From: (buffy Digest) To: Subject: buffy Digest V1 #358 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: buffy Digest Tuesday, October 7 1997 Volume 01 : Number 358 In this issue: Re: BUFFY: GO WILLOW!!! Re: BUFFY: Getting staked Re: BUFFY: Getting staked RE: BUFFY: Where's Giles? Re: BUFFY: What is the episode for Oct. 20? Re: BUFFY: GO WILLOW!!! BUFFY: Willow's Love Re: BUFFY: GO WILLOW!!! Re: BUFFY: GO WILLOW!!! BUFFY: Hello Re: BUFFY: Buffy's mom... BUFFY: BUFFY : Xander (possible spoilers) BUFFY: St. Vigius stuff Re: BUFFY: Buffy: The mummy episode Re: BUFFY: dingos and other thoughts BUFFY: Xander keepers page Re: BUFFY: Buffy: The mummy episode Re: BUFFY: Xander keepers page BUFFY: School hard quote list (part 1) BUFFY: School hard quote list (part 2) Re: BUFFY: Halloween and Buffy Re: BUFFY: Halloween ep Re: BUFFY: Halloween and Buffy BUFFY: I Know What You Did Last Summer Re: BUFFY: support our guys of BTVS Re: BUFFY: St. Vigius Re: BUFFY: Claim BUFFY: IMG BUFFY: the Oz Re: BUFFY: Angel????????? See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 7 Oct 1997 16:44:52 -0600 From: (Katie Masters) Subject: Re: BUFFY: GO WILLOW!!! >And that was not a very nice thing to say to Katie! Nice to know two people care. And I'm sure there are a lot more of them out there. obBuffy: Did anyone else notice the weird atmospherical similarities in the museum to the ones in the zoo in The Pack? *KATIE* Keeper of Buffy's Past Popularity and Nail Polish and Keeper of Cordelia's Stakes Angel's Proud Adoptive Mother "No! Bad plan. I have other plans. Dance plans....cancelled plans" -Buffy, "Inca Mummy Girl" ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Oct 1997 18:47:05 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Getting staked how did u get the stone ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Oct 1997 18:53:17 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Getting staked how did u get the stone ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Oct 97 18:56:37 -0700 From: Susan Foster Subject: RE: BUFFY: Where's Giles? Hi! It's me, the quoted comments are from me, I'm here at my apartment, waiting for the baseball bats. I'm sorry if I offended people with my thoughts. I guess the editor in my brain was non-functional. I'll be more careful in the future. Susan > Either Giles >landed somewhere else, or the Slayer/Watcher > >relationship just got a bit closer. > > Gross much? I thought we killed that thread. Anyway, maybe he fell > behind. I'll look tomorrow. > ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Oct 1997 16:56:25 -0600 From: David Simpson Subject: Re: BUFFY: What is the episode for Oct. 20? Looking at the schedules for WGN in Chicago and WPIX in New York for Oct. 13 shows both stations listing "Reptile Boy" as the episode that will be shown that day. Also, for Oct. 20 both stations are listing "Out of Sight, Out of Mind" (i.e., "Invisible Girl") as the episode that will be shown that day. First rerun of the season if that is correct. (And not even an episode from this season.) The official Buffy web site shows no episode for Oct. 13 and "Reptile Boy" for Oct. 20. Scott, what's going on?? David Simpson Giles: Grave robbery? That's new. Interesting. Buffy: I know you meant to say gross and disturbing. Giles: Yes, yes, yes, of course. Terrible thing. Must put a stop to it. Damn it. -- Some Assembly Required (BtVS) -- ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Oct 1997 19:05:39 From: Jeff Rohaly Subject: Re: BUFFY: GO WILLOW!!! >Did anyone else notice the weird atmospherical similarities in >the museum to the ones in the zoo in The Pack? And I think the same two writers did both The Pack and Inca Mummy Girl. Jeff Rohaly ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Oct 1997 18:03:59 -0500 From: Cally Hendricks Subject: BUFFY: Willow's Love I'm so glad somebody finally noticed how cool she really is. At first I thought Oz was gay, I mean, listen to the conversation. But if he's into Willow, you go. I've always thought that Seth Green was cute, and I'm glad he's got a new role to play. Only, I hope he doesn't become a Slayerette. It's hard enough with Cordelia in there. - -Willow11 Keeper of Spike's Classic Car Dru's loyal lady in waiting spikette ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Oct 1997 18:58:27 -0400 From: John Nestoriak Subject: Re: BUFFY: GO WILLOW!!! Amanda wrote: > Why is everyone down on Oz. We hardly got any glimpse of his personality > to classify him as a loser. Is this just Willow jealousy or