From: (abolition-usa-digest) To: Subject: abolition-usa-digest V1 #455 Reply-To: abolition-usa-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk abolition-usa-digest Saturday, July 28 2001 Volume 01 : Number 455 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2001 18:27:23 -0700 From: (marylia) Subject: (abolition-usa) NIF "Soaring Cost" report on web AND IT'S AVAILABLE ON TRI-VALLEY CAREs' WEB SITE. READ ON... The Department of Energy (DOE) is keeping the full cost of its largest construction project from Congress and the American people. Tri-Valley CAREs latest report reveals $1.5 billion in hidden costs of building the National Ignition Facility (NIF) mega-laser. That increases its price tag from DOE's current estimate of $3.5 billion to $5 billion. DOE originally told Congress the facility would be built for just $1.1 billion. The report titled, "Soaring Cost, Shrinking Performance: The Status of the National Ignition Facility" was written by Dr. Robert Civiak, who spent 10 years as the federal Office of Management and Budget Program Examiner for DOE's nuclear weapons programs, including the NIF. * THE FULL REPORT CAN BE DOWNLOADED FROM OUR WEB SITE AT * OR, YOU MAY ORDER A PAPER COPY FROM OUR OFFICE. Construction spending is just the tip of the NIF iceberg. The study reveals that a full account of the cost to build and operate NIF would come to $32 billion -- six times DOE's original estimate. Even at that price, the NIF is not assured of ever meeting its design specifications. The report documents several serious technical problems, which DOE has yet to resolve, despite years of effort. The report was commissioned by Tri-Valley CAREs, a citizens group located in Livermore, California, where the NIF is being built at DOE's Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Tri-Valley CAREs funded the study after DOE ignored numerous calls for an independent assessment of the NIF. The soaring cost and shrinking performance of the NIF reduces its cost effectiveness by a factor of nine and strengthens the argument that the facility is not worth its huge price tag. We request your help to stop this financially wasteful and proliferation-provocative new nuclear weapons project. Contact us for more information. And, enjoy our report! Peace, Marylia Kelley To order: Marylia Kelley Executive Director, Tri-Valley CAREs (Communities Against a Radioactive Environment) 2582 Old First Street Livermore, CA 94550 Phone: 1-925-443-7148 Fax: 1-925-443-0177 Web site: - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2001 22:16:58 EDT From: Subject: (abolition-usa) Re: [abolition-caucus] Fwd: New Article: Democracy on its - --part1_95.df4252f.2892291a_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit It is absolute rubbish to think that this analysis is correct in the USA. Their is a huge difference on numerous social policy issues between parties. There is a huge difference on support of treaties, international institutions, social security, health care, public education, the role of religion and environmental responsibility. Clinton did not have the support of the Congress or the military. Yet, progress in many areas of our society was made. The "left" has been decimated. It is not in touch with the concerns of working people, especially on values issues. And working people are not sensitized to security and environmental issues at all. That is clearly because of the dominance of the media of economic interests. But, look how the right organized in and through the churches on numerous social policy issues. They learned this from the progressive organizing in the churches during the civil rights movements. Statistically 7 out of 10 regular church going people voted for Bush. Is he so moral? Is he so spiritual? Why? Did he represent their economic interests? Did he appeal to their class identity? These issues must be soberly answered. Nader's policies were much more in sync with the interests of working people, yet, he did not stimulate their passions. Why? Was Bush so charismatic? Certainly both parties support corporate dominance of the market place and thus disproportionate adherence to the desires of a small group in political decision making. However, the Democrats currently still put other values into the equation and those values are worth keeping. Jonathan Granoff - --part1_95.df4252f.2892291a_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit It is absolute rubbish to think that this analysis is correct in the USA.
Their is a huge difference on numerous social policy issues between parties.
There is a huge difference on support of treaties, international
institutions, social security, health care, public education, the role of
religion and environmental responsibility. Clinton did not have the support
of the Congress or the military. Yet, progress in many areas of our society
was made.

The "left" has been decimated. It is not in touch with the concerns of
working people, especially on values issues. And working people are not
sensitized to security and environmental issues at all. That is clearly
because of the dominance of the media of economic interests. But, look how
the right organized in and through the churches on numerous social policy
issues. They learned this from the progressive organizing in the churches
during the civil rights movements. Statistically 7 out of 10 regular church
going people voted for Bush. Is he so moral? Is he so spiritual? Why? Did he
represent their economic interests? Did he appeal to their class identity?
These issues must be soberly answered. Nader's policies were much more in
sync with the interests of working people, yet, he did not stimulate their
passions. Why? Was Bush so charismatic?

Certainly both parties support corporate dominance of the market place and
thus disproportionate adherence to the desires of a small group in political
decision making. However, the Democrats currently still put other values into
the equation and those values are worth keeping.

