From: (buffy Digest) To: Subject: buffy Digest V1 #212 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: buffy Digest Tuesday, July 29 1997 Volume 01 : Number 212 In this issue: BUFFY: Website Update - New Urls & Yahoo Re: BUFFY: Ms. Calendar Re: BUFFY: Ms. Calendar Re: BUFFY: Buffy Musical? - More From Ms. Calendar Re: BUFFY: TV Guide!!! BUFFY: Need Holy Water? Re: BUFFY: Invisible Marcie BUFFY: New Buffy Page BUFFY: A Newbie Post! Re: BUFFY: tv guide Re: BUFFY: Vamp Healing Re: BUFFY: Need Holy Water? Re: BUFFY: Buffy Musical? - More From Ms. Calendar Re: BUFFY: Invisible Marcie Re: BUFFY: Need Holy Water? Re: BUFFY: Vamp Healing Re: BUFFY: Buffy Musical? - More From Ms. Calendar Re: BUFFY: Need Holy Water? BUFFY: Tv Guide article Re: BUFFY: Buffy Musical? - More From Ms. Calendar Re: BUFFY: Ms. Calendar BUFFY: Charisma Carpenter on TVGuide BBS Re: BUFFY: tv guide Re: BUFFY: Charisma Carpenter on TVGuide BBS Re: BUFFY: Vamp Healing Re: BUFFY: Invisible Marcie Re: BUFFY: Need Holy Water? Re: BUFFY: Invisible Marcie Re: BUFFY: Buffy Musical? - More From Ms. Calendar BUFFY: a couple of questions BUFFY: my poll Re: BUFFY: Invisible Marcie Re: BUFFY: Buffy Musical? - More From Ms. Calendar BUFFY: Ms. Calendar's real name Re: BUFFY: Invisible Marcie Re: BUFFY: Buffy Musical? - More From Ms. Calendar BUFFY: Buffy Tv Guide Commercial Re: BUFFY: Ms. Calendar's real name Re: BUFFY: TV Guide!!! Re: BUFFY: TV Guide!!! BUFFY: Singing episode... Re: BUFFY: Buffy Musical? - More From Ms. Calendar BUFFY: BIG XANDER INFO SAD THOUGH See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 17:38:06 -0700 (PDT) From: Sonja Marie Subject: BUFFY: Website Update - New Urls & Yahoo Hi all, I have added 13 more URLS to my Buffy Links Page at: There is now 189 pages listed! They are at the top of the page. I've removed 2 links not worthy of being listed (IMNSHO), this includes site that never change or have nothing really on them or I can't view (java, frames etc). And if you are so inclined, PLEASE sign my guestbook! If you have a page for the show or cast members and IT IS NOT LISTED already, please send me the URLS and I will add them. Yahoo is finally going to list my site in a few days, and they even sent me an email to inform me, which is not so strange in and of itself, except I never go emails from them when I've added other sites they've listed. Is this unique or something? Sonja Marie - The White Rose @--'->-- Co-Pres. of the Jeff Fahey IFC - Paul Wylie Fan Pages - Owner of the Jeff Fahey Mailing List & The Paul Wylie Mailing List Pres. of Giles Appreciation Society Panters -GASP!- Keeper of Giles Coats&Ties "Because I'm English, I'm Strange Anyway" - Anthony Stewart Head (Giles - BTVS) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 19:47:15 -0500 (CDT) From: Tina Subject: Re: BUFFY: Ms. Calendar On Mon, 28 Jul 1997, Zornof wrote: > Does anyone know who plays Miss Calendar? It doesn't seem to be listed > anywhere. I think she's gonna be Giles's love interest in the new season. Robia LaMorte is the actress who plays Ms. Calendar. I've heard rumors... spoiler space... our friend... ...and we should use it... ...whenever possible... ...because otherwise... ...Sharon and Jill... ...ListMoms that they are... ...would not be happy with us... ...besides that... ...why be rude... those who... ...don't want info on next season? So, anyway... I've basically heard rumors that Giles is going to be mooning in unrequited love over Ms. Calendar. That would be perfect. I can *so* very much see that happening...they could fight about the whole computers vs. books issue (which they seem to have called a truce on, really) while Giles casts longing looks at her (spells? no one's casting any spells...). Heck, they could fight about anything and I'd be happy, they fight so well together. Tina, she who is a really sappy 'shipper...if you hadn't guessed. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 20:51:13 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Ms. Calendar It would be cool if Giles and MsCalender got Married and then when they are on there Honymoon Buffy and the gang have to do things on there own until they come back. that would be cool. