From: (abolition-usa-digest) To: Subject: abolition-usa-digest V1 #353 Reply-To: abolition-usa-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk abolition-usa-digest Tuesday, August 8 2000 Volume 01 : Number 353 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2000 07:37:35 -0400 From: Ellen Thomas Subject: (abolition-usa) NucNews 00/08/07 - - --=====================_88311194==_.ALT Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable [NucNews archives have been posted through 7/31/2000 at et] 1) Washington Daybook, Washington Times and AFP, August 7, 2000 Iraqi sanctions protest =97 9 a.m. =97 Education for Peace in Iraq= Center and a broad coalition of organizations hold a National Mobilization to End the Sanctions Against Iraq. Actor Martin Sheen participates. Location: Lafayette Park, proceeding to Treasury Department, 15th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue NW. Contact: 202/244-0951. Swearing-in ceremony =97 9 a.m. =97 Energy Department hosts a= swearing-in ceremony for Dr. Mildred Dresselhaus, new director of the Energy= Department's Office of Science. Energy Secretary Bill Richardson participates. Location: Energy Department, outside main entrance, 1000 Independence Ave. SW.= Contact: 202/586-5806. Nader news conference =97 10 a.m. =97 Nader for President Campaign holds= a news conference to display new Ralph Nader campaign spots. Location: National= Press Club, Lisagor Room, 14th and F streets NW. Contact: 202/265-4000. Town Hall meeting =97 7 p.m. =97 Rep. Albert R. Wynn, Maryland Democra= t, holds a Town Hall meeting to discuss community concerns and important issues= facing the nation. Location: Silver Spring Library meeting room, 8901 Colesville= Road, Silver Spring. Contact: 202/225-8699. 2) Philadelphia - Report from Legal Support=20 From: "Cliff Pearson" =20 Date: Sunday, August 06, 2000 4:25 PM As the Republican Party met in Philadelphia this past week, protest demonstrations were held every day. On Tuesday, August 1st, almost 400= people were arrested as nonviolent direct action tied up downtown Philly during the afternoon rush hour. About a dozen people had been arrested before then, and more have been picked up since, but the majority of arrests happened on Tuesday. Not everyone arrested was actually involved in any direct action: 75 people were taken into custody at the space where puppets were being put together= for use in the protests; others have been picked up just walking the streets. (Note: Kendall and I were lucky. We left the puppet space about 30-45= minutes before it was raided. If we had stayed, we would have been arrested also.) (There continue to be conflicting reports on the number of people arrested,= an indication of the problems people have faced since being taken into= custody.) As of this morning (Saturday, August 5th), more than 250 of those arrested= are still in jail. They are engaging in jail solidarity, demanding that everyone= be treated equally and that all have access to food, water and bathrooms, as= well as access to their lawyers. Stories about what has unfolded have come to light as people have been released, and several people still have possession of their cell phones and= so more information is being passed along that way. The Legal Support Team have reported extremely disturbing instances of misconduct by police and prison guards. Actually, misconduct is much too= weak a word and some are calling it torture, including: * sleep deprivation by overnight handcuffing in awkward positions, = including one man who was handcuffed in a crucifixion position. * the use of pepper spray to coerce arrestees into attending arraignments * the stripping off some of the prisoners' clothing * beatings and draggings * denial of essential medication, including for people with diabetes and asthma *= denial of food, water and access to restrooms for extended periods. There are numerous accounts of arrestees who have been isolated, verbally abused, punched, kicked, thrown against walls, bloodied, and dragged naked across floors, in one instance through a "trash trough" containing refuse, spittle and urine. There has been a reported sexual assault by a female officer who twisted a prisoner's penis, as well as reports of people dragged by their genitals and nipples being twisted by guards. Seven eyewitnesses saw one woman dragged= naked and bleeding. Many of the arrestees have been held since Tuesday without arraignment, some without phone calls or contact with their lawyers. There are reports of= missing paperwork, and arraignments with incomplete or slipshod records. A handful= of people have been allowed only very limited visits with their attorneys. And to make matters even worse, excessively high bail has been set for many= of those arraigned, with most bail ranging from $15,000 to $30,000, and several set at anywhere between $100,000 and $500,000. Two people have had their= bail set at $1,000,000: Kate