From: (buffy Digest) To: Subject: buffy Digest V1 #113 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: buffy Digest Tuesday, June 3 1997 Volume 01 : Number 113 In this issue: BUFFY: 5 points about Prophecy Girl (Spoilers) BUFFY: Prophecy Girl (SPOILERS) BUFFY: Spoilers BUFFY: GASP!: Giles, Taster's Choice, and Blooper Reel BUFFY: GASP!: Website Update - New Urls, GASPers Re: BUFFY: "Smuffabugly", Tony's Accent & Blooper Reel BUFFY: Deck the Clowns Re: BUFFY: comments on Prophecy Girl: spoilers Re: BUFFY: Re.:Simply put....WOW!!! Re: BUFFY: comments on Prophecy Girl: spoilers Re: BUFFY: Prophecy Girl (No Spoilers) BUFFY: PROPHECY GIRL: Quibbles & Nits (and Nits and Nits...) Pt 1. BUFFY: PROPHECY GIRL: Quibbles & Nits (and Nits and Nits...) Pt 2 BUFFY: The end...for now (spoilers) Re: BUFFY: Prophecy Girl (spoilers) Keeping Flames (was Re: BUFFY: Re.:Simply put....WOW!!!) Re: BUFFY: comments on Prophecy Girl: spoilers Re: BUFFY: name for us fans Re: BUFFY: Re: BUFFY Posting Board? BUFFY: Re: Name for fans Prophecy Girl SPOILERS Re: BUFFY: Prophecy Girl (spoilers) BUFFY: Season Finale BUFFY: Quick 2nd season speculations... See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 00:12:27 -0700 (PDT) From: Lisa Rose Subject: BUFFY: 5 points about Prophecy Girl (Spoilers) Spoilers for Prophecy Girl: 1. The Master may not be permanently dead. There is still a skeleton. What happens if the stake is removed? (Was it "Dark Shadows" where the vamp would rematerialize if the stake was removed?) 2. Buffy knew who Colin was when he approached her. Thus prophesy is defied. Did that shatter the chain that should have led to her death? If so, she has Giles and Ms. C. to thank. 3. Is Buffy still sorta "dead" (like Sheridan on B-5)? Is she a vampire? 4. How endearing was it when Willow was eating up Xander's practice speech, pretending it was for her (those puppydog eyes!). And offering to let him keep practicing! But good for her, finally drawing the line. 5. Agree there were *way* more relationship issues packed into this ep than others, Willow/Xander, Buffy/Giles, Angel/ Xander, Buffy/Master, Buffy/Mom, Cordy/Willow, Giles/Ms.C, Everyone/Ugly multi-headed thing. Not the usual two or three we get to savor and focus on per ep. To be expected in a finale. More mythic than intimate. Time to drive some plot. Probably back to normal next season? Extra point: 6. Angel may have been wildcard that broke the prophesy chain, via the gypsies' magic. If he hadn't led Xander belowground, Buff would be dead, and so would everyone. Lisa Keeper of Buffy's diary (full of Angel fantasies) Keeper of Angel's slashed t-shirt (full of Angel blood) Keeper of Giles' stutter (cute little thing that it is) Willow: How'd it go? Xander: On a scale of one to ten?... It *sucked*! ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 03:13:09, -0500 From: (MS CHRISTINA L KAMNIKAR) Subject: BUFFY: Prophecy Girl (SPOILERS) I know, I know. There's no technical need for Spoiler Space after Monday Air Time. But What About Canada & Chicago? :> Golly. Where to start? Is Joss Whedon married? And if not, does anyone know his fax number? What a great ep. *Loved* the teaser, even though I was screaming at Xander for his deep and abiding cluelessness in talking to Willow about Buffy; and giggled uncontrollably at Buffy pulling out the stake from nowhere, sort of reverse-katana-space like Highlander. But the best - the absolute best, and what set the tone for the episode - was the Master gleefully exulting in his imminent freedom during the earthquake, then asking Colin, "What do you think? 5.1?" *SO* California. I watched this the second time through with a friend in the L.A. area, (and one in Texas too) and before the scene was over, she was assigning Richtor scale numbers to it. Poor Giles. Too many painful scenes to count: Xander & Buffy, Xander crashing in flames. Xander and Willow, Willow walking away feeling sooo sad. [I never, ever, want to be 16 again when I watch this show. I'm just glad it's over.] Buffy and Giles and Angel---and whoa, was there a lot of suffering in that room, or what? SMG gets major, major kudos for this bit. Buffy and her mom, wistfully wanting a real prom, a real life. But the best (worst?) *had* to be that scene with Buffy and Willow, after the slaughter at the A/V room. God, Alyson Hannigan's *good*. And so is Joss; I don't know if there could be a better description of evil, then in the destruction of your world, and having someone delight in it. Having Buffy say "take care" as in "good-bye" without it registering with Willow was the capper. I was glad to see Miss Calender back; I've decided I like her. Giles needed the back-up desperately, and M.C. was there as an