From: (buffy Digest) To: Subject: buffy Digest V1 #311 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: buffy Digest Sunday, September 21 1997 Volume 01 : Number 311 In this issue: BUFFY: WSWB multiple replies BUFFY: Third Buffy Book BUFFY: buffy a bitch???? Re: BUFFY: WSWB multiple replies Re: BUFFY: WSWB multiple replies Re: BUFFY:a request&response Re: BUFFY: 3rd show question Re: BUFFY: 3rd show question Re: BUFFY: WSWB, Erm...How many SPOILERS? RE: BUFFY: Cafeteria? Re: BUFFY: WSWB, Erm...How many SPOILERS? BUFFY: just random thoughts on buffy Re: BUFFY: buffy a bitch???? Re: BUFFY: WSWB, Erm...How many SPOILERS? Re: BUFFY: WSWB multiple replies Re: BUFFY: WSWB, Erm...How many SPOILERS? Re: BUFFY: Angel's so called wimpy behavior BUFFY: buffy Digest V1 #310 Re: BUFFY: just random thoughts on buffy BUFFY: WSWB does it again! Re: BUFFY: On the evil of Cordelia and other matters of import. BUFFY: WSWB multiple replies BUFFY: SPOILER (a wee little one) See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 10:55:47 -0500 (CDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: WSWB multiple replies On Thu, 18 Sep 1997, wrote: >In a message dated 97-09-18 17:24:24 EDT, Chris Castro wrote: ><< In fact, they love it. >> (RE: why vamps kill) >Right on the money Chris!!!!!!! Herein lies the distinct difference >between vampires in the Buffyverse and all other animals, > Nowhere in nature is there such a conscious cruelty among two >species. Ummm... you don't have a cat, do you? Cats love to play with mice, birds, and other prey animals. Not just kill-- tease, play with, and generally torment. Only when they get bored with the mouse-as-toy concept do they kill. And they don't always eat their kill, or just kill because they're hungry. This has been well-documented, and it's why house cats can be so devastating to local songbird populations. Cats hunt because they *enjoy* it. Just like vampires. (Didn't think I could relate that back to Buffy, didja?) And cats are very much animals, and very much a part of nature. Unlike vampires. Hmmm.... does anybody else find it odd that *no one* on this show has a pet? (Aside from Amy's mom's familiar.) More than half of the people I know have *some* sort of pet, be it cat, dog, bird, hamster.... Couldn't you picture Xander as having one of those Habitrail setups with wheels and tubes and all, covering half the wall of one room, with a couple of gerbil or white mice in it? On Thu, 18 Sep 1997, Ted Nelson wrote: >"Vamps" need to be invited in to enter aonther house. Some future ep, >Buff will so "NO" when Ang asks "Mind if I come in?" ;} Ah, but when he said that, he was already "in"... he was sitting on her windowsill. So I guess one invite and a Buffyverse vamp is set for un-life, no? Speaking of which-- did anyone else think Buffy's window was closed the first time she glanced at it? I wondered why they didn't dub in a 'window opening' sort of noise.... On Thu, 18 Sep 1997, "Wien Huang" wrote: > do you think it's in david's contract that he shouldn't go out >and tan and should wear like 95 spf sunscreen since it would be odd for >a vamp to have a tan? That's what they have makeup people for. You can have a nice, "healthy" tan, (not a dark one, but there) but if they start with a layer of Titanium Oxide (aka Clown White) and build on that, you'll look vamp-pale in nothing flat. On Fri, 19 Sep 1997, wrote: >I think he mentioned during the interview on AOL in May that he >couldn't go out to the beach and get tanned or something like that. I suspect Mr Borenaz of having one of those complexions that doesn't tan easily, (burns, yes) but that's pure speculation on my part. :) On Thu, 18 Sep 1997, "Christopher B. Castro" wrote: >they showed an almost identical shot by a fountain or something, and I >could have sworn I saw one of the same exact extras from an episode >last season standing in exactly the same place. Maybe they re-used the shot? Or were the clothes different? On Thu, 18 Sep 1997, Dan Compora wrote: >> I don't believe Angel can father a child anymore. >If you were to pour over all the Vamp literature, the answer is no, Sorry, Dan, but you're wrong. 1) This is the Buffy vampire we're talking about. We don't *know* what Buffyverse vampires can and can't do in that area. Me, I'd vote for "not", but that's just my opinion. 