From: (abolition-usa-digest) To: Subject: abolition-usa-digest V1 #387 Reply-To: abolition-usa-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk abolition-usa-digest Sunday, October 8 2000 Volume 01 : Number 387 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 04 Oct 2000 15:26:40 -0700 From: Tom Condit Subject: Re: (abolition-usa) source of quote? It sounds like one of a familiar genre of jokes to me. At 04:47 PM 10/3/00 -0400, Peacework wrote: >Greetings. A friend passed on the following message, alas without >attribution. Does anyone know the source? We would like to quote it in >Peacework magazine, but we can't do that without some verification. Thank >you for whatever help you can offer. Patricia Watson, editor, Peacework > >"A directive from the US Department of Defense was sent to all Army units >in the field. It reads: > It is necessary for technical reasons that these warheads must be >stored upside down, that is, with the top at the bottom and the bottom at >the top. To prevent anyone making a mistake, and in order that there will >be no doubt as to which is the bottom and which is the top, for storage >puirposes, it will be noted that the bottom of each warhead has been >labeled with the word 'Top.'" > > > >- > To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" > with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2000 09:06:48 -0400 From: "david rush" Subject: (abolition-usa) Fw: SLMK Appeal: Proposal on Research Institutes From: "Life-Link" To: "IPPNW Boston Michael Christ Doug Kline" ; "Australia-MAPW Lynda Campbell" ; "Austria-PPNW Dr Klaus Renoldner" ; "Can-PPNW Dr Mary-Wynne Ashford" ; "Chinese PPNW Medical Association Susan Lin" ; "Fra-AMFPGN Dr Abraham Behar" ; "Fra-AMFPGN Dr Jacques Mongnet" ; "Fra-AMFPGN Dr Patrice Richard" ; "Den-DLMK Dr Anton Aggernaes" ; "Den-DLMK Dr Jacob Obbekjaer" ; "Den-DLMK Dr Pavl Revsbech" ; "Fin-PPNW Kaisa Kahala" ; "Fin-PPNW Maija Vainiom=E4ki" ; "Fin-PPNW Partrik Sandstr=F6m" ; "Fin-PP= NW Pekka Aarninsalo" ; "Ger-PPNW Jennifer R=E4mer" ; "Ger-PPNW Dr Lars Pohlmeier" ; "Ger-PPNW Armin Kr=F6ning" ; "India-Journalist Praful Bidway" ; "India-PPNW D= r S.S. Shrivastwa" ; "Israel Hillel Schenker" ; "Japan-PPNW" ; "Mal-P= PNW Dr Ron McCoy Malaysia" ; "Neth-PPNW Dr Herman Spanjaa= rd" ; "Neth-PPNW H M Zontenlier" ; "Nor-NLMA Dr Ellen-Ann Antal" ; "Nor-NLMA Bj=F8rn Hilt" ; "Nor= - -NLMA Ingvild Fossgard Sandoy" ; "Nor-NLMA Dr Kirsten Osen" ; "Pak-PPNW Dr S. Tipu Sultan= " ; "Pol-PPNW Dr Kinga Tomczak" ; "Rus-PPNW Moscow" ; "Rus-PPNW Dr Sergei V. Grachev" ; "Rus-PPNW Dr Sergei Kolesnikov" ; "Swe-SLMK Med Stud Anna Hellman" ; "Swe SLMK board" = ; "Swi-PPNW Dr Monica Brodmann" ; "UK-Medact Dr Jack Piachaud" ; "UK-Medact Dr Liz Waterston" ; "UK-Medact Dir Gill Reeves" ; "UK-ORG Janet Bloomfield" ; "US-PSR David Rush" ; "US-PSR Director Robert K. Musil" ; "US-PSR Dr Paul Fisher" ; "US-P= SR Dr Lee Francis" ; "US-PSR Dr Ira Helfand" ; "US-PSR Jan and Peter Wilk " Sent: Sunday, September 10, 2000 11:46 AM Subject: SLMK Appeal: Proposal on Research Institutes > IPPNW and Nuclear Disarmament friends, > Please help us this week, and send at least one proposal (if possible > before 18th September) on a qualified research institute (preferably in > your country) that should be invited by SLMK/IPPNW to undertake a resea= rch > study on the topic "Instead of Nuclear Weapons". > SLMK presently discuss to initiate this research program for year 2001 = in > order to give us more tools and motivation for our opinionmaking, dialogues > and seminars etc. > SLMK drafts this research program in cooperation with the Department fo= r > Peace and Conflict reserach in Uppsala Sweden. > * We will formulate the invitation and the guidelines to the selected > institutes in a quite open way, in order to obtain non-limited new-thinking. > * We want the results during mid or late 2001. > * We do not yet have the big money to offer, but will discuss fundraisi= ng > with IPPNW board as soon as we know that there are institutes to invite. > * The selected and invited and willing research institutes will work > totally independent, which will make the reports very interesting. Will= a > research study undertaken in US, Russia, Sweden, Israel, France, China, > Japan, India etc........ bring up totally different results? > * Please try to send us at least one address of a qualified research > institute (Governmental or Non Governmental) and if possible a contact > person and a few words of why you think that this