From: (buffy Digest) To: Subject: buffy Digest V1 #36 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: buffy Digest Friday, April 25 1997 Volume 01 : Number 036 In this issue: Re: BUFFY: The song BUFFY: Xander gets it wrong - dream sequence BUFFY: BUFFY Re: BUFFY: Can anyone help? RE: BUFFY: how can buffy slay a computer.... Re: BUFFY: Buffy on Buses Re: BUFFY: Buffy on Buses Re: BUFFY: Small shameless plug, and Can anyone help? BUFFY: Willow & more DG BUFFY: Re: New Buffy Site Re: BUFFY: Augie Re: BUFFY: Buffy on Buses Re: BUFFY: Re: New Buffy Site BUFFY: People Poll Re: BUFFY: Willow & more DG Re: BUFFY: Willow & more DG BUFFY: ADMIN: Spoiler rules Re: BUFFY: The song Re: BUFFY: Re: New Buffy Site Re: BUFFY: Re: New Buffy Site I figured it out! BUFFY: Music: Velvet Chain BUFFY: Xander's Necklace BUFFY: Robot {Spoiler?} re: BUFFY: Willow and Xander Re: BUFFY: how can buffy slay a computer.... Re: BUFFY: buffy lists question Re: BUFFY: Re: New Buffy Site Re: BUFFY: Music: Velvet Chain BUFFY: Robot {Possible Spoiler} - resending BUFFY: Tony Head Alert!!! BUFFY:trying this... again! BUFFY: Hi there! BUFFY: Romance, hostile reviews, and other fun from digests 33 & 34 See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 24 Apr 1997 11:09:18 -0600 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: The song Anime wrote: >The song is titled "I'll Remember You" and >is available on her self-titled debut CD. Just look in the Pop/Rock >section of your local music store for the CD titled Sophie Zelmani. The >song is on Track 11. I highly recommend the CD as a whole. It's given me >quite a few peaceful nights of sleep. :) Thank you so much for that info, Anime! My next paycheck comes and I'll be making a run for Tower records. Thanks again! =-) Katy ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 24 Apr 1997 12:18:43 -0600 From: Craig Posey Subject: BUFFY: Xander gets it wrong - dream sequence Rewatching "Teacher's Pet" I was drawn into the teaser and Xander's dream and noted that even in his dreams Xander can't get it right. In the dream sequence, Xander spikes a vampire that had attacked Buffy by breaking the leg off an upset chair. The only problem is that the flying stake embeds itself into the vampire's left side. Or, as Darla said, "Close, but no heart." Craig ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 24 Apr 1997 15:15:00 -0500 From: Subject: BUFFY: BUFFY hey, gang: boy, i sure hope we have one of those BUFFY SUMMERS--nice, clean, cool... those SUZANNE SUMMERS are the worst...(j/k) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 24 Apr 1997 15:59:37 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Can anyone help? Hi. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 24 Apr 1997 16:26:46 -0400 From: James Ureel Subject: RE: BUFFY: how can buffy slay a computer.... - ------ =_NextPart_000_01BC50CC.4E9B91E0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit From: Jill Gillham >>>>Did anyone catch the previews for the next ep? looks interesting, I mean >>>how can Buffy slay a computer? . >>> My hope is that this will be an ep where Willow really shines. I know a lot of Buffy fans are hot for Angel or Buffy or Xander or Giles, but I think Willow is the best character on the show. It's probably just me, I always cheer for the underdog. I also think that Alyson (Spelling?) is the best actress on the show! Anyway, how else do you kill a computer? call in the computer expert, a.k.a. Willow! Just my $.02, - ->aj - ------ =_NextPart_000_01BC50CC.4E9B91E0 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IjAUAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAEIgAcAGAAAAElQTS5NaWNy b3NvZnQgTWFpbC5Ob3RlADEIAQ2ABAACAAAAAgACAAEEkAYAFAEAAAEAAAAMAAAAAwAAMAIAAAAL AA8OAAAAAAIB/w8BAAAAQwAAAAAAAACBKx+kvqMQGZ1uAN0BD1QCAAAAAGJ1ZmZ5QHhtaXNzaW9u LmNvbQBTTVRQAGJ1ZmZ5QHhtaXNzaW9uLmNvbQAAHgACMAEAAAAFAAAAU01UUAAAAAAeAAMwAQAA ABMAAABidWZmeUB4bWlzc2lvbi5jb20AAAMAFQwBAAAAAwD+DwYAAAAeAAEwAQAAABUAAAAnYnVm ZnlAeG1pc3Npb24uY29tJwAAAAACAQswAQAAABgAAABTTVRQOkJVRkZZQFhNSVNTSU9OLkNPTQAD AAA5AAAAAAsAQDoBAAAAAgH2DwEAAAAEAAAAAAAAAiwyAQSAAQAtAAAAUkU6IEJVRkZZOiBob3cg Y2FuIGJ1ZmZ5IHNsYXkgYSBjb21wdXRlci4uLi4ARA4BBYADAA4AAADNBwQAGAAQABoALgAEAEwB ASCAAwAOAAAAzQcEABgAEAAWADQABABOAQEJgAEAIQAAADExMjAwNUFBQTZCQ0QwMTFCODIxMDAy MEFGRUY1MUM0AAsHAQOQBgBABAAAFAAAAAsAIwAAAAAAAwAmAAAAAAALACkAAAAAAAMALgAAAAAA AwA2AAAAAABAADkAYF3L1O1QvAEeAHAAAQAAAC0AAABSRTogQlVGRlk6IGhvdyBjYW4gYnVmZnkg c2xheSBhIGNvbXB1dGVyLi4uLgAAAAACAXEAAQAAABYAAAABvFDt1LqqBSASvKYR0LghACCv71HE AAAeAB4MAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AHwwBAAAADwAAAEFKVUBhbHRhaXIuY29tAAADAAYQ/nkv dAMABxCxAQAAHgAIEAEAAABlAAAARlJPTTpKSUxMR0lMTEhBTURJREFOWU9ORUNBVENIVEhFUFJF VklFV1NGT1JUSEVORVhURVA/TE9PS1NJTlRFUkVTVElORyxJTUVBTkhPV0NBTkJVRkZZU0xBWUFD T01QVVRFUgAAAAACAQkQAQAAAKQCAACgAgAAawQAAExaRnW9Qdje/wAKAQ8CFQKkA+QF6wKDAFAT