is there > something else. I too fall into the hated Oz on first sight group. Though I'm having a hard time coming up with a reason why. And the jealousy thing hits just a little too close to home to be correct :) Willow is just so ... I don't know how to say it but sweet, cute, intelligent, funny, caring are a good beginning. Willow's man should be perfect too. Frankenstein Jr from SAR seemed a much more likely choice. More Willow's type. I'm hoping that Oz chases after Willow but she doesn't reciprocate. For the record I don't think Xander deserves Willow either. I on the other hand would be a perfect candidate ... well for Aly that is ... Willow is a bit young for me. :) - -- John Nestoriak * Meme s'il se trouvait la Software Engineer * saurais-je l'ecouter The Telephone Connection * le garder sous les doigts * sans jamais l'oublier? ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Oct 1997 16:28:51 -0700 From: Terrie Subject: Re: BUFFY: GO WILLOW!!! On Tue, 7 Oct 1997, (Katie Masters) wrote: >>And that was not a very nice thing to say to Katie! >Nice to know two people care. And I'm sure there are a lot more of >them out there. Me! Me! I care. Unfourtunately, I'm only the list police for BBETA (even got a title), so I can't get into a big huff over it. Still, this is a discussion list for the SHOW, not the people on the list. >obBuffy: Did anyone else notice the weird atmospherical similarities in the museum to the ones in the zoo in The Pack? You mean in that cheerfully depressing sort of way? Not to mention both shows had at least one not too bright, obnoxious tough guy. Though, I liked the guy from IMG. Even HE appreciated Willow more then Xander. As much as I'd like to see an X/W pairing, I'm getting to the point where I think Willow should spend some time dating others, till Xander grows up a bit. Or a lot. Oz seems like a good place to start. (I wish I could find a guy like that -- one who values brains over busts). - -Terrie Keeper of Angel's Fridge "Grrr, Argh" ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Oct 1997 16:29:37 -0700 From: Monica Hewitt Subject: BUFFY: Hello Hi all. I've just joined the list about a week ago, and am finished slogging thru all the mail. You all like to talk, don't ya? :) Anyway, I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Monica, and I've been watching Buffy ever since it premiered. I loved it to death, and it has since joined my other obsessions. I've also seen the movie, and I thought it was okay. I only watched it because I have a thing for vampires. :) But the series is my favorite show right now. I love all the eps, and have been trying to get my friends hooked as well. It seems to be working. OBBUFFY: I read that several people here thought that Dru might have been a slayer before she was turned. I think this would be a great idea! It would be a chance to explore what might happen if Buffy ever had her nightmare come true, and would also give Buffy a little pause for thought if she finds out. Imagine having to fight someone who used to be just like you. Anyway, sorry this message was a little long. I'll try to keep them shorter in the future. Monica ( Nanite, X-Phile, MSTie, Toreador vamp, Black Fury Garou, Ceilican Bastet, Verbena Mage, and Eshu Changeling. (What Life? It takes away from my goofing off.) "Oh, I suppose *Hell* got an NEA grant!" -Mike "Santa Claus" MST3K ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Oct 1997 16:30:17 PDT From: "Kathleen Gadd" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy's mom... It's a possibility....other shows have done it. It certainly would make things interesting, espescially if Giles's father had been her watcher or something. OH! What if Angel had killed her Mom? that certainly would do something to their relationship! It (your original theory, not my ramblings) certainly would explain some things, perhaps the strange compassion Joyce has for her struggling daughter. I have written some Buffy fiction where Buffy finds out her Mom was a slayer. Well, thanxs 4 your time, bye! Kathleen Gadd Slayer of Dragons Fan of Buffy ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Oct 1997 20:00:54 -0700 From: Francesco Loriggio Subject: BUFFY: BUFFY : Xander (possible spoilers) OK, I hope this hasn't been mentioned yet, I still have about four digests to go thru. If someone has brought this up already, please forgive me. :) s p o i l e r s p a c e OK, it seems to me that Xander went thru a really FAST personnality change. In the infamous kiss scene with the mummy