adult to count on. Not to mention her snazzy dress sense. Of course, I did see that right-cross from Buffy heading straight for Giles's jaw, but it still worked. Colin is at the head of the list of People Who Gotta Die. But we've all next season to see if the Anointed One returns. Still... that had to be his handprint on the TV in the A/V room. For that, he's gotta pay. Time for commercial. (breathe, breathe, breathe) The super-great scenes between Xander and Angel, leading up to the *terrific* rescue scene. Awesome direction. Truly great, since Xander had to breathe for Buffy, but you _know_ Angel wanted to be the one to save her. Willow and Miss Calender getting saved by Cordelia's reckless driving was PRICELESS. I actually liked Cordelia during this ep! No, not as in Love to Hate Her, but I think she's actually almost redeemed; self-centered and pointless as she can be, there's a real person in there. The "see how *you* like it!" when she bit the vampire was hysterical. Joss is a genius, and Charisma Carpenter has a lot of potential to play with next season. COOLEST DIRECTION BIT: even cooler than the rescue scene; Perri & Lizbet & Christina agree: Buffy, with the honor guard of Angel and Xander going after the bad guys. Xander and Angel acting as "bouncers" outside of Bufffy's confrontation constitutes one of the funniest visuals of this ep (up there with Xander listening to country music---God, that is *so* guy). Really great finale action scene, with monsters outside, monsters below, monsters above, everyone fighting and screaming (and does Alyson do sonic screeching well, or what?) and helping each other and trying to get away---super stuff. Plus, Buffy having her anti-showdown with the Master, a wonderful contrast to the earlier "death" scene (especially SMG's delivery on "I flunked the written" ). Icky, wonderful, bleah! ending as the Master bit it. Much more dramatic than the usual poof! dust! fadeout. And then they went to the Prom, after everything became just as it was before. Angel and Buffy leaving together... very cool. Three months 'til the next Buffy episode. (Hey, I had to say it.) Wonder what Joss will come up with next? Have fun on your summer vacation, guys! Christina Technopagan FK MMG, War #8 Dueser Methos Cavalry Chaos: More Than A Theory ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 03 Jun 1997 00:26:44 -0700 From: Juliana Lee Subject: BUFFY: Spoilers PROPHECY GIRL SPOILERS I loved this ep! Positively the best! My favorite scene: Xander and Angel running down the corridor arguing about Angel's appetite. "I told you to eat before we left!" Woo hoo to Willow for having the guts to realize and let Xander know that she is not there for his beck and call. That scene where Xander, Angel, and Buffy walk toward the school set to the theme music, YOW. Now on to the questions that inevitably come up: People have argued that vampires don't need to breathe. This, however, in no way prevents Angel from giving anyone CPR. He still has lungs. His muscles still work (do they ever!). He can fill his lungs with air and breathe out, he just doesn't need to. Also, when Buffy was lying face down in the pool, she sucked up water, right? Since that's Hellmouth water, does it in anyway have mystic powers? Maybe she gained strength by drinking the water. After all, the Master rose through that water (can we saw "ick?"), so it must be special in some way. Hmm... Alright, I've written all that I can think of for now. Back to thinking some more. Mekare Usually keeping quiet. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 00:52:38 -0700 (PDT) From: Sonja Marie Subject: BUFFY: GASP!: Giles, Taster's Choice, and Blooper Reel Hi all, From the Posting Board: LOL! The more I hear about this reel the more I'm *dying* to see it! Sonja Marie - The White Rose @--'->-- Co-Pres. of the Jeff Fahey IFC - Paul Wylie Fan Pages - Owner of the Jeff Fahey Mailing List & The Paul Wylie Mailing List Pres. of Giles Appreciation Society Panters -GASP!- Keeper of Giles Coats&Ties "Because I'm English, I'm Strange Anyway" - Anthony Stewart Head (Giles - BTVS) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 01:03:56 -0700 (PDT) From: Sonja Marie Subject: BUFFY: GASP!: Website Update - New Urls, GASPers Hi all, I have added more URLS to my Buffy Links Page at: They are denoted by "Just Added" At the bottom is a few links that I can no longer access and if you know what happened to them (if they relocated) please let me know. If you have a page for the show or cast members and IT IS NOT LISTED already, please send me the URLS and I will add them. I have added more GASPers to the Home Page at: If you want to join the GASPers Email me PRIVATELY and I send you the inof to join. Sonja Marie - The White Rose @--'->-- Co-Pres. of the Jeff Fahey IFC - Paul Wylie Fan Pages - Owner of the Jeff Fahey Mailing List & The Paul Wylie Mailing List Pres. of Giles Appreciation Society Panters -GASP!