From: (arfic-l-digest) To: Subject: arfic-l-digest V1 #6 Reply-To: arfic-l-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk arfic-l-digest Sunday, February 25 2001 Volume 01 : Number 006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 01:08:31 -0500 (EST) From: Ailie McFarland Subject: (arfic-l) Strangers 1/1 PG Title: Strangers 1/1 Author: Ailie McFarland Rating: PG Spoilers: Buffy: Crush / Angel: Thin Dead Line (i.e. this weeks eps) Summary: Angel receives a surprise visit from a concerned friend. Feedback: Hello, you=92ve reached Ailie=92s ego. I=92m not in right now, bu= t if you=92d leave me a message about this story, I=92d really appreciate it! Archives: Distribution: If it helps at all, I=92m gonna say yes. Disclaimer: I do not own Buffy, Angel or any other characters. If I did the= ir lives would be a lot happier ... most of the time. Author=92s note: Something tells me I stand a good chance of =93being Josse= d=94 on this one ... She was there when I woke up. That in and of itself isn=92t all that unusua= l; I often dream of her lying in my bed. Usually when that happens I see he= r as she was on that night that never existed. That peaceful, content look = she had as she slept is something that I will never forget. But tonight it = wasn=92t like that. Instead, she was standing in the doorway of my room, br= ow slightly furrowed. =93Buffy?=94 My sleep addled mind began to fuzzily grasp the concept that t= his wasn=92t a dream. =93How long have you been here?=94 She offered a small smile. =93Not long. A few minutes, maybe. I just didn= =92t want to wake you.=94 I grabbed my shirt from the bedpost and shrugged into it as quickly as poss= ible. Not that I have anything she=92s never seen before, but the last thin= g we need right now is to tempt the fates. =93What are you doing in L.A.?= =94 =93Drusilla.=94 That one word caught my full attention. =93She arrived in S= unnydale on a train from L.A. a few days ago.=94 =93Casualties?=94 Buffy just nodded. =93She told Spike about everything that=92s been going o= n here, so when she left I thought I should call and give you the head=92s = up. Only when I called I got a message saying the phone for the office had been disconnected. So I called Cordelia at home ..= .=94 I sat back down on the edge of the bed. =93And she told you what=92s been h= appening here.=94 =93Some of it,=94 Buffy shifted her glance down to the floor. =93They fille= d me on the rest when I went to see Wesley at the hospital.=94 =93How=92s he doing?=94 I hated not being able to go and see for myself, bu= t as Cordelia so eloquently put it the last time I tried, they don=92t need= me. And she was right. They are better off without me. =93He=92ll be alright,=94 she was still staring at the floorboards as if th= e meaning of life was hidden between them. =93He=92s out of ICU now, but it= =92ll probably be a few more days before they let him go home.=94 Silence descended. Time is so strange. It used to be that when I was with h= er the time flew right by, and now each second feels like an eternity in an= d of itself. Finally she crossed the room and took a seat in the over-stuff= ed easy chair beside the bed. =93Angel, they=92re worried about you.=94 She= paused before continuing. =93I=92m worried about you.=94 Her hair cascaded down over her shoulders as she leaned toward me, remindin= g me of the first time I ever saw her. Buffy had been so innocent then, wav= ing to her friends as she sucked on that ridiculous lollipop. Her hair had = been longer then, only a little longer than it was now. Had I really been g= one that long?=20 The flood of repressed emotions and memories surprised me, and I lashed out= . =93What would your boyfriend do if he knew you said that to me?=94 As soo= n as the words were out I regretted them. How can I have lived so long with= out learning not to let my mouth run ahead of my brain? The expression that crossed her face at the mention of that name sent the k= nife of regret even deeper into un-beating heart. Something had happened be= tween them. =93Riley went back to the military.=94=20 I knew better than to push further than that. I reached out to touch her ha= nd. =93Look, I=92m ...=94 =93Forget about it.=94 Buffy mumbled as she pulled away, leaning back in th= e chair. I had ruined things again. I seem to be getting pretty good at tha= t, these days. After a moment, Buffy broke the silence again. =93I=92m sorry. About Darla.= I know how hard it was the first time you had to ...=94 =93Kill her?=94 I stood up and began to pace the length of the room. =93You= can say it, you know. I won=92t go crazy because you said the K word.=94 Buffy stood. =93No, I=92m not afraid I=92ll drive you crazy. I think you=92= re already half-way there.=94 =93Imagine that!=94 I threw my hands up in the air. This was all beginning = to sound very familiar. =93In case they left out this part of the story, I= =92ve got an entire law firm being *paid* to do that.=94 =93I know about the lawyers.=94 Buffy was yelling now. =93I know about the = tricks. I know about how they gave Darla to you and then took her away agai= n. But I also know you. And I know that you can ...=94 I turned mid-stride and caught her by the arm. =93No you don=92t! Not anymo= re. You don=92t know me any better than Gunn, or Wesley, or Cordelia knows = me. You can=92t know me because even I don=92t know me anymore! All I know = is that Darla is here and it=92s my responsibility to take care of her.