From: (abolition-usa-digest) To: Subject: abolition-usa-digest V1 #435 Reply-To: abolition-usa-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk abolition-usa-digest Thursday, March 29 2001 Volume 01 : Number 435 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 18:46:09 -0500 From: ASlater Subject: (abolition-usa) Fwd: SPACE ORGANIZING STRATEGY >Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 08:25:39 -0500 >Subject: SPACE ORGANIZING STRATEGY >X-FC-MachineGenerated: true >From: "" > >The following comes from the Global Network's recent space organizing >conference and protest in Huntsville, Alabama. > > >MAGIC BULLET ORGANIZING STRATEGY > > >1) Hard work, the field must be plowed for the fruit to flourish >2) Determination & persistence >3) Cooperative spirit >4) Principled work with others >5) Imagination and creativity >6) Change the language, don't get technical, put the issue on our terms >7) Make connections with anti-globalization movement & show them we are >fighting the same struggle >8) Demand that Congress support cuts in "missile defense" program >9) Put out a booklet like "Vision for 20/20" of our own >10) Talk to people in international organizations about what is happening >with corporations in their countries >11) Put out a call to world leaders for international solidarity >12) Support campaign finance reform >13) Mobilize the grassroots. Local work is vital >14) Read "Guns, Globalization, and Greed" by the War Resisters League >15) Return to our principles of non-violence >16) We should not be afraid, respect that there is something greater than >us >that is stronger than evil/destruction >17) Go to as many public forums as possible and create a healthy tension >18) Need to know where Star Wars research & development work is happening >and go there for public protests. Create local debate. >19) Tell our children that there are some jobs you cannot have >20) Need to have a community of people that you can rely on >21) Need to be willing to face arrest for standing against Star Wars >22) Simplify your life >23) Connect with all groups. We must work together. Listen to each other. >We each have a piece of the puzzle. We need each other. >24) Watch out for when politicians and some organizations begin to cut >deals >undermining the work of the grassroots >25) Go home and organize delegations of ordinary people, every month, to >visit politicians offices (do the same with the media) >26) Read "The Education of Little Tree" >27) Organize October 13 local actions in your community >28) Keep having fun >29) Respect the people who we are trying to organize >30) Remember the moon and ask people if they want military bases there >31) Get students and elders knowing each other and working together >32) Talk more about how Star Wars will require cuts in social spending, >education, and environmental clean-up >33) Speak from your heart and represent the mother earth >34) Be willing to do the most difficult things > > >Bruce K. Gagnon >Coordinator >Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space >PO Box 90083 >Gainesville, FL. 32607 >(352) 337-9274 > > > - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 11:36:47 -0500 From: ASlater Subject: (abolition-usa) Fwd: (CMEP-list) Urgent Action Alert: Tell your Representative in Congress to support >Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 09:13:46 -0500 >Subject: (CMEP-list) Urgent Action Alert: Tell your Representative in Congress to support >X-FC-MachineGenerated: true >From: "" > >(apologies for cross-postings) > >Tell your Representative in Congress to support strong radiation >protection standards! > >WHAT'S HAPPENING: >The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is required by the Nuclear Waste >Policy Act to set radiation protection standards for the proposed >high-level nuclear waste dump at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. This process is >now in its last stages and a rule could be finalized within the next few >days. > >The Department of Energy (DOE) and Nuclear Regulator Commission (NRC) are >pressuring the administration to further weaken the already inadequate >proposed rule. The DOE and NRC want to eliminate groundwater protection >standards and increase the "acceptable" individual radiation exposure >limit from 15 millirems to 25 millirems annually. > >WHAT'S AT STAKE: >* Health and Safety -The DOE is expected later this year to recommend the >Yucca Mountain site for development as a permanent repository for >high-level radioactive waste generated by U.S. commercial reactors and >weapons facilities. A favorable recommendation is contingent upon an >assessment of whether a Yucca Mountain repository could meet EPA radiation >protection standards. An artificially week standard would skew the >suitability assessment and threaten public health and safety near >America's fastest growing city (Las Vegas). > >* Precedent - Although this rule is "site-specific" to Yucca Mountain, it >will set an important precedent for radiation protection at DOE and >NRC-licensed sites. At stake is the EPA's authority in regulating >radiation exposures, and the application of Safe Drinking Water Act >standards for groundwater protection