From: (buffy Digest) To: Subject: buffy Digest V1 #364 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: buffy Digest Friday, October 10 1997 Volume 01 : Number 364 In this issue: Re: BUFFY: willow stuff Re: BUFFY: What should they drive? Re: BUFFY: Invincibility BUFFY: Halloween costumes off-topic Re: BUFFY: What should they drive? Re: BUFFY: What should they drive? BUFFY: Re: buffy Digest V1 #363 Re: BUFFY: Halloween Spoiler Speculation Re: BUFFY: Willow's type of man Re: BUFFY: Angel's picture (might contain spoilage material) Re: BUFFY: Invincibility Re: BUFFY: Invincibility Re: BUFFY: shared moment BUFFY: Buffy FAQ 1/4 BUFFY: Buffy FAQ 3/4 Re: BUFFY: XMission Shirts BUFFY: Buffy FAQ 4/4 Re: BUFFY: Invincibility Re: BUFFY: IMG's clothes Re: BUFFY: Don't forget to VOTE Re: BUFFY: What should they drive? See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 08:13:47 -0500 (CDT) From: templar Subject: Re: BUFFY: willow stuff This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text, while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools. Send mail to for more info. - ------=_NextPart_000_0056_01BCD50B.399EDB80 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=iso-8859-1 Content-ID: On Thu, 9 Oct 1997, Wien Huang wrote: Something, but I have no idea what! Please, folks, don't use attachments when writing to a mail-list. With a group this large, and so many different mail systems, there will always be some people who can't read what you sent. Dave ( Giles -- "You have responsibilities that other girls do not." Buffy -- "Ooh! I know this one! Slaying entail certain sacrifices, blah, blah, biddy blah. I'm so stuffy; give me a scone." Giles -- "It's as if you know me." - ------=_NextPart_000_0056_01BCD50B.399EDB80 Content-Type: TEXT/HTML; CHARSET=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: QUOTED-PRINTABLE Content-ID: Content-Description:
hey everybody! ok, i've got a couple = of=20 questions that may have already been asked and answered, but i'm behind = in my=20 mail so PLEASE bare with me. please? =3DoP ok, i was at the bronze board = like last=20 saturday or something and i recall seeing a post from joss on friday = saying that=20 we should watch out for willow's hot and sexy outfit (the rumored = leather and=20 dog-collar look) on monday. well, obviously it wasn't there. so what ep. = is that=20 supposed to be on? and on a scheduling note (kinda, don't go = deconstructing me=20 segues ok, i try my best. =3DoP)
i saw at the = official site=20 that the reptile boy ep. is scheduled for monday the 20th. is that an = error or=20 not? what's on next week? and now, back to willow, i'm wondering what's = wrong=20 with oz. obviously he's showing an interest in willow, so hopefully = they'll=20 hookup, but remember what joss said about nobody on the show having a = normal=20 relationship? what do you guys think that might be wrong with oz? is he = a=20 werewolf? just a thought. oh! and lastly, was that owen in the promo for = reptile=20 boy? i thought it was him, but i could (and probably am) very easily = mistaken.=20
Keeper of Angel's = Dresser
Keeper of=20 Buffy's Cheershoes and Trig. Book...maybe she could tutor = me...
"Danced=20 with is a pretty loose term. Made it with might be a little=20 closer."--Angel, SAR, BtVS
ps why isn't buffy wearing her = famous buffy=20 boots anymore? they were just...her.
