From: (abolition-usa-digest) To: Subject: abolition-usa-digest V1 #381 Reply-To: abolition-usa-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk abolition-usa-digest Friday, September 22 2000 Volume 01 : Number 381 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2000 10:43:46 -0400 From: ASlater Subject: (abolition-usa) Fwd: Archival Article ( >Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2000 12:27:16 -0400 >Subject: Archival Article ( >Priority: non-urgent >X-FC-MachineGenerated: true >To: >From: ( > > >=20 > >TRUCK CARRYING RADIOACTIVE WASTE STRUCK; NO CONTAMINATION FOUND=20 >Date: Tuesday, September 19, 2000=20 >Section: NEWS=20 >Page: 04C=20 > >Health officials found no contamination yesterday after a tractor-trailer >hauling low-level radioactive waste was rear-ended yesterday afternoon >near I-270 and Rt. 33 on the Southeast Side. > >The crash occurred just after noon when a garbage truck struck the rear >end of a flatbed trailer hauling radioactive sludge. Neither driver was >injured. > >The truck was hauling three large steel crates filled with radioactive >sludge, including uranium and thorium compounds, said Jim Colleli, a >health physicist with the Ohio Department of Health. > >The shipment, from the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant, was traveling >to the Alaron company in Pennsylvania, where it was to be processed. > >A liquid, thought to be water, was found leaking from the side of one of >the crates and health officials were notified. They found no >radioactivity, Colleli said. > >Eastbound traffic on I-270, which runs parallel to stretches of the Big >Walnut Creek, was backed up for more than seven hours. > >The Portsmouth plant produces enriched uranium used as fuel for the >nuclear-power plants that supply about 20 percent of the country's >electricity.=20 > > > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----- > > =20 > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----- >All content herein is =A9 2000 The Columbus Dispatch and may not be >republished without permission.=20 > > > =20 - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2000 18:55:55 -0700 (PDT) From: (marylia) Subject: (abolition-usa) Public mtg. on nuclear transport regs Dear colleagues: Here is a short news article on the upcoming public meeting (in Oakland, CA) on the question of changing nuclear transportation safety standards. For more information, see the web address below or contact the NRC at (301) 415-1642. Peace, Marylia Tri-Valley Herald - Wednesday, September 20, 2000 =46orum to review shipping rules for nuke materials Oakland public reviews nuclear shipping rules By Glenn Roberts Jr. STAFF WRITER Nuclear regulators will host a meeting in Oakland next week to collect public comment on a proposal for shipping and packaging radioactive materials. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission meeting will be held from 6-10 p.m. at the Edward R. Roybal Auditorium and Conference Center in the Oakland =46ederal Building, 1301 Clay St. The NRC is considering some major revisions that would make transportation and packaging regulations more compatible with the International Atomic Energy Agency, which helps set radiation transportation standards for the world's nuclear community. Testing requirements for radioactive materials packaging, package design for transport by aircraft and containment standards for plutonium shipments are among the topics that will be discussed at the meeting. The impact of the proposed changes on radiation exposure and transportation and packaging costs will also be open for comment. NRC's Oakland meeting is the third and final meeting planned across the nation on the new rules. The proposed changes to nuclear policy are available on the Web at Written comments can be submitted electronically at the Web site or addressed to: Rulemaking and adjudications staff, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C., 20555. General Electric's Vallecitos Nuclear Center in Sunol accepts some highly radioactive shipments of spent fuel rods, taken from the core of nuclear reactors for study. Vallecitos workers also work with radioactive pharmaceuticals and maintain a small nuclear reactor for research. Proposed changes in NRC regulations could impact shipments to and from the Vallecitos center and Lawrence Livermore Laboratory. ------------------------------------------------------------- =A9 2000 by MediaNews Group, Inc. and ANG Newspapers Marylia Kelley Tri-Valley CAREs (Communities Against a Radioactive Environment) 2582 Old First Street Livermore, CA USA 94550 - is our web site, please visit us there! (925) 443-7148 - is our phone (925) 443-0177 - is our fax Working for peace, justice and a healthy environment since 1983, Tri-Valley CAREs has been a member of the nation-wide Alliance for Nuclear Accountability in the U.S. since 1989, and is a co-founding member of the Abolition 2000 global network for the elimination of nuclear weapons, the U.S. Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons and the Back From the Brink campaign to get nuclear weapons taken off hair-trigger alert. - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 08:58:54 -0400 From: Thomas Subject: (abolition-usa) NucNews 00/09/21 - Daybook; Presidential Candidates; Activist Announcements Washington Times Daybook, September 21, 2000, Agence France Presse=20 9 a.m. =97 House Armed Services' military procurement subcommittee holds= a hearing on the Defense Department chemical agents and munitions destruction program. Location: 2118 Rayburn House Office Building. Contact:= 202/225-4151. 1 p.m. =97 Energy hearing =97 The House Government Reform Committee= holds a hearing to seek answers from top government officials and affected= businesses about soaring energy prices. The witnesses include Energy Secretary Bill Richardson; Carol Browner, Environmental Protection Agency administrator;= and James Hoecker, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission chairman. Location: 2154 Rayburn House Office Building. Contact: 202/225-5074. 2:30 p.m. =97 Senate Armed Services's personnel subcommittee holds a= hearing to receive testimony on the recruiting initiatives of the Defense Department and the military services and to receive an update on the status of= recruiting and retention goals. Location: 222 Hart Senate Office Building. Contact: 202/224-3871. 8:45 a.m. =97 Military strategies conference =97 Georgetown University= hosts a day long conference, "Alternative U.S. Military Strategies." Location: Intercultural Center Auditorium, Georgetown University, 37th and O streets= NW. Contact: 202/687-4328. 9:30 a.m. =97 Debt relief news conference =97 Members of Congress hold a= news conference on debt relief for Third World countries. Treasury Secretary Lawrence H. Summers, White House chief economic adviser Gene Sperling and musician Bono of U2, participate. Location: Capitol, House Triangle.= Contact: 202/225-5355 or 202/226-7270. 9:45 a.m. =97 Hunger Relief Tax Incentive Act news conference =97 Sens. Richard G. Lugar, Indiana Republican, and Patrick J. Leahy, Vermont= Democrat, host a news conference to urge passage of the proposed Hunger Relief Tax Incentive Act to encourage family farmers, small businesses and restaurant owners to donate food otherwise wasted to food banks for the poor. Location: Capitol, Room S-207. Contact: 202/224-2079 or 202/224-7435. 10:30 a.m. =97 Debt reduction news conference =97 Members of Congress= hold a news conference to discuss recent House initiatives on reducing the debt and the repeal of the tax on telephones. Location: Capitol, House Triangle. Contact: 202/225-5107. - -- PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES - - George W. Bush - Unknown - - Al Gore -=20 10:30 a.m. =97 Discusses energy independence, Burch Oil, 45370= Clarke's Landing Road, Hollywood, Md. - - Ralph Nader - Thursday, Sept 21 - 12:30 PM - Ann Arbor, MI - Rally with Ralph Nader and Michael Moore, Michigan Theatre, 603 East Liberty; For more information: Michigan Greens= (248) 398-8104 5:00 PM - Flint, MI - Rally with Ralph Nader and Michael Moore, = James H. Whiting Auditorium, Doors Open at 4:00 PM, 1241 East Kearsley St. 7:00 PM - East Lansing, MI - Rally with Ralph Nader and Michael= Moore, Michigan State University Auditorium at Farmlane and Auditorium Road, For= more information: (248) 398-8104 - - You Met Nader--Meet Harry Browne-Libertarian 4 Prez - Thursday, September= 21=20 Marriott Crystal Gateway*, 1700 Jefferson Davis Hwy. (Rt. 1), Arlington, VA (hotel fronts Eads St.) - 7:00-7:30 p.m.: Reception/Cash bar=20 7:30-9:30 p.m.: Harry Browne: "Libertarians Want You to Be Free." Which candidate will end US imperialism (bring home all the troops, end military aid to rich democracies and poor dictatorships alike*), totally gut big corporate welfare and privileges (including monopolistic privileges),= give 100% tax credits for all money spent on or contributed to health benefits, social welfare/charity contributions, end the social security scam against= the younger generation, abolish the IRS/FBI/ BATF/DEA/etc. and federal support= for militarization of law enforcement, totally end the war on drugs, and lots of other good things? It's Harry Browne, the Libertarian Party candidate. Meet= him this week in Arlington. [From: Carol Moore= ] - - Congrats! Clinton says "NO" to Star Wars! Recently, President Clinton announced that the US would NOT move forward in constructing a Star Wars anti-missile system that could provoke a news arms race with Russia and China. Because of growing public concern and its faulty technology, the President made the right move. Congratulations! You helped= make this happen. Your help, however, is still needed. Star Wars is not over= yet! In fact, the President left the door open for his successor to either put an end to this dangerous program - or deploy it as soon as possible. Please= send a free postcard to presidential candidates George W. Bush and Al Gore at: =20 [From: "" ] - - 384 reactor accidents in Russia A confidential report prepared by a group of experts earlier this year for= the Russian government said that during the past 50 years there have been 384 reactor accidents with release of radiation, causing 58 deaths and 214 cases= of acute radiation poisoning - and that does not count the Aug. 12 sinking of= the nuclear submarine Kursk. [TIME EUROPE September 18, 2000, Vol. 156 No. 12] - - This is an exceptionally good op-ed on Pentagon waste and corporate= welfare, I urge you to reprint it and forward it and generally get it out there.