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 21:25:01 -0400 From: "Melinda Angel" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy Musical? - More From Ms. Calendar > Doesn't anyone remember the episode of "Northern Exposure" where > Shelley starts uncontrollably singing every word she utters? It was > probably my all-rime favorite episode of Northern Exposure. I remember that, and I agree. It was a great episode. I'm adding my $0.02 in that it cuold work well here. BtVS isn't a show that follows a formula, or relies on convention, after all. That's what keept it interesting! > They'd have to select the right types of music and make sure that the > actors all could actually sing well enough. Maybe not ... it might be funny if they all *couldn't* sing, and were driving each other nuts because of it! Melinda ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 21:33:02 -0400 (EDT) From: Susan Cho Yuk Subject: Re: BUFFY: TV Guide!!! On Mon, 28 Jul 1997, SCOTT wrote: > We just got our copies of this week's TV Guide and it is KILLER! > I urge everyone to purchase a copy (or twelve)! The cover is > gorgeous and the article is awesome. I just saw a commercial for it [I think it was on WB. Scott, is this your doing?] It highlights the fact that SMG is on the cover. She is really blond in the picture. Susan ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 21:50:57 EDT From: Subject: BUFFY: Need Holy Water? Subject: HOLY WATER SELF EXPLANATORY MESSAGE! 1.4oz Jar HOLY WATER Send $25.00 check or money order to: {make payable to CPR} CPR International Dept#2 15900 Crenshaw blvd. #1310 Gardena California 90249 allow 4-6 weeks for delivery COOL huh? Don't ask STUPID Questions! ************************** I got the above e-mail the other day and thought it was too cool not to share. The idea of someone trying to make a profit selling Holy Water over the internet is hilarious. I think Buffy might be tempted to order some though in a dry season. However, several things come to my mind whenever I see ads like this whether it be for the sale of Holy Water, or Wooden Stakes, or Garlic, or even crucifixes. If you are a Slayer, I assume you are savvy enough to realize that people that would sell Holy Water might be compared to those that used to sell Indulgences during the pre-Inquisition/Reformation eras in Europe. Most religious stores today sell items such as Bibles, crucifixes, etc. but they are usually un-blessed. The 'blessing' part is for the customer to take care of, taking the item to his/her priest and asking the priest to bless it. So, I'd say for true genuine Holy Water, just buy a giant gallon drum size container of pure water, take it to your local parish priest and ask the padre to do his number on it. funee ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 22:33:41 -0400 (EDT) From: James Bjorkman Subject: Re: BUFFY: Invisible Marcie On Mon, 28 Jul 1997 wrote: > You couldn't see any stitch of clothing on any of the girls in the > classroom. Was Marcie terrorizing Cordelia and Buffy without any clothes on? Jessica, since Buffy defeated Marcie by having a curtain fall on her, and curtains are made of cloth, Marcie probably couldn't just go out and put on new cloth - clothes - that hadn't turned invisible with her when she did. Those new clothes would be visible, like the curtain. Thus, Marcie probably had to keep wearing the same clothes she was wearing when she disappeared six months before (in the flashback, the clothes disappeared with her). Probably the same for the other girls, too. She could probably clean those clothes, but after six months.... I don't mind the idea of a class of naked girls, though! jb ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 22:47:13 -0400 From: Kristy Garvey Subject: BUFFY: New Buffy Page Hi! I'm working on a new Buffy page, and i was wondering if any of you could provide any advice on making it, or could suggest some good pages with stuff to use for it????!!!!!! PLEASE?????? Kristy G. *Keeper of Angel's Biting Wit* *Angel and Buffy's Maid of Honor* (At their wedding of course!) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 19:50:10 -0700 (PDT) From: Suicidal Lemmings Subject: BUFFY: A Newbie Post! Okay, so this is my first post to the Buffy Mailing List... Anyways, if you're on the Sliders Mailing List then you already know me.... and know me too well... I'll try to keep this short. ;-) Anyways, Buffy was a blessing compared to all the cr*p on television. When Sliders was going down hill and down hill fast, Buffy was born. In many ways, Buffy & Sliders have shocking similarities. If you've seen the 1st season of Sliders then you know what I'm talking about. Basically, what I loved about the 2 shows was that they never took themself too seriously and was just campy fun. There was action, comedy, & suspense. Then FOX had to "improve" Sliders... At least, WB was nice enough to let Joss do whatever he wanted. And if you still don't see the Sliders connection, try this: The Professor = Giles. They're both smart