From: Thane M Beckstrand Subject: Re: BB: Aeroflow Date: 01 Mar 1999 07:38:36 -0700 Mike... It's a choice between staying warm or being able to ride like a "scalded cat"(can I say that?) and getting lousy gas mileage either way. I think I know what you'll opt for. Thane **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: BB: Aeroflow Date: 01 Mar 1999 09:31:24 -0700 Thane, On behalf of the Scalded Cat Society of North America, I would like to object in the strongest possible terms to your shallow and insensitive remarks. How can you litter this bulletin board with such cavalier catni= p =96 uh, I mean claptrap. Stuff like this just burns me up! You are in hot water over this one, mister. The fur will be flying before you have hear= d the last of this! P.S. Does anyone know if Scaled Cat is Szechuan or Cantonese? Was the original recipe developed by Meow Tse-tung? Roi -----Original Message----- m> >Mike... > >It's a choice between staying warm or being able to ride like a "scalded >cat"(can I say that?) and getting lousy gas mileage either way. > >I think I know what you'll opt for. > >Thane > >**************************************************************** >The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List > >**************************************************************** **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Deaver" Subject: Re: BB: Aeroflow Date: 01 Mar 1999 14:06:35 -0700 Possibly the Scalded Cat is Vietnamese. If it were Szechuan it wouldn't it be fast bar b que on a lightly oiled pan and if Cantonese stir fried on a Wok? ; ) Tom PS Do you prefer the ginger sauce or some other? VBG -----Original Message----- Thane, On behalf of the Scalded Cat Society of North America, I would like to object in the strongest possible terms to your shallow and insensitive remarks. How can you litter this bulletin board with such cavalier catnip – uh, I mean claptrap. Stuff like this just burns me up! You are in hot water over this one, mister. The fur will be flying before you have heard the last of this! P.S. Does anyone know if Scaled Cat is Szechuan or Cantonese? Was the original recipe developed by Meow Tse-tung? Roi -----Original Message----- >Mike... > >It's a choice between staying warm or being able to ride like a "scalded >cat"(can I say that?) and getting lousy gas mileage either way. > >I think I know what you'll opt for. > >Thane > >**************************************************************** >The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List > >**************************************************************** **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeb Berg Subject: BB: RE: [Fwd: BOUNCE Non-member submission from [Barb Berg ]] Date: 01 Mar 1999 15:11:16 -0700 Mike, My address is Barb is my wifes address Jeb ---------- Reply To: Sent: Sunday, February 28, 1999 9:15 PM wrote: > > From Sun Feb 28 19:33:57 1999 > Received: from [] ( > by with smtp (Exim 2.05 #1) > id 10HIWr-0006UD-00 > for; Sun, 28 Feb 1999 19:33:57 -0700 > Received: (qmail 27521 invoked by alias); 1 Mar 1999 02:30:38 -0000 > Delivered-To: > Received: (qmail 23155 invoked by uid 0); 1 Mar 1999 02:27:39 -0000 > Received: from unknown (HELO ( > by with SMTP; 1 Mar 1999 02:27:39 -0000 > Message-ID: <> > Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 19:30:24 -0700 > From: Barb Berg > Reply-To: > X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.04 [en] (Win95; U) > MIME-Version: 1.0 > To: > Subject: New Address > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii > Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > > Attention all. > > I have a new address. the local yokels were making me crazy > with the garbage equipment they offered. Now I am ready for > the new century! > > My new address is: > > Make a note of it. > > Jeb Berg **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Deaver" Subject: BB: Stinger Stomp Date: 01 Mar 1999 15:33:02 -0700 We need two more volunteers for the Stinger Stomp tomorrow evening, Tuesday, March 2 at 7 p.m. So far I know of Jeff Stokes and myself. Tom **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Stephen Ober & Kathy Dennis Subject: Re: BB: Anyone out there? Date: 01 Mar 1999 19:25:31 -0700 't was I and my wife that you and Bob ran into on Antelope Island, Sunday. Was a pleasure! Hope to see you out and about! Steve Ober (R1100RT) and Kathy Dennis (R1200C) wrote: > The Bobster and I rode to Antelope Island Today. Lots of people on bikes and a > couple on an Rt (him) and she was on a BMW cruiser. Bob and I sorted out our > Eurocoms and Ham radios, valentine's, and Walkman's etc. All in all a pleasant > day, but I am ready for a weekend campout somewhere, once spring comes back > into style. > > **************************************************************** > The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List > > **************************************************************** **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Deaver" Subject: BB: Stinger Stomp is stomped Date: 02 Mar 1999 21:00:27 -0700 Many thanks to Mike Clark and Thane Beckstran for helping with the Stinger Stomp this evening. My wife Anne pulled up to the table and assisted the 1/2 hour or so. Thanks to each of your for your assistance. Tom I will drop them into the mail box tomorrow a.m. on my way to work. TD **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeb Berg Subject: BB: RE: Stinger Stomp is stomped Date: 03 Mar 1999 19:49:46 -0700 tom, Sorry I could not help. I had business guests to entertain that evening. Jeb ---------- Reply To: Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 1999 9:00 PM Many thanks to Mike Clark and Thane Beckstran for helping with the Stinger Stomp this evening. My wife Anne pulled up to the table and assisted the 1/2 hour or so. Thanks to each of your for your assistance. Tom I will drop them into the mail box tomorrow a.m. on my way to work. TD **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jaime Richmond-Hope Subject: BB: F650 Date: 05 Mar 1999 13:48:58 -0700 Hi Everyone! I'm moving to Europe very soon and I need to sell mi bike. So if you are interested in purchase a F650, please send me a private e-mail to: I need to paid the loan, I'm not looking to get rich with the sell of my bike (just under $6000) 97 F650 Funduro Red ~7700 miles Hated handgrips Large BMW Bags **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mike Silva Subject: BB: Tool Guide Date: 05 Mar 1999 22:48:31 -0700 Although there are not many jokes on the mail list,Here is something that many will appreciate and could be close to home for some of us, during our time spent in the garage, tools