From: (buffy Digest) To: Subject: buffy Digest V1 #87 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: buffy Digest Wednesday, May 21 1997 Volume 01 : Number 087 In this issue: Re: BUFFY: the invisible class, among other things BUFFY: Minor Complaint Re: BUFFY: the invisible class, among other things BUFFY: State of the poll BUFFY: ADMIN: Please Read! BUFFY: thanks to all/vampires don't breathe? BUFFY: Library Doors Re: BUFFY: Vampires don't breathe? RE: BUFFY: Vampires don't breathe? BUFFY: "Invisible Girl" quote list BUFFY: SMG Interview on E Online Re: BUFFY: Fwd: Bite BUFFY: SPOILERS: Too picky BUFFY: Re: TV guide and Keepers and Drinking Game and FAQ BUFFY: Sarah Michelle Gellar Q&A BUFFY: buffy: tv guide poll update Re: BUFFY: Vote SMG as TVGuide Great Face!!(OFF TOPIC) BUFFY: Angel and Giles heart to heart talk. Re: BUFFY: Vote SMG as TVGuide Great Face!! BUFFY: Buffy: TV guide poll Re: BUFFY: Angel and Giles heart to heart talk. BUFFY: Invisible Girl episode Re: BUFFY: Fun with Freeze Frame Re: BUFFY: Keeper of the master's items BUFFY: Buffy: TV guide poll Re: BUFFY: Jesse BUFFY: AJC article... Re: BUFFY: Spoiler: Invisible Girl (Favorite Scene) BUFFY: Re: Buffy: Invisible Girl -- ramblings (spoiler) Re: BUFFY: Spoiler: Invisible Girl (Favorite Scene) Re: BUFFY: Keeper of the master's items BUFFY: Ponderings upon Invisible Girl Re: BUFFY: Invisible Girl episode Re: BUFFY: Survey Re: BUFFY: Quote lists Re: BUFFY: keeping stuff (was: Nightmares and introduction) Re: BUFFY: Buffy: TV guide poll See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 04:09:38 -0700 From: Terrie Subject: Re: BUFFY: the invisible class, among other things On Tue, 20 May 1997, "Wien Huang" wrote: >s >p >o >i >l >e >r > >s >p >a >c >e > > >if you're invisible, can other invisible people see you? or are you still >see through? How do the students in Marcie's new class keep from running into each other? - -Terrie Keeper of Angel's Fridge ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 04:23:18 -0700 From: Terrie Subject: BUFFY: Minor Complaint Ok guys, when replying to a message, please, please, please, delete anything that you are not relpying to, including people signatures. I'm sick of having to try an sort through non-related sections of a post. I don't need the confusion. - -Terrie Keeper of Angel's Fridge ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 04:27:02 -0700 From: (Guadalupe Mejia) Subject: Re: BUFFY: the invisible class, among other things BUFFY FANS OF THE WORLD UNITE AND KEEP VOTING FOR SARAH MICHELLE GELLAR. LET'S MAKE OUR BUFFY WIN, IF WE KEEP VOTING AND DON'T STOP WE WILL MAKE IT, WE WILL MAKE OUR BUFFY WIN. SO VOTE AND DON'T GIVE UP IF IS BUSY OR TAKES LONG JUST KEEP VOTING. WWW.TVGUIDE.COM GO TO THE BEST FACES ON TV POLL ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 07:58:58 -0400 (EDT) From: (Andrew Duty) Subject: BUFFY: State of the poll Way to go people! We are only 4000 votes behind GA. Who ever is doing this keep it up least now we wont get beat by Diane Sawyer or Kyle Chandler. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 07:05:36 -0500 (CDT) From: Jill Kirby Subject: BUFFY: ADMIN: Please Read! First of all, please do NOT post chain letters. They violate list rules in so many ways that I can't even count, and you'll be uns*bbed immediately if you post them. :::sigh::: On to the real reason this is being posted... I am going to be offline starting immediately, until June 1. Questions, concerns, problems with the Buffy list should be directed to Sharon, at Anything you send to me won't be read/responded to until June 1. You're still welcome to send me mail; it will just sit there, all alone and ignored. ;) I will miss all of you. :::sniff::: Think of me as I suffer Net Withdrawal... Jill co-listowner, Buffy *** Jill Kirby / I don't know what scares me more, that you guys have talked about this or that you may be right. --Susan Garrett ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 07:28:24 -0700 From: Subject: BUFFY: thanks to all/vampires don't breathe? Thank you to everyone who wrote to educate me about the respiratory habits of vampires :) I obviously need to read up on these things so as not to display my ignorance so publicly (although last night I asked a number of "vampire experts," and only about half knew about this lack of air thing.) Guess the passionate encounter between Angel and Buffy gave me the wrong impression. Thought there was a whole lot of heavy breathing goin on right then . snip <> Thank you. Will endeavor to find it and get clued in. Am going to slink back to my cave now. tc keeper of the Master's candle concession ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 10:00:54 -0400 From: SA-XA Subject: BUFFY: Library Doors From the totally useless observation category... ;) Anyone notice that the library doors changed position? From the beginning -- Welcome to the Hellmouth -- they used to swing into the library. But since The Puppet Show they now swing out, into the school corridor. You can also notice the "pull" handles are now on the side facing the school corridor. When in previous episodes and especially in the episode Angel where we get a close up of Buffy's hand placing the "closed" sign in the school corridor -- as Giles is preparing to step-up her training with weapons -- the handles are definitely on the inside facing the library. Not a particularly important fact, but one that might pop up in some quiz -- someday. :) Now back to the voting=85 Susan A. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 10:57:09 -0400 From: "Santiago" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Vampires don't breathe? Antonio says: > According to most myths surrounding Vampires. They do not breathe. Most > of their organs stop working expect for the heart. This has been explain > in a book about Vampires if I can find it I will post the name of it. It > was really a good book that explain a lot of the Vampires legends and myths. this might be "The Vampire Book: Encylopedia of the Undead" by (i think) Melton, but that's alot of movies and myths and stuff... but the no breathing thing does seem to be a very popular statement. White Wolf RPG vamps don't need too, Bram Stoker's Dracula didn't need to (sleeping in dirt), and i doubt Anne Rice's needed to either, for the main reason that vampires are the bodies of the living dead (or undead), they don't need air because they don't need the oxygen to do the stuff that it does (and i'm sure if anyone really wants to know what it does, they can look it up... i'm a vampire, not a doctor, Jim! but "not breathing" does fit in the Buffyverse... vamps are dead and have demons inside them, demons are what keep the body "alive" so why should it need air? just a fun-fact side note, the Chinese Hopping Vampire feeds off a person's Chi (breath), so if you were attacked by one, you would be safe by holding your breath... Santiago, the breathtaking Vampire *cheesy arrogant smile* ------------------------------ Date: 21 May 1997 10:48:02 -0400 From: "Maureen Wynn" Subject: RE: BUFFY: Vampires don't breathe? > According to most myths surrounding Vampires. They do not breathe. Most > of their organs stop working expect for the heart. Gosh, this discussion bring back memories! I remember when the Forever Knight list was hotly debating this question, and the list was about evenly split between those who thought that they did need to breathe (those who believed as Natalie did, that vampirism had a physical cause), and those who thought they didn't (the ones who believed in a mystical cause of vampirism). I think we all decided that the best way to find out one way or the other would be to toss Nick into a deep lake and see what happened. In the Buffyverse, though, vampires have clearly been defined as demonic/mystical, but I _don't_ think we've been told if the body is dead or not. Remember, Buffy said, "To make you a vampire they have to suck your blood. And then you have to suck their blood. It's like a whole big sucking thing." She didn't say anything about dying! Of course, the fact that the vamp's body vaporizes when they're staked probably means something, but I'm not sure what. That they're just demons with a human-looking shell, and piercing the shell kills the demon? I dunno. Anyway, I think we have to assume that when Angel says, "it's not like I need the oxygen" that means that BtVS vamps either don't breathe, or don't _need_ to breathe (two different things). But assuming that what's been printed in a book about other fictional vampires or past vampire lore applies to Buffyverse vamps can be a mistake. These vamps are figments of Joss Whedon's fevered imagination, and he could wind up taking them in an entirely different direction - which he probably will, just to keep us guessing! Maureen - GASPer - Keeper of the Glasses, Computer Assistant "I'll be back in the middle ages." "Did you ever leave?" ------------------------------ Date: 21 May 1997 11:04:43 -0400 From: "Maureen Wynn" Subject: BUFFY: "Invisible Girl" quote list "Invisible Girl" quote list (5/19/97) - ------------------------------------------------------------------ B=Buffy, G=Giles, X=Xander, W=Willow, A=Angel, D=Darla, M=Master C=Cordelia, MC=Ms. Calendar, F=Fritz, S=Sid, PS=Principal Snyder H=Harmony, MM=Ms. Miller - ------------------------------------------------------------------ C-I am, of course, having my dress specially made. Off the rack gives me hives. Mitch-Let me guess - blue, like your eyes. C-My eyes are hazel, Helen Keller. C-Behold the weirdness. C-Well, how about, color me totally self-involved. MM-Care to elaborate? C-With Shylock, it's whine, whine, whine, like the whole world is about him. W-Everyone looked down on him. C-That is such a twinkie defense. Shylock should get over himself. C-Like this time I sort of ran over this girl on her bike. It was the most traumatizing event of _my_ life, and she's trying to make it about her _leg_. Like my pain meant nothing. C-I have all these thoughts, and I'm pretty sure they all contradict each other. H-'C', for Cordelia? C-No, 'C' for Wilma, little brain. C-Oh, I don't think I need the loony fringe vote. B-Well, I don't even like chocolate! Okay, that was the lamest come-back of our times. B-Gee, it's fun that we're speaking in tongues. X-Oh, so the good kind of moron would do that. The non-moron, I mean. PS-There are no dead students here. This week. B-Mitch wanted me to get his comb. He likes his comb. PS-I don't think Mitch needs his comb right now. I think Mitch need medical attention. B-All I know is it's a message. X-And? B-And monsters don't usually send messages. It's pretty much crush, kill, destroy. G-I have to say you're right. B-I love it when he says that! G-I've never actually heard of anyone attacked by a lone baseball bat before. X-Maybe it's a vampire bat? I'm low on that one, huh? X-What, so there's homework now? When did that happen? B-It's all part of the glamorous world of vampire slayage. C-You should have seen him lying there all black and blue. How's that going to look in our Prom pictures? How am I ever going to be able to show them to anyone? H-Well, they can do wonderful things with airbrushes these days. C-I just hope they can prop him up long enough to take the picture. G-A girl on campus with the ability to become invisible. X-That is so cool! W-Cool? X-Well, yeah, I would give anything to be able to turn invisible. Well, I wouldn't use my powers to beat people up, I'd use my powers to protect the girl's locker room. X-Greek myths speak of cloaks of invisibility, but they're usually for the Gods. Research boy comes through with the knowledge! X-My mom's making her famous call to the chinese place tonight. W-Does your family even own a stove? G-How exactly do you propose to hunt someone you can't see? You may have to work on listening to people. B-Very funny! G-I thought so. G-A vampire in love with a Slayer. It's rather poetic. In a maudlin sort of way. C-Being this popular is not just my right, but my responsibility. X-So, Giles said you'd be here. Why are you being here? G-Once again, I teeter at the precipice of the generation gap. B-I think I speak for everyone here when I say, "huh?" C-This is all about me. Me, me, me! X-Wow, for once she's right. C-I know you're very strong, and you've got all those weapons. I was kind of hoping you were in a gang. G-You know, I don't recall ever seeing you here before. C-Oh no, I have a life. C-Is she really wearing Laura Ashley? X-So, homicidal? C-Nothing is keeping me from the Bronze tonight! X-Can we just revel in your fabulous lack of priorities? C-If I'm not crowned tonight, then Marcie's won. And that would be bad. Se's evil, okay, way eviler than me! X-Can you say, "gulp"? C-You were popular? In what alternate universe? B-Okay, can we have the heart-felt talk with a little less talk from you? G-I can't find the shut-off valve. X-Is this it? W-Okay, that's bad! A-It's not like I need the oxygen. G-She has gone mad. X-You think? B-There's one thing I really didn't factor into all this. You're a thundering loonie! Marcie-Hey moron, I'm invisible! FBI-We'll take it from here now, ma'am. B-Take what from where? B-Where were you ten minutes ago when she was playing surgeon? C-I guess I just want to say thank you. All of you. X-It's funny, 'cause she _looks_ like Cordelia... X-Boy, where's an invisible girl when you really need one? ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 11:14:52 -0700 From: Lawless Subject: BUFFY: SMG Interview on E Online EOnline ( is taking questions now for an interview with Sarah. Deadline for the questions is June 3rd and her responses will be posted on June 15th. You can submit questions at - -Lawless ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 11:35:08 -0700 From: Lawless Subject: Re: BUFFY: Fwd: Bite Guadalupe Mejia wrote: > > BUFFY FANS OF THE WORLD UNITE AND GO VOTE FOR SARAH MICHELLE GELLAR AT > THE TV GUIDE POLL AND KEEP VOTING DON'T GIVE UP UNTIL SARAH IS LEADING > AND KEEP VOTING AFTER THAT TOO UNTILL THE LAST MINUTE OF VOTING, WE CAN > DO IT MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Relax for a minute and take a deep breath. What do you do all day? You do realize that they're probably going to have the voting up for a couple of weeks don't you? Go outside and get some air and play for awhile. Everything's going to be allright. - -Lawless ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 13:41:41 -0400 From: Subject: BUFFY: SPOILERS: Too picky SPOILERS Okay, I forgot that Xander & Willow mentioned a few incidents of their past in other eps. However, they were reaaallllyyy close in this ep, the dinner invite, more close than normal. I know, I'm just being picky, but it just was a little too contrived. Granted, it fit with the theme of the show - exclusion, but it was a little over the top. Anyway.... One thing about Cordelia - the way the "popular" girls in my high school were nice to your face, nasty to your back. I think that her nastiness is just a little too out in the open. I mean, what person could possibly like someone who's so nasty both to your face and to your back? Of course, you might want to be friends with Cordelia if only to try and escape the vipers tongue....that's definitely a possibility! I'd say Marcie was clothed, why else would she leave a boot print? I agree with Maytree's theory on her invisibility. It makes the most sense. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 May 1997 22:56:21 -0400 (EDT) From: Cagey Subject: BUFFY: Re: TV guide and Keepers and Drinking Game and FAQ From: (Travis L Tidmore) > And where can I mail/e-mail the cast of the show? From: > Could someone please tell me who is the List keeper of Angel's things? Both of these questions have answers in the FAQ, which can be found online at or email me and I'll drop you a copy. The FAQ was updated today, btw. From: > I am delaring my self keeper of the BtVS drinking game. If anyone wants Augie is compiling the First Official BtVS drinking game created here onlist by Xmission members, and we'll have it up at the Library ASAP, hopefully in time for Memorial Day weekend. I would like to let everyone know that I've added Brenda's wonderful list of the keepers of Keepers lists (say *that* five times fast) to the FAQ. There are lists of Buffy's, Xander's, Willow's, Giles' and Angel's Keepers, and the relevant contact info is in the FAQ. As far as I know, those are the "official" lists, because those kind souls have offered to keep track of who has claimed what. Please remember that Keeping was meant to be an expression of affiliation to and enthusiasm for the show, and was NOT meant to be a competitive wrestling match. If that was the case, I assure you there would be mud involved. And chocolate. And probably whipped cream. And definitely wicked Buffy-type boots. :) - --kg **** * * "Piece of fluff? I thought she was more substantial...more like a piece of furniture." ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 13:39:41 -0700 From: Mark Safransky Subject: BUFFY: Sarah Michelle Gellar Q&A Hey Buffniks, E! Online has a Q&A section for SMG where you can ask her questions. Check it out at X-Lander Slayer #32/Keeper of Angel's Bloodbags/Keeper of Buffy's Red Rose N&NPacker/Custodian of the Loft Visit my award-winning webpage at ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 May 97 10:53:56 -0700 From: Subject: BUFFY: buffy: tv guide poll update Hey everyone, SMG is in second place right now behind Gillian Anderson in TVGuides 20 Great faces poll. She needs about 5,000 more votes to catch up. And Kyle Chandler is a distant 3rd. So everybody start voting, she can catch up!! girlJen *Keeper of Angel's Statue* *Keeper of Xander's Toga* ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 14:29:47 -0400 (EDT) From: Jimmy Wan Subject: Re: BUFFY: Vote SMG as TVGuide Great Face!!(OFF TOPIC) On Tue, 20 May 1997, William Jensen wrote: > I know it's been mentioned before, but go vote for SMG on the > TV Guide web site! I know this is off-topic, but whoever is submitting votes, I think we can stop now. It looks like the votes for SMG and Gillian Anderson seem to have broken the database at TV Guide. Jimmy Wan University of Michigan-Computer Engineering Turtle Beach Maui Page Device Drivers Page ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 14:52:48 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: Angel and Giles heart to heart talk. Hi! My favorite moment of the invisible girl episode was when Angel came to see Giles!! I loved how Giles asked if he came to see Buffy and Angel said, no it was too hard to be around her. ::::::::sighs romantically:::::: He loves her so much. It was so cool then when Giles said, "A vampire in love with a slayer. Its rather poetic... in a Maudlin sort of way." By the way, does anyone know who or what "Maudlin" is??? That was such a wonderful scene!! I hoep we get to see more Angel and Buffy scenes. I would love it if they woul try to give their love a chance!! BTW, if no one is the Keeper of Angel's love for Buffy, I am declaring it now. Let me know. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 15:03:23 -0400 From: SA-XA Subject: Re: BUFFY: Vote SMG as TVGuide Great Face!! > > I know this is off-topic, but whoever is submitting votes, I think we > can stop now. It looks like the votes for SMG and Gillian Anderson seem > to have broken the database at TV Guide. Heck NO!! A little less than 1,000 votes seperate Sarah and Gillian!! Sarah's at 34% and Gillian is at 36% Close, but keep those votes coming Slayerettes!!! Waaahoooooooo!!! Susan A. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 15:04:26 -0400 (EDT) From: Mike Davignon Subject: BUFFY: Buffy: TV guide poll Gillian has 18281 as of now, and SMG is less than 1000 behind, with 17,307. I'm a dedicated fan and will continue to pad the polls. I have to be on 8-5 anyway, and I get bored :) The data file was taken down only temporarily, and now it can be accessed faster. Voting is still on, so don't give up yet. FOr a while, it seemed that some of you were helping. With each click, SMG gained about 10 votes. But Gillian had some activity today also. For about an hour, her votes were increasing by about 50-60 each time I voted. We need more support if you care to help Sarah win. Michael Davignon PS. Gillian Anderson is NOT a troll, I just think she's getting overrated these days. Sarah is a fresh new face, and just as great an actress as Gillian. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 15:14:17 -0400 (EDT) From: Starstorm Subject: Re: BUFFY: Angel and Giles heart to heart talk. By the way, does >anyone know who or what "Maudlin" is??? Maudlin = sappy. Not really complementary. Starstorm, wicked witch of the north (btw hi all!) ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 15:39:42 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: Invisible Girl episode I Promise That This Won't Be Full Of The Same Comments Everyone Else Made Over and Over Again. Thank You, the mouse. I just have one thing to say (ok not completely true, but let's start with one:) INVISIBLE GIRL IS A BAND GEEK... YAY BAND GEEKS!! ahh.. sorry about that... in my fourth and final year of band geek-ing i was quite delighted to get a peek into the school's band room. I wonder if their band is any good.... if they have a concert or marching band, etc. But that's just me... Being a flute & piccolo player i got a little bit of teasing from my fellow Buffy watching friend about Marcie's flute playing. um, i have a couple of things i could say... but they've pretty much been discussed to death so i'll only mention them in passing: we also wondered why they didn't spray Marcie with anything...... Cordelia may have shown some feelings but i don't look at her as any different....loved the part where Xander and Willow were in hysterics over the reminiscing and couldn't explain it to Buffy... didn't see the plot twist at the end coming, liked how i didn't see it coming but it was still a little ridiculous...of course vampires don't breathe, they could if they wanted to but no point.... which brings me to a comment i may get in trouble for.. As squealing as i was over Angel's appearance in this episode i found myself terribly disapointed in him. I realise he wasn't supposed to be a huge character in this episode, but what little time he appeared he wasn't used to his full extent. I thought (what's the actor's name again, David B...something...) was not up to his potential that night.... especially that line about not needing the oxygen.. unnecesary comment badly written and badly acted... It would have been okay if say Xander said it in his sarcastic humour way... but Angel saying it seriously (as he *is* a serious character) made it ahh.. "corny" for lack of a better word (and i do hate that word) i liked the "vampire bat" joke... i was just mad at myself for not seeing it coming a mile away... or being able to tell it myself before Xander did..... that's all, i think.... the mouse, behind in her e-mail. - -onlyamouse , looking for Syd's Gerald... (Unoffical, someone offical me!) Keeper of Xander's wit/Angel's dietician!! ..don't hate me because i'm an AOL user ;).. "Give yourself over to absolute pleasure.." Goth Code 3.1a---> "" web site pending ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 15:45:38 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Fun with Freeze Frame In a message dated 5/21/97 2:45:00 PM, you wrote: <<27. Buffy crawling through duct (?)