Brits. Quinn = Buffy. Now those two would make an interesting pair. (Yeah, and both of them were hunting vampires. Quinn wasn't too bad at slaying in Stoker. Wade = Willow. Both extremely cute and computer wizs. Remmy = Xander. Both are great at Comic Relief Maggie = Cordy. They're both annoying yet Cordy grows on you while Maggie is more like a fungus. Hopefully, I'll become a decent mailing list contributor. Anyways, I'm planning on doing a small Buffy web site and I'm looking for jpgs of the SunnyDale Morgue. =) If you can make me ones or you know where some are, I'd appreciate it! You'll just have to wait for the page... if you've been to my site, you know what kind of weird mind I have. =) And finally, yes, I went to the Comic Con in San Diego considering I live here and made a point to see Xander & Willow. Yeah, I waited for an hour and half for their autographs and the only thing I could say was "Thankyou!" Sheesh, those people in the front ruined it for the rest of us. No, stray Chit-Chat was allowed. But it was well worth it to meet Allyson & Nick & Joss in person. Joss recreation of "Grrrrrr.... ARGH!!!!" was a hilarious! =) Zigazig-Ha, Prime Oracle Grommitt The Vampire Slayer & his Techno-Trousers Ruminate awhile at my Home Page at: Check out My Sliders Niche Pages & The Sitcom Writer's Jump Point! My Mad Cow Thoughts! & The X-Files / Scooby Doo Conspiracy! ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 22:51:43 -0400 From: "Andrew Weitzman" Subject: Re: BUFFY: tv guide - ---------- From: Edesk To: Subject: Re: BUFFY: tv guide Date: Sunday, July 27, 1997 11:46 AM Andrew Weitzman wrote: >> A prediction: Snyder will become instrumental in saving Buffy from >>supernatural peril. [chuckle] I have a vision of Snyder staking a vamp >>with a ruler while shouting "no running in the halls!" >I love it! The best part is, he wouldn't have a clue that he was dealing >with a supernatural being. I believe the resulting large cloud of dust would clue him in. :) Snyder, strange as it may sound, seems to be the sort who would be rather quick on the uptake when confronted by an actual supernatural event. I suspect the no-nonsense approach he takes to life would allow him to stay within the "slightly wigged" range. Besides, the vampires only have to be worried about staking when fighting Buffy. Snyder can send them to Study Hall. :) >I agree that he could help Buffy. His rigidness(?) is a great foil for >all >the supernatural absurdities in Sunnydale. But as we all love to discuss >ad nauseum, there are rules to how things work in the Hellmouth. And >Snyder is totally rule-oriented, so there's a kind of fit there. But he >isn't evil, or at least, he isn't supernaturally evil, so he could be an >ally. Snyder's problem is his devotion to the school in its ideal form. It is a place of law and order, where, students...are given the benefit of Western Civ's finest education. Unfortunately, the self-same students of this perfect school are a bunch of ungrateful troublemakers who have no respect for their superiors. In the best of times Snyder is going to be authoritarian. Add the usual Hellmouth madness, and we see an anxious soul applying the only means of control he knows on a deteorating situation. I feel sorry for him at times. Snyder, however, could be what the Sunnydale High needs right now. He may be a jerk, but wouldn't you like having a calm head in charge when the chips are down? Mark my words, Joss will show the many sides of Snyder next season. >He reminds me that, in high school at least, true freedom resulted *only* >from defying some ridiculous, rule-bound authority. No, that's defeating the Hall Monitors after the Vice Principal has rearmed them with automatic bonk rifles. [chuckle] Sorry, but I've been picturing running the average Buffy episode as a Teenagers from Outer Space game. Buffy, the Slayerrettes, and Coderlia would fit right in at the average TFOS high school. _______ Andrew Weitzman Beware the Fluffy Threat(tm)! Get the truth at ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 22:32:45 -0400 From: "Andrew Weitzman" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Vamp Healing - ---------- > From: Tina > To: > Subject: Re: BUFFY: Vamp Healing > Date: Monday, July 28, 1997 7:47 PM > > On Fri, 25 Jul 1997, Robin Carroll-Mann wrote: > > > I think Giles must have money, perhaps from the Watchers' > > organization. The ancient books of lore and magic that he's been > > collecting cannot be cheap. > > We have no canonical evidence of an organization of Watchers, though. All > we know so far is that the Watchers are a family line (Giles' father