girl, he's amazed that she actually values him -- then, when he bravely saves Willow, he tells the mummy that if she wants to steal someone's life, it'll hafta be his. He arrogantly asks: "Can you do that?" (or something of the type), like he's assuming that she, being so totally in love with him, will be unable to kill him. He was _really_ surprised when she tried, tho!!! So our dear friend Xander went from poor self-esteem to slightly egotistical.... Am I the only one who noticed this? Siska ( WANNABE Keeper of Angel's (now Buffy's) Leather Jacket and Buffy's Hairstyle They're already TAKEN.... :( - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "And the lie which is the truth shall bring more pain than the truth which is a lie." -- excerpt of ElfQuest graphic novel #6, 'The Secret of Two-Edge' - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Oct 1997 17:00:33 PDT From: "Kathleen Gadd" Subject: BUFFY: St. Vigius stuff Hi~ Somebody mentioned this earlier: Why was Vigius granted Sainthood? Well, I think, (just me, not NEbody else) that since Heaven has Saints, couldn't Hell have Saints just as easily? Well, just my opinion, K ***maybe it's just cuz I'm ignorant, but why is everybody a "keeper" of something?*** ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Oct 1997 20:19:12 -0400 From: Dethking Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy: The mummy episode >I did. He seems like a nice down to earth guy. > i did too...I thought he and Willow would looke nice together..altho I think Xander is really the man for her - -Gregg UIN : 1011599 **Keeper of Buffy's Theme Song and Music Collection** ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Oct 1997 17:32:07 -0700 From: Aliesha Wallach Subject: Re: BUFFY: dingos and other thoughts Gabby Hon wrote: > There was a movie with Meryl Streep in which she played an Australian > woman accused of infanticide - her sole defense was that "A dingo ate my > baby!" My friends and I used to run around screaming this in bad Australian accents at each other. Especially when somebody lost something - somebody would always put on that bad accent and scream "Maybe a dingo et your _____." Which, for us, is what made that Seinfeld reference so funny - we'd been doing the same thing for ages. Then, years later, my husband and I moved out here to Washington. He was working as a teacher at a middle school here, and made the reference one day while at work. Turns out that the woman that the story was based on actually *lives* in the area, she moved here a few years after the whole incident, and her child had attended the school where my husband worked the year before he got there. Small world, huh? Anyway, so far this has had nothing to do with Buffy, so let me add some things: RE: Oz I don't know what some people saw that made them hate him so much. I was LOL at "No, the eskimo." Here I was thinking we was eyeing Mummy Girl, totally expecting him to get the Kiss of Death next, and it turns out he's scoping out Willow the whole time! And it was really nice to see her get the attention she deserves. Sure, I don't want to see her have the guy's kids or anything, I would love to see her with Xander, but darn it all, I want to see the man twist first! Serves him right for treating her like a chewed-up pen! RE: Giles and Buffy in the coffin I sent my comments on this scene to the GASP list already, but I know all of you non-GASPers are waiting with baited breath for them (yeah, sure you are) so here you go: (All GASPers can stop reading here.) I, too, noticed that Buffy and Giles seemed to be getting a little... um... *close* in that sarcopha... sarcophe... sarcofe... er, coffin. But it seemed like Giles was unconcious the whole time (again!) so there couldn't have been all that much going on. Although, had he been awake, I can imagine all sorts of "um"ing and "ah"ing and general discomfort on his part, coupled with (um, maybe a bad choice of words there :P) Buffy completely ignoring the whole issue in her attempt to get out. And, hey, how was there room for her to hit/kick so hard? Must've gotten very cramped in there. :P And while we're at it, I wonder what Joyce would've said if she had caught Giles in Buffy's bedroom? I can't imagine how my mom would've reacted if she'd ever seen me going up to my room with some ultra-hot librarian from school. As if! Sooner or later someone's going to start suspecting something, and I don't mean that she's the Slayer. I keep expecting Snyder to say something to Giles about how he seems to be spending way too much time with that Summers girl. Now wouldn't that be a plot twist? Oh, dear. -Aliesha GASP! - Keeper of the Hot Plate Keeper of Buffy's Bad Lemonade ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Oct 1997 17:57:33 PDT From: "femme fatale" Subject: BUFFY: Xander keepers page can somebody give me the URL for the Xander Keepers page? ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Oct 1997 18:01:55 -0700 From: Monica Hewitt Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy: The mummy episode In reference to Oz going after Willow: >>I did. He seems like a nice down to earth guy. >> > > >i did too...I thought he and Willow would looke nice together.. Yes, but will he tell Willow about the feather boa, and the theme to "A Summer Place" thing? :) Rrrowwllll! Kinky. :) Monica ( Nanite, X-Phile, MSTie, Toreador vamp, Black Fury Garou, Ceilican Bastet, Verbena Mage, and Eshu Changeling. (What Life? It takes away from my goofing off.) "Oh, I suppose *Hell* got an NEA grant!" -Mike "Santa Claus" MST3K ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Oct 1997 18:18:16 PDT From: "Courtney Nelson" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Xander keepers page To all you Slayerettes; The Xander CLub is now under new management, and HQ can be found at a new URL - The Ultimate Keeper's Site no longer has the right link, so don't use it anymore. Courtney From the desk of The Halo and The Xander Club The Halo ( The Xander Club Headquarters ( Buffy at Suite101 ( ====================================================================== Keeper of Xander's male "needs" (WSWB), his unselfishness, his sudden breathlessness (IMG), Keeper of Spike's sarcasm, Keeper of Joyce's Gracious Hospitality towards Ampata (Mommy/Mummy Bonding), Keeper of Angel's Name Credit *h*, Keeper of Willow's new found love interest (Oz), and the choice she has to make about getting over Xander, Keeper of Cordelia's "fruit drinky" (IMG) ====================================================================== "You wouldn't happen to be a preying mantis, would you?" -Xander, IMG ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Oct 1997 21:39:41 -0400 (EDT) From: Betsy Vera Subject: BUFFY: School hard quote list (part 1) This quote list was too big for xmission, so I'm resending it in two parts. (I've marked the division arbitrarily, about halfway in the file). Maureen's ( quote list for School Hard (part 1) - --Betsy - -------------------- "School Hard" quote list B=Buffy, A=Angel, X=Xander, W=Willow, J=Joyce, C=Cordelia, PS=Principal Snyder, MC=Ms. Calendar, S=Spike, D=Drucilla, Sh=Sheila, A1=Anointed One PS-A lot of educators tell students, "Think of your principal as your pal." I say, think of me as your judge, jury, and executioner. PS-On the one hand, Buffy hasn't stabbed a horticulture teacher with a trowel. Sh-I didn't stab anyone with a trowel. They were pruning shears. PS-On the other hand, Sheila has never burned down a school building. B-Well, that was never proven. The fire marshal said it could have been mice. PS-Mice. B-Mice that were smoking? PS-The two of you seem to be tied in the class-cutting and fight-starting events. You really are neck-and-neck. It's quite exciting. Sh-What does the winner get? PS-Expelled. PS-Your parents - assuming you have any, will meet your teachers - assuming you have any left. PS-Are we clear? B-I'm clear. Don't you feel clear? We're very clear. B-That's what my mom sees when she looks at me - a Sheila. X-Sheila's definitely intense. That guy with her - that's the one she _can_ bring home to mother. W-She was already smoking in fifth grade. Once I was lookout for her. X-You're bad to the bone. W-I'm a rebel. B-I'm a Slayer. It requires a certain amount of cutting and fighting. What's Sheila's excuse? X-Homework. She won't do it. And most teachers respect that now. Oh, you might want to keep away any sharp implements when you're working with her. X-As long as nothing really bad happens between now and then, you'll be fine. B-Are you crazy?! Why did you say that? Now something bad's going to happen. X-What do you mean? Nothing's going to happen. W-Not until some dummy says, "As long as nothing bad happens." B-It's the ultimate jinx. W-What were you thinking? Or were you even thinking at all? X-Well, you guys don't know. Maybe this time it'll be different. S-Home, sweet home. Vamp-When I kill her, it'll be the greatest event since the crucifixion. And I should know. I was there. S-_You_ were there? Oh, please! If every vampire who said he was at the