Sorenson an activist with the Philadelphia Direct Action Group and Philly ACT-UP (she faces seven felony charges) and John Sellers from The Ruckus Society, an organization which trains people in creative nonviolent direct action tactics. He was standing on a sidewalk= when arrested. The 75 people arrested at the puppet space have all been given $15,000 bail for "obstructing traffic" charges, and they were not even in= the street when arrested. To make matters worse, the Philadelphia police are being hailed as models of restraint by the mainstream media in Philadelphia and in signs all around= town. As people have called the police, district attorney's office and other officials they are being told that everything is fine and there are no= problems . . . blatant lies. The news of what's happening inside the jails is hardly getting out. People around the country are encouraged to call Philadelphia officials and an= effort is underway to get Amnesty International into the jails. (Dr. Rick Halperin= of Dallas, a respected and veteran human rights activist, is a former national chairperson for Amnesty International USA and is sending these allegations= to higher-ups everyday.) In the face of all this, reports from inside indicate that those arrested= are tired and harassed, but for the most part in good spirits and continue to practice jail solidarity. As they demand their release, people inside are singing, chanting, telling stories and about 150 people are on a hunger= strike, some for almost three days now. It is important to keep up the calls to officials in Philadelphia. People= are reporting having a hard time getting through and then, when finally getting someone, being told everything is okay. District Attorney Lynne Abraham 215-686-8701=20 Chief Maxwell =AD Head of Detectives and Criminal Investigation=20 215=AD686=AD3362=20 Deputy Commissioner Mitchell =AD in charge of Demonstrations=20 215=AD686=AD3364=20 Captain Fisher =AD Civil Affairs=20 215=AD685=AD3684=20 Mayor John Street 215=AD686=AD2181=20 Stephanie Franklin Suber =AD Mayor's Chief of Staff=20 215=AD686=AD7508=20 Ken Trujillo =AD City Solicitor 215=AD683=AD5003=20 Councilman Nutter Councilwoman Blackwell=20 215=AD685=AD3416 215=AD685=AD3418=20 Please be persistent! We are winning the Battle of the Telephones! For more information, contact the Legal Support Team in Philadelphia at= (215) 925-6791. - --- Date: 6 Aug 2000 13:06:27 -0000=20 From: Protesters who are in jail in Philadelphia urgently need your help. The city says that no deal will be negotiated and prison conditions are worsening. Of the 390 people arrested during the convention 85 percent are still doing= jail solidarity. Many are also doing hunger strikes. There have been many abuses= by police and corrections officers. Protesters were held in tiny 6x8 holding= cells for 48 hours or longer. There were at least 6 people in every holding cell. Sleep was almost impossible. Food consisted of a cheese sandwich on white= bread and a carton of iced tea every 8 hours. There have been reports of guards assaulting protesters. Many people are in isolation.=20 We are asking anyone who can to come to Philadelphia to support us. If you can't come please contact the media about the human rights violations in Philly. You can also call Mayor Street and demand that he negotiate with our legal team.=20 The majority of the protesters who came to Philadelphia were committed to non-violence. The city has responded with repression and brutality. Any= support you can offer is greatly appreciated. The following are some contact= numbers. - - R2K Legal 215-925-6791 - - Independent Media Center 215-545-1288=20 - - For news and updates visit the IMC website at - - The American Friends Service Committee is assisting us and may be able to provide housing. You can call them at 215-241-7000.=20 [For twenty years, a patient voice outside the White House has been alerting people to the encroaching police state. Mocked and ignored, he keeps on working and warning. Perhaps now people will begin to understand and we can all start doing something about it. See] =20 ___________________________________________________ Today's News and Archives: Submit URL/Article: OneList Archives: (subscribe online) Subscribe to NucNews Briefs: Quick Route to U.S. Congress: (Senators' Websites) (Representatives' Websites) (Pending Legislation - Search) Presidential Candidates' Websites (a-z): George W. Bush - -= Pat Buchanan - Al Gore - Ralph Nader - (Please send other sites of qualified candidates.) Other Excellent News-Collecting Sites - Downwinders - DOE Watch - Online Petition to Abolish Nuclear Weapons - Distributed without payment for research and educational=20 purposes only, in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107. - --=====================_88311194==_.ALT Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable [NucNews archives have been posted through 7/31/2000 at htt= p:// et]

