From: (abolition-usa-digest) To: Subject: abolition-usa-digest V1 #303 Reply-To: abolition-usa-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk abolition-usa-digest Monday, May 15 2000 Volume 01 : Number 303 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 11:49:16 -0700 From: "David Crockett Williams" Subject: (abolition-usa) American Platform2000 suggestions Dear Joy, Thanks for the positive feedback on the idea of public collaboration on an "ideal" American Platform 2000 that everyone can contribute to and help publicize to seek media coverage of important issues and compel their acceptance by the mainstream politicial candidates for all offices this election year. To start this process I have created an American Platform Committee egroups list at to which I am copying this post and where a few previous ones on this topic are archived for public view at that site. My suggestion would be to encourage anyone interested to submit their ideas to that list and then for some who step forward for this purpose to gradually refine the ideas in the coming weeks into "American Platform 2000 drafts" which can also be posted at that site by those who will take the responsiblity as "editors". I think a good general timeframe would be to see what kind of final drafts can be created by the end of June so that these can be publicized widely in the last month or so before the Republican and Democratic National Conventions. Obviously it will be extremely difficult for "everyone" who might join in this project/list to "unanimously agree" on all points that everyone else might submit for such American Platform 2000. There may, however, be numerous points on which everyone would agree. There may then develop a "basic" platform and several different "supplementals" to include the various points and when promoting the idea each issue group activist could promote the basic and whatever supplemental format they prefer? The basic idea is to popularize the idea that the "people" themselves in this election cycle are composing/submitting the issues they think most important for the candidates to address and those who take up the most important ones are the only ones who will get elected this year. For the time being I think the best plan is just to invite anyone interested to submit their ideas to this egroup list by either forwarding them to a list member to post to the list as they see fit, or by joining the list and posting it themselves. Egroups has many choices of how list members can receive posts to lists or just view on the web. I have set up the list so that members only can post to it but anyone can view messages and files attached to them. Currently it is set up so anyone can join the list without moderator approval, but if it gets out of hand the moderator(s) can unsub any member. It is currently set up so that "reply" function sends replies to the member who posted the idea being replied to, so if the reply is intended to go to the list members, it (as any posts to list) should be addressed by list members to Any non-list-member posts to list will just bounce but anyone, list member or not, may view the posts to the list at list website. This is how the list is set up as of now and can be changed as needs be in coming weeks. To subscribe to the American Platform 2000 egroup list one can send a blank email to or subscribe at the list website where posts may also be viewed by anyone I will be abstracting ideas that I favor from posts to that list for incusion also in the Williams-Peltier Independent US Presidential/VP Candidacy Platform which will be posted with other info relevant to this candidacy at its egroup list but I would prefer others take the initiative on editing American Platform 2000 drafts which I will most likely of course also endorse. I would also prefer someone(s) else to take over moderating this American Platform Committee list as soon as the right folks step forward to do so (also a "co-chair" team to guide this informal "e-committee" so I can bow out of that interim function. So first task would be to publicize the opportunity to submit ideas for American Platform 2000 to its egroup list, then to identify folks who want to put some time into the idea by studying the submissions and perhaps weekly offering compilation drafts to the list for review. An American Platform 2000 Committee should be formed in the next couple of weeks who can use polling functions, chat, etc. of the egroups list to make decisions on finalizing draft ideas and wordings, etc. If this idea catches on I suspect it will be an ongoing process into the Fall and perhaps even after November 2000 elections. If the list gets enough support and publicity, the polls of its members could carry some weight with the media, especially