2) In some variations on the vampire myth (and there are hundreds of interpretations, including the Japanese one, where vampires are as likely to feed on smells, music, or emotions as on blood), a vampire *can* impregnate a human. In Central European myth (not sure of the exact culture, so I'm being general) such an offspring is called a dhampire (pronounced damm-peer) and, IIRC, is generally portrayed as being a vampire hunter. But that's not official in the Buffyverse, so the correct answer is: we don't know. (Guessing about it is fun, though.) On Fri, 19 Sep 1997, "Victor Louie" wrote: >ObBuffy: Does anyone have any idea whether Cordelia knows that Angel >a vampire? Um... IIRC he had his 'game face' on in the scenes at the end of PG, so I'd say she probably knows. Cordelia may be self-centered, vain, and occasionally caustic-tongued, but she's not stupid. And now, one completely original comment: Did anybody else think Cordelia was trying to give the trio a compliment without being seen to do so when she compared them to the 3 Musketeers? As in, "I'll say something nice but pretend I'm insulting them because I don't want to risk my popularity but I really do like them"? And then Buffy comes along and slam-dunks her.... I actually felt sorry for Cordelia at the end of that scene. On Sun, 21 Sep 1997, wrote: >In a message dated 97-09-20 23:54:31 EDT, I (Diane) said write: ><< Probably because she wasn't even *in* her own dream for the first > several minutes. >> >What part of her dream wasn't she in? I went back and rewatched it OK, I must be misremembering. I remembered her walking in as Willow and Xander were having their little 'food exchange' and after they entered. Darn, now I'll have to go re-watch it. ;> Diane E Keeper of Buffy's red satin neck ribbon Keeper of Willow's Geek-Chic style # D Echelbarger # # WWW HomePage: # ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 12:00:10 -0400 From: Judy Gracey Subject: BUFFY: Third Buffy Book I was at yesterday, and they have a listing for the third Buffy book, titled "Coyote Moon". The release date is listed as 1998, but they have no information on the plot as of yet. They also have a cover image for "Halloween Rain". It looks pretty much identical to "The Harvest". Is there some kind of rule that Buffy novelizations are only allowed to have two words in the title? John ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 11:59:51 -0400 From: Metkulu Subject: BUFFY: buffy a bitch???? if you were surprised at Buffy being mean, then you never saw her when she was on All My Children. Everyone who watched hated her. I was surprised that when she was Buffy she was so nice because I was use to her as a mean person. Just shows you she is a damn good actress!!!! ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 12:05:30 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: WSWB multiple replies In a message dated 97-09-21 11:59:40 EDT, you write: << Cats love to play with mice, birds, and other prey animals. Not just kill-- tease, play with, and generally torment. Only when they get bored with the mouse-as-toy concept do they kill. >> Actually, this is not true. Studies of cats' "playful" behaviour indicate that what humans perceive as torture is actually a series of defensive moves intended to protect the cat in case its prey has hidden defenses. Don't ask me what this has to do with Buffy, though :-). Ann ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 11:02:32 -0700 From: Ted Nelson Subject: Re: BUFFY: WSWB multiple replies > wrote: ...Speaking of which-- did anyone else think=20 > Buffy's window was closed the first time she glanced at it? I wondered=20 > why they didn't dub in a 'window opening' sort of noise.... > Diane E, Keeper of Buffy's red satin neck ribbon Yo D The windows was open when she woke from "that really good dream". I do agree, it is hard to see it. I recommend the Prop Department use more contrasting colors between window sills and window frames. Maybe they should watch a few eps of the original Star Trek to get some ideas! You know the best contrast for BtVS was SMG's hair. Jeri somehow knew there would be alot of dark background behind that doo. Three "points" for Jeri! 1...2....3........:=B7} tr Is LR #9 really necessary? ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 14:21:08 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY:a request&response I have a request. I still need IR,YJ. I will pay for the tape and ship&han. Pl ease if anyone has the time. thanks. obbuffy: Peopple have been talking about how the vampires didn't kill xander when they took Giles and Willow. maybe Xander fought back or used a cross since he was using the sword when it happened and the vampires figured it wasn't worth maybe getting beheaded to kill someone they don't need. IMO Keeper of Angel's charm Member of Buffaholics Anonymous member of East coast buffy crew ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 14:27:55 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: 3rd show question <> Someone posted this I'm not sure who but I thought this was not the third show. I thought it was school hard like on the official site. Just making sure. Keeper of Angel's charm Memnber of buffaholics Anonymous and East coast buffy watchers ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 14:39:44 -0500 From: KiNeTiC Subject: Re: BUFFY: 3rd show question wrote: > > < > Sunnydale High's cultural program gets low marks when Buffy's > foreign-exchange student turns out to be a revived---and > ravenous---mummy girl (Ara Celi), who needs to suck the life out of > others to live. And to her, Xander looks pretty lively. Willow: Alyson > Hannigan. Oz: Seth Green. Cordelia: Charisma Carpenter. Giles: Anthony > S. Head. Joyce: Kristine Sutherland. Xander: Nicholas Brendon. >> > > Someone posted this I'm not sure who but I thought this was not the third > show. I thought it was school hard like on the official site. Just making > sure. > Yeah, I posted it on the board..I was is either episode 4 or 5....Oops! - -SPOILER BOY ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 11:52:34 -0700 From: Lisa Rose Subject: Re: BUFFY: WSWB, Erm...How many SPOILERS? At 06:01 PM 9/19/97 -0400, James Bjorkman wrote: >Lisa, I greatly enjoyed your post, so as a gesture of respect and >friendship, here is a response. All in good fun! Yeah, yeah, save the sheep's clothing for the tourists. I think you're just a glutton (or is it mutton?) for punishment! >Yes, you said it yourself - that was LAST SEASON. This is THIS season >Nothing is necessarily as it was before where the relationships are involved. >Xander put the moves on Willow, not Buffy. Got it yet? Oh really? Is that why Xander was desperately waiting for Buffy to show up at the Bronze once he knew she was back in town? And why he wouldn't even clean the ice cream off poor little Willow's nose a second time in her award-winning repeat smudging performance because he was now waiting for Buffy? "Got it yet"? >Do you have, um, much experience with being dumped, like Buffy did to >Xander? I can tell you from experience that the dumpee doesn't go about >weighing the metaphysical niceties of it all. So she followed Hoyles' >rules of dumping. Do you think he cares in the slightest? I think Chris said this best. She didn't "dump" him. They were never an item. She "shot him down." Hurts just as bad, but you get over it quicker. At least that's what my male friends tell me. (And yes, I *do* have male friends). >You sound suspiciously like a dumper, 'cause that's the kind of reasoning >they use to make themselves feel all warm and cuddly about doing it. I've dumped them. They've dumped me. It's a whole big dumping thing. >but you've demanded a response, now you've >got one). I was cutting you slack. That is a standard way >of doing it. OK? Me: "Maybe I don't need you to cut me slack." You: "Who said I did it for you?" >Lisa, I've always enjoyed your posts, you have true flair for imagery, >but now you're *admitting* that what you post is irrelevant? Are you >*trying* to waste my time? What is this, Monty Python's cheese shop? My "irrelevant" sentence was an answer to an equally irrelevant statement you made. But you can waste my time anyday. >> Or do you think you can take me? > >Lisa, I have absolutely no quarrel with you, and don't want to make any >enemies, but since you ask, I think I took you about three posts ago. You did catch that "do you think you can take me?" was supposed to be a humorous "I Buffy, you Angel" taunt from "When Lisa Was Bad"? Just checking... Three posts ago? Honey, better check that scorecard again 'cause you can't proclaim victory while you're behind on points in the bout. >> Do you speak on behalf of all men whose first names start with the letter "J"? >Like, are you a feminist by any chance? 