From: (aml-list-digest) To: Subject: aml-list-digest V2 #63 Reply-To: aml-list Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk aml-list-digest Friday, May 23 2003 Volume 02 : Number 063 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 23 May 2003 01:35:17 -0600 From: Clark Goble Subject: Re: [AML] Mormon Horror ___ Scott ___ | Unlike even the Jews with their golems and other homunculi, | Mormonism doesn't really have a "dark side" of documented | horrors. Yes, horrific stories of ordinarily horrible | things happening to good people, but not a lot of | theologically supported monsters, creatures, or ghouls, | and no standard book of exorcism or counterspells to the | dreaded seventh book of Moses. ___ I'm surprised you say this. I think we have a rather robust set of "monsters" that is, as I mentioned last week, well recorded by folklorists. Without descending into the folklore that only a few have possibly read, consider just what is published by General Authorities. We have the quaint tradition of Cain. The story (probably false) reprinted in _Miracle of Forgiveness_ of David Patten meeting a hairy man who walked along his wagon generated the folk tradition that Cain is Sasquatch. We thus have our own "wandering Jew" or even variation of Faustus in Cain. If that isn't an interesting monster story equal to all the Renaissance stories of golems gone awry, I don't know what is. Cain is marked not just so that others around him won't kill him, but so that he won't die. He becomes the evil (or pitiful) doppleganger of the three Nephites or John the beloved. We have an interesting variation on the old Enoch legends of the Watchers in which the fallen angels are actually a race of semisubstantial beings living here on earth. It is a ghost story done one up. For they hate humans and are in a conspiracy to degrade humans. In a sense it is the story of _X-Files_ only with a far more sinister overtone. Once you combine it with the remnant of John Birchers mixing politics and religion in High Priest lessons then things get really interesting. Given how many science fiction stories either intentionally borrow from the Enoch legends or unintentionally recreate it, it is interesting how our "Watchers" are so much more interesting and so tied to LDS conspiracy theories even in the scriptures. There are lots of other stories, such as the lamanite angels guarding the temple from sons of perdition. (I forget which temple: either the SLC or Logan) There is the story of the angel of light on the river in the D&C. Our "demons" are far more crafty and interesting than those in most horror stories. They are very intelligent and appear to work by manipulation rather than the crude violence of most horror novels. (Actually far more scary, in my mind) The notion of a devil in LDS thought always makes me think of the father in Hamlet. You recall the scene where the ghost of his father speaks to Hamlet? Yet the words the ghost speaks to Hamlet are in effect the parallel of the poison but in the father's ear by his brother. And in the play Hamlet's madness is partially faked but partially the result of this intrigue that throws the castle into turmoil. One can even speculate over whether the ghost is even Hamlet's father. of course after leaving that bit of "horror" the rest of the play is more traditional. But this notion of the "whisperer" or wormtongue is always prominent in literature and Mormonism has at least a few billion of them purportedly here on earth right now. If you want to change things around so the religious aspect isn't quite so "obvious" then make it a science fiction or fantasy story. What if there were a billion aliens on the earth that no one could see. Further what if they were trapped and became, over thousands of years, bitter towards the inhabitants of the earth. What would that be like? There are similar horror stories. Consider John Carpenter's _They Live_. Horrible movie in my opinion, but a fairly similar setup. The golem of Jewish Kabbalism became the Frankenstein story which was the forerunner of the robot gone out of control. (Hal being one famous modern example of the golem) The ultimate moral of these stories is the danger of power uncontrolled - the idea that technology can run amok. What is the moral of Cain? Probably the same as the wandering jew legend or the Faustus. One can't help but remember Byron's _Cain_ and wonder if it isn't a mixing of the two stories. [Clark Goble] - -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 May 2003 07:53:27 -0600 From: "Jen Wahlquist" Subject: RE: [AML] FLETCHER, _Rule a Wife, Have a Wife_ I saw "Rule a Wife, Have a Wife" Wednesday evening and thoroughly enjoyed it. The acting and pacing are top rate. I particularly enjoyed the play's creative approaches -- modernizing the dialogue, setting the play in the California of the 1830s instead of in Spain, and