is a good institute. > No Nukes Now and visions on a nuclear weapons free future! > SLMK / Hans Levander and Gunnar Westberg > - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2000 07:23:08 -0700 From: "David Crockett Williams" Subject: (abolition-usa) Spiritual Environmental Summit, Update 1 From: "Clay Earth" To: Cc: Subject: Spiritual Environmental Summit, Update 1 Date: Thursday, October 05, 2000 12:04 AM AS A FUTURE GENERATIONS' PRAYER, the Global Peace Walk 2000 is humbled and honored to be both holding and calling for Spiritual Environmental Summit during the Year 2000 AD on the United Nation's 55th Anniversary. The time has come to Develop Spiritually United Nations. For the Tree of Life, for the Way of Life: The time has come for "Global Peace Now!" as a universal human resolve. A major aim of these summits is for indigenous spiritual leaders to expand and empower the growing "deep ecology" consciousness amongst regular people, educational institutions, non-governmental organizations, transnational corporations, and even state and national and international governments. A major theme is how the loss of Indigenous traditional culture and spirituality relates to the devastion of the natural environment. The Spiritual Environmental Summit will take place in six locations up the East Coast Corridor between Washington, D.C. and New York City during October 11-24th. Please stay posted on the constantly evolving schedule! October 11th, American University Amphitheater, Wash D.C., 7-10pm (Massachusetts and Nebraska Av). Native American Spiritual Leaders: Singing, Drumming, Ceremonies, and Speeches. Special Guests: Rev. Chief Leonard Crow Dog, Chief Arvol Looking Horse, Rev. Yusen Yamato, Chief Jacob Sanderson, Chief Oscar Marino, Chief Luciano Perez, Rev. Chief John Crow Dog, Carter Camp, Casey Camp. Invited: Chief Billy Tayac. Live Music: Roots Rock Reggae/Soldiers of Jah, Global Peace Orchestra Rapping for Peace, Native Drummers. October 17th, Swarthmore College, PA: Traditional Buddhist and Native American Ceremony in Amphitheater, 4-6pm; Lecture in Lang Performing Arts Cinema, 7-10pm: Rev. Yamato, Dr. Ashok Gangadean of Global Dialogue Institute, Keith Curley Dine'h Sun Dancer, Alice Yeager with Inner Peace Treaty, Marie Tucker of Taos Pueblo, Professor Mark Creekwater from the School of Life. October 19th, Princeton University, NJ. Afternoon traditional peace tree planting ceremony. Evening Lecture 7-11pm: Rev. Yamato; Selo Black Crow of Oglala Lakota; Jose Adalberto Silva and Desmano de Souza of Maxuci Tribe, Brazil; Sammy Blackbear of Skull Valley Goshutes Utah; Rose Romero and Marie Tucker of Taos Pueblo; Dine'h Navajo representative from Big Mountain. Invited: Tibetan Monks, Greenpeace, Sierra Club. October 22nd, NYC begin: TBA. October 23rd, St. Mark's-in-the-Bowery, 12am-9am. Music by Miho Hatori and Nina Siegenthaler; Global Peace Orchestra. October 24th, UN Day. Baha'i Center Auditorium, 7-11pm. Speakers: Rev. Yamato, Jose Adalberto Silva and Desmano de Souza, Selo Black Crow, Ben Romero of Taos Pueblo, Big Mountain representative, Sammy Blackbear. Invited: Tibetan monks, Qi Energy masters, Ed Nakawatse of AFSC, Rainforest Action Network, Dr. Brent Blackwelder, President of the Friends of the Earth, Nature Conservancy representative. Last week, during the 8th Annual Prayer Vigil for the Earth on the Washington Monument grounds, the Eskimo people of Greenland sent a message: "last year there was a stream in the ice...this year it is a river." Chief Arvol Looking Horse, 19th Generation Carrier of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe of the Lakota Dakota Nation, speaking with the historical memory of his ancestors, told that only within the last 15 years has the sun burnt their skin during the Sun Dance. The examples are countless and increasing: Today is a Global Emergency. The earth is suffering, the water is polluted, the fire has become all gas and electricity, the air is becoming polluted, and spirituality is becoming all noise. As a global community, we must cooperate beyond race, gender, religion, ideology, and class in order to Protect our Life and Land. In the name of Global Peace we emphasize that we must do whatever we can to restore the spiritual relationship between the human being and the elements: the earth, the water, the fire, and the air. Many people these days are talking about creating a global culture of peace; we suggest that if we all sincerely want to create a culture of peace that