From: "John F. Fitzgerald" Subject: BB: GS1150's Accompany Olympic Torchbearers Date: 04 Dec 2001 10:05:18 -0700 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_001D_01C17CAB.2DB9FCE0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi Beehive Beemers: While viewing NBC's Today program, they featured the start of the = Winter Olympic Torch Relay from Atlanta, GA. accompanied by BMW = GS1150's. The torchbearers apparently will have BMW motorcycles = accompanying them around the USA as was done with the Atlanta Summer = Olympics useing K75RTP's and a few R1100's. I hope that they are able to = complete the Torch Relay with any tipovers in snow as I did on the way = to the Chief Joseph Rally in 1997. John F ------=_NextPart_000_001D_01C17CAB.2DB9FCE0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Hi Beehive Beemers:
 While viewing NBC's Today program, they = featured the=20 start of the Winter Olympic Torch Relay from Atlanta, GA. accompanied by = BMW=20 GS1150's. The torchbearers apparently will have = BMW motorcycles=20 accompanying them around the USA as was done with the Atlanta Summer=20 Olympics useing K75RTP's and a few R1100's. I hope that they are = able to=20 complete the Torch Relay with any tipovers in snow as I did on the way = to the=20 Chief Joseph Rally in 1997.
John F
------=_NextPart_000_001D_01C17CAB.2DB9FCE0-- **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: John Beeson Subject: BB: "nostradamus" virus from Gary Egan Date: 07 Dec 2001 15:46:10 -0800 Just go an email from Gary Egan that had a virus in it. Or at least that's what my antivirus program said. If anyone can get ahold of him and let him know. Assuming his computer isn't crashed by now. Later JohnB Have a good get together tommorow **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: John Beeson Subject: BB: more info on virus Date: 07 Dec 2001 15:53:40 -0800 Norton said it was the W32.Badtrans.B.@mm virus What ever the hell that means. **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List ****************************************************************