From: (buffy Digest) To: Subject: buffy Digest V1 #131 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: buffy Digest Monday, June 9 1997 Volume 01 : Number 131 In this issue: BUFFY: Internet Movie Database Re: BUFFY: Re: Angel LOVEs Buffy Re: BUFFY: Re: Angel in the Sun BUFFY: Weekend Repeats Re: BUFFY: Re: Angel LOVEs Buffy Re: BUFFY: Re: Angel and YTV Re: BUFFY: OOOH...Tarot grooviness! BUFFY: After Buffy "died" BUFFY: Hellmouth VCR Tape? Re: BUFFY: Weekend Repeats BUFFY: Pilot - Vampire saying Amen Re: BUFFY: Pilot - Vampire saying Amen BUFFY: REMINDER: Attributions Re: BUFFY: Angel LOVEs Buffy RE: BUFFY: Pilot - Vampire saying Amen Re: BUFFY: Re: Angel LOVEs Buffy BUFFY: Second season speculation:minor spoilers BUFFY: GASP! - List of Current GASPers BUFFY: GASP/BBETA: Wanna Join the Giles' Appreciation Society Panters? BUFFY: GASP!: The Buffy Beta Fan Fic List BUFFY: BBETA: The Anthony Stewart Head Mailing List BUFFY: Re: ANGEL: NEW MASTER See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 9 Jun 1997 15:09:00 -0700 From: "SCOTT" Subject: BUFFY: Internet Movie Database >The Internet Movie Database welcomes corrections to their entries. They >also ask people to help them fill in missing information or provide new >information if you have it. Understand that they will thoroughly investigate any info that you provide to them and it may be weeks before they post any of it to the site. Believe me, I've been trying to add some stuff to my bio there and they're still sitting on a few of my requested additions! Scott The WB Television Network ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 09 Jun 1997 15:51:29 -0600 From: Jon Morrow Subject: Re: BUFFY: Re: Angel LOVEs Buffy wrote: > > Guys, would you want that duplicate Buffy as a girlfriend? A machine so > realistically human, yet still a machine? A machine you could program to > do ANYTHING you wanted? Hmmmm, better not answer that...ahahahahahah! Uhh, yeah. My very own Buffy android --- intriguing prospect. "I am fully functional!" Lt. Commander Data. STtNG. This is one-a-them questions I think I'll plead the Fifth, and delcine to answer, at least while on line for all to read. Say, you wouldn't happen to know where one procures such an item, and the price, would you? > He's not human because he doesn't fit the definition of a normal living > human being. So, what to do? How bout -- report Angel and Buffy to the > Vice Squad for the moral and sexual degenerates they are? > > funee (: This neatly sums up most of the reasons I have been queasy about this relationship from the first. Angel ain't human, period. And we have no reason to think that he can ever attain that status again, in spite of the presence of his soul. I feel that Buffy deserves a lot better than a relationship with a re-souled example of the Un-dead, hjowever good looking he may be. Remember, Angel himself said, "I can walk like a man, but I'm not one!" 'Nuff said! Jon. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Jun 1997 20:04:49 +0000 From: "Doyle Tatum" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Re: Angel in the Sun > > > If a vampire was in the sun they would turn to dust. Did you see Dracula (the movie with Winona Ryder). Dracula was courting Mina during the daylight hours, thus the Buffy daylight stuff didn't come as a shock to me. Doyle Tatum, RCDD NAR #70025 Member #554 NASA ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Jun 1997 17:02:00 -0700 From: "SCOTT" Subject: BUFFY: Weekend Repeats >Just to verify this, channel WB 20 in Santa Cruz (an SF Bay Area station in >CA) didn't show Buffy on Sun night at either like it was supposed to. Scott >W., maybe you know something about this? Weekend repeats of Buffy were only for the month of May. There will be no more double runs of the show unless we decide to do it again for the next sweeps period. Scott The WB Television Network ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 09 Jun 1997 17:19:20 -0700 From: Jennifer Hawthorne Subject: Re: BUFFY: Re: Angel LOVEs Buffy At 11:41 AM 6/9/97 -0400, thus sprake >But how exactly do you define human? Aside from an extended life span and an >unusual diet what is so different? Has he a soul? Does he not have feelings >and emotions? Actually, the only thing that worries me about a Buffy/Angel relationship is the fact that Angel seemed to unintentionally "go vamp" when kissing Buffy in "Angel." Although I kind of liked the "vampirism = physical disability" analogy someone posted, it only works halfway. It takes care of the physical aspects of vampirism (the need to feed on blood) but not the psychological aspects -- the rage, the desire to hunt, and so on, which Angel does not apparently have completely