we look to the historical precedents set by traditional cultures of peace and that we listen closely to those few bearers of traditional knowledge still alive today to guide us back to harmony and balance and sustainability. As a prayer for "All our relations" and "Living on the Globe with all our friends" Respectfully, Global Peace Walkers Please call 202 244 3407 or 718 624 2611 fo mo info. - -----------end forwarded post--------- ** David Crockett Williams, CLU Chartered Life Underwriter Scientist - Activist - Manager GENERAL AGENCY SERVICES For your personal and financial independence The Legal Revolution - Equal Justice for All Free Legal Resource Center eService Online legal content: FAQ, audio guides, legal forms, discussion boards. Low-cost attorney telephone access, national prepaid legal protection plans. Create a home-based business plan to cut current wage income taxes by 1/3 to 1/2 with our IRS compliant Tax Relief System Capital Hills New-Energy Research Center Science & Technology in Society & Public Policy list Global Emergency Alert Response Global Peace Walk 2000 - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2000 22:17:50 -0700 (PDT) From: (marylia) Subject: (abolition-usa) Sites Poisoned in Atomic Quest Dear peace and environmental colleagues: As the 3-part series in USA Today is much, much too long to post, this short article from our October newsletter may be of interest. This story of early bomb sites has, like many of our stories, broad implications for a number of interrelated issues, including compensation for ill workers and communities, basic justice, health and the environment. Peace, Marylia Secret Sites Poisoned in Atomic Quest adapted by Maryia Kelley from a 3-part series in USA Today for Tri-Valley CAREs' October 2000 newsletter, Citizen's Watch Lewis Malcolm began working at the steel mill in the 1930s and felt "lucky to have a job." In March 1948, the first rail cars full of uranium and thorium arrived at the Simonds Saw & Mill Co. in New York. Workers were told only that they would be rolling a "new metal." In fact, they made the fuel rods for the plutonium production reactors at Hanford. "There was a lot of dust. We thought there might be problems... They always told us there was no danger," Malcolm explained. Only weeks away from a painful and protracted death from kidney failure, Malcolm ruminated on his life recently, and said he "wasn't so sure" he had been lucky those many years ago. "Most of the guys are dead now. Cancer, kidneys, lung problems, you see a lot of that," John Smith said of the workers at Ohio's Hanshaw chemical plant, where uranium was secretly processed during the 40s and 50s for the nuclear weapons program. Documents reveal that radioactive dust in the Hanshaw plant was measured at 200 times the safety limit of the day. Employee exposures ranged up to 374 times the then-allowed dose limit. The U.S. employed a vast network of private companies in its quest to develop the atomic bomb, and in subsequent early-Cold War production. These secret sites were largely abandoned as the major government-owned, contractor-operated facilities of the nuclear weapons complex came on line - -- Hanford, Savannah River, Rocky Flats, Livermore Lab and so on. The contamination at these formerly-used, private sites was an official secret, the records documenting worker and community risks classified and hidden from those who were simply left to suffer the consequences. And, the poison legacy remains to threaten new generations. USA Today, in a recent series from which this article is drawn, reported on nearly 100,000 pages of government records, many declassified for the first time. These documents show that the U.S. hired around 300 private companies in its early bomb production enterprise, and that nearly one-third of them handled large amounts of radioactive and toxic material even though basic protective equipment and information on hazards was often lacking. While many of the biggest sites are in the Midwest, according to the Department of Energy some twenty of the 571 formerly-used bomb sites are in California. Further, the records show that the government, on many occasions, sent its health physicists to document worker risks. They gave false assurances to the workers, and hid the results which often included exposures hundreds of times above the already-lax safety standards. Also documented, and strictly classified, was evidence of widespread pollution of the air, soil and water around