- ------=_NextPart_000_0056_01BCD50B.399EDB80-- ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 08:49:15 -0500 (CDT) From: templar Subject: Re: BUFFY: What should they drive? On Fri, 10 Oct 1997 wrote: > ObBuffy: I know I've said it before, but I must reitterate(spelling?), Well, since you asked: reiterate :) > Buffy & Co. need a cool ride to tool around Sunnydale in (besides Gile's > old hunk of British junk). What should they drive? What Giles is driving is actually French: a Citroen. Since money often seems to be tight around the Summers household, I figure Buffy's going to be stuck with borrowing mom's SUV (Jeep Cherokee?), *if* Joyce will let her! Somehow, I see Willow in a VW Beetle; Xander I can't even guess. > And what about putting Giles in a COOL british car, like a late > sixties Austin Healy? Then Giles would be sportin' a smooth ride that would > look really good with Jenny Calendar in the passenger seat. True, but where would he put all his books if he gives up his station wagon? :) Citroens are rather unique cars; an `acquired taste', if you will. If Giles went to the trouble to find one when he moved to Sunnydale, he's a real fan, and probably had one back in Britain. He *DOES* need to get the darn thing worked on, though. An early `70s Citroen is no hot rod, but it should run a lot better than his does! Dave ( Giles -- "You have responsibilities that other girls do not." Buffy -- "Ooh! I know this one! Slaying entail certain sacrifices, blah, blah, biddy blah. I'm so stuffy; give me a scone." Giles -- "It's as if you know me." ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 10:08:05 -0400 (EDT) From: James Bjorkman Subject: Re: BUFFY: Invincibility On Fri, 10 Oct 1997 wrote: > When She Was Bad. Didn't this episode give you that impression? Buffy > saying "I can handle this.", only to find out that *she* is at fault for > putting her friends in jeopardy? I get the impression that her thoughts of > invincibility have come and gone. Well, it could be interpreted this way I 'spose, but to me Buffy was acting carelessly and self-destructively in that episode, not like she was some Amazon woman. I mean, to me she screamed "I'm troubled," not, "I'm superior." I'm thinking more along the lines of Buffy acting like, "I'm all that, and Giles, old man, you and your dusty books can get lost, and why should I hang around with these losers Willow and Xander." That sort of thing. And maybe as a result having *herself* get trapped somewhere and being saved by the others, with each of them demonstrating their special skills (even Cordelia), rather than just having Cordelia be the "girl in jeopardy." Or something else that shows what pride goeth before.... If that was what WSWB was trying to show, it did it in a pretty confused way IMHO. But I have no doubt I'm in the minority on this! jb "One hundred percent Swedish, 100% gorgeous, 100% staying at my house!" Cordelia ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 10:01:46 -0400 From: sah Subject: BUFFY: Halloween costumes off-topic OK, time to take the Halloween costume thread off the list. It's waaaaayyy off-topic. - --sah - -- sah * * NatPack * BotCoS * JunglePatrol * Bishop * CartoonSharon * Clumsy Dwarf The Buffy Mailing List page: Of doctors and medicines we have in plenty more than enough...what you may, for the Love of God, send is some large quantity of beer. --Dispatch from the Colony, New South Wales, 1854 ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 10:14:12 -0400 (EDT) From: Betsy Vera Subject: Re: BUFFY: What should they drive? On Fri, 10 Oct 1997, templar wrote: > wagon? :) Citroens are rather unique cars; an `acquired taste', if you > will. If Giles went to the trouble to find one when he moved to Sunnydale, > he's a real fan, and probably had one back in Britain. He *DOES* need to > get the darn thing worked on, though. An early `70s Citroen is no hot rod, > but it should run a lot better than his does! He should at least have the gears seen to (or maybe he needs to step on the clutch all the way). His shifting sounds painful! As a life-long stick-shift driver, I winced at the sounds his gears were making in that "buy a grown-up car" scene. Ouch. (And I still like the car). Betsy -- Lover of Giles' green-checked shirt *and* his car, dammit! Fanfic Resources: ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 10:19:18 -0400 (EDT) From: Robert Huff Subject: Re: BUFFY: What should they drive? > Xander I can't even guess. Visibly patched 1987 Honda Civic, in some horrible pastel shade.* The available evidence indicated Xander's family is not particularly well off (small income stream, semi-profligate spending habits) and that would be quite appropriate. Robert Huff * - Joke: A driver pulls a car that looks and sounds in even worse shape than Giles up to a toll-booth. Ticket-taker: 65 cents. Driver : Sold! ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 07:19:33 PDT From: "Jessica Austin" Subject: BUFFY: Re: buffy Digest V1 #363 >Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 00:28:00 -0400 (EDT) >From: >Subject: Re: BUFFY: Halloween Rain > >In a message dated 97-10-09 01:49:27 EDT, you write: > ><< Has anyone else read Halloween Rain yet? Don't you guys just love Xander > and Willow's costumes? Definitly not an eskimo. Nowhere near as cozy. >> > >It's out already? > >Kimmy > >Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 01:28:32 +0600 >From: (coop) >Subject: Re: BUFFY: Halloween Rain > > Has anyone else read Halloween Rain yet? Don't you guys just love Xander >> and Willow's costumes? Definitly not an eskimo. Nowhere near as cozy. >> >>It's out already? > >Not yet...accordin to it won't be released until Nov.1....I >woulda thought they'd release it BEFORE Halloween... but then again, >I'm not pullin down big bucks at a publishing company.... Oops. Sorry everyone. I found out I may have gotten an advanced copy that was accidentally sent out to the bookestore where my mom works. I have her on constant Buffy detail and she opened up a box in the back room there were like eight copies just sitting there so she grabbed me one. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 10:20:10 -0700 From: Nazarian@ORIX.COM Subject: Re: BUFFY: Halloween Spoiler Speculation > What if Dru was related to > Angel? He did say he killed all of hius family. Hmm....Sibling Rivalry? That is the best theory I have heard as of yet. (although I would like the Slayer theory to be true) Good memory! She could also be the gypsy girl (I know she doesn't necessarily look like one...) he killed before his soul was restored... so many possibilities. miss hayse ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 10:23:20 -0700 From: Nazarian@ORIX.COM Subject: Re: BUFFY: Willow's type of man > But I think we are missing the point!! Oz finds Willow intriguing for > who she appears to be (since he doesn't know anything about her). Not > like Zander who falls for any beauty who walks by or falls for those >who don't reciprocate. Oz finds Willow attractive in the same way Xander finds those other women attractive (before he knows them)- he sees something that he likes- physical, an attitude.. whatever... it is the same kind of reaction. Think about it- Xander would be in love with Cordelia if his criteria was based soley on looks. (although that specific dynamic may happen...) who knows? miss hayse. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 10:40:32 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Angel's picture (might contain spoilage material) Spoiler? Sorry about before. It had been discussed for a while, and I assumed it was common knowledge what Buffy was wearing for Halloween. I beg forgiveness! :) Please don't turn me over to Spike! I'll be good from now on. I realized about 3 seconds after I sent the message about the Halloween costume of Buffy's that it was probably someone from before Angel was vampirized. My brain was having connection problems that day! I think I got it back online! Also: In a message dated 97-10-09 16:13:16 EDT, wrote: << Once again I'm bringing up my old major of photography...uh, when was photography developed? Not til the mid or late 1800s I what's the deal with a picture? Maybe it's a potrait not a picture. Did you read the stuff right? A picture as in a photograph? >> When was a picture mentioned? The discussion didn't mention a picture that I can recall. It was just stated that she was going as a noblewoman that she thought Angel had been involved with. But then, I could be wrong. It's been known to happen. Not often, but sometimes, . . . okay fine, a lot! (Melissa S. Heckard) "Love makes you do the wacky." Willow, from Some Assembly Required "I wasn't going to use violence. I don't always use violence. Do I?" (Buffy) "The important thing is *you* believe that." (Xander) from Inca Mummy Girl ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 09:39:45 -0500 (CDT) From: "Grace M. Lee" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Invincibility On Fri, 10 Oct 1997, James Bjorkman wrote: (re: Buffy's 'tude in WSWB) > Well, it could be interpreted this way I 'spose, but to me Buffy was > acting carelessly and self-destructively in that episode, not like she was > some Amazon woman. I mean, to me she screamed "I'm troubled," not, > "I'm superior." I agree with you, James. Her kicking-butt-ishness and independence was not really about being superior. She was trying to distance herself from her friends. I think in a large part she was trying to protect herself as well as her friends by pushing them away. That way, she wouldn't have to worry about them getting sucked by a demon-of-the night, and that way she wouldn't have any emotional investment to worry about. It's sorta Zen -- no