under control. He says, again in "Angel," "I wanted to kill you tonight." So, although it's not nearly as warm and fuzzy as the "man with physical disability" analogy, I'd tend to equate Angel's vampiric nature with a serious psychological handicap such as alcoholism or spousal abuse -- a handicap that is actively dangerous to the partner, in other words. Just like a lover with a psychological problem, Angel truly feels love for Buffy but he feels other dangerous things as well: the desire to hunt, to hurt, to feed, to kill. And I doubt a vampiric nature is amenable to therapy. If Angel couldn't keep his vampiric drives under control when only kissing Buffy, what would happen in the throes of full-fledged sexual passion? The only hope I see for a real Buffy/Angel romance is for Angel to somehow get rid of the vampire part of his nature. Otherwise it's just too dangerous for him to get close to Buffy. I'm convinced this is why Angel is determined to keep from getting any more involved with Buffy -- he knows that there's a good chance he'll lose control and kill her if he tries to love her. Oh, the tragedy! Oh, the angst! ;-} - -- Maytree PS: Y'know what would be truly tragic and ironic? Buffy gives up on Angel and decides maybe she *could* fall in love with Xander, only to find that Xander has just given up on her and he and Willow have discovered each other... - ------------------------------------------------------- Jennifer Hawthorne :: [To reply to this message, remove DIESPAM from address] - ------------------------------------------------------- Stand back! I'm going to communicate! -- Ashleigh Brilliant ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Jun 1997 20:40:34 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Re: Angel and YTV Regarding the moment when Angel first fell for Buffy that Maytree suggested... I think that it was probably at the same moment that she began to fall for him. I mean, she cared whether or not he had friends, and when he didn't answer she felt pity for him. The start of a beautiful friendship. Sigh... Vibe ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 09 Jun 1997 17:56:47 -0700 From: Jennifer Hawthorne Subject: Re: BUFFY: OOOH...Tarot grooviness! At 09:24 AM 6/9/97 -0400, thus sprake Jesse Jou: >>Maytree's tarot based analysis of the characters is terrific, Thanks! >>I might suggest that Giles could >>be either the Hermit or the Hierophant, who in some readings is taken as a >>mentor/teacher of traditional wisdom (and also establishes him more firmly >>as Ms. Calendar's High Priestess opposite.) I like the Hierophant/High Priestess dichotomy, but in my deck guide the Hierophant is more strongly represented as a religious figure: he represents mercy, kindness, spiritual guidance. Not that Giles isn't necessarily kind and merciful, it's just that I felt the more secular knowledge aspect of the Hermit fit a bit better. Ms. Calendar's knowledge has been firmly tied to her religion -- paganism -- but Giles' knowledge hasn't been shown as religious in nature. Though it could turn out to be that he *does* regard Watcher lore as a set of religious texts; it would make one wonder exactly *what* religion, though. As we briefly discussed earlier, it doesn't fit Anglican at all... At 12:23 PM 6/9/97 -0500, thus sprake Brian Lewis: >I thought it was really great to but I would have listed Xander as the fool. According to my books (don't ask y I have books on tarot) The fool is someone who is abandoning their old ways (for example he was a cowardly geek, and as seen in the final and a few more eps he is now a love driven hero) because of an unexpected influence (Buffy). Actually, the Fool was my other choice for Xander. I started to write this in my original post but chopped off half the line by mistake. Trouble is, in my deck the Fool is the card of happy obliviousness; while he *is* abandoning old ways, he's not doing it in any kind of rational or careful way. The figure of the Fool is of a young man smiling and looking up at the skies while walking off of a *cliff.* In other words, his life is about to change, but it's by accident, not by anything he's intentionally doing, and the change may well be disastrous. The Fool is the card of the hapless innocent, smiling up at the skies while heading straight for his doom. While Xander has shown signs of obliviousness (mostly where Willow is concerned), overall I decided I couldn't see him as either hapless or innocent. He's actually far less innocent than most of the kids at the school given what he's seen and been through recently. >If u think about it, it could also represent Angel. I don't see this at all. Angel is anything but innocent or naive. If you want to pick a Major Arcanum with strong life-change aspects for Angel, you might be better off with one of the following: (warning: more in-depth Tarot ramblings follow. Bail now if you're not interested.) The TOWER: Card of catastrophic, random change, out of the signifier's control. The picture is of lightning -- a force of nature -- striking and destroying a tower -- a structure built by man. Two figures who were standing on top of the tower are in midair, falling to the ground, possibly to their deaths, though that isn't a given. In any case, it represents a major change that has nothing to do with the signifier -- it just *happens.