>> this is from the two hour movie premiere ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 16:13:50 -0400 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Keeper of the master's items If anyone is the keeper of the master's list please add my name as the keeper of the Master's Cross. Thanx. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Keeper of Buffy's Weapons Keeper of Giles' Desk Keeper of the Master's Cross Keeper of Xander's obsession (love) with (for) Buffy ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 16:22:45 -0400 From Subject: BUFFY: Buffy: TV guide poll It is so good that none of us have any lives. If we did Gillian Anderson and the X-files people with no lives would win undoubtedly. Now off to vote. :-) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Keeper of Buffy's Weapons Keeper of Giles' Desk Keeper of the Master's Cross Keeper of Xander's obsession (love) with (for) Buffy ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 15:30:34 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Jesse << One little thing kinda bothers me about BtVS. Okay, I understand that everyone kinda takes the weirdness and odd occurrences in stride, but think about Jesse for a moment. He was Xander's best friend, wasn't he? Well, I can't recall Xander ever mentioning him at all since he sorta "died". >> Not only that, but did anyone else think he had one of *the* most undignified deaths possible? He was ELBOWED into the stake.... that's sad.... That's not how you kill of one of the main character's ex-best friends... the mouse - -onlyamouse , looking for Syd's Gerald... (Unoffical, someone offical me!) Keeper of Xander's wit/Angel's dietician!! ..don't hate me because i'm an AOL user ;).. "Give yourself over to absolute pleasure.." Goth Code 3.1a---> "" web site pending ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 17:07:00 -0400 (EDT) From: Monet Subject: BUFFY: AJC article... Just a little news: In our large local newspaper, the Atlanta Journal and Constitution, in the Living section, the front page had to do with a look back at the 1996-97 TV season. They gathered together little "award" titles like CATCHIEST CATCH PHRASE: "yadda, yadda, yadda" from "Seinfeld" Anyway, there was a small pic of SMG clad in a sleeveless black outfit, hair down, and looking ready to kick in the camera. Her captions was PROM DATE TO DIE FOR: "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" Heheheh...I thought it was cute :) G :) "Anybody having any luck?"-Ray "It depends. You mean like 'GOOD luck'?"-Peter (The Real Ghostbusters) ==================================================================== "That is so simple, I should have thought of that"-Monet (GenX #16) ==================================================================== "Now, we can do this the hard way, or...well, actually, there's just the hard way."-Buffy or ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 14:17:23 -0700 (PDT) From: Sara G Subject: Re: BUFFY: Spoiler: Invisible Girl (Favorite Scene) Hi everyone! I've been lurking for a few weeks, but this is the first time I had something to say that no-one else had covered... so here goes... says... >>>Here's where he and Angel have something in common. Books. (Yes, I'm the proud keeper of Angel's library, now minus the Kodex. ) We already know from the "Angel" episode that Angel has been spending his isolated years reading. This gives him an opportunity to help Buffy by helping Giles.<<< I've seen speculation that Angel snagged the codex from the Master, but I think Angel had the codex in his possession all along. I'm sure he was into books before his soul came back - and, as he's Irish and has that heritage of literacy (or at least reverence for books), he was probably into them even before he became a vampire. That smirk on his face when he said "misplaced" made me think he might have stolen it from a previous Watcher (or from an earlier thief - I'm not sure about when the book actually disappeared). A malicious vampire with a literary bent would find great pleasure in depriving the Forces of Good of their greatest weapon against his kind - knowledge. He can't face Buffy, but he still wants to help her. So, he finds her Watcher and tentatively offers the book. He might be ashamed at the memory of stealing it, and giving it back would clear his conscience somewhat. Every little bit helps, right? Only thing is, why didn't he bring it with him