1) Washington Daybook, Washington Times and AFP, August 7, 2000 tm

      Iraqi sanctions protest =97 9 a.m. =97 Education for Peace in Iraq Center and a broad coalition of organizations hold a National Mobilization to End the Sanctions Against Iraq. Actor Martin Sheen participates. Location: Lafayette Park, proceeding to Treasury Department, 15th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue NW. Contact: 202/244-0951.

      Swearing-in ceremony =97 9 a.m. =97 Energy Department hosts a swearing-in ceremony for Dr. Mildred Dresselhaus, new director of the Energy Department's Office of Science. Energy Secretary Bill Richardson participates. Location: Energy Department, outside main entrance, 1000 Independence Ave. SW. Contact: 202/586-5806.

    Nader news conference =97 10 a.m. =97 Nader for President Campaign holds a news conference to display new Ralph Nader campaign spots. Location: National Press Club, Lisagor Room, 14th and F streets NW. Contact: 202/265-4000.

      Town Hall meeting =97 7 p.m. =97 Rep. Albert R. Wynn, Maryland Democrat, holds a Town Hall meeting to discuss community concerns and important issues facing the nation. Location: Silver Spring Library meeting room, 8901 Colesville Road, Silver Spring. Contact: 202/225-8699.

2) Philadelphia - Report from Legal Support

From: "Cliff Pearson" <>
Date: Sunday, August 06, 2000 4:25 PM

As the Republican Party met in Philadelphia this past week, protest demonstrations were held every day. On Tuesday, August 1st, almost 400 people were arrested as nonviolent direct action tied up downtown Philly during the afternoon rush hour. About a dozen people had been arrested before then, and more have been picked up since, but the majority of arrests happened on Tuesday.

Not everyone arrested was actually involved in any direct action: 75 people were taken into custody at the space where puppets were being put together for use in the protests; others have been picked up just walking the streets. (Note: Kendall and I were lucky. We left the puppet space about 30-45 minutes before it was raided. If we had stayed, we would have been arrested also.)

(There continue to be conflicting reports on the number of people arrested, an indication of the problems people have faced since being taken into custody.)

As of this morning (Saturday, August 5th), more than 250 of those arrested are still in jail. They are engaging in jail solidarity, demanding that everyone be treated equally and that all have access to food, water and bathrooms, as well as access to their lawyers.

Stories about what has unfolded have come to light as people have been released, and several people still have possession of their cell phones and so more information is being passed along that way.

The Legal Support Team have reported extremely disturbing instances of misconduct by police and prison guards. Actually, misconduct is much too weak a word and some are calling it torture, including:

 * sleep deprivation by overnight handcuffing in awkward positions,  including one man who was handcuffed in a crucifixion position.  * the use of pepper spray to coerce arrestees into attending  arraignments  * the stripping off some of the prisoners' clothing  * beatings and draggings  * denial of essential medication, including for people with diabetes  and asthma  * denial of food, water and access to restrooms for extended periods.

There are numerous accounts of arrestees who have been isolated, verbally abused, punched, kicked, thrown against walls, bloodied, and dragged naked across floors, in one instance through a "trash trough" containing refuse, spittle and urine.

There has been a reported sexual assault by a female officer who twisted a prisoner's penis, as well as reports of people dragged by their genitals and nipples being twisted by guards. Seven eyewitnesses saw one woman dragged naked and bleeding.

Many of the arrestees have been held since Tuesday without arraignment, some without phone calls or contact with their lawyers. There are reports of missing paperwork, and arraignments with incomplete or slipshod records. A handful of people have been allowed only very limited visits with their attorneys.

And to make matters even worse, excessively high bail has been set for many of those arraigned, with most bail ranging from $15,000 to $30,000, and several set at anywhere between $100,000 and $500,000. Two people have had their bail set at $1,000,000: Kate Sorenson an activist with the Philadelphia Direct Action Group and Philly ACT-UP (she faces seven felony charges) and John Sellers from The Ruckus Society, an organization which trains people in creative nonviolent direct action tactics. He was standing on a sidewalk when arrested. The 75 people arrested at the puppet space have all been given $15,000 bail for "obstructing traffic" charges, and they were not even in the street when arrested.