distractions and focus -- kinda thing. I think she's starting to get over that, though. Giles, Xander, and Willow are in it with her -- good or bad -- and possibly Ms. Calendar and Cordelia as well. We see that there is strength in love and friendship. Spike even said it when he was defeated in "School Hard." Something to the effect that here was a Slayer with help from "friends and a mother!" What a lame excuse. Spike just talks too much to actually get any real killing done ;) glee - ------ Xander: To read makes our speaking English good. - "I Robot, You Jane" Buffy the Vampire Slayer ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 10:58:31 -0700 From: Nazarian@ORIX.COM Subject: Re: BUFFY: Invincibility > Well, it could be interpreted this way I 'spose, but to me Buffy was > acting carelessly and self-destructively in that episode, not like she >was some Amazon woman. I mean, to me she screamed "I'm troubled," not, > "I'm superior." I agree with this, although "Smurf's" take on it is just as valid. She was doing both- except that one was the cause and one was the symptom. She was troubled- therefore she acted superior. But Bjorkman is right, there was a lot more going on than just that superiority act- "this is slayer stuff".... it was plain old full throttle alienation from everyone, which is what being the slayer is all about anyhow. > maybe as a result having *herself* get trapped somewhere and being > saved by the others, with each of them demonstrating their special >skills > (even Cordelia) you really love Cordelia, don't you? I agree with this as well, although it has a cheesy ring to it. I know they could pull it off- and as we've seen in the past, Xander has stood up and taken the challenge many a time (and sometimes succeeded). But seeing Buffy in direct peril... hmmm..I'd like to see Giles in there. One of my pet peeves is that he is always unconsious when the fighting starts (except PG). I'd like to see him actually kill something- throw some holy water on a vampire.. something. He is too much of a WATCHER, in my opinion. (but yes, I think we will see Cordelia beating some bad guy with a nice Italian stiletto very soon) miss hayse ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 11:19:07 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: shared moment In a message dated 97-10-10 04:02:57 EDT, you write: << Everybody who writes her gets on of those. It's cool, isn't it? I have one myself. But I've never heard of any of the other cast responding. Anybody have a case where they got response from someone other than Sarah? >> Ummm...Not everyone gets one. I wrote to SMG, too. I recieved no response. I attribute it to her hectic work schedule. I mean, it's not her job to return my letters. I do think that it's great that the cast seems to respond to as much mail as they do. Once again, I do not have that picture y'all are referring to. Would someone scan it, and e-mail it to me privately? Please? - -----Smurf Smurf Keeper of Buffy's Faith ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 10:34:59 -0500 From: Klio Subject: BUFFY: Buffy FAQ 1/4 It's that time of, okay, I can't remember the last time I reposted the FAQ to the list. So stake me. Here it is; corrections welcome, flames ignored. - --kg ***** * Moo! Moo I say! Buffy FAQ Buffy the Vampire Slayer Frequently Asked Questions v4.1 I: The Basics A. What is BtVS? What's the difference between the movie and the tv series? B. Where can I find it? C. Who is...? D. How many episodes are there? E. No, many episodes are there? F. How do I contact the show? G. Why does WGN keep preempting BtVS? H. Who did that song...? I. Is there any Buffy merchandise? J. When does the new season start? II: Fandom A. I want to discuss the show! Where do I go? B. I want to talk with other fans. What should I do? C. Where can I find Buffy fan fiction? D. What do those acronyms mean? E. What is a Keeper? How do I become one? F. How do I support the show? G. I want to be an extra! III: Buffyverse (warning: SPOILERS!) A. How do I become a vamp? I *want* Buffy to put a stake in my heart! B. What is the Master's problem? C. Who is that Angel guy? Why is he such a downer? D. Why is Giles a "watcher?" E. Hey! That's not right...! (a.k.a. Nitpicker's Corner) F. Tell me more! IV: The Actors Sarah Michelle Gellar Nicholas Brendon Alyson Hannigan Charisma Carpenter Anthony Stewart Head David Boreanaz Marc Metcalf Julie Benz Eric Balfour Brian Thompson Joss Whedon V: FAQ Credits I. The Basics A. What is BtVS? What's the difference between the movie and the TV Series? Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a one hour television drama based on the 1992 film of the same name. Buffy Summers is a 16-year-old high school student who has recently moved to Sunnydale, CA, with her mother. She is also the Slayer, the one woman from each generation who is chosen to fight vampires, led in Sunnydale by the evil Master Vampire. Buffy is trained by Rupert Giles, her Watcher, who has taken a position as librarian at the high school. She is also, aided by Willow and Xander, two school friends. The 1992 film starred Kristy Swanson as bouncy Buffy, Donald Sutherland as Merrick the Watcher, and Luke Perry as teen slacker Pike. The Movie was set in Sunnyvale, CA, which was experiencing teenager disapperances, thanks to an infestation of Vampires sired by Lothos (Rutger Hauer), a Master Vampire. Paul Ruebens (aka PeeWee Herman) made a memorable performance as Lothos's son and right-hand vampire, Amilyn. The TV Series seems to pick up after the Movie, with Buffy moving to Sunnydale, CA, due to repercussions at her old high school and the divorce of her parents. However, exact continuity between the series and the movie has not been confirmed (among other things, it is well known in the series that the school gym at Buffy's previous school burned down; this did not happen in the movie). The TV series is less campy and has a darker, more suspenseful tone than the Movie. B. Where can I find it? BtVS is currently broadcast in the United States on the WB (Warner Brothers) network. The WB may be carried on various stations depending on your local broadcasting schedule. You are most likely to find WB programming on Chicago's WGN and its national feed. BtVS is regularly scheduled on Monday nights at 9 pm eastern/8 pm central. Times are VERY subject to change. Check your local listings. In Canada, BtVS is broadcast on YTV at 7:30 Friday night, and 7 pm on Saturday; it is also broadcast on 'The New VR' in Southern Ontario at Monday, 9 pm, and on ASN in Atlantic Canada at 10:30 pm Atlantic time. C. Who is...? Buffy Summers: Sarah Michelle Gellar Alexander "Xander" Harris: Nicholas Brendon Willow Rosenberg: Alyson Hannigan Cordelia Chase: Charisma Carpenter Rupert Giles: Anthony Stewart Head Angel: David Boreanaz Joyce Summers (Buffy's mom): Kristine Sutherland Master Vampire: Marc Metcalf Luke: Brian Thompson Darla: Julie Benz Jesse: Eric Balfour Principal Flutie: Ken Lerner She-Mantis: Musetta Vander Principal Snyder: Armin Shimerman Ms. Calendar: Robia LaMorte Annointed One: Andrew J. Ferchland Hank Summers (Buffy's dad): Dean Butler Owen: Christopher Wiehl Spike: James Marsters Drusilla: Juliet Landau Oz: Seth Green Creator and Executive Producer: Joss Whedon D. How many episodes are there? In the first season, twelve one-hour episodes of BtVS were filmed; a full slate of 22 episodes has been ordered for the second season. The first two episodes of the series were shown together as the two hour pilot. Episode titles are followed by the first US airdate (MM/DD/YY) Pilot: Welcome to the Hellmouth and The Harvest 03/10/97 The Witch 03/17/97 Teacher's Pet 03/25/97 Never Kill a Boy on the First Date 03/31/97 The Pack 04/07/97 Angel 04/14/97 I, Robot--You, Jane 04/28/97 The Puppet Show 05/05/97 Nightmares 05/12/97 Invisible Girl (a.k.a. Out of Mind, Out of Sight) 05/19/97 Prophecy Girl 05/26/97 Second Season When She Was Bad 09/15/97 Some Assembly Required 09/22/97 School Hard 09/29/97 Inca Mummy Girl 10/06/97 Reptile Boy The official episode guide can be found at For an unofficial episode guide, go to E. No, really--how many episodes are there? Contrary to popular myth, there is no lost 12th (or 13th or 14th) first season episode of Buffy languishing in Joss Whedon's vault. As a midseason replacement, Buffy only aired for 12 hours, the first two hours of which (WTTH and HARVEST) aired as the pilot. So technically there were 11 episodes in the first season. F. How do I contact the show? To write to an actor on BtVS, send mail to Actor's name c/o Buffy the Vampire Slayer c/o WB Television Network 4000 Warner Blvd. Burbank CA 91522 Joss Whedon and Alyson Hannigan both make appearances on the Bronze board at the Official Buffyslayer site. In addition, various members of the cast have appeared in Star Chats there. You may also contact Scott Woodard, the "Voice of WB," at or G. Why does WGN keep preempting BtVS? WGN preempts Buffy in order to show baseball, which they believe gets better ratings. Let them know that you would rather watch Buffy by calling at (773) 528-2311, faxing at (773) 528-6857, or writing to WGN TV 2501 West Bradley Place Chicago IL 60618 and remember to thank them for carrying Buffy! (continued in part 2) ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 10:39:40 -0500 From: Klio Subject: BUFFY: Buffy FAQ 3/4 F. How do I support the show? Write, write, and write some more! Real pen and paper letters mean more to networks than email, so buy stamps now. Most importantly, tell the network and sponsors *why* you enjoy Buffy and thank them politely for supporting it. Here are a few addresses to get you started: WB Television Network 4000 Warner Blvd Burbank CA 91522 Garth