From: (abolition-usa-digest) To: Subject: abolition-usa-digest V1 #375 Reply-To: abolition-usa-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk abolition-usa-digest Friday, September 8 2000 Volume 01 : Number 375 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2000 17:32:59 -0700 From: Shundahai Network Subject: (abolition-usa) Upcoming Southwestern Nuclear Free Actions and Gatherings and Shundahai Network News Hello Friends, We hope this letter finds you well. Thank you for all your individual actions to help protect Mother Earth! Wow! What a summer it has been! We are writing to let you know about some upcoming events that Shundahai Network will be participating in, and invite you to join as well. We are also including a short summery of our summer activities at the end for those who are interested. Of course you can find all of this information and much more, including: Yucca Mountain and Nuclear Waste; an impressive media archive on nuclear related articles; nuclear weapons testing and the Nevada Test Site; Western Shoshone, Big Mountain, Uwa and other Indigenous issues; national and international nonviolent direct actions; genetically modified and irradiated foods; lots of photos, flyers and fact sheets; on our web site at <<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<> Upcoming Events: September 15th: Las Vegas public speaking event and press conference with Ralph Nader and Corbin Harney. For more information please call Shundahai Network (702) 647-3095 September 22nd-23rd: Te'wa Women's United Gathering for Mother Earth. This is an annual gathering of Indigenous people around Los Alamos. A spirit run to the gates of Los Alamos Nuclear Weapons Laboratory will take place. For more information please call: 505-474-7100 September 30th: Nevada Is Not A Wasteland Day. We deserve a clean and healthy environment for our families and children, but not all decisions makers have our families futures in mind. Special interest dollars and corporate powers are drowning out the publics voice when it comes to critical decisions shaping the future of our state. We must join together to fight for clean water, air and land, An amazingly diverse coalition of Nevadan environmental groups has formed to organize exciting events across the state. JOIN US in celebrating the precious splendor of Nevada and educating people about how they can protect it. In Northern Nevada please contact Citizen Alert (775) 827-4200; In Southern Nevada, "Nevada is Not a Wasteland" Day will be celebrated from Noon - 8PM at Morrell Park in Henderson. For information you can contact Shundahai Network (702) 647-3095, Citizen Alert (702) 796-5662 October 6th-9th: Nuclear Free Great Basin Gathering, Peace Camp - Newe Sogobia, Across from the main entrance to the Nevada Test Site, 65 miles Northwest of Las Vegas, NV. You are invited to the heart of the beautiful but fragile Great Basin Desert to learn about and strategize on nuclear and indigenous issues within our bio-region. Study the successes of other anti-nuclear campaigns, Celebrate our uniqueness and diversity and help build a strong and unified Alliance for a Nuclear Free Great Basin. There will be an early morning ceremony and rally at Yucca Mountain it's self with a possible Citizen Inspection Team action. For More information please call Shundahai Network (702) 647-3095 October 7th: International Day of Protest to Stop the Militarization of Space. Vandenberg Air force Base, CA and at other locations around the world. Help us say, "No Star Wars! Keep Space for Peace!" Organize a local event in solidarity. For more information please call Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space (352) 337-9274 October 16th: A Day without the Pentagon. Regional nonviolent direct actions. In Las Vegas, NV there will be an event at Nellis Air force Base including prayers for peace and safety and a Citizen Inspection Team. For more information please call Nevada Desert Experience (702) 646-4814 We would love to see you attend one or more of these events, and if you are interested in helping out before-hand, please let us know as soon as possible. We are particularly needing folks to help with setting up and cleaning Peace Camp for the Nuclear Free Great Basin Gathering. <<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<> Shundahai Network Summer Report After a busy spring when Shundahai Network helped organize the wonderfully successful Mothers Day 2000 Gathering at the Nevada Test Site, and did logistical support for the Western Shoshone National Council Yucca Mountain Gathering and the Western Shoshone Spirit Walk/Run around the test site, we plunged into the hot summer of continued organizational development, coalition and alliance building, outreach, strategic planning and action. Here are some of the activities that have kept