995 to promote the original purpose of the United Nations Charter to end wars and violence and to promote global peace; and Whereas, today's world is still rife with wars and violence, suggesting humanity itself must learn a Peaceful Way of Life; and Whereas, Global Peace Walk 2000 is being conducted across America to mark the 55th anniversary of the United Nations and to help inaugurate the UN Year and Decade of Creating a Culture of Peace for the 21st Century; and Whereas, the Year 2000 marks the midpoint of the UN Decade of the World's Indigenous Peoples, 1995-2004; and Whereas, Global Peace Walk 2000 seeks to unite all of humanity in the firm resolve of "Global Peace Now!" for a worldwide Global Peace Zone; and Whereas, the Global Peace Walk 2000 activities in Phoenix, March 24-28, 2000, are being hosted by the Baseline Mansion's Phoenix CoHousing Project to promote a local culture of peace; NOW, THEREFORE, I, SKIP RIMSZA, MAYOR of the City of Phoenix, Arizona, do hereby proclaim the City of Phoenix as a GLOBAL PEACE ZONE, and urge all citizens to work for the creation of a culture of peace for the 21st Century. Given under my hand in these free United States in the City of Phoenix, on the twenty-first of March, two thousand; and to which I have caused the Seal of the City of Phoenix to be affixed and have made this proclamation public. [signed] Skip Rimsza - ------------------------------------------ Mayor [Phoenix City Seal] Attest: [signed] Vicky Miel - ------------------------------------------ City Clerk ====================end proclamation text Below is text for basic flyer/schedule for Phoenix, Arizona, Global Peace Walk 2000 events taking place March 24-28, 2000. =======Phoenix flyer text: United Nations 55th Anniversary Future Generations Prayer We are concerned about our future and our human life. Phoenix, Arizona Global Peace Walk 2000 Develop Spiritual United Nations and a Culture of Peace for the 21st Century Bring Your Banners & Your Message Friday, March 24th 9AM Senator John McCain's Office Building (2400 East Arizona Biltmore Circle) 9mile walk to 1PM, Phoenix City Hall (200 West Washington) Saturday, March 25th Afternoon-Eve Benefit Gathering/Music Baseline Mansion CoHousing Community Project (2501 East Baseline Road, 602-305-7988) Monday, March 27, 11AM City Hall to Capitol, 1mile Tuesday, March 28, 11AM, 21st Anniversary of Three Mile Island accident Presentation and Demonstration by Energy Machine Inventor Joseph Newman of a non-polluting Revolutionary Energy Technology designed to replace all nuclear and fossil fuel power systems. (at Baseline Mansion Project Stage) Information on Newman Energy Machine Uniting Survival Issue Messages in "Global Peace Now!" universal human resolve Spiritual Walk for a Global Peace Zone 2000 San Francisco Jan15th, St. Louis August 6th, Washington DC October 9th, New York City - U.N. October 24, 2000 Voicemail 415-863-2084 -- PO Box 170245, San Francisco, CA 94117-0245 Recorded walk location/route update info and voicemail 415-267-1877 LOCAL CONTACT: Brian Kruger, Baseline Mansion Project, 602-305-7988 =============end Phoenix flyer text Printable typeset flyer may be downloaded in WordPad or in case you cannot use wordpad, less clear efax format CLEAN-ENERGY CAMPAIGN 2000 David Crockett Williams GLOBAL EMERGENCY ALERT RESPONSE Clean-Energy links Global Peace Walk 2000 Updates 415-267-1877 -- Voicemail 415-863-2084 SCHEDULE & contacts USCampaign: Presidential Candidacies Influence Project The Vision of Paradise on Earth Please Support HR 2545: Nuclear Disarmament & Economic Conversion Act of 1999 Details & Email: Sign letter to Senators which can be found at Send letter to Representatives supporting HR-2545 Easy indexed site to email Congresspeople & Media (copy & paste email letters to media and Congress) An Agenda for Peace - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 01:48:34 EST From: Charles F Hilfenhaus Subject: (abolition-usa) Thoroughbred follow up I did not include this with my announcement of the test because it is a personal opinion not a factual report of the action, however: One can only wonder at the magnitude of hippocracy of the United States to conduct this test at the same time President Clinton is lecturing India and Pakistan about their nuclear weapons programs. I wish, instead, he would listen and learn from Pope John Paul II and apologize to the world for the role of the United States in developing, using and perpetuating the evil of nuclear weapons. Charlie Hilfenhaus