in hand: > MECHANIC'S TOOL GUIDE > > > > HAMMER: Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays > > is used as a kind of divining rod to locate expensive parts not far > > from the object we are trying to hit. > > > > MECHANIC'S KNIFE: Used to open and slice through the contents of > > cardboard cartons delivered to your front door; works particularly > > well on boxes containing seats and motorcycle jackets. > > > > ELECTRIC HAND DRILL: Normally used for spinning steel Pop rivets > > in their holes until you die of old age, but it also works great > > for drilling mounting holes in fenders just above the brake line > > that goes to the rear wheel. > > > > PLIERS: Used to round off bolt heads. > > > > HACKSAW: One of a family of cutting tools built on the Ouija board > > principle. It transforms human energy intomotion, and the more > > you attempt to influence its course, the more dismal your future > > becomes. > > > > VISE-GRIPS: Used to round off bolt heads. If nothing else is > > available, they can also be used to transfer intense welding heat > > to the palm of your hand. > > > > OXYACETYLENE TORCH: Used almost entirely for lighting various > > flammable objects in your garage on fire. Also handy for > > igniting the grease inside a brake drum you're trying to get > > the bearing race out of. > > > > WHITWORTH SOCKETS: Once used for working on older British cars and > > motorcycles, they are now used mainly for impersonating that 9/16 > > or 1/2 socket you've been searching for the last 15 minutes. > > > > DRILL PRESS: A tall upright machine useful for suddenly snatching > > flat metal bar stock out of your hands so that it smacks you in the > > chest and flings your drink across the room, splattering it against > > that freshly painted part you were drying. > > > > WIRE WHEEL: Cleans rust off old bolts and then throws them > > somewhere under the workbench with the speed of light. Also > > removes fingerprint whorls and hard-earned guitar calluses in > > about the time it takes you to say, "Ouc...." > > > > HYDRAULIC FLOOR JACK: Used for lowering a Morgan to the ground > > after you have installed your new front disk brake setup, trapping > > the jack handle firmly under the front fender. > > > > EIGHT-FOOT LONG DOUGLAS FIR 2X4: Used for levering a Morgan > > upward off a hydraulic jack. > > > > TWEEZERS: A tool for removing wood splinters. > > > > PHONE: Tool for calling your neighbor to see if he has another > > hydraulic floor jack. > > > > SNAP-ON GASKET SCRAPER: Theoretically useful as a sandwich tool > > for spreading mayonnaise; used mainly for getting dog-doo off your > > boot. > > > > E-Z OUT BOLT AND STUD EXTRACTOR: A tool that snaps off in bolt > > holes and is ten times harder than any known drill bit. > > > > TIMING LIGHT: A stroboscopic instrument for illuminating grease > > buildup. > > > > TWO-TON HYDRAULIC ENGINE HOIST: A handy tool for testing the > > tensile strength of ground straps and brake lines you may have forgotten > > to disconnect. > > > > CRAFTSMAN 1/2 x 16-INCH SCREWDRIVER: A large motor mount prying > > tool that inexplicably has an accurately machined screwdriver tip on > > the end without the handle. > > > > BATTERY ELECTROLYTE TESTER: A handy tool for transferring sulfuric > > acid from a car battery to the inside of your toolbox after > > determining that your battery is dead as a doornail, just as you > > thought. > > > > AVIATION METAL SNIPS: See hacksaw. > > > > TROUBLE LIGHT: The mechanic's own tanning booth. Sometimes called > > a drop light, it is a good source of vitamin D, "the sunshine > > vitamin," which is not otherwise found under cars at night. > > Health benefits aside, its main purpose is to consume 40-watt > > light bulbs at about the same rate that 105-mm howitzer shells > > might be used during, say, the first few hours of the Battle of > > the Bulge. More often dark than light, its name is somewhat misleading. > > > > PHILLIPS SCREWDRIVER: Normally used to stab the lids of old-style > > paper-and-tin oil cans and splash oil on your shirt; can also be used, > > as the name implies, to hollow out Phillips screw heads. > > > > AIR COMPRESSOR: A machine that takes energy produced in a coal-burning > > power plant 200 miles away and transforms it into compressed air that > > travels by hose to a Chicago Pneumatic impact wrench that grips rusty > > bolts last tightened 60 years ago by someone in Springfield, and rounds > > them off. > > > > PRY BAR: A tool used to crumple the metal surrounding that clip or > > bracket you needed to remove in order to replace a 50 cent part. > > > > HOSE CUTTER: A tool used to cut hoses 1/2 inch too short **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Thomas W. Kullen" Subject: BB: membership Date: 08 Mar 1999 07:53:15 -0700 Tom, OK-I paid Linda on Sat. Can I have my real issue of the Stinger now??? See-it worked! Cheers, Tom **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Deaver" Subject: BB: Re: membership Date: 08 Mar 1999 14:35:09 -0700 Tom, I have some good news and some bad news. Which do you want first? Well, I 'll start with the bad news. The zip cartridge I keep the Stinger on has become corrupted some how. Mike Clark, resident computer genus, has even tried to save it. No luck. I can not print any more March Stingers. I use the zip carts for storage of several back issues at a time. This is the first time one has failed, for me at least. Secondly, the good news. I put about a dozen at Ted's shop for the club wall. I'll go to Ted's, as if I really need an excuse, and get one for you. If it's alright with you, instead of mailing it to you, I'll hand carry it to you at the PCMC meeting on Wed. night. This will probably be faster than USPS. Tom -----Original Message----- >Tom, > > OK-I paid Linda on Sat. Can I have my real issue of the Stinger now??? >See-it worked! > >Cheers, > >Tom > >**************************************************************** >The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List > >**************************************************************** > **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Deaver" Subject: BB: Urgent: Special Seminar at BMW of SL Date: 08 Mar 1999 16:35:03 -0700 Thane asked me to post the following. Everyone is invited to BMW of SL at 6 p.m. for a special seminar. The Helmet House guy just announced he is bringing their newest helmets and a new one piece riding suit for demo'ing. Last minute arrangement. Last minute notice. Go. Have fun. I just found out myself. Tom Deaver **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Deaver" Subject: BB: Re: Buffalo Embossing BMW Prints Date: 08 Mar 1999 16:42:57 -0700 I've been fortunate enough to obtain the "R-32 embossing for the 26th MOA Rally" artist proof. In addition to the "R90S" done later. Both were delivered framed and are proudly displayed on my home office wall. These are to be looked into. Tom Deaver -----Original Message----- Cc: > >All, > > I just received two beautiful BMW Motorcycle embossings from Buffalo >Embossing in Missoula, MT. I understand that the R32 embossing was >available at the Missoula National last year, but I didn't know anything >about them until Dave Strauss gave me a heads up on them. If you don't know >what an embossing is (like me!) I think you'll be in for a real treat. It >is a bas-relief done on heavy stock paper. The first print, the R32 is sold >out, but the second one, an R90S is still available. The artist, Dan >Tabish, is planning a whole series of BMW's. The next one is suppossed to >be an R1100RS! When framed, the effect is quite striking! He has also done >an early Indian that I got for a friend of mine. These are very detailed >works and are a welcome addition to any BMW aficionado's walls! You can >check them out at > >Cheers, Phactory Phil > > >Phactory Phil aka Phil Rose >Located in Beautiful South Easton, Massachusetts!!! > >1959 R26 Lil' Blackie Warm and cozy! >1969 R60/2 Big Red Also Warm and cozy too! >1982 R65LS #1 Muth-HA All apart! >1982 R65LS #2 Grand Prix FREE to a Good home! :-) >1997 R1100RS/L Q-Ship Headed to Daytona! > >Oh Yeah, and a 1982 Honda MB5 > >WEB STUFF! > NEW!!!! > > **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: BB: Urgent: Special Seminar at BMW of SL Date: 08 Mar 1999 18:29:58 EST To all people on the Beehive Beemer List. If you have a Garmin III it can be updated to become a Garmin III Plus for $100.00. I e-mailed them over the weekend and they posted me back. Any save data you have on your GPS will be wiped out and you will still need to buy the appropriate software on CD rom etc. I heard that this could be done and decided to e-mail them. **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Thomas W. Kullen" Subject: Re: BB: Re: membership Date: 08 Mar 1999 17:28:43 -0700 Tom Deaver wrote: > > Tom, > > I have some good news and some bad news. Which do you want first? > > Well, I 'll start with the bad news. The zip cartridge I keep the Stinger > on has become corrupted some how. Mike Clark, resident computer genus, has > even tried to save it. No luck. I can not print any more March Stingers. > I use the zip carts for storage of several back issues at a time. This is > the first time one has failed, for me at least. > > Secondly, the good news. I put about a dozen at Ted's shop for the club > wall. I'll go to Ted's, as if I really need an excuse, and get one for you. > If it's alright with you, instead of mailing it to you, I'll hand carry it > to you at the PCMC meeting on Wed. night. This will probably be faster than > USPS. > > Tom > > -----Original Message----- > From: Thomas W. Kullen > To: > Date: Monday, March 08, 1999 7:55 AM > Subject: BB: membership > > >Tom, > > > > OK-I paid Linda on Sat. Can I have my real issue of the Stinger now??? > >See-it worked! > > > >Cheers, > > > >Tom Tom, Boy-hand picked, special delivery-what service! Deaver-Stinger editor for life!!! Cheers, Tom K. **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ralph Smithers" Subject: BB: RE: Urgent: Special Seminar at BMW of SL Date: 08 Mar 1999 17:32:06 -0700 6:00 PM today? Ted is closed (I thought) -----Original Message----- []On Behalf Of Tom Deaver Sent: Monday, March 08, 1999 4:35 PM Thane asked me to post the following. Everyone is invited to BMW of SL at 6 p.m. for a special seminar. The Helmet House guy just announced he is bringing their newest helmets and a new one piece riding suit for demo'ing. Last minute arrangement. Last minute notice. Go. Have fun. I just found out myself. Tom Deaver **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: BB: Fwd: Updating of Garmin GPS III Date: 08 Mar 1999 20:00:41 EST This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --part0_920941242_boundary Content-ID: <> Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII --part0_920941242_boundary Content-ID: <> Content-type: message/rfc822 Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit Content-disposition: inline Return-Path: Received: from ( []) by (v56.26) with SMTP; Mon, 08 Mar 1999 13:31:57 1900 Received: from ( []) by (8.8.8/8.8.5/AOL-4.0.0) with ESMTP id NAA12925 for ; Mon, 8 Mar 1999 13:31:56 -0500 (EST) Received: from (root@localhost) by with ESMTP id MAA23878 for ; Mon, 8 Mar 1999 12:25:12 -0600 (CST) Received: from ([]) by with ESMTP id MAA23874 for ; Mon, 8 Mar 1999 12:25:12 -0600 (CST) Received: by DALLAS with Internet Mail Service (5.5.2448.0) id ; Mon, 8 Mar 1999 12:31:42 -0600 Message-ID: <71471DFD03A7D11191E000600852EC6FE5072D@DALLAS> X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2448.0) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit Thank you for contacting GARMIN. We can upgrade your current Americas GPS III to the new Americas GPS III Plus at the factory for $100 U.S.. This upgrade is available for the Americas GPS III to the Americas GPS III Plus only. The GPS III Plus will be a new unit and will carry a one year limited warranty. The standard configuration includes: GPS III Plus receiver, lanyard, velcro mount, PC interface cable, owner's manual and quick reference guide. User information, such as waypoints, routes, etc will not be saved, so you may want to back up the data prior to sending the unit in. The MapSource US Roads & Recreation and/or MapSource WorldMap CDs, which only allow map detail upload to the GPS III Plus, may be purchased when you contact us to make the upgrade. The US Roads & Recreation CD is $99.99 and the WorldMap CD is $69.99. If you would like to send the unit in for the exchange, please call our Technical Support group or our Sales at one of the numbers below with the serial number of the unit, credit card number and they will provide you with a return number and shipping instructions. Product Support hours are 8-5 CST M-F. 1-800-800-1020 1-913-397-8200 Best Regards Sherry Garmin International > -----Original Message----- > From: [] > Sent: Saturday, March 06, 1999 10:56 PM > To: > Subject: Updating of Garmin GPS III > > Am curious if it is possible to have some or all of the III plus features > added to a regular III. Have a friend who just purchased a three Plus and > its > neat, but would like to know if for X dollars I could have my regular III > turned into a Three Plus. > Sincerely yours, > C. Swaner -------------------- RE: Updating of Garmin GPS III

Thank you for contacting GARMIN. 