us busy throughout the summer: Shundahai Network provided logistical support for the Western Shoshone National Gathering at Crescent Valley, NV, and the Indigenous Environmental Network's annual Protecting Mother Earth Gathering held in Brownsville, TX. Members of Shundahai Network attended the National Rainbow Gathering in Jackson, Montana. Conducted workshops on Nuclear Waste Dangers and Yucca Mountain in the Activist Camp. Distributed hundreds of nuclear information flyers. We did a nonviolence training for Las Vegas activists in preparation for the Democratic National Convention, held in Los Angeles in August. We were at the core of a wonderfully diverse coalition of Nevada Environmental organizations that begun preparations for the Nevada Is Not A Wasteland Day event here in Las Vegas. We did a mailing to over three hundred activists and organizers inviting them to participate in a strategic planning session to be held at the Nuclear Free Great Basin gathering in October. Shundahai Network continues to provide logistical and organizational development support for an exciting new Las Vegas organization, Nevadans Organizing To Better Address Diversity. Corbin Harney, Western Shoshone elder and Executive Director of Shundahai Network, has been working on his next book and video through most of this summer. As well, he has continually has been on an ongoing outreach and educational tour though California, Oregon, Idaho and Northern Nevada communities. At the end of July he joined other Western Shoshone tribal leaders in a trip to Switzerland to present testimony at a United Nations Human Rights Forum on Genocide. We attended the Local Affected Units of Government meeting, sponsored by the Department of Energy. This was an excellent opportunity to speak to government officials- ranging from state to city to tribal, about the dangers of Yucca Mountain. With Citizen Alert, we supported a media event to welcome the Nuclear Information and Resource Service's cross country mock nuclear waste cask tour. This event were covered by every local TV station, two radio stations and one newspaper. The coverage on TV ran throughout the weekend. August 6th we commemorated the bombing of Hiroshima with a vigil and ceremony at the Nevada Test Site. Never Again. Members of Shundahai Network participated in the 2nd annual nonviolent direct action at Los Alamos Nuclear Weapons Laboratory, organized by Peace Action and held on August 9th, Nagasaki Day. The Mayor and City Council of Las Vegas issued a proclamation declaring Sept. 30th, Nevada Is Not A Wasteland Day, and commending the Nevada organizations who have been a driving force behind keeping nuclear waste out of Nevada. Shundahai Network sponsored a group of 11 Nevadan activists (and Citizen Alert's Life Sized Mock Nuclear Waste Cask) who traveled to Los Angeles for the Democratic National Convention and demonstrations. We were able to speak to thousands of people; protestors, delegates and media. We did one radio interview and five newspaper interviews. We generated articles in the Las Vegas papers, as well as inspiring a comic strip in the LA weekly. With the mock nuclear waste cask continually moving around the city and participating in rallies, marches and parades, we were able to highlight nuclear issues facing the country today. (You can see some of the media coverage we received by visiting our web page at Shundahai Network activists organized vigil and demonstration on August 18th to protest a subcritical nuclear weapons test "Oboe 5" at the Nevada Test Site. Corbin and other members of Shundahai Network participated in and helped facilitate the Seventh Generation Funds Sustainable Communities Gathering in Oklahoma and the Great Lakes Nuclear Free Action Training Camp in Michigan. Shundahai Network was the driving force behind the successful campaign to get the City of Las Vegas to declare it's self a Nuclear Free Zone! on Sept 6. 2000. Current News: Susi Snyder, community outreach coordinator for Shundahai Network, was singled out and arrested this spring during a nonviolent direct action at the Nevada Test Site to stop subcritical nuclear weapons test code named "Oboe 3". After a full trial before a Nye County Justice of the Peace she was found guilty and sentenced to 10 day in jail and $450 fine which is unheard of for an action at the test site, especially when Susi did not do anything differently then the other 8 activists arrested that day. Susi appealed her sentence but recently found out that her appeal was denied. To find out how you might help Susi, please call her at (702) 647-3095 <<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<> ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< SHUNDAHAI NETWORK "Peace and Harmony with all Creation" out,out5007 Elmhurst St., Las Vegas, NV 89108-1304 Phone:(702) 