- Keeper of Giles Coats&Ties "Because I'm English, I'm Strange Anyway" - Anthony Stewart Head (Giles - BTVS) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 04:08:58 -0600 From: Jill Gillham Subject: Re: BUFFY: "Smuffabugly", Tony's Accent & Blooper Reel > Hey there...THE WATCHER here inquiring about this "blooper reel". What >is it? Is it an underground type bootleg of stuff or is it one of the >first Buffy tapes in terms of related merchandise. Please let me know, >if you have a copy of it or can get a hold of one...I'd really like to >get my grubby little digits on it. Thanks, For the most part, the blooper tapes are produced for cast and crew pleasure. If you're lucky and go the the right cons, a nice PTB will bring along outtakes and/or a blooper reel for con attendees. That's pretty much it in terms of blooper reel circulation for the most part unless bits and pieces show up on TV's Bloopers and Whatzits. It's pretty rare for a blooper reel to show up outside of those places with the exception of the odd fan club offering. There are some rumors of people dubbing off a blooper reel at a con and sneaking it into the not-so general public, but we know that would never happen now, would it? Speaking of cons, anyone hear of any Buffy folks appearing at any? Forget the cast, what I want to do is pick the brains of Joss and some of the production folk. And for the person who asked about Kindred (TV series flavor) fanfic, there's one site at: Jill Gillham \|/ \|/ D=|[[] "All-arm'd I ride, whate'er betide, =0: + =0: = \O/ Until I find the Holy Grail." /|\ /|\ |*| -- Alfred, Lord Tennyson [Go WINGS!] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 02:05:57 -0700 (PDT) From: Lisa Rose Subject: BUFFY: Deck the Clowns Deck the Clowns Deck the Clowns and their balloon art! Fa la la la la la la la la Knock them on their clowny hind-parts! Fa la la la la la la la la Lest they stab with freaky smiles, Fa la la la la la la la la Send them down to meet the floor tiles! Fa la la la la la la la la Xander said "Hey wait, you don't scare!" Fa la la la la la la la la He alone could face his nightmare. Fa la la la la la la la la While folks screamed like at the dentist's, Fa la la la la la la la la Xander clocked the clowny menace! Fa la la la la la la la la Lisa "I'm an obsessive fan, ask me how!" - ----------------------------------- Willow: How'd it go? Xander: On a scale of one to ten?... It *sucked*! ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 2 Jun 1997 22:14:06 -0400 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: comments on Prophecy Girl: spoilers I am really going to miss the master too, his strange speech impetament made watching him hilarious. Do you really think he is dead though? Also, did anyone else notcie that hellmouth was located under the high school library? How apprapo. Danielle Keeper of Buffy and Angel's tortured love Slayerette "Look....theres a bad guy." (kick) bad guy falls to the ground ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 2 Jun 1997 22:19:30 -0400 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Re.:Simply put....WOW!!! I agree in my many people claim more than just one thing that it isnt fair, there is really nothing left. What the hell is the big deal DIDN'T WE ALL LEARN HOW TO HSARE IN KINDEGARTEN? THINK OF IT AS OWNING STOCK IN AN ITEM.....GEEZ THE FLAMING IS TOO OUT OF CONTROL. Danielle Keeper of Buffy and Angel's tortured love Slayerette "Look....theres a bad guy." (kick) bad guy falls to the ground ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 03 Jun 1997 03:20:22 -0700 From: Jennifer Hawthorne Subject: Re: BUFFY: comments on Prophecy Girl: spoilers At 10:14 PM 6/2/97 -0400, thus sprake >I am really going to miss the master too, his strange speech impetament >made watching him hilarious. What speech impediment? If you mean that sort of mush-mouthed sound to some of his words, that's the fault of those prosthetic teeth the actor has to wear. All the Ferengi on Trek have that same "plastic accent." - -- Maytree - ------------------------------------------------------- Jennifer Hawthorne :: [To reply to this message, remove DIESPAM from address] - ------------------------------------------------------- A slipping gear could let your M203 grenade launcher fire when you least expect it. That would make you quite unpopular in what's left of your unit. -- In the August 1993 issue, page 9, of PS magazine, the Army's magazine of preventive maintenance ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 03 Jun 1997 06:20:50 -0400 From: Virginia Eveland Subject: Re: BUFFY: Prophecy Girl (No Spoilers) Sonja Marie wrote: >>After three other season finales this year that sucked dead bunnies through a straw, this was a lovely change. > > What an image to behold "Sucked dead bunnies through a straw" geez! You know, I was *going* to comment on that line. I mean, that is a line that deserves to be quoted more often, you know? But I thought, naw...I must be the only one who's never heard it before...nice to know that's not the case... - -- Virginia Eveland Keeper of Giles' Inner Child Keeper of Buffy's Three Gold Hoop Earings Pretender, Slayerette, Bab5, XF Fanatic SYX, AGML, LGW, BLA, OBSSE, GASP ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 03 Jun 1997 03:35:50 -0700 From: Jennifer Hawthorne Subject: BUFFY: PROPHECY GIRL: Quibbles & Nits (and Nits and Nits...) Pt 1. (I had to split this message because once again it's too long for the mailer to deal with. And I didn't even quote a single *line* of anyone else's post! Sheesh!) ============ A quick list etiquette question: After the Monday airing, is it more polite to: a) Include spoiler lines just to be nice to Canadians and others who might not get to see it, or b) Leave out the spoiler space in order to spare bandwidth? Anyway, on with the comments, after the spoiler space (erring on the conservative side): "And then we can observe their mating rituals and tag them before they migrate - Just KILL me!" Put me down as another Slayerette who loved the finale. I thought it was one of the few season enders I've watched this year that wasn't a letdown. (Offhand, "King of the Hill" is the only other season finale I remember fondly.) I'm *so glad* it wasn't another stinking cliffhanger! Hope they keep that up in future years. Comments on the show, more or less in the order in which they occurred: Cordelia has apparently gotten her driver's license at last. Either that, or she's out driving on a learner's permit without adult supervision. Tsk, tsk! Ms. Calendar's back! Yay! I'm not clear that she did anything particularly useful in the show, but it's nice to see her again nevertheless. (Yes, she provided some info from the Internet through her email contacts, but dramatically speaking Willow could have pulled the same stuff off of Usenet or found it using a news-searching program.) In fact -- hail, hail, the gang's all here! Every important secondary character from the first season showed up in the finale, and wonder of wonders, none of the good guys were killed off for cheap drama! Well, not permanently, at any rate. Xander to Willow: "I didn't think." No s#!t, Sherlock. You certainly didn't. I really like Xander, but he's such a perfect teenage twit sometimes I just want to *smack* him! It would certainly serve him right if Willow found someone else to lavish soulful looks and adoration on. (Although the romantic in me would like to eventually see them genuinely involved.) What was with the blood-in-the-bathroom-sink scene? It was a pretty long shot that didn't serve much useful purpose in the show except to send Buffy running to the library. With all that lingering on the bathroom mirror I was expecting Angel or some other vamp to be behind Buffy. (Not to mention that I'm really tired of the "blood pours forth from some inanimate object" cliche. They did an even worse job with it in the atrocious Highlander finale.) I'd call that an editing flaw, particularly when those ten seconds or so would have been much more useful elsewhere in the episode. Loved the look on Buffy's face when she saw Angel through the library door. She just lit up with delight. Too bad it was so brief. We have a partial answer on the question of Slayer succession. "Another one is called." Implying that there are a number of proto-Slayers out there, but only one actually has the Slayer's power at any time. When one Slayer dies, another is activated. So the "once per generation" stuff is more like poetic license than something to be taken literally. Buffy yells at Angel that "You're never going to die!" -- Except he already has. And come back to something resembling "true life" with the return of his soul. Meaning he could, in some way, die again. I realize Buffy was understandably hysterical, but still, that wasn't very fair to Angel. Which brings another question to mind. Sorry if this was hashed over the first time "Angel" was shown, but -- where the *heck* was Angel's soul between the time he became a vampire and the time the Gypsies returned it to him? In Limbo, waiting for his body to pass on? In Heaven? Eek, how nasty -- to get dragged back from Heaven into a vampire's body! Kind of