We can upgrade your current Americas GPS III to the new Americas GPS III Plus at the factory for $100 U.S.. This upgrade is available for the Americas GPS III to the Americas GPS III Plus only. The GPS III Plus will be a new unit and will carry a one year limited warranty. The standard configuration includes: GPS III Plus receiver, lanyard, velcro mount, PC interface cable, owner's manual and quick reference guide. User information, such as waypoints, routes, etc will not be saved, so you may want to back up the data prior to sending the unit in. The MapSource US Roads & Recreation and/or MapSource WorldMap CDs, which only allow map detail upload to the GPS III Plus, may be purchased when you contact us to make the upgrade. The US Roads & Recreation CD is $99.99 and the WorldMap CD is $69.99.

If you would like to send the unit in for the exchange, please call our Technical Support group or our Sales at one of the numbers below with the serial number of the unit, credit card number and they will provide you with a return number and shipping instructions. Product Support hours are 8-5 CST M-F.


Best Regards
Garmin International

    -----Original Message-----
    From: []
    Sent:   Saturday, March 06, 1999 10:56 PM
    Subject:        Updating of Garmin GPS III

    Am curious if it is possible to have some or all of the III plus features
    added to a regular III. Have a friend who just purchased a three Plus and its
    neat, but would like to know if for X dollars I could have my regular III
    turned into a Three Plus.
    Sincerely yours,
    C. Swaner

--part0_920941242_boundary-- **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Deaver" Subject: Re: BB: Urgent: Special Seminar at BMW of SL Date: 08 Mar 1999 20:47:34 -0700 Crit, Thanks for the heads up on the Garmin III. I'm definitely interested. Thanks, Tom -----Original Message----- >To all people on the Beehive Beemer List. If you have a Garmin III it can be >updated to become a Garmin III Plus for $100.00. I e-mailed them over the >weekend and they posted me back. Any save data you have on your GPS will be >wiped out and you will still need to buy the appropriate software on CD rom >etc. I heard that this could be done and decided to e-mail them. > >**************************************************************** >The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List > >**************************************************************** > **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: BB: Urgent: Special Seminar at BMW of SL Date: 08 Mar 1999 22:40:11 EST Tom: Anytime, that's what friends are for. **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Deaver" Subject: BB: Re: RE: Urgent: Special Seminar at BMW of SL Date: 08 Mar 1999 21:27:06 -0700 Ted closed on Mondays for the winter only. He had me put the new hours (summer hours or the good old regular hours) in the Stinger this month. Open Monday through Friday 9 till 6. Saturday 10 till 5. closed Sunday. Because of the Seminar they were going to stay open late tonight. HTH Tom Hope I have all this straight. -----Original Message----- >6:00 PM today? Ted is closed (I thought) > >-----Original Message----- >From: >[]On Behalf Of Tom Deaver >Sent: Monday, March 08, 1999 4:35 PM >To: Beehive Beemers >Subject: BB: Urgent: Special Seminar at BMW of SL > > >Thane asked me to post the following. > >Everyone is invited to BMW of SL at 6 p.m. for a special seminar. The >Helmet House guy just announced he is bringing their newest helmets and a >new one piece riding suit for demo'ing. > >Last minute arrangement. Last minute notice. Go. Have fun. > >I just found out myself. > >Tom Deaver > > >**************************************************************** >The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List > >**************************************************************** > > >**************************************************************** >The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List > >**************************************************************** > **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: BB: Polar Bear Ride Date: 10 Mar 1999 21:06:26 EST Just a reminder that this Sunday March 13, is the annual Polar Bear ride sponsored by the Salt Lake Motorcycle Club. It leaves from the Harley Dealership at 9:30 Sunday Morning. The route is always the same, out to Tooele, Stockton, then back around the Mountain to Lehi and back to Murray Park. Instead, if the weather is good, we could continue on to Eureka, and then come back up the west side of Utah Lake. We could still be back in time for Chili at Murray Park, or not pay for the organized ride and just stop somewhere for Lunch. We can discuss it at Saturday's breakfast. Crit **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Clark Subject: Re: BB: Polar Bear Ride Date: 10 Mar 1999 21:21:16 -0700 According to the, the high Sunday is forcast for 63. Yee-haa! Let's ride! I think there's an old Cafe in Eureka that's open on Sundays. How does that sound? -- Mike wrote: > > Just a reminder that this Sunday March 13, is the annual Polar Bear ride > sponsored by the Salt Lake Motorcycle Club. It leaves from the Harley > Dealership at 9:30 Sunday Morning. The route is always the same, out to > Tooele, Stockton, then back around the Mountain to Lehi and back to Murray > Park. Instead, if the weather is good, we could continue on to Eureka, and > then come back up the west side of Utah Lake. We could still be back in time > for Chili at Murray Park, or not pay for the organized ride and just stop > somewhere for Lunch. We can discuss it at Saturday's breakfast. > Crit > > **************************************************************** > The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List > > **************************************************************** **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Scott Subject: Re: BB: Polar Bear Ride Date: 11 Mar 1999 08:53:43 -0500 Sounds like a great ride - I used to do that one all the time in the summer. Guess I'll have to get by doing the same thing in New England this year. Michael wrote: > Just a reminder that this Sunday March 13, is the annual Polar Bear ride > sponsored by the Salt Lake Motorcycle Club. It leaves from the Harley > Dealership at 9:30 Sunday Morning. The route is always the same, out to > Tooele, Stockton, then back around the Mountain to Lehi and back to Murray > Park. Instead, if the weather is good, we could continue on to Eureka, and > then come back up the west side of Utah Lake. We could still be back in time > for Chili at Murray Park, or not pay for the organized ride and just stop > somewhere for Lunch. We can discuss it at Saturday's breakfast. > Crit > > **************************************************************** > The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List > > **************************************************************** **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jaime Richmond-Hope Subject: BB: F650 Date: 11 Mar 1999 09:38:10 -0700 Hi Everyone! me again... I really need to sell my 97 F650 before moving to Europe. So if you are interested in purchase a F650, please, please send me a private e-mail to: Pay what I owe and the bike is yours to enjoy. I just make a payment and the payoff amount is around $5600. What a deal!!! (hey I also have a SUV good price, low miles!!!!!) 