=20 Van Gosse, Peace Action The Defense Contractor Welfare King=20 Published Weds., September 20, 2000 in the Seatlle Post-Intelligencer - - Am-Bushed on Oprah (September 20, 2000) Greetings from Chicago, where Voices members visited with Oprah Winfrey's audience before the show and then were able to pose questions to George W. Bush. Below are Danny Muller's and Andrew Mandell's accounts which we'd be= glad to circulate further with your help. Also, should you need talking points in response to Secretary of State Madeleine Albright's recent remarks about= Iraq, please visit the website which has posted "Through the= Looking Glass," - our response to Ms. Albright's suggestion that those who protest economic sanctions against Iraq hold "Alice in Wonderland" fantasies.=20 Kathy Kelly - -- Am- Bushed on Oprah Or What Time Do you get up in the Morning? September18- Five AM is early. Early enough to make you really= question what merits getting out of bed at such an ungodly hour. But today was different. I was surrounded by others who felt called to provide a voice for children half way around the planet who are being ravaged by the effects of= our sanctions and our bombs. People who feel that our foreign policy in Iraqis genocide and that it must change.=20 Andrew Mandell and I had tickets for the Oprah show today, an event that would not normally be on our list of events to attend. But George W. Bush= was being interviewed in the aftermath of his call for increased militarism and= a vow that he would "get tougher on Iraq." As we stood in line to enter,= members of the Voices affinity group offered each audience member a rose affixed to= a postcard, urging that the flower be worn to commemorate children who have= died due to economic sanctions on Iraq. The cards also suggested questions to= raise with Mr. Bush. We felt gratified that so many people took the rose, read the card, thought for a minute and then pinned the rose on their clothing as= they waited to enter the studio.=20 But other forces were also in motion. As we stood to pass through= the metal detector, a bewildered voice, in an almost apologetic tone, announced that everyone must remove their flowers "for some reason, don=92t ask me."= An image I will not forget for a long time was people lining up to hand over= their roses as they approached the metal detector. In a society where free speech= and free expression are so prized, the regular infringement on the right to free speech is almost as surprising as the complacency of those who are prevented from speaking. Three hundred Oprah fans and a couple of non-complacents sat down to watch Oprah interview Bush on a variety of topics. None of these topics addressed the roots of problems affecting most of the world=92s population,= like hunger. Or poverty. Or trying to fall asleep as warplanes screech across= night skies, over villages that lay in rubble and filth, with children condemned= to death by people they will never know. And I wonder What is more frightening? The few who profit from US policy toward Iraq, the handful who set the= rules, sell the guns, dominate the oil sales=97or the millions who stand by and= pay, through their taxes and their silence, for crimes that afflict children?= Will any of those who excuse governments for their crimes at least understand why people get up at 5AM for any other reason than to laugh on cue to rehearsed answers to even more rehearsed questions... Standing up, about halfway through the show, I asked "Mr. Bush,= would you continue the Democrats=92 policy of bombing and sanctions that kill= 5,000 children a month in Iraq?" Cutting to commercial on cue, Bush was spared having to answer. But he was not spared the question. Andrew stood and asked about what Iraqi children burdened by sanctions can expect, a reference to Bush=92s earlier remarks about great expectations for those who support his campaign. Mr. Bush stared directly at Andrew while Ms. Winfrey rebuked me, saying "You can=92t do this." I explained to Ms. Winfrey that I felt= compelled to speak, that after traveling to Iraq and witnessing children die for lack of medicine, I needed to act. The room was silent. Ms. Winfrey gave me a= momentary look of concern before I was escorted out. In the fleeting moments of what= many might perceive as a stark confrontation, Andrew and I locked eyes with Ms. Winfrey and Mr. Bush, and I felt that there was a chance we reached two= people who wield tremendous influence in our society. To see people who create nonviolent change by creating beauty and asking questions that are not asked is a lesson in nonviolence. I hope we as a= country can learn this lesson before it is too late. After our action, though, what lingers is sorrow. Sorrow and overwhelming sadness. That good people, like= the audience members today, can remain complacent in the face of tremendous= evil. That people like the beautifully attired young Bush supporter outside the= Oprah show could say, when she was asked whether Bush, if elected president, would support the murderous sanctions regime, "Oh, I don=92t know anything about= that, I=92d need to know more." Sorrow that disruption is necessary to address= basic facts about mortality rates and body totals that we are responsible for.