crucifixion was actually there, it would have been like Woodstock. Vamp-I ought to rip your throat out. S-I was actually at Woodstock. That was a weird gig. I fed off a flower person, and I spent the next six hours watching my hand move. S-So, who do you kill for fun around here? A1-Who _are_ you? S-Do you know what I found works real good with Slayers? Killing them. A1-Can you? S-A lot faster than nancy-boy there. Yeah, I did a couple Slayers in my time. I don't like to brag. Who am I kidding? I _love_ to brag! D-Look at all the people. Are these nice people? S-We're getting along. D-Do you like daisies? I plant them, but they always die. Everything I put in the ground withers and dies. S-Me and Dru, we're moving in. Now, any of you want to test who's got the biggest wrinklies around here, step on up. D-Kill her for Princess? S-I'll chop her into messes. D-You are my sweet, my little Spike. B-I spent a good part of my allowance on this new creme rinse, and it's neither creamy nor rinsey. J-Life is hard, dear. B-Don't I know it. Is that a split end? J-So, what do you think your teachers are going to tell me about you? B-Well, I think they'll all agree that I always bring a pen to class, ready to absorb the knowledge. J-And this absorption rate, how is it reflected in your homework and test scores? B-What can you really tell about a person from a test score? J-Whether or not she's ever going out with her friends again. B-Oh, that. J-Wait until you get a job. B-I have a job. W-Sheila's a no-show? She goes to this really rank bar, the Fish Tank. Sometimes they have raids and other stuff that could make you tardy. W-I thought we were going to the Bronze tonight. 'Cause of how you thought Angel might show? X-If he does, he'll meet some other nice girl. Studying comes first! B-We're going to the Bronze. B-I can study and party and do parent/teacher night and make my mother proud, as long as I don't have to... G-Buffy! B-...fight vampires. MC-Rupert, you have got to read something that was published after 1066. G-This Saturday is the night of St. Vigeous. B-Let me guess - he didn't make balloon animals. B-Well, if I survive parent/teacher night tomorrow, I'll see what I can do about Saturday. G-You're being a tad flip, don't you think? This is serious. B-And getting kicked out of school is laughs aplenty? B-If my slaying doesn't get me expelled, then I promise my banner-making won't get me killed, okay? X-Yeah, I'll whittle stakes. W-And I can research stuff. X-And while I'm whittling, I plan to whistle a jaunty tune. G-You are, after all, the slay... MC- G-Slay... uh, slaves. You're all slaves to the, uh, television. MC-Yes. G-Young people nowadays... Shall we go? MC-Let's. PS-You wouldn't be helping Buffy in Sheila's place, would you? W-No, we're hindering. PS-Hmmm! I feel an expulsion coming on. Sh-Did you really burn down a school building one time? B-Well, not actually _one_ time. Sh-Cool! B-Was it wrong? Should I use the plural? W-No. But you said, "The cow should touch me from Thursday." B-Maybe that's what I was feeling. W-And you said it wrong. B-Oh, je stink! W-You're just not focused. It's Angel missage. X-Come on, one dance. You've been studying like 12 minutes? B-No wonder my brain's fried. END QUOTE LIST PART 1 (of 2) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Oct 1997 21:42:10 -0400 (EDT) From: Betsy Vera Subject: BUFFY: School hard quote list (part 2) This quote list was too big for xmission, so I'm resending it in two parts. (I've marked the division arbitrarily, about halfway in the file). Maureen's ( quote list for School Hard. - --Betsy - -------------------- "School Hard" quote list, part 2 (of 2) B=Buffy, A=Angel, X=Xander, W=Willow, J=Joyce, C=Cordelia, PS=Principal Snyder, MC=Ms. Calendar, S=Spike, D=Drucilla, Sh=Sheila, A1=Anointed One X-Come on, one dance. You've been studying like 12 minutes? B-No wonder my brain's fried. S-Go get something to eat. S-Where's the phone? I need to call the police. There's some big guy out there trying to bite someone. Vamp-Slayer. B-Slayee. B-Get her out of here! And a stake would be nice! B-What happens on Saturday? S-I kill you. Sh-All right, which one's Dwayne and which one's Dell? Don't tell me, Dell's the one with the tattoos. Sh-I'm crazy about a cad! Just the feel of the leather makes me want to... Sh-Who are you? S-Who do you want me to be? G-Spike? That's what the other vampire called him? It's a little unorthodox, isn't it? B-Maybe he's Reform. X-So, this night of St. Vigeous deal, if they're going to attack in