at Yucca Mountain, nuclear reactor >sites, and the DOE weapons complex. > >WHAT YOU CAN DO: >* Representatives Shelley Berkley (D-NV) and Jim Gibbons (R-NV) have >initiated and circulated a joint letter to the President in support of a >strong standard that includes groundwater protection and does not weaken >individual exposure limits. Signatures will be collected through Friday, >March 30. CALL AND E-MAIL YOUR REPRESENTATIVE TODAY. URGE HIM/HER TO >CO-SIGN THIS LETTER. > > >CALL the Capitol Switchboard to be connected to your Representative's >office: (202) 225-3121 > >E-MAIL your Representative. Locate the address at: > > > >Please contact Public Citizen for more information: >Phone: (202) 454-5130 - e-mail: - website: > > >If you would like to be removed from the cmep-list, send an email to > with the words "unsubscribe cmep" in the subject. > >Questions about the CMEP-list can be directed to > >To learn more about this and other issues Critical Mass Energy and >Environment Program works on, visit our website at . > >Public Citizen's Critical Mass Energy and Environment Program > >Questions about the CMEP-list can be directed to > - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 14:49:33 -0800 From: "Andrew Lichterman" Subject: (abolition-usa) new on the wslf web site There are new items on the Western States Legal Foundation web site at and the web site of the US Campaign to Abolish Nuclear weapons Links to new items can be found on the WSLF "What's New" page, New items include: - --A calendar page for Abolition 2000 Northern California - --A calendar page for the US Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons - --Winter 2001 WSLF Information Bulletin, "Looking for New Ways to Use Nuclear Weapons: U.S. Counterproliferation Programs, Weapons Effects Research, and "Mini-Nuke" Development." - --Presentation by Jacqueline Cabasso, Executive Director, Western States Legal Foundation, at the Teach-In on Technology and Globalization February 24 -25, 2001, Hunter College, New York, "Nuclear Weapons; Forgotten But Not Gone: The Nuclear Weapons Laboratories, Missile Defense, and the Weaponization of Space." - --A page of links to significant U.S. government documents on the militarization of space. We also regularly add items of interest to our links list and our page of items obtained through the Freedom of Information Act and other research. Andrew Lichterman Program Director Western States Legal Foundation 1504 Franklin St. Suite 202 Oakland, CA 94612 USA phone: +1 (510) 839-5877 fax: +1 (510) 839-5397 web site: - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 19:59:48 -0500 From: ASlater Subject: (abolition-usa) Fwd: Citizens for Peace in Space Newsletter - March, 2001 >Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 18:27:43 -0500 >Subject: Citizens for Peace in Space Newsletter - March, 2001 >To:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, >From: "" > >Citizens for Peace in Space Newsletter >March, 2001 >There are several matters to report on since our last communique. We have >included a summary of events at the conclusion of this newsletter. To >begin with we want to provide some information on a couple of topics: >Huntsville >Loring Wirbel and I took part in the National Space Organizing Conference >and Protest held in Huntsville, Alabama, March 16-18. About 80 attended >the conference and most were able to join either the bannering and >protest vigil on Friday outside the gates of the Redstone Arsenal(The >Army Space Command’s key research and testing center) or the Sunday >protest at the nearby Space & Rocket Center Museum . >We arrived too late to take part in Friday’s protest, but just in time to >see the local TV newscast reporting the event. It was astounding to hear >the TV anchors and the local District Attorney explain that "these people >have a First Amendment right to do this". It was apparently the first >time anyone had ever protested at this huge complex which is the economic >base of a city of almost 200,000. Bruce Gagnon and others from the Global >Network are to be commended for a first rate job of organizing! >The presentations and workshops on Saturday were informative and >inspiring. There was an extended time at the beginning to hear something >from each person about their own activist history. Veterans for Peace >from Minnesota, Alabama and elsewhere provided a dimension not often >found at similar gatherings in our area.. Peace activists from the South >were prominent but there was a good representation from around the >country. A hopeful sign for me was that they all have made the connection >between U.S economic domination and U.S. military domination of the >planet and outer space and they want to do something about it. Loring and >I joined a panel on "Satellites, Spying and Warfighting". >We spent time with Sisters Ardeth Platte(she made an inspiring >presentation on Saturday evening) and Carol Gilbert who have received >back the Sacred Earth and Space Plowshares banner used in last >September’s action here. It had a prominent place in the protests. I pass >on their greetings to friends here. They have been making presentations >about their action and the issues involved all