a mean thing to do to Angel's soul, which after all wasn't responsible for any of the havoc his vampirized body wreaked. On the other hand, if Angelus was originally an evil person even before he was vampirized, maybe his soul went to Hell and then got a welcome reprieve when it returned to Earth. And now he's trying to be good and atone so that when he dies a second time he doesn't go back to Hell. Man, this soul stuff gets really messy when you think too much about it... One of the few clunker lines in the episode: "I'm sixteen years old. I don't wanna die." Well, DUH! Sixteen or sixty, not that many people want to die. SMG did as good a job with the line as possible, but it was still a stinky line. It stood out all the more because the dialog in the rest of the episode was very high quality. So what *DID* happen to the monk Brother Luca? That's twice in one episode Buffy has eavesdropped successfully on Giles when Giles would really rather she hadn't. He'd better start being a bit more careful if he wants to keep secrets from Buffy. (And he's a really, really *lousy* secret-keeper in general. Giles, do not *ever* play poker. You will lose.) Giles had to be the only person who did not see that punch coming from several miles away. (continued) - ------------------------------------------------------- Jennifer Hawthorne :: [To reply to this message, remove DIESPAM from address] - ------------------------------------------------------- "Good luck, and may the Force be with you!" "I noticed the general wasn't with us..." ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 03 Jun 1997 03:36:19 -0700 From: Jennifer Hawthorne Subject: BUFFY: PROPHECY GIRL: Quibbles & Nits (and Nits and Nits...) Pt 2 (Continued from Pt. 1) "I told you to eat before we left!" Buffy to Colin: "I know who you are." Well, so much for prophecy being accurate in the Buffyverse. Aurelius specifically said "The Slayer Will Not Know Him." As Buffy herself said in a different context: "Sorry, that's incorrect, but you do get this lovely watch, and a year's supply of turtle wax!" And Colin was rather badly underused in this episode. I hope he's going to return next year as the Embodiment of Evil, though I wonder how the concept of a Cherub-faced Embodiment of Evil will sit with the general populace. The networks tend to frown on depictions of children being violently killed on television, so getting rid of Colin by staking or decapitation is probably right out. Pop culture reference of the week: Xander referring to Giles as "Locutus of Borg." Great line: "How come *she's* in the club?!" Sheesh, Willow's exhibiting just a trace of cliquishness herself. And after Ms. Calendar did so much to save her from bearing Moloch's Love Child (or whatever...). That's gratitude for you. So who do you suppose installed those super-bright fluorescent overhead lights in the Master's cave? Another great line: "The 'feeble banter' portion of the fight." (Followed immediately by Buffy firing the crossbow. Banter THAT!) And also, of course, "I told you to eat before we left!" Ms. Calender tells Giles to "Concentrate on demon killing." But the Master and his brood are all vampires, not demons. Hunh? (I don't think Ms. Calender knew in advance about the Three-Headed Thingy.) Someone's already pointed these out, but just to reiterate: Not requiring oxygen doesn't mean Angel can't perform CPR, though *Angel* might not know that. The breath you breathe into someone's lungs is your own breath *after* you've used it, but it still contains enough oxygen to keep someone else alive. Since Angel doesn't use any oxygen himself, the air *he'd* put into Buffy's lungs would have more oxygen than Xander's used air, and therefore be even more effective. But I'm getting too analytical here. Let's just put it down to Angel's ignorance about how CPR works. I'm sure he's never seen a reason to learn. (Also, he may have been afraid of losing control and going for her neck instead, like he almost did while kissing her in "Angel.") And yes, sorry to pick on Nick, but that was a really lousy attempt to fake CPR. However, I must point out that if he'd done it *RIGHT* there would have been significant risk to Sarah, since you do not do CPR on someone who doesn't need it. Still, I'd have thought the first aid staff on the set could have given them some pointers on how to make it look a *little* less fake. Did anyone else find that long wondering look Buffy gives Xander after he revives her to be Potentially Significant? Xander may be giving up too easily. There's also the possibility that Buffy might be more willing to look at Xander in a different light *if* she didn't know what that would do to Willow. As Cordelia comes tearing