and > grandmother). > > Tina We know the role of Watcher is inheirited through the family. There, may, however, be several Watcher families in existence. A single family could easily be targeted by the vampires for destruction, depriving Slayers-to-be of crucial guidance. I imagine in the distant past the legend of the Slayer caused several independent Watcher families to arise. One in each region where a Slayer appeared. The entire Watcher organization could be simply a loose confederation of allied families who contacted each other over the centuries. An odd bit of speculation: has anyone ever figured real-life historical figures as Slayer candidates? Maria Aspan once wrote a fanfic dealing with the Lost Tzarina Anastasia as a Slayer. My money would be on Joan of Arc. Think about it: young peasant girl suddenly evinces great strength and battle-prowess. Sounds familiar, no? Joan could have really been battling a vampire plot taking advantage of the chaos of the Hundred Years War. _______ Andrew Weitzman Beware the Fluffy Threat(tm)! Get the truth at ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 22:57:31 -0400 From: "Andrew Weitzman" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Need Holy Water? - ---------- > From: > So, I'd say for true genuine Holy Water, just buy a giant gallon drum > size container of pure water, take it to your local parish priest and ask > the padre to do his number on it. I have this vision of Cordelia insisting all the Holy Water should be Perrier... _______ Andrew Weitzman Beware the Fluffy Threat(tm)! Get the truth at ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 22:57:35 -0400 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy Musical? - More From Ms. Calendar >Maybe not ... it might be funny if they all *couldn't* sing, and >were driving each other nuts because of it! "It's pandemonium when the spirits of dead musicians rise and possess the Buffy Crew!" Yup, I'd be cracking up... for some reason I see Xander doing an Elvis routine, with the girls of Sunnydale High spontaneously falling all over him. Anyone else? - --Viashino, Music Man-- ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 23:04:35 -0400 (EDT) From: Monet Subject: Re: BUFFY: Invisible Marcie > > I just wondered if all the invisible people could see each other or if > they were invisible to each other too? Hmmm..... sister and I laughed about this pondering question. When Marcie went to go sit in her chair at the MiB School for the Visibly Challenged, I wondered "How did she know no one was sitting there"? G ;) ==================================================================== Cordelia: "Totally dead. Way dead." Xander: "So, not just a little dead, then?" Cordelia: "Don't you have an elsewhere to be?"(Buffy the Vampire Slayer) ==================================================================== or ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 23:15:32 -0400 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Need Holy Water? At 10:57 PM 7/28/97 -0400, you wrote: >Andrew Weitzman >Beware the Fluffy Threat(tm)! Get the truth at > Ah-ha! So you're the one who had the DB page in their .sig! Thank you for introducing me to the new and wondrous world of DevilBunnies. What do you go by over there? I go by John Q. Varkas. Bunny Hunter. - --Viashino-- ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 23:19:57 -0400 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Vamp Healing > An odd bit of speculation: has anyone ever figured real-life historical >figures as Slayer candidates? Maria Aspan once wrote a fanfic dealing with >the Lost Tzarina Anastasia as a Slayer. My money would be on Joan of Arc. >Think about it: young peasant girl suddenly evinces great strength and >battle-prowess. Sounds familiar, no? Joan could have really been battling >a vampire plot taking advantage of the chaos of the Hundred Years War. > This reminds me of the "Tales of the Witchblade" comic series, which follows the history of the mystical artifact known as the Witchblade, and those who have wielded its power. The first issue featured Anne Bonny(sp?), the famous female pirate. Frankly, I can see her as a rogue Slayer as well. - --Viashino-- ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 23:26:18 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy Musical? - More From Ms. Calendar In a message dated 97-07-28 23:04:27 EDT, apollobuffy wrote: << um....guys....could we leave this lame idea to the folks at MadTV or Sat. Nite Live? IMHO.........YUCK!!!!!!!!! >> I agree. It appears that nobody remembers a show called Cop Rock. We must