Jonathan Granoff
- --part1_95.df4252f.2892291a_boundary-- - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2001 22:48:37 -0400 From: "Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space" Subject: Re: (abolition-usa) Action Alert on Missile Defense My question is about Theatre Missile Defense? It is my understanding that TMD is not banned by the ABM Treaty. Instead of only asking Congress to withhold support for weapons technologies that would violate the ABM Treaty, we need to be opposing all of it. Just because something does not violate the ABM Treaty does not make it ok. The ABM Treaty was a limited vehicle -- it does not cover all these systems. We need to oppose the whole $8.3 billion package Bush is requesting for BMDO. We need to oppose all research and development for every part of Star Wars. TMD systems will be just as provacative as NMD in the end. China will be surrounded by TMD systems and will be forced to escalate their nuclear arsenal and the peace movement will be scratching their heads wondering how it all happened. TMD must be opposed as well. How come few in the U.S. mention it? Peace movements in the Middle East and Asian Pacific region seem to understand the importance of TMD. Please talk with your local groups about this ignoring of TMD in the suggested legislative strategy for Washington lobbying. Bruce K. Gagnon Coordinator Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space PO Box 90083 Gainesville, FL. 32607 (352) 337-9274 - ----- Original Message ----- From: David Culp To: Abolition USA (E-mail) Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 6:47 PM Subject: (abolition-usa) Action Alert on Missile Defense > Dear Friends -- > > Below is FCNL's recent action alert on missile defense. Links to background > material and to sample letters to Congress are in the alert. > > Feel free to use, modify or adapt the alert for your own use. > > Sincerely, > > David Culp > Friends Committee on National Legislation > > ----------------------------------------- > > > FCNL LEGISLATIVE ACTION MESSAGE - July 26th, 2001 > > The following action items from the Friends Committee on National > Legislation (FCNL) focus on federal policy issues currently before Congress > or the Administration as of July 26th, 2001. > > TOPICS: MISSILE DEFENSE > > MISSILE DEFENSE: Next week, the House Armed Services Committee is expected > to consider the 2002 Defense Authorization bill which includes authorization > for missile defense program activities. The bill is likely to include > provisions authorizing activities which would violate the terms of the > Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) treaty with Russia and accelerate research, > development and deployment of a missile defense system. The Bush > administration has announced its intention to either terminate the ABM > treaty with Russia's consent or, barring this, unilaterally withdraw from > the treaty sometime over the next several months. The President has also > proposed a dramatic 57% ($3 billion) increase in spending on missile defense > research, development and deployment for FY2002, which, if enacted would > raise total missile defense spending to $8.3 billion. The Senate will > consider the Defense Authorization bill in September. > > ACTION: Please contact your legislators today, especially if they serve on > the House or Senate Armed Services Committee. Urge them to oppose any > provisions in the Defense Department Authorization bill which would > authorize missile defense program activities that violate the ABM treaty. > The U.S. should not rush to deploy a missile defense system that would > undermine international arms control and disarmament efforts. Please > contact your senators or organize delegations to meet with your senators to > discuss these concerns over the August and Labor Day recess. > > You can use FCNL's web site to find out if your senators or representative > are on the Senate or House Armed Services Committees. Click on the link > below, enter your zip code in the appropriate box, and click . Scroll > down to the bottom of the page and find your senators and representative. > Under their names, click on . Committee information is listed under > the heading . Here is the link: > . You can also contact Peter > Morscheck at FCNL, via email at or via telephone at (202) > 547-6000 x 115. > > USE FCNL'S WEB SITE TO MAKE LETTER-WRITING EASIER: Start with the sample > letter posted in our Legislative Action Center, personalize the language, > then send your message as an email directly from our site or print it out > and mail it. To view a sample letter, click on the link below. Then enter > your zip code and click in the box. Here is the > link . > > BACKGROUND: Last week, the Bush Administration announced that U.S. missile > defense research and development (R&D) activities over the next several > months will likely bring the U.S. out of compliance with the ABM treaty. > This week, the Administration indicated that it hopes the Russians will > agree to abandon the treaty with the U.S., but that the Administration plans > to move ahead aggressively with its missile defense program whether the > Russians agree or not. The Administration wants to complete construction > of a missile defense interceptor site at Fort Greeley, Alaska by 2004. It > plans to begin clearing trees at the site this fall (which would not violate > the ABM treaty), and it would begin pouring concrete next spring (which > would violate the treaty). The treaty requires that the U.S. or Russia give > 6 months formal notice to the other party before withdrawing from the > treaty. However, the Bush Administration has not yet given this notice to > the Russians. > > It is uncertain how the Russians will respond. Last