'Cause this last stuff would be >living proof what they say about feminists and a sense of humor. Oh, man, >this is too easy. Oh, forgive me. I'm just a weak man, I mean no >offense to the feminists on the list. Like, did you catch that "all men whose first names start with the letter 'J'" is just a broad arbitrary category I declared you to represent in the same way you declared a shared view held by Chris and me to represent all of BABS? It wasn't meant as an attack on your being a "man." "Men" was just a random category choice. I could have said "all Northeasterners whose last names have eight letters." Kinda wish I had, so you wouldn't have gotten derailed. Such gender sensitivity! Don't you non-feminists have a sense of humor? >> I've never denied it was a come-on. > >Well, thank you TOO for agreeing with me! I now declare victory, and >herewith depart amidst peace with honor. Quoting out of context again? OK, repeat after me, "DROP KICK!" Imagine Buffy in knee-high scrummage boots (shouldn't be hard) and poor Xander as a Rugby ball. Don't get me wrong. I love witty Xander *and* his sexual innocence. I just think he ended up with a bootprint on his butt in that scene. >This is all meant in a spirit of fun. Oh stop this whirligig o' fun or we're all gonna get dizzy! Lisa ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 13:56:29 -0500 From: Harold Hutchison Subject: RE: BUFFY: Cafeteria? > One more thing--I was cruising the mall, looking at Halloween >stuff, and I found these ultracool vampire fangs. They are plastic tooth >caps that you mold to your teeth. One recommendation: Do NOT show up with those fangs around SMG, especially if she's spent a long time filming, working, etc. It will be much better for ALL concerned. Anyone connected with the show will know WHY I am offering you this advice. We don't need a prank to result in an unfortunate incident. Harold Hutchison ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 15:48:19 -0400 From: Jesse Jou Subject: Re: BUFFY: WSWB, Erm...How many SPOILERS? At 11:52 AM -0700 9/21/97, Lisa Rose wrote: >At 06:01 PM 9/19/97 -0400, James Bjorkman wrote: The War of the Barely-Concealed Flames. "No, Stop!" JJ shouts throwing himself between the combatants as their lances pierce through his body. He gurgles twice, blood spilling from his mouth. "Please, let my sacrifice end the madness. In my life, I loved you all..." He collapses forward, dead. miss hayses steps forward and leads the list in a rousing chorus of "You'll Never Walk Alone." Ahem, now that I've fulfilled my love of high drama (Martyr Jou?), to the business of Buffy. Does anyone notice how often Buffy rips that cross off her neck? How is that thing attached? If it's one of those tasteful little clasps common to modern jewelry, surely it would have protested being broken off not only in Prophecy Girl, but also in WSWB? It just makes me go, "huh?" Also, Lisa Rose wrote: >Is it her art, that even in a callous >frenzy, she can tailor her attack to her victims' specific >vulnerabilities? This is remarkable and makes perfect sense as she found Cordelia virtually inpenetrable to her cruelties. That scene in the alley after Buffy and Xander do the Hubba Dance. Yowza! So then, would Cordelia be among the greatest of Buffy's foes should she decide to use her powers for the forces of true evil? >>If Angel were a monk or priest, he would probably have been a "Brother" >>or a novitiate. erm. Ne'er mind. >Do you broach brother/sister incest, brother? Sister, shame, shame! Did you think I would let this remark go unchallenged? The way I see it is this: if Joss were to be possessed by the spirit of Aaron Spelling (how does one transpossess Aaron Spelling? Perhaps one day, Joss and Lost Boy went to the zoo to view the Aaron Spelling exhibit and accidentally stumbled into a sacred circle and performed an act of banality? Where's the zookeeper knowledgable about wild Spelling behavior?), then I would imagine seeing a flashback episode where Joyce and Hank Summers, "trippin'" during on those of wild sixties social experiments, actually bend the laws of time and physics and travel back to 18th century Ireland, where Joyce gets pregnant and gives birth to a young son whom they must give up as they "come down." The time travel and child are written off as a "bad scene," only to create much heartache later when Angel's last name is revealed to be the very un-Irish "Summers." Brother/sister incest? Don't scoff; it's possible. ;-P In the never ending drama of the official site postingboard, some foolish mortal trolled the board by posting that DB made a comment that there would be a "coming out" episode for Angel much like Ellen's controversial episode last year, leading to the usual stupidity about "is he or isn't he?" Not to repeat that mind-numbing topic here, but it made me think that I would be interested in seeing an episode where Angel "comes out" as a vampire to the many people who have met him who may not