From: "Michele Bumbarger" Subject: (arfic-l) ADMIN: Announcement from List Owner Date: 02 Apr 2002 16:35:12 -0500 April 2, 2002 I was going to post this yesterday, but realizing that it was the notorious April Fools' Day, decided against it because I didn't want this dismissed as a joke. The Alternate Realities site is still down at this time. I am currently seeking another home for the site, perhaps even a free server, and there is a good chance that the site will not be restored before May. There are other reasons for this, aside from the locating of a new home for Alternate Realities. My time, energy, and resources at this time are severely limited and tied up in other things that, yes, are taking priority over the website. On November 17, 2001 I learned that I would be a mother. This is a development that I am very, very happy about and I look forward to the day of my daughter's birth everyday. My due date is July 28, 2002 (although if anyone wants to pray for me to go a week or two early, I won't stop you!), and I have, for obvious reasons, been otherwise occupied. Pregnancy, while wonderful, is also draining and tiring. It's hard work growing a person! I am very much hoping to get the website up again, and possibly relocated by mid-May so that I can breathe easier over the summer months and during my maternity leave when I will be bonding with my little girl. However, due to the changes in my life, it is safe to guess that the archive portion of the website will be closed to new stories and updates indefinitely. The list will still be functional, and you may submit fan fiction to your heart's content. List Owner, (and Mommy to be to Stephanie) Michele _________________________________________________________________ Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. - To unsubscribe to arfic-l, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe arfic-l" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message.