slyly involving the audience in the action. If you arrive early enough to sit on the front row, you might end up with a small but enjoyable part in the play. Kudos to Eric. - --Jen Wahlquist - -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 May 2003 07:58:37 -0600 From: "gtaggart" Subject: RE: [AML] Judith Freeman Excommunication? (FW) 'Massacre' Novelist May Face LDS Excommunication By Patty Henetz The Associated Press [printed in Salt Lake Tribune] Nineteenth-century polygamy and the Mountain Meadows Massacre are hypersensitive subjects in Mormon history. Judith Freeman wrote about both in her 2002 novel, Red Water. Now she believes she may be excommunicated. I have empathy for anyone who has lost his faith or who faces possible church discipline. I have empathy for those who may have to dish the discipline it out. However, this story has the fingerprints of Thomas Murphy's publicist all over it. First, where's the news? Freeman received her letter last July--almost a year ago. Why the sudden fuss now? Second, note the preemptive strike and that she's attributing all the meaning to the letter. Her stake president was pretty straight forward that he wanted just wanted to speak with her. (Have they, by the way?) Third, do you find it odd that an educated Mormon--one who has three published novels--didn't know about Juanita Brooks' "Mountain Meadows Massacre" until 1996? Yes, she's hasn't been to church in some 30 years, but Brooks' book stands side-by-side with Fawn Brodie's book as the most famous non-church, church book ever published (Brooks' book, of course, is the much, much better book). Finally, what's with the quote at the end? "'I think many people in the church would be relieved to face the truth because then they could move on,' Freeman said." The Mountain Meadows Massacre story has been out there since at least 1930 with BH Roberts' Comprehensive History and certainly since 1950 with Brooks' history. (My wife says she learned about it in seminary. I can't remember if I was, but then I slept through four years of seminary.) Seems to me that the only people who won't move on are those with a vested interest in keeping it, and anything else sensational about Mormonism, alive. I'm not sure Freeman has a vested interest, but those promoting her story do. Oh, Judith may have a vested interest after all. I note that the paperback edition of her novel, Red Water, was published last month. Maybe that's why a year-old letter is suddenly news. By the way, long-suppressed may have worked in 1930--maybe. Seventy-three years later, don't you think it's time to acknowledge that the story is no longer even close to suppressed? I mean Roberts, Brooks, even Joseph Fielding Smith (though he had more Indians than white men doing the deed) all wrote about it by 1950. Bagley's book last year. Two more coming out soon, and then a Church historian--Turley, I believe--is writing one. (Turley's book on the Hoffman affair, Victim, is the best of the lot on that matter.) And don't forget the Trib's on-going effort to keep the matter on the front pages--I remember something like a seven-part series on the Massacre a year or two ago. Greg Taggart - -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 May 2003 08:49:12 -0600 From: "gtaggart" Subject: RE: [AML] Judith Freeman Excommunication? (FW) >From 'Massacre' Novelist May Face LDS Excommunication By Patty Henetz The Associated Press [printed in Salt Lake Tribune] "Other Mormon artists have run into similar trouble with the church. Tom Rogers in 1976 wrote the play "Huebener," the story of a 17-year-old German Mormon boy who was guillotined for resisting the Nazi party; his bishop was a party member trying to protect the church. After its initial run at Brigham Young University, Rogers was told he couldn't produce "Huebener" again." Does anyone on the list know the story here? I'm virtually certain that I've seen the play advertised at BYU one, maybe two times since 1991, but I could be mistaken since there is a documentary about Huebener sponsored by the College of Humanities called "Truth and Conviction," and the advertisements could have been for it. Greg Taggart - -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 May 2003 09:05:34 -0600 From: "Thom Duncan" Subject: RE: [AML] Artist's Personal Lives, or just Good Readin' >-----Original Message----- >From: >[] On Behalf Of Scott Parkin >There are only a very few people who can truly appreciate his >experience. The understanding and validation he seeks may >never come, because the number of people who know his pain is >small. Ah, the power of literature! This, imo, is where we LDS authors should spend most of our time -- in lifting up the hands of those who mourn. Let the official church teach the principles in black and white if they want, let their teachings offer watered-down principles to the majority of the