=94 =93Why?=94 Buffy wrenched her arm free from my grasp, and I could see red m= arks where my fingers had pressed into her skin. =93Why is it your responsi= bility? Is this your atonement? Your way of punishing yourself? Where does it say that you have to go up against= this without help?=94 I pointed toward my chest. =93Right here. Because I care about them too muc= h to let them get stuck in my mess. And because there are people that they = can help. I can=92t do that any more! I just can=92t.=94 And suddenly it was quiet again. Buffy=92s eyes looked into mine, and I cou= ld tell she was searching for the Angel that she knew. I felt like shaking = her and showing her that he doesn=92t live here anymore ... but I knew she = could see that for herself. The look in her eyes was almost the same look I= remember from being Angelus. One of utter disbelief. But this time there w= as something else there as well. Something I couldn=92t quite read. I can= =92t remember the last time I looked at her and didn=92t know what she was = thinking. Without a word she turned and walked out the way she came in. At the doorwa= y she paused, and turned to look at me one last time. I half expected her t= o say something like =93Call me if you change your mind,=94 but she didn=92t. She just turned and left. I guess we=92ve both changed more than we realized. FIN - - To unsubscribe to arfic-l, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe arfic-l" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001 20:02:09 -0800 (PST) From: Worlds Away Subject: (arfic-l) FIC: Worlds Away (14/??) Title: Worlds Away (Part 14/??) Author: M. Bumbarger Email: Fandom: New Series Tomorrow People Rating: PG-13/TV-14 Summary: The Tomorrow People are swept away to a different world, where they must take up the lives of their alter-egos and try to find their way home . . . which won't be easy. Dedication: To Victoria for demonstrating my absent minded-ness with the earlier posting of Parts 12 & 13 :-) Disclaimer: The Tomorrow People (Adam Newman, Ami Jackson, Megabyte Damon, and Jade Weston) are the property of Roger Damon Price, Thames Television, ITV, Tetra Television and Nickelodeon. They are used here without permission, but not for profit. The lands, countries, customs, deities, and original characters are mine and mine only, springing from the depths of my imagination and should not be used anywhere else without my permission. Please do not repost this to any list or archive it anywhere else without my express permission. Previous parts at **** Chapter Fourteen "Is my lady certain that she does not wish a heavier cloak? It is a bit cool this afternoon. The sky looks like rain." Gripping her many layers of skirts in both hands, Jade drew to a sudden and complete stop halfway down the staircase. She even managed to not smirk when Sarena faltered and nearly stumbled forward before quickly stepping back to be on the same step with the Lady Jadina of House Ruele. The first twelve hours of having a maidservant had been absolutely wonderful and Jade had basked in the attention she received from the other girl; nearly twenty-four hours later, she was very tired of the fawning and hovering and would have given her right arm to have the girl out of her hair for a even a few hours. Particularly when Sarena's presence greatly reduced her opportunities to talk with Adam and Megabyte; while her two friends had been locked in Lord Bial's study, Sarena had insisted that her lady receive a bath, a hair washing, and a pampering that could only have been completed at a spa. That hadn't been so bad, but over dinner Jade had been positively dying to speak to Adam, but surrounded as they had been by everyone else, it had not happened. Breakfast had been no different, and immediately following the morning meal she had been swept off by Lady Margot to discuss the preparations for the prince's bride. Not that Jade had been allowed to contribute much to the conversation or decision making; mostly she had the privilege of nodding, smiling and agreeing with every word and decision that Lady Margot made. Supper again left them surrounded by servants and listening ears that they could not expose themselves to. Jade was left looking glumly forward to another few hours of following around and mimicking every word that Lady Margot said until Adam saved her. It was Adam who had suggested an afternoon ride with "one of my more prettier cousins," and of course, not even the Lady Margot would argue with the High Prince of Stiborn. Well, she didn't argue very strenuously. Now, the only problem was getting Sarena out of her hair long enough for her to have some privacy with her friends. "No, Sarena, I do not want a heavier cloak. I do not want a hooded cloak. I don't want thicker gloves, I don't want to change into heavier stockings, and I am absolutely positive that this *is* the riding dress that I want to wear." Sarena blinked, and Jade winced inwardly. Clearly, *her* Lady Jadina did not speak so openly; obviously not, or Jade would not have spent most of the morning serving as Lady Margot's parrot. Sarena recovered quickly however, and nodded, her hands coming up to straighten Jade's cloak, "I'm sorry, Jade. It's just that having you away for so long - we haven't been separated that long since we were small