From: (abolition-usa-digest) To: Subject: abolition-usa-digest V1 #328 Reply-To: abolition-usa-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk abolition-usa-digest Monday, June 26 2000 Volume 01 : Number 328 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 07:36:47 -0400 From: Ellen Thomas Subject: (abolition-usa) NucNews 00/06/23 - Daybook; - --=====================_169881314==_.ALT Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable [NucNews Archives have been posted through June 20, 2000, as collected by= James McGuinness. Other stories will be added soon, primarily U.S. news from a variety of resources, which I haven't had time to incorporate. You can find most of the still-unincorporated stories at DOE Watch and Downwinders= websites (see below). et] 1) Washington Daybook, by FIND/AFP and The Washington Times. 10 a.m. =97 House Commerce's energy and power subcommittee holds a= hearing to examine the status of the Energy Department program to develop a= permanent geological repository at Yucca Mountain, Nev., for spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste. Location: 2123 Rayburn House Office Building. Contact: 202/225-2927. Korea news conference =97 9 a.m. =97 The Korean Truth Commission on= U.S. Military Massacres of Civilians and the International Action Center hold a= news conference to call for a U.S. government admission, apology and compensation and to demand a peace treaty. Location: Zenger Room, National Press Club,= 14th and F streets NW. Contact: 202/292-3562. 2) Presidential Candidates Pat Buchanan - DC 11:15 a.m. =97 Pat Buchanan, Reform Party presidential candidate, addresses the American Muslim Council's national convention. Location:= Sheraton Hotel, 1800 Jefferson Davis Highway, Crystal City. Contact: 703/734-2700,= Ext. 141. =20 George W. Bush - Alabama 12:15 p.m. - Leadership Forum on Social Security, Randall= Publishing Company, 3200 Rice Mine Road, NE, Tuscaloosa, AL, 800/633-5953 6:20 p.m. - Bush for President Reception, Bryant Convention Center, Sellers Auditorium, 240 Bryant Drive, Tuscaloosa, AL, 205/348-3001 Al Gore - Travels to Denver. Ralph Nader - Kansas and Denver, Colorado June 23-6:00 am - 6:20 am (central) Good Morning America 9:00 am - 10:30 am Speech and Press Conference, Winifred Moore Auditorium, Webster University, 470 East Lockwood, St. Louis, MO=20 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm Press Conference and Speech, Performing Arts Center Rm 2705, Kansas Community College, 7250 State Avenue, Kansas City, Contact: Nicole Jackle (785) 842-4852=20 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm, Boulder, CO, Rally/Speech Chataqua Theater=20 June 24-25 - Green Party National Nominating Convention, Renaissance Hotel= 3801 Quebec Street, Denver, CO=20 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm Nader 2000 Reception in Denver at the Radisson Hotel,=20 3333 Quebec Street, 303-321-3500 fax: 303-329-2743=20 ___________________________________________________ Today's Newspapers and Archives: Interactive Archives (since 6/10/00): Subscribe to NucNews: (NucNews-Subscribe) Submit URL/Article: About NucNews: Excellent e-mail news resources: DOE Watch - - Downwinders - - EnviroNews - -= Planet Ark/Reuters - -= Radbull (Radiation Bulletin) Quick Route to U.S. Congress: (Senators' Websites) (Representatives' Websites) (Pending Legislation - Search) Presidential Candidates' Websites: George W. Bush - Pat Buchanan - Al Gore - Ralph Nader - Online Petition to Abolish Nuclear Weapons - Updates on Current Events Outside the White House - Distributed without payment for research and educational=20 purposes only, in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107. - --=====================_169881314==_.ALT Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable [NucNews Archives have been posted through June 20, 2000, as collected by James McGuinness.  Other stories will be added soon, primarily U.S. news from a variety of resources, which I haven't had time to incorporate.  You can find most of the still-unincorporated stories at DOE Watch and Downwinders websites (see below).  et]

1) Washington Daybook, by FIND/AFP and The Washington Times. tm

      10 a.m. =97 House Commerce's energy and power subcommittee holds a hearing to examine the status of the Energy Department program to develop a permanent geological repository at Yucca Mountain, Nev., for spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste. Location: 2123 Rayburn House Office Building. Contact: 202/225-2927.