* It's a tornado, a hurricane, your company getting bought out by a bigger company that promptly fires half the staff, that kind of thing. Doesn't apply to Angel since the changes he's faced recently were brought about by his own actions and definitely directed right at him. He's not an innocent bystander laid low by an act of God. The CHARIOT: Card of trouble heading directly for the signifier. This card of change differs from the Tower in that the trouble is *directed* -- it's coming for the signifier. (Again, look at the picture: a man is driving a chariot straight out of the card. This trouble is being guided by someone, unlike the lightning striking the Tower.) It's a card of vengeance, adversity, rivalry. Unlike the Tower, the signifier here is a direct participant in the changes that have overcome him, either because he's seeking vengeance or dominance (or has already sought it) or because someone is seeking vengeance or dominance over him. This fits Angel fairly well, but the reason I didn't choose it is that the events this fits to a tee -- the killing of the Gypsy girl and Angel's curse - -- happened eighty years ago. The Chariot is an active card, a "now, right now" card, and Angel's cursing, while it is still affecting his present, is something he's come to terms with already. He's resigned to it. The changes it caused in his life are long past. Also, in order for the Chariot to represent Angel himself, he really ought to be the *instrument* of vengeance, instead of just its target. Angel should be the Chariot driver, not the person about to get trampled by the horses. If, for example, Angel had been on a directed mission of vengeance against the Master and had *achieved it* (or at least tried really hard), this would be the perfect card for him. But, while he doesn't seem to like the other vampires very much, he didn't seem to be going out of his way to hunt them down, either. [Which brings to mind a different question -- just what the heck was Angel doing in Sunnydale anyway??] DEATH: The ultimate card of change. Represents an absolute ending of what the signifer was before and the arrival completely new situation. This means something *major,* a complete break that leaves no ties behind to the signifier's past life. Actual death qualifies, but so does getting imprisoned for life without parole. Or traveling to Iran and getting held hostage for years on end. Or getting discovered by a movie producer and being turned into an overnight cinema sensation. Or being shipwrecked on a remote Pacific Island and getting hailed by the locals as a god(dess). Or getting killed in a bus crash with your mother and returning as The Anointed One. You get the idea ;) This might have applied to Angel just after he got turned into a vampire, but it doesn't apply to him now; although he's making significant changes, all those changes are directly connected to his life up to this point. They've grown out of the choices he's made, and past events still influence his actions in the present. There's no "clean break" here. Thus, I chose JUDGMENT, since it seems to me that the most potent motivator for Angel right now is the desire to atone for what he's done in the past and to keep from doing further evil. It also signifies rejuvenation, which I think Angel is seeing in his blossoming and painful love for Buffy. Another meaning is "One should carefully consider present actions as they affect other persons," which I think Angel is doing constantly. Thus do I spend far too much time defending a decision of no importance that I made in considerably less time ;) - -- Maytree - ------------------------------------------------------- Jennifer Hawthorne :: [To reply to this message, remove DIESPAM from address] - ------------------------------------------------------- "I must say, though, that I wonder how many of you support the use of cats for scientific research?" "We tried it once but the cats really weren't up to it, bad writing skills and few worthy PHDs among them. I don't think any of them actually got tenure, which is sort of