Saints. But the LDS writer -- let us write about the truly downtrodden: those who fall through the cracks in our otherwise highly organized social system. For example, Margaret Young's _Heresies of Nature_ addresses issues a person will likely never find in a church publication. Our other artists fill similar gaps in the church's explanations about divorce, homosexuality, race relations, etc. They are called General Authorities for a reason. They teach the general populace with understandably generalized principles which may not seem to work in every situation. I have been a member for forty years, have attended every family relations class offered in Sunday School, have read the official church literature on marital relations but nothing prepared me to deal with my wife walking out on me after 30 years of marriage. But the book I am writing about this experience is helping me greatly and, I hope, will someday help others. We have a special mantle, I believe. Poets and prophets have similar mantles to afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted, only ours is more localized. Thom Duncan - -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 May 2003 09:51:26 -0700 From: "Travis K. Manning" Subject: [AML] re: Judith Freeman Excommunication? 'Massacre' Novelist May Face LDS Excommunication By Patty Henetz The Associated Press [printed in Salt Lake Tribune] Nineteenth-century polygamy and the Mountain Meadows Massacre are hypersensitive subjects in Mormon history. Judith Freeman wrote about both in her 2002 novel, Red Water. Now she believes she may be excommunicated. In July, six months after the novel's publication, the president of the Los Angeles stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Michael Fairclough, wrote Freeman a letter inviting her to meet with him "to discuss your feelings about the church and what, if anything, should be done about them." A lapsed Mormon who hasn't been to church for 30 years, Freeman said she found Fairclough's letter ominous, and considered it a disciplinary summons. "This letter was intended to silence or punish or intimidate me as a writer," she said.... **************************************************************************** ******** I will have to say, I have not read Freeman's novel. You know, I love the Salt Lake Tribune, but once in a while they go around digging up stories that have strong heresaical elements. Here's what I mean. Imagine you are Judith Freeman's stake president. What would your responsibility be? If I were he, I would be concerned for the eternal welfare of all those I had stewardship over. For liberal media, a discussion between a stake president and an author automatically becomes a witch hunt, when I would think this is further from the truth than can possibly be imagined. Freeman hasn't been active in the church for 30 years. Perhaps she's been stewing about religion, about her personal testimony, and perhaps she needs some spiritual guidance and encouragement. Perhaps her stake president hears about her book, and realizes that the timing might be right for a meaningful dialogue on spiritual matters. Before the Tribune attempts to lynch stake presidents, I think they need to back off. How did the Tribune hear about this story? Obviously Freeman approached the media about it as the church does not broadcast the who, what, when, where of stake president interviews. I don't know. Now that Freeman has really gone public with her concerns with the church, with her alleged dissatisfaction with the church, perhaps excommunication is best for the healing process of separation from your baptismal covenants. Do excommunication proceedings need to all be public? What about the healing process of the soul? Where is there room for the artist to heal when s/he is undergoing some egotrip with their name in the headlines. If Freeman is going public with her concerns, obviously she doesn't understand the role of her stake president, and obviously she is out of line. "For The Tribune is an honorable newspaper, so are they all, all honorable newspapers." Travis Manning - -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 10:59:08 -0600 From: "D. Michael Martindale" Subject: Re: [AML] Temple in Literature Scott Parkin wrote: > While I'm pretty sure I understand the point(s) you're making here (be true to > the story you want to tell and don't pander to a particular audience at the > expense of that story), I have to say that I violently disagree with the idea > that we should steer clear of writing stories that make us uncomfortable. I disagree with that idea too. My idea was that you should steer clear of writing stories that make you uncomfortable if you won't write the uncomfortable story, but will water it down to where it's comfortable. > How you draw the line as to what details to include or not is a matter that only > the individual