= Sorrow that the other 300 people in that room were not on their feet, that millions= of Americans joined them on their couches and not on the streets speaking a= simple message - do not kill our brothers and sisters in Iraq and around the world.= =20 So with 6 weeks before we vote in this democracy of ours, if life= were an Oprah show, would you sit or would you stand?=20 - Danny Muller Roses in September We brought flowers in the name of the lost children of Iraq. The lady in front of me carefully attached one to her dress. Her companion was much too enlightened for that. She knew that this sort of thing was "politically motivated" and therefore suspect. One has to be careful when rallying behind dying children. There is no telling whose they might be. The flowers didn=92= t make it in. At the doorway into America=92s living room, which looked surprisingly like a common metal detector, these red roses were collected= and bagged. They, as well as the questions on the hearts of the Iraqi people,= were not part of the script. Bush is speaking about forgiveness. Not regarding the offering of= grace on any international scale or even in regards to the domestic questions that seem to swirl around the hanging governor from Texas. He stays on the= receiving end of forgiveness and even there leaves any detail aside. "I am running for President" is his excuse for this ducking of substance. Like the knowing, well-trained acting troupe the room feigns amusement and puts on its best= "we know what it takes to rule the world" face. Danny is going to interrupt as= it seems clear now that this head-to-head confrontation is a long commercial= for the discerning impaired. First, a commercial break and then a video clip of George W. offering to be the pilot of our Great Expectations. This is the= last straw. Dickens=92 rolls in his grave and when we return to the show Danny= Muller stands up and asks Mr. Bush about the children of Iraq and their= expectations. I try to follow up but the risk of empathy is avoided by a commercial break. The crowd is of course shocked. Not because our policy and economic= sanctions are crushing a civilian population against a tyrant but because anyone might consider such everyday activities the basis to interrupt the grown- ups. My daughter understood the interruption if not the response, when she hears us speak of the suffering in Iraq. She writes letters in crayon to the leaders= and in all faith asks them to intervene. I have to go home and tell her that not only does the next-in-line refuse to imagine anything higher than the price offered so coldly by Ms. Albright, but that George W Bush cannot be bothered= by such questions. They are not "part of the format". I never liked grown-ups.= =20 -Andrew Mandell ___________________________________________________ Today's News and Archives: Submit URL/Article: OneList Archives: (subscribe online) Subscribe to NucNews Briefs: Quick Route to U.S. Congress: (Senators' Websites) (Representatives' Websites) (Pending Legislation - Search) Presidential Candidates' Websites (a-z): George W. Bush - -= Pat Buchanan - Al Gore - Ralph Nader - (Please send other sites of qualified candidates.) Other Excellent News-Collecting Sites - Downwinders - DOE Watch - Online Petition to Abolish Nuclear Weapons - Distributed without payment for research and educational=20 purposes only, in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107. - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 11:22:11 -0500 From: Kevin Martin Subject: (abolition-usa) on-line poll for presidential debates Dear Friend of Project Abolition: The Commission on Presidential Debates is conducting a Harris on-line poll to help determine the topics addressed at the debates. Now that the presidential debates proposed by the commission are back on, this is an excellent opportunity to help put nuclear weapons on the national screen via cyber-organizing. The poll is at Please note: mid-way through the poll you will be asked to pick 3 (out of six) broad topics that are most important to you. You will only be allowed to comment in-depth on those three topics, so be sure to pick Foreign Policy and Defense if you want to register your opinion on nuclear weapons elimination. There is no option immediately given for nuclear weapons, but if you select "Other" within the Foreign Policy and Defense list, you'll be allowed to write-in. Missile defense is listed as a topic. The "What question would you ask if you were moderator?" section is also a good spot to bring up nuclear issues. There does not appear to be any limit as to the number of times you can take the survey. For your convenience and reference, a list of possible nuclear "comment points" follows for the write-in section. Feel free to call the Global Security Institute (415 561 6686) or Project Abolition (219 535 1110) for elaboration on any of these points. Tyler Stevenson Global Security Institute Kevin Martin Project Abolition PLEASE FEEL FREE TO FORWARD AND RE-POST! - -------------- Pax and facts -- samples for you to use and adapt: 1. U.S. obligation under the Non-Proliferation Treaty obligation, reaffirmed this May, to the "unequivocal undertaking" of nuclear weapon elimination. 