up in her car, she says something like "I was sitting with Kevin in the park..." I though Kevin was one of the guys who died in that room? And if Kevin was with her in the car, what happened to him? Did he jump out and take off on foot? Or did I mishear Cordy's line? I'm kind of confused about why Cordelia, Willow, and Ms. Caldender (give her a first name already!) went tearing off to the library. I could see them wanting to pick up Giles and get out of there, but the car seemed far more secure than the library. Why did they choose to hole up in the library instead of grabbing Giles and scramming? Perhaps we can just put it down to panic. We got several long shots of Willow's lime green sneakers, which looked to me kind of like they were made out of plastic. Bizarre color for sneakers. Anyone recognize the brand mark? The scratches on Buffy's chest show that she can, in fact, be visibly injured in a fight. It may take a vampire as powerful as the Master (or Luke, at least) to do it, though. So did Buffy get new powers from her experience with the Master, or not? When she said she felt "stronger" I interpreted that to mean that she was emotionally and psychologically stronger because she'd fully taken up her role as Slayer at last, faced down her own fear in order to confront the Master, and survived the experience. But then she says she "just knows" where the Master is, and she can no longer be mentally controlled by him as she was down in the cave. New powers? or just deductive power and newfound confidence? (No, she's not turning into a vamp. In order to become a vamp you have to drink a vampire's blood, and that didn't happen.) As someone else said, yep, the Three-Headed Thingy looked Cthulhoid. ["Nyarlethotep!" "Gesundheit!"] Right after Buffy calls the Master "fruit punch mouth," she punches the fruit in the mouth. I was expecting a smart line from her right after that. Oh well. Anyone else notice that Xander not only held his own against a vamp in the hall, he actually took it down by punching it out? The boy's learning fast. Just don't get cocky, kid. At the end of the show, Cordelia doesn't seem to be properly horrified at the thought of going into the Bronze in the company of all of the school's greatest losers (Angel excepted.) She must be in a state of shock ;) I'm a little confused about what exactly was going on with the Master in this episode. On its own it stands up just fine, but I went back and rewatched sections of the pilot and a couple things don't quite jibe. Giles says back then that the Master's goal is to open up the mystic portal and let the Old Ones -- the original demons -- come back to take over Earth. Yet the Master seems to have this idea that *he's* going to be running things once he's gotten the portal opened. And he refers to the Three-Headed Thingy as his "child". So which way is it, eh? Are the Nasty Critters on the other side of the portal the original "Old One" demons, presumably superior to the demon/human hybrid vampires, or are they just a bunch of hungry mindless squirming monsters? I hope the former -- it's far more interesting. Also, I suspect the Master may have been BSing Buffy with that "And you're the one destined to let me out!" stuff, because back in the pilot he seemed to think he'd be getting out right then without any help from a Slayer. He was probably just tormenting her for the fun of it with that line. Side note: After this episode, I've now filled in all but three or four scenes in my opening scenes list. The only really interesting clip unaccounted for is the one of Buffy wearing a pink jacket and gold necklace and pursing her lips like she's either blowing something away from her or pursing her lips in concentration. Still no clue where that one comes from. It's gonna be a long summer... - -- Maytree - ------------------------------------------------------- Jennifer Hawthorne :: [To reply to this message, remove DIESPAM from address] - ------------------------------------------------------- Voltaire, it is said, made a visit to a highly specialized bordello and enjoyed himself. He declined an opportunity to return for a second visit. "Once, a philosopher," he said. "Twice, a pervert." - -- Lawrence Block ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 06:34:46 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: The end...for now (spoilers) Spolier space This show was worth missing the World Music Awards. They saved the best for last. This show's most prominent aspect was the drama. Buffy did a wonderful and superb job at the part when she was mad at her fate and that she was going to die. Xander was pretty good at the rejection part too. I don't get something. I never thought