author can address. Tell the story truly. But I also believe that > there are many ways that the same author can tell the same story truly. One way > might require explicit detail, ugly situations, or foul language. Another might > require none of that. But both can be equally powerful and true. That's fine with me, as long as the story isn't compromised. If you get around the difficult part by being ingenious and creative and coming up with an approach that maintains the story's power, like some people enjoy pointing out that the Hayes rules for films way back when forced filmmakers to be more creative about presenting certain things and may have actually made the films better, then go for it. If you compromise the power in the name of appropriateness, then I believe you're artistically sinning. But what I can't help but wonder is, why can't we have both worlds? Why can't we not shy away from the difficult things _and_ be ingenious and creative in our presentation? Wouldn't that enhance the power of the story? For me, the Hayes argument is merely a disguised attempt to promote appropriateness over artistic integrity. > So rather than shying away from a story because our first inclination is to tell > in one way using one set of esthetic assumptions that we're not comfortable > with, I would argue that we should press ourselves to find other ways to tell > that story truly that don't violate our esthetic. Isn't that part of art? To > choose a form and the limitations it imposes and work to reach beyond the easy > and the obvious to something more concentrated and powerful? Not really. That can be an approach to art. But truly great artists have been those who break the limitations of a form and still produce something great--something even greater that could never have been created had the limitation been honoreds. Beethoven comes to mind. ALl the great romantic composers come to mind, who cast aside the classical limitations. > Let the other guy work according to his own devices. Always, that's a subtext of anything I say. But if I believe his choices compromise the power of his story, I'll be vocal about it in my role as critic. - -- D. Michael Martindale ================================== Check out Worldsmiths, the new online LDS writers group, at Sponsored by Worlds Without Number ================================== - -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 11:06:32 -0600 From: "D. Michael Martindale" Subject: Re: [AML] Artist's Personal Lives, or just Good Readin' Scott Parkin wrote: > > Dianna Graham wrote: > > > Here's what's been on my brain lately, though. Do some Latter-Day Saints > > who are trying not to be stuck in a fluffy little bubble seek out grit in > > their reading and viewing? Do we ever tell ourselves the lie "Out there is > > the real world, and I need to be acquainted with it"? > I think this is a fascinating question. Do Mormons seek out the spiritually > dangerous *specifically in order to address and overcome it,* thus making of > themselves more well-rounded spiritual beings? Should they? > > My simple response is that I see no reason to seek out the ugly; it tends to > find me whether I'm looking for it or not. This represents what frustrates me about this whole topic. Scott pegged it exactly. Those who like their art "appropriate" think we artists who push the Deseret Book envelope are just trying to be boat rockers. We are trying to go out and find ugliness and include it in our art just to irritate Deseret Book customers or ingratiate ourselves with Babylon. Scott reveals the truth. Ugliness finds us, and we want to come to terms with it in our art, without the artificial and (in my opinion) counterproductive if not downright destructive limitations that the word "appropriate" represents. Here's my simple and probably soon-to-be-trash-compacted metaphor: we spill something on the carpet and want to grab a cloth to wipe it up. Deseret Book customers scold us for getting the nice white cloth all dirty. Can't we wipe over there where it's already clean, where there is no spill to slime up the cloth? - -- D. Michael Martindale ================================== Check out Worldsmiths, the new online LDS writers group, at Sponsored by Worlds Without Number ================================== - -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 May 2003 14:30:02 -0600 From: "Alan Rex Mitchell" Subject: Re: [AML] 20th Century Mormon Women: An Inquiry Juanita Brooks, Quicksand and Cactus, an autobiography of her first 30 years, or Levi Peterson's Biography of her. Alan Mitchell - -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 May 2003 16:39:25 -0500 From: "webmaster" Subject: [AML] Box Office Report 16 May 03 Feature Films by LDS/Mormon Filmmakers and Actors Weekend Box Office Report (U.S. Domestic Box Office Gross) Weekend of May 16, 2003 Report compiled by: [If table