force, aren't we thinking vacation? W-We can't run, that would be wrong. Could we hide? I mean, if that Spike guy is leading the attack... yeee! G-Well, he can't be any worse than any other creature you've faced. A-He's worse. Once he starts something, he doesn't stop, until everything in his path is dead. X-So he's thorough, goal-oriented. B-I was being cool. Come on, you've been dating for what, like 200 years, you don't know what a girl means when she says maybe she'll show? W-Wow. Two centuries of dating. If you only had two a year, that's still, like, 400 dates with 400 different... Why do they call it a mace? X-Okay, that's it. I'm putting a collar with a little bell on that guy. D-Miss Edith speaks out of turn, and will have no cakes today. S-This is the place for us. The Hellmouth will restore you. Put color in your cheeks, metaphorically speaking. S-God, this town will burn. D-A pretty fire. X-Does anyone remember when Saturday night meant date night? C-You sure don't. C-My fingers are cramping. How long have I been doing this? X-Three minutes. C-We're still all rooting for you on Saturday. I'd be there for you myself if I didn't have a leg wax. C-You're starting to look a little slagged. What, are you just skipping foundation entirely now? B-Cordelia, I have at least three lives to contend with, none of which really mesh. It's kind of like oil, and water, and a third unmeshable thing. C-Yeah, and I can see the oil. Is that your mom? Now, that is a woman that knows how to moisturize. Did it, like, skip a generation? C-When they're done talking... B-What? C-My guess? Tenth high school reunion, you'll still be grounded. W-Cordelia, have some lemonade. X-That's a bad look, right? S-What can I say? I couldn't wait. S-I'm a veal kind of guy. You're too old to eat. But not to kill. I feel better. S-Slayer... here, kitty, kitty... I find one of your friends first, I'm gonna suck him dry, and use their bones to bash your head in. Are you getting a word picture here? S-./~Someone's in the ceiling... ./~ PS-This is my school. What I say goes, and I say this is _not_ happening. J-Well, then I guess the danger's over! PS-I'm beginning to see a certain mother/daughter resemblance. X-You got a plan? Good plan! S-Come up against this Slayer yet? A-She's cute. Not too bright, though. Gave the puppy-dog "I'm all tortured" act. Keeps her off my back when I feed. S-People still fall for that Anne Rice routine? What a world. X-I knew you were lying. Undead... liar guy. A-Want a bite before we kill her, hmmm? S-This tortured thing is an act, right? You're not... house-broken? A-I'll just feed and run. S-You were my sire, man! You were my... Yoda. A-Things change. S-Not us! Not demons. Man, I can't believe this. You Uncle Tom! S-Fe, fi, fo, fum. I smell the blood of a nice... ripe... girl. B-Do we really need weapons for this? S-I just like them. They make me feel all manly. B-You shouldn't have come here. S-No, I messed up your doilies and stuff. S-I'll tell you what. As a personal favor from me to you, I'll make it quick. It won't hurt a bit. B-No, Spike, it's going to hurt a lot. J-You get the hell away from my daughter. S-Women! J-Nobody lays a hand on my little girl. MC-Well, another wonderful fun-filled evening. G-Yes, you know, uh, I will understand if you decide to start avoiding me. X-So when you gave him my neck to chew on, why didn't you clock him before he had a chance to clock you? A-I told you, I couldn't make the first move. I had to see if he was buying it or not. X-And if he bit me, what then? A-We would have known he bought it. X-What's a sire? C-And if you get me out of this, I swear I'll never be mean to anyone ever again. Unless they really deserve it. Or if it's that time of the month, in which case, I don't think you or anyone else can hold me responsible... W-Ask for some aspirin. C-And can you please send some asp... hey! S-A slayer with family and friends. That sure as hell wasn't in the brochure. S-How's the annoying one? D-He doesn't want to play. S-From now on, we're going to have a little less ritual, and a little more fun around here. Let's see what's on TV. END PART 2 (of 2) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Oct 1997 20:28:22 From: Theodore Jay Miller Subject: Re: BUFFY: Halloween and Buffy At 10:40 PM 10/6/97 -0600, you wrote: > > About IMG: does anyone wonder how Buffy explains to her mom what >happened to Omphale or whatever her name was? "Sorry mom, had to leave >her at the museum. She sort of, hmmm, came apart." > I was thinking about that. The