if each of the members indicates they represent numbers of people in their respective issue groups. For this reason I strongly suggest that each list member complete the "member profile" information at egroups site so that other list members can click to their profiles and see who it is that is posting and about their interests, groups represented, etc. Let's see where this idea goes after this posting to you and a few of my lists. David Crockett Williams Interim Chairman, American Platform 2000 Committee From: "jcrocker" To: "David Crockett Williams" Subject: Re: CIA drugs articles etc Date: Monday, May 15, 2000 7:02 AM Dear David, YOUR PLATFORM 2000 idea is sheer genius. I'm disseminating the "idea" to the various E-groups that send me stuff, but I'm wondering what progress you've made to put a draft document out there. There are of course several suggestions for "What-the-World-Needs" in existence. I know we signed one in Holland, and one at a Post-Hague Appeal meeting. I don't have them at my finger tips. ) I'm appending : 1. Your list from our letter--reformatted a bit. 2. The "Irreducible Minimum" decisions that I submitted to the Hague Appeal for Peace Agenda committee (without immediate results). 3. An abbreviated letter from Doug Hunt (a leader in the A-16 Washington World Bank protests.) At the end is a list of the Big Sponsors of A-16. Blessings, Joy ====================================================================== 1. ABSOLUTE NATURE OF TRUTH. Recognition that truth is not just what people are made to believe but what is factually correct. ABOLISH NUCLEAR WEAPONS AND REDIRECT THEIR BUDGET TO PEACEFUL PURPOSES. (HR 2545 STOP CIA DRUG SMUGGLING. and end the drug war. RELEGALIZE HEMP/CANNABIS For all purposes and end the fraud by which it was outlawed as marijuana in 937, so that this most useful and bioefficient plant can be widely globally cultivated on a global emergency scale level to save the trees and heal the atmosphere to ameliorate global climate change . NEW ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES. Adequate funding for a "crash program" to quickly finish the research and development on the new energy technologies ($108 million/year says O'Leary -- phone number on that site). AMNESTY FOR POLITICAL PRISONERS like Leonard Peltier who embrace and champion the teaching of nonviolence; etc. etc. RELEASE OF NONVIOLENT DRUG PRISONERS -- funding prevention training and rehab centers to help those with crippling addictions and problems. ============= Joy: With a preamble to the effect that we are entering a new millennium where decisions will be derived from principles of **ALL LIFE IS SACRED. **BOTH/AND (not either/or) and WIN/WIN (not I win, you lose) ============================================================================ 2. Suggestions (to the Hague Appeal for Peace) for "Irreducible Minim" Decisions UNIVERSAL RIGHT TO SUBSISTENCE: Investment of the 80 Billion dollars that the UN Development Program says would bring universal access to basic education, clean-water-and- sanitation, basic health-and nutrition. (re-investing a droplet of the military arms-budget.) GLOBAL DISARMAMENT. DEMOCRACY: People's Assembly in the U.N. ( Revocation of veto powers in the United Nations.? ( Proportional representation of political parties in the congress?) TREATIES:PARLIAMENTARY RATIFICATION by each country Of the international treaties we have have signed. (Especially disarmament and banning nukes.) PEOPLE CLAIMING OUR RIGHT TO ACCESS TO THE AIR WAVES. so that campaign-financing by Big Bucks could be eliminated; so that violence and consumer-driven TV programming could be changed; so that "alternative" media could have access to mass media and thus a tool to raise consciousness and political will. PEOPLE/GOVERNMENT RE-TAKING THE HISTORIC RIGHT TO CHARTER CORPORATIONS--and revoke charters when the 'common welfare' is not served. ZERO INTENTIONAL DEATHS:A year's experiment with a moratorium on war and capital punishment. RESTORATIVE JUSTICE--moving to change the 'penal code' to re-integrative, restorative, healing paradigms. Reduce drastically the number of citizens in prisons. LIFT THE EXISTING SANCTIONS AND EMBARGOES (unless asked for by the people themselves). Against Iraq, Cuba,Libya and some 30 other nations. (A one year's experiment?) ============================================================================ 3. G-77 From: Doug Our children will gaze back aghast upon us and our time as a period of waste, war, abandon, and oppression on a scale so vast it screwed up the planet and humanity for a millennium. TRADE-SOUTH AFRICA: Mbeki Attempts To Secure A United Bloc By William Dhlamini JOHANNESBURG May 12 (IPS) - South African President Thabo Mbeki is attempting to secure a united bloc of