be aware of his "special" condition. Can't you just imagine Cordelia taking the news badly, "How can you be a vampire? You're hot! Thank god, your parents aren't alive to see you come to this!" I'm feeling frisky today. JJ ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 12:49:31 -0700 (PDT) From: a mockingbird girl Subject: BUFFY: just random thoughts on buffy hi y'all i had to write because y'all are neat and i've never met more obssessive people of buffy evah. which is kewl. anyway, i finally finally finally saw the season premiere (i have monday class from 6:30-9:30pm aaargh!) and t was great. it was classic. it was so rockin' the casbah. there's one thing that totally bothers me. when buffy and cordelia have their talk outside the bronze after the infamous dance, cordelia says "maybe i'll just sak angel to dance with me" before she gets carted off to vampire buffet. how does she know this guy's name? i mean, does she know he's a vampire? she knows he doesn't go to school and stuff. yes? no? maybe? debbie laugh at me 'cause you're a silly girl - 6L6 ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 13:32:46 -0700 From: (Chiara Gillette) Subject: Re: BUFFY: buffy a bitch???? >if you were surprised at Buffy being mean, then you never saw her when >she was on All My Children. Everyone who watched hated her. I was >surprised that when she was Buffy she was so nice because I was use to >her as a mean person. Just shows you she is a damn good actress!!!! First off, it's "bitca" not "bitch!" ;) When I watched AMC I liked her character. I thought Erica was such a "bitca" to Kendall. But in WSWB I though Buffy was a "bitca" to everyone. So, don't take it that I'm a mean person cuz I didn't think Kendall was a brat. Get Slayed!=) - -Chiara- - A BABSter - A Xanderite - ALS - AGA - A GASPer - A member of MCTP, JASIOM - Keeper of Xander's phone, Nick's sun glasses and Alyson's gold signing pen, the electricity in Angel's apartment, Willow's keyboard, Ms. Calender's keyboard, Little Cordy's Slayhouse Pedal-Powered Miniature Mercedes (with little leather seats!), Charisma's black Sharpie pen (literaly), the chalk in Sunnydale High - "They [some of the cast of BtVS] don't even know they're gonna die!"---Joss Whedon ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 15:04:02 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: WSWB, Erm...How many SPOILERS? i want to usubscribe from this mailing list please tell me how too? ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 15:55:46 -0600 From: "Jodie King" Subject: Re: BUFFY: WSWB multiple replies On Thu, 18 Sep 1997, Dan Compora wrote: >> I don't believe Angel can father a child anymore. >If you were to pour over all the Vamp literature, the answer is no, There has been a lot of talk about this off and on over the past few months, but most of my mail has been deleted. (Can you say "undead question list"?) :-))) It is often with respect to his relationship with Buffy. I propose a new theory. Perhaps Buffy will be unable to have children due to her supernatural physiology. She has super strength, she can leap tall fences in a single bound and she appears not to suffer injury, at least the burises don't show. Her physiology is obviously different so maybe the whole Vampire/Slayer thing is a match made in heaven. ;-) Debbie wrote: Cordelia probably made a point of finding out who Angel is after noticing "Salty Goodness" in the "Angel" ep. (I know I would have.) She certainly met him in "Pophecy Girl" when they all went to the bronze after "saving the earth". I don't think she knows he's a vampire because she did not see him with his game face in PG. He was wearing that, near the stairs, when he and Xander were keeping the vamps away while Buffy killed the master. Cordelia was in the library. She was also pretty *out of it* when he was fighting while wearing his game face in WSWB. Maybe Cordelia, like Buffy's mom, thinks that Angel goes to Community College. Jodie Proud Buffyatric and member of Buffy, eh? Keeper of Angel's wisdom and intelligence. Keeper of the tragic little "naw" Angel cries out when her realizes he's turning into a vamp the first time he kisses Buffy. Defender of Angel's integrity Angel's psychologist and counsellor. ("You have no idea what it's like to have done the things I've done...and care.") ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 18:25:53, -0500 From: (JOSEPH NORTHCOTT) Subject: Re: BUFFY: WSWB, Erm...How many SPOILERS? Lisa Rose wrote: >Yeah, yeah, save the sheep's clothing for the tourists. I think you're >just a glutton (or is it mutton?) for punishment! Gee, and you wonder why all those junior high kids thought you were mean. Gosh, they must've been hallucinating. >And why he wouldn't even clean the ice cream off poor little Willow's nose >a second time in her award-winning repeat smudging performance because he >was now waiting for Buffy? There's the obvious, that nobody would expect Xander to lick Willow's nose in the middle of the Bronze. How much did Willow expect Xander to emote in public? I think even if it was the night before Buffy had gotten back, the most she would've gotten is "Here's a napkin, Willow." Also, I gotta giggle at the term "poor little Willow." Just a tad subjective, are we? >(And yes, I *do* have male friends). Yeah, and I'm the Queen of England. (And I can say that, because we're constantly reminded that no matter what is said, it's always in good fun.) >My "irrelevant" sentence was >an answer to an equally irrelevant statement you made. But you can >waste my time anyday. Oh please, you're responding to a note from Friday. It took you TWO DAYS and this is the best you could come up with? Save my eyes from bleeding. You've made it quite clear that you think only people with no life are on this list, but this is the online equivalent of watching paint dry. Yes, there are times when it's great to find a woman who won't stop, but is this one of them? If wasting someone's time is a measure of your (robust) masculinity, may I ask that you don't waste everyone's time? >Honey, better check that scorecard again 'cause you Your calling someone you've never met "Honey?" Gee, I see sensitivity is alive and well on the Peninsula, NOT! >I just think he ended up with a bootprint on his butt in that scene. Maybe, just maybe, I can broker a compromise here. (All those years of diplomacy training finally pay off.) How about if we say Xander was embarrased AND Buffy was embarrased in the Bronze? Buffy humiliated Xander AND herself. Jesse Jou wrote: >The War of the Barely-Concealed Flames. I've seen baiting before, but this thread could go in a textbook. Yet it hasn't raised the ire of the listparents. :( >Does anyone notice how often Buffy rips that cross off her neck? How is >that thing attached? If it's one of those tasteful little clasps common >to modern jewelry, surely it would have protested being broken off not >only in Prophecy Girl, but also in WSWB? It just makes me go, "huh?" Having had a girlfriend who (accidentally) did this to mine, it was the chain, not the clasp, that gave. A lot of chains you can fix yourself in about 60 seconds. OTOH, maybe she just keeps getting it fixed. This could be a great story: she goes to pick up her cross at the jewelry store (again) and a demon has put a cursed clasp on it. Hmmm... Personally, I think the director just said, "Gee, Buffy would look so tough is she _tore_ the cross off her neck." >So then, would Cordelia be among the >greatest of Buffy's foes should she decide to use her powers for the >forces of true evil? Would she? If you take the interviews on face value, that BtVS is really metaphorical for the horrors of high school, then I think Cordelia _is_ Buffy's greatest foe. Unlike the vampires, Buffy can never kill her off. It certainly appears to me that Cordelia gets under Buffy's skin _a lot_. They've kind of blown this angle with the "Angel/Gothic Romance" line, but without her mooning over Angel, a Buffy/Cordelia competition for a classmate would be a great ongoing subplot, like NKABOTFD. >In the never ending drama of the official site postingboard, Sometimes I wonder if by now, Joss and Alyson think all fans are obsessed crazoids. The Bronze is the part of fandom they see? Sheesh. >I'm feeling frisky today. Do I really want to know this? (Well, someone around here does seem interested in a "brother/sister" thing.) >JJ Hey, you can be a double strength J man. Joseph (can I be a "J" man?) ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 18:30:03 -0400 (EDT) From: Amanda Subject: Re: BUFFY: Angel's so called wimpy behavior On Fri, 19 Sep 1997 wrote: > That little scene in the Bronze (not an exact quote): 'I can't > help but think that somehow I've made you mad, and that bothers > me more than I can say', delivered in a pleading tone - ACK! Although i don't think Angel has really gone soft I definately think that line was alittle too wimpy. I know he's in love with Buffy which is why he was being, as some people describe, wimpy, but here he was just about lieing on ther ground saying "Please Buffy, walk all over me." Angel needs to have alittle cold edge to him. That's what makes him so cool. His edge mingled with his soft spot for Buffy. - -Amanda Keeper of Xander's Wardrobe ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 16:34:53 -0400 From: Schimmel <> Subject: BUFFY: buffy Digest V1 #310 <> Collin- I got this from the BUFFY digest- thought you might be interested in it! SLM ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 18:51:45 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: just random thoughts on buffy In a message dated 97-09-21 15:49:49 EDT, writes: << cordelia says "maybe i'll just sak angel to dance with me" before she gets carted off to vampire buffet. how does she know this guy's name? i mean, does she know he's a vampire? she knows he doesn't go to school and stuff. yes? no? maybe? >> My guess is that she probably found out after Prophecy Girl, when everyone went to the Bronze after thwarting the Master's rising... L8r Chris >=) ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 18:55:50 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: WSWB does it again! Here i am again. The resident nit-picker. Ah-ha! I have done it again. In the begining of the ep, when they show the first day of school, the first scene is of the bus pulling up to the school. This is the same exact shot from Welcome to the Hellmouth. Then they show the fountain with some kids near it and one guy walking past it. Look closely and you will see that the guy is Owen and the shot is from the end of Never Kill a Boy on the First Date. Can you say i have too much time on my hands? I could join Lisa in the lifeless list members. Maybe we could start a club. ObBuffy: I just updated one of my many web pages. check it out. Have a Blessed Buffy Day Miriam- President Buffaholics Anonymous Keeper of Buffy's New Yellow Shoes Giles' Water Pitcher-GASP, Angel's Bloodlust and Fate Little Angel's white shirts, Little Buffy's Go-Go Galoshes, Little Willows Hacker Barbie Little Masters paper hellmouth (his fave project from Hellementary school) Little Darla's vampire maker machine Mattel (Little Angel's most feared toy) "I don't like you, at the end of the day, I pretty much think you're a vampire."- Xander ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 19:10:58 -0400 From: Jesse Jou Subject: Re: BUFFY: On the evil of Cordelia and other matters of import. At 6:25 PM -0500 9/21/97, JOSEPH NORTHCOTT wrote: >Personally, I think the director just said, "Gee, Buffy would look so tough >is she _tore_ the cross off her neck." Sigh. So many of our topics could be resolved with this simple solution. "The director just said..." But, alas, we are doomed to rationalize everything on the screen before us, not unlike the condition that afflicts all of sunnydale. >Would she? If you take the interviews on face value, that BtVS is really >metaphorical for the horrors of high school, then I think Cordelia _is_ >Buffy's greatest foe. Unlike the vampires, Buffy can never kill her off. >It certainly appears to me that Cordelia gets under Buffy's skin _a lot_. This is very true. And if it came down to a choice between fighting Cordelia and fighting the vampires, which would it be? We did get some sense of this in NKABOTFD, but here it was really duty (stop the anointed one's rising, save giles, yadda yadda) and not "vampires" per se that forced the choice. All other things being equal: if in one room there was a bunch of vampires, minding their own business, sitting around kvetching about the Anointed or Absalom or the Master, and in the other was Cordelia, just by her lonesome, ready to share her insights about the world with anyone who'll listen, which room do you think Buffy would go into? I'm guessing the vampires because at least she knows where she stands with them: they don't like her and she doesn't like them. With Cordelia, it's much less clear, and that complexity is what makes it so nicely human (taking for example our own Lisa Rose and James Bjorkman: stalwart enemies or flame-baiting playmates?) And maybe that's part of the tension of the show: the Slayer's world exists in absolutes of right and wrong whereas Buffy's world is chockfull of crazy human beings? S P O I L E R Maybe we'll see the Buffy/Cordelia rivalry explored in SAR, where apparently the villains of the piece attempt to assimilate both Buffy and Cordelia. ("What do you mean her legs are better than mine?") Hmm. JJ ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 19:44:10, -0500 