      Korea news conference =97 9 a.m. =97 The Korean Truth Commission on U.S. Military Massacres of Civilians and the International Action Center hold a news conference to call for a U.S. government admission, apology and compensation and to demand a peace treaty. Location: Zenger Room, National Press Club, 14th and F streets NW. Contact: 202/292-3562.

2) Presidential Candidates

Pat Buchanan - DC
        11:15 a.m. =97 Pat Buchanan, Reform Party presidential candidate, addresses the American Muslim Council's national convention. Location: Sheraton Hotel, 1800 Jefferson Davis Highway, Crystal City. Contact: 703/734-2700, Ext. 141.
George W. Bush - Alabama
12:15 p.m. - Leadership Forum on Social Security, Randall Publishing Company,  3200 Rice Mine Road, NE, Tuscaloosa, AL,  800/633-5953
        6:20 p.m. - Bush for President Reception, Bryant Convention Center, Sellers Auditorium, 240 Bryant Drive, Tuscaloosa, AL, 205/348-3001

Al Gore - Travels to Denver.

Ralph Nader - Kansas and Denver, Colorado

June 23-
6:00 am - 6:20 am (central) Good Morning America
        9:00 am - 10:30 am Speech and Press Conference, Winifred Moore Auditorium, Webster University, 470 East Lockwood, St. Louis, MO
        1:30 pm - 3:00 pm Press Conference and Speech, Performing Arts Center Rm 2705, Kansas Community College, 7250 State Avenue, Kansas City,  Contact: Nicole Jackle (785) 842-4852
        7:00 pm - 9:00 pm, Boulder, CO, Rally/Speech Chataqua Theater

June 24-25 - Green Party National Nominating Convention, Renaissance Hotel 3801 Quebec Street, Denver, CO
        5:30 pm - 7:30 pm Nader 2000 Reception in Denver at the Radisson Hotel,  3333 Quebec Street, 303-321-3500 fax: 303-329-2743


  Today's Newspapers and Archives:
Interactive Archives (since 6/10/00):

     Subscribe to NucNews: (NucNews-Subscribe)
           Submit= URL/Article:
           =            About NucNews:=

Excellent e-mail news resources:

DOE Watch - -
Downwinders - -
EnviroNews - -
Planet Ark/Reuters - -
Radbull (Radiation Bulletin)

Quick Route to U.S. Congress: (Senators'= Websites) (Representatives' Websites) (Pending Legislation -= Search)

Presidential Candidates' Websites:

George W. Bush -
Pat Buchanan -
Al Gore -
Ralph Nader -

Online Petition to Abolish Nuclear Weapons - Updates on Current Events Outside the White House -

      Distributed without payment for research and= educational
   purposes only, in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section= 107.