2. The Cold War level of weapon readiness (hair-trigger), targeting (thousands in Russia alone), and the danger of accidental launch. 3. Continued existence of nuclear weapons, especially with deteriorating command-and-control in Russia, makes nuclear terrorism an increasing likelihood. 4. At any given point in the past ten years, in any given country on earth, well over half the population has supported nuclear weapon abolition. 5. Aggregate nuclear weapon spending in the United States alone is $35 billion annually, or $1000 every second. 6. Some of our most powerful and loyal allies--Ireland, Brazil, Sweden, New Zealand, Mexico, South Africa, and Egypt--have formed a New Agenda Coalition to urge international disarmament. 7. A major overhaul in U.S. leadership is needed to recover from the disastrous Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty rejection in the U.S. Senate last October. 8. The current debate over National Missile Defense misses the point: the only true security from nuclear ballistic missiles is the elimination of nuclear weapons. In the meantime, our government is pandering to defense industry lobbyists and soundbite populism in its willingness to construct a missile defense that doesn't work, costs AT LEAST $60 billion, and antagonizes our allies and enemies alike. 9. The use of nuclear weapons, or threat thereof, is anathema to every religious, moral, and legal norm on the planet. They are unworthy of the United States or any nation. ALL OF THIS MEANS FOR THE NEW PRESIDENT: The United States should take a leadership role in the multilateral, transparent, verifiable, and irreversible elimination of nuclear weapons worldwide. - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 12:27:02 -0400 From: ASlater Subject: (abolition-usa) Fwd: on-line poll for presidential debates >Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 12:22:11 -0400 >Subject: on-line poll for presidential debates >X-FC-MachineGenerated: true >To: >From: ( > >Dear Friend of Project Abolition: > >The Commission on Presidential Debates is conducting a Harris on-line >poll to help determine the topics addressed at the debates. Now that >the >presidential debates proposed by the commission are back on, this is an >excellent opportunity to help put nuclear weapons on the national screen >via >cyber-organizing. The poll is at > >Please note: mid-way through the poll you will be asked to pick 3 (out >of six) broad topics that are most important to you. You will only be >allowed to comment in-depth on those three topics, so be sure to pick >Foreign >Policy and Defense if you want to register your opinion on nuclear >weapons >elimination. > >There is no option immediately given for nuclear weapons, but if you >select "Other" within the Foreign Policy and Defense list, you'll be >allowed to >write-in. Missile defense is listed as a topic. > >The "What question would you ask if you were moderator?" section is also > >a good spot to bring up nuclear issues. > >There does not appear to be any limit as to the number of times you can >take the survey. > >For your convenience and reference, a list of possible nuclear "comment >points" follows for the write-in section. Feel free to call the Global >Security Institute (415 561 6686) or Project Abolition (219 535 1110) >for elaboration on any of these points. > >Tyler Stevenson >Global Security Institute > >Kevin Martin >Project Abolition > >PLEASE FEEL FREE TO FORWARD AND RE-POST! >-------------- > >Pax and facts -- samples for you to use and adapt: > >1. U.S. obligation under the Non-Proliferation Treaty obligation, >reaffirmed this May, to the "unequivocal undertaking" of nuclear weapon >elimination. > >2. The Cold War level of weapon readiness (hair-trigger), targeting >(thousands in Russia alone), and the danger of accidental launch. > >3. Continued existence of nuclear weapons, especially with deteriorating > >command-and-control in Russia, makes nuclear terrorism an increasing >likelihood. > >4. At any given point in the past ten years, in any given country on >earth, well over half the population has supported nuclear weapon >abolition. > >5. Aggregate nuclear weapon spending in the United States alone is $35 >billion annually, or $1000 every second. > >6. Some of our most powerful and loyal allies--Ireland, Brazil, Sweden, >New Zealand, Mexico, South Africa, and Egypt--have formed a New Agenda >Coalition to urge international disarmament. > >7. A major overhaul in U.S. leadership is needed to recover from the >disastrous Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty rejection in the U.S. Senate >last October. > >8. The current debate over National Missile Defense misses the point: >the only true