From: (JOSEPH NORTHCOTT) Subject: BUFFY: WSWB multiple replies From: (Chiara Gillette) Subject: Re: BUFFY: buffy a bitch???? Date: 09/21/97 04:36 PM >When I watched AMC I liked her >character. I thought Erica was such a "bitca" to Kendall. But in WSWB I >though Buffy was a "bitca" to everyone. So, don't take it that I'm a mean >person cuz I didn't think Kendall was a brat. Chiara, I don't watch AMC, but didn't Kendall try to kill Erica, and steal her husband? Myself, I think that qualifies as a "bitca." :) From: "Jodie King" Subject: Re: BUFFY: WSWB multiple replies Date: 09/21/97 05:55 PM >> I don't believe Angel can father a child anymore. >I propose a new theory. Perhaps Buffy will be unable to have children due >to her supernatural physiology. She has super strength, [clip] at least >the burises don't show. Her physiology is obviously different so maybe Hmmm... different physiology. Now there's a _good_ one. Really good. Might be a good theory for Buffy, but I don't think it applies to vampires. I think when a demon takes over the body, the human physiological reactions stop. Do you remember "I have no breath?" I think there are some other things Angel doesn't have. This would explain why Buffyverse vampires turn to dust, instead of a dead corpse. There isn't really a human body, it's just a body being kept together by the demon. Rules out parenting. A little off topic info about vampire mythology: John Carpenter is shooting a new vampire slayer movie right now. In this universe, the vampire hunter (played by James Woods) is actually trained and sent by the church. However, in spite of that, the filmmakers have changed vampire convention so that crosses, Holy Water etc. do not work on the vampires. The only weapons are stakes and sunlight. Now that should be interesting. >Cordelia probably made a point of finding out who Angel is after noticing >"Salty Goodness" in the "Angel" ep. (I know I would have.) She certainly >met him in "Pophecy Girl" when they all went to the bronze after "saving >the earth". I don't think she knows he's a vampire Right. Let's all remember that Cordelia and Angel were in that same group that went to the dance after the end of Prophecy Girl. Knowing Cordelia, I'm sure she found out plenty about Angel that night. O.k., maybe not that he is a vampire. :) Joseph ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 21:12:59 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: SPOILER (a wee little one) I'm not sure if this is a spoiler, in fact I don't think it is, but, just in case, and also b/c I like writing groovy things on the spoiler space, I'll make it a spoiler. I H O P E T H I S I S A R E A L S P O I L E R So I don't get in trouble! Well, anyway, I was flipping back from MTV to the WB, hoping I'd catch a Buffy preview on the WB. Instead, I saw one on MTV. How Odd(ville)! Anyway, it was basically composed of WSWB, but also some stuff from last season (a think a little, little clip), but also some new shots that looked pretty cool. The narration was something like, "Because she is the one chosen to kill," along w/ the usual stuff. There was a clip of her in a weird room w/ someone on an operating table, it looked like, and she walks into it from a lit hallway and catches a flying stake or something. It was pretty quick, so I'm probably wrong, but I'm thinking it's from SAR. Maybe they take their victims to the operating table and do their thing......? Whatever. There was also a fighting scene w/ Buffy and a vamp in the graveyard. She was wearing her leather jacket (surprise!) and some light colored shorts. It was a pretty long preview, but I don't always get all of the details when I've only seen it once. If I see it again, I'll try to find out more. Can't wait till tomorrow!!! Ahhh!! I'm so excited!!! Alli of Big:C's Cell Phone,Sparkle Purse, X's Tweety Bird Watch,B's purple pink lamp,J's Earrings,"Effective Parenting" Tapes, G's dictionary stand,Lance's notebook,SHS lockers.Little:X's Superman PJs w/matching Cape(+ Padded Feet),C's"Baby Prom Queen"Make-up Set,W's Lonely Ken Doll (after Little X stole Barbie),B's"Sarah,Slain and Tall (tales of an alt univ)" book, Master's Blood-Flavored Toothpaste (he can't wait to brush his fangs at night!) "Think of something cool, tell him I said it."-Buffy,PG ------------------------------ End of buffy Digest V1 #311 *************************** To subscribe to buffy Digest, send the command: subscribe buffy-digest in the body of a message to "". 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