From: (abolition-usa-digest) To: Subject: abolition-usa-digest V1 #301 Reply-To: abolition-usa-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk abolition-usa-digest Saturday, May 13 2000 Volume 01 : Number 301 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 08:08:18 -0400 From: Proposition One Subject: (abolition-usa) NucNews 00/05/12 - Gore in Oregon; Congress Washington Times / Agence France Presse Daybook, May 12, 2000 VICE PRESIDENT AL GORE 11:30 a.m. =97 Holds a discussion on Social Security, Portland Community College, Portland, Ore. GENERAL AGENDA Chinese airfields news conference =97 9 a.m. =97 The Center for Defense Information and the Federation of American Scientists hold a news conference to reveal new high-resolution satellite images of Chinese airfields facing Taiwan. Location: Zenger Room, National Press Club, 14th and F streets NW. Contact: 202/675-1007. ___________________________________________________ NucNews Archives: Today's Newspapers: Submit Letter/Notice/Article: (NucNews-Editor) About NucNews: E-Mail Archive: Subscribe: (NucNews-Subscribe) Here are excellent e-mail news resources (free, by subscription, for educational purposes, in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107.): DOE Watch - | Downwinders - | EnviroNews -| Planet Ark -| Radbull (Radiation Bulletin for Activists) - Great! - Distributed without payment for research and educational purposes only, by subscription, and archived for the use of all, in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107. - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 08:24:36 -0700 From: Jackie Cabasso Subject: (abolition-usa) 2000 BY 2000: 28 MORE ENDORSERS NEEDED! "2000 BY 2000" COUNTDOWN! ABOLITION 2000 NEEDS YOUR HELP NOW!!! ABOLITION 2000 HAS GROWN TO 1972 ENDORSING ORGANIZATIONS AND MUNICIPALITIES! WE NEED ONLY 28 MORE TO REACH OUR GOAL OF "2000 BY 2000". WITH 6 MORE WORKING DAYS TO GO BEFORE THE END OF THE NPT REVIEW CONFERENCE, WE CAN MAKE IT, BUT WE NEED YOUR HELP RIGHT AWAY!! PLEASE REACH OUT TO PEACE, ENVIRONMENTAL, LABOR, CHURCH, PARENTS, TEACHERS, AND OTHER GROUPS AND ASK THEM TO SIGN ONTO THE ABOLITION 2000 STATEMENT. ENDORSEMENTS CAN BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY ON THE ABOLITION 2000 WEBSITE OR FOLKS CAN E-MAIL ENDORSEMENTS TO ABOLITION 2000 COORDINATOR CARAH ONG AT ABOLITION 2000 PLANS TO HOLD A PRESS CONFERENCE NEXT FRIDAY, THE LAST DAY OF THE NPT REVIEW CONFERENCE, TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE ARE NOW 2000 STRONG AND THAT WE INTEND TO KEEP GROWING UNTIL WE ABOLISH NUCLEAR WEAPONS! PLEASE HELP US GET THOSE LAST 28 ENDORSMENTS IN. 2000 THANKS!!! **************************************************************************** *************** Jacqueline Cabasso WESTERN STATES LEGAL FOUNDATION 1440 Broadway, Suite 500 Oakland, California 94612 USA Tel: + 1 (510) 839-5877 Fax: + 1 (510) 839-5397 Western States Legal Foundation is a founding member of the ABOLITION 2000 GLOBAL NETWORK TO ELIMINATE NUCLEAR WEAPONS **************************************************************************** *************** - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 14:35:21 -0400 From: ASlater Subject: (abolition-usa) STOP THE NEW NUCLEAR ARMS RACE IN SPACE ************************************************ US REJECTS RUSSIAN OFFER TO CUT NUCLEAR ARSENALS ************************************************ President Putin of Russia has offered to cut Russia's long-range nuclear arsenal to 1000-1500 warheads, provided the US does not build its $60 billion "Son of Star Wars", in violation of the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. Russia also urged that the world negotiate a global missile ban, a much less expensive and more secure way to prevent attacks from so-called "rogue" states, but the US is determined to proceed with its corporate-driven scheme to militarize and control the heavens. Outrageously, the Pentagon rejected the Russian offer and advised them to maintain a larger arsenal of 2,500 warheads on launch-on-warning, hair-trigger alert as a way of "re-assuring" the Russians that they would be able to overcome the planned US shield. Russia said it will revoke its recent ratification of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and the Start II Treaty (cutting to 3,500 warheads) if the US goes ahead with its "national missile defense" scheme. Both Russia and China plan to build up their nuclear arsenals if the US militarizes space. Sign a petition to stop this madness and forward a message to President Clinton or your head of state. ********************************************** STOP THE NEW NUCLEAR ARMS RACE IN SPACE ********************************************** WHAT YOU CAN DO: ********************************************** 1. Sign our petition and send a message to elected leaders. ********************************************** **US RESIDENTS** To send a letter electronically, go to (Note: You will need to create a new password to sign up - do not use your usual email password; create a new one.) OR - you can print out and send the letter below. Dear President Clinton, I am shocked and outraged that you have rejected President Putin’s offer to cut the US and Russian nuclear arsenals to 1,000 from 1,500 warheads in order to build a “Son of Star Wars” against the so-called “rogue states”. Russia’s suggestion to negotiate a global ban on missile technology is much more sensible, would save lots of money, and would make our country more secure. Instead, you have told the Russians to keep 2,500 warheads on launch-on-warning hair-trigger alert, which is a much greater threat to our security that any missile North Korea might be able to build some day. We could easily handle the North Korean threat by welcoming them into the family of nations and establishing relations with them. Please cancel any decisions to violate the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty to build a “national missile defense”. Take up the Russian offer to cut to 1,000 warheads and then invite the other nuclear weapons states to negotiations for a ban on nuclear weapons, just as we have banned chemical and biological weapons. Sincerely, (Your name and address) *********************************************************** ***NON-US RESIDENTS*** If you live outside