647-3095 (FAX) 647-9385 Email: 0000,0000,fefe ---once again, updated daily Shundahai Network is proud to be part of: US Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons Abolition 2000: A Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons People of Color/ Disenfranchised Communities ><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2000 22:26:38 -0700 From: Shundahai Network Subject: (abolition-usa) Las Vegas Declared Nuclear Free Zone! Hi Friends, Just wanted to share this good news with you! PRESS RELEASE CONTACT: Susi Snyder September 6, 2000 702-647-3095 LAS VEGAS DECLARED NUCLEAR-FREE ZONE This morning the Mayor and City Council of Las Vegas passed resolution R-85-2000, declaring Las Vegas a Nuclear Free Zone. This resolution opposes legislation that would allow the transportation, storage or production of spent nuclear fuel, high-level nuclear waste, and low-level radioactive waste within the City of Las Vegas. The resolution also supports the on site storage of spent nuclear fuel, a shift in federal funding for nuclear waste disposal studies, and the research and use of alternative renewable energy sources. =93The majority of the people of Las Vegas are against radioactive waste being shipped through the city,=94 said Susi Snyder, =93a Nuclear-Free L= as Vegas is a great step towards a Nuclear-Free Great Basin.=93 =20 The resolution passed this morning was proposed at a meeting between May= or Goodman, the Shundahai Network, Citizens Nuclear Information Committee an= d Citizen Alert in July. =20 =93We hope that all other counties and cities within Nevada will be insp= ired to pass their own nuclear free zone resolutions, =93 said Reinard Knutsen= , =93This will send a strong signal to Washington that Nevada is not the dumping ground for the nuclear industry.=94 Reno, Sparks and Henderson h= ave also declared themselves to be Nuclear-Free Zones. The passage of this resolution is in great timing for Nevada Is Not A Wasteland Day, September 30th, (12-8pm, Morrell Park in Henderson), and t= he Nuclear Free Great Basin Gathering, October 6-9th, at Peace Camp, Newe Sogobia (Mercury exit, US 95). - -30- RESOLUTION TO DESIGNATE LAS VEGAS A NUCLEAR-FREE ZONE Adopted Unanimously by Las Vegas City Council Sept 6th, 2000 WHEREAS, Congress has designated Yucca Mountain, Nevada, the only site t= o be studied for a High-level nuclear waste repository; and=20 WHEREAS, the proposed Yucca Mountain site should be disqualified from consideration due to scientifically proven geologic and technical factors= ; and=20 WHEREAS, billions of taxpayer dollars have already been spent on the Yuc= ca Mountain Project; and WHEREAS, The government of the State of Nevada and the City of Las Vegas are opposed to Yucca Mountain; and WHEREAS, the State of Nevada has already made countless sacrifices for t= he nation's nuclear programs; and WHEREAS, the Nevada Test Site is currently used by the Department of Energy as a site for the final disposal of low level radioactive waste fr= om the cleanup of the Department of Energy's weapons complex; and WHEREAS, high level nuclear waste as well as some low level nuclear wast= e is extremely dangerous, containing long-lived radioactive isotopes; and=20 WHEREAS, this high level nuclear waste would consist of irradiated nucle= ar fuel rods and other radioactive waste; and WHEREAS, legislation is introduced each year and is currently being debated which, if adopted by Congress and signed into law by the Presiden= t of the United States, will allow for the transport of radioactive waste through the City of Las Vegas and other towns in Nevada; and=20 WHEREAS, this legislation would create an above ground interim storage facility for high level nuclear waste at the Nevada Test Site; and=20 WHEREAS, this legislation would begin the largest nuclear waste transportation campaign in history, possibly endangering residents in 43 states, thousands of towns and cities; and WHEREAS, the Department of Energy predicts that there will be nuclear waste accidents occurring during this transportation campaign; and WHEREAS, lives, health, and properties of Las Vegas residents, living an= d working along transportation routes will be unnecessarily endangered by accidents or incidents; and WHEREAS, the City of Las Vegas will have limited funding for training of emergency response personnel and for purchase of necessary equipment to cope with a radiological emergency; and WHEREAS, the City of Las Vegas does not have the independent resources required to effectively cope with a radiological disaster that could occu= r as a result of radioactive waste transported through Las Vegas; and=20 WHEREAS, tourism has long been the life-blood of Nevada's economy, with over half of the estate's economic activity resulting directly or indirectly from tourism related expenditures; and=20 