A1QCAGNoCsBzZXTuMgYABsMCgzIDxgcTAoO6MxMNfQqACM8J2TsV/3gyNTUCgAqBDbELYG4wZzEw MxQgCwNsaQgxODAC0WktMTSeNA3wDNAaYwtZMTYMIVpwA2B0BZAFQEYDYTrPCuEbOxwmDIIgSgMQ AyA2Rx7REcBtCosZwDM2XxsHFCIMARwmCoU+IoFEKGlkIABweQIgZSCIY2F0EbAgdGgjUOkcIGV2 CJB3BCACEAXACyPSI0B4BUBlcD8g8iAVkG9rBCALgBxQFgAEc3QLgGcsIEkg5weAAHAiGGhvB+Aj cAOgxEJ1DdB5IHMLYCiwZmEjYANwcHUmQSWQPPhnPi4iGAqHIMoiBgr7exLyDAFjAEAF0CiwJ/Bw /yNQBAAjwSOAI8EukQPwHuF+YiNQA5ElcC9QI+AWACDeVx7RKAEWAAdAbCixLyCZI0BzLiWgJvBr bigATywlKSAVkAVAb2YoZWa/BiIKwCNQJ/AFQCSiQRkA3mUDIAWxKHQFsVgAcASB7zUyHxEHkCbQ YimAJuAsJfkvEW5rMJYukyNQL7AmgP8jYBHBANAmQTMwA6Aj0jGAsygAMeJ0JwQgHCFiAaDZMVFq dTkxB4AsLCUm8P0HQHco8AQgEbAJ4AXAJKZidTYiZG9nMeMHQHN2bzfFLsNBMVA/EAOgKM5TLmAe 4CahPyksJTiq7zmhJmEEIDoJISwlLCU04L55PPEm0CfyNRAR8CA+cDogIyB1MiAe0ikqIC7/RwBF oiNwHuELgCPDKUYiBg8lMC5gACAm0GEuay43SbAwlUN9SjvTKLAkLgwwMjw2LCUtPmFq/x+PIJ8h rE1vGwctZSGdFSECAFOgAwAQEAAAAAADABEQAAAAAEAABzBgjghJ7VC8AUAACDBgjghJ7VC8AR4A PQABAAAABQAAAFJFOiAAAAAAAwANNP03AABLIw== - ------ =_NextPart_000_01BC50CC.4E9B91E0-- ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 24 Apr 1997 16:51:53 -0700 From: Mark Safransky Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy on Buses Hey gang, I've seen those ads on the Metro buses here in the DC area too. My wife says she was going to puke if she saw another. She just hates it when I jump on the computer to work on my Buffy pages, too. Well, I'll bring her around.:) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- X-Lander NickAndNatPacker/Slayer #32/Keeper of Angel's Bloodbags/UT Recruit X-Phile/Trekker/Leaper/Watcher E-Mail: URL: Xander - "Wake up and smell the seduction." - Buffy the Vampire Slayer - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 24 Apr 1997 17:59:26 -0400 (EDT) From: Mari Eguchi Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy on Buses On Wed, 23 Apr 1997, Sonja Marie wrote: > Hi all, > > While out hunting for jobs I saw three Seattle Metro Buses with billboards > for Buffy on them! It has Buffy and Xander on it. > > Sonja Marie - The White Rose @--'->-- > Co-Pres. of the Jeff Fahey IFC - > Paul Wylie Fan Pages - > Owner of the Jeff Fahey Mailing List & The Paul Wylie Mailing List > Pres. of Giles Appreciation Society Panters -GASP!- Keeper of Giles' Coats&Ties > ASH Appreciation Society Member - Watch Buffy: the Vampire Slayer - Series! > > > > Yeah, no kidding. The promotions dept does a great job. I see at least one Buffy poster up at every subway stop here in NYC. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 24 Apr 1997 18:30:52 -0400 (EDT) From: Xinlei Du Subject: Re: BUFFY: Small shameless plug, and Can anyone help? > >As Hendu has already provided the titles, I won't repost >them. I will say, however, that if anybody wants me to >email a copy of the FAQ to them, I'll be glad to do so. >Please drop me a line. I'd like to have a copy, if you wouldn't mind! Thanx! =o) ~Xinlei~ - --------------------------------------------------------------------- "Housework can kill you if done right." ---Erma Bonbeck "Only dull people are brilliant at breakfast." ---Oscar Wilde ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 24 Apr 1997 20:35:53, -0500 From: (MS CHRISTINA L KAMNIKAR) Subject: BUFFY: Willow & more DG I'm not sure this is still the right address... ohhh, well, guess I'll find out, hunh? :> And welcome to the list, all the newbies who just broke cover. Grab a stein, smack a cockroach, settle in, enjoy the floor show... I've been talking with Elaine off-list about Willow & Xander, and we were coming up with much the same thing that Leslie and Robin and Cagey just pointed out; that far from being a bad thing, Willow has benefitted from having the paranormal invade her life. :> Elaine stated that for a kid like Willow, this is one of those things you always hope for, that Something Weird will happen and make your life much more interesting. I also think that just being friends with Buffy, who is self-confident and could be popular (if she weren't Slaying all the time) and yet likes Willow for herself, has also given her own self-image a boost. Xander, on the other hand... hmmm. Well, it isn't Buffy's fault that Jesse bought it in the pilot. And there's no doubt that he likes hanging out with her, and has the same "cool! But gross!" reaction to vampires that Willow does. But I don't know if it's been as obviously good for him. :>>> Okay, way over-analyzing: he'd like to be a hero. Buffy, though, is already doing the Hero Bit; Willow is doing the Smart Sidekick Bit; so Xander is left wondering if he's actually helping at all, sometimes. We'll see where they take this. If they don't take it somewhere fun, I'm sure someone on-list will. :> Drinking Game Stuff: Xander gets off a good comeback to Cordelia or someone similar - 2 sips Willow makes a snarky remark, then reacts