below doesn't line up properly, try looking at them with a mono-spaced font, such as Courier - Ed.] Natl Film Title Weekend Gross Rank LDS/Mormon Filmmaker/Actor Total Gross Theaters Days - --- ----------------------------- ----------- ----- ---- 23 Piglet's Big Movie 160,251 373 59 Ken Sansom (3rd-billed actor) 22,822,301 25 The Shape of Things 135,004 60 10 Neil LaBute 384,365 (writer/director/producer) 64 Final Destination 2 27,585 42 108 A.J. Cook (2nd-billed actor) 46,896,664 70 The Core 21,407 94 52 Aaron Eckhart (lead actor) 30,625,303 73 Shackleton's Antarctic Adventure 19,459 9 829 Scott Swofford (producer) 14,603,104 Reed Smoot (cinematographer) Sam Cardon (composer) Stephen L. Johnson (editor) 81 The Cremaster Cycle 14,509 2 24 Mathew Barney 59,162 (writer/producer/director/actor) 95 Cirque du Soleil: Journey of Man 6,912 3 1109 Reed Smoot (cinematographer) 15,223,374 127 China: The Panda Adventure 1,189 2 661 Reed Smoot (cinematographer) 3,046,462 JUNE 3RD RELEASES - "A Pioneer Miracle" is expected to hit store shelves on video and DVD June 3rd, 2003 with a suggested retail price of $11.95. This short LDS-themed film from director/cinematographer T.C. Christensen stars Caitlin E.J. Meyer. Production designer: Darin Andersen ("Handcart", "Y2K"). Thomson Productions is the distributor. T.C. Christensen's films have been among Thomson's best selling titles. Other films distributed by Thomson and directed by Christensen include "Mouth of Babes", "The Touch of the Master's Hand" and "Bug Off!" Christensen is currently in pre-production stages on the feature film adaptation of "Saturday's Warrior," which he will co-direct with Elizabeth Hansen and also serve as Director of Photography. We were invited to a screening of "A Pioneer Miracle" but were unable to attend. However, having seen many Christensen films we are certain that this will be a high-quality production which will look fantastic. Christian Vuissa's award-winning LDS-themed short film "Roots & Wings", which for months now has only been available on video from BYU and from LDS Video Store, will also be available for the first time ever on DVD on June 3rd. Thomson is the new distributor of "Roots & Wings" on video and DVD. The director has said that the DVD will have a director's commentary track. "Roots & Wings" received the AML (Association for Mormon Letters) Award for Film last year as the best Latter-day Saint film of the year. In receiving this award, "Roots & Wings" was specifically chosen over films such as "Out of Step" (named by AML as a runner-up), "The Snell Show" (the short film which won the highest award at this year's Slamdance Film Festival, also named as an AML Award runner-up this year), "Jack Weyland's Charly" (which received an AML award for screenplay adaptation), and two theatrical releases not cited by AML: "The Singles Ward," and "Handcart." The theatrically released feature film "Handcart" will also hit shelves June 3rd, with a special edition double-disc DVD, a video (also featuring the new special edition re-edited and enhanced version of the film). The soundtrack CD is also being released that day. Work on the Handcart DVD and video release by the folks at Shinebox has pushed back the DVD release of their science fiction feature-length film "Missy." But once "Handcart" is released, they will finish preparing "Missy" for its long-anticipated DVD release. "Missy" and "Handcart" both star Jaelan Petrie. Petrie is also one of the stars of the upcoming Bill Shira feature film "Where Rivers Meet." Petrie, a blend of the best aspects of Tom Hanks, Brad Pitt, and Vin Diesel also stars in Shinebox's short film "Sea Angel" (now in post-production), and he has a brief role as a bigoted anti-Mormon mugger in John Lyde's popular direct-to-video film "The Field is White." * * * DE AZEVEDO AND SATURDAY'S WARRIOR - We have confirmed that Lex de Azevedo is slated to be the composer for the upcoming "Saturday's Warrior" feature film. De Azevedo is the original composer of the music that combined with Doug Stewart's writing and lyrics to create the "Saturday's Warrior" stage musical. de Azevedo's only real previous theatrical releases are "The Swan Princess" (1994) and "Swan Princess 2". He also scored the feature-length family films "Baker's Hawk" (1976), "Against a Crooked Sky" (1975) and "Where the Red Fern Grows" (1974), some of which may have had very minor theatrical releases. "Baker's Hawk", at least, was shown some in theaters. Most of de Azevedo's film scoring work has been for videos, including tons of Living Scriptures videos, "In Search of Ancient Cumorah", "My Turn on Earth" with Carol Lynn Pearson, "A Time to Love" with Carol Lynn Pearson, the Church film "The Lost Manuscript", and "Gloria: The Life of Christ" (executive produced by Sheri Dew). HAIRY TALE DIRECT TO VIDEO - It had been expected that "Hairy Tale" starring Roma Downey (star of the recently ended Utah-filmed "Touched by an Angel" TV series) and non-churchgoing Latter-day Saint actor Matthew Modine was going to be released this past weekend. However, Warner Bros. has removed this movie from their theatrical schedule altogether. Expect it to premiere on cable or video sometime later this year or maybe in 2004. ON LABUTE - Articles about BYU graduate Neil LaBute appeared in both the Deseret News and Salt Lake Tribune this week Excerpt from the Salt Lake Tribune article: [QUOTE] What LaBute will not be writing soon will be stories with overtly Mormon characters. After his 1999 trilogy of one-act monologues, "Bash: Latter-day Plays," LaBute -- who converted to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints during his days at BYU -- was disfellowshipped by his local ecclesiastical leaders. LaBute is working to restore his status as a participating church member, in part by avoiding writing about LDS characters. "Beyond that, I'm just trying to be a guy who thinks through everything that comes out of his pen, rather than just letting it flow," LaBute said. His disfellowship "is not a final state. You have to either move forward or backward. I hopefully am moving in a positive direction." When asked if he considers himself a good Mormon, LaBute said, "I do, but one can always be better. In my case, I could probably be a lot better. I'm a couple rungs down, but I've still got some climbing strength in me." [END QUOTE] Scores from Reviews Nationwide given to Neil LaBute's "The Shape of Things": Numerical average of these graded scores: 70.2 (out of 100). freshness score: 66.3%, 83 reviews counted: 55 positive; 28 negative. RUNELORDS STILL MOVING FORWARD - These things take time, so be patient, but as anticipated, Runelords seems to be moving ever so slowly closer to the big screen. The Runelords series is written by active Latter-day Saint writer Dave Wolverton, under name "Dave Farland." Wolverton, a convert to the Church, lives in Utah County with his family. He is probably the best-selling LDS science fiction author writing today, aside from Card and Hickman. From [QUOTE] Runelords Film Optioned - Story Island Entertainment, Origin Entertainment and Entertainment Business Group have acquired the feature-film and game rights to the best-selling fantasy novel series The Runelords by David Wolverton, writing as David Farland, Variety reported. Terry Kahn will write the film script; the film will be produced by Wolverton, David McBrayer and Richard Shaw at Origin and EBG's Rob Holt and John J. Lee Jr., the trade paper reported. The first Runelords novel was published in 1997, followed by Brotherhood of the Wolf and Wizardborn. This fall the fourth installment in the series, Lair of Bones, will be released by Tor, a division of St. Martin's Press, the trade paper reported. The film is being readied for a fall 2004 theatrical release, with the first role-playing video game intended to hit retail shelves in time for the 2004 holiday season, the trade paper reported. [END QUOTE] In other Latter-day Saint-related science fiction/fantasy news, reported: "Ashton Kutcher's agent told IGN FilmForce that rumors about his starring in a Knight Rider movie are only that. 'It's a possibility, but that's all,' the agent said. 'He hasn't even seen a script.'" [The popular syndicated "Knight Rider" TV series was created by legendary Latter-day Saint television writer/producer Glen A. Larson. Here's the fun question to ponder: Which leading LDS science fiction writer will win the race to have one of his works adapted to the big screen? Of course, Card's "Ender's Game" is supposed to be with a studio... A ton of Card's other works are optioned... Hickman was one of the primary creators of "Dungeons & Dragons," which was made into a movie, but that movie wasn't a direct adaptation of one of his books or stories. I think it's impossible to guess who will have something in theaters next. Of course, all of these guys are latecomers compared to LDS science fiction writers of previous generations. The late Raymond F. Jones was as popular and important as Orson Scott Card in his day, and his book "This Island Earth" was adapted into the same-titled 1955 movie which was the "Star Wars" of its decade. A short story by LDS author Samuel W. Taylor was the basis for Disney's huge hit "The Absent Minded Professor" (1961), its sequel "Son of Flubber" (1963) and the 1997 Robin Williams movie "Flubber" (1997), as well as a 1988 TV movie. There's also been some small screen adaptations of LDS s.f. authors' writing. Zenna Henderson's "People" stories were adapted into a not-so-great 1972 TV movie starring William Shatner. It's almost certain that they'll see a quality big-screen adaptation some day (aside from the Disney "Witch Mountain" movies which many people think ripped off Henderson's stories). James