WHEREAS, the transportation of nuclear waste through Las Vegas would diminish the safe and attractive image the city now conveys, poses a possible health risk to potential visitors and would damage the city and state's economy; and WHEREAS, the production of both high- and low- level waste continues, transportation to either an interim or permanent repository does nothing = to solve the nuclear waste problem in our country; and=20 WHEREAS, the city of Las Vegas supports basing nuclear waste disposal decisions that will impact future generations on sound science, long term safety considerations and a thorough evaluation of all possible options; = and=20 WHEREAS, at or near reactor above-ground monitored retrievable dry cask storage technology can be used to safely and economically store high-leve= l radioactive wastes on site for at least 100 years;=20 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the City Of Las Vegas as follows: SECTION 1: That the Mayor and City Council of Las Vegas oppose all legislation that would require or allow transportation of all radioactive waste near or through the City of Las Vegas; SECTION 2: That the Mayor and City Council of Las Vegas support at reacto= r, on-site storage of high-level nuclear waste and a shift in funding to fin= d a scientifically defensible and publicly acceptable method of disposal; SECTION 3: That the Mayor and City Council of Las Vegas support the research and use of alternative renewable energy sources; SECTION 4: That radioactive waste and nuclear waste, as referred to in this Resolution, is principally intended to include fuel materials utiliz= ed in nuclear power production. This Resolution does not relate to radioactive materials used, in the City of Las Vegas, for medical applications, industrial radiography and personal purposes such as time pieces or smoke detectors;=20 SECTION 5: That in opposition to legislation that would allow the transportation, storage or production of spent nuclear fuel, high-level nuclear waste, and low-level radioactive waste within the City of Las Vegas, the mayor and City Council of Las Vegas designate the City of Las Vegas as a Nuclear Free Zone. - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2000 22:27:15 -0700 From: Shundahai Network Subject: (abolition-usa) NUCLEAR FREE GREAT BASIN GATHERING <<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<> Email text flyer: NUCLEAR FREE GREAT BASIN GATHERING <<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<> NUCLEAR FREE GREAT BASIN GATHERING October 6TH - 9TH, 2000, Peace Camp - Newe Sogobia Across from the main entrance to the Nevada Test Site, 65 miles Northwest of Las Vegas, NV, Mercury Exit off Hwy 95. You are invited to join us in the heart of the beautiful but fragile Great Basin Desert to learn about and strategize on nuclear and indigenous issues within our bio-region. Study the successes of other anti-nuclear campaigns, Celebrate our uniqueness and diversity and help build a strong and unified Alliance for a Nuclear Free Great Basin. The Great Basin bio region is a beautiful, diverse and fragile areas stretching through five states. Home to strong indigenous people and cultures, high mountainous alpine lakes and forests, as well as many endangered and threatened plants and wildlife. Sadly, this land has experienced the deadly effects of nuclear weapons testing as well as the disposal of radioactive and toxic waste in leaking dumps. Man made low level radiation causes cancer, premature aging, immune system suppression, birth defects and genetic mutations. Daily shipments of nuclear and hazardous materials travel on our roads and railways to be dumped in the Great Basin. A serious nuclear accident could cause deaths and sickness, irreversibly contaminating large areas, and the U.S. has plans to continue and expand the radioactive assault on our air, water and land. Now is the time to create a Nuclear Free Great Basin. Together we can work effectively with other regional Nuclear Free alliances to change nuclear policies, protecting Mother Earth and our future generations. NUCLEAR FREE GREAT BASIN GATHERING Current Schedule FRIDAY, OCT 6TH: Registration; Welcome to Newe Sogobia and Nevada Test Site and weekend orientation; National and International Nuclear Free Campaigns, successes and failures. Plan Yucca Mountain Citizens Inspection Team Action SATURDAY, OCT 7TH: Nuclear issues within the Great Basin, panel discussion and strategizing workshop; Indigenous issues within the Great Basin, panel discussion and workshop; Strategy proposals for Great Basin Nuclear Free Campaign, discussion; Concert and Celebration SUNDAY, OCT 8TH: Create time-line for Great Basin Nuclear Free Campaign, workshops; Building an Alliance for a Nuclear Free Great Basin, workshop; Plan Yucca Mountain Citizens Inspection Team Action MONDAY, OCT 9TH: Convoy to Yucca Mountain Sunrise Ceremony at the base of Yucca Mountain Rally and Yucca Mountain Citizens Inspection Team Action; Final plenary evaluation meeting held at Yucca Mountain Daily Sunrise Ceremonies and Sweatlodges will be held. Meals and water will be provided Be prepared for Desert Camping, hot days and cool nights Donations are accepted to cover costs For more information please call: 702-647-3095 Sponsored By: Shundahai Network, and Citizen Alert The Nuclear Free Great Basin Gathering will be held in solidarity with the October 7th Actions to stop the Ballistic Missile Defense system. ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< SHUNDAHAI NETWORK "Peace and Harmony with all Creation" out,out5007 Elmhurst St., Las Vegas, NV 89108-1304 Phone:(702) 647-3095 (FAX) 647-9385 Email: 0000,0000,fefe ---once again, updated daily Shundahai Network is proud to be part of: US Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons Abolition 2000: A Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons People of Color/ Disenfranchised Communities ><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2000 22:27:49 -0700 From: Shundahai Network Subject: (abolition-usa) Upcoming Southwestern Nuclear Free Actions and Gatherings and Shundahai Network News Hello Friends, We hope this letter finds you well. Thank you for all your individual actions to help protect Mother Earth! Wow! What a summer it has been! We are writing to let you know about some upcoming events that Shundahai Network will be participating in, and invite you to join as well. We are also including a short summery of our summer activities at the end for those who are interested. Of course you can find all of this information and much more, including: Yucca Mountain and Nuclear Waste; an impressive media archive on nuclear related articles; nuclear weapons testing and the Nevada Test Site; Western Shoshone, Big Mountain, Uwa and other Indigenous issues; national and international nonviolent direct actions; genetically modified and irradiated foods; lots of photos, flyers and fact sheets; on our web site at <<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<> Upcoming Events: September 15th: Las Vegas public speaking event and press conference with Ralph Nader and Corbin Harney. For more information please call Shundahai Network (702) 647-3095 September 22nd-23rd: Te'wa Women's United Gathering for Mother Earth. This is an annual gathering of Indigenous people around Los Alamos. A spirit run to the gates of Los Alamos Nuclear Weapons Laboratory will take place. For more information please call: 505-474-7100 September 30th: Nevada Is Not A Wasteland Day. We deserve a clean and healthy environment for our families and children, but not all decisions makers have our families futures in mind. Special interest dollars and corporate powers are drowning out the publics voice when it comes to critical decisions shaping the future of our state. We must join together to fight for clean water, air and land, An amazingly diverse coalition of Nevadan environmental groups has formed to organize exciting events across the state. JOIN US in celebrating the precious splendor of Nevada and educating people about how they can protect it. In Northern Nevada please contact Citizen Alert (775) 827-4200; In Southern Nevada, "Nevada is Not a Wasteland" Day will be celebrated from Noon - 8PM at Morrell Park in Henderson. For information you can contact Shundahai Network (702) 647-3095, Citizen Alert (702) 796-5662 October 6th-9th: Nuclear Free Great Basin Gathering, Peace Camp - Newe Sogobia, Across from the main entrance to the Nevada Test Site, 65 miles Northwest of Las Vegas, NV. You are invited to the heart of the beautiful but fragile Great Basin Desert to learn about and strategize on nuclear and indigenous issues within our bio-region. Study the successes of other anti-nuclear campaigns, Celebrate our uniqueness and diversity and help build a strong and unified Alliance for a Nuclear Free Great Basin. There will be an early morning ceremony and rally at Yucca Mountain it's self with a possible Citizen Inspection Team action. For More information please call Shundahai Network (702) 647-3095 October 7th: International Day of Protest to Stop the Militarization of Space. Vandenberg Air force Base, CA and at other locations around the world. Help us say, "No Star Wars! Keep Space for Peace!" Organize a local event in solidarity. For more information please call Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space (352) 337-9274 October 16th: A Day without the Pentagon. Regional nonviolent direct actions. In Las Vegas, NV there will be an event at Nellis Air force Base including prayers for peace and safety and a Citizen Inspection Team. For more information please call Nevada