with shock that she actually vocalized it- 1 sip Someone comments on Buffy's "criminal" past - 1 sip Someone makes a Brit comment at Giles's expense - 1 sip Okay. I'm running out of ideas here... Speculation: Why would they air "Prophecy Girl" right after "Invisible Girl"? Are they the same girl? Are they as obvious as they sound? Or can we count on there being more to this than meets the eye? RE: TV GUIDE: Jeff Jarvis... yeah, Leslie, he did sound like he was embarassed to admit how much he liked it. Not that I take his word for anything. Critics are overexposed to the media, they can't discern fun any more through all their holistic unities of television theories... With any luck, Buffy will be this year's Xena, and be regarded as good trashy fun. Which it is. :>> Christina Merc - PFWC - DueSer - Voice Slut :> ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 24 Apr 1997 21:46:21 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: Re: New Buffy Site Hello everybody, I finally finished my Buffy page. Check it out and tell me what you think. Here's the address: It took me almost two weeks to complete. Enjoy! ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 24 Apr 1997 18:51:37 -0600 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Augie Augie wrote: > > >BTW, for those who have been asking: The actor who plays Angel has been > >contracted for next season. I assume, as per the usual Hollywood agreement, > >he's been signed on for a minimum of 13 episodes and would thus be featured > >in the opening credits, as well, per SAG rules. > Thank the Gods! That really just made my day! I have to start a new job today and I'm a little nervous, but that just cheered me up. Thanks for the info Augie! I'll be smiling all day... Katy =-) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 24 Apr 97 19:48:35 CDT From: Diane Westerfield Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy on Buses Buffy signs have been on billboards around the Chicago el trains for weeks now. Some have been replaced, and on some remaining ones Buffy has a lot of gang graffiti on her face. The ones in the subway sections are still pristine tho. 8^) - --diane ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 24 Apr 1997 20:24:10 -0700 (PDT) From: Sonja Marie Subject: Re: BUFFY: Re: New Buffy Site Tried to visit it but all I got was the main page and nothing else. Is that suppose to happen or is it cause I can't view pages with Java? On Thu, 24 Apr 1997 wrote: > Hello everybody, I finally finished my Buffy page. Check it out and tell me > what you think. Here's the address: > > It took me almost two weeks to complete. Enjoy! Sonja Marie - The White Rose @--'->-- Co-Pres. of the Jeff Fahey IFC - Paul Wylie Fan Pages - Owner of the Jeff Fahey Mailing List & The Paul Wylie Mailing List Pres. of Giles Appreciation Society Panters -GASP!- Keeper of Giles' Coats&Ties ASH Appreciation Society Member - Watch Buffy: the Vampire Slayer - Series! ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 24 Apr 1997 22:33:29 -0500 From: (Sharon Jacobs) Subject: BUFFY: People Poll People magazine is having an online poll of the most beautiful people. I was just over there and Gillian Anderson and David Duchovney were leading. My question is what about the cast of Buffy? I know for a fact that there has been quite a bit of ballot stuffing by the xf fans. Are we going to let this go by without taking action! I say let's get the vote out! Vote early , vote often! vote at: ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 24 Apr 1997 20:50:26 -0700 (PDT) From: (Jennifer Ottesen) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Willow & more DG > > Speculation: Why would they air "Prophecy Girl" right after "Invisible > Girl"? Are they the same girl? Are they as obvious as they sound? Or can we > count on there being more to this than meets the eye? Well, Invisible Girl is also Out of Mind, Out of Sight, with one summary "The May Queen election is fast approaching, and an invisible force is attacking Cordelia's closest friends" (YTV), or "An ignored student takes her revenge on those who tormented her." (WB site). The obvious guess is that the invisible girl is the ignored student. What Willow might have been if it weren't for Buffy and Xander. The episode titles have been fairly self-explanatory so far this season; I'm willing to bet we'll have some very interesting twists during the show, such as exactly what powers this girl may display. An invisible force? Jen ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 00:18:01 -0700 From: Mark Safransky Subject: Re: BUFFY: Willow & more DG Jennifer Ottesen wrote: > > > > > Speculation: Why would they air "Prophecy Girl" right after "Invisible > > Girl"? Are they the same girl? Are they as obvious as they sound? Or can we > > count on there being