developing nations as a counterweight to the G7 of most industrialised countries to push for the interests of developing countries, ahead of the next round of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) trade negotiations. This bloc, it is hoped, will constitute the major emerging economies: China, India, Brazil, South Africa, Egypt and Nigeria. SA's Erwin is a playing a key role in trying to get the next round of global trade talks on track which stalled after they came to an abrupt end at Seattle. The argument in SA is that developing nations should now use their muscle within the world trading system to kick-start global trade talks. SA secured a coup when developing nations Group 77 body adopted a resolution at the presidential summit in Havana, Cuba, last month calling for the group to speak, for the first time, in one voice at the WTO. To give form to the resolution, the heads of State and senior ministers from the G77 countries agreed to create a new political directorate in the bloc to give practical effect to its decisions. The directorate, whose powers are still being defined, includes Mbeki, Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo and Malaysian President Mahathir Mohamad. "The Party's Over" for Corporate Lackeys in Both "Parties" Republicans: Philadelphia, PA - July 30th - MArch and Rally - July 31st / August- Democrats: Los Angeles - August 14-17th - __________________________________________________ On the Web: Mobilization for Global Justice, site for protesters: Religious Working Group on the World Bank and IMF 50 Years is Enough! Justice Calendar WhirledBank Jubilee 2000/USA - ----------------------- From: "jcrocker" To: "David Crockett Williams" Subject: More platform 2000 material Date: Monday, May 15, 2000 8:02 AM Our Terrorist platform: We demand transparent, accountable and wholly democratic government and financial institutions that put the needs of the planet and all of its' people before the short-term interests of multi-national corporations. Things to expect after the revolution: Fair allocation of resources for social security, health-care, education and environmental stewardship along with accountability from those who claim to know what we want and need. Sound radical? It is. It's called Democracy. DEAR DAVID, This is the final paragraph from a letter from Han Shan of the Ruckus Society. I told him of you and Platform 2000, and enclosed below is our exchange of letters--for your skim-reading. Peace, Joy Dear Han Shan and fellow Terrorists, Great opt-ed. Is there anything we can do to help it get published--like if a number of us wrote the Sun, perhaps? You forgot a couple of neat quotes, though they are implied: "One man's terrorist is another man's hero" (to wit: Patrick Henry & the Boston Tea party people) "Today's hero may be another day's terrorist." (to wit: Ben Laden "our man" in helping us fight the Russians in Afghanistan; Noriega "our man" in helping with the drug supply and with bases against the Sandinistas....) AS WE BUILD THESE GREAT COALITIONS, DAVID CROCKETT WILLIAMS (presidential candidate with Leanard Pelletier as his VP) IS SUGGESTING THAT WE ALL GET TOGETHER ON A LANDMARK "PLATFORM 2000" --FIRST AGREEING ON IT (with our great concensus techniques) -- then GETTING TO THE AMERICAN PUBLIC. - --WHICH WILL OF COURSE REALIZE THAT GUSH AND BORE'S PLATFORM LEAVES SOMETHING OUT. Looks like youv'e got the essence of a PLATFORM 2000 draft in your final paragraph! Blessings, Joy Crocker =============================================== > Greetings Terrorist friends, > In response to the afore-posted editorial from the Calgary Sun, I wrote: > (hope it gets printed) > > Calgary Sun > To the Editor: > > In the United States, Europe and Canada, journalists have ruminated since > last fall about this 'new face of protest' which walked onto the world's > stage in Seattle. Never mind that for decades throughout the 'developing > world,' there have been demonstrations numbering in the hundreds of thousands > against the economic colonialism represented by the WTO, World Bank and IMF. > "But where did this new protest movement come from?", the media has wondered > aloud. Never mind that the Group of 77 Nations, the countries exclusively > impacted by IMF and World Bank policies (and comprising 80% of the human > population), released a statement strongly supporting the DC protesters. > > But Paul Jackson finally nailed it when he wrote that we are in fact > [drumroll please...] international terrorists (parading very cleverly as > steelworkers, religious people, teachers, human rights advocates, > tree-huggers and Tibetans-in-exile). Since we started working to democratize > the world economy, seeking equality and environmental sustainability in the > global