Hellmouth was a plant that was alive. I just thought it was just a opening. I have some theories. I think that when Buffy was being sucked by the Master, somehow they both rose a level in power, just to make things fair and equal between them two. Is Cordelia going to be part of the "team"? I am not sure if she knows all the truth about Willow, Xander, Buffy, and Giles. I think when she bite that vampire's hand and said, "see how you like it." say a lot. Adding Ms. Calender to this show was a great move. Maybe it is just me, but I thought something so catastrophic required more than one how you say . .. mentor or grown up. I think the Anointed One will be next as the head of the vampires. He disappeared after he showed Buffy the way to the Master's lair. But since the Hellmouth closed, this possibilty would be kind of slim. Nevertheless, more monsters will appear and somehow the opening will appear again. Greatest show there was. Spencer Keeper of Buffy's dresses. Now I can add that white dress to my possession. Cool. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 03:46:10 -0700 From: Terrie Subject: Re: BUFFY: Prophecy Girl (spoilers) On Mon, 2 Jun 1997, "Augie De Blieck Jr." wrote: >Hi Terrie, Hi. >> 1 >> 2 >> 3 >> 4 >> 5 >> 6 >> 7 >> 8 >> 9 >> 10 >> 11 >> 12 >> 13 > > >> >> Okay, one last grip, and then I'm going. How the *heck* did Xander know where >> Angel lives? > >VERY good question. But that was a great scene between those two, wasn't it? I loved that scene.It's just that I get this mental picture of Xander running around, pounding on doors, looking for Angel's place. ;) - -Terrie Keeper of Angel's Fridge "Grrr, Argh" ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 03 Jun 1997 06:48:53 -0400 From: Virginia Eveland Subject: Keeping Flames (was Re: BUFFY: Re.:Simply put....WOW!!!) wrote: What the hell is the big deal DIDN'T WE ALL LEARN HOW TO HSARE IN KINDEGARTEN? THINK OF IT AS OWNING STOCK IN AN ITEM.....GEEZ THE FLAMING IS TOO OUT OF CONTROL. Um, *tap tap* I really hate to do this to anyone. But um, could I possibly make you aware that responding to your anger at keeping with a flame of your own does nothing to further the cause of ending the flames about keeping? They also taught you in kindergarden that if you have nothing nice to say you really shouldn't say anything at all. In fact, you should go buy that entire book, or at least the poster of Everything I Needed To Know I Learned In Kindergarden. Definatly try the nap and cookies suggestion. It's a real winner, that's from experience. As for myself and keeping and this episode, I kinda surprised myself, no one item 'called out' to me to be kept. Well, maybe Xander's country music collection, but I don't even *like* country so I'm going to leave that to someone else... - -- Virginia Eveland Keeper of Giles' Inner Child Keeper of Buffy's Three Gold Hoop Earings Pretender, Slayerette, Bab5, XF Fanatic SYX, AGML, LGW, BLA, OBSSE, GASP ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 04:36:01 -0700 From: Terrie Subject: Re: BUFFY: comments on Prophecy Girl: spoilers On Tue, 03 Jun 1997, Jennifer Hawthorne wrote: >At 10:14 PM 6/2/97 -0400, thus sprake >>I am really going to miss the master too, his strange speech impetament >>made watching him hilarious. >What speech impediment? If you mean that sort of mush-mouthed sound to some >of his words, that's the fault of those prosthetic teeth the actor has to >wear. All the Ferengi on Trek have that same "plastic accent." A friend of mine went as a vampire for Holleween. She said it was almost impossiable to talk around the fangs. (She was useing the Hollywood-style fangs-not the cheap costume store kind). - -Terrie Keeper of Angel's Fridge "Grrr, Argh" ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 07:54:58 -0400 (EDT) From: "Marcus J. Baker" Subject: Re: BUFFY: name for us fans I also sort of kind of really don't like Slayerettes. But if there isn't anything else, I guess I'll go along. I sort of like the Watchers, it's from the show, we _watch_ Buffy... But that's already being used for something, isn't it. "Only the shallow know themselves." --Oscar Wilde Marcus Baker, ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 03 Jun 1997 09:45:15 GMT From: (Flagg) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Re: BUFFY Posting Board? On Tue, 03 Jun 1997 00:09:37 EDT, you wrote: >(Mildly Panicking & Breathing Heavily) There's a posting board???=20 >There's such a thing as registration??? Since when did this become a >college course sign-up society? I knew these infernal machines were to >complicated. I had no idea. Please tell me if there is such a place.