last thing that Joyce knows is that Xander took Ampata on a date. She's going to ask Xander what happened to this exchange student that Joyce is presumably responsible for. "She was eaten by wild dogs" or "The gang members on PCP got her" would not be accepted very calmly. Joyce would be pressing Xander for full details, she'd call South America to tell Ampata's family that their daughter was killed (and find out that Ampata was a boy), a very tricky situation. Someone better call Snyder and the police chief to help cover this one up. Theodore Jay Miller ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Oct 1997 21:15:41 From: Theodore Jay Miller Subject: Re: BUFFY: Halloween ep >>S >>P >>O >>I >>L >>E >>R >>S >>P >>A >>C >>E >> >> >> >> At 01:02 AM 10/7/97 -0400, you wrote: >>someone from Gile's past has the power to transform Buffy, >>Willow, Xander into their Halloween costumes. Buffy loses her >>slaying ability because her choice of costume is an 18th century >>noblewoman... But what're Xander and Willow dressed as? Xander seems like the type to choose something heroic; look at his costume choice in "Inca Mummy Girl". I can see him dressing as Zorro, and saving the day with his new acrobatic and sword-fighting abilities (it would be a really short episode if he chose Superman). On the other hand, I can also see him dressing as Darth Vader, and becoming a villain for this episode. Willow, on the other hand, might prefer something authentic and concealing; she chose an Eskimo in IMG. So probably NOT Wonder Woman, Xena, or anyone like that. Saving the day with brilliant legal maneuvers when she dresses as Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is more her style. Or since BtVS is on WB, how about Kids WB characters: Xander as Pinky and Willow as The Brain? >About IMG: does anyone wonder how Buffy explains to her mom what >happened to Omphale or whatever her name was? That's very tricky. The last Joyce knows is that Ampata was on a date with Xander. I don't think Xander telling Joyce that "Ampata was eaten by wild dogs" or "The gang members on PCP got her" would work very well. And when Joyce calls South America to tell Ampata's family that their daughter was killed, and they say Ampata is a boy, it could be a problem. Anyone want to get Snyder and the police chief to help cover the whole thing up? Theodore Jay Miller ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Oct 1997 22:21:22 -0400 (EDT) From: Amanda Subject: Re: BUFFY: Halloween and Buffy > > About IMG: does anyone wonder how Buffy explains to her mom what > >happened to Omphale or whatever her name was? "Sorry mom, had to leave > >her at the museum. She sort of, hmmm, came apart This is atough one but if we try to analyze it too much we'll go crazy. In real life Buffy would be caught by this- Joyce isn't stupid. This kind of thinking, on what would really happen, can drie ya crazy so I'll stick with the old saying: "Suspension of Disbelief" PoizonIvy: Vampire Kisser Keeper of Xander's Wardrobe Keeper of Buffy's, Xander's, and Willow's Togas (from The Puppet Show) proud NOSer Member of the DC/East Coast Buffy crew-yeah boy!!! WLSP ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Oct 1997 19:38:52 PDT From: "Lara Davis" Subject: BUFFY: I Know What You Did Last Summer I bought the book "I Know What You Did Last Summer" and I just finished reading it. If the movie is even remotely like the book, we've got one seriously good movie to look foward to!! I just thought that I'd let everybody know that!! Bye!! Lara ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Oct 1997 22:16:40 +0100 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: support our guys of BTVS <> Hey, you could least give ASH a mention, you know. You'd think Nick and David are the only guys on the show. Obvious bias against the older viewers. :( I think I'll go rewatch all the good Giles parts to cheer myself up. :) Northcat-GASPer, keeper of Giles' office ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Oct 1997 22:09:22 +0100 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: St. Vigius <> My main problem with that is the fact that Jenny Calender pulled it up while surfing. Unless she happened to plug into a vampire web site. I don't know how much vampires are into computers. Northcat-GASPer, keeper of Giles' office ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Oct 1997 20:09:19 -0700 From: (Chiara Gillette) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Claim >> Kelly White wrote: I claim Willow's parka. Kelly