Alliance of Atomic Veterans Director, Atomic Workers Division ________________________________________________________________ YOU'RE PAYING TOO MUCH FOR THE INTERNET! Juno now offers FREE Internet Access! Try it today - there's no risk! For your FREE software, visit: - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 05:11:43 -0600 From: "Boyle, Francis" Subject: (abolition-usa) Persecution of DU Plowshares:Putting Mark of Cain on Smith This pathetic excuse for a Judge named Smith had better start thinking long and hard about what he is doing to Phil Berrigan here! Phil is THE MORAL CONSCIENCE of our generation. Quite obviously, Smith fully intends to send Phil to prison after this sham of a kangaroo court proceeding. Phil will probably die in prison. Phil's death in prison will be on the hands of Smith for the rest of eternity. Phil's death in prison will be the Mark of Cain on the forehead of Smith forever. We all know where Phil will be going after his death. Smith had better start thinking about where he will be going after his death! Francis A. Boyle Professor of International Law - -----Original Message----- From: Boyle, Francis To: ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; 'TP2000'; 'Scottish CND'; 'JUSTWATCH-L@LISTSERV.ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU'; 'AALS Section on Minority Grps. mailing list' Sent: 3/22/00 4:17 PM Subject: Persecution of DU Plowshares Continues: Doug Rokke Press Conference Here in the United States of America--"..the land of the free, and the home of the brave": WAR IS PEACE FREEDOM IS SLAVERY IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH WE ALL LOVE BIG BROTHER Francis A. Boyle Professor of International Law In the Nuclear Empire - -----Original Message----- From: Max Obuszewski [] Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2000 4:05 PM To: Undisclosed Recipients Subject: Doug Rokke Press Conference Jonah House, 1301 Moreland Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21216 Ph: 410-233-6238 or PRESS RELEASE--IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 22, 2000 CONTACT: Max Obuszewski 410-323-7200 or 410-377-7987 or Jonah House 410-233-6238 or DEPLETED URANIUM EXPERT, NOT ALLOWED TO TESTIFY IN PLOWSHARES TRIAL, TO HOLD PRESS CONFERENCE WHO: On Sun., Dec. 19, Philip Berrigan and Susan Crane of Baltimore's Jonah House, the Rev. Stephen Kelly, SJ, from New York City, and Elizabeth Walz, a Catholic Worker from Philadelphia, calling themselves the Plowshares Vs. Depleted Uranium, disarmed two A-10 Warthog [Fairchild Thunderbolt II] aircraft. The aircraft were located at the Warfield Air National Guard base in Middle River, Mary. Following Isaiah's vision of a disarmed world, the activists hammered and poured blood on A-10s, because the Warthog, used against Iraq and Yugoslavia, has a Gatling gun which fires depleted uranium ammunition. Today, Crane's testimony was repeatedly interrupted by the objections of Assistant State's Attorney Mickey Norman. He also asked her to name who drove the activists to the air base. She refused to implicate anyone. Jonathan Katz, representing Kelly, and Ramsey Clark, representing Crane, argued that Doug Rokke, a Department of Defense expert on depleted uranium, should be allowed to testify. Otherwise, the defendants could present no defense as to the poisonous nature of depleted uranium. As Clark argued, the jury would have nothing to base a decision on regarding the defendants' study of DU. They could just as easy, Clark noted, express a belief that they went to the air base to prevent an attack by extra-terrestrials. It makes no sense to a jury to hear a defendant say what s/he believes, and then not be allowed to present an expert witness to provide context. WHAT: Baltimore County Circuit Court Judge James T. Smith Jr. reluctantly allowed Rokke on the stand, but sustained the prosecutor's objections to each question asked of the witness. It became clear to the defendants that they would not be permitted to raise a defense. So they refused to continue. Supporters in the courtroom began speaking out, and eventually the room was cleared when singing broke out. Because of the importance of Rokke's testimony, he will be appearing at a press conference to explain what he would said about the hazardous nature of depleted uranium. A number of the Plowshares supporters will also attend. WHEN: Wednesday, March 22 at 6:00 PM WHERE: 4806 York Road, AFSC-Baltimore headquarters WHY: The defendants readily admit turning the