C. Christensen's book _Voyage of the Basset_ was adapted as the TV miniseries "Voyage of the Unicorn" (2001), which is really quite good and under-appreciated. And we're not even counting Latter-day Saint screenwriters who have written screenplays made directly into science fiction feature films, TV movies and TV series. These include: Ken Daurio, Cinco Paul, David Howard, Brian Nissen, Glen A. Larson, Ernie Wallengren, Bruce Neibaur, Boyd Kirkland, Chris Conkling, Leo D. Paur and Glenn L. Anderson. SPEAKING OF LDS SCI-FI - The official website for the upcoming Battlestar Galactica miniseries is at: The miniseries will premiere on the Sci-Fi Channel in December 2003. The site includes info about the release of the video games, the brand new DVD of the movie and the TV series, and the new miniseries. Battlestar Galactica was created by Latter-day Saint TV producer and writer Glen A. Larson, and featured many motifs and themes drawn directly from LDS doctrine, practice and history. Larson does not appear to be involved in the creation of the miniseries, which was written by Ronald D. Moore of "Star Trek" fame and directed by Michael Rymer (director of the 2003 Anne Rice adaptation "Queen of the Damned"). CONTROVERSIAL LDS WRITER PLOTS TO DESTROY MANKIND - Many newspapers ran this story. One source is here: 7 Sci-Fi Legend Card Lends Words to New Video Game Sun May 18, 2003 02:03 PM ET By Ben Berkowitz LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Science fiction novelist Orson Scott Card sees the future -- create a story that will beget a video game that, in turn, gives birth to both a book and a movie. Then go to the bank. In collaboration with privately held game developer Majesco Sales, Card is writing the dialogue and helping to cast voice actors for a new video game called "Advent Rising," in which an alien species tries to destroy mankind before it can unite the universe. Card, a tall man with a dry wit and a very public sense of spirituality, has written numerous novels contemplating alternate histories and the salvation of mankind. He says the new project is in many ways no different. But he is doing more than just writing the game -- when it is done, he told Reuters he plans to write a book based on the game's story, the first in a planned trilogy. And there is more to come. "We have dreams of making it work as a movie," he said in an interview at the Electronic Entertainment Expo, the games industry trade show that ended on Friday. The game is intended to focus heavily on the idea of humans and their moral and personal power. "We're going a long way past the 'shoot-everything-that-moves' kind of games," Card said. "There are choices, really brutally hard choices, you make that affect game play from a moral standpoint," he said. Card was the first author to win the science fiction Hugo and Nebula prizes for best novel two years in a row. But rather than galactic flights of fancy, his books, like "Ender's Game" and "Seventh Son," all have a more serious side to them, a sense that he intends to bring to the video game world. FULL ARSENAL The new game, set for release in the spring of 2004, starts the player out with a full arsenal of weapons, rather than the traditional model of starting with nothing. "You become the weapon," said Donald Mustard, the designer on the PC and Xbox game for developer GlyphX. "You feel like the power is in you and the tools you get," Card added. Card, who at one time served as a Mormon missionary in Brazil, co-wrote the musical "Barefoot to Zion," which was part of the Mormon Church's celebration of the 150th anniversary of its settlers' arrival in Utah with his brother, Arlen Card. He also writes a Web log called The Ornery American ( But for the moment he is occupied with the game, which he and Majesco plan to make the foundation for a movie. Card is directly involved in casting the actors who will provide the voices for the title. "I'll be there to rewrite around actors," he said. The author, who has worked with game companies like Lucas Arts in past and whose son is a game developer, said that beside writing has always been interested in both games and other performance arts like stage directing. "I sort of kept my hand in here and there," he said. "For me the novels are a sideline." MOYER SPEAKS OUT - John E. Moyer, the screenwriter of "The Singles Ward" and "The R.M." weighs in on the state of LDS Cinema on his personal web site. These are provocative articles, and we suggest that most people should NOT read it. No offensive language or anything, but his ideas are NOT what you usually hear from filmmakers and writers. And he talks numbers. And he names names. (Actually, what we really mean is that you should read these articles - - RIGHT NOW! - that is, unless you are faint of heart or worried he might be writing about you.) Nuts and bolts ideas about LDS Cinema financing, production