these private facilities. Dr. Arjun Makhijani, hired by USA Today to analyze worker dose records, called the situation "appalling," and said that the magnitude of the exposures calls into question the oft-held assumption that Soviet nuclear weapons production was more polluting than those same activities in the U.S. The Alliance for Nuclear Accountability (ANA), which assisted USA Today reporters in the investigation, called on the DOE to provide full information and compensation to all workers and communities that may have been harmed. (See also the related story on the Congressional debate over the substantially more limited compensation being considered for workers on page 3.) ANA, a nation-wide network to which Tri-Valley CAREs belongs, also called on the government to provide a complete inventory of all toxic and radioactive materials used or currently found at all nuclear weapons sites - - whether government or privately owned. To the thousands whose lives have been put at risk, and to the unknown numbers who have paid the ultimate price -- loss of health and their very lives -- we owe no less than the whole truth. To future generations, we owe adequate cleanup, our deepest apologies, and the total elimination of nuclear weapons. Copies of the USA Today 3-part series are available from Tri-Valley CAREs' office on request. Marylia Kelley Tri-Valley CAREs (Communities Against a Radioactive Environment) 2582 Old First Street Livermore, CA USA 94550 - is our web site, please visit us there! (925) 443-7148 - is our phone (925) 443-0177 - is our fax Working for peace, justice and a healthy environment since 1983, Tri-Valley CAREs has been a member of the nation-wide Alliance for Nuclear Accountability in the U.S. since 1989, and is a co-founding member of the Abolition 2000 global network for the elimination of nuclear weapons, the U.S. Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons and the Back From the Brink campaign to get nuclear weapons taken off hair-trigger alert. - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2000 22:52:40 -0700 (PDT) From: (marylia) Subject: (abolition-usa) NIF budget analysis/speech excerpts Dear peace and enviro advocates. Thank you to the many of you who weighed in to stop the National Ignition Facility. Here is an analysis of the NIF budget debate and outcome for the upcoming fiscal year. It is followed by a suggested action and excerpts from excellent speeches on the Senate floor by Tom Harkin and Harry Reid. The excerpts make this a tad longer than I usually post, but both Senators' words are worthwhile! Please read on... Peace, Marylia Senate Restrains NIF, Conference Committee Lets it Loose by Marylia Kelley for Tri-Valley CAREs' October 2000 newsletter, Citizen's Watch The National Ignition Facility survived the budget ax this year, but just barely. NIF foes succeeded in bringing the facility's proliferation risks, technical problems and still-hemorrhaging budget to the attention of Congress, marking the first time that the institution providing the funds truly noticed the mega-laser. This is a significant achievement that can be built upon and may yield positive results over the long haul, for many lawmakers did not like what they saw. NIF advocates came away from the budget battle with a notable chunk of additional construction money, giving the beleaguered facility a much-needed shot in the arm, in their view. Certainly, the added funding does provide a respite for NIF - to the dismay of our organization and many others. As reported in our July 2000 edition of Citizen's Watch, the NIF debate began in the House with a valiant effort led by Reps. Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), offering a last-minute amendment to cut NIF construction that lost on a voice vote. The action then moved to the Senate. Several factors there allowed for a more penetrating look at NIF. In August, the General Accounting Office (GAO) released its report. That study was highly critical of NIF and pegged its pre-completion costs at $4 billion. (See also the September 2000 Citizen's Watch and the new NIF postcards, available soon on our website.) Too, a variety of issues held up the vote on Senate Appropriations, which served to give staffers and Senators alike a small piece of time in which to educate themselves on NIF. A number of them studied technical materials on the mega-laser from several sources, including DOE, Livermore Lab, GAO, Tri-Valley CAREs and other non-governmental organizations. Two