the United States, you can click on the link above or cut and paste the letter below to your Head of State, or put it in your own words. To find your Head of State, go to Sample Letter Dear I am shocked and outraged that the US has rejected President Putin's offer to cut the US and Russian nuclear arsenals to 1,000 - 1,500 warheads in order to build a "Son of Star Wars" against the so-called "rogue" states. Russia's suggestion to negotiate a global ban on missile technology is much more sensible, would preserve the ABM Treaty, and would make our world more secure. Instead, the US has advised the Russians to keep 2,500 warheads on launch-on-warning hair-trigger alert, which is a much greater threat to our world security that any missile North Korea might be able to build some day. We could easily handle the North Korean threat by welcoming them into the family of nations and establishing relations with them. Please urge President Clinton to cancel any decisions to violate the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty to build a "national missile defense". Ask him to take up the Russian offer to cut to 1,000 warheads, and then invite the other nuclear weapons states to negotiations for a ban on nuclear weapons, just as we have banned chemical and biological weapons. Sincerely, (your name and address) *********************************************** 2. Enroll your organization in Abolition 2000 - a global network to eliminate nuclear weapons. *********************************************** *********************************************** Thank you - YOUR LETTER CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! *********************************************** Alice Slater Global Resource Action Center for the Environment (GRACE) 15 East 26th Street, Room 915 New York, NY 10010 tel: (212) 726-9161 fax: (212) 726-9160 email: GRACE is a member of Abolition 2000, a global network for the elimination nuclear weapons. - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 15:06:49 -0700 From: Jackie Cabasso Subject: (abolition-usa) 2000 BY 2000: 28 MORE ENDORSERS NEEDED! "2000 BY 2000" COUNTDOWN! ABOLITION 2000 NEEDS YOUR HELP NOW!!! ABOLITION 2000 HAS GROWN TO 1972 ENDORSING ORGANIZATIONS AND MUNICIPALITIES! WE NEED ONLY 28 MORE TO REACH OUR GOAL OF "2000 BY 2000". WITH 6 MORE WORKING DAYS TO GO BEFORE THE END OF THE NPT REVIEW CONFERENCE, WE CAN MAKE IT, BUT WE NEED YOUR HELP RIGHT AWAY!! PLEASE REACH OUT TO PEACE, ENVIRONMENTAL, LABOR, CHURCH, PARENTS, TEACHERS, AND OTHER GROUPS AND ASK THEM TO SIGN ONTO THE ABOLITION 2000 STATEMENT. ENDORSEMENTS CAN BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY ON THE ABOLITION 2000 WEBSITE OR FOLKS CAN E-MAIL ENDORSEMENTS TO ABOLITION 2000 COORDINATOR CARAH ONG AT ABOLITION 2000 PLANS TO HOLD A PRESS CONFERENCE NEXT FRIDAY, THE LAST DAY OF THE NPT REVIEW CONFERENCE, TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE ARE NOW 2000 STRONG AND THAT WE INTEND TO KEEP GROWING UNTIL WE ABOLISH NUCLEAR WEAPONS! PLEASE HELP US GET THOSE LAST 28 ENDORSMENTS IN. 2000 THANKS!!! **************************************************************************** *************** Jacqueline Cabasso WESTERN STATES LEGAL FOUNDATION 1440 Broadway, Suite 500 Oakland, California 94612 USA Tel: + 1 (510) 839-5877 Fax: + 1 (510) 839-5397 Western States Legal Foundation is a founding member of the ABOLITION 2000 GLOBAL NETWORK TO ELIMINATE NUCLEAR WEAPONS **************************************************************************** *************** - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 16:09:53 -0700 From: "David Crockett Williams" Subject: (abolition-usa) NM Fire = Nuclear Emergency Alert, Global Peace Walk Below post describes info regarding radioactivity source and danger of smoke plume from New Mexico fire threatening Los Alamos Nuclear Labs. This morning in a phone call Reverend Yamato, now in that area with the Global Peace Walk, explained he considers the situation a global emergency and I should send out this announcement to email contacts following the walk's progress. Rather than just consider the origin of this fire, "brush clearing" by Forest Service, the consequences of its expansion due to global climate change induced increasing planetary wind velocities needs to be understood in terms of potentially grave global consequences including now the radioactive smoke plume moving across country, let alone the potential of greater fallout depending on what else burns near the labs. Tomorrow, Rev. Yamato will be conducting a memorial prayer ceremony at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial near Angelfire, NM, community (Eagle's Nest) and then the walkers and kitchen support vehicles, etc., will be going to the Los Alamos area to conduct prayers and offer help in whatever way they can to support local community and firefighting efforts. Yamato has advised that he considers this so serious that Oklahoma schedule of Global Peace Walk may be readjusted depending on how long the walkers stay and are able to help in Los Alamos area. Within 24-48hours I should receive another phone call update and will send more info when available. - -----Original Message----- From: Denise Nelson To: Date: Thursday, May 11, 2000 8:06 PM Subject: [downwinders] Radioactive cloud tracked by Lawrence Livermore Lab It was just announced that Lawrence Livermore is tracking and calculating all possible travel patterns of the smoke plume from Los Alamos. Due to this, one can safely presume the cloud falls under their jurisdiction which means it is radioactive. They (DOE) do not normally track fire/smoke plumes, nor does the DOE get usually involved in tracking and projecting smoke trajectories from forest fires. The formal announcement from Los Alamos is that the Radioactive substances INSIDE the lab are safe, but they said nothing about the off site hot spots, nor radioactive substances stored outside of the actual Laboratory buildings. The cloud is visible from outer space and is traveling east rapidly. Troy, NY was hit hard with Fallout from Nevada many years ago. Presently Vermont is having massive rains and that will need to be watched.... Denise Keep your Geiger counters handy... - ---------end forwarded post------ David Crockett Williams Chartered Life Underwriter Bachelor of Science, Chemistry General Agency Services Global Peace Walk 2000 Updates/Voicemail 415-267-1877 Global Emergency Alert Response USCampaign D C Williams for President, Leonard Peltier for VP Science & Technology in Society & Public Policy List The Vision of Paradise on Earth, DCWilliams Nuclear Disarmament & Economic Conversion Act Easy way to Email Media and Government "An Agenda for Peace", one Global Peace Walk support letter - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 16:31:57 -0700 From: Jackie Cabasso Subject: (abolition-usa) =?iso-8859-1?Q?NUKES_=93FOREVER=94--_US_PLANS_REVEALED?