more to this than meets the eye? > > Well, Invisible Girl is also Out of Mind, Out of Sight, with one summary > "The May Queen election is fast approaching, and an invisible force is > attacking Cordelia's closest friends" (YTV), or > > "An ignored student takes her revenge on those who tormented her." (WB > site). > > The obvious guess is that the invisible girl is the ignored student. > What Willow might have been if it weren't for Buffy and Xander. The > episode titles have been fairly self-explanatory so far this season; > I'm willing to bet we'll have some very interesting twists during the > show, such as exactly what powers this girl may display. An invisible > force? > > Jen Like the girl displays telekinetic powers or is she actually able to render herself invisible. Inquiring minds want to know. :) - --Mark - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- X-Lander NickAndNatPacker/Slayer #32/Keeper of Angel's Bloodbags/UT Recruit X-Phile/Trekker/Leaper/Watcher E-Mail: URL: Xander - "Wake up and smell the seduction." - Buffy the Vampire Slayer - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 00:28:58 -0400 (EDT) From: "Sharon A. Himmanen" Subject: BUFFY: ADMIN: Spoiler rules Just a reminder. Any post that contains information about an episode that has not already aired in the US during Buffy's regular timeslot must be spoiler protected in the following ways. 1. The word spoiler must appear in the subject line along with the title(s) of the episode(s) 2. You must include at least 12 lines of blank space at the beginning of your post. Nothing makes this particular listowner crankier than being spoiled, so please observe the spoiler rules, regardless of how trivial you might think the information about an upcoming episode is. That includes TV Guide synopses as well as the blurbs from any web sites, including the official one. Thanks, Sharon Sharon A. Himmanen * * NatPack * BotCoS * BOoJSST * Jungle Patrol * CartoonSharon "Relax. Don't worry. Have a homeborew." --Anonymous ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 01:05:24 -0400 (EDT) From: "Sharon A. Himmanen" Subject: Re: BUFFY: The song THis bounced. At 10:02 PM 4/23/97 -0400, you wrote: >Does anyone know who sang the song at the end of "Angel"? My friend said >taht it sounded like Jewel, and I have to agree with him. > i dont have an answer but a realted question.... does anyone know if the powers that be are going to realse a soundtrack for the series??? i love the theme... rayVen Sharon A. Himmanen * * NatPack * BotCoS * BOoJSST * Jungle Patrol * CartoonSharon "Relax. Don't worry. Have a homeborew." --Anonymous ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 07:04:23 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Re: New Buffy Site I don't understand why my page doesn't work for some of you guys. I'm using Netscape Nav Gold 3.01 and it's been working fine for me. Are your browers set for Java? Or maybe it's the computer. I'm using an AST 133mhz and 36mb of ram with a 33.6 bps modem, if that matters. I just checked it and it's working fine. Let me know if you are still having trouble. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 07:18:57 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Re: New Buffy Site I figured it out! I think the reason a lot of people couldn't get 'in' to my page was because a lot of people didn't know that they had to click on the banner. I put a little note under it to let people know what to do. If the banner isn't showing up let me know. As a matter of fact I think I'll put something else for people to click on to get in. Sorry about that. ------------------------------ Date: From: Subject: BUFFY: Music: Velvet Chain Hi, Folks. Thanks to the wonderful person who posted about Sophie Zelmani's "I'll Remember You" from the Angel episode. I really love this song, now I have a lead on how to get it. For those of you interested in Velvet Chain, their song "Treason" is playing when Owen and Buffy dance in NKAB, here's how you can get their CD, which is GREAT! Velvet Chain, "Groovy Side" CD - $10 plus $2 postage Freak Records 608 South St. Andrews Place, #307 Los Angeles, CA 90005-5804 (213) 388-7705 This is an in-home record label and the folks there are really nice. The lead singer, Erika, sent me a really sweet thank you note for my interest in the band's music. I happen to think this was very cool thing to do! BTW, the band appears in the pilot, playing their song "Strong" in the Bronze. Leslie Natpack~HPotCoS~GASPer: Keeper of the Car Keys~Angelite and Self-appointed Keeper of the Angel Library "I can feel an angel sliding up to me." --One Night in Bangkok, _Chess_ or ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 09:11:53 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: Xander's Necklace In every episode of Buffy that I have seen Xander is wearing a necklace and I would really like to know what the charm on it is. Can anybody help???? PLEASE! ~Kristen ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 09:31:24 -0400 From: (Amiee Collier) Subject: BUFFY: Robot {Spoiler?