- --=====================_169881314==_.ALT-- - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 08:14:07 -0700 (PDT) From: (marylia) Subject: (abolition-usa) New on Tri-Valley CAREs' website! Dear peace and environmental advocates: Tri-Valley CAREs is pleased to announce that NEW items have just been posted to our website at Check it out and you will find: 1. Please find NEW, pre-addressed, already laid-out, POSTCARDS with downloadable art and text for you to send to decision-makers. The postcards contain the message that the budget for the National Ignition Facility is continuing to spiral out of control and suggests that the project be cut. (Add some of your own text, use ours -- download, copy on card stock and mail some postcards today!) 2. You will find also our June issue of Citizen's Watch, containing news on such things as: * NIF -- Sandia Lab Position Paper Calls for Mega-Laser Cuts: We Predict $10 Billion Price Tag; Renew Call for Cancellation * Some Updates on the National Missile Defense Quagmire * Tri-Valley CAREs members Reflections on "DC Days" 2000 * Tri-Valley CAREs members "snapshots" of the Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference * Abolition 2000 tops the 2000 group mark in May -- AND MORE! 3. You will see easy to access, previous editions of Citizen's Watch, some of our organization's recent press releases, fact sheets, web links and MUCH MORE. Have a pleasant visit to our website! Peace, Marylia Marylia Kelley Tri-Valley CAREs (Communities Against a Radioactive Environment) 2582 Old First Street Livermore, CA USA 94550 - is our web site, please visit us there! (925) 443-7148 - is our phone (925) 443-0177 - is our fax Working for peace, justice and a healthy environment since 1983, Tri-Valley CAREs has been a member of the nation-wide Alliance for Nuclear Accountability in the U.S. since 1989, and is a co-founding member of the Abolition 2000 global network for the elimination of nuclear weapons, the U.S. Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons and the Back From the Brink campaign to get nuclear weapons taken off hair-trigger alert. - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 10:59:59 -0700 From: "David Crockett Williams" Subject: (abolition-usa) GpW2000 update 23June2000 Latest (May 17, 2000) edition of the basic flyer for Global Peace Walk 2000, now two legal size pages (back to back) United Nations Charter Quotations Schedule and Route in Kansas, June 5 to July 7, and Global Peace Fasting for Mother Earth -- Leonard Peltier, Symbol of Land and Life, Riverfront Park near Leavenworth Prison. Million Men and Women Peace March of la Nueva Raza, May 6, 2000, Albuquerque New Mexico, event flyer, attached as an efax file, one page. ; Vision Statement for GPW2000 East Coast Events October 2000, -- and "To Present and Future Generations" -- Message Vietnam Veterans National Memorial, Angelfire, New Mexico, support letter for Global Peace Walk 2000 --- (signed copy attached as efax file) [excerpt:] "This undertaking is most extraordinary as are the walkers and all persons involved with this. "The Vietnam Veterans National Memorial was dedicated on May 22, 1971, as the Vietnam Veterans Peace and Brotherhood Chapel. Our efforts throughout these years since have been dedicated to the promotion of peace by all. "We salute all persons involved with the YEAR 2000 GLOBAL PEACE WALK! Neem Karoli Baba Ashram, New Mexico, support letter for Global Peace Walk 2000. Several support letters received in the last month are included in attached efax file with some excerpts below: Greenpeace USA, Friends of the Earth, International Rivers Network, American Hellenic Institute, Proposition One (White House Anti-Nuclear Peace Park Vigil since 1981), and National NORML, National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws: - -------------------begin support letter excerpts------ "It is with great pleasure that Greenpeace USA offers our endorsement of the Global Peace Walk 2000. The walk is a passionate demonstration of the power of individuals to promote change. The Global Peace Walk 2000 provides an important context for the issues that we address and Greenpeace USA is honored to support this cause. "Nuclear power, toxins, global warming, and deforestation are paramount problems that threaten the very existence of the Earth and its species. is only through collective action that change of the current situations can occur. "Greenpeace USA applauds your efforts and offers our support to the walkers as they journey across the nation to promote a green and peaceful planet." - ------------- "Friends of the Earth is pleased to provide $500 in support of the Global Peace Walk to the United Nations sponsored by the Yucca Foundation. This is a very worthwhile endeavor because peace and the environment are integrally related. We are pleased that you are able to mobilize interests for subjects of environmental importance." - --------------- "We at the International Rivers Network support the efforts of the Global Peace Walk. Our organization works towards a world where rivers and the people whose lives closely depend on them are treated with respect and are not threatened by unwanted development. To achieve this goal, people all over the world must come together in an effort to protect our environment. Actions like the Global Peace Walk will help to bring that about." - ------------------- "On behalf of the American Hellenic Institute and our members throughout the nation, I a happy to extend greetings to the Global Peace Walk 2000 taking place in the year of the 55th anniversary of the United Nations and bearing the message of Global Peace Now. "The ancient Greek philosophers established the maxim of 'nothing in excess' as one of the guiding principles of human life. Their message was in life we should aim for balance. Their teaching was that we should live in