= - --=====================_5959815==_.ALT Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 12, 2000 =20 CONTACTS: Jacqueline Cabasso, Western States Legal Foundation c/o (212) 818 - -1861 Greg Mello, Los Alamos Study Group: (505) 982-7747 John Burroughs, Lawyers=92 Committee on Nuclear Policy (212) 818-1861 NUKES =93FOREVER=94-- US PLANS REVEALED United Nations Headquarters, New York -- According to United States= Department of Energy (DOE) documents just made public for the first time at the United Nations, the US has plans to keep nuclear weapons =93forever.=94 This is in= spite of the thirty-year agreement signed by the US as part of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) under which the US has pledged to end the nuclear arms race and eliminate its nuclear arsenal. As recently as last week the US renewed what it called an =93unequivocal=94 agreement to the =93ultimate=94 goal of complete nuclear disarmament in a= joint statement with the other four major nuclear powers =96 Russia, Britain,= France and China =96 released at the month-long NPT Review Conference now underway= at the United Nations. The documents revealing plans that would enable the US to keep nuclear= weapons =93forever=94 were acquired by the Los Alamos Study Group, a= non-governmental organization (NGO) that monitors the US nuclear weapons laboratory at Los Alamos New Mexico. The documents were unveiled at a UN meeting between NPT delegates and NGOs on Wednesday evening by Jacqueline Cabasso, Executive Director of the California-based Western States Legal Foundation, an NGO= that researches and analyzes US nuclear weapons policy and activities. The documents reveal US plans, presented at a DOE briefing in March this= year by A.E. Whiteman of the DOE=92s Albuquerque New Mexico Office of Technology,= as part of a report on restructuring of US nuclear weapons production= facilities and technologies. Whiteman outlined what will be required to ensure that US nuclear weapons =93remain viable forever=94 under the so-called =93Stockpile Stewardship=94 program. Requirements, he said, include =93replacement and certification of every part of every weapon.=94 A program called =93SLEP=94 (Stockpile Life Extension Program), Whiteman said, =93will be the driver for= the replacement and certification.=94 According to the documents, Stockpile Stewardship is intended to maintain US nuclear weapons =93indefinitely,=94= without underground nuclear testing.=20 Commenting on the revelations, Cabasso told NGOs and UN delegates that in combing through government statements, her organization has found numerous references to US reliance on nuclear weapons =93for the foreseeable future= =94 and even =93indefinitely.=94 However, she said, =93this is the first official= reference we have found confirming US plans for keeping nuclear weapons forever.=94= She added: =93Viewed in combination with the shocking US =91talking points=92= recently obtained by The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists declaring that both the United States and Russia =91will possess under the terms of any possible future= arms reduction agreements, large, diversified, viable arsenals of strategic offensive weapons,=92 it is has become undeniable that the real US intention= is =91nukes forever.=92=94=20 According to Greg Mello, Executive Director of the Los Alamos Study Group: =93These documents reveal a resurgent nuclear weapons complex that is= completely out of step with the requirements of the NPT. These legal requirements are seldom mentioned in DOE documents and have had no effect whatsoever on US weapons production plans. The DOE=92s proposal to spend more than $4 billion= on new nuclear weapons production facilities and to produce at least 450= plutonium bomb =93triggers=94 per year is outrageous and irrational. We call on the international community to help up put the brakes on all plans for new= nuclear weapons design and production facilities. If built the facilities will be used.=94 John Burroughs, Executive Director of the Lawyers=92 Committee on Nuclear= Policy in New York stated: =93US plans to modernize its nuclear arsenal and to= maintain nuclear arms indefinitely flagrantly violate both provisions of the NPT disarmament obligation =96 the requirement to end the nuclear arms race and= the requirement for good faith negotiations leading to complete nuclear disarmament.=94 =20 # # # **************************************************************************** *************** Jacqueline Cabasso WESTERN STATES LEGAL FOUNDATION 1440 Broadway, Suite 500 Oakland, California 94612 USA Tel: + 1 (510) 839-5877 Fax: + 1 (510) 839-5397 Western States Legal Foundation is a founding member of the=20 ABOLITION 2000 GLOBAL NETWORK TO ELIMINATE NUCLEAR WEAPONS **************************************************************************** *************** - --=====================_5959815==_.ALT Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 12, 2000        &n= bsp;         &nb= sp;         &nbs= p;
CONTACTS: Jacqueline Cabasso
, Western States Legal Foundation c/o (212) 818 -1861
          &= nbsp;     Greg Mello, Los Alamos Study Group: (505) 982-7747
          &= nbsp;     John Burroughs, Lawyers=92 Committee on Nuclear Policy (212) 818-1861


United Nations Headquarters, New York
-- According to United States Department of Energy (DOE) documents just made public for the first time at the United Nations, the US has plans to keep nuclear weapons =93forever.=94  This is in spite of the thirty-year agreement signed by the US as part of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) under which the US has pledged to end the nuclear arms race and eliminate its nuclear arsenal.