week, following the > meeting between Presidents Bush and Putin, the Russians indicated they would > be willing to negotiate a new agreement on missile defenses. However, the > Bush Administration indicated that it had no interest in revising the treaty > or negotiating a new formal agreement. Instead, the Administration is > seeking to continue high level consultations with Russia through which they > hope to achieve informal agreement that both countries will simply withdraw > from the treaty. > > The Administration is proposing to expedite deployment of a missile defense > system and expand R&D despite serious questions about the justification, > efficacy, cost, and reliability of such a system. For example: > > * There is little credible threat of a ballistic missile attack from > countries such as North Korea, Iraq, or Iran, and these improbable threats > can be reduced further and at much less cost through bilateral and > multilateral diplomatic initiatives and verifiable arms control agreements. > > * Governments around the world, especially in Europe and East Asia are > concerned that U.S. missile defense plans will undermine global arms control > and disarmament efforts. > > * An accelerated missile defense program is virtually certain to lead China > to increase the number of nuclear weapons pointed at U.S. cities and may > discourage Russia from making deep cuts in its arsenal. > > * After over thirty years and over $100 billion of research and development, > engineers have yet to design a missile defense system that will work under > realistic conditions. > > * Finally, the Bush administration has yet to provide full details to > Congress or the American people about what it is they plan to build, how > much it will cost, or how they will pay for it. > > Expensive, high-tech weapons are no substitute for effective diplomacy, arms > control, disarmament, and international cooperation. Cooperative > international arms control and disarmament agreements will be far more > effective in advancing peace and security in the years ahead and will cost > far less than a missile shield. > > The Bush Administration has tried to present missile defense as a moral > imperative for the country. However, we at FCNL believe that the true moral > imperative is not to build yet another expensive, provocative, new weapon > system, but to reduce the threat of nuclear war and accidental catastrophe > through arms control, disarmament, and international cooperation. U.S. > leadership is needed now to stop another arms race before it begins. > > Toward that end, the U.S. should: > * immediately de-alert U.S. nuclear weapons and encourage Russia to do the > same; > * sharply reduce the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile; > * provide assistance and incentives to Russia and others to safely dispose > of weapons of mass destruction, to halt the export of related technologies > and weapons, and to redirect weapons industries to peaceful purposes; > * provide positive incentives to North Korea to permanently halt its > ballistic missile program; and > * vigorously pursue negotiations in good faith on effective measures to > rapidly reduce and eliminate nuclear weapons stockpiles and other weapons of > mass destruction. > > For more background information on missile defense, please see FCNL's web > site . > > CONTACTING LEGISLATORS > > Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121 > > Sen. ________ > U.S. Senate > Washington, DC 20510 > > Rep. ________ > U.S. House of Representatives > Washington, DC 20515 > > Information on your members is available on FCNL's web site: > > > CONTACTING THE ADMINISTRATION > > White House Comment Desk: 202-456-1111 > FAX: 202-456-2461 > E-MAIL: > WEB PAGE: > > President George W. Bush > The White House > Washington, DC 20500 > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > This message supplements other FCNL materials and does not reflect FCNL's > complete policy position on any issue. For further information, please > contact FCNL. > > Mail: 245 Second Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-5795 > Email: > Phone: (202) 547-6000 > Toll Free: (800) 630-1330 > Fax: (202) 547-6019 > Web: > > Your contributions sustain our Quaker witness in Washington. We welcome > your gifts to FCNL, or, if you need a tax deduction, to the FCNL Education > Fund. You can use your credit card to donate money securely to FCNL through > a special page on FCNL's web site > FCNL also accepts credit card donations over the phone. For more > information about donating, please contact the Development Team directly at > Thank you. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > This message may be found regularly on FCNL's web site > where a printer-friendly version is available and on PeaceNet in the > fcnl.updates conference. > > This message is distributed regularly via the fcnl-news mailing list. To > subscribe to this list, send an e-mail message to > > > > Leave the subject line blank. The message should read > > subscribe fcnl-news > > Please Note: Make sure that you are sending this message from the e-mail > address to which you would like fcnl-news materials to be sent. > > If you currently receive this message via the fcnl-news mailing list and are > no longer interested in receiving messages from this list, send an e-mail > message to > > > > The message should read > > unsubscribe fcnl-news > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > We seek a world free of war and the threat of war > We seek a society with equity and justice for all > We seek a community where every person's potential may be fulfilled > We seek an earth restored... > > - > To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" > with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. > - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2001 