} S P O I L E R S ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 10:23:28 -0400 (EDT) From: Cagey Subject: re: BUFFY: Willow and Xander On Wed, 23 Apr 1997, harper wrote: > I think it has already changed. The Willow who told Cordelia to use the > "deliver" key is not the same girl who almost apologized for existing in > the water-fountain scene in the pilot. There are several causes. First, I'm *waaaay* too tired at the moment, but weren't both these incidents from the pilot? And didn't Willow give the "deliver" line before she found out Buffy was the Slayer? But still...I agree with you, Harper. I think that Buffy's initial gestures of friendship gave Willow the push to ignore, or deal, with Cordelia's snide remarks about Buffy. But personally, I try not to read *too* much into a deprivation of Willow self-esteem; even in the pilot, Willow wasn't that fazed by Cordelia and her cohorts. Rather, she had learned to stay out of their way. I think the real beauty of Willow and Buffy's relationship is not that Buffy is changing Willow in humongous, significant ways, but she's providing the girl-girl friendship that Willow didn't have before (she was hanging with the guys, after all), and so we see Willow as more self-confident, because she has someone (or a group of someones, I suppose) that she truly can be herself around, and not worry about being verbally attacked (now *physically* attacked...that's another problem altogether). Christina wrote: > so Xander is left wondering if he's actually helping at all, sometimes. > We'll see where they take this. If they don't take it somewhere fun, I'm I do *so* hope that it goes somewhere fun. Because I'm afraid the other options are to leave Xander in stasis (we want character development, darn it! Even I can only take so much Xander mooning over Buffy), have some sort of emotional crisis, or make Xander the perpetual clown. If this were another movie, Buffy would probably be heading out into the sunset, Boo the Chicken at her side, while Xander and Willow waved to her, Xander's arm around Willow's shoulder, and that goopy smile on Willow's face, leaving those of us who wished to think so in no doubt that Xander will finally wake up and realize that Willow's got a crush on him. As it is, with a whole other season ahead of us , I'll be interested to see where the dynamics between this threesome head. Feeling particularly incoherent today, - --kg **** * * No quote here. Move along. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 10:53:49 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: how can buffy slay a computer.... What is that buffyhow.dat file you attached? ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 17:04:07 +0000 From: "WorstWitch" Subject: Re: BUFFY: buffy lists question > I'm on 2, so far, don't know if I really need a third. Don't these > ppl know to check to see if there is already one before they start > one themselves? Different lists, different attitudes, I guess. For example this list is really strict and therefore "safe" for younger members, the easily offended and people who don't want to be 'spoiled' on episodes that haven't yet been seen by all. But some people are as offended by being told what's allowed/not allowed by the listowners as others are by foul language in posts etc. The PlanetX list is unmoderated, and is a forum for people who want to be a bit ... uh ... less restrained ... without getting slapped down and/or kicked off! The more (and more diverse) the merrier, I say - the bigger the visible fan reaction to "Buffy" the greater its chances. The multiple lists usually get pruned down eventually. Survival of the fittest and all that!! I'll join 'em all for as long as I can afford to pay the bills, and for as long as they keep me entertained! Best, WorstWitch - -------------------------------------------- "Oops ... ugh." (Lothos: 'Buffy'- The Movie) ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 10:10:06 -0700 (PDT) From: elizabeth yeung Subject: Re: BUFFY: Re: New Buffy Site Just want to let you know that some of that some of the pictures are working...I got a file not found message. Liz On Fri, 25 Apr 1997 wrote: > I don't understand why my page doesn't work for some of you guys. I'm using > Netscape Nav Gold 3.01 and it's been working fine for me. Are your browers > set for Java? Or maybe it's the computer. I'm using an AST 133mhz and 36mb > of ram with a 33.6 bps modem, if that matters. I just checked it and it's > working fine. Let me know if you are still having trouble. > > ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 12:43:36 -0500 (CDT) From: Anime Nut Subject: Re: BUFFY: Music: Velvet Chain On Fri, 25 Apr 1997 wrote: > Thanks to the wonderful person who posted about Sophie Zelmani's "I'll > Remember You" from the Angel episode. I really love this song, now I > have a lead on how to get it. Thanks, Leslie. I hope you find this album soon, because I haven't found a store yet that contains more than one copy, if any at all. Hope you enjoy the album as I much as I do! > For those of you interested in Velvet Chain, their song "Treason" is > playing when Owen and Buffy dance in NKAB, here's how you can get > their CD, which is GREAT! Can I find this album in record stores, or is it only available through the mailing address you gave? I would appreciate a response soon, before I decide to drop what I'm doing and run out to look for this CD. Cheers, Anime Nut ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) Alan "Anime Nut" Hufana The Al-Files at Domain of the Slain at ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 10:57:20 -0400 From: (Amiee Collier) Subject: BUFFY: Robot {Possible Spoiler} - resending S P O I L E R S ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 18:45:00 +0000 From: "WorstWitch" Subject: BUFFY: Tony Head Alert!!! I was innocently cooking a meal just now when what to my wondering eyes should appear? Tony Head on the regional news, cuddling his daughters, wearing a black shirt that showed *chest*, garnished with earring, and being his usual totally adorable self. I didn't drop those potatoes. Not me. But I did manage to get it on tape!!! YAY!!!! Calm ... calm. The section was about a show that his daughters are appearing in, but they took the opportunity to interview 'our Tony' If anybody wants to know more, please email me privately!!! WorstWitch - --------------------------------------------- Please Enjoy My "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" Pages Fanfic Archive, Lots of Links, Giles/ASH/GASP page, Buffy Webring ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 14:58:17 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY:trying this... again! Let me try this again... i tried posting my "hi i'm a newbie" type thing before but it got bounced so let me try this again ;) Okay, this is my first time posting to this mailing list (ugh i almost wrote newsgrou, you can see how i spend my time!).... And since i have a lot to say so i can "catch up" to everyone, this note may be a bit long... i hope no one minds too terribly, it'll (hopefully) never happen again! Starting with the T.V. Guide article.. i loved it. I thought it was the perfect review. Just as i read someone else on this list posted, he pretty much didn't want to admit to liking it and it was obvious in his sheepish congratulatories of the show. And.. this is probably not going to endear me to many of the members of this list, but i have to admit my true intentions... i almost agree with him precisely on the show. The best part about it is it's campy fun.. wait what was that quote? " campy, kicky, even joyfully tacky" yes that's precisely what i think about it. Well, okay.. i watch the show every monday night on the phone with a friend of mine.. with the intention of gigglingly poking fun at the premises and occasionally dubious dialogue. But of course, we usually wind up pretty silent, too wrapped up in the actual episode to put it down... and giggling at the *intentionally* humourous lines! So yes, my excuse is i watch it to "make comments Mystery Science Theater 3000 style" but the truth is i shamefully love it, although i do have my complaints.. Like some of the dialogue.. i don't care if they're supposed to be teenagers.. i for one don't know many people who talk like that.(none that i don't wish dead, anyway) Oh.. grr i dont remember any examples but there have been a few annoying "modern slang" uses that have left me utterly nauseaus. And is it just me or is that highschool Trendy Capital of The World? "We don't have a dress code.. wear your skirts as skimpy as you like but make sure you're trendy!" Which speaking of... My favorite thing about the whole first episode was Willow.. i loved her.. but suddenly the second episode she had lost 1/4 of her charm.. are we supposed to assume that she was "taken in" by Buffy and "normal-fied" so she's "acceptable" now? Down with trends, in with individuality! um, sorry. Oh well, she hasn't lost it all and that's all that matters... Comments about episodes themselves: Well usually i'm a vampire supporter.. but with this show it doesn't count because i can not look at those ugly, deformed animals and think of them as vampires so of course i wind up supporting Buffy and Co. as any loyal viewer should (although my friend and i watched the first episode with the intention of cheering for the