harmony with our fellow human beings and with our natural surroundings." - ---------------------- "We have been following updates on your walk with great interest. The issues you are raising under the banner of "Global Peace Now" -- global nuclear disarmament, conversion from nucleare and fossil fuels to renewable energy srouces, protection of human rights, indigenous peoples' survival, environmental restoration -- are vital to us all. These are the issues we have been addressing for the past 19years in Washington, D.C. We look forward to greeting you in October. "We appreciate the fact that you are sponsoring the idea we call 'Proposition One', which has been translated into the bill HR-2545, 'The Nuclear Disarmament and Economic Conversion Act'... "We hope that you will encourage people to sign th online petition in support of HR-2545, which can be accessed easily by going to our website: " - ------------------ "This is a letter of support for the Global Peace Walk 2000. [from NORML Foundation in Washington DC] NORML supports decriminialization of marijuana, the hemp industry, and safe access to marijuana as medicine. We understand these issues to be an aspect of Global Peace. "...we urge the United Nations to reconsider its current hard line stance against marijuana. We further urge the general assembly to take up the cause as a human rights issue. "We join our voice with yours in the universal human resolve for global peace now." - ----------------------------------end letter excerpts---------------- The attached efax file contains the flyer for the June 23 Friday event in Kansas City where Global Peace Walk initiator, Rev. Dr. Yusen Yamato, will be offering his message. Text of flyer follows. To view/dowload/print efax file, see above/below url for free reader program access. - ------------begin flyer text: An afternoon with Green Party presidential candidate RALPH NADER and local activists Support political alternatives and hear local perspectives on globalization and social justice. Friday, June 23 12:30-3:00PM Kansas City Community College Performing Arts Center 7250 State Ave, Kansas City, KS Nader to speak at 2:00. Confirmed Local Speakers: Slater Shiriki Unganisha of S.T.A.C., Maureen Flynn-Hart of the Leonard Peltier Defense Committee, Frank Neff of Greater KC Fair Trade Coalition, and Craig Volland, environnmental activist/consultant Also: Reverend Yusen Yamato of Global Peace Walk 2000. Music by Natalie Cox. More speakers/performers TBA Voluntary cash donations accepted at the door Sponsored by Kansas and Missouri Greens - ------------------end flyer text-------------- - -dcw David Crockett Williams Chemical Physicist Chartered Life Underwriter Independent US Presidential Candidate w/ Leonard Peltier for VP General Agency Services Offering "The Legal Revolution" Global Peace Walk 2000 Updates/Voicemail 415-267-1877 Global Emergency Alert Response Science & Technology in Society & Public Policy List The Vision of Paradise on Earth, DCWilliams Nuclear Disarmament & Economic Conversion Act Easy way to Email Media and Government "An Agenda for Peace", one Global Peace Walk support letter - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2000 20:53:58 -0400 From: Ellen Thomas Subject: Re: (abolition-usa) Recent GPW2000 support letters (6): Greenpeace, NORML, Friends of the Earth, Prop1, IRN, American Hellenic Institute - --=====================_24363701==_.ALT Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" David, thanks for the plug, but (perhaps my fault) there are some typos here that need to be corrected. The corrected version is atthe end of this message. Ellen At 01:26 PM 6/22/00 -0700, you wrote: >"We have been following updates on your walk with great interest. The >issues you are raising under the banner of "Global Peace Now" -- global >nuclear disarmament, conversion from nucleare and fossil fuels to renewable >energy srouces, protection of human rights, indigenous peoples' survival, >environmental restoration -- are vital to us all. These are the issues we >have been addressing for the past 19years in Washington, D.C. We look >forward to greeting you in October. > >"We appreciate the fact that you are sponsoring the idea we call >'Proposition One', which has been translated into the bill HR-2545, 'The >Nuclear Disarmament and Economic Conversion Act'... > >"We hope that you will encourage people to sign th online petition in >support of HR-2545, which can be accessed easily by going to our website: > " - ---------------------- "We have been following updates on your walk with great interest. The issues you are raising under the banner of "Global Peace Now" -- global nuclear disarmament, conversion from nuclear and fossil fuels to renewable energy sources, protection of human rights, indigenous peoples' survival, environmental restoration -- are vital to us all. These are the issues we have been addressing for the past 19 years in Washington, D.C. We look forward to greeting you in October. "We appreciate the fact that you are sponsoring the idea we call 'Proposition One', which has been translated into the bill HR-2545, 'The Nuclear Disarmament and Economic Conversion Act'... "We hope that you will encourage people to sign the online petition in support of HR-2545, which can be accessed easily by going to our website:" - ------------------ PROPOSITION ONE COMMITTEE P.O. Box 27217, Washington, DC 20038 USA 202-462-0757 (phone) | 202-265-5389 (fax) | *** BAN AND BURY ALL RADIOACTIVE BOMBS * depleted uranium, fission, neutron * Online Petition! - Write Letter to Congress about HR-2545 - Depleted uranium keeps on killing!: NucNews: - --=====================_24363701==_.ALT Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" David, thanks for the plug, but (perhaps my fault) there are some typos here that need to be corrected.  The corrected version is atthe end of this message.