J. White >This includes her mukluks too. And I'm sure the harpoon gets "thrown" >in for good measure. ;=B7} I sorry to tell you but I already asked the keeper of the Willow page to be keeper of that outfit before I even saw it. I was reading on the posting board what Joss was writing and he said Willow would be wearing her "most important outfit." Haven't gotten a response yet. - -Chiara- - A BABSter - A Xanderite - ALS - AGA - A GASPer - A member of MCTP, JASIOM - Keeper of Xander's phone, Nick's sun glasses and Alyson's gold signing pen, the electricity in Angel's apartment, Willow's keyboard, Ms. Calender's keyboard, Giles' Pep Talks w/Snyder, Little Cordy's Slayhouse Pedal-Powered Miniature Mercedes (with little leather seats!), Charisma's black Sharpie pen (literaly), the chalk in Sunnydale High - "They [some of the cast of BtVS] don't even know they're gonna die!"---Joss Whedon ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Oct 1997 20:01:08 PDT From: "Ivy Snitzer" Subject: BUFFY: IMG ok a few things about this episode: 1)i thought that the whole Oz/Wil thing was too cute i swear i did i was saying how cute it was and i got so super sonic that only dogs could here me i hope that they make Oz a somewhat regular character other wise i'll be very disapionted in our Mr.Whedon! 2)i thought it was sweet when Buffy was talking to Xander when they were waiting for empala to come downstairs "a date with romance and lips" is it just me or does anyone else think she sounded almost a little wistful mabey??? perhaps 3)this is really more of a question, than a statement, but so ok we are all in realative agreement that Angel and Xander are sexy but what about Sven i say pretty much a hotty. ok umm i reeally have nothing else to say so i'll stop now thank you for reading this unless you didn't read this in which case Bite Me!!! Just Kidding I have a photographic memory I'm just out of film! IVY: keeper of xanders english book and spikes silver zippo ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Oct 1997 23:04:53 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: the Oz I love Oz I think it is going to turn out so cute if they develop it into somthing over a few episodes and don't just kill him off or somthing after about 2 minutes./ I love him in the advantax comercial. That's my random comment Xander: you're not a praying Mantis by any chance are you (ok not the exact quote but close) Jillium ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Oct 1997 21:15:58 -0600 From: "Jodie King" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Angel????????? > From: Amanda >> I for one was glad to not see Angel (I do love him) because if they had > tried to include him in a non-vampire ep it would have seemed forced. There was no natural reason, IMHO, for him to be in > this I guess I can think of a natural reason for Angel to be present in every ep and that is because he is the one that Buffy seems to (for want of a better word) love. There has been some talk of Buffy feeling down and out of things socially so why isn't Angel around, in the evening, to cheer her up, walk with her, or talk and "listen to her complaints". To me it would seem just as natural for Angel to be around in the evening as for her other friends to be there. He surely knows as much about Inca Mummies as do Xander and Willow. To simply relegate him to the vampire eps sort of takes away from the idea that he is developing as more than just an "undead" authority. He is pretty much Buffy's choice of love interest and if I didn't see my significant other during the day, I'd really look forward to seeing him in the evening. That would be natural. At the very least, I'd bring him up in conversation! I hope he has been off learning what Spike and Dru were up to this past week. OK enough ranting about that from a die hard Angel fan. Thought that Willow looked adorable in her Inuit costume. Interestingly, the word Eskimo is not very politically correct in Canada. Take it from someone who teaches Inuvialuit students all day. ;-) Jodie Proud Buffaholic, Buffyatric and member of Buffy, eh? Keeper of Angel's wisdom and intelligence. Defender of Angel's integrity Angel's psychologist and counsellor. ("You have no idea what it's like to have done the things I've done...and care.") ------------------------------ End of buffy Digest V1 #358 *************************** To subscribe to buffy Digest, send the command: subscribe buffy-digest in the body of a message to "". 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