Warthogs into plowshares, but argue they acted without malice and criminal intent. Since they were not permitted to present evidence as to their intent, they saw no reason to continue. On December 26, 1999, CBS 60 Minutes, the first large media outlet, discussed the dangers of depleted uranium. Doug Rokke was a prominent part of the show, as he actually produced for the Pentagon training films on the handling of depleted uranium. The films were never used, and Persian Gulf veterans told 60 Minutes that they were not trained in the handling of DU. In fact, some of them believe their illnesses were caused by DU. Rokke has documents indicating the Department of War was aware of the dangers of this ammunition as far back as 1943. He will also indicate that he went to the White House before NATO's air war against Yugoslavia to advocate that depleted uranium should not be used. His advice was disregarded, and NATO planes shot DU ammunition in Yugoslavia. The jury is expected to start deliberations tomorrow on the following charges:malicious destruction of property--with a property damage of more than $300-three years and/or $2,500 fine and conspiracy to maliciously destroy property--maximum three years. Susan Crane is also facing a second-degree assault charge, which carries a maximum sentence of ten years imprisonment. Court will resume on Thursday, March 23, at 9:15 AM. There have been more than 70 Plowshares actions. The first took place on Sept. 9, 1980, when Philip and Daniel Berrigan and six others hammered on nuclear nose cones at a General Electric plant in King of Prussia, Penn. Philip Berrigan, Crane and Kelly were members of the Prince of Peace Plowshares, which disarmed an Aegis destroyer at the Bath [Maine] Iron Works on Feb. 12, 1997. After Rev. Kelly served his sentence for the Maine action and refused to cooperate with federal probation, federal marshals were pursuing him. "They shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. One nation shall not raise the sword against another, nor shall they train for war again." Isaiah 2:4 ************************ - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 16:38:02 -0600 From: "Boyle, Francis" Subject: (abolition-usa) Humanity v MOX/Parallex Nuclear Information & Resource Service 1424 16th St. NW Suite 404 Washington, DC 20036 Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League P.O. Box 88 Glendale Springs, NC 28629 Physicians for Social Responsibility Atlanta Chapter 421 Clifton Road Atlanta, GA 30307 March 22, 2000 For Immediate Release Contact: Mary Olson, NIRS Southeast 706-722-8968 Janet Zeller, BREDL 336-982-2691 Kevin Kamps, NIRS National Office 202-328-0002 Ed Arnold, PSR/Atlanta 404-378-9078 Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League, Physicians for Social Responsibility and Nuclear Information and Resource Service Join Legal Challenge to U.S. Nuclear Proliferation-Prone Plutonium Plan Citing grave concerns about the potential spread of plutonium for bombmaking throughout the world, three organizations, two national and one regional have joined the plaintiffs who have sued to stop a U.S.-Russian-Canadian plan to use nuclear weapons plutonium as fuel in nuclear power reactors. The internationally-known Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS), with nearly 6000 members, including more than 1000 U.S. grassroots groups nationwide, the Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League, Inc. (BREDL), headquartered in North Carolina with 30 chapters in five southern states, and the internationally known Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR), the U.S. affiliate of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, recipient of the 1985 Nobel Peace Prize for educating about the dangers of nuclear weapons, are the latest public interest advocates to formally enter a federal lawsuit in Kalamazoo, Michigan which was brought by an array of Canadian and U.S. First Nations tribes and other nuclear power and weapons critics. The lawsuit seeks to halt a test shipment of mixed oxide plutonium fuel, or MOX, from being transported to a test nuclear reactor in Chalk River, Ontario from the Russian Federation, as part of a bigger scheme to use MOX as reactor fuel in light water reactors in the Southeastern United States, Canada and Russia. Billed as a peaceful means of reusing nuclear weapons, the plan would legitimize the commercialization and exportation of plutonium and may allow many nations and even independent groups to develop