From: (buffy Digest) To: Subject: buffy Digest V1 #395 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: buffy Digest Saturday, October 25 1997 Volume 01 : Number 395 In this issue: BUFFY: Keeper address BUFFY: being Moved BUFFY: note to list administator BUFFY: Inca Mummy Re: BUFFY: First time poster Re: BUFFY: Buffy's Birthday BUFFY: Angel musings Re: BUFFY: Angel musings Re: BUFFY: Angel musings Re: BUFFY: Inca Mummy BUFFY: Buffy and Xander and Laura and Murphy Re: BUFFY: Entertainment Weekly (Oct. 31)-Spike & Dru (longish) Re: BUFFY: Entertainment Weekly (Oct. 31)-Spike & Dru (longish) Re: BUFFY: Entertainment Weekly 10/31- Buffalicious BUFFY: Buffy's arrival in Sunnydale (was: Buffy's Birthday) Re: BUFFY: Buffy's arrival in Sunnydale (was: Buffy's Birthday) BUFFY: Buffy Article in NY Times BUFFY: HALLOWEEN SPOILER FROM SEVENTEEN ONLINE Re: BUFFY: Buffy's arrival in Sunnydale (was: Buffy's Birthday) Re: BUFFY: Buffy Article in NY Times BUFFY:hottest BUFFY: DARLA SIGHTING!!! Re: BUFFY: DARLA SIGHTING!!! Re: BUFFY: Buffy Trivia Question in NY Times Re: BUFFY: David B. Trivia Question in NY Times Fwd: BUFFY: Angel musings Re: BUFFY: Buffy Article in NY Times BUFFY: Halloween ep w/who is in it Re: BUFFY: Buffy Trivia Question in NY Times BUFFY: n.y. times BUFFY: n.y. times BUFFY: SMG in Soap Mag BUFFY: Spike/Buffy photo! Re: BUFFY: Buffy Article in NY Times See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 17:43:56 -0700 From: "DONALD S FELTNER JR" Subject: BUFFY: Keeper address I like like the address of the keeper page for Cordelia ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 20:49:42 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: being Moved >it ranked 144th out of 155 shows last season. The biggest problem may be its lead->in, 7th Heaven, a wholesome family drama aimed at viewers who think "camp" is >something you do in the woods. "That isn't the best matchup," admits >entertainment president Garth Ancier, who expects to transplant Buffy to Tuesdays >when The WB starts programming that night in January. I got this of of the world wide web it is a piece of a review of BtVS... I put it here because I guess the rumour about BtVS being moved to Tuesdays is true ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 17:52:21 -0700 From: "DONALD S FELTNER JR" Subject: BUFFY: note to list administator I am being bombarded with requests for the pictures of David and Charisma I have from AZ funfest. The pictures I took myself were awful but I have the publicity pictures they signed. Is it permissable to post these to the whole list. Sorry to take up your time. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 20:58:04 -0400 (EDT) From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?=22Michael_A._Ch=E1vez=22?= Subject: BUFFY: Inca Mummy Hi everyone!!!!! Couple of weeks ago I saw BtVS; this one episode of the Inca mummy, and you know what!! It really amazed me, because, well maybe many of you don't know but this mummy is real, OK, ok, don't think I'm crazy, let me tell you, two years ago it was discovered in Peru in a place called Ampato a frozen mummy which is called "La Dama de Ampato" the literal translation is "The lady of Ampato". Well this mummy was exhibited in a lot of museums in the USA, and his autopsy was made in Maryland. Well the thing is that everything I saw in that episode could be associated with this mummy; and that takes me to one point: That for making that episode it was a big work collecting all kind of info they needed, so it means that BtVS is a very seriously and well made series. Well and for me it was a very big surprise to see that episode; regrettably I missed one tiny part in the beginning, but since than I always sit ten minutes before nine for watching BtVS. I hope they will repeat that episode one day to see it complete. Bye for now!!! MchM ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 19:55:45 PDT From: "Ximenita Gonzalez" Subject: Re: BUFFY: First time poster (Marzee Eckhoff) wrote >1. What is the black cat's name that is shown in the opening credits. Has it been in many ep's? The cat in the opening credits was only in one ep. It was in The Witch when Buffy and Giles were in the attic of the witch's house. >2. Anyone out there with theories about the principal? In the Spike episode, he talked to a policeman about keeping