To make matters worse, the Philadelphia police are being hailed as models of restraint by the mainstream media in Philadelphia and in signs all around town. As people have called the police, district attorney's office and other officials they are being told that everything is fine and there are no problems . . . blatant lies.

The news of what's happening inside the jails is hardly getting out. People around the country are encouraged to call Philadelphia officials and an effort is underway to get Amnesty International into the jails. (Dr. Rick Halperin of Dallas, a respected and veteran human rights activist, is a former national chairperson for Amnesty International USA and is sending these allegations to higher-ups everyday.)

In the face of all this, reports from inside indicate that those arrested are tired and harassed, but for the most part in good spirits and continue to practice jail solidarity. As they demand their release, people inside are singing, chanting, telling stories and about 150 people are on a hunger strike, some for almost three days now.

It is important to keep up the calls to officials in Philadelphia. People are reporting having a hard time getting through and then, when finally getting someone, being told everything is okay.

District Attorney Lynne Abraham 215-686-8701
Chief Maxwell =AD Head of Detectives and Criminal Investigation
Deputy Commissioner Mitchell =AD in charge of Demonstrations
Captain Fisher =AD Civil Affairs
Mayor John Street 215=AD686=AD2181
Stephanie Franklin Suber =AD Mayor's Chief of Staff
Ken Trujillo =AD City Solicitor 215=AD683=AD5003
Councilman Nutter Councilwoman Blackwell
215=AD685=AD3416 215=AD685=AD3418

Please be persistent! We are winning the Battle of the Telephones!

For more information, contact the Legal Support Team in Philadelphia at (215) 925-6791.


Date: 6 Aug 2000 13:06:27 -0000

Protesters who are in jail in Philadelphia urgently need your help. The city says that no deal will be negotiated and prison conditions are worsening. Of the 390 people arrested during the convention 85 percent are still doing jail solidarity. Many are also doing hunger strikes. There have been many abuses by police and corrections officers. Protesters were held in tiny 6x8 holding cells for 48 hours or longer. There were at least 6 people in every holding cell. Sleep was almost impossible. Food consisted of a cheese sandwich on white bread and a carton of iced tea every 8 hours. There have been reports of guards assaulting protesters. Many people are in isolation.

We are asking anyone who can to come to Philadelphia to support us. If you can't come please contact the media about the human rights violations in Philly. You can also call Mayor Street and demand that he negotiate with our legal team.

The majority of the protesters who came to Philadelphia were committed to non-violence. The city has responded with repression and brutality. Any support you can offer is greatly appreciated. The following are some contact numbers.

- - R2K Legal 215-925-6791
- - Independent Media Center 215-545-1288
- - For news and updates visit the IMC website at
- - The American Friends Service Committee is assisting us and may be able to= provide housing. You can call them at 215-241-7000.

[For twenty years, a patient voice outside the White House has been alerting= people to the encroaching police state.  Mocked and ignored, he keeps= on working and warning.  Perhaps now people will begin to understand= and we can all start doing something about it.  See] 

    = ___________________________________________________

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(Please send other sites of qualified candidates.)