champions quickly emerged to restrain NIF, Senators Tom Harkin (D-IA) and Harry Reid (D-NV). (See also excerpts from their speeches, below.) Working with other Senate colleagues, they crafted an amendment to put a "cap" on NIF's construction budget, limiting it to the $74.1 million in the DOE's original budget request and slamming the door on an extra $135 million that DOE had begun seeking after the NIF cost overrun became public. Additionally, the amendment required the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) to undertake a study of NIF's technical difficulties and its utility (or lack thereof) for maintaining the safety and reliability of the arsenal. The NAS study was also to investigate alternative methods for achieving that goal, and to offer recommendations on whether NIF should be canceled or scaled back. The powerful chair of the Senate Budget Committee, Pete Domenici (R-NM), concurred with their efforts. On September 7, the amendment to cap NIF construction passed the Senate on a voice vote. Whenever differences exist between a House bill and a Senate bill, the matter goes to a special "Conference Committee" for resolution. Since the Senate had now placed a limit on NIF construction not found in the earlier House version, the Conference Committee was the next stop on NIF's wild ride. At this point, the Conferees chose the wasteful and profligate spending path, offering NIF $199 million for construction in fiscal year 2001. Of that, $69 million will be held back pending NIF's compliance with specified milestones. Equally disappointing, however, was that the Conference Committee did not retain the Senate provision requiring the NAS study, allowing instead more of the "same old" wherein DOE will review itself to determine if NIF milestones are met. This leaves entirely too much room for DOE and Livermore to hide serious, ongoing problems with NIF and to manipulate the outcome of the reporting requirements. While the $199 million is $10 million less than Lab management and DOE had hoped to get, it is being touted by Livermore Lab as a victory for NIF. Ironically it will likely turn out to incur financial losses for the Lab overall. For, not all of the NIF construction funding is actually new money. Forty million dollars is slated to come out of the NIF operating budget at Livermore Lab. In other words, this will constitute a lateral move from one Livermore pot of NIF money to another. Laser operators and other non-construction employees are generally paid out of the operating budget - -- now to be gutted in favor of construction. No matter what the Lab PR staff says publicly, privately employees are worried. Further, the Conferees directed Livermore Lab to take $25 million from its non-NIF programs as part of the deal to boost NIF construction. The Committee's report does not specify from which Livermore programs the cuts will come, apparently leaving DOE and Lab management to make that decision. This may become a dark year indeed for Livermore Lab's smaller programs, especially those that have a significant civilian, rather than predominately military, application. Management is unlikely to look first to the subcritical nuclear testing program for NIF funds. Instead, astrophysics, geophysics, basic sciences and other, similar and already underfunded endeavors at Livermore Lab will feel the budget ax first, most keenly and with disproportionate pain. So, rather than being a straightforward matter of NIF avoiding the ax this year, in reality it is more truly a deflection, a change in the angle of the ax's descent. Suggested action: Call Reps. Paul Ryan & Dennis Kucinich and Senators Tom Harkin & Harry Reid to thank them for their efforts to bring some common sense and financial restraint to the NIF project. Let them know you care about cutting NIF and why. Otherwise, DOE and Livermore Lab managers will be the only voices they will hear. They can all be reached through the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121. Senator Harry Reid (D-NV), Sept. 5, 2000 on NIF funding: "Leaders from DOE and the Lawrence Livermore National Lab came to me at a time when many Members of the Senate, including Chairman [Pete] Domenici, were somewhat skeptical that NIF was actually needed. They assured me that NIF was absolutely vital to national security and that it would be brought in on time and within budget. Based on that, I came to bat for NIF and convinced many of my colleagues to support it. I regret it. "In my