From: "Freedom WaveRider" Subject: This Movie WILL Change Your Life! Date: 04 Dec 2003 21:37:27 -0500 (EST)

Are You Tired Of Making Phone Call After Phone Call To People Who Don't Want To Join Your Program?
What If You Had:
  • A Totally Automated System (NO PHONE CALLING REQUIRED)

  • A System Which Runs Completely From your Computer.

  • A System Which Supplies FREE LEADS for You

  • A System Which Supplies You With a Method to Mail without Detection by Your ISP and a FREE Sending Capability

  • A System Where You WILL Receive $1500 - $3000 Every Time Someone Joins

  • A System Which Runs 24/7 Around The Globe.

  • A System That EVERYONE Can Duplicate Within 24 Hours.

This System is Totally Turnkey and Bulletproof!!!!

For 6 Minute Movie

Click Here

Thank you, for your time. If you have interest, you may reach me in one of two ways:

1) Request more information through the movie.

2) Call me at 1 561 202-8169

With warmest regards,

Bill Newsome

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------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "DeVern Gerber" Subject: BB: A good story... Date: 10 Dec 2003 18:03:22 -0700$287?mode=day Highly entertaining! DeVern **************************************************************** The Beehive Beemers Internet Mailing List **************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "John McLaughlin" Subject: New Address - for McLaughlin - Please Update Date: 19 Dec 2003 03:00:28 -0500 (EST)
I've moved and have a new Denver address. Please update your records,

Also, have you updated your Professional & Career Development recently? Visit to keep your career on track.

John McLaughlin