across the East and >Midwest. Chris Ney of The War Resisters League also spoke with us to >arrange a special all day workshop on Space for WRL board members as part >of their national meeting in mid July in Colorado Springs. Their >organization has chosen Space as the focus of their war resisting efforts >for the year. >Satellites and Computers >Those of you who have followed our newsletter over the years are familiar >with the revolution in warfare that has been brought about by the use of >satellites and computers to get the bombs to their targets. The network >of war fighting satellites with their computer support facilities is a >$15-$20 billion per year business. It has become so important to U.S. >power projection in the world that the Pentagon has all but claimed Space >as an exclusive U.S. military domain. >Over the past few months another arena of warfare has taken the >limelight. Computers have become the target of acts of war and also the >means of war. Information war or cyber war as it is sometimes called is >really taking off. So we now have war in outer space and war in cyber >space.(satellites and computers!) >This is not science fiction or conspiracy theory babble. The object is to >kill people and destroy things by causing havoc in another country’s >computer system. There was great fear that this could happen in the Y2K >crisis. This is the real thing. The Air Combat Command of the United >States Air Force is now in charge of planning and carrying out >information war for the Air Force. The U.S. Space Command remains in >overall command. IW was the feature story in the Feb 26th edition of >Aviation Week and Space Technology magazine, complete with diagrams, >designs, charts, maps and musings about "collateral damage" and legal >questions. (Who would declare a Cyber War?) >The week of February 21-25 an Information War conference was held at the >Sheraton South Hotel in Colorado Springs. The sessions were all labeled >"Secret". But we were able to obtain a sampling of the handouts available >to conference goers. God awful stuff:: the Army’s director of information >systems is called the digital dominator; a corporate handout on >information operations is introduced with the phrase "There are no rules; >everyone plays; there’s us and targets... Another publication echoes the >phrase "Think Globally... Act Locally" with its own: "Global Strength.. >Local Commitment". And finally information warfare is said to provide one >with "The Keys to the Kingdom". The day after we got the info, Peter >Sprunger-Froese was able to get together what we think is the first >information war protest banner. It read "Information War - Words that >Kill" Made for some interesting dialogue outside the convention hall. >Here are some upcoming events for Citizens for Peace in Space. >- April 9, 1:30: The Motions hearing for Fr. Carl Kabat’s trial in >federal Magistrate Boyd Boland’s courtroom in Denver. Scheduled witnesses >include Navy Admiral Eugene Carroll(ret.) of the Center for Defense >Information, and Ved Nanda of Denver University Law School. The hearing >will probably extend into the following day. >- April 11, 11:30 - 1: Bannering at the Space Symposium at the Broadmoor >Hotel. Gather at Bijou House at 11 or meet us there outside the >convention hall at 11:30.(389-0644 for info) >- April 21, 12 noon - Prayer Vigil at Nuclear Missile Silo N-5 in Weld >County, Colorado. Leave from the Justice and Peace Office at 7:30 AM to >join the caravan from Denver(9am) to the silo. This event has really >mushroomed. We now expect upwards of 100 including some from nearby >states. >-April 29, 7pm - Festival of Hope, First Mennonite Church (9th and >Delaware, Denver) in anticipation of Carl Kabat’s trial the next day. >There will be a one act play depicting Fr. Kabat’s 1994 action in a clown >suit at another missile silo. First Strike Theatre will perform and more. > >- April 30, 8:30 Fr. Carl Kabat’s trial begins in Denver. Daily car >pooling for the trial which could last 2 or 3 days. >- May 4-6 International Meeting of the Global Network Against Weapons and >Nuclear Power in Space, Leeds, England. May 7&8 Abolition 2000 meeting, >Saffron-Walden U.K. >- May 13 The Human Race Against the Arms Race . See the J&P website at >www.pikespeakjustice and for details >For more information on any of these events, call (719) 389 0644 or email >to >Lastly, Citizens for Peace in Space is a cast of hundreds if not >thousands. As our activity increases so do our expenses. We continue to >incur expenses related to Carl Kabat's trial and we have taken on added >travel commitments. We ask that you help us financially if you can. >Many of you have been generous with us through the years. That's what >keeps us going. Thanks. >Bill Sulzman, Citizens for Peace in Space >P.O. Box 915 >Colorado Springs, CO 80901 >Ph 719 389 0644 > > > - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 17:42:50 -0800 From: (marylia) Subject: (abolition-usa) Hooray! Prelim. Injunction in NIF case Greetings, peace and enviro colleagues: Good news! Please read on... --Marylia for more information, contact: Marylia Kelley, Tri-Valley CAREs, Livermore, CA (925) 443-7148 Chris Paine, Natural Resources