As recently as last week the US renewed what it called an =93unequivocal=94 agreement to the =93ultimate=94 goal of complete nuclear disarmament in a joint statement with the other four major nuclear powers =96 Russia, Britain, France and China =96 released at the month-long NPT Review Conference now underway at the United Nations.

The documents revealing plans that would enable the US to keep nuclear weapons =93forever=94 were acquired by the Los Alamos Study Group, a non-governmental organization (NGO) that monitors the US nuclear weapons laboratory at Los Alamos New Mexico.  The documents were unveiled at a UN meeting between NPT delegates and NGOs on Wednesday evening by Jacqueline Cabasso, Executive Director of the California-based Western States Legal Foundation, an NGO that researches and analyzes US nuclear weapons policy and activities.

The documents reveal US plans, presented at a DOE briefing in March this year by A.E. Whiteman of the DOE=92s Albuquerque New Mexico Office of Technology, as part of a report on restructuring of US nuclear weapons production facilities and technologies. Whiteman outlined what will be required to ensure that US nuclear weapons =93remain viable forever=94 under the so-called =93Stockpile Stewardship=94 program. Requirements, he said, include =93replacement and certification of every part of every weapon.=94  A program called =93SLEP=94 (Stockpile Life Extension Program), Whiteman said, =93will be the driver for the replacement and certification.=94 According to the documents, Stockpile Stewardship is intended to maintain US nuclear weapons =93indefinitely,=94 without underground nuclear testing.

Commenting on the revelations, Cabasso told NGOs and UN delegates that in combing through government statements, her organization has found numerous references to US reliance on nuclear weapons =93for the foreseeable future=94 and even =93indefinitely.=94  However, she said, =93this is the first official reference we have found confirming US plans for keeping nuclear weapons forever.=94 She added: =93Viewed in combination with the shocking US =91talking points=92 recently obtained by The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists declaring that both the United States and Russia =91will possess under the terms of any possible future arms reduction agreements, large, diversified, viable arsenals of strategic offensive weapons,=92 it is has become undeniable that the real US intention is =91nukes forever.=92=94

According to Greg Mello, Executive Director of the Los Alamos Study Group: =93These documents reveal a resurgent nuclear weapons complex that is completely out of step with the requirements of the NPT.  These legal requirements are seldom mentioned in DOE documents and have had no effect whatsoever on US weapons production plans. The DOE=92s proposal to spend more than $4 billion on new nuclear weapons production facilities and to produce at least 450 plutonium bomb =93triggers=94  per year is outrageous and irrational. We call on the international community to help up put the brakes on all plans for new nuclear weapons design and production facilities.  If built the facilities will be used.=94

John Burroughs, Executive Director of the Lawyers=92 Committee on Nuclear Policy in New York stated: =93US plans to modernize its nuclear arsenal and to maintain nuclear arms indefinitely flagrantly violate both provisions of the NPT disarmament obligation =96 the requirement to end the nuclear arms race and the requirement for good faith negotiations leading to complete nuclear disarmament.=94 

#  #  #

****************************************************************************= ***************
Jacqueline Cabasso
1440 Broadway, Suite 500
Oakland, California 94612 USA
Tel: + 1 (510) 839-5877
Fax: + 1 (510) 839-5397
Western States Legal Foundation is a founding member of the
****************************************************************************= *************** - --=====================_5959815==_.ALT-- - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 May 2000 18:25:32 +1000 From: FoE Sydney - Nuclear Campaign Subject: (abolition-usa) 28 more endorsers needed for abolition 2000 Please reply to NOT this adress. Please spread this around. "2000 BY 2000" COUNTDOWN! ABOLITION 2000 NEEDS YOUR HELP NOW!!! ABOLITION 2000 HAS GROWN TO 1972 ENDORSING ORGANIZATIONS AND MUNICIPALITIES! WE NEED ONLY 28 MORE TO REACH OUR GOAL OF "2000 BY 2000". WITH 6 MORE WORKING DAYS TO GO BEFORE THE END OF THE NPT REVIEW CONFERENCE, WE CAN MAKE IT, BUT WE NEED YOUR HELP RIGHT AWAY!! PLEASE REACH OUT TO PEACE, ENVIRONMENTAL, LABOR, CHURCH, PARENTS, TEACHERS, AND OTHER GROUPS AND ASK THEM TO SIGN ONTO THE ABOLITION 2000 STATEMENT. ENDORSEMENTS CAN BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY ON THE ABOLITION 2000 WEBSITE OR FOLKS CAN E-MAIL ENDORSEMENTS TO ABOLITION 2000 COORDINATOR CARAH ONG AT ABOLITION 2000 PLANS TO HOLD A PRESS CONFERENCE NEXT FRIDAY, THE LAST DAY OF THE NPT REVIEW CONFERENCE, TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE ARE NOW 2000 STRONG AND THAT WE INTEND TO KEEP GROWING UNTIL WE ABOLISH NUCLEAR WEAPONS! PLEASE HELP US GET THOSE LAST 28 ENDORSMENTS IN. 2000 THANKS!!! **************************************************************************** *************** Jacqueline Cabasso WESTERN STATES LEGAL FOUNDATION 1440 Broadway, Suite 500 Oakland, California 94612 USA Tel: + 1 (510) 839-5877 Fax: + 1 (510) 839-5397 Western States Legal Foundation is a founding member of the ABOLITION 2000 GLOBAL NETWORK TO ELIMINATE NUCLEAR WEAPONS **************************************************************************** *************** - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 May 2000 21:03:42 +1000 From: FoE Sydney - Nuclear Campaign Subject: (abolition-usa) NPT URGENT ACTION 2 (From