economic system, the support has been pouring in from the Middle East! > Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein are our biggest fans! And I for one never > realized they had such good senses of irony. > > Oh, and Calgary. Yes, we in the "International Terrorist" community are now > turning our attention to the World Petroleum Congress, coming in June. The > practices of the oil industry are responsible for widespread environmental > devastation, human rights abuses, and global warming and, well... that just > really burns us. So with drug money-financing and training by eco-terrorists > such as Co-motion and the Ruckus Society, we'll once again descend on > Calgary. We'll pave the way for Islamic world domination by attacking an > event characterized by some DC insiders as the "turban and ten-gallon hat" > meeting. Yes, we will come to Alberta to represent our facsist puppetmasters > in Beijing and the Middle East. We zealots will make unreasonable demands > that oil exploration cease and that the billions of dollars saved be invested > in research and development of sustainable energy resources. Note new > terrorist lingo: sus-tain-a-bil-ity. > > Yes, we are only getting started. Our Terrorist platform: We demand > transparent, accountable and wholly democratic government and financial > institutions that put the needs of the planet and all of its' people before > the short-term interests of multi-national corporations. Things to expect > after the revolution: Fair allocation of resources for social security, > health-care, education and environmental stewardship along with > accountability from those who claim to know what we want and need. Sound > radical? It is. It's called Democracy. > > Han Shan > Berkeley (aha!) California, USA > > Han-shan > Rocket Scientist > The Ruckus Society > phone: 510-848-9565 > cell: 510-772-3166 > fax: 510-848-9541 > e: > > > "Revolutionary consciousness is to be found among the most ruthlessly > exploited masses: animals, trees, water, air, grasses" > -Gary Snyder - ---------------end forwarded posts------ David Crockett Williams Chartered Life Underwriter Bachelor of Science, Chemistry General Agency Services Global Peace Walk 2000 Updates/Voicemail 415-267-1877 Global Emergency Alert Response USCampaign D C Williams for President, Leonard Peltier for VP Science & Technology in Society & Public Policy List The Vision of Paradise on Earth, DCWilliams Nuclear Disarmament & Economic Conversion Act Easy way to Email Media and Government "An Agenda for Peace", one Global Peace Walk support letter - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 18:47:41 -0400 From: Hisham Zerriffi Subject: (abolition-usa) India & nuclear disarmament >Source: The Hindu ( > >India & nuclear disarmament > >By Arjun Makhijani > >THERE HAS been notable silence on the issue of nuclear apartheid >from the Indian nuclear establishment after the May 11, 1998, >nuclear tests. Not that nuclear apartheid has disappeared, of >course. Of 187 parties to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty >(NPT), 182 do not have nuclear weapons; five do. Having broken >down the door to the nuclear club, India has been seeking >legitimacy from its charter members, most notably the United >States. India knows that this cannot be achieved by accession to >the NPT as a nuclear weapons state, because most countries would >not stand for it. Rather, India's hope seems to be that it will >be recognised as a weapon state in other ways, such as being a >party to the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) that will >engage in new weapons design through American-style stockpile >stewardship, and by acquiring nuclear technology from members of >the Nuclear Suppliers Group, who have heretofore restricted >exports to India. > >Before going farther down this road, India should ask itself, as >it did before the Pokhran tests, why the U.S. Government should >be accorded special status as the provider of legitimacy. After >all, the U.S. is in the process of violating its commitments to >the 182 non-nuclear weapon states. It has not accepted the >legitimacy of the World Court's opinion, which held that nuclear >weapons are illegal and that Article VI of the NPT requires all >nuclear weapon states party to the Treaty to actually achieve >nuclear disarmament in all its aspects. The U.S. Senate rejected >the CTBT breaking another commitment to the NPT parties in the >name of maintaining U.S. superiority. Even the defence of the >CTBT by the Clinton administration was made on the basis that it >would lock in U.S. advantages (which the $ 60 billion, 13-year >U.S. stockpile stewardship programme would do). It seems >prepared, if necessary, to abrogate the Anti-Ballistic Missile >Treaty to achieve what