estimation, DOE lied to me. They sold me a bill of goods and I am not happy about it. It is now several years later and the project is hundreds of millions of dollars over budget and years behind schedule... Enough is enough. "There is plenty of skepticism in the scientific and national security community as to whether we will ever be able to get the information we need to certify our stockpile from NIF. I believe there are other, cheaper ways to get this job done and I think that it is time to go back to the drawing board and find a new path forward." - ----------------------------------------- Senator Tom Harkin: "As many of my colleagues are aware, this is a deeply troubled program. The General Accounting Office recently issued a report that detailed management turmoil, cost overruns, slipping schedules, and unsolved technical problems. I am deeply concerned that we will pour more and more money into NIF, money that could be used for other scientific purposes. NIF appears to be mostly a jobs program for nuclear weapons scientists. "We have had a lot of problems with NIF. They have repeatedly tried to hide the true costs of the project. In fact, DOE and lab officials told GAO that they deliberately set an unrealistically low initial budget because they feared Congress would not fund a realistic one... They lied to us. They simply lied to us. They admitted it to GAO. Now they want more money. Is this what we reward? "So what is this NIF? Why is it necessary?... It may be true that NIF would provide useful data for simulating nuclear weapons explosions. But we don't need that data to maintain the nuclear weapons we have today. For decades, we have assured the safety and reliability of our nuclear weapons with a careful engineering program... We don't need a $4 billion facility at Lawrence Livermore to do what we are doing right now. We can and will continue these surveillance activities of our stockpile. "The kind of detailed information on nuclear explosions that NIF could provide is needed only to modify weapons or design new ones. But we don't need to design any new nuclear weapons. ...but that is what they intend to do with it. ...NIF may itself be a proliferation threat." - -- From the statement of Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) on September 7, 2000 on the floor of the Senate to introduce the amendment to limit funding for the construction of the National Ignition Facility. Marylia Kelley Tri-Valley CAREs (Communities Against a Radioactive Environment) 2582 Old First Street Livermore, CA USA 94550 - is our web site, please visit us there! (925) 443-7148 - is our phone (925) 443-0177 - is our fax Working for peace, justice and a healthy environment since 1983, Tri-Valley CAREs has been a member of the nation-wide Alliance for Nuclear Accountability in the U.S. since 1989, and is a co-founding member of the Abolition 2000 global network for the elimination of nuclear weapons, the U.S. Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons and the Back From the Brink campaign to get nuclear weapons taken off hair-trigger alert. - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2000 22:52:49 -0700 (PDT) From: (marylia) Subject: (abolition-usa) sick workers wait Sick Workers Wait by Marylia Kelley from Tri-Valley CAREs' October 2000 newsletter, Citizen's Watch While throwing millions more at NIF, the Conference Committee remains mired in debate over whether to compensate the workers made ill by exposure to toxic and radioactive materials in the nation's bomb factories and labs. Some workers suffered acute exposure, some chronic. Some were "dosed" with excess radioactivity, some by hazardous chemicals. What they have in common is that they are sick and dying, and some are already dead. Many have problems with insurance and medical bills, leaving little to bequeath to a surviving spouse. Earlier this year, DOE Secretary Bill Richardson reversed over a half-century of official agency denial, admitting that atomic workers had been put in harms way. The DOE proposed compensation for an estimated 3,000 past and present employees, a number that we said accounted for only a fraction of those made ill. Still, it represented an historic first step. (See our May 2000 Citizen's Watch for details on DOE's plan.) Now, Congress appears reluctant to find even the start-up funding needed for the program. For weeks, conferees have debated the issue without resolution. Reportedly, the House Republicans on the Conference Committee are