girls. Not even your wedding trip lasted as long. I don't know what to do with myself if I'm not taking care of you." Jade sighed, immediately regretting her harsh tone. As odd as it was, sometimes it was hard to remember that this was not her world, and this was only a role she was playing until she could find her way home again. She tried to put herself in Sarena's shoes, and wondered what she would do if their situations were reversed - if she had been raised to be a lady-in-waiting; and realized she would quite probably be driving the lady of the manor insane as well - only true noble bred ladies wouldn't find the attention overwhelming at all. "I'm sorry, Sarena," Jade paused, only a heartbeat, and covered it by stepping forward. She didn't know if she *should* apologize, if that was ever done, and she didn't dare look at Sarena's face to confirm or deny. "I just hated being on a boat and I'm a little overexcited to see Prince Adam." There, neither of those were lies. "I don't see why I couldn't come along," Sarena accepted the words without question, linking her arm gently around Jade's as the two descended the steps together. "Eris knows that you couldn't have had much fun with your husband - pardon me for speaking ill of him, Jade - for company." The words raised Jade's curiosity, as much this time as they had the first. One thing that she had observed these past two weeks was that everyone seemed to give Lady Jadina some small measure of pity for being married to Lord Marmion. Even his parents went out of their way to shower her with kindness and attention, as though they didn't expect her to receive it from any other corner. Not that Jade would have expected any sort of affection from Megabyte; it did strike her as peculiar that obviously the relationship that Lady Jadina shared with Lord Marmion was no better than that Jade shared with her fellow Tomorrow Person. And judging from the comments, at least Jade was lucky enough to have Megabyte's friendship; Jadina had not even that. Thinking about it, Jade felt a pang of sorrow for the girl whose life she had taken over. An incurable romantic, it was hard for Jade to imagine being thrown into a marriage that was not based on anything other than land and titles. A loveless marriage that was certainly a horrible thing to have to deal with, and Jade actually found herself truly grateful for Megabyte's friendship. Even if he did still see her as annoying kid, at least he had not brushed her off these past two weeks; he had actually made her safe and reminded her that she was not alone. "It wasn't so bad," Jade spoke aloud without meaning to, and catching the startled wide-eyed look Sarena threw in her direction, she hurried on. "I mean, I think he's coming around to things, accepting them. I think we might even be friends someday." Another not quite a lie and how quickly Jade was able to spit them out. Sarena's very unladylike snort betrayed her feelings on that matter. "I love you like a sister, Jade, and you have always been good to me. That is why I will tell you this - do not hold your breath, or you will be holding it until the moon falls from the sky. Lord Marmion is a heartless, spoiled brat who doesn't come close to deserving you for a wife." "Maybe not," Jade sighed, patting the hand at her elbow, "But I still have to try." "I know," Sarena squeezed Jade's arm, "You are too sweet and wonderful to do any less." The words warmed Jade, although as her hand brushed against Sarena's she had felt -- something -- a twisting, bitterness beyond the words. But it was gone as quickly as Jade sensed it and she could only attribute it to Sarena's clear and obvious dislike of Lord Marmion Ruele. They continued on in silence, sweeping into the stables where Adam and Megabyte already waited for her arrival. Three horses had been brought forwarded and were saddled, and not a groomsman or stable hand was in sight. Half-hidden from sight, Adam fussed with the saddle on a sable colored horse, while Megabyte fussed with his riding gloves. Both of them seemed oblivious to her arrival, so Jade cleared her throat loudly. "Hello." It was enough. Adam smiled at her from beneath the horse, "Hello, Jadina. Will your lady being joining us?" Although the words were friendly, Jade caught the subtle undertones in Adam's voice and both on his face. She quickly shook her head, but was spared answering by Sarena, who dipped quickly into a low curtsy, "No, Your Highness. I was just walking a bit with my lady. I trust that she is in good hands." "I give you my full reassurance that she can not be in any better hands," Adam responded with a charming smile, his attention fully riveted on Sarena. Jade had known girls like Sarena, girls who could turn boys into drooling, slobbering, inanely babbling morons with just a smile and the batting of eyelashes. Usually, she found a reason to dislike those girls; usually they were either so simple-minded or stuck on themselves that they were easy to dislike. Sarena however, was neither simple-minded nor egotistical, and Jade could only stare at the other girl with envy as she watched even Adam fall prey to Sarena's charms. Most of which were apparently oozing out of her bodice. Meow, Jade chided herself. She squared her shoulders, "You weren't waiting long were you?" "Does it matter?" Megabyte asked sourly. Oddly enough, Jade noticed he was doing everything in his