=20 go to look for "the Bronze" and be prepared to wait a LONG time for it to load. - --Flagg ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 08:29:06 -0400 (EDT) From: Anna Taylor-Web Curator Subject: BUFFY: Re: Name for fans Prophecy Girl SPOILERS Hmmm...seems to be quite the fray over the name question. I like the idea of the Graveyard Shift...we could be "Night Watchmen," but that would also be kind of gender specific...;) - -Anna from Madison House P.S. If I end up answering everything in random order it's because I'm behind on Digest. SPOILER SPACE I really liked the season ender. So glad Ms. Calendar made a reappearance, even if it seemed small. Thought Cordelia was possessed by some "nice" demon. I loved the Prom subplot. I think I remember that from highschool. The only thing that gave me pause was the vast amount of tears being shed. It seemed like everyone got to cry in this episode. Lot of waterworks. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 08:32:14 -0400 (EDT) From: Susan Cho Yuk Subject: Re: BUFFY: Prophecy Girl (spoilers) On Mon, 2 Jun 1997, Terrie wrote: > 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5 > 6 > 7 > 8 > 9 > 10 > 11 > 12 > 13 > > Okay, one last grip, and then I'm going. How the *heck* did Xander know where > Angel lives? One more to add to the list, Angel has a phone? Susan ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 08:40:37 -0400 (EDT) From: Theo Ching Subject: BUFFY: Season Finale What an AWESOME EPISODE! It had everything: Xander confesses his love to Buffy after practicing on Willow; Buffy shoots him down; the final showdown witht the Master; the library get taken over by the plant from Little Shop of Horrors; Willow & the Calendar girl are rescued by... CORDY???? Anyway, there were still some flaws. They didn't explain what happened to Buffy after she "died." Well, I don't have much time to think on the problem; I'll be too busy speculating how Mulder's gonna survive HIS latest "death." ;-) Although the Hellmouth's closed, the Anointed One's still at large, so he should be the villain for Season 2. Hunter/Slaymaster D ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 03 Jun 1997 08:57:12 -0400 From: Tom Simpson Subject: BUFFY: Quick 2nd season speculations... I only have a few minutes before work to speculate here, but I thought I'd toss out a few ideas as to the second season's direction, monsters, etc. First, I'm sure we'll see the return of the Master. Historically stakes only trapped a vampire, remove it and they would reform. In the Buffyverse, lesser vampires always vaporize when staked, the Master is the lone exception. This shows the amount of power he has, and his will to survive. I'm willing to bet once the skeleton is removed, he'll slowly start to reform. He'll be a weaker vampire, but a much nastier one. Hellmouth. Yes, it opened, then it closed, but it was definately *not* a permanent closure. The Master was the agent that broke through, and created a rift in it, and his "death" closed that rift, but the Hellmouth is still alive and well, just closed for the moment. Things will probably get worse now, as the seal has been broken once, and will probably start to leak now, with more demons, monsters and witches showing up all the time. The Master may have newfound powers once he manages to regenerate as well. He and the Hellmouth have been bound together, and he will probably be able to use its power while he recuperates from his slaying. Another thing to look for will be The Master's Master. The vampire who made him will probably make an appearance now that his/her creation was slain by Buffy. She is definately the most powerful Slayer in generations, and has been enhanced by her contact with the Master. Buffy seems to have taken on some of the Master's powers, without becoming a vampire herself. One clue might lie in "Alien Ressurection," the upcoming Aliens sequel penned by our own Joss himself. In it, a clone of Ripley is revived, tainted with Alien DNA, giving her unusual abilities and insights into the Alien behavior. Buffy has been poisoned by the Master's blood, and revived without becoming a vampire. She will probably have some of his abilities now, and a link between the two. Expect lots of minor vampire behaviors from Buffy, more vampire dreams, and possibly an attempt by the Master to use their psychic bond to control Buffy in an episode. Those were just a few quick rambles, time to get to CitySearch and get to work... Tom "We are all born mad, Some remain so." --Samuel Beckett ------------------------------ End of buffy Digest V1 #113 *************************** To subscribe to buffy Digest, send the command: subscribe buffy-digest in the body of a message to "". 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