Defense Council, (804) 244-5013 Howard Crystal, Meyer and Glitzenstein, (202) 588-5206 for immediate release, March 28, 2001 JUDGE BLOCKS RUBBERSTAMP OF NATIONAL IGNITION FACILITY MEGA-LASER ENVIRONMENTAL GROUPS WIN PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION OF ENERGY DEPT. USE OF NIF REBASELINE, COMPLETION OF NEW REPORT TO CONGRESS BY "HANDPICKED, BIASED" COMMITTEE LIVERMORE, CA -- Today in federal court in the District of Columbia, Judge Emmet G. Sullivan issued an Order granting two environmental groups' Motion for Preliminary Injunction in their long-running legal battle against the multi-billion dollar National Ignition Facility mega-laser, under construction at the Department of Energy's (DOE) Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California. The plaintiff organizations, the Natural Resources Defense Council in Washington, DC and the Livermore-based Tri-Valley CAREs, filed a lawsuit in October 2000 charging DOE with multiple violations of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA). (For background, see "FACA Facts," which follows this press release.) In February 2001, the groups sought a preliminary injunction to bar the DOE from using the NIF August 2000 "rebaseline," which plaintiffs characterized as "an illegally-prepared, biased review to drum up flagging Congressional and public support for its problem-plagued laser fusion project." Additionally, the groups sought to prevent the DOE from continuing to violate FACA by forming a second, unbalanced advisory committee -- which utilized the same membership and continued to meet in secret. "[T]he Court concludes that plaintiffs have met the standard for issuance of a preliminary injunction," states today's Order. "In light of the serious issues which have been raised concerning the NIF, and the nature of defendants' FACA violations, a preliminary injunction would serve the public interest in ensuring compliance with an important open government law," the Order concludes. In issuing the Court Order, Judge Sullivan ruled that the plaintiffs "have demonstrated the requisite likelihood of success on their claims that the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) applies" to both the August 2000 NIF "Rebaseline Validation Review," which DOE used last fall to obtain continued funding for the mega-laser, and to the current "NIF Status Review Committee," whose findings DOE was hoping to use on March 31, 2001 to obtain release of the $69 million in construction funding that Congress withheld last year, pending further review of the project. "This is a huge win," said Tri-Valley CAREs' Executive Director, Marylia Kelley. "By preventing DOE from relying on biased, handpicked committees to provide assessments of NIF, the Court has opened the door for the conduct of a truly independent review of the project. It has long been our belief that if Congress were to receive an objective, external review of NIF's costs, technical problems and nuclear proliferation risks, it would cancel the facility," Kelley continued. "We have achieved an important victory today," agreed NRDC's Senior Researcher, Christopher Paine. Paine continued: "Today's Order vindicates our contention that DOE has continued to violate FACA in its effort to avoid an open and unbiased review of NIF. We hope that Congress will take note of the Court Order, take a close look at alternatives to the NIF project and reconsider its priority within the overall 'stockpile stewardship' program." "The court's ruling today makes clear that DOE will no longer be able to attempt to fool Congress and the public with illegally-constituted committees meeting in secret sessions," added plaintiffs' attorney, Howard Crystal of the Washington, DC firm, Meyer and Glitzenstein. - -- 30 -- A copy of the Court Order can be faxed upon request. "FACA Facts" follows. "FACA Facts" prepared by Chris Paine, NRDC and Marylia Kelley, Tri-Valley CAREs Congress enacted the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) in 1972 to control wasteful expenditures and open to public scrutiny the ways in which government agencies obtain advice from private individuals. Prior to FACA, advisory committees had become convenient nesting places for special interests seeking to influence federal agency actions for their own ends. FACA applies to agencies when they establish or utilize a group that includes at least one non-federal employee to provide collective advice or recommendations to the agency. To legally obtain such advice, and agency must, among other requirements: * prepare a charter detailing the committee's objectives, duties, costs, etc.; * publish a notice in the Federal Register that describes the need and purpose for the advisory committee, and includes the agency's plan to attain fairly balanced membership"; and, further, * ensure the committee is "balanced in terms of points of view represented"; and * ensure the committee is not "inappropriately influenced by the appointing authority or any special interest." Once the committee is formed, FACA provides public notice and participation requirements, and specifies that the advisory committee must hold open meetings and make documents that it reviewed or produced