97 F650 Funduro Red ~7700 miles Hated handgrips Large BMW Bags thanks again and sorry for the add, desperate times calls for desperate measures... James **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Thomas W. Kullen" Subject: Re: BB: F650 Date: 11 Mar 1999 18:30:33 -0700 Jaime Richmond-Hope wrote: > > Hi Everyone! me again... > > I really need to sell my 97 F650 before moving to Europe. So if you are > interested in purchase a F650, please, please send me a private e-mail to: > Pay what I owe and the bike is yours to enjoy. I just > make a payment and the payoff amount is around $5600. What a deal!!! (hey I > also have a SUV good price, low miles!!!!!) > > 97 F650 Funduro Red ~7700 miles > Hated handgrips > Large BMW Bags > > thanks again and sorry for the add, desperate times calls for desperate > measures... > > James James, Too bad you can't take it with you-the F650 would make a perfect Alps bike. I know someone that you could store it with for about $10.00 month in Heildleberg, Germany. You should be able to bring it on the plane for around $600.00. Cheers, Tom Kullen **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Clark Subject: BB: Additions to the web page. Date: 12 Mar 1999 14:01:38 -0700 BBers, I've added all of Jeb's latest calendar updates, as well as Jeb's bio to the web site. Check it out. -- Mike **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: BB: Art of the Motorcycle Date: 12 Mar 1999 14:40:46 -0600 hello members, I have a good stock of the book "The Art of the Motorcycle" here at my bookstore in Salt Lake, called Bibliotect. Bibliotect is located at 329 W. Pierpont Ave. phone #:236-1010 or toll-free @ 888.236-0002. member price @ $48.00 + tax + shipping **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeb Berg Subject: BB: RE: Additions to the web page. Date: 13 Mar 1999 06:37:23 -0700 thanks Mike!! ---------- Reply To: Sent: Friday, March 12, 1999 2:01 PM BBers, I've added all of Jeb's latest calendar updates, as well as Jeb's bio to the web site. Check it out. -- Mike **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeb Berg Subject: BB: My New Email Address Date: 13 Mar 1999 16:41:35 -0700 Several have indicated that they have my old email address the new one is: Jeb **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Clark Subject: BB: Motorcycle Online's Review of the K1200LT... Date: 13 Mar 1999 21:04:51 -0700 can be found at if anyone is interested. -- Mike **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: BB: Today's Ride Date: 14 Mar 1999 17:02:43 EST Trust everyone got home okay. Thanks to all for a wonderful, almost first day of spring (my less than one week) ride. Its fun doing low-key rides like that. Crit **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Clark Subject: Re: BB: Today's Ride Date: 14 Mar 1999 16:59:28 -0700 Crit, Thane, Jeb & I headed up Provo Canyon into Midway, Oakly, PC and home. Can't speak for the other two, but I'm home safe and sound -- Mike wrote: > > Trust everyone got home okay. Thanks to all for a wonderful, almost first day > of spring (my less than one week) ride. Its fun doing low-key rides like that. > Crit > > **************************************************************** > The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List > > **************************************************************** **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Deaver" Subject: BB: Re: Today's Ride Date: 14 Mar 1999 17:47:13 -0700 Crit, et al, Just read your and Mike C.'s post about today's ride. Sounds like you all had a fun ride. Thought I heard several sonic booms today. ; ) Tom D -----Original Message----- >Trust everyone got home okay. Thanks to all for a wonderful, almost first day >of spring (my less than one week) ride. Its fun doing low-key rides like that. >Crit > >**************************************************************** >The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List > >**************************************************************** > **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: BB: Re: Today's Ride Date: 14 Mar 1999 18:04:28 -0700 Aye, laddie, 'twas truly magic! -----Original Message----- >Trust everyone got home okay. Thanks to all for a wonderful, almost first day >of spring (my less than one week) ride. Its fun doing low-key rides like that. >Crit > >**************************************************************** >The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List > >**************************************************************** **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Clark Subject: Re: BB: Re: Today's Ride Date: 14 Mar 1999 19:43:57 -0700 I think that was from the chili they served after the ride. =8-0 -- Mike > Thought I heard several sonic booms today. ; ) **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Clark Subject: BB: Web Site Update Date: 14 Mar 1999 20:19:08 -0700 Bbers, Tom Deaver's Biography is now on the web site. Bet'cha didn't know we had the criminal element in the club. :-) Thanks to all of the officers who've contributed so far. If anyone else out there would like to be on the who's who page, let me know and I'll put your information there. -- Mike **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Thane Subject: Re: BB: Today's Ride Date: 15 Mar 1999 06:58:47 -0700 Hey Crit... What do you mean by "low key"? Running off and leaving us so when we caught up to Rick we thought it was you and almost followed him over Johnson Pass? If he hadn't stopped at the turn-off when we discovered our mistake we would have been delayed that much more so that I probably would have eaten all those dripping fries at the joint in Eureka. All in all, though, a very interesting day. Got to see Mike's place in Oakley Regards, Thane **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeb Berg Subject: BB: RE: Today's Ride Date: 15 Mar 1999 17:55:21 -0700 I too got home safely and loved the ride. Looking forward to many more this year. Jeb ---------- Reply To: Sent: Sunday, March 14, 1999 3:02 PM Trust everyone got home okay. Thanks to all for a wonderful, almost first day of spring (my less than one week) ride. Its fun doing low-key rides like that. Crit **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: john beeson Subject: BB: Chief Joseph extra Date: 17 Mar 1999 16:59:51 -0800 I just saw in the Oregon newsletter that there may be an antique and home-made airplane fly-in in Chiloquin on the same weekend as the rally. Chilquin is a small town about 25 miles north of K Falls. Its basically right on the way to Crater Lake. John B. **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Deaver" Subject: BB: Re: Chief Joseph extra Date: 17 Mar 1999 19:35:07 -0700 All the more reason to go. I'm planning on it. Tom All though Max and I will probably go alone. -----Original Message----- John Sherfy >I just saw in the Oregon newsletter that there may be an antique and >home-made airplane fly-in in Chiloquin on the same weekend as the rally. >Chilquin is a small town about 25 miles north of K Falls. Its basically >right on the way to Crater Lake. > >John B. > >**************************************************************** >The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List > >**************************************************************** > **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: BB: Re: Chief Joseph extra Date: 17 Mar 1999 22:04:42 EST ToM: Are you trying to say that the rest of the beehive