Felicity Hill Via FOE Sydney) Dear All, I am passing on Felicity Hill's second alert, from the NPT Review Confernce at the UN, which is now moving into a final, crucial, stage. I have appended to it the sample letter springing out of Felicity's first alert, which also includes fax numbers, URL's, that are also useful for Alert No 2. I have also appended a letter written by FOE Australia and the Australian Peace Committee in immediate response to Flick's appeal, hoping it may be useful in writing to your own governments. If you use the sample letter, please take careful note of what Felicity has said in her second alert. Both alerts call for support for the New Agenda position, especially for paragraph 1 of the New Agenda working paper. Alert No 2 is much more specific and nuanced. NPT URGENT ACTION 2 from =46elicity Hill, WILPF Sharon Riggle, CESD Merav Datan, IPPNW The 2000 Review Conference of the Non-Proliferation Treaty brings together 187 governments to discuss the most widely supported disarmament treaty ever, the Non-Proliferation Treaty, or NPT, which became international law in 1970. The five Nuclear Weapon States have signed the NPT and in doing so, they committed to getting rid of their nuclear weapon under Article 6. "Each of the Parties to the Treaty undertakes to pursue negotiations in good faith on effective measures relating to cessation of the nuclear arms race at an early date and to nuclear disarmament, and on a treaty on general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international control." The Main Committee devoted to non-proliferation, disarmament and international peace and security concluded its work at the NPT Review Conference today. Three draft texts were discussed at the last meeting of Main Committee I. There are still six working days of the conference in which there is opportunity for NGOs to have an impact on the final outcome. NGOs all around the world can reinforce the efforts of NGOs at the UN by: 1. Writing to and visiting your foreign ministry in your capital city. 2. Writing to and visiting your parliamentary representatives, urging them to contact the foreign ministry. 3. Faxing and calling your delegation here in New York. (For the contact details in many capitals and all New York Missions, see Click on the Governmental Disarmament Contacts button). 4. Writing to your newspapers (either articles, letters to the editor, or particular journalists who might take up the issue) This Urgent Action relates in particular to the most contentious language in the FORWARD LOOKING DOCUMENT for ACTION OVER THE COMING 5 YEAR PERIOD, developed in a Working Paper of Subsidiary Body I (a subcommittee of Main Committee I) under the Chairmanship of Clive Pearson of New Zealand. The full document, (NPT/CONF.2000/MC.1/SB/1/CRP.7) can be found at: We think it would be useful to concentrate on five paragraphs in particular which relate to 1. Unequivocal undertaking to the total elimination of arsenals (para 17) 2. The ABM treaty (para 5) 3. Annual reporting by nuclear weapon states (para 11) 4. Dealerting, Deactivating (para 13) 5. A diminished role for nuclear weapons in security policies (para 14) & the use of "Strategic stability" throughout the document 1. Unequivocal undertaking to the total elimination of arsenals (para 17) Para 17. An unequivocal undertaking by the nuclear-weapon States to accomplish the total elimination of their nuclear arsenals and, in the forthcoming NPT review period 2000-2005, to engage in an accelerated process of negotiations and to take steps leading to nuclear disarmament to which all States parties are committed under Article VI. Currently the last paragraph in the document, NGOs believe that this "unequivocal undertaking" is in fact one of the most important elements of the working paper. This language reflects Operative Paragraph 1 from the New Agenda Coalition's Working Document on Nuclear Disarmament, tabled on the first day of the Conference. (The New Agenda Coalition is made up of Brazil, Egypt, Ireland, Mexico, New Zealand, South Africa and Sweden.) An "unequivocal undertaking" is the language proposed to replace the "ultimate goal" language of the 5 Nuclear Weapon States. "Ultimate" means: last or last possible, final. This explains why many states and all NGOs are fairly suspicious of the word ultimate. An undertaking is an action, not a promise, which would then translate into a faster process than we have seen in the past 30 years of the existence of the NPT. Once there is a demonstrated commitment to the TOTAL elimination of nuclear weapons, the consequences will be an accelerated programme of action. 2. The ABM Treaty Para 5. The early entry into force and full implementation of START II and the conclusion of START III as soon as possible while preserving and strengthening the ABM Treaty as a cornerstone of strategic stability and as a basis for further reductions of strategic offensive weapons, in accordance with its provisions. The majority of this language is taken directly from the joint statement of the five nuclear weapon states. The consensus nature of this document was only possible because of differing interpretations of the word "strengthening". Strengthening cannot necessarily mean modify but that is how the US is interpreting this language. An unfortunate consequence of the 5 agreeing to common language has been the rest of the states parties being reticent to comment on the danger of US plans for a national missile defense which could spark a new arms race. The essence of the ABM was a recognition that reduction of offensive weapons requires a limit on defensive capabilities. The US government talking points leaked 2 weeks ago (available on indicate that the US "comforted" the Russians that they should maintain between 1,000 and 2,000 nuclear weapons to have "the certain ability to carry out an annihilating counterattack=8A" 3. Annual reporting by nuclear weapon states (para 11) Para 11. Annual reports within the framework of the NPT review process by all States parties on the implementation of Article VI and paragraph 4 (c) of the 1995 Principles and Objectives for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament. NGOs support an annual reporting mechanism and propose that there be a standardised format or structure to the annual reports to streamline the information provided and to avoid the proliferation of glossy propaganda and self-serving or selective reporting. The reports should cover the number of weapons dismantled, in storage and deployed. The reports should also detail nuclear doctrines and policy changes that relate to, facilitate or obstruct nuclear disarmament. 