At 01:26 PM 6/22/00 -0700, you wrote:
>"We have been following updates on your walk with great interest.  The
>issues you are raising under the banner of "Global Peace Now" -- global
>nuclear disarmament, conversion from nucleare and fossil fuels to renewable
>energy srouces, protection of human rights, indigenous peoples' survival,
>environmental restoration -- are vital to us all.  These are the issues we
>have been addressing for the past 19years in Washington, D.C.   We look
>forward to greeting you in October.
>"We appreciate the fact that you are sponsoring the idea we call
>'Proposition One', which has been translated into the bill HR-2545, 'The
>Nuclear Disarmament and Economic Conversion Act'...
>"We hope that you will encourage people to sign th online petition in
>support of HR-2545, which can be accessed easily by going to our website:
> "

- ----------------------

"We have been following updates on your walk with great interest. The
issues you are raising under the banner of "Global Peace Now" - -- global
nuclear disarmament, conversion from nuclear and fossil fuels to renewable
energy sources, protection of human rights, indigenous peoples' survival,
environmental restoration -- are vital to us all. These are the issues we
have been addressing for the past 19 years in Washington, D.C. We look
forward to greeting you in October.

"We appreciate the fact that you are sponsoring the idea we call
'Proposition One', which has been translated into the bill HR-2545, 'The
Nuclear Disarmament and Economic Conversion Act'...

"We hope that you will encourage people to sign the online petition in
support of HR-2545, which can be accessed easily by going to our website:"

- ------------------

P.O. Box 27217, Washington, DC 20038 USA
202-462-0757 (phone) | 202-265-5389 (fax) |