beemers are a bad influence on your son's development, or does your consideration relate to Max getting bored and not liking driving for 12 hours at a time, at breathneck speed etc. **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Deaver" Subject: Re: BB: Re: Chief Joseph extra Date: 17 Mar 1999 21:51:59 -0700 Heck no, neither.. If that was the case he nor Sam, who is very ill tonight, would be allowed to attend any BB functions. It is just a statement of past history. This last year it seems all of my rides to rallies involved my son and I riding by ourselves to the rally point and having a fun time when we met up the BB riders who also attended said function. Remember two yr. ago we, You and I, with others rode to Chief Joseph in Hepner. I had a really great time. You showed me some new roads and beautiful country. And I went to Top O' the Rockies in Paonia with Anne Larsen and one other. It was a fun ride. I enjoy riding with others. I enjoy riding alone. Max or Sam and I have some really wonderful son to father and father to son discussions about all sorts of topics when we are alone. Aren't intercoms neat? And no, I probably would not ride as fast with my sons on board as I would alone. But that is another topic for another day. Besides, I would not dare even try to tell anyone else how fast to ride. Especially since my riding skills are definitely not on par with many others in the club. Are you going to Klamath Falls for the Chief Joseph this year? I wonder who else is? Tom D. -----Original Message----- >ToM: >Are you trying to say that the rest of the beehive beemers are a bad influence >on your son's development, or does your consideration relate to Max getting >bored and not liking driving for 12 hours at a time, at breathneck speed etc. > >**************************************************************** >The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List > >**************************************************************** > **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: BB: Re: Chief Joseph extra Date: 18 Mar 1999 07:53:48 EST Tom: You know I was just kidding. I haven't really thought about The Chief Joseph this year. I am planning on the 49er, Victor, Paonia, The Nevada Ride, Maybe the Stanley Stomp and Siapu for sure. Yes, I can remember lots of discussions with Caitlin on rides with a cheap intercom. She once sang 100 bottles of beer on the wall, all the way on a ride up Monti Cristo on the way to Jackson when she was six. See you on the road. Crit **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michael Clark" Subject: BB: ADMIN: Test Date: 19 Mar 1999 12:56:14 -0700 Testing new mail server, please ignore. -- Mike **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: BB: calling all airheads Date: 19 Mar 1999 22:34:59 -0800 Airheads: If there are any Airhead riders out there is cyberland who would like to get together some weekend to do spring maintenance let me know. I have a garage, Clymers manual, torque wrench and some other tools but only some experience so let me know. Jeff Stokes 88 R100RT **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: BB: Ham radio question Date: 19 Mar 1999 22:34:59 -0800 Alright you Ham radio operators, what have you found is the best way to hear and transmit with a ham radio. I have tried using a single ear plug speaker and the wind noise made it useless. As for the mic I never have found a workable solution. I originally got my license and radio for bicycle tours but I should be able to adapt it to the RT with just some minor changes. Any advice would be great. Jeff Stokes **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Thane Subject: Re: BB: calling all airheads Date: 20 Mar 1999 07:17:39 -0700 At 10:34 PM 3/19/99 -0800, you wrote: ....I have a garage, Clymers manual, torque wrench and >some other tools but only some experience so let me know. > >Jeff Stokes >88 R100RT > >**************************************************************** >The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List > >**************************************************************** > Sounds like a good idea. But unless you also have a barrel to collect used oil, everyone should be reminded to bring their own container for recycling. Or do the oil change at home. Thane **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: BB: Ham radio question Date: 20 Mar 1999 09:30:33 EST Jeff: I tried just using a sort of earphone boom mike, with push to talk button, but it didn't work very well. Wind noise, I ended up buying a eurocom from Ted. There fairly pricey, but in addition to being able to use your rig, it also has leads for a walkman or radio, a radar detector as well as passenger communications. Crit **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Deaver" Subject: BB: Re: calling all airheads Date: 20 Mar 1999 08:17:55 -0700 Jeff, I have a /6 manual and an R51/3, R67 and R68 manual. I'd like to attend. I'd bring the R51, not the K1100LT. This seems like fun. Tom Deaver -----Original Message----- Airheads: If there are any Airhead riders out there is cyberland who would like to get together some weekend to do spring maintenance let me know. I have a garage, Clymers manual, torque wrench and some other tools but only some experience so let me know. Jeff Stokes 88 R100RT **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: BB: Ham radio question Date: 20 Mar 1999 13:45:50 -0800 Thanks Crit I will check into the eurocoms and keep looking for a good solution. thanks Jeff **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: BB: calling all airheads Date: 20 Mar 1999 13:45:50 -0800 That's a good point Thane, I only have a small oil container but there is a quick lube close by. We can run it over to dump so if even a few people bring their own we should be ok. I also dont have a jack of any kind if that is required for anything. Mostly this is a bring your own tools kind of get together and it may turn out that someone else has a better location. I am open to ideas. basically I was going to change fluids, sync the carb and check the valves. Jeff **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michael Clark" Subject: BB: Pony Express Trail Ride Date: 21 Mar 1999 16:31:50 -0700 Thane and I are meeting at BMW of SL at 8:00 on Monday (tomorrow) to ride the Pony Express trail. Any interested riders are welcome to come along. We'll have breakfast before we hit the trail, and lunch in the desert. Pack a lunch if you're coming. -- Mike **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: BB: Pony Express Trail Ride Date: 21 Mar 1999 19:21:35 EST A Three Hour Cruise! **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michael Clark" Subject: Re: BB: Pony Express Trail Ride Date: 21 Mar 1999 22:49:21 -0700 > A Three Hour Cruise! > > **************************************************************** > The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List > > **************************************************************** Must admit Crit, you lost me on that one. Some kind of Gilligans Island reference, right Skipper? Just don't see the connection. Perhaps I'm just tired. -- Mike **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: BB: Pony Express Trail Ride Date: 22 Mar 1999 07:58:53 EST Just be careful. You got the reference, and your probably not that tired. Crit **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: BB: Airhead tech day Date: 22 Mar 1999 