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   Distributed without payment for= research and educational
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- --=====================_88311194==_.ALT-- - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2000 08:05:06 EDT From: Subject: (abolition-usa) 2Queries 1. What, if anything, is in either Republican or Democrat platform concerning CTBT? 2. Does anyone "out there" know what is going on at the Savannah River Plant? Thank you, Colby Lowe NGO-DPI rep at the UN for Peace Action - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2000 13:59:49 -0400 From: ASlater Subject: (abolition-usa) Fwd: Fw: August 6 news >Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2000 13:18:06 -0400 >Subject: Fw: August 6 news >To:,,,,,,,,,,, >From: ( > > > >For Immediate Use > >Contact: > > > Mag Seaman 303-986-1773 >Two Anti-Nuclear Activists Arrested at Minuteman Nuclear Silo N-7 > >On August 6 at 11:20 a.m. Karl Kabat of Belleville, Ill., longtime >activist >and Bill Sulzman, director of Citizens for Peace in Space of Colorado >Springs and a longtime activist, were arrested, searched and handcuffed >by >military police at silo N-7 in Weld County, Colorado. > >The 50-plus police and military personnel arrived in four military >humvees, >ten security vehicles, armed with A-K 47s, cell phones, wearing heavy >uniforms and boots and accompanied by sheriffs from Weld and Logan >counties. > >The two unarmed activists, Karl in clown suit inside the silo fence (he >climbed by means of two ladders and an army blanket) and Bill poised at >the >gate, awaited the onslaught of the military who arrived at 11:20 a.m. > >Twenty-five yards from the silo were seven anti-nuclear supporters, >holding >large banners and signs denouncing war, weapons and aggression. > >The two arrested activists published statements explaining their >rationales. >Karl Kabat's statement: "We are fools and clowns for God and humanity's >sake. > The bombs in this arsenal, each twenty times more powerful than that >dropped >on Hiroshima 55 years ago, would kill nearly 1,000,000,000 people." > >Bill's statement: "I have chosen to hold a banner and risk arrest at silo >N-7 >today to express my personal outrage and opposition to Colorado's 49 >Minuteman missile silos, each with three hideous nuclear bombs attached. > I >reached my final decision to act today during my recent visit to the >Buchenwald concentration camp in Germany. When evil reaches a certain >level >and one is aware of it, it is impossible to be an innocent bystander. > >There is no moral or legal code anywhere in the world that justifies the >use >or threatened use of these monstrous weapons and yet, more than 30 years >after their insertion into Colorado soil, they remain on alert, directing > >their cargo of mayhem and death at some distant point on our planet." > >Citizens must demand their removal from our midst. No more stalling, no >more >"improvements", no more business as usual. > >Bill Sulzman was issued a citation to appear for a hearing in Weld County > >court, November 3. Karl Kabat was taken to Weld County jail for >arraignment >on August 7. > > # # # > - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2000 13:57:50 -0400 From: ASlater Subject: (abolition-usa) Fwd: Senator Lieberman: On the Right of the Democratic Party on National Security Issu >Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2000 13:10:20 -0400 >Subject: Senator Lieberman: On the Right of the Democratic Party on National Security Issu >X-FC-MachineGenerated: true >To: >From: ( > >PRESS RELEASE >COUNCIL FOR A LIVABLE WORLD > >For release: Monday August 7, 2000 >Contact: John Isaacs 202.543.4100 x131 > >Senator Lieberman: >On the Right of the Democratic Party on National Security Issues > > Washington, DC- The imminent selection of Connecticut Senator Joseph >Lieberman as Vice President Gore's running mate means that two national >security moderates will top the Democratic ticket. > From 1989 to 1999 Sen. Joseph Lieberman compiled a 46 percent voting >record, according to the Council for a Livable World annual voting guide. >In 1993, Lieberman scored a dismal 15 percent and has consistently been >ranked with the lowest scoring Democrats ever since and has often ranked >below some moderate Republicans. > Interestingly, then-Senator Al Gore also compiled a 46 percent score from >1989-1992, the four years in which the two served in the Senate together. >Both men supported the Gulf War and voted for use of force against Iraq, >opposed by most Democrats. Both are more forward-leaning on national >missile defense than most Democrats. Both tend to endorse higher military >budgets despite the end of the Cold War. > On the other hand, both candidates are strong arms control supporters, >including the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, START II and the Chemical >Weapons Convention. > Ironically, Senator Lieberman enjoyed the support of the Council for a >Livable World, an arms control advocacy organization, in first Senate race >to oust incumbent Senator Lowell Weicker in 1988. In his inaugural year in >the Senate, Lieberman compiled a perfect 100% score on the Council's annual >voting index in 1989. After that, his record plummeted. > Lieberman supported funding cuts for the Star Wars program until 1993. >Since then, he opposed measures to reduce funds for Ballistic Missile >Defense and was one of the first Democrats to endorse deploying national >missile defenses "as soon as technologically feasible," allying himself >with missile defense hawks such as Republican Senators Thad Cochran (R-MS) >and John Kyl (R-AZ). > He has consistently voted against initiatives to reduce the overall >military budget and has supported retaining budget firewalls to prevent >transfer of funds from defense accounts to domestic programs. Lieberman >voted against cuts in the intelligence budget and has opposed efforts to >disclose the total intelligence budget. > Connecticut is home to major defense contractors, and Lieberman has been >assiduous in promoting weapons that bring jobs to the state, including a >number of aircraft and the Seawolf and New Attack Submarines. He has also >promoted arms sales abroad by supporting loan guarantee programs for arms >sales and voting against the