everything quiet. This was discussed on the list a few weeks ago. I think you might be able to get a back digest but I'm relatively new to the list so I 'm not sure how to do it. >3. Do we know how Angel became a vampire? Not yet. He is 241 years old though. >4. I noticed in last night's episode, the voice over in the very beginning ("evry generation there is a slayer..." wasn't Giles, like in this season. Did Giles just start this season? he did just start saying the voice over this season > Ximenita Gonzalez Keeper of Willow's nightmare about singing on stage and nothing coming out ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 23:01:25 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy's Birthday I don't know who wrote this, it was listed as unknown sender >> Oh the possibilities are endless on that one. I can't see how Joss >> could resist. It would be great just to see what birthday presents that >> various series regulars get for her. >I would personally love to see what Angel would get her :)< Maybe a Seasonal Pass to ChippenDavids? Sorry, couldn't resist. Brittany Keeper of Xander's Ice Cream Cone ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 21:37:28 -0600 (MDT) From: Kerowyn Subject: BUFFY: Angel musings Miss Hayse was talking about how they might or might not handle any kind of intimate situation between Angel and Buffy, and it got me thinking. Their talk in the graveyard led me to believe that Angel doesn't want to get too close to Buffy because he's afraid he'll lose control and bite her. I've been doing my research and in the original Dracula by Bram Stoker, the Dracmeister turns innocent women into vampires by feeding on them multiple times. I've also read Fred Saberhagen's books, and he depicts Dracula as a nice guy, who feeds on women but doesn't take enough to hurt them. Makes me wonder if it would be possible for Angel to do the same thing, feed off Buffy but not enough to hurt her. I doubt it would ever happen. I mean, he wouldn't want to bite her at all, and she's scared enough she'll turn into a vampire already. To get really nit-picky, what if she accidentaly bit him back and vamped out? Personally I like what they are doing on the show with the sexual tension, enough that it is an item. Although I'd love to see them live happily ever after, I don't think it's going to happen. *sigh* About the Angel money thing, it reminds me of Highlander, the movie and the show. Back before all-night ATM's, vampires could have had agents, servants, lawyers, that kind of thing, to represent them at the bank. A vampire who knows what he's doing could invest a little and then come back a hundred or so years later to collect. Or they could just steal it, like Amanda on Highlander the series. Maybe Angel could just work the night shift? Anyway, I think he's got a hoard stashed someplace. But that's just my opinion. Back to brainstorm fanfic... Kero Sometimes all you need is that second chance, and it's the only thing you're not going to get. Kerowyn carrm@ucsu.Colorado.EDU Keeper of Giles' Broadsword ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 23:14:33 -0600 From: (Katie Masters) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Angel musings > in the original Dracula by Bram Stoker, the Dracmeister turns innocent >women >into vampires by feeding on them multiple times. I've also read >Fred Saberhagen's >books, and he depicts Dracula as a nice guy, who feeds on women but >doesn't take enough to hurt them. This could never work because in Buffyverse you have to fed off them and it doesn't matter if you bite them 1,000,000 times. >Makes me wonder if it would be possible for Angel to do the same >thing, feed off Buffy but not enough to hurt her. I doubt it would ever >happen. I mean, he wouldn't want to bite her at all, and she's scared >enough she'll turn into a vampire already. Even if he barely brushed her with his teeth, it'd freak her out so bad she would turn around and stake him. He's lucky he's stayed alive this long. I mean, I'm a huge fan of their relationship, but it's obvious she's scared of him and if he did something that stupid, Xander, Willow and Giles would help her kill him. *KATIE* Keeper of Buffy's Past Popularity and Nail Polish and Keeper of Cordelia's Stakes Angel's Proud Adoptive Mother Guardian Angel of Spike's feeling of rejection from Angel "When you kiss me I want to die." -Buffy, "Reptile Boy" ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 22:37:09 PDT From: "femme fatale" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Angel musings >I've been doing my research and in the original >Dracula by Bram Stoker, the Dracmeister turns innocent women into vampires >by feeding on them multiple times. Actually, that's not true. I had to read this for class, so we agonizingly analyzed every bit of the book, and what it doesn't tell you is that when Dracula is feeding on Lucy, she is "hypnotized" so that she drinks some of HIS blood too. You just don't know that until they describe how he turns Mina into a sort of vampire. So, no, Angel can't turn Buffy into a vamp by biting her a lot. Actually, it's not the biting that turns people into vamps, it's the bloodsucking. And yeah, Angel can take enough not to hurt her. And actually, Buffy can take a little of HIS blood without vamping out (so long as she doesn't DIE), cuz the traces of his blood would eventually disappear from her bloodstream (according to LJ Smith's The Vampire Diaries). Sorry if this was a little OT. But it IS vampire related. Thu Ngo Co-keeper of Oz's guitar, Keeper of Oz's guitar pick, Xander's closeness with Willow, Angel's look of heartbreaking pain when he sees Buffy with Xander, Angel's impeccable timing, Guardian Angel of Spike's former respect for Angel ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 22:55:10 -0700 From: Lisa Rose Subject: Re: BUFFY: Inca Mummy At 08:58 PM 10/24/97 -0400, "Michael A. Ch=E1vez" wrote: >I saw BtVS; this one episode of the Inca mummy, and you know what...this= mummy=20 >is real, two years ago it was discovered in Peru in a place called Ampato= a=20 >frozen mummy which is called "La Dama de Ampato" the literal translation is= =20 >"The lady of Ampato". Well this mummy was exhibited in a lot of museums in= the USA After I read your post, I did a search on it. Here are a couple of interesting pages about her, the "Ice Maiden of Mt. Ampato" who was offered as a human sacrifice by the Incas 500 years ago: From the second one, you can even download a Quicktime movie of=20 Hillary Clinton standing next to the mummy and talking about her. It seems pretty likely the Mt. Ampato mummy was the episode writer's=20 inspiration for our BtVS mummy girl. Thus, "Ampata" is probably also the=20 right spelling for the character's name too, since that is the feminine=20 of Ampato. So why was the original male exchange student named=20 Ampata (and not Ampato)? "Ampata" would be a girl's name in Spanish. Interestingly, the real-life mummy girl has been knicknamed, "Juanita" Lisa ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 25 Oct 1997 00:16:43 -0500 (CDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: Buffy and Xander and Laura and Murphy OK, who already knows what I'm gonna say just by the title? Show of hands? I was re-watching Prophecy Girl with a friend, and was suddenly struck by how *many* parallels there are between the scene where Xander finally tells Buffy he loves her and the scene in an episode of _Remington Steele_ (To Stop A Steele) where Murphy tells Laura he loves her. Not just the subject, the dialog (paraphrasing: Xander: "Well, at least you're not laughing. That's a start." Murphy: "You're confused. That's OK. At least you're not disgusted or turned off. Confusion is an emotion, right? And who knows where emotion can take us?"), the 'tone', the set-up for the scene, the way the women in question react, etc. And of course there's the obvious parallel between the Xander-Angel rivalry and the Murphy-Steele rivalry (Good Average Guy vs. Dark Mysterious Stranger with Evil Past). Although Willow is *nothing* like either Bernice or Mildred. Did anyone else notice this? I don't remember it being mentioned when the show first aired. And I also noticed some time ago that Gareth Davies is/was involved in both shows, as a producer, IIRC. Coincidence? Diane E "There's a demon in the internet." Giles to Ms. Callender, _I Robot, You Jane_ # D Echelbarger # # WWW HomePage: # ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 21:47:17 +0000 From: (Cosgrove, Teresa) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Entertainment Weekly (Oct. 31)-Spike & Dru (longish) Well for all those who aren't like me and willing to run off to the mini-mart at 10pm to grab a copy of EW just for the sole reason that I really like Spike & Dru I decided to give you all the play by play.. So here's the interview with Spike & Dru. I laughed all the way through the silly thing. ^_^ There's a few very minor spoilers, so beware. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Hope that's enough space, but just in case.. 8 9 10 Okay here's the interview... EW: Who were you in previous lives? DRU: I ws a lady. I had ribbons and servants and all sorts of wonderful friends. Later on I ate them all. SPIKE: I don't like to talk about it. I was human. That's embarrassing enough. EW: How old are you? DRU: I'm 6 years old today. Daddy is bringing me sweetmeats from the shop because he loves me, and I will have a new doll. SPIKE: Dru, I think she means now, love. [To EW] She gets distracted. Dru's secretive about her age- I gotta be 150 by now. EW: How did you meet? DRU: I made my little Spike...didn't I, love? SPIKE: She did. Pulled me right off the street. The moment I saw my Dru, I knew I'd love her 'til I died- which I did about three minutes later. EW: What skills do you bring to your profession? SPIKE: I'm very good at gouging. Eyes mostly. You don't see a lot of good gougers lately-it's pretty well a lost art. EW: Do you go to movies? If so, what genre do you favor? SPIKE: I like the real horrifying, can't-look-it's-too-awful kind. You know, like On Golden Pond. Kathrine Hepburn saying, "You're my knight in shining armor"--I had to hide behind my seat! EW: Spike, you have a rather punk fashion sense. Where do you get your clothes? SPIKE: I wear what I find. Robbing your victims means never having to do laundry. DRU: Sometimes I hear whispers in my ear, and I dream that I'll bathe in the moon. SPIKE: That's nice, Dru. Try to stay with us. EW: Spike, you've made some disparaging remarks about Anne Rice--did you read Interview With the Vampire? SPIKE: Didn't read it, but we liked the flick. What was all the rumpus about Tommy Cruise as a vampire? He was a lot better than Gary I-have-crossed-oceans-of-time-to-be-with-you Oldman. Now, that flick was a wash. There's none of us vampires that poncey. EW: What music do you prefer? Are you big Portishead fans? SPIKE: Portishead? They are so depressing. Live a little, people! Me, I like the Butthole Surfers-anything where people use chainsaws as an instrument. EW: What's up with Dru's doll collection? DRU: I've always had my dollies. They're my friends, and I punish them. EW: Do you collect anything, Spike? SPIKE: It'll sound corny, but I'd have to say I collect memories. A long, interesting life with happy memories is better than any possession. I remember one of my favorite times, me and Dru were slaughtering this orphanage... EW: I'm sorry. We're out of time. ********************************************************************** That's it. Although I thought Angel made Spike...hmmm... - --Andrea-- Member of GASPers Keeper of Giles' Naviety Guardian Angel of Spike's love for Drusilla and Visa Versa ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 23:26:29 -0700 From: Charles Schultz Subject: Re: BUFFY: Entertainment Weekly (Oct. 31)-Spike & Dru (longish) Just in case... >1 >2 >3 >4 >5 >6 >7 >Hope that's enough space, but just in case.. >8 >9 >10 >That's it. Although I thought Angel made Spike...hmmm... It sounded like that in SH, but if you take the alternate definition of sire and Spike's "You were my Yoda", then you get the unmistakable conclusion that Dru is actually the Obi-Wan figure here. She turns the guys (or at least Spike) into vampires and then hands them over to Angel (Yoda) to hone their skills. At least that's the way it looks right now, who knows, next week might change everything. Overall, I thought that "interview" was very entertaining. Dru off in her own little world, Spike "Robbing your victims means never having to do laundry". I'm gonna miss these guys when their time finally comes. Charles (yes, I know it's ugly) "You're a vampire. Oh, I'm sorry. Is that an offensive term? Should I have said undead-american?" - Buffy ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 25 Oct 1997 10:03:44 -0400 (EDT) From: Susan Cho Yuk Subject: Re: BUFFY: Entertainment Weekly 10/31- Buffalicious I must say we have some great friends at EW head offices. The Oct. 31 Power issues was full