vamps.. until we saw what they looked like. icky.) Of course, being usually a vamp supporter, i did enjoy the whole making Angel a vampire thing... even if i did see it coming (well not vampire per se... but we knew he'd be something like that.. we had our bets on either a vampire or a fuzzy.. er.. werewolf) And the episode was surprisingly well done. I was expecting something cliche, sappy, predictable.. well it wasn't. I'm not saying it couldn't have been even better done.. but i'm picky ;) I don't remember the episode too well at this moment (how dare they give us a repeat this past week? ) but the favorite part of it that i remember is the burn mark from Buffy's cross.... nice thinking there on behalf of the writers.. I also liked the hyena episode.. i remember rolling my eyes and laughing at the description of the episode in the t.v. guide ("HYENA spirits? you gotta be kidding me..") but i found myself wishing i had taped the episode.. i can't really explain what i liked about it.. it reminded me of some other things that would take too long to compare it to ;) But i guess that sort of sums up everything about how i feel about the show. Expecting to be amused in a patient but slightly annoyed sort of way and finding myself surprisingly, well.. not. Liking it. A lot. Darn it Well that's it from this mouse... onlyamouse , looking for Syd's Gerald... ..don't hate me because i'm an AOL user ;).. "Give yourself over to absolute pleasure.." Goth Code 3.0 ------> GoHS)FA( TZ P!DrSh cBKs3 V4s M4p2 Z??**!! C5 n1D b45 g5!??9?A mEa@Z)@S(6? w6! v5R r ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 14:25:16 -0400 (EDT) From: "Sharon A. Himmanen" Subject: BUFFY: Hi there! This bounced. -S By way of introduciing myself.... I'm a science fiction and horror fan from way back, though my taste runs more to H.P. Lovecraft, Robert Bloch and Stephen King (his study of horror, DANSE MACABRE, is a must read in my opinion) than Anne Rice and Brian Lumley. My interest in BtVS stems from having seen the movie twice in one night and laughed until I was sick both times has to be (at the same time) one of the most serious and funny vampire movies ever made. Miss Gellar fits the role of Buffy much better than Kristy Swanson; the latter was really too grown-up to play a believable high-school coed. Anthony Head and the rest of the Fearless Vampire Hunters are good as well, though I *really* wish they'd find something useful for Xander to do besides provide the third point in the pair of romantic triangles that help drive the plots. One warning: I tend to compact my replies to several posts into one large post, so bear with me. Kevin Trainor Mpls, MN Sharon A. Himmanen * * NatPack * BotCoS * BOoJSST * Jungle Patrol * CartoonSharon "Relax. Don't worry. Have a homeborew." --Anonymous ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 14:25:19 -0400 (EDT) From: "Sharon A. Himmanen" Subject: BUFFY: Romance, hostile reviews, and other fun from digests 33 & 34 This bounced. --S Dan Tropea asks: >Back to Buffy though. Who is her father? >I cannot recall him in the original movie. >Will they ever bring him back. I don't recall our heroine *having* a father in the original movie; IIRC Buffy's mom was a single mom. >Willow i am sorry but she is way to good for >Xander. I find him emotionally insensetive and >a bit cruel. For him to be throwing up in Willows >face how much he wants Buffy and is attracted >to her goes to far. He knows that Willow is >attached to him and he treats her rottenly. No, he's a teenage guy. He has no clue whatsoever that Willow loves him, and thinks they're just friends. Insensitive, yes, but not cruel; he's just a teenage dumbshit. Weren't we all? >With only a handful of episodes out has there >any demographics of the show yet. Haven't seen any yet, just the overall Nielsens --which are great for WB's lineup, like that means much. There's a fellow on the "Space: Above and Beyond" list that works for WB and has access to the Nielsens; I'll ask him if he knows what the breakout is. >Since this >is an action show with a female hero i would >suspect the fan base for gender to be split >evenly like Xena. I would suspect that the >ages would be 14 - 30. Is this really just an action show? I'd say it's more along the lines of the original movie...basically horror with generous helpings of action & comedy. Sharon Jacobs opines: >At last! someone who agrees with me about >the Angel-Buffy thing not going anywhere. >Get a human boyfriend Buffy. Not Xander, >he belongs to Willow. I don't think so. In my arrogant opinion, Josh Whedon is smart enough to have realized what killed "Moonlighting" and what is part of what makes "X-Files" special...the sexual/romantic tension between the main characters. The whole double triangle involving Angel/Buffy/Zander and Buffy/Zander/Willow is