arms sale Code of Conduct. > On the positive side, Lieberman opposed the B-2 bomber, the MX missile >rail garrison, and anti-satellite weapons. He supported the nuclear >testing moratorium and has consistently advocated UN peacekeeping efforts >and payment of US debt to the UN. Last year, Lieberman also voted for >amendments to permit further reductions in our nuclear arsenal and to carry >out another round of military base closures. > "Sen. Lieberman is an impressive candidate," said Council President John >Isaacs, "He is very knowledgeable about arms control and foreign policy >issues. However, after the Cold War, he moved to the right of the >Democratic Party on national security issues -- and will be right at home >with Al Gore." > Sen. Lieberman's scores on Council's annual arms control voting index: > >1989- 100 >1990- 70 >1991- 61 >1992- 69 >1993- 15 >1994- 33 >1995- 23 >1996- 55 >1997- 50 >1998- 40 >1999- 57 > ># # # > > >John Isaacs >Council for a Livable World >110 Maryland Avenue, NE - Room 409 >Washington, D.C. 20002 >(202) 543-4100 x.131 > > - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2000 21:30:05 EDT From: Charles F Hilfenhaus Subject: Re: (abolition-usa) 2Queries In answer to your first question, I don't know about specific platform positions, but from local news sources associated with the Nevada Test Site I can give the candidates positions. Al Gore will continue the current policy; observe the letter of the CTBT while continuing to maintain that U.S. subcritical tests do not violate the treaty. George W. Bush supports the Republican Senate vote against the CTBT. He has not specifically stated that he would resume nuclear testing, however, many of the workers at the test site believe that he would. Charlie Hilfenhaus Alliance of Atomic Veterans Director, Atomic Workers Division On Mon, 7 Aug 2000 08:05:06 EDT writes: >1. What, if anything, is in either Republican or Democrat platform >concerning >CTBT? > >2. Does anyone "out there" know what is going on at the Savannah River >Plant? > >Thank you, > >Colby Lowe >NGO-DPI rep at the UN for Peace Action > >- > To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to >"" > with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ________________________________________________________________ YOU'RE PAYING TOO MUCH FOR THE INTERNET! Juno now offers FREE Internet Access! Try it today - there's no risk! For your FREE software, visit: - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 07:44:35 -0400 From: Ellen Thomas Subject: (abolition-usa) NucNews 00/08/08 - Daybook etc. - --=====================_178665761==_.ALT Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable 1) Washington Daybook, Washington Times and AFP, August 8, 2000 Nagasaki commemoration =97 Hiroshima/Nagasaki Peace Committee presents "Hibakusha" A-bomb survivors, Nobuo Miyake, 71, and Mike Miyake, 71, participating in Nagasaki 55th anniversary commemoration events. Highlights =97 10 a.m. =97 Bruderhof Vigil, West Front, U.S. Capitol 7 p.m. =97 Nagasaki Remembrance with unveiling of Memorial "Peace= Crane" Sculpture for Radiation Victims, Josephine Butler Community Center, 15th and Euclid streets NW Contact: 202-462-0757. Town Hall meeting =97 7 p.m. =97 Office of Rep. Albert R. Wynn, Maryland Democrat, holds a Town Hall meeting to discuss community concerns and= important issues facing the nation. Location: Springbrook High School, 201 Valley= Brook, Silver Spring. Contact: 202/225-8699. 2) Three Mile Island Petition to Carter Bill Smirnow has posted an online petition to President Carter asking that= he tell the truth about what he knows about Three Mile Island. Please sign! 3) Puerto Rico - FEDERAL COVER-UP OF NUCLEAR BOMB IN VIEQUES In February 1995, Noticentro 4, the news program of Puerto Rico's TV station WAPA TV, aired a special report entitled RED ALERT, in which it denounced= what history has confirmed. . .the problems caused by the presence of the U.S.= Navy in Vieques, Puerto Rico and the consequences of its practices over Vieques. The special report, RED ALERT, by renowned reporter Pedro Rosa Nales,= unleashed the fury of the high command of the U.S. Navy in Puerto Rico, which tried to have the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) revoke the TV station's license. The Navy also accused Pedro Rosa Nales of having violated the Espionage Law, a charge which did not succeed before the U.S. Justice Department. During that investigation, the reporter revealed an incident with a nuclear bomb in Vieques in the mid-60's. Now, five years after that special report, Noticentro 4 has new evidence that confirms that the incident with the= nuclear bomb in Vieques did indeed occur and that the U.S. Government, including the U.S. Navy, covered up the facts. Don't miss this important and powerful special report, RED ALERT II: THE= COVER UP, starting this Wednesday August 9, 2000 at 5:00PM EST on WAPA TV's Noticentro 4 (first part), continuing on Thursday August 10 at 5:00PM= (second part) and ending on Friday August 11 at 5:00PM (third and final part). If you are in Puerto Rico, we recommend that you watch and tape this special report. If you are outside of Puerto Rico, you can watch this special report live, or later on that night, through the Internet by accessing Noticentro= 4's website: Your computer must have a sound card= and the program Streamworks, which you can download and install for free= following the instructions in Noticentro 4's website. ___________________________________________________ Today's News and Archives: Submit URL/Article: OneList Archives: (subscribe online) Subscribe to NucNews Briefs: Quick Route to U.S. Congress: (Senators' Websites) (Representatives' Websites) (Pending Legislation - Search) Presidential Candidates' Websites (a-z): George W. Bush - -= Pat Buchanan - Al Gore - Ralph Nader - (Please send other sites of qualified candidates.) Other Excellent News-Collecting Sites - Downwinders - DOE Watch - Online Petition to Abolish Nuclear Weapons - Distributed without payment for research and educational=20 purposes only, in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107. - --=====================_178665761==_.ALT Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable 1) Washington Daybook, Washington Times and AFP, August 8, 2000 m