available to the public. Both the Department of Energy's National Ignition Facility "Rebaseline Validation Review" committee and its NIF "Status Review Committee" failed to comply with the law on ALL counts. Today's Court Order granting plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction stops these DOE FACA violations in their tracks. Marylia Kelley Tri-Valley CAREs (Communities Against a Radioactive Environment) 2582 Old First Street Livermore, CA USA 94550 - is our web site, please visit us there! (925) 443-7148 - is our phone (925) 443-0177 - is our fax Working for peace, justice and a healthy environment since 1983, Tri-Valley CAREs has been a member of the nation-wide Alliance for Nuclear Accountability in the U.S. since 1989, and is a co-founding member of the Abolition 2000 global network for the elimination of nuclear weapons, the U.S. Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons and the Back From the Brink campaign to get nuclear weapons taken off hair-trigger alert. - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 11:52:26 -0500 From: Kevin Martin Subject: (abolition-usa) new version of flier for June 10-12 action in DC Dear Friends, A new version (with a pretty cool graphic) of the flier for the June 10-12 anti-Star Wars, pro-abolition event in Washington, DC is on the Project Abolition website at Scroll down the page and click on the link for the flier, which is in pdf (Adobe Acrobat Reader) format. Please print out the flier, make copies and spread it far and wide, and/or send to appropriate email lists. Peace, Kevin Martin Director, Project Abolition - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 09:50:23 -0700 From: Carah Lynn Ong Subject: (abolition-usa) 6/7 March 2001 ACC Conference Call - --============_-1226237870==_ma============ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed" 6/7 March 2001 ACC Conference Call Minutes Present: Janet Bloomfield, John Burroughs, Jackie Cabasso, Carah Ong, Alice Slater Apologies: David, Akira, Alyn, Hiro Facilitator: Jackie Notetaker: Carah Mailing Alice and Carah gave an update on mailing. Carah sent Stephanie Fraser all the necessary materials to do the draft layout. Alice generously offered to pay Stephanie for doing the layout as well as to mail it to all Network members. An opinion poll, designed by Stephanie, will also be included in the mailing. The mailing should go out by mid- March Outreach Worker 27 resumes were received. 8 or 9 were interviewed, the process is still underway, but a decision will be made soon. Alice will keep the ACC updated. Open Global council Meeting Janet has spoken with Rachel Julian who is organizing the Leeds conference. They have given A2K an opening on the Sunday morning, but it would be simultaneous with a Global Network and PSR meeting. Anyone who comes to the GN meeting from abroad, will receive an invitation to the open GC meeting from Rachel when they register. Alice suggested having an Abolition 2000 workshop or luncheon meeting on Saturday for people who would like to find out more about Abolition 2000 and may not necessarily be able to attend the open GC meeting. If a panel or workshop is not already set up, A2000 should sponsor a workshop linking Star Wars and nuclear weapons. Alice will talk to Bruce. Janet is also arranging with Rachel to charter a bus from Leeds to Saffron Walden. The Quakers have generously offered their meeting house for two days without charge. There are homestays available and Janet will also coordinate Bed and Breakfast/hotel stays for those who wish them. John suggested inviting French colleagues. Carah will send an invitation to the French groups. Carah will also repost the invitation. Janet will be able to further develop the invitation when she returns to the UK. Loose Draft Saffron Walden Agenda, 7-8 May (some ideas to cover during the meeting) 1. energizing the GC 2. incorporating the Space issue into our issue 3. linking national campaigns 4. upcoming SSOD 5. brainstorm and strategize Janet and Jackie will post a draft agenda for comment For Next Call: Open GC Meeting - - materials - - agenda Email Problems Carah reported that approximately 50 members have dropped from the caucus in the last 3 to 4 works. John proposed that a couple of members of the GC work with Carah to advise and and make recommendations for to solve this problem. Jackie will send an open email request to the Global Council . Carah and Janet will meet to find out if there is a way to find out who exactly is joining and leaving the list. items to discuss - -promote discussions of strategy - -reduce news item postings - -reduce action alerts - -what type of forum can we all operate in - -how to deal with members who continue to post multiple and/or irrelevant messages Long-term Development Worker Jackie and Janet will continue to develop this. Annual General Meeting Carah reported that IPPNW-Kenya is developing a proposal. The ACC will collect various proposals and discuss at the open GC meeting in Saffron Walden. Next Call: 3/4 April -- same time - --============_-1226237870==_ma============ Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" 6/7 March 2001 ACC Conference Call
6/7 March 2001 ACC Conference Call