remember history, or we are doomed to repeat it! Oh, the humanity! Mike Keeper of Buffy's little white teddy bear Keeper of Buffy's beeper Keeper of Little Buffy's Bubblegum Pink Bicycle (with handlebar streamers and automated stake dispenser) "The part that gets me though, is where Buffy is the Vampire Slayer. She's so little." --- Ms. Calendar ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 23:48:31 -0400 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Need Holy Water? Stupid, stupid, stupid! Meant to go private on that. Sorry! - --Viashino-- ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 22:12:47 -0500 From: "Jerry Stephens" Subject: BUFFY: Tv Guide article Does anyone know if the article in the printed Tv Guide is the same one that is on the internet? Please e-mail me direct if you know. Thanks. Jerry ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 00:13:22 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy Musical? - More From Ms. Calendar Viashino: That would be the funniest thing ever. I'd definately watch that one over and over again. Kimmy ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 00:21:43, -0500 From: (JOSEPH NORTHCOTT) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Ms. Calendar Tina wrote: >Robia LaMorte is the actress who plays Ms. Calendar. I've heard rumors... Trivial info: The one thing she's done that we can actually see (besides those car commercials) is that movie with Prince. No, I don't mean "Purple Rain." I mean the bad one, "Gett Off." And she was a lot younger then. Joseph ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 00:28:41 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: Charisma Carpenter on TVGuide BBS Hi there fellow Slayerettes (my personal choice for a name, French definition of -ette suffix notwithstanding)! I popped over to the TVGuid= e website to see the new Buffy info and to tie cyberspace in with my checks= tand purchase of TVGuide, when lo and behold I see that Charisma has finally responded to a few of the questions posted some time back. To my great surprise, she answered mine! (Well isn't that special?) My question was heavily paraphrased (it was David Schwimmer who said Lisa Kudrow was brilliant as Phoebe, not Kudrow making the comment shown, but the point i= s still the same), but it's mine nonetheless. Just thought I'd paste it in= to this little email thing and share Charisma's response. I think Charisma is great, and she has my support all the way! =20 Feeling pretty dang good right about now, Mike Keeper of Buffy's little white teddy bear Keeper of Buffy's beeper Bubblegum Pink Bicycle (with handlebar streamers and automated stake dispenser) Giles: "You know, I...I don't recall ever seeing you here before." Cordelia: "Oh, no. I have a life." --- Invisible Girl ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 00:51:23 -0400 (EDT) From: Robert Huff Subject: Re: BUFFY: tv guide > Snyder, however, could be what the Sunnydale High needs > right now. Especially compraed to Flutie. > No, that's defeating the Hall Monitors after the Vice > Principal has rearmed them with automatic bonk rifles. [chuckle] > Sorry, but I've been picturing running the average Buffy episode > as a Teenagers from Outer Space game. Hot damn, someone else who caught the Crosstown Expedience Express! I can't wait for Willow to open up with the Extra-dimensional Popcorn Cannon .... :-) Robert Huff ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 00:39:39 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Charisma Carpenter on TVGuide BBS Sorry about my last post, I have no idea what happened! I didn't attach anything, I swear. List moms, please don't banish me to the cornfield. Here's my original post: Hi there fellow Slayerettes (my personal choice for a name, French definition of -ette suffix notwithstanding)! I popped over to the TVGuid= e website to see the new Buffy info and to tie cyberspace in with my checks= tand purchase of TVGuide, when lo and behold I see that Charisma has finally responded to a few of the questions posted some time back. To my great surprise, she answered mine! (Well isn't that special?) My question was heavily paraphrased (it was David Schwimmer who said Lisa Kudrow was brilliant as Phoebe, not Kudrow making the comment shown, but the point i= s still the same), but it's mine nonetheless. Just thought I'd paste it in= to this little email thing and share Charisma's response. I think Charisma is great, and she has my support all the way! =20 Feeling pretty dang good right about now, Mike Keeper of Buffy's little white teddy bear Keeper of Buffy's