                          * depleted uranium, fission, neutron *

     Online Petition! -
 Write Letter to Congress about HR-2545 -
Depleted uranium keeps on killing!:
- --=====================_24363701==_.ALT-- - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2000 19:18:02 -0700 From: "David Crockett Williams" Subject: (abolition-usa) GPW2000 support letters (6): Greenpeace, NORML, Friends of the Earth, Prop1, IRN, American Hellenic Institute This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_0054_01BFDE10.EAA52E00 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Sorrry, Elllennn, I jusst coppieed tooo faaassstttt. ----- Original Message -----=20 From: Ellen Thomas=20 To: Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2000 5:53 PM Subject: Re: (abolition-usa) Recent GPW2000 support letters (6): = Greenpeace, NORML, Friends of the Earth, Prop1, IRN, American Hellenic = Institute=20 David, thanks for the plug, but (perhaps my fault) there are some = typos here that need to be corrected. The corrected version is atthe = end of this message. Ellen At 01:26 PM 6/22/00 -0700, you wrote: >"We have been following updates on your walk with great interest. = The >issues you are raising under the banner of "Global Peace Now" -- = global >nuclear disarmament, conversion from nucleare and fossil fuels to = renewable >energy srouces, protection of human rights, indigenous peoples' = survival, >environmental restoration -- are vital to us all. These are the = issues we >have been addressing for the past 19years in Washington, D.C. We = look >forward to greeting you in October. > >"We appreciate the fact that you are sponsoring the idea we call >'Proposition One', which has been translated into the bill HR-2545, = 'The >Nuclear Disarmament and Economic Conversion Act'... > >"We hope that you will encourage people to sign th online petition in >support of HR-2545, which can be accessed easily by going to our = website: > " ---------------------- "We have been following updates on your walk with great interest. The=20 issues you are raising under the banner of "Global Peace Now" -- = global=20 nuclear disarmament, conversion from nuclear and fossil fuels to = renewable=20 energy sources, protection of human rights, indigenous peoples' = survival,=20 environmental restoration -- are vital to us all. These are the issues = we=20 have been addressing for the past 19 years in Washington, D.C. We look = forward to greeting you in October. "We appreciate the fact that you are sponsoring the idea we call=20 'Proposition One', which has been translated into the bill HR-2545, = 'The=20 Nuclear Disarmament and Economic Conversion Act'... "We hope that you will encourage people to sign the online petition in = support of HR-2545, which can be accessed easily by going to our = website:=20" ------------------ PROPOSITION ONE COMMITTEE P.O. Box 27217, Washington, DC 20038 USA 202-462-0757 (phone) | 202-265-5389 (fax) | *** BAN AND BURY ALL RADIOACTIVE BOMBS * depleted uranium, fission, neutron * Online Petition! - = Write Letter to Congress about HR-2545 - = Depleted uranium keeps on killing!: = NucNews: - ------=_NextPart_000_0054_01BFDE10.EAA52E00 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Sorrry, Elllennn, I jusst coppieed tooo=20 faaassstttt.
----- Original Message -----
From:=20 Ellen = Thomas
To: =20
Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2000 = 5:53=20 PM
Subject: Re: (abolition-usa) = Recent=20 GPW2000 support letters (6): Greenpeace, NORML, Friends of the Earth, = Prop1,=20 IRN, American Hellenic Institute

David, thanks for the plug, but (perhaps = my fault)=20 there are some typos here that need to be corrected.  The = corrected=20 version is atthe end of this message.


At 01:26 PM = 6/22/00=20 -0700, you wrote:
>"We have been following updates on your walk = with=20 great interest.  The
>issues you are raising under the = banner of=20 "Global Peace Now" -- global
>nuclear disarmament, conversion = from=20 nucleare and fossil fuels to renewable
>energy srouces, = protection of=20 human rights, indigenous peoples' survival,
>environmental = restoration=20 -- are vital to us all.  These are the issues we
>have been = addressing for the past 19years in Washington, D.C.   We=20 look
>forward to greeting you in October.
>"We = appreciate=20 the fact that you are sponsoring the idea we call
>'Proposition = One',=20 which has been translated into the bill HR-2545, 'The
>Nuclear=20 Disarmament and Economic Conversion Act'...
>"We hope = that you=20 will encourage people to sign th online petition in
>support of = HR-2545,=20 which can be accessed easily by going to our=20 website:
> "


"We have been following updates = on your=20 walk with great interest. The
issues you are raising under the = banner of=20 "Global Peace Now" -- global
nuclear disarmament, conversion from = nuclear=20 and fossil fuels to renewable
energy sources, protection of human = rights,=20 indigenous peoples' survival,
environmental restoration -- are = vital to us=20 all. These are the issues we
have been addressing for the past 19 = years in=20 Washington, D.C. We look
forward to greeting you in = October.

"We=20 appreciate the fact that you are sponsoring the idea we call =
'Proposition=20 One', which has been translated into the bill HR-2545, 'The =
Nuclear=20 Disarmament and Economic Conversion Act'...