4. Dealerting, de-activating, removal of warheads from delivery vehicles (para 13) Para 13. Measures to de-alert and de-activate nuclear weapon systems, the removal of nuclear warheads from delivery vehicles and the withdrawal of nuclear forces from active deployment for the maintenance and promotion of strategic stability. Even though dealerting was identified as the first step towards disarmament in the Canberra Commission, it is still being resisted. For persuasive arguments and facts on dealerting go to 5. A diminished role for nuclear weapons in security policies (para 14) & the use of "Strategic stability" throughout the document Para 14. A diminishing role for nuclear weapons in security policies to minimise the risk that these weapon ever be used, to facilitate the process of elimination, to enhance strategic stability and to contribute to international confidence and security. This paragraph was originally targeted at NATO's renewed nuclear posture, but has since been broadened to include any state that is explicitly increasing reliance on these weapons. On face value this paragraph might appear positive but it contains contradictions. The diminishing role of nuclear weapons in security policies is necessary for disarmament, however, the addition of "to enhance strategic stability" cannot be supported by NGOs because this language reinforces a minimum level of possession of nuclear weapons. In other words, strategic stability and the abolition of nuclear weapons are mutually exclusive notions. The irony is that the concept of elimination is right next to the concept of strategic stability. ******* ******* ******* ******* =46elicity Hill, Director Women's International League for Peace and Freedom United Nations Office 777 UN Plaza, New York, NY 10017, USA Ph: 1 212 682 1265 =46ax: 1 212 286 8211 email: web: ******* ******* ******* ******* SAMPLE LETTER TO ALL NPT SIGNATORY FOREIGN MINISTERS AND NPT REVIEW CONFERENCE REPRESENTATIVES (Address and fax number of foreign minister) (Address and fax number of UN mission/NPT Review Conference Representative) Dear Foreign Minister, UN Mission, or NPT Review Conference Representative, I am writing to you to persuade your government to support the working paper of the New Agenda Coalition at the Review Conference of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) in New York at the United Nations Headquarters, and most particularly paragraphs 17,5,11,13,and 14 of the chairmans working paper of subsidiary body-1 of main committee1. On 24April, the New Agenda Coalition group of nations, led by Mexico, New Zealand, Ireland, Sweden, Brazil, South Africa and Egypt, presented a working paper to the NPT review Conference. This working paper provides a realistic, moderate, practical, and reasonable program of action for nuclear nonproliferation and disarmament that should serve as the basis for the final decision of the Conference. That program includes the following elements: - --An unequivocal undertaking by the five nuclear weapons states to eliminate their nuclear arsenals, not as an 'ultimate' aim to be accomplished at some remote date, but as an immediate obligation. For the five nuclear weapons states to engage in an accelerated process of negotiation, taking steps leading to nuclear disarmament in the coming 2000-2005 period. - --Implementation of START-II and commencement of negotiations on START-III - --The integration of all five nuclear weapon states into a process leading to the total elimination of nuclear weapons. - --Adaptation of policies and postures to preclude the use of nuclear weapons - --Taking strategic nuclear weapons off hairtrigger alert. It is requested that your government support Operative Paragraph 1 of the New Agenda working paper, which reads: "The five nuclear weapon states make an unequivocal undertaking to accomplish the total elimination of their nuclear arsenals and, in the course of the forthcoming review period 2000-2005, to engage in an accelerated process of negotiations and to take steps leading to nuclear disarmament to which states parties are committed under Article VI." This is pariticularly important because the nuclear weapons states have themselves issued a joint statement on 1 May, which included the following sentence: "We reiterate our unequivocal commitment to the ultimate goals of a complete elimination of nuclear weapons and a treaty on general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international control". However, the use of the world 'ultimate' in this context, as well as the linkage to general and complete disarmament, means that the objective of the elimination of nuclear weapons is in fact being postponed to a distant future. The original language of the NPT itself (in force since 1970) refers to the need to achieve results by an early date. The 1996 advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice unanimously emphasizes the obligation to actually achieve the goal of elimination of nuclear weapons. I//(My