if he was intending to give it to Giles? I've only watched the episode once, so I'd have to go back to it. Perhaps he went to Giles because he couldn't bear to be around Buffy, but couldn't cut her off. I know some of you must have been so blown away by a person, you couldn't even string two words together in their presence, so you desparately do the next best thing: pump their siblings and your mutual friends for information. :) Giles is talking about helping Buffy, Angel's looking at all the books, and the codex pops into his mind. Just some thoughts... GASP|| ALS || Keeper of Angel's Library Card and Giles' Ability to Read || Anyone notice a pattern here? ;) _____________________________________________________________________ Sent by RocketMail. Get your free e-mail at ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 14:28:39 -0700 (PDT) From: Sara G Subject: BUFFY: Re: Buffy: Invisible Girl -- ramblings (spoiler) says... >>>Angel was very much himself I would say with Giles... with Buffy it's more like the softer side comes out, the side reserved for the person he loves. In this ep Angel proves he is dark and deadly as any other vampire yet manages by a thin edge of control to stay on the side of humanity. It shows in his response to Giles relating that Buffy told him he didn't feed off of humans--aluding that his desire might overwhelm him.<<< I liked the actors' body language... Angel staring at Giles in a calm but very predatory way, Giles avoiding his gaze and half-turned away from him to show his non-aggression. Giles acted pretty cool for someone who had just turned around to find a vampire in his face. (I jumped.) Angel seems to enjoy sneaking up on humans and making them hop - it probably makes up for not snacking on them. GASP || ALS || Keeper of Angel's Library Card and Giles' Ability to Read || Anyone notice a pattern here? _____________________________________________________________________ Sent by RocketMail. Get your free e-mail at ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 14:59:22 -0700 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Spoiler: Invisible Girl (Favorite Scene) At 02:17 PM 5/21/97 -0700, thus sprake Sara G: >He can't face Buffy, but he still wants to help her. So, he finds her >Watcher and tentatively offers the book. Come to think of it, exactly how did Angel figure out Giles was Buffy's Watcher? >Only thing is, why didn't he bring it with him if he was intending to >give it to Giles? No, Angel showed up to tell Giles that something big was in the works with the Master. Then Giles started complaining that several of the most useful texts had been lost, and mentioned as one of them the "Pergamum Codex." *Then* Angel said he thought he could find it. He didn't know Giles was looking for the book until after their conversation. - -- Maytree - --------------------------------------------------------------- Jennifer Hawthorne - --------------------------------------------------------------- "I really hate it when you get heroic. Cuts into my business. Man's gotta earn a living, you know?" - Garibaldi to Sinclair, "Babylon 5: Soul Hunter" ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 15:05:23 PDT From: "~*Violet Starr*~" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Keeper of the master's items >If anyone is the keeper of the master's list please add my name as the >keeper of the Master's Cross. Thanx. > > - --------------- someone e-mail me yesterday claiming the cross Sorry. - -Violet Starr- Member of GASPer... ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ keeper of ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Giles' ~*~ Buffy's ~*~ willow's ~*~ Xanders's ~*~ Angel's ~&~ Cordelia's ~*~ dreams & nigtmares!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so there:) BTVS page ~~~ † the Slayer's Lair † go t my page to find out how to Adopt-A-Vamp -+-+-+-+-+-+-+- +Happy Slaying+ -+-+-+-+-+-+-+- also Keeper of the lists of The Master and Cordelia If your the keeper of anything e-mail me privately with the subject Master or Cordelia I have 56 links on my homepage! are there anymore?? - --------------------------------------------------------- Get Your *Web-Based* Free Email at - --------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 14:32:58 -0700 (PDT) From: Lisa Rose Subject: BUFFY: Ponderings upon Invisible Girl A few thoughts linger after the last ep: 1. If Marcie became invisible due to neglect, now that she is being noticed and doted on by MIB's and WIB's, isn't she likely to become visible again? 