power to *not* look at Sarena. Megabyte's response was enough to pull Adam's attention from Sarena and fix the other Tomorrow Person with a glare. Yet, somehow his words still remained warm and affectionate, directed at Jade. "No, you're right on time." "I'll be going," Sarena's smile could have lit the entire stable, and probably very well did as she gave a respective curtsy again to Adam - this one not as deep this time, thank goodness - and turned to place an affectionate kiss on Jade's cheek. "Do be careful, and if rains, do you very best to keep try. We can't have you taking ill when His Highness' fiancée will be here any day now, can we?" "Stop fretting," Jade ordered, but smiled anyway. It was hard to not smile. Adam presented Jade with the reins of a chestnut mare when Sarena was out of earshot. "This one is yours, Lady Jadina. Her name is Quesella." Jade smile at the creature, slowly stroking the thick mane. "She's beautiful. How did you find out which one was mine?" "You just have to know what questions to ask and who to ask them of," Adam shrugged. "Trust me, it's becoming a lot easier to find out anything I've ever wanted to know about Stiborn without looking like I've lost my mind." "Yeah, maybe that's because they already know that you've lost your mind," Megabyte sniggered. "Whatever, Megabyte," Adam rolled his eyes in the direction of the redhead. "So, Jade can you even ride a horse?" Megabyte asked. Jade flinched at the sarcastic tone of his voice. Folding her arms across her chest, she glared at him, "Can you?" He paled, and the look on his face was answer enough for her. She smiled smugly. "I used to take riding lessons when I was little. I think that I will manage well enough." "And you think I won't?" [Do you think the two of you can try not arguing until we're away from the Keep?] Adam's chastisement rang out in her head, [You two don't sound anything like a lord and lady. You sound like two kids.] [News flash, Adam. We're not a lord and lady.] [Until we get out of here, you better learn to be.] The words left no room for argument. The saddling up and ride from the stables was undertaken mostly in silence. Jade could tell that Megabyte was sulking - he clearly didn't like the way Adam had dressed him down with a few words - and he also clearly was about as uncomfortable on a horse as he would have been with wings attached to his back. Jade would have laughed at his shifting in the saddle and the way he clung to the saddle horn, if she had not been so busy getting her bearing back. Only Adam seemed relatively at ease, but Jade recalled that Adam had the pleasure of being land locked for the past two weeks. "So, what do you think is going on, Adam?" Jade finally gained enough control to edge her horse up besides Adam's, the Keep far enough away from them for them to speak openly. Adam laughed. Not a laugh of humor, but a sad, soft laugh of confusion. He shook his head, "I've been trying to figure that out since I got here, Jade. And unfortunately, I'm no closer to an answer now than I was then." "Maybe it's magic," Megabyte volunteered thoughtfully. Adam glanced back at the Tomorrow Person who lagged behind them. "Oh, yesterday you were treating me like I was a nutter and today you believe me?" "Not one hundred percent, but," Megabyte shrugged, "If there is a such thing as magic, then maybe that's what brought us here." Jade looked from one to the other, truly lamenting that she had not been privy to the conversation and reunion in Lord Bial's study. "What's this about magic?" "Adam thinks that Merlin is here." Adam ignored the comment and addressed Jade directly. "This world has magic, Jade. Real magic. And all of Megabyte's smart-ass comments aside, he might have a point. I know that thing I saw on the beach couldn't have been natural." "But why us? And why here?" Jade asked. "And where's Ami?" Megabyte's question bathed Jade in an ocean of guilt and shame. She hadn't even thought about their missing friend since their first few days here; and, she had been so ecstatically happy to see Adam that she still had not really focused on Ami's absence. Here she was so worried about herself, and so wound up in her own world that she had forgotten all about Ami. What if Ami was here and she was totally and completely alone with none of them around? And she didn't have the pleasure of being royalty like Adam or at least "married" like Jade and Megabyte. What if she was a servant that wasn't appreciated, or she was a trapped in a horrible marriage to a man with seven wives -- "Jade," Adam's hand on her arm pulled her from her spiraling thoughts, a soft comforting smile on his lips, "It's all right. I'm sure that wherever Ami is, she's fine. She can handle herself pretty well. There's a good chance that she's not even here at all." Jade paled. Had she been speaking aloud? It was a wonder that Megabyte wasn't teasing her mercilessly. "No," Adam responded to her unspoken thoughts, "But you were broadcasting pretty loudly there." "And can you really imagine Ami trapped in a horrible marriage or something? She'd probably have her husband running scared within twenty-four hours," Megabyte laughed. "But she could be here, I mean, we don't know that she's not here --" "I think, that for now, we need to operate on the premise that she isn't here," Adam cut her off before she could lose herself in a panic and guilt