it believes would be unilateral security >advantages. It led the 1998 and 1999 bombings of Iraq and >Yugoslavia (respectively) without obtaining the necessary >authorisation from the United Nations Security Council. This >dismal catalog of illegitimacy can, unfortunately, be quite >easily extended. > >The positions of the vast majority of countries being expressed >at the NPT Review Conference going on now in New York, are not in >accord with U.S. policy. Indeed, on ballistic missile defences, >the U.S. is practically isolated. Even its NATO partners have >grave reservations about the direction of the U.S. on this issue. >Moreover, U.S. claims that it is attending to its NPT disarmament >obligations by reducing weapons systems ring hollow in the halls >of the U.N. Most are aware that the U.S. is designing new weapons >and that its real policy is to maintain nuclear weapons as a >principal feature of its military arrangements for the future. >India would be far better off seeking legitimacy in a different >direction. The ratification by the Russian Duma of the CTBT even >in the face of its rejection by the U.S. Senate was a bold and >refreshing departure from the politics of reaction to the U.S. >Coming on the heels of Russian ratification of the START II >nuclear arms reduction treaty, and just before the NPT Review >Conference, Russia put the U.S. on the defensive, newly unsure >how to pursue its agenda. In contrast, Russia has been applauded >at that conference for its ratification actions. The strength of >the Russian position derives from the fact that it acted in a way >that was at once in its own interest, for instance, it can hardly >afford to spend vast sums on testing readiness, and >simultaneously in the interests of disarmament. Russia's asking >the U.S. to stick to the ABM Treaty gained additional credibility >because it proposed a way to address missile proliferation >threats by intensifying missile non- proliferation policies, >rather than by unilateral installation of national missile >defenses that could also serve as part of a first-strike nuclear >arsenal. > >Russia has taken some bold actions, but they are in the context >of promulgating a doctrine that increases the role of nuclear >weapons. It is still partly locked in a dangerous battle of >nuclear wills with the U.S. India can further its own security >and that of the whole world by being even more bold on the CTBT, >but without condoning Russia's nuclear doctrine. > >The CTBT could be a sound instrument for disarmament, since it >bans all nuclear explosions. Its disarmament goal is being >vitiated not by its provisions, but by non-treaty factors. One of >the principal problems is the flagship enterprise of the U.S. >stockpile stewardship programme a huge laser-driven device, >called the National Ignition Facility (NIF), designed to create >laboratory thermonuclear explosions. These explosions, which are >intended to reach ten or more pounds of TNT equivalent, would be >illegal under the CTBT, according to the analysis done by my >institute. Planning for them is also prohibited under Article I >of the CTBT. Interestingly, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) >has so far failed to respond to a letter from the U.S. Senator >from iowa, Mr. Harkin, for the basis on which laboratory >thermonuclear explosions are considered legal, even though the >DOE states that smaller fission explosions (four pounds TNT >equivalent) are banned. > >France is similarly violating the CTBT, since it is building a >device of the same type and size as NIF near Bordeaux. Britain is >cooperating with the U.S. in the NIF program and such >collaboration is also prohibited by Article I. The French and >British actions are all the more egregious, since both countries >have ratified the CTBT. > >Further, the U.S. is developing new low-yield nuclear weapons, >and may develop pure fusion weapons, the latter by using NIF as a >scientific proving ground (though not for detailed weapon >design). Pure fusion weapons would have essentially no >radioactive fallout. It may be undertaking these activities with >one eye on the World Court opinion, which found that nuclear >weapons are illegal, in part because they cause indiscriminate >damage. This path of seeking to legitimise nuclear weapons >increases the chances of nuclear war. > >In 1996, the Government of India frequently voiced the objection, >quite legitimately, that the nuclear weapons powers, notably the >U.S., were converting the CTBT into an instrument of non- >proliferation to the exclusion of the long-cherished goal of >disarmament. India now has the chance to help make the CTBT into >a disarmament treaty, especially since Russian ratification has >left the U.S. more vulnerable to international