Present:  Janet Bloomfield, John Burroughs, Jackie Cabasso, Carah Ong, Alice Slater
Apologies:  David, Akira, Alyn, Hiro
Facilitator:  Jackie
Notetaker:  Carah

Alice and Carah gave an update on mailing.  Carah sent Stephanie Fraser all the necessary materials to do the draft layout.  Alice generously offered to pay Stephanie for doing the layout as well as to mail it to all Network members.  An opinion poll, designed by Stephanie, will also be included in the mailing.  The mailing should go out by mid- March

Outreach Worker

27 resumes were received.  8 or 9 were interviewed, the process is still underway, but a decision will be made soon.  Alice will keep the ACC updated.

Open Global council Meeting

Janet has spoken with Rachel Julian who is organizing the Leeds conference.  They have given A2K an opening on the Sunday morning, but it would be simultaneous with a Global Network and PSR meeting.  Anyone who comes to the GN meeting from abroad, will receive an invitation to the open GC meeting from Rachel when they register.

Alice suggested having an Abolition 2000 workshop or luncheon meeting on Saturday for people who would like to find out more about Abolition 2000 and may not necessarily be able to attend the open GC meeting.  If a panel or workshop is not already set up, A2000 should sponsor a workshop linking Star Wars and nuclear weapons.  Alice will talk to Bruce.

Janet is also arranging with Rachel to charter a bus from Leeds to Saffron Walden.  The Quakers have generously offered their meeting house for two days without charge.  There are homestays available and Janet will also coordinate Bed and Breakfast/hotel stays for those who wish them.

John suggested inviting French colleagues.   Carah will send an invitation to the French groups.  Carah will also repost the invitation.

Janet will be able to further develop the invitation when she returns to the UK.

Loose Draft Saffron Walden Agenda, 7-8 May
 (some ideas to cover during the meeting)
1.  energizing the GC
2.  incorporating the Space issue into our issue
3.  linking national campaigns
4.  upcoming SSOD
5.  brainstorm and strategize

Janet and Jackie will post a draft agenda for comment

For Next Call:
Open GC Meeting
- materials
- agenda

Email Problems

Carah reported that approximately 50 members have dropped from the caucus in the last 3 to 4 works.  John proposed that a couple of members of the GC work with Carah to advise and and make recommendations for to solve this problem.  Jackie will send an open email request to the Global Council .  Carah and Janet will meet to find out if there is a way to find out who exactly is joining and leaving the list.

items to discuss
-promote discussions of strategy
-reduce news item postings
-reduce action alerts
-what type of forum can we all operate in
-how to deal with members who continue to post multiple and/or irrelevant messages

Long-term Development Worker

Jackie and Janet will continue to develop this.

Annual General Meeting

 Carah reported that IPPNW-Kenya is developing a proposal.  The ACC will collect various proposals and discuss at the open GC meeting in Saffron Walden.

Next Call:

3/4 April -- same time
- --============_-1226237870==_ma============-- - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 10:44:47 -0700 From: Carah Lynn Ong Subject: (abolition-usa) Top Ten Reasons the US Should Keep Nuclear Weapons - --============_-1226234607==_ma============ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed" Top Ten Reasons the US Should Keep Nuclear Weapons By Carah Ong o Having "smart bombs" is better than having "smart kids." o Not everyone in the US really NEEDS healthcare. o No one needs shelter in a nuclear winter. o What good is to be the most powerful country in world if you can't destroy it many times over? o The radioactive legacy of the Nuclear Age will give cancer researchers, doctors and environmentalists indefinite job security. o Since when did threatening indiscriminate mass murder become immoral? o Long-term, high-risk, expensive ($5.8 trillion on nuclear weapons to date) investments ALWAYS have a good return. o There are many mammals on the endangered species list, humans might as well be one of them. o Why cooperate with other countries when you can bomb them if you don't get your way? o Incineration, radiation poisoning and cancer aren't really bad ways to die. - --============_-1226234607==_ma============ Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Top Ten Reasons the US Should Keep Nuclear Weapons
Top Ten Reasons the US Should Keep Nuclear Weapons
By Carah Ong