sad." --Barry Shein ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Jun 1997 21:01:09 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: After Buffy "died" Did anyone else think Buffy's aggressive (even for her) behavior after she rose from the dead was a little weird? Just a thought, (I'm not sure 'cause they didn't suggest anything like it in the finale), but could Buffy herself be a vampire? There was no explanation for how Buffy suddenly opens her eyes, after Xander's given up on her. Also: why did the Master need to feed on Buffy to get into the outside world? I distinctly remember him saying that she gave him power, and that her blood was strong. Here's the thing that puzzles me most - don't you get turned into a vampire when a vampire bites you? If so, is Buffy one? I was really distressed when I saw her being bitten, 'cause I thought she would turn into a vampire. I was so glad she wasn't dead that I forgot, and the whole idea of her bite was not mentioned in the rest of the episode. Maybe this bite is an issue that will be mentioned in the new season. Thoughts? Vibe P.S. The whole concept of a vampire's bite turning people into vampires comes from Bram Stoker's Dracula. However, the vampire cuts open his own veins and forces his blood into her veins. P.P.S. Victims of vampires on BtVS (whose blood has been drained, I assume that's how they died) never become vampires, do they? ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 09 Jun 1997 21:03:05 -0400 From: Virginia Eveland Subject: BUFFY: Hellmouth VCR Tape? Hi all, Yes, of course WTTH is on right now, but my *wonderful* cable provider Prestige (btw, if you live near Frederiskburg, Va, go by a dish) has another MOVIE filtering into my WB channel, so if anyone can send me a copy of their tape, or loan me theirs, I would be *extremely* grateful. I'm more than willing to pay for postage and/or tape cost. - -- Virginia Eveland Keeper of Giles' Inner Child Keeper of Buffy's Three Gold Hoop Earrings Pretender, Slayerette, Bab5, XF Fanatic SYX, AGML, LGW, BLA, OBSSE, GASP ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Jun 1997 18:09:42 -0700 (PDT) From: (wimsey) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Weekend Repeats Okay, I'm new to the list, so this is probably a stupid question. :) Bear with me. So, if one were a complete and absolute blonde, and, for some reason, failed to correctly set one's VCR to tape the Buffy season finale, is there any chance said idiot will ever get to see it? Are there summer re-runs? Not that I'm "one," of course. :) No, not at all. I'd thought that, earlier in the year, the WB had been running Buffy twice a week, so I didn't worry about it until I couldn't find Buffy listed for later in the week... - -Tanya ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Jun 1997 21:30:05 -0400 From: Subject: BUFFY: Pilot - Vampire saying Amen When the Master's henchman was standing over the pool he was saying a prayer but the last word was Amen. Isn't the word Amen wanting a blessing from God. I could be wrong but this seems strange. Dan T Fan of Buffy, the Vampire Slayer Fan of Celine Dion "Love Doesn't Ask Why" (Celine Dion) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Jun 1997 20:44:47 -0600 From: "Gina" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Pilot - Vampire saying Amen On 9 Jun 97 at 21:30, wrote about BUFFY: Pilot - Vampire saying Amen: > When the Master's henchman was standing over the pool he was saying a > prayer but the last word was Amen. Isn't the word > Amen wanting a blessing from God. I > could be wrong but this seems strange. Maybe he was being ironic? Or sarcastic? As I remember, Luke had a sly sense of humor... (thanks to WGN, I didn't get to see the repeat of this ep yet, and I didn't tape it first time around, so I'm relying on distant memory) Also, I think Luke pretty much worshiped the Master as his god, so perhaps that's who he was saying amen to. jmho Gina ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  a usual suspect  <*>  Woo hoo? DFW & DFWGPADC  Member, Innerpeace  Jonesing for Angel AGA - Keeper of Angel's Pillows  Adopter of Luke (BtVS) JFIFC Co-pres  List Goddess, JFFIC-L ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 09 Jun 1997 21:40:38 -0400 From: Sharon Himmanen Subject: BUFFY: REMINDER: Attributions Just a reminder: If you quote someone else's post, please make sure you properly attribute it. Apparently some people are having problems with offlist flames because they were quoted as saying something they didn't. Thanks, Sharon - -- Sharon A. Himmanen * * As me about the Buffy the Vampire Slayer mailing list "Her church is sarcastic." --Randomly generated ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Jun 