a great source of plot tension and opens a lot of possibilities, just as the tension between Mulder and Scully is. When Willis & Shepherd got it on in "Moonlighting", it killed the tension that made that show work. >I totally disagree. Vampire human relationships never work. Yup, sooner or later they just suck. Seriously, the relationship between Angel and Buffy works well in terms of romance, and that's all we're really looking for here, right? > I could site you forever knight , Anne Rice, and others but you > already know them. Actually, I don't; I have conscientiously avoided reading any of her books on the grounds that they take the implied sexuality of the whole vampire genre and ram it in a horribly obvious & explicit manner down the readers' throats. > Buffy should look for a nice human boy if there is one in Sunnydale. Negatory. Angel is old & experienced enough to take care of himself, whereas one of Buffy's high school contemporaries would be more dead weight for our band of Fearless Vampire Hunters. Jeez, we have Xander already as the muscular but not terribly bright member of the team, do we really need more guys like him? Gabrielle Hon says: >oh and forget jeff jarvis - the t.v. guide reviewer. he repeatedly slammed >"My So-Called Life" - he knows *nothing*. OTOH, the New York Times had nice things to say about the show. How many shows can say that? ListMistress Sharon writes: >Yay! There's finally doing an episode that centers on Willow. Even though >I like all the characters and wouldn't be able to choose an affiliation, I >do have some leanings toward Willow. Very cool character and Alyson >Hannigan has done a nice job with her. She has indeed. It's almost as if she's a Giles-in-training, the brain compared to Xander's brawn. >I have to admit I even like the pining after Xander and I can't imagine why. Because we're all suckers for romantic, lost causes. :) > Normally, I *hate* this sort of thing, particularly when the feelings > of one are not in any way, shape or form reciprocated. But there's > something endearing about the way Alyson handles it, I guess. She's doing an absolutely fabulous job in the role, and showing a little steel beneath the mousy exterior...especially in the hyena episode where she was left alone with Xander to keep an eye on him while he was locked up. Also, I have to admire the maturity with which Willow is handling the *extremely* awkward situation with her and Xander and Buffy. Been there, done that, hated it *a lot*. >"Buffy" is a B-movie for >TV. But there's one thing you can usually say for B-movies: They're fun. Well, he's right about that...and he's wrong about the acting. Give him an F (50% is a failing grade still, iddn'it?) and throw him to the Master. :) Cassandra Caswell asks: >(and btw, are there EVER any students in that strange library?) Not when the Fearless Vampire Hunters are plotting, obviously. My daughter's in public school here in Minneapolis [OK, so it's not Sunnyvale, but it's the next worst thing to being there :(] and she says most of her fellow fourth-graders probably wouldn't go there at all if media wasn't part of their class schedule. Amy Sheldon chips in: >BTW, this is my first post here.. Hello to everyone, and is there >anybody else out there who remembers the sixties, or am I the lone >middle-aged Buffy fan in this universe? Nope, at 37 I've accepted the fact that I'm not a kid any more. And I remember the 60s all too a service brat, I'm damn glad they're gone. Oh, wife, who's the senior partner in this family, likes the show too. Cagey plays Welcome Wagoneer: >Welcome to the newbies (there seem to be a lot of new >people; apparently they haven't had time to be scared off >by the normal list load yet )! Not to belittle the list or anything, but this is blessedly light. Towards the end of "Space: Above and Beyond"'s run on Fox, that list was running 300+ messages *a day*. We'll get there yet, I know we will! :) Love your sig! ("No quote here. Move along.") Kevin Trainor "Your hands...they're so...serrated..." -Xander Sharon A. Himmanen * * NatPack * BotCoS * BOoJSST * Jungle Patrol * CartoonSharon "Relax. Don't worry. Have a homeborew." --Anonymous ------------------------------ End of buffy Digest V1 #36 ************************** To subscribe to buffy Digest, send the command: subscribe buffy-digest in the body of a message to "". If you want to subscribe something other than the account the mail is coming from, such as a local redistribution list, then append that address to the "subscribe" command; for example, to subscribe "local-buffy": subscribe buffy-digest A non-digest (direct mail) version of this list is also available; to subscribe to that instead, replace all instances of "buffy-digest" in the commands above with "buffy". 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