pressure. > >India should sign the CTBT, with the announcement that it >intends, as a signatory, to ensure that it will be an instrument >of disarmament and that its letter and spirit will be completely >respected. India should announce that it will seek an end to >design of new weapons by all nuclear weapon states, as well as >clarification of Article I to ensure that laboratory >thermonuclear explosions are explicitly banned. India could >invite Pakistan to sign the CTBT and to join it in this effort. >It could also enlist the support the vast majority of other >signatories, possibly including Russia and China, to make the >CTBT a true disarmament treaty. > >India should note that most Governments as well as non- >governmental organisations at the NPT Review Conference have >given pride of place to Russian treaty ratifications as well as >to the disarmament proposals of the New Agenda Coalition (Egypt, >Mexico, New Zealand, South Africa, Ireland, Sweden, Brazil). >Rather than seeking legitimacy in the nuclear arena from the one >nuclear weapon state that is increasingly isolated and seen as an >obstacle to nuclear disarmament, India should act independently >in accord with its best traditions. It should sign the CTBT and >work hard to convert it into an instrument of disarmament. That >would be a historically fitting task for the Government of a >country whose Prime Minister was the first world leader to call >for such a treaty. > >Copyrights: 2000 The Hindu & Tribeca Internet Initiatives Inc. ***************************************************************** Hisham Zerriffi Senior Scientist Institute for Energy and Environmental Research (IEER) 6935 Laurel Ave. Suite 204, Takoma Park, MD 20912 Phone: (301) 270-5500 Fax: (301) 270-3029 E-mail: Web: ***************************************************************** - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 18:52:48 -0700 From: "David Crockett Williams" Subject: (abolition-usa) Multi-Million Victims March & GPW2000 Dear Paula and Bill, et al, I think your excellent suggestions warrant very serious and quick consideration in light of the situation with the Los Alamos fire and radioactive ash danger that will still have media and public attention in the coming weeks with which your concept can be promoted. I especially support Bill's idea to broaden the issues/coalition for such an effort as he described below, and I would suggest additional catagories of "victims" could include victims of wars and police/prison violence/abuses, the millions of global indigenous people victimized by various oppressions especially as related to the nuclear and energy issues such as Big Mountain, the Shoshone people's land destruction by nuclear testing and waste dumping in Nevada, Leonard Peltier's fraudulent conviction over the uranium mining in the Black Hills pressures in the 1970's, victims of unfair economic and world trade policies and homelessness-poverty-hunger, victims of alcohol abuse (drunk driving etc), prescription drug deaths, medical inequities, victims of the drug war and Inquisition-style forteiture laws and police abuse such as nonviolent offenders especially medical marijuana users and victims of the crack cocaine epidemic such as those plaintiffs in the lawsuit against the DoJ and CIA filed on behalf of South Central Los Angeles and Oakland California residents (with unanimous resolution of support from Oakland City Council under mayor Jerry Brown) based on DoJ IG report vol2 acknowledging CIA complicity in the illegal drug trade years ago (, and also the victims of gun violence such as the recent Million Mom March in DC (interesting that 12 of the 14 recent shootings by youth in schools etc were cases where the perpetrators were prescribed users of the "youth control drugs" [for "ADD"] such as Ritalin and Prozac which have indicated behavioral abbherations side effects listed), victims of increasing levels of storm damages due to global climate change, etc etc., ie, an "All Victims March on DC" kind of thing in support of global peace, a "March of Millions in Many Communities Globally Simultanteously on Behalf of All Victims of Stupid Government Policies" kind of thing? My response/offer is to incorporate this idea for such a "victims march" into the overall timeframe and plan of Global Peace Walk 2000 which will be arriving from San Francisco to Washington DC for main activities over Columbus Day holiday weekend with Saturday October 7 rally in Lafayette Park across from the White House for special focus on that day ( with other events globally for abolition of weapons in space, ABM, etc., as well of course as Abolition2000 which this cross- country walk was inititiated in support of, to further global abolition of nuclear weapons and to unite "all survival