22:00:35 -0800 This Sat morning (march 27) I will be doing the spring maintenance on my R100RT. If anyone would like to join me give me a call at 523-0785 or **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: BB: for sale Date: 22 Mar 1999 22:00:35 -0800 For Sale: I have a 1 piece BMW rain suit, size 44/48 color orange/ blue. good condition except for some road grunge below the knees. $45.00 OBO also an insulated heavy black leather jacket (XL) $70.00 OBO and black leather chaps (XL) $70.00 OBO if interested contact Jeff 523-0785 or **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Deaver" Subject: BB: Re: Airhead tech day Date: 23 Mar 1999 12:02:38 -0300 Jeff, I'd like to join you. But I'll still be in Boston, MA. Maybe next time, Tom -----Original Message----- This Sat morning (march 27) I will be doing the spring maintenance on my R100RT. If anyone would like to join me give me a call at 523-0785 or **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rick P." Subject: Re: BB: Pony Express Trail Ride Date: 23 Mar 1999 14:05:30 +0000 What Pony Express Trail Ride? Can KLR's come along? Rick P. wrote: > Just be careful. You got the reference, and your probably not that tired. > Crit > > **************************************************************** > The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List > > **************************************************************** **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: BB: Re: Airhead tech day Date: 23 Mar 1999 18:51:17 EST I'm leaving Saturday morning for San Francisco. Crit **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: david barber Subject: Re: BB: Re: Airhead tech day Date: 23 Mar 1999 18:18:27 -0700 Crit, have a great trip, have some noodles in China town for me! Dali wrote: > I'm leaving Saturday morning for San Francisco. > Crit > > **************************************************************** > The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List > > **************************************************************** **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: BB: Re: Airhead tech day Date: 23 Mar 1999 19:58:11 EST Dali: I will I am taking Caitlin to San Francisco again. She had such a good time last year. Give you a full report when I get back. Crit **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mike Silva Subject: BB: ?? K100RS Questions?? Date: 23 Mar 1999 23:28:41 -0700 Here is a couple of tech questions for some possible K100RS 1985 upgrades I am considering: Any help or suggestions/ Sympathy would be appreciated 1) Has anyone put on bar backs?... Are the cables long enough or will I have to lenghten the cables also? I am looking for 1.5" setback. The tech manual recommends DOT-4 for the brake fluid, Can I use DOT-3/4 combination fluid... The DOT -4 has been hard to find. 2) Any good solutions for fixing the mounting clip attachments on the exhaust?,This is where the heat shield bolts to...I have two broken one and still want to put the heat shield back on. I have heard that new welds break around the perimiter, rivets hollow out and bolt inserts also wallow out . 3) I am going to polish the motor to remove the oxidation, do I need to spray a clear coat on it to avoid future corrosion? What is the best clear coat to use? I have a Reynolds Rack (rear) with the backrest pad for this bike if anyone is looking for one I am interested in selling it. Thanks for any replies ! Mike Silva **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Scott Subject: Re: BB: Re: Airhead tech day Date: 24 Mar 1999 09:23:26 -0500 If you are a Garlic fan, take her to "The Stinky Rose". It's a great little Italian restaurant by Coit Tower. Michael (who used to live there, before Utah) wrote: > Dali: I will I am taking Caitlin to San Francisco again. She had such a good > time last year. Give you a full report when I get back. > Crit > > **************************************************************** > The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List > > **************************************************************** **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rick P." Subject: Re: BB: ?? K100RS Questions?? Date: 24 Mar 1999 20:16:17 +0000 Mike Silva wrote: > 3) I am going to polish the motor to remove the oxidation, do I need to > spray a clear coat on it to avoid future corrosion? What is the best > clear coat to use? Mike, I don't know how badly oxidized your motor is, but I would first try cleaning it with a powder cleaner available at at Smiths grocery called Cameo. Make up a paste and briskly scrub the aluminium with a brush. Even more effective is a mild acid wash first, followed up with the Cameo. Rick Pellegrino **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rick P." Subject: BB: FOR SALE Date: 24 Mar 1999 22:05:25 +0000 For Sale: Vintage '80's accessories. Vetter Windjammer III fairing. Nice shape, painted navy blue, with mounts for Suzuki GS 1000 and Honda 750. $50.00 Anco ABS plastic tail trunk with chrome guards and top rack. Ex. cond. $25.00 Krauser ('70's airhead style) saddlebags for tubular mounts. Good shape, but slight cosmetic lid mismatch. $150.00 pr. Rick Pellegrino 801-484-3240 **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Thane M Beckstrand Subject: Re: BB: Re: Airhead tech day Date: 24 Mar 1999 09:22:52 -0700 At 06:51 PM 3/23/99 EST, you wrote: >I'm leaving Saturday morning for San Francisco. >Crit > >**************************************************************** >The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List > >**************************************************************** >Bring back some genuine San Francisco sour dough bread. Thane **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: BB: Anonymous Book Date: 26 Mar 1999 20:06:43 EST Just got my new BMW Owners anonymous book and just what to know if the real Davern Gerbert will please stand up. **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "DeVern Gerber" Subject: Re: BB: Anonymous Book Date: 26 Mar 1999 18:14:58 -0700 Siigghhhhh. The jig is up. I've been caught in the act of a gradual metamorphasis wherein I am slowly remaking myself from DeVern Gerber, mild-mannered long-distance riding scholarly educator, into David Hasselhof, a major beach stud. Two more legal name changes and three more trips under the plastic surgeon's scalpel and I'm there, baby, I'm there....... Daverd Herberhof On 26 Mar 99, at 20:06, wrote: > Just got my new BMW Owners anonymous book and just what to know if the > real Davern Gerbert will please stand up. > > **************************************************************** > The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List > > **************************************************************** > **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: john beeson Subject: Re: BB: Anonymous Book Date: 26 Mar 1999 20:40:11 -0800 Just out of morbid curiosity Daverd, what body part did you have tweeked first. IT'S TWUH, IT'S TWUH John B. **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: john beeson Subject: BB: First ride Date: 26 Mar 1999 20:59:27 -0800 I finally got my bike put back together, new paint and some slight engine modifications. I took it out for a short ride yesterday afternoon and it really felt good to be back in the saddle again. Of course just as I got home from work this afternoon it started to snow. We now have ~1/2" of ugly white stuff on the ground