11:12:43 -0400 From: ASlater Subject: Re: [globenet] Re: (abolition-usa) Action Alert on Missile Defense Dear Friends, In addition to opposing the whole $8.3 billion package Bush is requesting for Star Wars and all the research and development for every part of it, we also need to push for negotiations on a treaty to ban every type of missile and to keep space for peace. Unless we present a positive alternative, we will have a hard time arguing "just say no." There is a new Abolition Working Group and a Beyond Missile Defense Study Group formed by INESAP and the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation to work on the technical requirements for monitoring and verifying a missile ban. Keep an eye out for reports that we can use to propose positive alternatives. In the meantime, I refer you to articles by Jurgen Scheffran on a missile ban at and by Andrew Lichterman on a missile ban at Regards, Alice At 10:48 PM 7/26/2001 -0400, wrote: >My question is about Theatre Missile Defense? It is my understanding that >TMD is not banned by the ABM Treaty. Instead of only asking Congress to >withhold support for weapons technologies that would violate the ABM >Treaty, >we need to be opposing all of it. Just because something does not violate >the ABM Treaty does not make it ok. The ABM Treaty was a limited vehicle >-- >it does not cover all these systems. > >We need to oppose the whole $8.3 billion package Bush is requesting for >BMDO. We need to oppose all research and development for every part of >Star >Wars. TMD systems will be just as provacative as NMD in the end. China >will be surrounded by TMD systems and will be forced to escalate their >nuclear arsenal and the peace movement will be scratching their heads >wondering how it all happened. TMD must be opposed as well. How come few >in the U.S. mention it? > >Peace movements in the Middle East and Asian Pacific region seem to >understand the importance of TMD. Please talk with your local groups about >this ignoring of TMD in the suggested legislative strategy for Washington >lobbying. > >Bruce K. Gagnon >Coordinator >Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space >PO Box 90083 >Gainesville, FL. 32607 >(352) 337-9274 > > > > >----- Original Message ----- >From: David Culp >To: Abolition USA (E-mail) >Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 6:47 PM >Subject: (abolition-usa) Action Alert on Missile Defense > > >>> Dear Friends -- >>> >>> Below is FCNL's recent action alert on missile defense. Links to >background >>> material and to sample letters to Congress are in the alert. >>> >>> Feel free to use, modify or adapt the alert for your own use. >>> >>> Sincerely, >>> >>> David Culp >>> Friends Committee on National Legislation >>> >>> ----------------------------------------- >>> >>> >>> FCNL LEGISLATIVE ACTION MESSAGE - July 26th, 2001 >>> >>> The following action items from the Friends Committee on National >>> Legislation (FCNL) focus on federal policy issues currently before >Congress >>> or the Administration as of July 26th, 2001. >>> >>> TOPICS: MISSILE DEFENSE >>> >>> MISSILE DEFENSE: Next week, the House Armed Services Committee is >>expected >>> to consider the 2002 Defense Authorization bill which includes >authorization >>> for missile defense program activities. The bill is likely to include >>> provisions authorizing activities which would violate the terms of the >>> Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) treaty with Russia and accelerate research, >>> development and deployment of a missile defense system. The Bush >>> administration has announced its intention to either terminate the ABM >>> treaty with Russia's consent or, barring this, unilaterally withdraw >>from >>> the treaty sometime over the next several months. The President has >>also >>> proposed a dramatic 57% ($3 billion) increase in spending on missile >defense >>> research, development and deployment for FY2002, which, if enacted would >>> raise total missile defense spending to $8.3 billion. The Senate will >>> consider the Defense Authorization bill in September. >>> >>> ACTION: Please contact your legislators today, especially if they serve >>on >>> the House or Senate Armed Services Committee. Urge them to oppose any >>> provisions in the Defense Department Authorization bill which would >>> authorize missile defense program activities that violate the ABM >>treaty. >>> The U.S. should not rush to deploy a missile defense system that would >>> undermine international arms control and disarmament efforts. Please >>> contact your senators or organize delegations to meet with your senators >to >>> discuss these concerns over the August and Labor Day recess. >>> >>> You can use FCNL's web site to find out if your senators or >>representative >>> are on the Senate or House Armed Services Committees. Click on the link >>> below, enter your zip code in the appropriate box, and click . >>Scroll >>> down to the bottom of the page and find your senators and >>representative. >>> Under their names, click on . Committee information is listed >>under >>> the heading . Here is the link: >>> . You can also contact Peter >>> Morscheck at FCNL, via email at or via telephone at (202) >>> 547-6000 x 115. >>> >>> USE FCNL'S WEB SITE TO MAKE LETTER-WRITING EASIER: Start with the >>sample >>> letter posted in our Legislative Action Center, personalize the >>language, >>> then send your message as an email directly from our site or print it >>out >>> and mail it. To view a sample letter, click on the link below. Then >>enter >>> your zip code and click in the box. Here is the >>> link >>. >>> >>> BACKGROUND: Last week, the Bush Administration announced that