1997 21:07:09 -0600 From: "Gina" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Angel LOVEs Buffy asked: > >But anyone can see that Angel is not human. Would you approve > >of a human female having a love relationship with a male ape? Then Lisa Rose replied (snipped for length) > Not applicable as an analogy. Angel was and is (to a large > degree) human. His soul gives him human emotional response... I have to agree with Lisa here - it's inapplicable. Angel at least has humanity at his root, physiologically. Angel is equal to a human in intelligence and ability; able to converse and communicate on an intellectual and personal level; and shares, at least on a surface level, the appearance traits of a human. None of this can be attributed to an ape. Lisa Rose also wrote: > For Angel, his vampirism is almost > a physical disability, akin to someone who has an > *extremely* restrictive diet. Or someone who has a sunlight allergy.... (can you say.... Nick?) (There are some humans who cannot be exposed to *any* form of sunlight at all.) In terms of Angel, I would agree with the disability thing. Or any vampire who had his/her soul "returned." For a soulless vampire, I would say this state is the "norm." Later on, asked: > >Girls, would you like a guy who has been dead for more > >than 200 years as a boyfriend even if he was cute? Well, you know - it's not as if he's been lying around in his coffin for 200 years... We're not *exactly* talking corpse here. He hasn't been dead emotionally or intellectually. As to whether I'd want one for a boyfriend, depends on the vampire, I guess... The person has a point who posted that Angel isn't good for Buffy because he hasn't been able to curb his vampiric instincts with her. Hopefully, next season, he can work on that! jmho Gina ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  a usual suspect  <*>  Woo hoo? DFW & DFWGPADC  Member, Innerpeace  Jonesing for Angel AGA - Keeper of Angel's Pillows  Adopter of Luke (BtVS) JFIFC Co-pres  List Goddess, JFFIC-L ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 10 Jun 97 01:56:00 UT From: "Yagami " Subject: RE: BUFFY: Pilot - Vampire saying Amen - ---------- From: on behalf of Sent: Monday, June 09, 1997 9:30 PM To: Subject: BUFFY: Pilot - Vampire saying Amen When the Master's henchman was standing over the pool he was saying a prayer but the last word was Amen. Isn't the word Amen wanting a blessing from God. I could be wrong but this seems strange. Dan T Fan of Buffy, the Vampire Slayer Fan of Celine Dion "Love Doesn't Ask Why" (Celine Dion) Amen in actually means "so be it". ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 09 Jun 1997 19:30:38 -0700 From: "Mary's kids" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Re: Angel LOVEs Buffy >They love each other because they are the only ones that can, they were >meant for each other. There,that's what I wanted to say. Its romantic >while at the same time suitably melodramatic with a twist of tragic >irony. Does anyone else know what I'm talking about? I think I do. Every person has a destiny. And, yes, Buffy has showed us that you can deny that destiny, why would she want to deny her destiny with Angel? I think that if two people (yes, I do think Angel's a person) love each other, they should be together. I'm already writing a fanfic story about how they could be together and still leave some uncertainty as to whether they will be together forever or not. Wow! that's the longest message I've ever written! BTW, when is someone going to answer me about Angel's window shades? Dawn Secretary of Willites Fan of BTVS Fan of Celine Dion Fan of Jewel Hopeful Keeper ofd Angel's Window Shades ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Jun 1997 22:32:53 -0400 (EDT) From: (Andrew Duty) Subject: BUFFY: Second season speculation:minor spoilers The minor spoilers consist mostly of rumor and one line blurbs from various interviews but just in case. V V V V V V V V V V V V OK, we are at the end of the season and have a long summer ahead of us so I thought I would engage in a little speculation about what is coming up and how the series has progressed in season one. So in no particular order thoughts on the characters and what I think may be in store for them 1) Buffy: First there is the strength thread. Why is she stronger? I think there is alot going for the theory that Buffy was chosen twice doubling her power. It would be just the kind of twist I would expect from Joss and would set her up to face even tougher foes next season. On who she will end up with. This is tough. I think she will bounce around alot with a few regular boyfriends but Angel will always be at the forefront of her thoughts. The whole Angel/Buffy thread is too good to let go and they could play off that tragic/poetic element forever. Also, the love triangle with Xander is another aspect that still has alot of milage in it. I dont think Xander will ever have a chance with Buffy. I think she could never really see him in that light and compared to something as powerful and romantic as the Angel situation a 16 year old would never have a chance. 