beeper Bubblegum Pink Bicycle (with handlebar streamers and automated stake dispenser) Giles: "You know, I...I don't recall ever seeing you here before." Cordelia: "Oh, no. I have a life." --- Invisible Girl ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 23:50:05 -0500 (CDT) From: Tina Subject: Re: BUFFY: Vamp Healing On Mon, 28 Jul 1997, Andrew Weitzman wrote: > We know the role of Watcher is inheirited through the family. There, > may, however, be several Watcher families in existence. Interesting speculation, however; we don't know this. It's not in the show canon, and there really isn't anything supporting this in the canon which we have been given. The whole concept of Watchers has been vagued up enough that we're not going to be able to draw anything conclusive without info from Joss. > A single family > could easily be targeted by the vampires for destruction, depriving > Slayers-to-be of crucial guidance. Possibly, but only if the vampires knew about the Watchers. From what we've seen, they only know about the Slayer. The Master does nothing to destroy Giles, and, in fact, Buffy is the only person mentioned by the vampires as even remotely important, even though on many occasions Willow, Giles, and Xander have been seen on-site at some vampire slayings. We can therefore deduce (though not guarantee) that the vampires have no knowledge of the Watcher. Not only that, but if the family line of the Watcher dies out naturally, what happens then? There has been a Slayer as long as there have been vampires, and there has therefore very likely been a Watcher. Does the current Watcher train another to take over the position (such as many theorize that Giles is doing with Willow)? We don't know any of these things, admittedly, we can only guess. However, based on what we have been given in the show, these are deductions we can make. >I imagine in the distant past the > legend of the Slayer caused several independent Watcher families to arise. > One in each region where a Slayer appeared. It's entirely possible, and it's an interesting theory. Maybe you could explore it in fanfic? However, that's not likely given what we already have on the show. Giles moved from England to Sunnydale to help Buffy, and Merrick (as evinced by his accent) is from England as well. If your theory were true, then there would be a Watcher family already located in Sunnydale waiting for the arrival of a Slayer. Also, such a thing seems like needless trouble. Why go to the bother of training generations of Watchers while waiting for the Slayer to show up when one can simply move to where the Slayer moves? Not only that, but when a Slayer "appeared" in California, it was in Los Angeles. Merrick had to come in from England to find and train Buffy. If there was a family of Watchers there, wouldn't they have trained Buffy, and not Merrick? > The entire Watcher > organization could be simply a loose confederation of allied families who > contacted each other over the centuries. They could be--but it's highly unlikely, given the information that we already have. So far it seems like the Watchers are low-key, and going through familial descent (though Giles has no children, so is--in my opinion--training Willow as his successor). Tina ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 00:55:13 -0400 (EDT) From: Robert Huff Subject: Re: BUFFY: Invisible Marcie > Whene Marcie went to go sit in her chair at the MiB School > for the Visibly Challenged, I wondered "How did she know no > one was sitting there"? As she enters the room, look very closely at the position of the chairs. Robert Huff ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 23:51:36 -0500 (CDT) From: Tina Subject: Re: BUFFY: Need Holy Water? On Mon, 28 Jul 1997, Andrew Weitzman wrote: > I have this vision of Cordelia insisting all the Holy Water should be > Perrier... Well, fizzes, so it's easier to spray the vampires with it. It's *so* much easier than messing around with finding a spray bottle for it. Tina ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 23:52:40 -0500 (CDT) From: Tina Subject: Re: BUFFY: Invisible Marcie On Mon, 28 Jul 1997, Monet wrote: > sister and I laughed about this pondering question. When > Marcie went to go sit in her chair at the MiB School for the Visibly > Challenged, I wondered "How did she know no one was sitting there"? Didn't someone tell her where to sit? I can't remember, so I'd have to go back and check, but I believe the teacher told her where to sit. Tina ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 23:55:09 -0500 (CDT) From: Tina Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy Musical? - More From Ms. Calendar On Mon, 28 Jul 1997 wrote: > I agree. It appears that nobody remembers a show called Cop Rock. We must > remember history, or we are doomed to repeat it! Oh, the humanity! Cop Rock? I remember that show...though I'd rather not. I remember this large group of cops and criminals singing and dancing...ew. I can just imagine if such a curse descended upon Sunnydale--we wouldn't see Willow in the entire episode, because she'd have barricaded herself in her room to avoid having anyone hear her sing (though I'm sure she has a pretty voice). We might catch a glimpse of her in the tag, after the singing part was done, but that's about all. Tina ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 23:10:24 -0700 From: (Guadalupe Mejia) Subject: BUFFY: a couple of questions hi, well i need your help. hopefully there is somebody that would be nice enough to help me? well my questions are if anybody know the issue of onSat that had buffy on the cover and pictures (i'm not sure if buffy was on the cover) . and if anybody could please tell me what TV Book is a magazine or actually a book, and how i can get it? if anybody has extra copies that they wouldn't mind selling to me i would greatly apreciate it!!! so if anybody can help me Thanks in advance. Lupe ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 23:16:10 -0700 From: (Guadalupe Mejia) Subject: BUFFY: my poll hi, well i'm going to post the answers to this poll i had a while back in a few days so just in case you haven't taken it and wouldn't mind taking it here it is. in the first 2 questions you can choose any btvs you like. who is your favorite: 1. female character on btvs 2. male character on btvs which is your favorite episode? or all? question not related to btvs: who is your favorite band or singer? thanks for taking my poll be sure to email ME personally with the answers. Thanks ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 02:08:13 -0400 From: (Nicole Williams) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Invisible Marcie I was wondering the same thing! Nic :-) Keeper of Angel's Fearlessness and protectiveness of Buffy Keeper of Buffy's Sarcasm, hot pants, and Go-Go boots >> >> I just wondered if all the invisible people could see each other or >if >> they were invisible to each other too? Hmmm..... > > sister and I laughed about this pondering question. When >Marcie went to go sit in her chair at the MiB School for the Visibly >Challenged, I wondered "How did she know no one was sitting there"? > >G ;) > >==================================================================== >Cordelia: "Totally dead. Way dead." >Xander: "So, not just a little dead, then?" >Cordelia: "Don't you have an elsewhere to be?"(Buffy the Vampire >Slayer) >==================================================================== > or > > > ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 02:13:05 -0400 From: (Nicole Williams) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy Musical? - More From Ms. Calendar It's funny that you should mention "Cop Rock". There was a "Cop Rock" marathon on VH1 last Saturday afternoon and evening, but I could only stomach about 5 minutes of it. It was trash!! The songs really weren't all that terrific. I can understand how such a show got canceled, but I can't comprehend how it ever got on TV!! Nic :-) Keeper of Angel's Fearlessness and protectiveness of Buffy Keeper of Buffy's Sarcasm, hot pants, and Go-Go boots On Mon, 28 Jul 1997 23:26:18 -0400 (EDT) writes: >In a message dated 97-07-28 23:04:27 EDT, apollobuffy wrote: > ><< um....guys....could we leave this lame idea to the folks at MadTV >or > Sat. Nite Live? > IMHO.........YUCK!!!!!!!!! >> > >I agree. It appears that nobody remembers a show called Cop Rock. We >must >remember history, or we are doomed to repeat it! Oh, the humanity! > > >Mike > >Keeper of Buffy's little white teddy bear >Keeper of Buffy's beeper >Keeper of Little Buffy's Bubblegum Pink Bicycle (with handlebar >streamers > and automated stake dispenser) >"The part that gets me though, is where Buffy is the Vampire Slayer. >She's so little." --- Ms. Calendar > > ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 02:07:01 -0400 From: (Nicole Williams) Subject: BUFFY: Ms. Calendar's real name OK, it's 2 AM and I may be reading too much in to this, but Ms. Calendar's real last name is LaMorte, Morte meaning death. Think that has any significance? Do you think it's a stage name, or her birth name? Just wondering. N Nic :-) So anyway, please forgive my ramblings. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 02:16:48 -0400 From: (Nicole Williams) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Invisible Marcie I thought she just told her to have a seat, but didn't tell her where. Nic :-) Keeper of Angel's Fearlessness and protectiveness of Buffy Keeper of Buffy's Sarcasm, hot pants, and Go-Go boots On Mon, 28 Jul 1997 23:52:40 -0500 (CDT) Tina writes: >On Mon, 28 Jul 1997, Monet wrote: > >> sister and I laughed about this pondering question. >When >> Marcie went to go sit in her chair at the MiB School for the Visibly >> Challenged, I wondered "How did she know no one was sitting there"? > >Didn't someone tell her where to sit? I can't remember, so I'd have >to go >back and check, but I believe the teacher told her where to sit. > >Tina > > > ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 00:10:08 -0700 (PDT) From: Karen S Raines Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy Musical? - More From Ms. Calendar On Mon, 28 Jul 1997 wrote: > I agree. It appears that nobody remembers a show called Cop Rock. We must > remember history, or we are doomed to repeat it! Oh, the humanity! Okay, Cop Rock was a stupid idea that I don't think could ever be dupicated. A singing episode would be funny...ha, ha, ha (see I'm already laughing). Karen ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 21:07:31 -0700 (PDT) From: Sonja Marie Subject: BUFFY: Buffy Tv Guide Commercial There was just a commercial about the SMG story in Buffy preceding the return of NKAB. I rarely see commercials like that any more, so maybe this is special! Sonja Marie - The White Rose @--'->-- Co-Pres. of the Jeff Fahey IFC - Paul Wylie Fan Pages - Owner of the Jeff Fahey Mailing List & The Paul Wylie Mailing List Pres. of Giles Appreciation Society Panters -GASP!- Keeper of Giles Coats&Ties "Because I'm English, I'm Strange Anyway" - Anthony Stewart Head (Giles - BTVS) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 00:18:58 -0700 (PDT) From: Karen S Raines Subject: Re: BUFFY: Ms. Calendar's real name On Tue, 29 Jul 1997, Nicole Williams wrote: > OK, it's 2 AM and I may be reading too much in to this, but Ms. > Calendar's real last name is LaMorte, Morte meaning death. Think that > has any significance? Do you think it's a stage name, or her birth name? Ohhh...creepy...If you split her last name up it means THE DEATH...hidden message...Hmmmm..... ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 00:19:18 -0700 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: TV Guide!!! SCOTT wrote: > We just got our copies of this week's TV Guide and it is KILLER! > I urge everyone to purchase a copy (or twelve)! The cover is > gorgeous and the article is awesome. Why buy it when you can read it for free on the net at ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 00:46:05 -0700 From: Zac McCollum Subject: Re: BUFFY: TV Guide!!! wrote: > > Why buy it when you can read it for free on the net at > tangibility man. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 00:54:38 -0700 (PDT) From: Karen S Raines Subject: BUFFY: Singing episode... I got it! Xander can sing "Oh Boy!" by Buddy Holly to Buffy. "All of my love, all of my kissin', you don't know what you've been missin'." ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 07:55:59 -0400 (EDT) From: Robert Huff Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy Musical? - More From Ms. Calendar > trash!! The songs really weren't all that terrific. I can > understand how such a show got canceled, but I can't > comprehend how it ever got on TV!! You're a programming executive at ABC. Steven Spielberg calls, says he has a concept for a slightly unusual series, and because he owes you a personal favor, he's giving you right of frist refusal. What do you say? Now replace "Steven Spielberg" with "Steve Bocchco" .... Robert Huff ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 08:33:19 -0400 From: ryan harrington Subject: BUFFY: BIG XANDER INFO SAD THOUGH Ok i know i probly have an attachment to this and i dunno how to fix it = and i had something i have to tell!!!!! =20 spoiler space * * * * * ok here is the bad news i just read at the interview with joss alyson = and nick at the comic convention and they said that xander is going to = DIE in the next season.BOOOOOOOOOOO thats what i said but i'm afriad its = true =3D*( oh well maybe they'll resurect him ------------------------------ End of buffy Digest V1 #212 *************************** To subscribe to buffy Digest, send the command: subscribe buffy-digest in the body of a message to "". 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