Ancier, President WB Television Network 3701 Oak Street, Bldg 34R, Rm 178 Burbank CA 91522 WGN TV 2501 W. Bradley Place Chicago IL 60618 UltimateTV 15821 Ventura Blvd. Suite 410 Encino CA 91436 G. I want to be an extra on the show! Don't we all. However, all of the first season episodes have been filmed. In order to appear on the show, study acting for a number of years, audition for many bit parts, maybe win an Emmy on a daytime drama...Just kidding. Most of the extras are from Torrence, California, where the school scenes are filmed, or are hired from agencies. Posting to the Bronze board, on newsgroups, or to the mailing list will not h*lp, alas. III. Buffyverse (note: SPOILERS AHOY!) A. How do I become a vamp? I *want* Buffy to put a stake in my heart! According to Buffy, "To make a vampire, they have to suck your blood. And then you have to suck their blood. It's like a whole big sucking thing." (WTTH) Buffyverse vampires are the vestiges of Demons who walked the earth in the age before Man (or even WoMan SlaYer). When one becomes a vampire, one's body is taken over by a Demon, and one becomes one without conscience, remorse, or fashion sense. (WTTH) B. What is the Master's problem? The Master Vampire came to Sunnydale, more aptly known as the Hellmouth, some sixty years ago to open a portal between this reality and the next. Unfortunately, he tried his little experiment at the same time that an earthquake swallowed half of the town--and him with it (HARVEST). Now he's stuck halfway in the portal, unable to break free and leave the underground (but he's got lots of groovy minions to rampage topside on his behalf). Second season note: the Master's real problem is that he's dead. Bummer. C. Who is that Angel guy? Why is he such a downer? The dark and brooding Angel is a vampire with a curse. When he chomped a Romani maiden ("Beautiful. Dumb as a post. A favorite among her clan....") her clan placed a curse on Angel: he regained his soul, but remains trapped in vampire form (ANGEL). Though he and Buffy have agreed that Slayers and Vampires can't date, they continue to cast meaningful glances at one another. Second season note: this resolution *not* to have a relationship seems to have flown out the window like the proverbial non-Buffyverse vampire bat. D. Why is Giles a "watcher?" Slayers and Watchers come in matched pairs. According to the Movie, Slayers and Watchers are reincarnations of their previous counterparts, but Giles himself has mentioned that his father and paternal grandmother were Watchers before him (NKABOTFD). His task is to train the Slayer; fortunately for Buffy, she's already more adept than her tutor (PACK, ANGEL, etc). E. Hey! That's not right...! Was that a picture of Giles that Willow had in her locker in "Angel"? - --Yes, it was a picture of Giles and Willow. But as far as the producers are concerned, Willow does not keep a picture of our favorite librarian in her locker. So it was just a figment of your imagination. Exactly when is Buffy's birthday? - --Buffy's birthday has been mentioned on the show three times, once as 6 May 1979, once as 24 October 1980, and once as simply 1981 (Nightmares). Joss Whedon says that the 1981 date is correct. What is with those library doors? (thanks to Susan A. for pointing this out) - --Apparently Giles has been remodeling the library in his spare time. In WTTH, the library doors swing into the library. In "Puppet Show" they swing out into the hallway and the handles are now on the outside of the doors, though in "Angel" the handles were on the inside. Does Buffy take several changes of clothes with her to school? (thanks to Sarah for this one) - --In WSWB, Buffy's apparent identity crisis seems to be playing itself out in her wardrobe as well. As she rides to school with her Mom, Buffy's decked in a pink tank top with black pants. In the next scene at the school with Willow and Xander, Buffy's changed into a white tank top with green pants (that California sun does fade the colors so!). Later, when her friends are discussing whether Buffy is possessed, Buffy has changed back into her pink top and black pants. F. Tell me more! Buffy's address is 1630 Revello Drive. Her mother's name is Joyce, and her father's name is Hank. The show was originally going to be called "Slayer" The school scenes were filmed at Torrance High School, Torrance, California. The show is produced by Twentieth Century Fox, Sandollar Television and Kuzui Enterprises. Special effects are done by Area51/Optic Nerve Studios Music by: Walter Murphy Costume design by: Susanna Puisto Casting by: Marcia Shulman ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 08:39:10 PDT From: "femme fatale" Subject: Re: BUFFY: XMission Shirts How can I order the shirt? Thu Ngo Co-keeper of Oz's guitar Keeper of Oz's guitar pick, and Xander's closeness with Willow (that only two lifelong friends can share) ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 10:41:08 -0500 From: Klio Subject: BUFFY: Buffy FAQ 4/4 IV. The Actors "Buffy Summers": Sarah Michelle Gellar Sarah Michelle Gellar, born 14 April 1977 in New York City, was probably best known before Buffy for her Emmy-award-winning work on "All My Children" from 1993 to 1995 as Kendall Hart, the daughter of Erica Kane, and her role as Sydney Rutledge on "Swans Crossing." Her other television credits include the miniseries "A Woman Called Jackie" (1991), the television movie "Invasion of Privacy," as well as guest appearances on "Guiding Light" and "Spenser for Hire." She has appeared on stage in San Diego in "Jake's Women" and in New York in "The Widow Claire." Her feature film appearances include "High Stakes," "Over the Brooklyn Bridge," and "Funny Farm," and the soon to be released films "I Know What You Did Last Summer" and "Scream 2." Ms. Gellar is a student of Tae Kwan Do. "Alexander 'Xander' Harris": Nicholas Brendon Nicholas Brendon, whose birthday is 12 April, has appeared previously on television in guest spots on "Married...With Children" and "Dave's World." He appeared in "Children of the Corn III" and his stage appearances include "The Further Adventures of Tom Sawyer," "My Own Private Hollywood," and "Out of Gas at Lover's Leap." He has a twin brother, Kelly. "Willow Rosenberg": Alyson Hannigan Alyson Hannigan, born in Washington D. C. in April 1974, spent her early years in show business doing commercials, but moved to Los Angeles at the age of eleven. She played the daughter in "My Stepmother is an Alien" in 1988, and her television appearances include "The Stranger Beside Me" (1995), "Switched at Birth" (1991), a recurring role on "Almost Home" and guest spots on "Picket Fences," "Roseanne," and "Touched By an Angel." She has recently filmed "Dead Man on Campus," a film to be released soon. "Cordelia Chase": Charisma Carpenter Born 23 July, Charisma Carpenter is a native of Las Vegas. She trained in dance and gymnastics, and worked as a "Charger Girl" for the San Diego Chargers in 1991 before appearing in commercials and a guest spot on "Baywatch." Most recently, she starred as Ashley Green on "Malibu Shores," and appeared in the film "Timemaster." On stage, she has appeared in "Welcome Home Soldier" and "No, No Nanette." "Rupert Giles": Anthony Stewart Head A British actor best known in the United States from his recurring role in Taster's Choice coffee commercials, he co-starred in the short-lived and much missed (hint hint hint) series "VR.5" as Oliver Sampson. He has appeared in "Highlander," "NYPD Blue" and "The Detectives," on television, and in the films "Lady Chatterly's Lover" (1981), "Prayer for the Dying" (1987) and "Royce" (1994). He has also starred onstage in "Rocky Horror Picture Show," "Danton's Death," "Henry V" and "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead" among other productions. He is the brother of Murray Head. "Angel": David Boreanaz David Boreanaz has appeared in the films "Best of the Best II" and "Aspen Extreme," and the television show "Married...With Children." He is currently 27. "Master Vampire": Marc Metcalf Marc Metcalf has appeared numerous times on television, including a recurring role as the Maestro on "Seinfeld" and the miniseries "A Woman Named Jackie" (1991). He has also appeared in the films "The Stupids" (1996) and "Animal House" (1978) as Douglas C. Neidermeyer. "Darla": Julie Benz Ms. Benz has appeared in the films "Inventing the Abbotts" (1997), "Hi Honey, I'm Home," and "Two Evil Eyes" (1990). "Jesse": Eric Balfour Eric Balfour has appeared in the television movies "No One Would Tell" (1996) and "Bloodlines: Murder in the Family" (1993), as well as a regular appearance on the show "Kids Incorporated." "Luke": Brian Thompson Brian Thompson's television and film credits are extensive, including roles in many notable science fiction and fantasy productions. He has appeared as an alien killer on "The X-Files" episodes "Colony," "End Game," "Talitha Cumi" and "Herrenvolk," as Klag in "Star Trek the Next Generation"'s "A Matter of Honor", as well as in "Deep Space Nine," "Kindred: The Embraced," and "Hercules: The Legendary Journeys." His film credits include "Dragonheart" (1996), "Alien Nation" (1988), and "The Terminator" (1984). Creator and Executive Producer: Joss Whedon Joss Whedon has played a part in many of the most popular movies of the 90's, as writer in "Toy Story" (1995), "Waterworld" (1995), "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" (1992) and uncredited work in "Twister" (1996) and "Speed" (1994). Most recently, he has contributed to "Alien Resurrection" (1997). V. FAQ Credits The FAQ may be found online at The BtVS FAQ is maintained by Cagey (}. Thanks to TV James for the miniFAQ which got us started. The following people have also contributed to