again. "Personally, it makes me feel a lot better to think that she's back on earth, trying to find a way to get us back." "Yeah, because if she is here, and we can't sense her, then who knows what could be happening to her?" Megabyte added as he finally managed to exert some control over his horse and maneuver it on the other side of Jade's. Adam glared at him across Jade's horse. "Thank you, Megabyte. Let's try not to be overwhelming with the comforting." Despite his tone, Jade sensed the discomfort and worry that had already begun to gnaw at Adam. He always took so much on his shoulders, trying to be the strong one, and this time was no different. He was far more worried about Ami - or rather Ami's absence - than he wanted to let on to either of them. Jade reached out and patted his hand, hoping to convey her own comfort. "She's okay." Adam gave her a smile that didn't quite touch his eyes, "I know she is. Besides, wherever she is, at least she isn't married to Megabyte, right?" "Oh, you're real funny, Adam. Like being married to Jade is a picnic?" Jade stuck her tongue out at him. The teasing banter lightened the mood - if only a small bit. "I think the most important thing right now, is that we act as normal as possible," Adam said after a while. "We have to be who everyone thinks we are. And in the meantime, we need to find out anything we can about that portal that we saw. I can research at the Palace, there maybe something in a book somewhere, some kind of spell or something." "And what should we do?" Megabyte asked. "Ask around. Listen," Adam looked over at the two of them. "Servants talk and gossip, and sometimes they know a lot more than you think they do. They might be full of rumor and superstition, but even superstition comes from somewhere. "The worse that can happen is that we're still stuck here in a month and a half and I end up married." *** End of Chapter Fourteen ===== ********************************************* Worlds Away ********************************************* __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail - only $35 a year! - - To unsubscribe to arfic-l, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe arfic-l" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001 20:04:31 -0800 (PST) From: Worlds Away Subject: (arfic-l) FIC: Worlds Away (15/??) Title: Worlds Away (Part 15/??) Author: M. Bumbarger Email: Fandom: New Series Tomorrow People Rating: PG-13/TV-14 Summary: The Tomorrow People are swept away to a different world, where they must take up the lives of their alter-egos and try to find their way home . . . which won't be easy. Dedication: To Mandi just because I enjoyed "Slow Night" so very much! Disclaimer: The Tomorrow People (Adam Newman, Ami Jackson, Megabyte Damon, and Jade Weston) are the property of Roger Damon Price, Thames Television, ITV, Tetra Television and Nickelodeon. They are used here without permission, but not for profit. The lands, countries, customs, deities, and original characters are mine and mine only, springing from the depths of my imagination and should not be used anywhere else without my permission. Please do not repost this to any list or archive it anywhere else without my express permission. Previous parts at ***** Chapter Fifteen Adam rode along thoughtfully behind his friends. The afternoon ride had gone well - and one good thing about being the prince was that no one questioned his motives, or odd requests. If the High Prince wanted to ride alone with his cousin and his cousin's wife, then no one tried to stop or question him. Well, if you didn't count the almost half-hearted protest that Lady Margot gave when it was clear that Adam would be wresting Lady Jadina from under her wing. Getting rid of Hagen had been easy; the man needed no encouragement to find his own amusements. To Adam's surprise, getting rid of Stewart had not been all that difficult either. Despite seeing ambush and assassins in every corner, evidently Stewart was convinced that Lord Marmion had no intentions of sticking a dagger into Adam's ribcage. Adam might not have been so certain about that if he hadn't known that the current incarnation of Lord Marmion really wouldn't have any such motive and couldn't have attempted to kill Adam even had he wanted to. Of course, soothing his fears about Megabyte and Jade had only created new ones -- or rather, a new one. Ami. Was she here? Was she on earth? He had no way of knowing; after all, he hadn't truly been able to sense Megabyte and Jade from a distance, so Ami would be no different. And if she was here, this world was not small - could they ever hope to find her? Random chance led to him Jade and Megabyte and Adam held on fervently to the hope that random chance might lead them to Ami as well. Forcing thoughts of their absent Tomorrow Person aside, Adam reined in his horse and looked to Megabyte again. He could still see the hurt and sting in Jade's eyes when the other had announced that he *needed* to speak to Adam alone before they returned, and he did feel for her. Despite the fact that Megabyte and Jade were getting along better than they ever had before, and far better than Adam would have expected under the circumstances, some things still had not changed. "So, what was so important that you had to send Jade away first?" As much as he hated to admit it, Adam was curious about what precisely was on Megabyte's mind. "I'm