Desert Experience (702) 646-4814 We would love to see you attend one or more of these events, and if you are interested in helping out before-hand, please let us know as soon as possible. We are particularly needing folks to help with setting up and cleaning Peace Camp for the Nuclear Free Great Basin Gathering. <<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<> Shundahai Network Summer Report After a busy spring when Shundahai Network helped organize the wonderfully successful Mothers Day 2000 Gathering at the Nevada Test Site, and did logistical support for the Western Shoshone National Council Yucca Mountain Gathering and the Western Shoshone Spirit Walk/Run around the test site, we plunged into the hot summer of continued organizational development, coalition and alliance building, outreach, strategic planning and action. Here are some of the activities that have kept us busy throughout the summer: Shundahai Network provided logistical support for the Western Shoshone National Gathering at Crescent Valley, NV, and the Indigenous Environmental Network's annual Protecting Mother Earth Gathering held in Brownsville, TX. Members of Shundahai Network attended the National Rainbow Gathering in Jackson, Montana. Conducted workshops on Nuclear Waste Dangers and Yucca Mountain in the Activist Camp. Distributed hundreds of nuclear information flyers. We did a nonviolence training for Las Vegas activists in preparation for the Democratic National Convention, held in Los Angeles in August. We were at the core of a wonderfully diverse coalition of Nevada Environmental organizations that begun preparations for the Nevada Is Not A Wasteland Day event here in Las Vegas. We did a mailing to over three hundred activists and organizers inviting them to participate in a strategic planning session to be held at the Nuclear Free Great Basin gathering in October. Shundahai Network continues to provide logistical and organizational development support for an exciting new Las Vegas organization, Nevadans Organizing To Better Address Diversity. Corbin Harney, Western Shoshone elder and Executive Director of Shundahai Network, has been working on his next book and video through most of this summer. As well, he has continually has been on an ongoing outreach and educational tour though California, Oregon, Idaho and Northern Nevada communities. At the end of July he joined other Western Shoshone tribal leaders in a trip to Switzerland to present testimony at a United Nations Human Rights Forum on Genocide. We attended the Local Affected Units of Government meeting, sponsored by the Department of Energy. This was an excellent opportunity to speak to government officials- ranging from state to city to tribal, about the dangers of Yucca Mountain. With Citizen Alert, we supported a media event to welcome the Nuclear Information and Resource Service's cross country mock nuclear waste cask tour. This event were covered by every local TV station, two radio stations and one newspaper. The coverage on TV ran throughout the weekend. August 6th we commemorated the bombing of Hiroshima with a vigil and ceremony at the Nevada Test Site. Never Again. Members of Shundahai Network participated in the 2nd annual nonviolent direct action at Los Alamos Nuclear Weapons Laboratory, organized by Peace Action and held on August 9th, Nagasaki Day. The Mayor and City Council of Las Vegas issued a proclamation declaring Sept. 30th, Nevada Is Not A Wasteland Day, and commending the Nevada organizations who have been a driving force behind keeping nuclear waste out of Nevada. Shundahai Network sponsored a group of 11 Nevadan activists (and Citizen Alert's Life Sized Mock Nuclear Waste Cask) who traveled to Los Angeles for the Democratic National Convention and demonstrations. We were able to speak to thousands of people; protestors, delegates and media. We did one radio interview and five newspaper interviews. We generated articles in the Las Vegas papers, as well as inspiring a comic strip in the LA weekly. With the mock nuclear waste cask continually moving around the city and participating in rallies, marches and parades, we were able to highlight nuclear issues facing the country today. (You can see some of the media coverage we received by visiting our web page at Shundahai Network activists organized vigil and demonstration on August 18th to protest a subcritical nuclear weapons test "Oboe 5" at the Nevada Test Site. Corbin and other members of Shundahai Network participated in and helped facilitate the Seventh Generation Funds Sustainable Communities Gathering in Oklahoma and the Great Lakes Nuclear Free Action Training Camp in Michigan. Shundahai Network was the driving force behind the successful campaign to get the City of Las Vegas to declare it's self a Nuclear Free Zone! on Sept 6. 