issue messages" under the banner of its prayer for "Global Peace Now!" as a universal human resolve. On Sunday, Oct8 will be a Global Peace Ceremony at the Jefferson Stone, the original centerpoint site of the White House -- Capitol -- Memorials and where the Washington Monument was to be placed before it was discovered the ground would not support its weight. Many prayer ceremonies by indigenous spiritual leaders etc have been conducted in recent years at this site being re-energized as a Symbol of Peace Monument by Arthur Lisch who is coordinating GPW2000 event there that day. On the Mondy October 9th Columbus Day Holiday (Indigenous Peoples Day) the main GPW2000 event will be a ceremony to rededicate the Washington Monument as a Symbol of The Message of Peace, which we optimistically hope can reach the "million people" target for participants including political candidates for offices/election this year. This date has a unique coincidental symbolism this year because it is also, according to the Smithsonian Institute, the observed 1000 year anniversary of the Vikings landing in America (see increasing stories in coming months on this theme, eg, May8th issue of Time Magazine cover story) and it is also John Lennon's 60th birthday (we are working on connection to invite Yoko's participation/support), ie, a "Millennial Give Peace a Chance Ceremony". During the following days in DC (after most folks who can only come for the weekend leave) the walk and representatives of various issues will be delivering the letters and messages gathered along the way to various government agencies before the walk departs DC towards the UN after the traditional October 12th indigenous peoples "Columbus Day" ceremony in DC area. Since the "momentum" of the Global Peace Walk 2000 has already been building since the walk left SF on MLK birthday Jan15, I would invite and suggest that the concept of a "(Million) Victims March on DC" would be an excellent idea to join with the GPW2000 DC events and thereby the victims message would also be carried on with additional strength as the walk completes its journey to end at the United Nations on its 55th charter ratification anniversary ("birthday") October 24th, to help inaugurate the UN Year and Decade of Creating a Culture of Peace for the 21st Century, and to mark the mid-point of the UN Decade of the World's Indigenous Peoples. - ----- Original Message ----- From: Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2000 2:42 AM Subject: [abolition-caucus] Multi-Million Victims March? > On 05/13/00 12:46:56 you wrote: > > > > > Dear Paula & Susan, > Apologies for any multiple postings. I like your idea of a Multi-Million Victims March in Washington. My take on it > is that it's doable but it will take a lot of outreach. First, most Americans are downwinders as the vast majority of us born before the > Limited Test Ban Treaty of 1963 were bombed/irradiated by our own goverment. That's about 150 to 200 MILLION Americans that are victims > right off the bat. Not to mention what got into the gene pool. Atmospheric testing continued as late as October 16, 1980 when the Chinese > detonated their last open air nuclear weapon. Fallout contaminated the USA that late. > > > Then there are the myriad of victimizations ranging from those perpetrated by DOD,DOE, NRC, FDA, all corporate media that hides these > crimes/victimizations from WE THE PEOPLE. The pharmeceutical industry & medical industry through their criminal negligence and funding of > medical schools on a massive scale and the massive drug/allopathic ideology they continue to dissemenate at the expense of vastly more > effective, non-toxic treatments and preventative approaches to health have murdered [LITERALLY murdered] tens of millions of US citizens > see and will continue to do so until stopped. The [mis]use of DU, pesticides, the tobacco industry's lies & cover- > ups, the auto industry. Not to mention victims of racism, sexism & homophobia. And on & on & on. My suggestion is to approach as broad a > coalition of these groups, their leaders & all victims as possible and to organize a VICTIMS MARCH ON WASHINGTON. > > > Such leaders that immediately come to mind are U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan, Ralph Nader[Phone:202-546-4996] and Jesse Jackson. > Also, Senator Paul Wellstone of Minnesota and Congresspersons Cynthia McKinney of Georgia & Bernie Sanders of Vermont. A number of > celebrities like Martin Sheen, Dick Gregory, Ted Turner & Michael Douglas should be approached, too. I'd suggest you call Nader & Jesse > Jackson first thing Monday morning and raise the idea of such a march. It's time for both a stop to many of these ongoing practices and a > legal accounting and exposing of these crimes and their