having an affair," Megabyte said. Actually, he blurted the words so that they all ran together sounding more like 'Imhavinganaffair,' and it took Adam a moment to translate. Then, as a red that matched Megabyte's hair filled his face, the other continued, "I mean, not me. Marmion. Marmion is -- was - -- having an affair." If Megabyte hadn't looked so positively miserable and scandalized by the confession, Adam might have laughed. He didn't know what he had been expecting his friend to say, but that certainly had not been it. Not that Adam was surprised by that sort of news about Marmion. His conversations with Hagen, a few sketchy notes in the prince's private journals, and the general attitude he picked up on from those around him told Adam that Lord Marmion was not a pillar of virtue. Hagen had even openly commented en route to Elspera Keep that he hoped that some time spent with Lady Jadina might have persuaded Marmion to only seek entertainments in his marriage bed. Adam was under the definite impression that the only reason the prince and Hagen tolerated Marmion at all was because they had grown up with the young man, and he was *their* cousin. "How exactly did you find this out?" Adam thought it was better not to mention that there was no need to be so secretive. Hagen knew of Marmion's infidelities, as did Stewart. And, as he had told Jade and Megabyte earlier, servants are far more observant than given credit for and they did tend to gossip. "She - she - she kissed me!" Megabyte blurted the words out, going even redder than Adam would have imagined. "I mean, there I was, chaining clothes and she just walked into my bedroom and kissed me!" "Somehow, Megabyte, I never thought you would object to a pretty girl kissing you," Adam teased. "She is pretty?" "Yes! But that's not the point. The point is that I'm Marmion, and he's married and he's a complete jerk." "Well, then this is your opportunity to change that, Megabyte." "And you know what the worst part is? She acts like nothing happened!" "That is usually the case with affairs --" "She just went on, doting on Jade like she hadn't been attacking me earlier. You saw her, Adam, she treats *Lady Jadina* like she's the best thing on earth and then she turns around and screws her husband. What kind of woman does that?" It took Adam's brain a moment to catch up with Megabyte's tirade. As it did, the pieces of the puzzle clicked into the place - the cold glares Adam had thought he was only imagining that Megabyte gave to Sarena, or the way he thought that Sarena had spent far more time than she should have with her eyes on *Lord Marmion.* "Sarena? You're having an affair with Sarena?" "No. Marmion is having an affair with Sarena. I'm being molested by Sarena." Megabyte glowered, "Legan knows too. Legan knows and even he doesn't do anything about it. He just treats me like I'm dirt." "No offense, but from what I know of Marmion Ruele, he is dirt," Adam said. He held up a hand to forestall any outbursts from Megabyte. "I know you're not him, and I'm glad that you're not nearly the jackass that he seems to be. Maybe that's the one good thing that can come of us being here -- you can give Marmion a personality makeover." Megabyte scowled. "And what do I do about Sarena?" "Whatever you want." Adam shifted in his saddle. "Is that why you sent Jade away, so she wouldn't find out about this?" "What was I supposed to do? Let her know that the *Lady Jadina* is being totally taken advantage of and being made a fool of by her lady in waiting? Come on, Adam, Jade and I may not get along, but I'm not going to do that to her. At least I wasn't going to until I actually figured out what to do about it." "And what are you going to do about it?" Adam tilted his head thoughtfully. "Better yet, what do you want to do about it?" "What do you mean?" The redhead appeared genuinely confused. "Well, Megabyte, you do have Sarena's attention. And, as you pointed out to me, she is very . . . beautiful," Adam stumbled over the description because beautiful did not even begin to describe her. The woman gave off vibes that would set men to one another's throats for her attention if she so desired it; the fact that she knew it did very little to dampen her attractiveness and appeal. Women like Sarena were dangerous; wars had been rumored to start over less. "Are you saying that I should --" Megabyte stared at him with absolute incredulity. Adam held up his hand, "I'm not saying anything, Megabyte. I'm asking you what your feelings are. What do you want to do about Sarena? And shipping her back to the Palace with me is not an option, so don't even suggest it." Megabyte was quiet for a while, chin resting on his the heel of his hand while he seriously contemplated the question. "I don't know. I mean, it's like, it wouldn't be right you know?" "Consider me the devil's advocate. Why wouldn't' that be right?" "Well, for starters, I'm married." "Marmion is married," Adam corrected him. "And I'm Marmion. And you’re the prince … and now do you see how screwy this all is? I'm *married* and even if it is to Jade, it just doesn't seem right. Besides, it would really hurt Jade's feelings if she found out. I think she actually likes Sarena." Adam raised an eyebrow, but decided not to comment on Megabyte's concern with hurting Jade's feelings. It certainly wasn't something his friend had concerned himself with back on earth; maybe being trapped alone with Jade for two weeks had done Megabyte and Jade's friendship some real good. "So?" "Do you think she'll just go away if I tell her to?" Adam laughed, the first genuine laugh since they began their ride. "You're *Lord Marmion Ruele,* she has no choice. You could tell her to go the capital and play in carriage traffic and while she may not follow through, she certainly couldn't tell you 'no.' " Megabyte considered it, "What if she doesn't go away?" "You're a smart boy, Megabyte. You'll figure something out." ***End of Chapter Fifteen ===== ********************************************* Worlds Away ********************************************* __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! 