2) Giles: He mentioned we would see a darker side to Giles this season. That might mean some special Giles focused episodes where he has to decide wether to fight or watch. He really progressed alot this season. He always struck me as a child that loved fantasy stories then one day found out they were all real. Now he seems a little tired of that life and may want to get more involved in the real world and not the cloistered life he has led. For who he ends up with. Calander seems the sure bet. They compliment each other and have similar backgrounds while at the same time she can open him up a bit. However, Giles going out with Buffy's mom is also possible. There are alot of stories they could tell if Giles was seriously involved with Buffy's mom. Would Buffy accept it, would she like it, would she think he was trying to take her fathers place. Its just the kind of thing I would expect Joss to do and the type of story he seems to have been doing all year. I figure a 50-50 shot that its one or the other and a possible side wierd love interest like a succubus. 3) Xander: This is the one Im keeping my eye on. There is definitely something going on but Im not quite sure what. He progressed alot this season and I also think he got a little from the Hyena possession. He went from getting beaten up alot to knocking out a mad scientist, to knocking out a psycho knife wielding clown, to flattening a vampire while standing toe to toe with Angel against the vampire onslaught. Who he ends up with is even trickier. I think he has missed the boat on both Willow and Buffy. I also think that there is a good chance he will end up with Cordelia. There is that David/Maddie Sam/diane thing going on and he has built up their dislike for each other to a point where not alot of people would expect it. Im thinking 75% Cordelia 20% Willow 8% Other 2% Buffy. 4) Willow: She also grew alot this year. She stood up to Xander and realized that she couldnt get what she wanted from him and turned him down. Alyson mentioned something about Willow getting a boyfriend so Im betting another re-occuring character and some Xander jealousy. Now as the group stands they have a nice little unit built. 4 major group members and 3 reserve members. 3 fighters 3 information gatherers and a wild card. Buffy,Xander,and Angel are clearly the monster fighters shown so dramatically in Prophesy girl. Giles,Willow,and Calander are the information gatherers that find out the solution to defeat the monster of the week. Both groups are instrumental to victory. Then there is Cordelia, the wild card. Who knows where she fits in. She is not totally a fighter but is very brave and backs down to know one. She isnt an information gatherer but seems pretty smart. Cordelia should be the one two watch since she is very hard to catagorize at the moment. Should be an interesting year. Joss hinted we might see werewolves and we have 22 episodes for him to play with. He said he would shake things up a bit but I hope there arent many more new characters. There are already 7 important characters and revolving characters like the Mom, Snyder, and the new villian (or the Master you never know). I think the surface has barely been scratched with all of them and I would hate to see anything taken away from them. Its going to be a wild ride. Andrew ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Jun 1997 19:49:03 -0700 From: "Sonja Marie" Subject: BUFFY: GASP! - List of Current GASPers Hi, So you all know who the other members of the GASPers are here is a list with names (or nicks), email addresss and what they keep and home page/Giles Page/ASH Page/Buffy Page if they have one: ===== With Home Pages - Sonja Marie - Pres of GASPers Coats and Ties (club biz) (GASPer Home Page) Elaine McMillan - Vice Pres. of the GASPers - emc@TITAN.BKE.HU Dread Machine (Computer) Cagey - Founder of GASPers - Library Keys Worst Witch - Mopper of Brow Amy Cerny - Trousers Amiee Collier - Thermos Terri Guingab - Cross Bow (imcomplete) Jilbert Luberto - Plants Samantha McCullah - Cage Keys Hendricks Ng - Morning-Star (a version of a Mace) Tara O'Shea - Tea Pot Mark Safransky - Quantum Mechanics (Physics) Book Jennifer Sawyer - Book (where he records Buffy's progress) Amy Sheldon - Accent Dawn Stevenson (a.k.a