U.S. >missile >>> defense research and development (R&D) activities over the next several >>> months will likely bring the U.S. out of compliance with the ABM treaty. >>> This week, the Administration indicated that it hopes the Russians will >>> agree to abandon the treaty with the U.S., but that the Administration >plans >>> to move ahead aggressively with its missile defense program whether the >>> Russians agree or not. The Administration wants to complete >>construction >>> of a missile defense interceptor site at Fort Greeley, Alaska by 2004. >>It >>> plans to begin clearing trees at the site this fall (which would not >violate >>> the ABM treaty), and it would begin pouring concrete next spring (which >>> would violate the treaty). The treaty requires that the U.S. or Russia >give >>> 6 months formal notice to the other party before withdrawing from the >>> treaty. However, the Bush Administration has not yet given this notice >to >>> the Russians. >>> >>> It is uncertain how the Russians will respond. Last week, following the >>> meeting between Presidents Bush and Putin, the Russians indicated they >would >>> be willing to negotiate a new agreement on missile defenses. However, >>the >>> Bush Administration indicated that it had no interest in revising the >treaty >>> or negotiating a new formal agreement. Instead, the Administration is >>> seeking to continue high level consultations with Russia through which >they >>> hope to achieve informal agreement that both countries will simply >withdraw >>> from the treaty. >>> >>> The Administration is proposing to expedite deployment of a missile >defense >>> system and expand R&D despite serious questions about the justification, >>> efficacy, cost, and reliability of such a system. For example: >>> >>> * There is little credible threat of a ballistic missile attack from >>> countries such as North Korea, Iraq, or Iran, and these improbable >>threats >>> can be reduced further and at much less cost through bilateral and >>> multilateral diplomatic initiatives and verifiable arms control >agreements. >>> >>> * Governments around the world, especially in Europe and East Asia are >>> concerned that U.S. missile defense plans will undermine global arms >control >>> and disarmament efforts. >>> >>> * An accelerated missile defense program is virtually certain to lead >China >>> to increase the number of nuclear weapons pointed at U.S. cities and may >>> discourage Russia from making deep cuts in its arsenal. >>> >>> * After over thirty years and over $100 billion of research and >development, >>> engineers have yet to design a missile defense system that will work >>under >>> realistic conditions. >>> >>> * Finally, the Bush administration has yet to provide full details to >>> Congress or the American people about what it is they plan to build, how >>> much it will cost, or how they will pay for it. >>> >>> Expensive, high-tech weapons are no substitute for effective diplomacy, >arms >>> control, disarmament, and international cooperation. Cooperative >>> international arms control and disarmament agreements will be far more >>> effective in advancing peace and security in the years ahead and will >>cost >>> far less than a missile shield. >>> >>> The Bush Administration has tried to present missile defense as a moral >>> imperative for the country. However, we at FCNL believe that the true >moral >>> imperative is not to build yet another expensive, provocative, new >>weapon >>> system, but to reduce the threat of nuclear war and accidental >>catastrophe >>> through arms control, disarmament, and international cooperation. U.S. >>> leadership is needed now to stop another arms race before it begins. >>> >>> Toward that end, the U.S. should: >>> * immediately de-alert U.S. nuclear weapons and encourage Russia to do >>the >>> same; >>> * sharply reduce the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile; >>> * provide assistance and incentives to Russia and others to safely >>dispose >>> of weapons of mass destruction, to halt the export of related >>technologies >>> and weapons, and to redirect weapons industries to peaceful purposes; >>> * provide positive incentives to North Korea to permanently halt its >>> ballistic missile program; and >>> * vigorously pursue negotiations in good faith on effective measures to >>> rapidly reduce and eliminate nuclear weapons stockpiles and other >>weapons >of >>> mass destruction. >>> >>> For more background information on missile defense, please see FCNL's >>web >>> site . >>> >>> CONTACTING LEGISLATORS >>> >>> Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121 >>> >>> Sen. ________ >>> U.S. Senate >>> Washington, DC 20510 >>> >>> Rep. ________ >>> U.S. House of Representatives >>> Washington, DC 20515 >>> >>> Information on your members is available on FCNL's web site: >>> >>> >>> CONTACTING THE ADMINISTRATION >>> >>> White House Comment Desk: 202-456-1111 >>> FAX: 202-456-2461 >>> E-MAIL: >>> WEB PAGE: >>> >>> President George W. Bush >>> The White House >>> Washington, DC 20500 >>> ----------------------------------------------------------------- >>> This message supplements other FCNL materials and does not reflect >>FCNL's >>> complete policy position on any issue. For further information, please >>> contact FCNL. >>> >>> Mail: 245 Second Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-5795 >>> Email: >>> Phone: (202) 547-6000 >>> Toll Free: (800) 630-1330 >>> Fax: (202) 547-6019 >>> Web: >>> >>> Your contributions sustain our Quaker witness in Washington. We welcome >>> your gifts to FCNL, or, if you need a tax deduction, to the FCNL >>Education >>> Fund. You can use your credit card to donate money securely to FCNL >through >>> a special page on FCNL's web site >>> FCNL also accepts