    Nagasaki commemoration =97 Hiroshima/Nagasaki Peace Committee presents "Hibakusha" A-bomb survivors, Nobuo Miyake, 71, and Mike Miyake, 71, participating in Nagasaki 55th anniversary commemoration events.
      Highlights =97 10 a.m. =97 Bruderhof Vigil, West Front, U.S. Capitol
      7 p.m. =97 Nagasaki Remembrance with unveiling of Memorial "Peace Crane" Sculpture for Radiation Victims, Josephine Butler Community Center, 15th and Euclid streets NW
      Contact: 202-462-0757.

   Town Hall meeting =97 7 p.m. =97 Office of Rep. Albert R. Wynn, Maryland Democrat, holds a Town Hall meeting to discuss community concerns and important issues facing the nation. Location: Springbrook High School, 201 Valley Brook, Silver Spring. Contact:=20 202/225-8699.

2) Three Mile Island Petition to Carter

Bill Smirnow has posted an online petition to President Carter asking that he tell the truth about what he knows about Three Mile Island.  Please sign!


In February 1995, Noticentro 4, the news program of Puerto Rico's TV station WAPA TV, aired a special report entitled RED ALERT, in which it denounced what history has confirmed. . .the problems caused by the presence of the U.S. Navy in Vieques, Puerto Rico and the consequences of its practices over Vieques.

The special report, RED ALERT, by renowned reporter Pedro Rosa Nales, unleashed the fury of the high command of the U.S. Navy in Puerto Rico, which tried to have the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) revoke the TV station's license. The Navy also accused Pedro Rosa Nales of having violated the Espionage Law, a charge which did not succeed before the U.S. Justice Department.

During that investigation, the reporter revealed an incident with a nuclear bomb in Vieques in the mid-60's. Now, five years after that special report, Noticentro 4 has new evidence that confirms that the incident with the nuclear bomb in Vieques did indeed occur and that the U.S. Government, including the U.S. Navy, covered up the facts.

Don't miss this important and powerful special report, RED ALERT II: THE COVER UP, starting this Wednesday August 9, 2000 at 5:00PM EST on WAPA TV's Noticentro 4 (first part), continuing on Thursday August 10 at 5:00PM (second part) and ending on Friday August 11 at 5:00PM (third and final part).

If you are in Puerto Rico, we recommend that you watch and tape this special report. If you are outside of Puerto Rico, you can watch this special report live, or later on that night, through the Internet by accessing Noticentro 4's website: Your computer must have a sound card and the program Streamworks, which you can download and install for free following the instructions in Noticentro 4's website.


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