Leia) - Handercheif Betsy Vera - Cuff Links and Roller Up of Sleeves Robin White - Shirts (even the "butt-ugly" - (my term) "ghastly" - (her term) green checkered one) Tiffany A. White - "God-ugly" Car (her words not mine :D) Maddy Wirtz - Calendar Ana - Radio Kristine - Dagger ====== Without Home Pages - Maria Aspan - Briefcase Lesley Barnes - Card Catalog Ruth N. Bolton - Tea Cup Sharon Brumfield - Elusive Smile Steve Busse - - NEW Destiny Peg Carr - carrm@ucsu.Colorado.EDU Broadsword Ben Church - Watcher's Diaries Stephanie Corbitt - Malleus Maleficarum Book Tabitha Crews - Book Cage DJ Dedd - Cross Jenn Dukarski - Lamps Cindy Edwards - Coffee Cup Virginia Eveland - Inner Child Susan Foster - Pinky Ring Sara G - Ability to Read David Gee - Fight Padding Katherine Gilbert - Scarves Beth Haddrell - ehaddrel@hejira.Hunter.CUNY.EDU Axe Matt Hazen Lost Faith Nikki Hill - Clipboard Beth Haddrell - ehaddrel@hejira.Hunter.CUNY.EDU Axe Sharon Jacobs - Sarcasm Stefanie Jones - File Cabinet Lena Kotler - - NEW! Defiance Briana Kubinek - AppleColor Hand Held Scanner (tm) Norman C. Lao - Quarterstaff Melanie Moore - Empty Earring Hole Hollie Owens - Phone Kris Pavesic - Shoulder Bag Patricia Ridout - Paintings/Pictures Monique Righteous - Vampyr Book Lisa Rose - Stutter Kathy Rynard - Tie Clip Vicki Schlatman - Weapon's Cabinet Elizabeth Schmidt - Flashlight Philip Schoppy - - NEW Book Shelves Bethany Sefchick - Chair (from office) Dawn Simanson - Pen Samantha Smiley - Watch Donna Solomon - Bandager of Boo-Boos Michelle Teixeira - Mints (or whatever he sticks in his mouth!) Karen Topinka - Globe Shannon Marie Tramontana - Shoes Jennifer Weeks - Clipper of Fingernails Maureen Wynn - Glasses, and Computer Assistant Marygrace Yale - Ability to Read 5 Languages Linda Yu - Pergamum Codex (book) Akela - - NEW Broken China Aug - Demon Moloch Book Cindy - Tape Recorder Claudia - Time Life Books Elaine - Legends of Vishnu (book) Firestorm - Desk Gia - Stacks Gouki_X - Sweater Vests Green - Sense of Smell Julie - Insecurities KidCat - Sugar Bowl Kristy - - NEW! Chin Stubble Leighann - Hair Leslie - or Car Keys NorthCat - Office Paul - Library Card Red Di - Black Chronicles SandraDee - Bravery Sangita - - NEW! Undecided (will choose next season) Thrawn - Intellect Twig-E - Knick Knacks Vanessa - Squint - ---------- If you want to JOIN the GASPers aka the OFFICIAL KEEPERS of GILES' STUFF, please EMAIL ME PRIVATELY. Sonja Marie - The White Rose @--'->-- Co-Pres. of the Jeff Fahey IFC - Paul Wylie Fan Pages - Owner of the Jeff Fahey Mailing List & The Paul Wylie Mailing List Pres. of Giles Appreciation Society Panters -GASP!- Keeper of Giles' Coats&Ties "Because I'm English, I'm Strange Anyway" - Anthony Stewart Head (Giles - BTVS) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Jun 1997 19:57:12 -0700 (PDT) From: Sonja Marie Subject: BUFFY: GASP/BBETA: Wanna Join the Giles' Appreciation Society Panters? Hi all, Are you a fan of Giles? Anthony Stewart Head? Then the GASPers is the group for you! We are a group of fans who share a common interest namely Giles/ASH, we are also the official Keepers of Giles' Stuff. To join email me PRIVATELY and I'll send you the info to join. Sonja Marie - The White Rose @--'->-- Co-Pres. of the Jeff Fahey IFC - Paul Wylie Fan Pages - Owner of the Jeff Fahey Mailing List & The Paul Wylie Mailing List Pres. of Giles Appreciation Society Panters -GASP!- Keeper of Giles Coats&Ties "Because I'm English, I'm Strange Anyway" - Anthony Stewart Head (Giles - BTVS) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Jun 1997 19:58:14 -0700 (PDT) From: Sonja Marie Subject: BUFFY: GASP!: The Buffy Beta Fan Fic List Hi all, Want a place to post you unfinished work so other can read it and help you get it ready for others to read? Then this is the place for you! This is not in place of the upcoming Fic list on xmission, but a place where you can get your work critiqued, etc. We will except all Buffy and related stories and VR5 related stories (IF Oliver Sampson is the main character). To join: 1. send a email to or 2. in the message put S*BSCRIBE BUFFY-BETA or S*BSCRIBE BUFFY-BETA-DIGEST Thanks! (PS email me about the Anthony Stewart Head Mailing List if you are interested) Sonja Marie - The White Rose @--'->-- Co-Pres. of the Jeff Fahey IFC - Paul Wylie Fan Pages - Owner of the Jeff Fahey Mailing List & The Paul Wylie Mailing List Pres. of Giles Appreciation Society Panters -GASP!- Keeper of Giles' Coats&Ties ASH Appreciation Society Member - Watch Buffy: the Vampire Slayer - Series! ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Jun 1997 19:59:32 -0700 (PDT) From: Sonja Marie Subject: BUFFY: BBETA: The Anthony Stewart Head Mailing List Hi all, Are you a fan of ASH? Giles? Oliver from VR5? Then the Anthony Stewart Head List is for you! We talk about all his work, share fanfic stories related to Giles and Oliver, etc. To join: 1. Send an email to or 2. in the message put S*BSCRIBE ASH-GASP or S*BSCRIBE ASH-GASP-DIGEST Thanks! Sonja Marie - The White Rose @--'->-- Co-Pres. of the Jeff Fahey IFC - Paul Wylie Fan Pages - Owner of the Jeff Fahey Mailing List & The Paul Wylie Mailing List Pres. of Giles Appreciation Society Panters -GASP!- Keeper of Giles' Coats&Ties ASH Appreciation Society Member - Watch Buffy: the Vampire Slayer - Series! ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 10 Jun 1997 01:09:06 EDT From: (The Archangel Gabriel) Subject: BUFFY: Re: ANGEL: NEW MASTER On Mon, 9 Jun 1997 16:17:12 -0400 writes: >I don't think Angel will be the next Master, unless of course, he's >cursed again and gets his demon back. It makes for an interesting plot >though! Angel has helped Buffy too many times with the various vampires that >were rampaging. Why would he, if he is the next Master, kill off his own >flunkies? Two words. PLAUSIBLE DENIAL. The most important part of a scam is to follow through. It'd be no fun if he simply knocked his fellow Vampire's aside gently, everyone would second guess his motives. But if he's wailin' on the poor bastards everyone says, "Yeah he's a Vampire but he's helping us out. He must be O.K." Sorry, please try again. That's what you do if you want to wake up a quart low. Plus, any supporters of the old Master sure aren't going to be thrilled by the New Kid on the Block. Why not just get them out of the way while pretending to be a good guy. Cover your own butt with the mangy humans, get rid of the competition. Kill two birds.............. Admittedly, if Angel became the new Master I probably wouldn't like it.............Wait a minute. No I love it!!! It would send a shockwave through the show like you couldn't believe. You want to talk season finale for next year. JOSS COME AND FIND ME. Can you imagine the posting board after the episode in which Angel flies his true colors and drains Willow, with the last lines being, "It's been so long....that really hits the spot." As far as Angel becoming Buffy's sparring partner, I think its a good idea from a conventional viewpoint. Angel is a Vampire, Vampire's are strong, Buffy slays strong Vampire's (Hey...Wait a minute?). Angel training with Buffy would give her a better workout than with Giles. Giles is a technical fighter, I'm sure he knows all sorts of moves. But in an actual fight, knowing the basics is great, knowing how to cut loose is better. She can't really do that with Gile's. Besides Gile's is training Buffy in the use of weapons that a Vampire probably isn't going to be carrying. It'd be more educational for her to see how to use them how she actually would, against an unarmed feral Vamp...I.E. Angel. From a logical view, I think it'd be the more prudent choice to never piss off a Vampire, even a "Vampire with a Soul." One good shot to the undead's family get the picture. Quick statement on other questions that are circulating: 1. "Angel isn't Human" Well....really....Neither is Buffy. She's the Slayer. Not exactly the girl next door. 2. Is Gile's rich? Maybe, but I'd bet on Watcher money. 3. Angel owner of the Bronze? I think we need the next season to start. I think its fun to speculate that he might be but I wouldn't think so. A "man" can accumulate a lot of wealth in 200 odd years. The entire "Interest" thing works out pretty good for immortal creatures. You can wait a long time to take full advantage of a stock or wait out for a better yield. Anyhow, It's late and I just wanted to get these thoughts out of my head before I retire. Or else I might have that weird dream about owning a Buffy Robot that follows my every command....................... Tired, but still stirring, THE ARCHANGEL KEEPER OF XANDERS TENNIS BALL OF UNFULFILLED TEEN LOVE STILL HOPING FOR THE ANGEL: NEW MASTER MOVEMENT TO FLOWER ------------------------------ End of buffy Digest V1 #131 *************************** To subscribe to buffy Digest, send the command: subscribe buffy-digest in the body of a message to "". If you want to subscribe something other than the account the mail is coming from, such as a local redistribution list, then append that address to the "subscribe" command; for example, to subscribe "local-buffy": subscribe buffy-digest A non-digest (direct mail) version of this list is also available; to subscribe to that instead, replace all instances of "buffy-digest" in the commands above with "buffy". Back issues are available for anonymous FTP from, in pub/lists/buffy/archive. These are organized by date.