organization) therefore urges you, Foreign Minister, to support Operative Paragraph 1 of the New Agenda Working Paper, as offering a series of practical steps to move towards the fulfillment of what are in any case the clear legal obligations of the nuclear weapons states, to eliminate their nuclear weapons arsenals at an early date. Your government should especially support also the chairmans working paper of subsidiary body-1 of main committee1, paragraphs 17,5,11,13,and 14 which now embody the intent of the NAC working paper. We urge you to give your full support to the measures outlined by the New Agenda Coalition in their working paper, especially if your government has not seen fit to do so before now. These measures offer a realistic way out of the nuclear quagmire which the P5 statement does not. The current embodiment of these proposals in the chairs working paper of SB-1 of main committee 1 must therefore also be supported. (Signed) LETTER FROM AUSTRALIAN PEACE COMMITTEE/FOE AUSTRALIA TO FOREIGN MINISTER DOW= NER AUSTRALIAN PEACE COMMITTEE =46RIENDS OF THE EARTH AUSTRALIA 12/5/2000 ATTN THE HON. ALEXANDER DOWNER, 02-6273-4112, 08-8370-8166 PENNY WENSLEY, AMBASSADOR TO THE UNITED NATIONS, 0015-1-212-351-6610 cc MARINA TSIRBAS, BOB TYSON, AUSTRALIAN NPT REVCON DELEGATION RE:NPT REVIEW, CHAIRS WORKING PAPER, SUBSIDIARY BODY-1, MC-1 Dear Foreign Minister Downer, Penny Wensley, Marina Tsirbas, Bob Tyson, and Australian NPT Review Conference Delegation, We are writing over language to be incorporated in the 'Forward Looking Document for Action over the Coming Five Year Period', developed in the Working Paper of Subsidiary Body-1 of Main Committee 1, chaired by Ambassador Clive Pearson of New Zealand. There are a number of paragraphs which in our view are particularly worthy of support. Our comments and recommendations follow. 1)Paragraph 17 refers to 'an unequivocal undertaking by the nuclear weapon states to accomplish the total elimination of their nuclear arsenals and, in the forthcoming NPT Review period 2000-2005, to engage in an accelerated process of negotiations and to take steps leading to nuclear disarmament to which all states parties are committed under article VI'. We view this paragraph and its wording as vital. We note that this language differs from that of the P5 statement in which the elimination of nuclear weapons is referred to as an 'ultimate goal', and that, as such, it reflects more closely the actual legal obligations unanimously reaffirmed by the 1996 advisory opinion of the ICJ. We also note that the UK has proposed that the reference to the forthcoming NPT Review period 2000-2005 be dropped, and that, as would be expected, there is resistance amongst the P5 to this language. It is our view that this resistance should not be allowed to prevail, and that Australia should take no steps that weaken the position of the NAC and indeed the majority of the governments of the world in pushing the weapons states as far as possible. 2) Paragraph 5 of the SB-1 Chair's paper refers to: "The early entry into force and full implementation of START-II and conclusion of START-III as soon as possible while preserving and strengthening the ABM treaty as a cornerstone of strategic stability and as a basis for further reductions of strategic offensive weapons in accordance with its provisions". This language in many respects mirrors that of the P5 statement. However, we would draw attention to a number of points: a)We are fully aware of the obstacles that exist to the full implementation of START-II, namely that the Russian Duma's ratification legislation provides that instruments of ratification shall not be exchanged until the US Senate in turn ratifies protocols to the ABM treaty agreed to in 1997, but which the US Senate has made clear it does not desire to ratify. A mechanism needs to be found to short-circuit this block. b)We are also aware that documents leaked to the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists show that a negotiating position, 'Talking points', conveyed to the Russians, actually envisioned the maintenance, on hairtrigger alert, of higher overall warhead numbers than the Russians themselves, for economic reasons, wish to maintain in order to provide an assurance of deterrence in the face of the possible deployment by the US of an ABM system. Such a position undercuts any assurances by the US in particular that it is interested in moving toward the elimination of nuclear weapons at all, and in this context the word 'ultimate' appears very 'ultimate'. We would strongly urge that START-III negotiations be aimed at achieving the lowest possible warhead totals and that they encompass also the standing down of nuclear forces from hairtrigger alert, as recommended by the Canberra Commission. c)The maintenance of the ABM treaty as a 'cornerstone' of strategic stability has been emphasized in this context by the UN Secretary General, by Russia, by China, by France, by the P5 statement itself, by the EU, by the NAM and by the NAC as well as by a variety of individual countries. Needless to say none of these statements emphasizing its importance seems to have meant that a BMD system should be deployed, or that such a system is in any way compatible with the maintenance and strengthening of the ABM treaty. Australia should in no way encourage the US toward the belief that it will be in any way supported in deploying a BMD system. 