credit card donations over the phone. For more >>> information about donating, please contact the Development Team directly >at >>> Thank you. >>> ----------------------------------------------------------------- >>> This message may be found regularly on FCNL's web site >> >>> where a printer-friendly version is available and on PeaceNet in the >>> fcnl.updates conference. >>> >>> This message is distributed regularly via the fcnl-news mailing list. >>To >>> subscribe to this list, send an e-mail message to >>> >>> >>> >>> Leave the subject line blank. The message should read >>> >>> subscribe fcnl-news >>> >>> Please Note: Make sure that you are sending this message from the e-mail >>> address to which you would like fcnl-news materials to be sent. >>> >>> If you currently receive this message via the fcnl-news mailing list and >are >>> no longer interested in receiving messages from this list, send an >>e-mail >>> message to >>> >>> >>> >>> The message should read >>> >>> unsubscribe fcnl-news >>> ----------------------------------------------------------------- >>> We seek a world free of war and the threat of war >>> We seek a society with equity and justice for all >>> We seek a community where every person's potential may be fulfilled >>> We seek an earth restored... >>> >>> - >>> To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to >"" >>> with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. >>> For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send >>> "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. >>> > > >------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ---------------------~--> >Small business owners... >Tell us what you think! > >---------------------------------------------------------------------~-> > >To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > > >Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > Alice Slater Global Resource Action Center for the Environment (GRACE) 15 East 26th Street, Room 915 New York, NY 10010 tel: (212) 726-9161 fax: (212) 726-9160 email: GRACE is a member of Abolition 2000, a global network for the elimination nuclear weapons. - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Jul 2001 00:20:52 -0700 From: Tim Bruening Subject: (abolition-usa) Star Wars Sample Letters Dear Abolition Caucus: Do you have any sample letters on the Star Wars Lobby, or just on Star Wars? Below is my sample letter. How can I improve it? The Bush Administration is hell-bent on deploying a missile defense system, and has requested a $3 billion increase in the missile defense budget to $8.3 billion, in spite of the following facts: I. Only two of the past five tests have been successful, and the tests have involved only one simple decoy, as opposed to the multiple decoys in a real life attack. II. It would cost over $100 billion over the next 20 years. III. The Russians and Chinese have repeatedly warned that the deployment of a U.S. missile defense system would prompt them to increase their nuclear arsenals, thus triggering a renewed nuclear arms race. I call on the great reporters of the great Sacramento Bee to investigate the people who are lobbying for a missile defense system. Are they manipulating U.S. defense policy for their personal gain? Below are some of the leaders of the "Star Wars Lobby": Frank Gaffney: He is the founder and Executive Director of the Center for Security Policy, founded in 1988. The center pours out a steady steam of propaganda designed to convince Americans that A) The Chinese are about to launch an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) attack on the U.S. (The Chinese have only 20 intercontinental missiles) and that B) The North Koreans are about to do the same (They don't have any nuclear missiles!) and that C) Only a missile defense system can defend us, and such a system is affordable and dependable (Actually, it is still far from proven effective). Among its funders are defense contractors McDonnell Douglas, Northrop Grumman, TRW, Lockheed Martin; right-wing foundations such as the Smith Foundation, Sara Scaife, and the Coors foundations, and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld: Formally the Chairman of the Commission on the Ballistic Missile Threat to the United States (Rumsfeld Commission I), and the Chairman of the Commission to Assess United States National Security Space Management and Organization (Rumsfeld II). After the CIA concluded in 1997 that there was no imminent threat of a ballistic missile attack against the U.S., Congress set up the first Rumsfeld commission. In 1998, the Rumsfeld Commission, by assessing the ballistic missile threat in terms of worst case scenarios, and by giving no weight at all to the considerable difficulties in deploying ICBMs, was able to conclude in 1998 that the ballistic missile "threat to the U.S. is broader, more mature, and evolving more rapidly" than the CIA had estimated, and that such third tier powers as North Korea and Iran could develop ICBMs within 5 years of a decision to do so. For more information, please contact Sacramento-Yolo Peace Action (909 12th Street #118, Sacramento, CA 95814; 916-448-7157;, and the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space ( Sincerely, Timothy Bruening 1439 Brown Drive Davis, CA 95616 - - To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Jul 2001 09:09:02 +0000 From: Carol Wolman Subject: Re: (abolition-usa) Star Wars Sample Letters - --------------B63B326C54C470E91F843ACB Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by id f6SGD8L14125 Dear Tim, The first objection to Star Wars is that it violates the ABM = and Outer Space treaties, and undermines the international arms control treat= y structure that has successfully prevented nuclear war for the past 