"We hope that you = will=20 encourage people to sign the online petition in
support of = HR-2545, which=20 can be accessed easily by going to our website:"


P.O. Box 27217, Washington, DC 20038 USA
202-462-0757 = (phone)=20 | 202-265-5389 (fax) |

          &nbs= p;            = ; =20 = ***

         &= nbsp;         =20 BAN AND BURY ALL RADIOACTIVE=20 = BOMBS
          &nbs= p;            = ;  =20 * depleted uranium, fission, neutron *

     = Online=20 Petition! -<= BR> Write=20 Letter to Congress about HR-2545 -
Depleted = uranium=20 keeps on killing!:
 &= nbsp;=20           &nbs= p;       =20 NucNews:
- ------=_NextPart_000_0054_01BFDE10.EAA52E00-- - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 08:11:19 -0400 From: Ellen Thomas Subject: (abolition-usa) NucNews 00/06/26 - Daybook; Vieques; Presidential Candidates - --=====================_151430684==_.ALT Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable 1) Washington Daybook, by FIND/AFP and The Washington Times. Torture survivors vigil =97 7 a.m. =97 Torture, Abolition and Survivors= Support Coalition begins a 24-hour vigil for the third annual U.N. International Day= in Support of Torture Victims and Survivors. Location: Lafayette Park across= from the White House. Contact: 202/529-6599. Conservation news briefing =97 10 a.m. =97 National Wildlife Federation= holds a news briefing about the need for a true conservation partnership between the federal government and American Indians. Location: NWF, Office of Federal= and International Affairs, Suite 501, 1400 16th St. NW. Contact: 202/797-6855. Border safety news conference =97 1 p.m. =97 Immigration and= Naturalization Service holds a news conference to announce additional life-saving border safety measures on the second anniversary of the INS Border Safety= Initiative. Location: INS Headquarters, 425 I St. NW, Sixth floor conference room.= Contact: 202/514-2648. NASA news briefing =97 1:30 p.m. =97 NASA Aeronautics Support Team= sponsors a news briefing on a new Luntz/Laszlo poll on key aeronautics issues.= Location: 2216 Rayburn House Office Building. Contact: 703/276-1604. Future warfare conference =97all day =97 Potomac Institute for Policy= Studies holds a conference on "Out of the Box and Into the Future: A dialogue= Between Warfighters and Scientists on Far-future Warfare =97 2025." Highlights =97 8 a.m. =97 Rep. Curt Weldon, Pennsylvania Republican 9:50 a.m. =97 Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman, Connecticut Democrat Location: Ronald Reagan Building, International Trade Center, 1300 Pennsylvania Ave., NW. Contact: 703/525-0770. Film =97 7:30 p.m. =97 District of Columbia Jewish Community Center= (DCJCC) and Israeli Embassy present the documentary film "Borders," regarding life along Israel's borders with Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt. Location:= DCJCC, 16th and Q streets NW. Contact: 800/494-8497. 2) Navy began bombing Vieques on Sunday, June 25th, 2 p.m. EDT. Reuters At 3:00 AM on Sunday morning, June 25, a contingent of federal agents and military police arrested thirty six people - nine women and 27 men - who had penetrated the US Navy=B4s restricted area on the Island of Vieques, Puerto= Rico Tel. 202-232-1999 - 3) PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES: AL GORE - Washington, DC Meets with Armenian President Robert Kocharian to review the progress= of the U.S.-Armenia Joint Task Force and hosts a dinner in his honor at the= State Department.=20 GEORGE W. BUSH - Washington, DC and New York City 1:10 p.m. - Speech, League of United Latin American Citizens 71st National Conference, Omni Shoreham Hotel Regency Ballroom, 2500 Calvert= Street, NW, Washington, DC - 202/234-0700 =20 7:45 p.m. - Speech, Congress of Racial Equality dinner, New York= Hilton Hotel, Grand Ballroom, 1335 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY,= 212/586-7000 Note: Enter through the 4th floor RALPH NADER - Brentwood and Oakland, California 12:00 -1:30pm - Brentwood - Light luncheon, contact Darci for details: 7:00 - 9:00 pm - Sweets Ballroom, 1933 Broadway, Oakland, CA=20 ___________________________________________________ Today's Newspapers and Archives: Interactive Archives (since 6/10/00): Subscribe to NucNews: (NucNews-Subscribe) Submit URL/Article: About NucNews: Excellent e-mail news resources: DOE Watch - - Downwinders - - EnviroNews - -= Planet Ark/Reuters - -= Radbull (Radiation Bulletin) Quick Route to U.S. Congress: (Senators' Websites) (Representatives' Websites) (Pending Legislation - Search) Presidential Candidates' Websites: George W. Bush - Pat Buchanan - Al Gore - Ralph Nader - Online Petition to Abolish Nuclear Weapons - Updates on Current Events Outside the White House - Distributed without payment for research and educational=20 purposes only, in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107. - --=====================_151430684==_.ALT Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable 1) Washington Daybook, by FIND/AFP and The Washington Times. htm