and distribution. AUDITION NEWS FROM AND ACTION! ACTORS STUDIO - Tiffany Goodenough with CustoMovie is casting a short film in SLC, UT. [Forwarded from Michelle K. Wright, And Action! Actor's Studio] Auditions for our movie titled "13:59" We will be filming June and July. Each scene will have a different cast and will take about one day each. Non-paying, we will feed our cast on the day we shoot. Auditions will be Tues. May 20th at Murray Park, SLC, UT - Pavilion #1. Auditions will be from noon to 4:00 pm. Scripts will be at the audition. Contact us at to let us know if you can make it. The movie is a short, about 20 minutes long. It will be sent to as many film festivals as we can afford to, starting with Sundance. Credits will be given to anyone who is willing to help out, and if by some chance the movie makes money, everyone will be paid. PG 13 Rating. Language, Brief, mild adult content. Synopsis: Every country panicked during WW3. Every bomb on the planet is set off and they are all in the air. The earth will be totally annihilated within 13 hours and 59 minutes. We are showing what people around the world are doing on their last day of life. What would you do in your last 14 hours of life? CAST BREAKDOWN: Men and women 18- 40s Man, Woman 65+ Woman-early 20s, beautiful, must know how to dance Woman petite 3 teenage boys woman early 30s athletic woman 50-60 years old 4 men 20s athletic 2 children brown hair (male or female) 5 kids any age heavy set man Chinese women Women and men who can speak with an English accent Men who can speak with and Australian accent Men and women with mid-eastern look (pass for Afghanistan) We could also use an extra hand for crew who has worked on lighting and production design and has an open schedule Thanks Tiffany Goodenough CustoMovie productions DAY OF DEFENSE SINGER AUDITIONS - VOCAL AUDITIONS will be held Thursday, 6-9 p.m., at Spirit West Studios, 2525 S. State, for one of the theme songs for the soundtrack of a new film, "Day of Defense." Experienced male and female vocalists, 18 or over, are invited to audition. Come prepared with a one-minute solo. Bring a minus track CD or tape. There will also be a piano at the studio but not an accompanist. You may also sing a capella. Any style can be used for the audition, but the producers are looking specifically for pop/rock music. Audition times will be based on the order of arrival. Those arriving before 6 or after 9 will not be seen. This is a paid job and requires the signing of a contract, if selected. Those who already have a label or an agent may have to obtain a waiver. You must be willing to sign a waiver at the audition to allow filming of the audition piece. For further information, contact Saline Hunsaker by e-mail only at FILM ACTING CLASS FOR KIDS - Rob Diamond and The Actor's Lounge is proud to announce "Lounge Kids"; the first and only film acting class for kids taught by Heather Whelan. We cover Auditioning, Cold Reading, Scene Study, Business Basic and Self Esteem. Classes are Tuesdays from 4:30 to 6:30 at the Redman Movies and Stories Building at 1240 E 2100 S in Sugarhouse on the Fifth floor. (Private lessons are also available.) As always, The Actor's Lounge studies every Thursday and Saturday for adults of every level. Come see why The Lounge produces some of the best talent in Salt Lake City. Call Heather Whelan at 801-550-0149 to reserve your spot. LIKEN THE SCRIPTURES - From Liken The Scriptures is a series of Movie-Musicals centered around the Book of Mormon. 6-year-old Spencer Anderson has a hard time paying attention in Primary. Fortunately, his Primary teacher, Sister Larsen, knows just what Spencer needs in order to make the scripture stories exciting, and all it takes is a little imagination. But not even Sister Larsen can predict the amazing outcome of Spencer's imagination. Join Spencer in his imagination, where Book of Mormon stories not only come to life, but turn into full musical productions! Discover wholesome musical entertainment ideal for your family's library, which just happens to be centered on scripture stories! The humor and content are appropriate and exciting for all ages -- even the grown-ups! Soon, your entire family will be "Liken the Scriptures!" In Episode 1: Nephi And The Brass Plates, we meet Nephi -- young, strong, handsome, and very optimistic (too much so, according to certain brothers). Though he and his brothers have different attitudes about the challenge of getting the brass plates from Laban, they make the journey, only to discover that the very eccentric Laban does NOT want to give up any of his precious riches. Songs include Nephi's upbeat "Life Could Not Be Better," and a stirring duet between Nephi and Sariah entitled "Thy Arms Around Me." - -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------ End of aml-list-digest V2 #63 *****************************