the FAQ: Hendu the Wonder FAQ Pal, Sharon, Betsy Vera, Maureen Wynn, Leslie Remencus, Kira Chistiakoff, Pat Moss, BioHaz, Augie De Blieck, Jr., Tom Simpson, Sonja Marie, Seth Kaufman, Trevor the Starlet Priest, Brenda, Susan A., Alan "Anime Nut" Hufana, Violet Starr, Elaine, X-Lander, Scott Woodard, Lady Elendil, Brenda again :), Roselyn/SugarHI614, Joloam, Pamela Hodermann, Raven626, Lori Wellborns, John E. (a Julie Benz fan!), Titania, Dalton Spence, Molly, Aliesha, Peter Miller, LAmY411, Lawless, Ariel, James Lamb, Andre Spritzer, Shannon Sullivan, Lisa Rose. Special thanks to Joseph Northcott and Sharon for technical assistance! Last updated 09 October 1997 Please send suggestions, additions, corrections to ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 11:40:49 -0400 (EDT) From: Robert Huff Subject: Re: BUFFY: Invincibility > (but yes, I think we will see Cordelia beating some bad guy > with a nice Italian stiletto very soon) I suspect Cordelia's rather less the cream-puff in this regard than many think. She doesn't have Buffy's combat training, but she's a cheerleader which means she's in good general shape. And if Willow can pick up the bust* (in "School Hard") and use it with agility to whap a vampire, then Cordelia - who probably swings a passable tennis racket - would have no trouble using improvised weapons either. Robert Huff * - A cubic foot of brass weighs about 500 pounds. Which makes me ask: who is this person, and what have they done with Willow? ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 11:44:13 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: IMG's clothes Well if they were not there when Ampatta was there then how did she get the real Ampatta in the trunk? You see..Her stuff had to be somewhere around the place.... Jason Martinez Keeper of Buffy's Little Stake Keeper of Willow's Computer Keeper of Joyce's Sports Utility Vehicle Keeper of the Annointed One's Cage Keeper of Spike's Boots "No Spike, It's going to hurt alot......"..Buffy, School Hard ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 11:59:02 -0400 From: CORDELIA Subject: Re: BUFFY: Don't forget to VOTE In a show like this, the writers have to have those extra characters who balance out the show. That's what Cordelia, the Principle, Ms. Calender, and Angel do. They are the supporting cast, and they take some of the pressure off of Buffy, Xander and WIllow. I personally think that the way things are right now is how they should stay. ****************************** Buffy the Vampire Slayer Monday 9:00p.m. on the WB network "You know, we've never really been close, which is nice because I don't really like you that much." Cordelia Chase to Buffy Summers ****************************** ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 12:28:17 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: What should they drive? In a message dated 97-10-10 09:58:39 EDT, Dave Templar write: << He *DOES* need to get the darn thing worked on, though. An early `70s Citroen is no hot rod, but it should run a lot better than his does! >> So true, but for a short while (early '80s?) Citroen teamed with Maserati and came up with a nice little rocket. Burt Reynolds drove one in, I believe, "Gator". I like your idea of Willow in a Bug, especially since they're still very popular here in Southern California (and Sunnydale IS in SoCal, after all), and a bright yellow one would be cute, like her. An earlier suggestion had been for Buffy to drive a GTO ragtop, but I think this is more a Xander-mobile, although an Alfa Romeo GTV would be cool for him too. I'd rather see Buffy in a white Rabbit Cabriolet. I don't know why, but my guy friends and I have noticed that 99.9% of the Rabbit Cabriolets in the LA area are driven by very pretty young women, (this is a good thing!) a category that Buffy fits into very well indeed. Cordelia has BMW written all over her, but I think something a bit sexier would suit her even better. I'd give her the keys to a red Alfa Romeo Spider Veloce (yes, I like Italian cars, what's your point?), although she would most likely prefer a new Mercedes SLK (leather seats and all). ObBuffy: If the gang is all the same age, how come the only one we've seen driving a car is Cordelia? Is Sunnydale so small that they all get around nicely on foot? Mike ( Keeper of Buffy's little white teddy bear & beeper Keeper of Little Buffy's Bubblegum Pink Bicycle Keeper of Cordelia's gym bag & Polynesian Sarong (and the Cordelia Keeper's Page - "You know, we've never really been close, which is nice because I don't really like you that much." Cordelia Chase to Buffy Summers, WSWB ------------------------------ End of buffy Digest V1 #364 *************************** To subscribe to buffy Digest, send the command: subscribe buffy-digest in the body of a message to "". 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