30 yea= rs. It takes away our security, and provides no replacement. Our group has been using a short letter to Congress, with 12 liines at th= e bottom for signatures, addresses, and email addresses (for our mailing li= st). We have collected hundreds of signatures and FAX them in to our Senators = and Representatives at crucial times- just before a hearing or a vote. You a= re welcome to use it. Peace, Carol Here it is: To all members of Congress- Please cancel all funding for a national missile defense program and oppo= se any bills that would further the development and deployment of a missile shie= ld or weapons in space. These schemes would violate the ABM treaty, destabiliz= e the international arms control structure that has prevented nuclear war for t= he past 40 years, and lead to a dangerous new arms race. They would make us= less secure, not more! At best, missile defense would be a leaky umbrella. It can never be 100% effective, and since even one nuclear strike against the US is unacceptab= le, it is useless, a boondoggle for the military industrial complex that Eisenho= wer warned us against. It does not address the real terrorist threat of a su= itcase bomb. Advocacy of missile defense by the Bush administration has already raised international tensions significantly and cost us our seat on the UN Human Rights Commission This talk is leading to alliances among other nuclear nations against us. Missile defense would increase the danger that =93rogue nations=94 will g= et nuclear capability, by undermining the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Very likely, it= would lead to a new arms race with Russia, China or both united. It might even provoke a pre-emptive first strike against us before a missile shield is = in place. Please do everything you can to stop this nefarious scheme. Name Address email - ---------------------____________________________________________________= ___________ Tim Bruening wrote: > Dear Abolition Caucus: > > Do you have any sample letters on the Star Wars Lobby, or just on Star > Wars? Below is my sample letter. How can I improve it? > > The Bush Administration is hell-bent on deploying a missile defense > system, > and has requested a $3 billion increase in the missile defense budget t= o > > $8.3 billion, in spite of the following facts: > > I. Only two of the past five tests have been successful, and the tests > have involved only one simple decoy, as opposed to the multiple decoys > in a real life attack. > > II. It would cost over $100 billion over the next 20 years. > > III. The Russians and Chinese have repeatedly warned that the deploymen= t > > of a U.S. missile defense system would prompt them to increase their > nuclear arsenals, thus triggering a renewed nuclear arms race. > > I call on the great reporters of the great Sacramento Bee to investigat= e > > the people who are lobbying for a missile defense system. Are they > manipulating U.S. defense policy for their personal gain? Below are > some of the leaders of the "Star Wars Lobby": > > Frank Gaffney: He is the founder and Executive Director of the Center > for Security Policy, founded in 1988. The center pours out a steady > steam of propaganda designed to convince Americans that A) The Chinese > are about to launch an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) attack > on the U.S. (The Chinese have only 20 intercontinental missiles) and > that B) The North Koreans are about to do the same (They don't have any > nuclear missiles!) and that C) Only a missile defense system can defend > us, and such a system is affordable and dependable (Actually, it is > still far from proven effective). Among its funders are defense > contractors McDonnell Douglas, Northrop Grumman, TRW, Lockheed Martin; > right-wing foundations such as the Smith Foundation, Sara Scaife, and > the Coors foundations, and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. > > Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld: Formally the Chairman of the > Commission on the Ballistic Missile Threat to the United States > (Rumsfeld Commission I), and the Chairman of the Commission to Assess > United States National Security Space Management and Organization > (Rumsfeld II). After the CIA concluded in 1997 that there was no > imminent threat of a ballistic missile attack against the U.S., Congres= s > > set up the first Rumsfeld commission. In 1998, the Rumsfeld Commission= , > > by assessing the ballistic missile threat in terms of worst case > scenarios, and by giving no weight at all to the considerable > difficulties in deploying ICBMs, was able to conclude in 1998 that the > ballistic missile "threat to the U.S. is broader, more mature, and > evolving more rapidly" than the CIA had estimated, and that such third > tier powers as North Korea and Iran could develop ICBMs within 5 years > of a decision to do so. > > For more information, please contact Sacramento-Yolo Peace Action (909 > 12th Street #118, Sacramento, CA 95814; 916-448-7157; >, > and the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space > ( > > Sincerely, > > Timothy Bruening > 1439 Brown Drive > Davis, CA 95616 > > - > To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "majordomo@xmission.= com" > with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message. > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. - --------------B63B326C54C470E91F843ACB Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by id f6SGD8L14125 Dear Tim,   The first objection to Star Wars is that it violate= s the ABM and Outer Space treaties, and undermines the international arms control treaty structure that has successfully prevented nuclear war for the past 30 years.  It takes away our security, and provides no repl= acement.