and just now as I was playing doorman for the cats, I saw that it was doing the "S" word again. WILL SPRING NEVER COME!!! Disillusioned **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "DeVern Gerber" Subject: Re: BB: Anonymous Book Date: 27 Mar 1999 14:22:29 -0700 Naturally, the part(s) that are most important for the beach....... DG (H?) On 26 Mar 99, at 20:40, john beeson wrote: > Just out of morbid curiosity Daverd, what body part did you have tweeked > first. IT'S TWUH, IT'S TWUH > > John B. > > **************************************************************** > The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List > > **************************************************************** > **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michael Clark" Subject: Re: BB: Anonymous Book Date: 29 Mar 1999 01:44:41 -0700 > IT'S TWUH, IT'S TWUH Why is it that at 1:40 in the a.m., after 3 days of sleep deprivation, do I only now recognize this line? Pardon me while I whip this out... -- Mike **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Deaver" Subject: BB: Fw: A plea for help Date: 31 Mar 1999 19:13:12 -0700 ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 1999 11:46 AM > I have in the April Stinger an article about Crazed Coyote stalking the > Beehive Beemers at Death Valley. > > I lost the credit. Who wrote it. I need to know so I can give the author > proper credit. > > Tom Deaver > **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: david barber Subject: Re: BB: Fw: A plea for help Date: 31 Mar 1999 19:59:42 -0700 Tom, It is probably about the coyote who was seeking an admittance handout prior to entering Scottys' Castle. I would check with Anne or Ed Roscoe, Flyin Brian, It was a rare moment in my riding history. Maybe Crit knows. Hope all is well and I have missed your monthly call. David Tom Deaver wrote: > ----- Original Message ----- > From: Tom Deaver > To: Beehive Beemers > Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 1999 11:46 AM > Subject: A plea for help > > > I have in the April Stinger an article about Crazed Coyote stalking the > > Beehive Beemers at Death Valley. > > > > I lost the credit. Who wrote it. I need to know so I can give the author > > proper credit. > > > > Tom Deaver > > > > **************************************************************** > The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List > > **************************************************************** **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: BB: Fw: A plea for help Date: 31 Mar 1999 21:59:53 EST ToM: I didn't got to Scotty's Castle, so I missed the episode with the Coyote, I would check with Gavin, or Annie. I remember them talking about Annie doing someting to a poor defenseless, hungry animal. Something that would get her picture in the ASPCA monthly "bad people's" category, but I don't remember anything more and didn't write it. Crit **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: FlyinBrian Subject: Re: BB: Fw: A plea for help Date: 31 Mar 1999 20:33:01 -0700 I was there, escaped the attack of the killer coyote, lived to write about it........ but did not. Your search is narrowing, good luck! FB Tom Deaver wrote: > ----- Original Message ----- > From: Tom Deaver > To: Beehive Beemers > Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 1999 11:46 AM > Subject: A plea for help > > > I have in the April Stinger an article about Crazed Coyote stalking the > > Beehive Beemers at Death Valley. > > > > I lost the credit. Who wrote it. I need to know so I can give the author > > proper credit. > > > > Tom Deaver > > > > **************************************************************** > The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List > > **************************************************************** **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Deaver" Subject: Re: BB: Fw: A plea for help Date: 31 Mar 1999 22:42:11 -0700 David, Yea, I miss visiting with you, too. Thanks, Tom ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 1999 7:59 PM > Tom, > It is probably about the coyote who was seeking an admittance handout prior to > entering Scottys' Castle. I would check with Anne or Ed Roscoe, Flyin Brian, It > was a rare moment in my riding history. Maybe Crit knows. > Hope all is well and I have missed your monthly call. > David > > Tom Deaver wrote: > > > ----- Original Message ----- > > From: Tom Deaver > > To: Beehive Beemers > > Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 1999 11:46 AM > > Subject: A plea for help > > > > > I have in the April Stinger an article about Crazed Coyote stalking the > > > Beehive Beemers at Death Valley. > > > > > > I lost the credit. Who wrote it. I need to know so I can give the author > > > proper credit. > > > > > > Tom Deaver > > > > > > > **************************************************************** > > The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List > > > > **************************************************************** > > > > > **************************************************************** > The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List > > **************************************************************** **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Deaver" Subject: Re: BB: Fw: A plea for help Date: 31 Mar 1999 22:43:13 -0700 Crit, Hope you like the article. It's really kinda funny. Thanks, Tom ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 1999 7:59 PM > ToM: I didn't got to Scotty's Castle, so I missed the episode with the Coyote, > I would check with Gavin, or Annie. I remember them talking about Annie doing > someting to a poor defenseless, hungry animal. Something that would get her > picture in the ASPCA monthly "bad people's" category, but I don't remember > anything more and didn't write it. > Crit > > **************************************************************** > The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List > > **************************************************************** **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Deaver" Subject: Re: BB: Fw: A plea for help Date: 31 Mar 1999 22:44:00 -0700 FB, The article is humorous. Hope you like it. Thanks, Tom ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 1999 8:33 PM > I was there, escaped the attack of the killer coyote, lived to write about > it........ but did not. Your search is narrowing, good luck! FB > > Tom Deaver wrote: > > > ----- Original Message ----- > > From: Tom Deaver > > To: Beehive Beemers > > Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 1999 11:46 AM > > Subject: A plea for help > > > > > I have in the April Stinger an article about Crazed Coyote stalking the > > > Beehive Beemers at Death Valley. > > > > > > I lost the credit. Who wrote it. I need to know so I can give the author > > > proper credit. > > > > > > Tom Deaver > > > > > > > **************************************************************** > > The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List > > > > **************************************************************** > > > **************************************************************** > The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List > > **************************************************************** **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List ****************************************************************