2000. Current News: Susi Snyder, community outreach coordinator for Shundahai Network, was singled out and arrested this spring during a nonviolent direct action at the Nevada Test Site to stop subcritical nuclear weapons test code named "Oboe 3". After a full trial before a Nye County Justice of the Peace she was found guilty and sentenced to 10 day in jail and $450 fine which is unheard of for an action at the test site, especially when Susi did not do anything differently then the other 8 activists arrested that day. Susi appealed her sentence but recently found out that her appeal was denied. To find out how you might help Susi, please call her at (702) 647-3095 <<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<>I<<> ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< SHUNDAHAI NETWORK "Peace and Harmony with all Creation" out,out5007 Elmhurst St., Las Vegas, NV 89108-1304 Phone:(702) 647-3095 (FAX) 647-9385 Email: 0000,0000,fefe ---once again, updated daily Shundahai Network is proud to be part of: US Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons Abolition 2000: A Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons People of Color/ Disenfranchised Communities ><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2000 22:51:04 -0700 From: Shundahai Network Subject: (abolition-usa) Sorry for the multiple emails ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< SHUNDAHAI NETWORK "Peace and Harmony with all Creation" out,out5007 Elmhurst St., Las Vegas, NV 89108-1304 Phone:(702) 647-3095 (FAX) 647-9385 Email: 0000,0000,fefe ---once again, updated daily Shundahai Network is proud to be part of: US Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons Abolition 2000: A Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons People of Color/ Disenfranchised Communities ><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< ><<><< - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2000 01:19:19 -0700 From: "David Crockett Williams" Subject: (abolition-usa) DC preparations for Global Peace Walk 2000 - -----------important forwarded post from walk co-coordinator now in DC--- - ---[please forward to your lists, contacts, discussion and newsgroups]--- From: Crispin Clarke Subject: Global Peace Walk, from D.C. preparations Date: Wednesday, September 06, 2000 9:43 PM Dear friends, The Global Peace Walk 2000 has walked 2000 miles by reaching Columbus, Ohio this last Friday. We started from the UN's birthplace in San Francisco January 15th...we have journeyed through and past Vandenberg Air Force Base, CA, Hollywood Walk of Fame, the Nevada Nuclear Test Site, Las Vegas casinos, Big Mountain and the Hopi land, AZ, the Glen Canyon Dam, Phoenix, AZ, New Mexico, the Oklahoma City Federal Bombsite, Kansas, fasted for Leonard Peltier for 4 days, prayed at Crow Dog's Paradise Sun Dance in South Dakota, walked eastward through the Westward Expansion Monument in St. Louis, MO, and received the keys to City of Indianapolis with Reverend Chief John Crow Dog, and we are scheduled to arrive in Pittsburgh on September 15th. We are coming into Washington October 5th...and on the 12th we will begin walking again north through Baltimore, Philly, and to NYC and to the UN for its 55th Anniversary and bring emphasis back to its original charter...because what has happened in these 55 years is not "United Nations": there is pollution, war, relocations in all directions. We carry a Future Generations' Prayer. We are concerned about our future. We are concerned about our human life. The earth is suffering, the water is polluted, the fire has become all gas and electricity (traditional cultures struggle to survive), now the air is polluted, and the human being's higher mind is becoming noise. Thus a peace walk to restore the spiritual relationship between the human being and the elements, to use the symbolism of Year 2000 AD in the right way. Through the medium of walking for peace, we are carrying messages that the walking enables us to communicate. We are carrying All Our Relations Land and Life survival issues raised to a prayer for Global Peace and respect for old cultures' way of life. Different individuals and groups have brought us their messages and we serve to carry them across the country, gathering energy in order to properly deliver them on the East Coast. This globe is our house and altar. Old and New culture's way of life in the sustainable manner must be able to bring knowledge of mind and symbol of peace to protect our Land and Life and keep balance and harmony: as human beings this is our Global Responsibility. "Global Peace Now!" unites so many different issues. We are relating nuclear weapons, indigenous peoples' land and life cultural survival (Leonard Peltier, Big Mountain, Chiapas, Burma, Vieques, Yucca Mountain, U'wa, Ogoni), environmental pollution and degredation, animal