balking at the proposal's price tag of $1.7 billion over ten years. State governors intensified a letter writing campaign in support of a compensation bill. Most recently, Gov. Gary Johnson (R-NV) wrote and urged passage of the proposal, calling it "long deserved." Gov. Gary Locke (D-WA) also weighed in on behalf of the program earlier in the week. The governors from Ohio, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee and So. Carolina have sent missives to the Committee as well. Meanwhile, the sick workers wait... and die. Marylia Kelley Tri-Valley CAREs (Communities Against a Radioactive Environment) 2582 Old First Street Livermore, CA USA 94550 - is our web site, please visit us there! (925) 443-7148 - is our phone (925) 443-0177 - is our fax Working for peace, justice and a healthy environment since 1983, Tri-Valley CAREs has been a member of the nation-wide Alliance for Nuclear Accountability in the U.S. since 1989, and is a co-founding member of the Abolition 2000 global network for the elimination of nuclear weapons, the U.S. Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons and the Back From the Brink campaign to get nuclear weapons taken off hair-trigger alert. - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 8 Oct 2000 15:16:23 -0700 From: "David Crockett Williams" Subject: (abolition-usa) activist networking & This is a note for those potentially interested in networking cooperations to further increased funding of their and our activism work -- by expanding outreach of General Agency Services as an eventually large global people-to-people personal and financial agency service alternative to contemporary governments and "business" programs. If neither you nor anyone in your network that you might forward this message to would be interested in investigating this idea, feel free to stop reading here and delete this message. Over the last few months I have been formalizing my 30 year General Agency Services vision/concept as a new "company",, to help put some financial backing behind many of the projects and networkers/activists that I have been communicating about/with over the internet these last couple of years or so. To help support our work on social justice, global peace, environmental remediation, human rights, new-energy technology development, etc., we now have excellent special networking opportunities to create signifiant personal revenue streams for our projects and collaborators through working together under auspices of General Agency Services as a personal and financial agency offering valuable support services and memberships underwritten by two large companies administering national networks of prominent attorneys and tax professionals. For decades now I have simply bristled at the idea of any involvement in the legal system or the IRS income tax system because I have felt reluctant to participate in what seems to be a "system" stacked against the average person -- where true justice is not available except perhaps to those who can "afford" it by hiring expensive attorneys for consultations and legal support services -- and paying income taxes gives the government money to use for some unhappy things like wars abroad and injustices at home. Now I see a way to turn this situation around by our being able to earn substantial part-time incomes as "home-managed businesses" through sharing some important and valuable information with our networks of friends and contacts -- information that helps mimimize legal problems and taxes by affording both: "Equal justice for all", via unlimited personal toll-free phone access to over 1600 top attorneys nationwide on an "as needed" basis for consultations, document review, letter writing and phone calls on our behalf, moving vehicle violation and lawsuit representation, wills, etc. Rather than, as usual, lacking understanding of legal rights and receiving only as much "justice" as one can afford to pay in legal fees, this program (backed by a large well financed company) means that the average person/family/business has full access, via minimal monthly membership fees, to top attorneys that are normally only available/affordable to/by the rich -- and even free access to comprehensive online legal content, information, forms, etc., at my below website where also such membership enrollments -- and Independent Associate enrollments for those who want earn income by offering memberships to others in person or via the internet -- may be handled online. This kind of