security from nuclear ballistic missiles is the >elimination of >nuclear weapons. In the meantime, our government is pandering to >defense industry lobbyists and soundbite populism in its willingness to >construct a missile defense that doesn't work, costs AT LEAST $60 >billion, and >antagonizes our allies and enemies alike. > >9. The use of nuclear weapons, or threat thereof, is anathema to every >religious, moral, and legal norm on the planet. They are unworthy of >the United States or any nation. > >ALL OF THIS MEANS FOR THE NEW PRESIDENT: The United States should take a > >leadership role in the multilateral, transparent, verifiable, and >irreversible elimination of nuclear weapons worldwide. > - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 16:09:54 -0500 From: Kevin Martin Subject: (abolition-usa) update on Project Abolition activities Dear Friends: Here's some news from Project Abolition: APPEAL FOR RESPONSIBLE SECURITY TO BE RELEASED OCTOBER 3 IN BOSTON BEFORE FIRST PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE The Appeal for Responsible Security, a simple two paragraph statement on nuclear abolition that will form the linchpin of Project Abolition's civil society strategy to build mainstream support, will be released by an impressive list of endorsers at a luncheon event in Boston a few hours before the first presidential debate. Details: "Bush & Gore At The Nuclear Crossroads: Nuclear Policy, National Security & the Next Presidency" October 3, 12:00 Noon - 3:30 p.m. Pre-debate luncheon briefing Boston Park Plaza Hotel, Stanbro Room 64 Arlington St. (between St. James and Columbus), Boston, MA Sponsored by the Global Security Institute and the Fourth Freedom Forum Speakers will include (please note, not all of these individuals have endorsed the Appeal for Responsible Security): Jonathan Alter, Newsweek Theodore Postol, MIT Jonathan Schell, Author/Activist Bill Joy, Sun Microsystems Sen. Alan Cranston, Global Security Institute Janne Nolan, Century Foundation Ambassador Richard Butler, Diplomat in Residence at the Council Foreign Relations Jack Mendelsohn, Ex. Dir., LAWS and others Project Abolition staff and Boston area activists are also working to organize a demonstration, possibly featuring Peace Action's 50-foot inflatable mock missile, outside the debate venue at UMass-Boston. CNN TO AIR SLEEPWALKING TO ARMAGEDDON DOCUMENTARY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 15 Thanks in no small part to Alan Cranston and his Global Security Institute, the much-anticipated documentary Sleepwalking to Armageddon will air on CNN Sunday, October 15 at 10:00 p.m. eastern, 7:00 p.m. pacific time. The documentary, produced by Richard Crile, was excerpted as "The Missiliers" on the CBS-TV show 60 Minutes II earlier this year. The full-length documentary will feature much more groundbreaking footage of Russian and U.S. nuclear sites, and should be a great organizing tool for house parties and election-related work, such as candidate bird-dogging and local media outreach. CNN may also air the show earlier in the week prior to October 15, we'll notify you when the schedule is set. An alert with more information on the show and how to organize around it will be forthcoming shortly via email. SUGGESTED READING Jonathan Schell's "The Folly of Arms Control" is the lead article in the September/October issue of the journal Foreign Affairs. And, from the sublime to the, well, not ridiculous, but less sublime anyway, yours truly along with my interns Rachel Glick, Rachel Ries, Tim Nafziger and Mark Swier have an articled titled "The Real Rogues Behind the Star Wars Missile Defense System" in the September issue of Z Magazine. SUGGESTED BROWSING Thanks to afore-mentioned intern and web wizard Tim Nafziger, Project Abolition now has its own stand-alone website at It features links to our member groups on the home page and lots of other useful information and links. In Peace, Kevin Martin Director, Project Abolition 219/535-1110 - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2000 08:54:05 -0400 From: Ellen Thomas Subject: (abolition-usa) NucNews 00/09/22 - Daybook; Presidential Candidates; Activist Announcements [NucNews Archives have been expanded through 9/10/00 to include subscriber submissions at] Washington Times Daybook, September 22, 2000, Agence France Presse=20 Demonstration =97 noon =97 The National Boricua Human Rights Network= sponsors a demonstration to protest the U.S. Navy's continued bombing of the island of Vieques, Puerto Rico. Location: In front of the White House. Contact: 202/223-3915, 202/721-4688 or 202/237-2598. (See details below) [Meanwhile ...]=20 National Puerto Rican Coalition conference =97 all day =97 The National= Puerto Rican Coalition Inc. holds its annual conference. Highlights =97 8:45 a.m. =97 Annual membership meeting. Noon =97 Corporate luncheon: "The Economic, Social and Political= Outlook for Puerto Rico in the 21st Century." 5 p.m. =97 Hispanic Heritage student reception. 