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The lands, countries, customs, deities, and original characters are mine and mine only, springing from the depths of my imagination and should not be used anywhere else without my permission. Please do not repost this to any list or archive it anywhere else without my express permission. Previous parts at ***** Chapter Sixteen In one way, Adam had been absolutely correct - Megabyte did think of a way to deal with Sarena. For what it lacked in creativity and originality, it made up for in the directness of the approach. Put simply, Megabyte went out of his way to avoid the woman. Which, surprisingly enough in a keep the size of Elspera was not an easy thing to do. It seemed to him that if he wasn't spending time with Adam and Hagen, and Sarena wasn't attending Jade, then she had a curious knack of appearing wherever Megabyte happened to be. It was making him incredibly uncomfortable and more than a little guilty. The guilt only made him angry, because he knew that it was guilt that he had no reason to feel. Still, it did not change the fact that Sarena did not seem to get the hint. It was obvious that the woman was used to having her way with men, and that Lord Marmion was no exception, and she seemed unable to accept that while he was away in the northern provinces some thing had changed between them. Namely, Megabyte noted to himself as he checked the saddle and bit on his horse, that *Lord Marmion* gained a conscience. Whatever. It didn't matter. Sarena was currently out of sight, if not out of mind, and as far as he knew, she was performing her duties of tending to Jade hand over foot. Although Sarena's behavior towards Lady Jadina bothered Megabyte more than he would have ever said aloud, he did and said nothing to change it. After all, what he could he say? "Hey Jade, your lady-in-waiting is a two-faced back-stabbing skank?" All right, so he could say that, but it wouldn't do a particular lot of good. Jade probably wouldn't believe him anyway, especially when Sarena was also honey goodness to her lady Jadina. And from what Megabyte had managed to figure out, things were a bit more complicated than that. Sarena had been raised by Lady Jadina's side, raised to be her companion and personal maidservant, and before coming to Elspera Keep, the two had been closer than sisters. The knowledge that Megabyte gleaned from some of Marmion's older journals and correspondence, and from simply taking Adam's advice and trying to listen to servant gossip, was that the wedding had almost not happened because Marmion had not wanted his new bride to bring any 'trappings' of her old house with her. That included servants. Marmion felt that if he was going to be forced to wed the child Jadina that she would start off their marriage as not only his wife, but his subject in Elspera Keep, a member of House Ruele with no other ties or linkage. Fortunately, Lady Margot had stepped in, and with a quiet word to Queen Carrina, Sarena, and two other ladies-in-waiting and one steward had joined House Ruele with the marriage. "My lord, you are going riding?" Megabyte glanced over the back of his horse to meet the curious, and somewhat contemptuous glare of Legan. How Marmion ever managed to get stuck with a personal valet that seemed to loath even being in his presence, was one of those mysteries that Megabyte had not figured out yet. "Yes, Legan. I am going riding." "Alone?" Megabyte bit back the very smart-ass retort that immediately painted itself on the tip of his tongue. He was trying his hardest to not make waves, to show a different, kinder, gentler side of Marmion Ruele, but Legan did not always make it easy. "Yes, alone. It gives me a chance to think." That wasn't necessarily a lie. During the time that Adam had been at the Keep, and Megabyte sorely missed his old friend even if the elder was only a telepathic call away, the two of them had discovered that if they wanted privacy, the best way to find it was on horseback. Marmion and the prince had gone riding quite frequently, and after the first few days of fear and soreness, Megabyte had actually become accustomed to riding a horse. He would still prefer a motorized vehicle any day of the week, but he, and his horse, Brazar, did get along much better these days. "Is your father aware that you are taking leave? I was under the impression that --" "My *father* decided that he had some business to attend to at the Palace and that I could be given one day where I did not have to oversee everything. That is why he has the Duke of Rigora in his service as well." Listening to himself talk, Megabyte shook his head