3)Paragraph 13 of the SB-1 MC-1 Chair's paper refers to: "Measures to de- alert and deactivate nuclear weapons systems, the removal of nuclear warheads from delivery vehicles and the withdrawal of nuclear forces from active deployment for the maintenance and promotion of strategic stability" It will be well known to you that de-alerting was strongly recommended by the Canberra Commission in 1996. The Australian Senate has twice carried resolutions calling for nuclear weapons to be taken off hairtrigger alert in the leadup to the Y2K rollover, as has the European Parliament. Resolutions incorporating de-alerting have also been carried by the United Nations General Assembly. De-Alerting, or the standing down of nuclear forces from hairtrigger alert would do much to lessen the probability of accidental nuclear war resulting from computer or sensor glitches or from human miscalculation during a crisis. You will be aware that a number of frightening 'near misses' have occurred over the years in both Russian but also in US nuclear weapons command and control systems. 4) Paragraph 14 refers to: "A diminishing role for nuclear weapons in security policies to minimize the risk that these weapons ever be used, to facilitate the process of elimination, to enhance strategic stability, and to contribute to international confidence and security". In this context it is disturbing that recent Russian pronouncements on nuclear doctrine have moved away from the strong 'no first use' position previously held, to one in which certain circumstances (no matter how supposedly desperate) might justify the use of nuclear weapons. US and NATO statements too, continue to envisage nuclear weapons as having a continuing role, and recent developments in the proposed deployment of an ABM system also point in that direction. ' enhance Strategic Stability' in this context should not be seen (but is often seen) as a rationale for maintaining high numbers of warheads in order to be able to assure deterrence in the light of the deployment of a BMD system, or otherwise to ensure 'deterrence'. In view of its potential use as a way to defend the retention of numbers of nuclear warheads it would be better if this phrase were removed. It would be prefereable if it were absolutely clear to all that this phrase means the standing down of weapons systems and the movement to lower and lower (and then to zero) warhead numbers, not the maintainance of any number at all of nuclear warheads. 5)NGOs favour the adoption of an annual reporting mechanism on Article VI and Paragraph 4(c) of the 1995 principles and Objectives for Nonproliferation and Disarmament, and that in order to avoid self- serving and selective reporting, there be a standard format in which the number of weapons dismantled, in storage, and deployed as well as nuclear doctrines, policy changes, force postures, and other relevant matters be reported. We commend these points to your attention and trust that you will be able in particular to be able to offer strong support for Paragraph 17 of the working paper. John Hallam, Nuclear Campaigner Friends of the Earth, Irene Gale AM, Australian Peace Committee BELOW IS HOW TO FAX, FAX NUMBERS. (NEXT THE ORIGINAL APPEAL.) =46AX NUMBERS OF SOME FOREIGN MINISTERS A URL where the fax numbers of every head of state and foreign minister in the world is listed plus lots of information is this: Http:// (Another URL that has the fax numbers of heads of state, foreign ministers and UN missions and also has lots of information on the NPT Review is: Http:// ) Some of the relevant fax numbers are listed below. If your country is not on this list, you can find your foreign minister or head of state on one of the two URLs above. (The + in front stands for whatever your countrys ISD access code may be. You only really need it if you are faxing some other country. I hope however, that people may like not only to fax their own foreign minister but also those of Russia and the US.) Some of these numbers may have changed. If any of them don't work, let me know at and check the number on the URL or with your own telephone system. If you are in the US, Secy of State Madeleine Allbrights fax number is: +1 202 647 6047 President Clintons fax number is +1-202-456-2461 The US United Nations mission is on Fax. +1 212 415 4443 If you are in Russia, Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov's fax number is +7-095-244-3276 or +7-095-244-2203. (You need to be persistent with these numbers) The general Kremlin fax number is +7-095-205-4330. (This is the slowest fax in the universe) Russia's UN mission is on +1-212-628-0252 If you are in France, your foreign ministers fax number is +33-1-45-51-60-12= , Jacques Chirac's fax number is +33-1-47-42-24-65. =46rance's UN mission is at: Fax. + 1 212 421 6889 If you are in the UK, Tony Blairs fax number is +44-171-925-0918. The Foreign Minister, Robin Cook's fax number is: +44-171-270-2144 The United Nations mission is on Fax. +1 212 745 9316 If you are in Germany, the Chancellors fax number is: +49-228-56-2357, or +49-30-4000-2357 =46oreign Minister Joschka Fischers number is any of these: +49-228-168-6662= , +49-30-20186-252, +49-228-1734-02, +49-30-201-8619-24 The German UN mission is on: Fax +1 212 940 0402 Here are the fax numbers of some foreign ministers and UN missions: If you are in Canada, your foreign ministers fax number is: +1-613-996-3546. Canada, UN Mission -Fax. +1 212 848 1195 If you are in Japan, you need to fax +81-3-3581-9675 UN Mission - Fax. +1 212 751 1966 If you are in Italy please fax +39-6-628-6210, or +39-6-3222-850 or +39-6-3222-734 Italy UN Mission - Fax. +1 212 486 1036 If you are in Hungary, please fax your foreign minister on +36-1-356-3801 If you are in Korea, try your minister of foreign affairs on +82-2-724-8291, +82-2-739-5370 If you are in Brazil, your foreign ministers fax should be +55-61-226-1762 Brazil UN Mission - Fax. +1 212 371 5716 or +1 212 758 9242 If you are in Mexico, try +52-6-782-4109 If you are in Greece try +30-1-645-0094 (or 0095) If you are in Thailand, try +66-2-225-6155, or +66-2-226-1374 - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. 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