6 p.m. =97 Housing and Urban Development Secretary Andrew M. Cuomo,= Life Achievements Awards ceremony, Southeast Pavilion, Library of Congress, First Street and Independence Avenue SE. 9 p.m. =97 Tito Puente Jr. Orchestra, "Tribute to Tito Puente." Location: Washington Renaissance Hotel, 999 Ninth St. NW. Contact: 202/223-2469. - -- PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES - - George W. Bush - Florida 1:00 p.m. - One-on-one with local citizens, Kings Point Theater,= 1900 Clubhouse Drive, Sun City Center, Florida, (813) 634-9229=20 6:00 p.m. - Republican Party Reception, Hyatt Regency Westshore Ballroom, 6200 Courtney Campell Causeway, Tampa, Florida, (813) 874-1234=20 9:00 p.m. - Miami Victory 2000 Rally, The Coconut Grove Convention Center, 2700 South Bayshore Drive, Miami, Florida, (305) 579-3310=20 - - Al Gore - Pennsylvania 1 p.m. =97 Discusses his plans to take action to lower oil prices, IDW Local 712 Hall, Vanport, Pa. - - Ralph Nader -=20 - Friday, September 22 - 5:30 PM - Minneapolis, MN - Reception with Ralph Nader and Winona LaDuke, Target Center Hospitality Suite, for more info and to RSVP ( - SUPER RALLY, Ralph Nader and Winona LaDuke, with Special Guests Michael Moore and Granny D, 600 First Avenue North (downtown Minneapolis), Doors open 5 PM. Event begins 7 PM. To order tickets by phone: (612) 332-7170, For more info, - Saturday, Sept. 23 - 5:30 to 7 PM. - Seattle, WA - Reception with Ralph Nader & Jim Hightower, Private Room at Key Arena Seattle, WA, For more info ( The Key Arena - SUPER RALLY, Ralph Nader= with Jim Hightower, Doors open 5 PM. Event starts 7 PM. - -- ANNOUNCEMENTS -- - - Demonstration for Vieques, Puerto Rico, Lafayette Park, in front of White House, 12 Noon, Friday, September 22 - Day 60 of Fast for Peace in Vieques = =96 Day 40 on Water-only Long-term Faster Will Risk Arrest in Civil Disobedience - Hundreds= of individuals and organizations taking part in the struggle for peace in= Vieques from dozens of cities in the U.S. and from Vieques and other municipalities= in Puerto Rico, will gather in Washington, DC for the National Day of= Solidarity with the People of Vieques, Puerto Rico =96 September 22, 2000. This= mobilization builds on the struggle to get the U.S. Navy to immediately and permanently= stop bombing and leave Vieques. Future protests will take place in Vieques on October 1, 2000 and in New York City on October 21, 2000. The events will start at 12:00 noon at Lafayette Park, in front of= the White House, and will include an ecumenical service, a picket and demonstration, speeches from several leaders from Vieques, Members of= Congress, and other prominent figures. Plans include a powerful and peaceful act of Nonviolent Civil Disobedience for Justice and Peace in Vieques, directly in front of the residence of the U.S. President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. Members of the peace movement in Vieques seek 4 Ds: Demilitarization of their island, Decontamination of their environment, Devolution of their land and sustainable Development of their economy and society. Andr=E9s Thomas Conteris, 39, Washington, DC member of the= Fellowship of Reconciliation Task Force on Latin America & the Caribbean and United= Methodist lay missioner, spent five days and nights on the Vieques bombing range in= early May 2000 after the FBI and U.S Marshals evicted over 200 protesters. He and others continued to serve as human shields, similar to the peace encampments= of the previous year. Bombing resumed while protesters were still on the range. According to Thomas Conteris, "It is utterly unconscionable that the U.S.= Navy would engage in bombing with full knowledge that civilians were present." Thomas Conteris began fasting on liquids on July 25, 2000 and turned= to a water-only, open-ended fast when the U.S. Navy renewed its bombing of the island. He has lost 55 pounds and will continue to fast until the President schedules the long-requested meeting. Many others are fasting in Vieques and= in the U.S. on a rotating basis. Fasters urge President Clinton to meet= personally with religious and community leaders of Vieques and Puerto Rico who seek a permanent end to the bombing of the island.=20 Many protesters plan to risk arrest in a nonviolent fashion during the activities of the National Day in Solidarity with the People of Vieques,= Puerto Rico, including Thomas Conteris. For more information: 202-232-1999 - - On-line poll for presidential debates - The Commission on Presidential Debates is conducting a Harris on-line poll= to help determine the topics addressed at the debates. Now that the= presidential debates proposed by the commission are back on, this is an excellent opportunity to help put nuclear weapons on the national screen via cyber-organizing. The poll is at Please note:= mid-way through the poll you will be asked to pick 3 (out of six) broad topics that= are most important to you. You will only be allowed to comment in-depth on those three topics, so be sure to pick Foreign Policy and Defense if you want to register your opinion on nuclear weapons elimination. There is no option immediately given for nuclear weapons, but if you=20 select "Other" within the Foreign Policy and Defense list, you'll be allowed= to write-in. Missile defense is listed as a topic. The "What