    Torture survivors vigil =97 7 a.m. =97 Torture, Abolition and Survivors Support Coalition begins a 24-hour vigil for the third annual U.N. International Day in Support of Torture Victims and Survivors. Location: Lafayette Park across from the White House. Contact: 202/529-6599.

    Conservation news briefing =97 10 a.m. =97 Nationa= l Wildlife Federation holds a news briefing about the need for a true conservation partnership between the federal government and American Indians. Location: NWF, Office of Federal and International Affairs, Suite 501, 1400 16th St. NW. Contact: 202/797-6855.

    Border safety news conference =97 1 p.m. =97 Immigration and Naturalization Service holds a news conference to announce additional life-saving border safety measures on the second anniversary of the INS Border Safety Initiative. Location: INS Headquarters, 425 I St. NW, Sixth floor conference room. Contact: 202/514-2648.

    NASA news briefing =97 1:30 p.m. =97 NASA Aeronautics Support Team sponsors a news briefing on a new Luntz/Laszlo poll on key aeronautics issues. Location: 2216 Rayburn House Office Building. Contact: 703/276-1604.

   Future warfare conference =97all day =97 Potomac Institute for Policy Studies holds a conference on "Out of the Box and Into the Future: A dialogue Between Warfighters and Scientists on Far-future Warfare =97 2025."
      Highlights =97 8 a.m. =97 Rep. Curt Weldon, Pennsylvania Republican
      9:50 a.m. =97 Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman, Connecticut Democrat
      Location: Ronald Reagan Building, International Trade Center, 1300 Pennsylvania Ave., NW. Contact: 703/525-0770.

     Film =97 7:30 p.m. =97 District of Columbia Jewish Community Center (DCJCC) and Israeli Embassy present the documentary film "Borders," regarding life along Israel's borders with Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt. Location: DCJCC, 16th and Q streets NW. Contact: 800/494-8497.

2)  Navy began bombing Vieques on Sunday, June 25th, 2 p.m. EDT.  Reuters
At 3:00 AM on Sunday morning, June 25, a contingent of federal agents and military police arrested thirty six people - nine women and 27 men - who had penetrated the US Navy=B4s restricted area on the Island of Vieques, Puerto Rico
Tel. 202-232-1999 -


AL GORE - Washington, DC
      Meets with Armenian President Robert Kocharian to review the progress of the U.S.-Armenia Joint Task Force and hosts a dinner in his honor at the State Department.

GEORGE W. BUSH - Washington, DC and New York City
        1:10 p.m. - Speech, League of United Latin American Citizens 71st National Conference, Omni Shoreham Hotel Regency Ballroom, 2500 Calvert Street, NW, Washington, DC - 202/234-0700
            &nbs= p;         
        7:45 p.m. - - Speech, Congress of Racial Equality dinner, New York Hilton Hotel, Grand Ballroom, 1335 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY, 212/586-7000 Note: Enter through the 4th floor

RALPH NADER - Brentwood and Oakland, California
        12:00 - -1:30pm  - Brentwood - Light luncheon,  contact Darci for details:
        7:00 - 9:00 pm  -   Sweets Ballroom, 1933 Broadway,  Oakland, CA


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EnviroNews - -
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Radbull (Radiation Bulletin)

Quick Route to U.S. Congress: (Senators'= Websites) (Representatives' Websites) (Pending Legislation -= Search)

Presidential Candidates' Websites:

George W. Bush -
Pat Buchanan -
Al Gore -
Ralph Nader -

Online Petition to Abolish Nuclear Weapons - Updates on Current Events Outside the White House -

      Distributed without payment for research and= educational
   purposes only, in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section= 107.

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