species extinctions, climate and geologic shifts, hemp and the drug war, as issues that relate directly to Global Peace, as issues that violate Global Peace and issues that taken all together and inextricably relate to a Global Emergency. There is an obvious parallel between the extinctions of traditional cultures and the breakdown of ecological systems. Leonard Peltier is a man and he is a symbol of the separation of Land and Life. His freedom is our freedom as a society. When we say Global Peace Now! this also means Free Leonard! We are going to the roots, to the consciousness, to the society because the parts won't change without the whole because the same problems are all over the world and also with your next neighbor. Our literature clearly states these issues and still we receive the endorsement of mayors and governors and senators from one side of the USA to the other because we connect these issues to the need to develop spiritually united nations and pray for Global Peace. We also carry the support of many NGO's and diverse spiritual communities. Everybody thinks Global Peace is a good idea and we are honored to broaden the debate! This could be very interesting especially if we could catch it on to the newsmedia, to make paper promises into reality. The Global Peace Walk is continuing the spirit from other cross-continental walks: the Trail of Broken Treaties 1972, the Longest Walk 1978, the Long Walk for Survival 1980, Great Peace March 1986, the Walk Across America for Mother Earth, 1992, the UN's 50th Global Peace Walk 1995. This walk was initiated by a Soto-Zen Buddhist monk from Japan, named Reverend Yusen Yamato. In the next week, the walk will be joined to completion by Chief Leonard Crow Dog and 5 chiefs from Canadian tribes. Many other chiefs and spiritual leaders will be joining closer to Washington. During the events in Washington and New York, it will be these spiritual elders who will be leading because as Native American Indian issues are addressed in this country, all related Global Peace issues will also rise up. Tentatively we plan to make our opening ceremony at the National Cathedral on October 6th, then we join the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space in LaFayette Park October 7th, then October 8th at sunrise we are going to keep on a movement since 1992 to rededicate the symbolic center of the Nation from the Washington Monument to the original center of the Jefferson Stone and thus rededicate the center to balance and peace. There will be another sunrise ceremony on the 9th and a music concert, and then on Indigenous Peoples' Day, the 12th, American Indian Chiefs and Buddhist monks want to meet President Clinton. All this energy builds to walk up the East Coast having a series of gatherings and conferences at Swarthmore College, PA and Princeton University, NJ, and then culminate with a parade/vigil and Spiritual Environmental Summit at the UN on October 23rd-24th. We need your material and spiritual help please! We need help coordinating, networking, publicizing, hosting, supporting, and fundraising. We would like to arrange meetings with NGO's and the Government for elders who wish to do so. We would like to arrange a conference. If somebody with experience wants to stand up and take on a project like setting-up a conference, please get in contact! Many Indian people of Western tribes could come to these events if resources could be raised (in just a short time!), coming from Dine'h, Lakota, Shoshone, Ponca, Hopi, Iriquois, Pueblo Nations. A good way would be through donations of frequent flyers miles. Eastern tribes can probably use cars which means we need to raise gas money and also probably some plane tickets. Donations can be done on-line: our website is (please link-it-up!) Thank you. Global Peace Now! All my relations, Your friend and supporter, Crispin Clarke, walk co-coordinator (staying on the East Coast through September and October) 202 244 3407 and -7373 (fax) 4841 Tilden St, NW Washington, D.C. 20016 In NYC, Kylian Robinson 718 832 1963** - ------------end forwarded post---------- You can help the walk and yourself in fundraising at the same time by investigating and sharing with your network the ideas for excellent income as well as substantial income tax savings available from our helping you with implemention a professional services part-time home-based business -- check out first three links below. David Crockett Williams, CLU Chartered Life Underwriter Scientist - Activist - Manager GENERAL AGENCY SERVICES The Legal Revolution - Equal Justice for All Free Legal Resource Center eService Online legal content: FAQ, audio guides, legal forms, discussion boards. Low-cost attorney telephone access, national prepaid legal protection plans. 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