2. Now that we know Buffyworld vamps cast no reflections, I guess one of those classic "Hall of Mirrors" terror scenes (where the protagonist never knows which image of the bad guy to strike at) between Buffy and the Master is out of the question? 3. Marcie must have *really* been a non-entity at SHS if even Willow and Xander (bless their innocent little hearts) signed her yearbook "Have a nice (er, great) Summer." To be ignored by even the ignored... it would be enough to make anyone work for the CIA. Lisa R. |Darla: What do you want? |Angel: I want it finished! |Darla: That's good. You're hurting me. That's good too! (snarl) (what Darla lacked in clothing and hairstyle taste, she made up for in her taste, literally, for lovers) ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 18:27:33 -0400 (EDT) From: Joseph Laszlo Subject: Re: BUFFY: Invisible Girl episode At 03:39 PM 5/21/97 -0400, you wrote: >I >Promise >That >This >Won't >Be >Full >Of >The >Same >Comments >Everyone >Else >Made >Over >and >Over >Again. >Thank >You, >the >mouse. > [Deletia] >As squealing as i was over Angel's appearance in this episode i found myself >terribly disapointed in him. ...not up to his potential that night.... >especially that line about not needing the oxygen...Angel saying it seriously >(as he *is* a serious character) >made it ahh.. "corny" for lack of a better word (and i do hate that word) I don't know. I actually thought Angel's scenes (and that line) worked pretty well. In fact, they fit in really well with the theme of the episode. Angel's in love with the Slayer, wants desperately to help her, but can't be one of the Slayerettes. It's yet another manifestation of the whole insider-outsider, popular-ostracized dichotomy. Even though, as others have pointed out here, he's found common interests with Giles (books and protecting Buffy), he's still a permanent outsider in the group. I found it interesting, for instance, that G, X, and W didn't think to thank him for saving their lives--instead, Xander's first words were "What are YOU doing here" or something like that. From that perspective, I interpreted the 'oxygen' line not as an attempt at humor, but as Angel sarcastically emphasizing the fact that he's fundamentally, permanently, totally not one of them. I wonder how much Angel would give to need oxygen again. >that's all, i think.... >the mouse, behind in her e-mail. >-onlyamouse , looking for Syd's Gerald... >(Unoffical, someone offical me!) Keeper of Xander's wit/Angel's dietician!! >..don't hate me because i'm an AOL user ;).. "Give yourself over to absolute >pleasure.." >Goth Code 3.1a---> "" >web site pending > Joe "She's EVIL, okay? Way eviler than I am." --Cordelia ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 18:30:24 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Survey why the hell not???????? ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 18:27:35 -0400 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Quote lists I only have the quote lists for nightmares and invisible girl. I would love it if someone could send me the other quote lists publicly or privately I would be most appreciative. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Keeper of Buffy's Weapons Keeper of Giles' Desk Keeper of Xander's obsession (love) with (for) Buffy ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 15:20:21 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: keeping stuff (was: Nightmares and introduction) In a message dated 97-05-15 14:31:35 EDT, you write: << I don't really want to keep anything. I just would like to make reference to how much I admire Xander's wit. He's like the "me" I never had. And on keeping things: Geez. What is it with American society and ownership? >> Well i wasn't interested in Keeping *ANYTHING*.. i'd thought it amusing at first but then it staretd to get annoying... and when i finally felt the urges to Keep.. and i found something to Keep.. well i guess i got a bit possesive! - -onlyamouse , looking for Syd's Gerald... (Unoffical, someone offical me!) Keeper of Xander's wit/Angel's dietician!! ..don't hate me because i'm an AOL user ;).. "Give yourself over to absolute pleasure.." Goth Code 3.1a---> "" web site pending ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 12:28:42 -0700 From: "Dave Ko" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy: TV guide poll no need to worry, Mike.. I'm sitting on a DS3 here, and have three of my employees clicking away.. (for what they're getting paid, this is a good bargain!) ------------------------------ End of buffy Digest V1 #87 ************************** To subscribe to buffy Digest, send the command: subscribe buffy-digest in the body of a message to "". 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