question would= you ask if you were moderator?" section is also a good spot to bring up nuclear issues. There does not appear to be any limit as to the number of times you= can take the survey. [From: Kevin Martin - Project Abolition ] - - The Student Environmental Action Coalition (SEAC) has designed a website which seeks to open up the Presidential= Debates. Recently updated, the website now includes A SIGN-ON LETTER TO TV NETWORKS - visit and you can add your own= comments, sign on to the letter and with the push of a button, your letter will be emailed to 6 TV networks, asking that they don't bother to air the= presidential debates unless they are open to third party candidates. [From: SEAC National Office ] - - CADU International Conference on Depleted Uranium - 4- 5 November 2000 -= =20 The CADU Steering Group met today and we all decided that we would like to extend an open offer to all Gulf War veterans to register for the conference free of charge in recognition of what you all are going through. Can you= send this message out please on the vets' email loop? We are also hoping that the vets will be at the Veterans' Workshop on Sunday afternoon (5 Nov) with Doug Rokke and Malcolm Hooper, to put together strategy recommendations that will= go into the final report, that groups around the world can use in their= lobbying efforts. - Campaign Against Depleted Uranium (CADU), One World Centre, 6= Mount Street, Manchester, M2 5NS, UK, Tel: +44 (0)161 834 8176, E-Mail: - For more information, contact Cat Euler, conference organiser at the CADU office. Should you wish to= receive the quarterly CADU mailing by E-Mail please - - Amy Goodman of Democracy Now writes:=20 If you would like to hear Danny Muller's account of what happened on Oprah= with George W. Bush, go to Mulller was on Democracy Now on Sept. 20. That same day, Amy also replayed John Strange's questioning of Madeline Albright two years ago on Feb. 18, 1998, as albrightbergercohen= held that CNN town meeting at Ohio State University in Colombus trying to drum up support for another Iraq bombing. [From: "Max Obuszewski" ] - - APPEAL FOR RESPONSIBLE SECURITY TO BE RELEASED OCTOBER 3 IN BOSTON BEFORE FIRST PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE "Bush & Gore At The Nuclear Crossroads: Nuclear Policy, National=20 Security & the Next Presidency"=20 October 3, 12:00 Noon - 3:30 p.m. - Pre-debate luncheon briefing, Boston= Park Plaza Hotel, Stanbro Room, 64 Arlington St. (between St. James and= Columbus), Boston, MA=20 The Appeal for Responsible Security, a simple two paragraph statement on nuclear abolition that will form the linchpin of Project Abolition's civil society strategy to build mainstream support, will be released by an= impressive list of endorsers at a luncheon event in Boston a few hours before the first presidential debate. Sponsored by the Global Security Institute and the= Fourth Freedom Forum Speakers will include (please note, not all of these= individuals have endorsed the Appeal for Responsible Security): Jonathan Alter,= Newsweek;=20 Theodore Postol, MIT; Jonathan Schell, Author/Activist; Bill Joy, Sun Microsystems; Sen. Alan Cranston, Global Security Institute; Janne Nolan, Century Foundation; Ambassador Richard Butler, Diplomat in Residence at the Council Foreign Relations; Jack Mendelsohn, Ex. Dir., LAWS; and others Project Abolition staff and Boston area activists are also working= to organize a demonstration, possibly featuring Peace Action's 50-foot= inflatable mock missile, outside the debate venue at UMass-Boston. [From: Kevin Martin ] - - CNN TO AIR SLEEPWALKING TO ARMAGEDDON DOCUMENTARY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 15 -= Thanks in no small part to Alan Cranston and his Global Security Institute, the much-anticipated documentary Sleepwalking to Armageddon will air on CNN= Sunday, October 15 at 10:00 p.m. eastern, 7:00 p.m. pacific time. The documentary, produced by Richard Crile, was excerpted as "The Missiliers" on the CBS-TV= show 60 Minutes II earlier this year. The full-length documentary will feature= much more groundbreaking footage of Russian and U.S. nuclear sites, and should be= a great organizing tool for house parties and election-related work, such as candidate bird-dogging and local media outreach. CNN may also air the show earlier in the week prior to October 15. [From: Kevin Martin ] ___________________________________________________ Today's News and Archives: Submit URL/Article: OneList Archives: (subscribe online) Subscribe to NucNews Briefs: Quick Route to U.S. Congress: (Senators' Websites) (Representatives' Websites) (Pending Legislation - Search) Presidential Candidates' Websites (a-z): George W. Bush - -= Pat Buchanan - Al Gore - Ralph Nader - (Please send other sites of qualified candidates.) Other Excellent News-Collecting Sites - Downwinders - DOE Watch - Online Petition to Abolish Nuclear Weapons - Distributed without payment for research and educational=20 purposes only, in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107. - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. 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