Having "smart bombs" is better than having "smart kids."
Not everyone in the US really NEEDS healthcare.
No one needs shelter in a nuclear winter.
What good is to be the most powerful country in world if you can't destroy it many times over?
The radioactive legacy of the Nuclear Age will give cancer researchers, doctors and environmentalists indefinite job security.
Since when did threatening indiscriminate mass murder become immoral?
Long-term, high-risk, expensive ($5.8 trillion on nuclear weapons to date) investments ALWAYS have a good return.
There are many mammals on the endangered species list, humans might as well be one of them.
Why cooperate with other countries when you can bomb them if you don't get your way?
o  Incineration, radiation poisoning and cancer aren't really bad ways to die.
- --============_-1226234607==_ma============-- - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 15:44:06 -0500 From: Kevin Martin Subject: (abolition-usa) announcement re new Disarmament Clearinghouse Director - --------------1B069CA93BAF131E3515BC8E Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by id f2TKgv111749 Dear Friends of Project Abolition and the Disarmament Clearinghouse, We are pleased to announce that Kathy Crandall has been hired as the new Director of the Disarmament Clearinghouse, effective April 2. Kathy currently serves as a Program Associate in the Washington, DC office of the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability. In addition to over five years of work in the D.C. disarmament community, Kathy was a grassroots activist in Washington State in the early and mid 1990s. You may remember Kathy served as the Disarmament Clearinghouse Coordinator from July 1996 to March 1999. The job has changed, as has the focus of the Clearinghouse, which has formed a strategic partnership with Project Abolition. The Clearinghouse, based in the Washington, DC in the offices of Physicians for Social Responsibility, will now focus on legislative initiatives. Kathy will help coordinate congressional and executive branch education on legislative initiatives related to nuclear disarmament, and serve as a legislative information resource for grassroots activists. Project Abolition, headquartered in Goshen, Indiana works with its seven member national organizations and local grassroots groups to strategically build the movement for the global elimination of nuclear weapons. One of Kathy=92s first projects will be to help coordinate the Project Abolition/Disarmament Clearinghouse Congressional Education Days June 11 and 12 in Washington. (Information on this event is available at Kathy is a graduate of Earlham College in Indiana and received a J.D. from the University of Colorado School of Law. We are very glad to have her, and are sure you will be too. Kathy=92s email address will be and her phone number will be 202/898-0150. Kevin Martin Director Project Abolition Martin Butcher Director of Security Programs Physicians for Social Responsibility - --------------1B069CA93BAF131E3515BC8E Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by id f2TKgv111749 Dear Friends of Project Abolition and the Disarmament Clearinghouse,<= /tt>

We are pleased to announce that Kathy Crandall has been hired as the new Director of the Disarmament Clearinghouse, effective April 2.&nbs= p; Kathy currently serves as a Program Associate in the Washington, DC offic= e of the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability. In addition to over five year= s of work in the D.C. disarmament community, Kathy was a grassroots activis= t in Washington State in the early and mid 1990s.

You may remember Kathy served as the Disarmament Clearinghouse Coo= rdinator from July 1996 to March 1999.  The job has changed, as has the focus of the Clearinghouse, which has formed a strategic partnership with Proje= ct Abolition.

The Clearinghouse, based in the Washington, DC in the offices of Physicians for Social Responsibility, will now focus on legislative initi= atives.  Kathy will help coordinate congressional and executive branch education on legislative initiatives related to nuclear disarmament, and serve as a legislative information resource for grassroots activists.

Project Abolition, headquartered in Goshen, Indiana works with its seven member national organizations and local grassroots groups to strate= gically build the movement for the global elimination of nuclear weapons.

One of Kathy=92s first projects will be to help coordinate the Pro= ject Abolition/Disarmament Clearinghouse Congressional Education Days June 11 and 12 in Washington. (Information on this event is available at www.proj=

Kathy is a graduate of Earlham College in Indiana and received a J.D. from the University of Colorado School of Law. We are very glad to have her, and are sure you will be too.  Kathy=92s email address wil= l be and her phone number will be 202/898-0150.

Kevin Martin
Project Abolition

Martin Butcher
Director of Security Programs
Physicians for Social Responsibility
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