legal protection coverage is owned by 80% of Europeans where it has been available for 100 years, but is owned by perhaps 1% of Americans and Canadians because it has only been around in North American for 28 years and most folks didn't even know it exists -- until its recently increased distribution by a professionalized network marketing program that just last month reached the first million membership enrollment mark and expects to reach the second million in another 28 months. (various plans, as low as $12.95/mo); and, "Turning the tables on the IRS", with income tax relief through an analogous network of over 2000 tax professionals (CPA's, tax attorneys, IRS Enrolled Agents, etc.) dedicated to serving our clients by minimizing (in some cases eliminating and in many cases cutting by 1/3 to 1/2) personal/business income taxes through employing legitimate but little known income tax deductions and exemptions (programs available for as little as $10/month) especially home-managed business deductions unknown to even many CPA's. Typically, after enrolling in one of these programs and getting this kind of expert professional advice that normally costs hundreds of dollars per hour, combined with the materials the company provides its customers, a member can then adjust W-4 withholding forms at their regular employer and immediately decrease withholding taxes, like an "instant pay raise", (often by several hundred dollars per month) based on lowered annual taxes due because of tax strategies implemented. Independent Marketing Associates offering these services are earning excellent part-time or full-time incomes, some well into six figures, helping people connect with this professional network to minimize the amounts they pay in income taxes -- what a great feeling! Dr. Charles King, (PhD in business adminstration from Harvard), Professor of Marketing at the University of Illinois at Chicago, prominently features each of the above described companies in his new book, "The New Professionals -- The Rise of Network Marketing as the Next Major Profession", among less than two dozen companies described in Chapter 7, "Rising Star Companies That Are Making Their Mark". In addition, there are recent additional whole books (available also on the normal internet book sites and in bookstores) about each of these two companies: "The Pre-Paid Legal Story", by Harland C. Stonecipher, and "The Result is Money", about TheTaxPeople, by Lori Prokop. One of the tax attorneys in TheTaxPeople network referenced above has published seventeen updated editions of his regularly revised 650pp classic, "How to Pay Zero Taxes", by Jeff Schnepper. Why not utilize the networking skills of our activism experience and contacts to build, with a minimal but regular and consistent amount of time day by day, a financial support network for good people and projects by offe ring these valuable services and part-time business opportunities to those whom you know and meet that might be interested? Couldn't your activism effectiveness, as could mine, be dramatically increased with an additional good source of income with minimal time involvement -- say a few hundred or a few thousand dollars extra revenue per month or per week -- as is already being earned by significant numbers of people already associated with each of these two companies: Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. [NYSE symbol PPD] (HQ in Ada, OK), and division of Renaissance TTP, Inc. (HQ in Topeka, KS). Check out details at below websites. Call me with questions or to have hardcopy details/materials mailed to you for more complete understanding of how either of these programs can benefit you and others in your network of friends and collaborators. ** David Crockett Williams, CLU Chartered Life Underwriter Scientist - Activist - Manager GENERAL AGENCY SERVICES For your personal and financial independence The Legal Revolution - Equal Justice for All Free Legal Resource Center eService Online legal content: FAQ, audio guides, legal forms, discussion boards. Low-cost attorney telephone access, national prepaid legal protection plans. Create a home-based business plan to cut current wage income taxes by 1/3 to 1/2 with our IRS compliant Tax Relief System Capital Hills New-Energy Research Center Science & Technology in Society & Public Policy list Global Emergency Alert Response Global Peace Walk 2000 - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. 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