Our group has been using a short letter to Congress, with 12 liines at the bottom for signatures, addresses, and email addresses (for our mai= ling list).  We have collected hundreds of signatures and FAX them in to our Senators and Representatives at crucial times- just before a hearing or a vote.  You are welcome to use it.
           &nb= sp;           &nbs= p;     Peace,  Carol
Here it is:

To all members of Congress-

Please cancel all funding for a nati= onal missile defense program and oppose any bills that would further the devel= opment and deployment of a missile shield or weapons in space.  These schem= es would violate the ABM treaty, destabilize the international arms control structure that has prevented nuclear war for the past 40 years, and lead to a dangerous new arms race.  They would make us less secure, not more!

At best, missile defense would be a leaky umbrella.  It can never be 100% effective, and since even one nuclear strike against the US is unacceptable, it is useless, a boondoggl= e for the military industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us against.&nb= sp; It does not address the real terrorist threat of a suitcase bomb.<= /b>

Advocacy of missile defense by the B= ush administration has already raised international tensions significantly and cost us our seat on the UN Human Rights Commission   This talk is leading to alliances among other nuclear nations against us.

Missile defense would increase the d= anger that =93rogue nations=94 will get nuclear capability, by undermining the = Non-Proliferation Treaty.  Very likely, it would lead to a new arms race with Russia, China or both united.  It might even provoke a pre-emptive first str= ike against us before a missile shield is in place.

Please do everything you can to stop this nefarious scheme.

Name     &n= bsp;           &nb= sp;           &nbs= p;        Address           =             &= nbsp;           &n= bsp;          email

---------------------_______________= ________________________________________________

Tim Bruening wrote:

Dear Abolition Caucus:

Do you have any sample letters on the Star Wars Lobby, or just on Star
Wars?  Below is my sample letter.  How can I improve it?

The Bush Administration is hell-bent on deploying a missile defense
and has requested a $3 billion increase in the missile defense budget to

$8.3 billion, in spite of the following facts:

I. Only two of the past five tests have been successful, and the tests
have involved only one simple decoy, as opposed to the multiple decoy= s
in a real life attack.

II. It would cost over $100 billion over the next 20 years.

III. The Russians and Chinese have repeatedly warned that the deployme= nt

of a U.S. missile defense system would prompt them to increase their
nuclear arsenals, thus triggering a renewed nuclear arms race.

I call on the great reporters of the great Sacramento Bee to investiga= te

the people who are lobbying for a missile defense system.  Are they
manipulating U.S. defense policy for their personal gain?  Below are
some of the leaders of the "Star Wars Lobby":

Frank Gaffney:  He is the founder and Executive Director of the Center
for Security Policy, founded in 1988.  The center pours out a steady
steam of propaganda designed to convince Americans that A) The Chines= e
are about to launch an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) atta= ck
on the U.S. (The Chinese have only 20 intercontinental missiles) and
that B) The North Koreans are about to do the same (They don't have any
nuclear missiles!) and that C) Only a missile defense system can defe= nd
us, and such a system is affordable and dependable (Actually, it is
still far from proven effective).  Among its funders are defense
contractors McDonnell Douglas, Northrop Grumman, TRW, Lockheed Martin= ;
right-wing foundations such as the Smith Foundation, Sara Scaife, and
the Coors foundations, and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.

Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld: Formally the Chairman of the
Commission on the Ballistic Missile Threat to the United States
(Rumsfeld Commission I), and the Chairman of the Commission to Assess
United States National Security Space Management and Organization
(Rumsfeld II).  After the CIA concluded in 1997 that there was no
imminent threat of a ballistic missile attack against the U.S., Congr= ess

set up the first Rumsfeld commission.  In 1998, the Rumsfeld Comm= ission,

by assessing the ballistic missile threat in terms of worst case
scenarios, and by giving no weight at all to the considerable
difficulties in deploying ICBMs, was able to conclude in 1998 that the
ballistic missile "threat to the U.S. is broader, more mature, and
evolving more rapidly" than the CIA had estimated, and that such thir= d
tier powers as North Korea and Iran could develop ICBMs within 5 year= s
of a decision to do so.

For more information, please contact Sacramento-Yolo Peace Action (909
12th Street #118, Sacramento, CA 95814; 916-448-7157;,
and the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space


Timothy Bruening
1439 Brown Drive
Davis, CA 95616

 To unsubscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "majordomo@xm="
 with "unsubscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message.
 For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send
 "help" to the same address.  Do not use quotes in your mes= sage.

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