perpetrators. > > > See Dr Rosalie Bertell's study of 1.3 BILLION victims globally from the nuclear industry which appearred in the November 1999 "The > Ecologist" at: > > > Victims To Come? > > > If enough people take this seriously & get active organizing & communicating, this IS doable. > > > -Bill Smirnow > > > > >Dear ALL, > > > >My apologies to anyone that receives multiple copies of this from any cross > >posting. Our hearts go out to the people of the Los Alamos area. This was a > >completely preventable tragedy. Repeated calls to cease the practice of > >"prescribed burns" near or around DOE/DOD radioactive or hazardous waste > >sites has fallen upon deaf ears. Our government officials that should be > >overseeing such practices have failed to recognize the dangers of burning > >vegetation that holds radioactive and hazardous waste within it - releasing > >it to local residents to inhale, possibly to become quite ill from it later > >on. These are valid concerns. > > > >There was a "prescribed test burn" at Rocky Flats here in Colorado > >immediately upwind of 3.5 million people just over a month ago, despite > >multiple protests against it (see email & photos below). The arrogance of the > >DOE, U.S. Forest Service, and U.S. Parks Service has been staggering in this > >regard. The U.S. EPA has failed to protect us, as have local health > >departments. > > > >This utter disregard and failure to respect our breathing space needs to be > >addressed in a national forum hosted by the Governors, Congressional > >Senators, Representatives, State Rep's from impacted "DOE host" states. They > >could turn this into a win/win situation by taking this issue in hand and > >working with affected or concerned citizens. > > > >This monstrous situation must be brought back to being "for and by the > >people". Do we have to have a "Multi-million Victim's March" in Washington to > >get their attention? Who can afford to do this, or who would like to sponsor > >such an event? Let's get started. I can be reached at (303) 233-6677. > > > >Yours, > > > >Paula Elofson-Gardine > >Executive Director > >Environmental Information Network > >From the Fallout Zone of Rocky Flats and now Los Alamos From: To: Subject: Re: [abolition-caucus] FIRE-ALERT: Global Peace Walk 2000 Date: Sunday, May 14, 2000 2:52 AM On 05/13/00 15:51:44 you wrote: > Dear David, Concerning the media, I'd like to suggest that you and/or those working closely on this issue contact the media watchdog group FAIR {Phone:212-633-6700,] who are expert at media work & will probably have both tips as to how best to go about approaching media & in supplying media sources, both domestically & internationally. You're doing an excellant job & those people going to the Los Alamos area to help have a lot of guts. -Bill Smirnow [earlier GPW post excerpt]: >"We are concerned about our future. We are concerned about our human life." >-- Global Peace Walk 2000 > > >Today again I spoke to Reverend Yamato on the phone from New Mexico >about the Global Peace Walk plans concerning what he feels is a Global >Emergency Situation resulting from the fire that has ravaged the Los Alamos >area including outlying areas of the Nuclear Weapons Lab reportedly >aerosolizing in the smoke decades of radioactive contamination from areas >surrounding the Lab, smoke now settling as potentially very dangerous ash >over several States so far and moving eastward. (details/evidence on this >point below) > >Yamato has asked me to sound a Global Emergency Alert on this matter to call >on supporters everywhere to take media publicity actions to get the facts >known to ameliorate potential present dangers, to prevent any future >such dangerous nuclear radioactivity threat situations, and to focus the >current national and global public attention on this tragedy towards >increasing public support and activism for the global abolition of >nuclear weapons. > >Please forward this post to your lists. [full text of above excerpted GPW post with info links is archived at with additional subsequent posts documenting evidence and concerns about Los Alamos fire somke/ash radioactivity danger posted since May 12th at ] David Crockett Williams Chartered Life Underwriter Bachelor of Science, Chemistry General Agency Services Global Peace Walk 2000 Updates/Voicemail 415-267-1877 Global Emergency Alert Response USCampaign D C Williams for President, Leonard Peltier for VP Science & Technology in Society & Public Policy List The Vision of Paradise on Earth, DCWilliams Nuclear Disarmament & Economic Conversion Act Easy way to Email Media and Government "An Agenda for Peace", one Global Peace Walk support letter - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. 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