nuclear bomb capability. The Chalk River test, named "Parallex," was first challenged in court last December when plaintiffs sued the U.S. Department of Energy to halt shipment of the U.S. MOX fuel from being trucked across Michigan to Canada until there was a formal, public decision making process over the environmental and nuclear weapons proliferation impacts of the program. Judge Richard Alan Enslen ruled that while the Energy Department had acted in bad faith to hasten the test of MOX, courts could not stop the Executive Branch from conducting foreign policy. The plaintiffs are asking the judge to reconsider that decision, and NIRS, PSR and BREDL are adding their weight to that request. "The Department of Energy has already begun to disregard the law and trample our rights," said Janet Zeller, BREDL's Executive Director. "People from across the country must join together to block this reckless and secretive program and insure that the DOE obeys national and international law." BREDL is campaigning against the planned use of MOX fuel in six Southeastern U.S. reactors: Duke Power's Catawba 1&2 near Rock Hill, South Carolina; McGuire 1&2, near Charlotte, North Carolina; and Virginia Power's North Anna 1&2 reactors near Charlottesville, Virginia. Physicians for Social Responsibility has actively opposed the MOX plan since its inception, primarily on the grounds that it promotes nuclear proliferation, rather than delivering the goal of making the plutonium from dismantled nuclear weapons unavailable for further destructive purposes. The Atlanta chapter of the national organization has led professionals in the region in their action to oppose the commercialization of plutonium. "Citizens everywhere want nuclear weapons abolished," said Ed Arnold, Executive Director of PSR/Atlanta. "We don't accomplish that by recirculating nuclear weapons material. And we don't abolish nuclear weapons by shipping bomb-grade plutonium all over the planet. This MOX program encourages nuclear proliferation and we must stop it." NIRS, which launched a "NIX MOX" campaign in 1998, recently opened a Southeastern office to assist BREDL and other grassroots groups opposing MOX fuel usage and the spending of hundreds of millions in public funds to subsidize MOX fabrication, utility acceptance and reprocessing. "Nuclear power is the most expensive form of energy and under utility deregulation is going to be subject to tough competition. The MOX program provides direct tax dollars to underwrite more dirty, dangerous nuclear waste production," said Kevin Kamps, nuclear specialist with NIRS. "This is an unfair subsidy that will disadvantage safer and cheaper power sources that have less hazardous byproducts. This is another reason that we are committed to stopping the MOX mistake." "The people in the Southeast have gotten the picture loud and clear from the first shipment of MOX fuel to Canada that the US DOE will lie, cover their actions, take a cloak of secrecy and act above not only the law of the land, but also international treaty in order to accomplish their goals" affirmed Mary Olson, Director of NIRS Southeast Office. She continued, "This is the old National Security mythology applied to a so-called commercial enterprise, but in the end it is taxpayer dollars that are funding this program, so we are proud to support citizens in taking action to stop this charade." The first MOX shipment to Canada included transport within Canada by helicopter, despite DOE's acknowledgement that the MOX casks were not certified for air transport and the agency's assurances that no air travel would be involved "The use of MOX creates more bomb possibilities around the world, not fewer," said Terry Lodge, an attorney for the plaintiffs. "Instead of rolling plutonium up in two-ton glass logs and disposing of it under heavy guard, our government instead wants to show the world how to fuel low-security civilian nuclear plants with it. There will be lots of scary new members to the 'Nuclear Club' if we do this." Trial activity will resume on April 7 on the issues of whether the Russian shipment must be stopped because of claimed violations of federal environmental law and violation of the international Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. - -NIRS/BREDL/PSR- Francis A. Boyle Law Building 504 E. Pennsylvania Avenue Champaign, Ill. 61820 217-333-7954 (voice) 217-244-1478 (fax) - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. 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