slightly and returned his attention to Brazar. A few weeks ago, he would never have spoken with such formality, but it seemed that this world was growing on him. The only times of late that he allowed himself to be just Megabyte was when he was alone with Adam, who was back at the Lion Palace, or Jade, whom Megabyte was lucky to see at meals or for an hour or so before they retired to their separate sleeping quarters. "I did not mean to imply that my lord was shirking his duties." Megabyte yanked on the saddle strap. "Yes. You did." Their eyes met and held, a silent war of wills. Legan did not correct the accusation, but rather than push the envelope even further, Megabyte let it go. He didn't want to deal with it right now. He also did not wish to deal with the sultry, feminine voice that called out from the stable entrance, "My lord?" The words "Go away, Sarena," somehow seemed childish, so Megabyte did not say them. Instead, he chose an equally childish way of dealing with her - he ignored her. "I assume you come bearing a missive from the Lady Jadina?" Legan asked, the disgust apparent in his voice. Megabyte noticed, belatedly, that the stable hands and groomsmen had made themselves scarce when Sarena appeared. Great, he had a starring role in a soap opera. "I was out merely out walking and noticed that milord was out as well," Sarena dismissed Legan with a toss of her head, gliding towards Megabyte and Brazar. "I was wondering if my lord would be in need of anything before going on what is surely to be a most lonely and tiresome ride?" Megabyte looked at her, and nearly broke into peals of laughter when his next words froze her in mid-stride. "Where is my wife, Sarena? Shouldn't you be at her side?" Until that moment, Megabyte had not thought that it would be possible to see Sarena unnnerved, her usual poise and grace slipping away as her eyes widened to the size of saucers. She clutched her hands in front of her, blinking at him and drew a sharp breath. "She is with the Lady Margot. In the kitchens." Megabyte watied, and when it became clear that Sarena would say no more, he prodded her. "And what is she doing there?" Sarena now stared at him as though he had sprouted another head, and even Legan showed a bit of concern, although Megabyte was certain that he was more concerned for his own hide if Lord Marmion had lost a few screws. "There is a new cook, from Albarasque no less. The Lady Margot thought that it would be a fitting touch and honor to do such for the Damiar Princess and her party." "Hnn," Megabyte nodded thoughtfully, pausing as he was poised to hoist himself into the saddle. "Well, why don't you go and get her, Sarena. Tell her that I wish to see her quite urgently. I'm sure that she won't mind being rescued from the kitchen and my mother's shadow." Sarena's eyes did bulge out of her head. Her jaw worked soundlessly, and for a moment, Megabyte was afraid the woman would have a stroke right there in the stable. It took her a full thirty seconds to regain her composure, and another ten to form words, "Certainly my lord does not wish to interfere in the goings on of household management. Your mother would be most displeased with you. If you have need --" "Legan," Megabyte slid his eyes from the Jade's personal maid to his valet, "Apparently Sarena is having some difficulty comprehending my words. Could you kindly escort her to the kitchen and see that she seeks out my wife as I have asked?" Although Megabyte was not looking at her, he had no problems feeling the wave of anger and indignation that rolled off of Sarena. He heard her sharp breath, and heard the loud crunching of the straw and grass beneath her feet as she stalked from the stables. He felt Legan's mirth and saw the man smirk. "My lord, a man who plays with that much fire -" "Legan. See that Sarena delivers my message to my wife," Megabyte cut the man off with a wave of his hand, his eyes already beginning to dart around the stables. He found what he was looking for, a single groom daring to attempt to duck quietly in to tend to the horses, "You there! Prepare Lady Jadina's horse, we're going riding." "A-a-al-lone to-to-together?" The groom stared at him in utter shock, stuttering a response when he might never have dared to speak up otherwise. "Mi-mi-l-l-ord?" The last was added quickly, and the man flushed from his neck to the roots of his hair. "Unless there is a problem with my wife's steed? Is she ill? Or overtired?" "No-no, no milord. She will be ready shortly." The groom hurried more deeply into the stables, nearly stumbling over his feet as he did so. "Oh and Legan?" the Tomorrow Person and Lord of Elspera Keep called after the back of his departing valet, "See if someone in the kitchen can prepare something for us to eat. I don't think we'll be back in time for supper." **** TBC . . . ===== ********************************************* Worlds Away ********************************************* __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. - - To unsubscribe to arfic-l, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe arfic-l" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ End of arfic-l-digest V1 #6 *************************** - To unsubscribe to $LIST, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe $LIST" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. 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