of references to Buffy. Besides the interview, there's a story on horror stories and it mentions SMG. The running sidebar on what you would do if you were the most powerful person in Hollywood has a sweet quote from Jerry O'Connell ["Get a date with SMG"] and one from SMG herself ["Four day workweeks for everybody"] In the Hollywood buzzwords sidebar, it has the buzz word "New Flavor: A variation on Flavor of the Month. Ex. Get that guy from Buffy in, he's the new flavor. The sidebar next to the interview with Spike and Dru is a called Slayer-Speak and has a couple of Buffyisms. Funny stuff. And last, but not least. Buffy made the What to Watch on Monday again. Wow. All I have to say is EW needs to keep it up. Susan ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 25 Oct 1997 10:37:40 -0500 (CDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: Buffy's arrival in Sunnydale (was: Buffy's Birthday) On Thu, 23 Oct 1997, Kerowyn wrote: >I know the series didn't exactly start in August when the >school year started, but I was under the impression that she showed up >pretty close to the beginning of the school year. *deep breath* Um, no, she didn't. Or, rather, if Giles (and the prophecies) know anything about basic astronomy, she couldn't have. Y'see, in _The Harvest_ Giles specifically said (quoting the prophecies) that the Harvest takes place on the crescent moon (which roughly correlates with the new moon) after the solstice. The solstices are in mid-June (midsummer day) and mid-December (midwinter day). Usually that's around the 21st or 22nd of the month; it varies a little because our calendar isn't precisely aligned astronomically. So if the Harvest happened after Buffy arrived in Sunnydale (and it obviously did) and there were at least a couple of weeks (even if we count 1 episode as one school day, we have 2 weeks) of school left, then she *had* to have started school in January. Which means she arrived in Sunnydale after the start of the *second* semester. Which explains why she was the only one without textbooks and needed to ask Willow to help her catch up. Ain't logic wunnerful? ;) Hmmm... y'know, this means we can *precisely* pinpoint the date that episode happened on, real-time? Lessee.... The first new moon of 1997 was on Jan 9, a Thursday. That's after the solstice. The crescent moon would have happened on the *next* night, which is a Friday (which matches; remember Cordy's line "Friday at the Bronze, no cover"?) So Buffy must have started school sometime that week. Which means she can't have missed more than a few days of the second semester.... so why did she need to catch up? I think I've discovered a contradiction..... Diane E "There's a demon in the internet." Giles to Ms. Callender, _I Robot, You Jane_ # D Echelbarger # # WWW HomePage: # ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 25 Oct 1997 09:05:44 -0700 (PDT) From: Andrew Wagster Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy's arrival in Sunnydale (was: Buffy's Birthday) > Buffy must have started school sometime that week. Which means she > can't have missed more than a few days of the second semester.... so > why did she need to catch up? Because a lot of classes in high school take up both semesters of a school year, especially when you're a underclassman. The only ones that don't (that I can think of) would be the Health class, PE, and whatever electives she would have been taking. Generally it *is* sort of a fresh start when the semester starts up again, but in certain classes (like just about every math) you really need to be there at the beginning of the year to know what's going on at the start of the second semester. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 25 Oct 1997 12:34:11 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: Buffy Article in NY Times I was leafing through the New York Times this morning for the television guide, and came across the Arts and Leisure Section. There I found a HUGE picture of Buffy and a big article about the show. It also mentions some other shows, but is essentially about Buffy. W-hooooooo!!!!!! The NY Times loves Buffy and they always star the show in the listings and they had it on their tv section cover months ago. Two points for the Slayer, while Ally McBeal has yet to score! : ) I'm not sure if someone else mentioned this already b/c I'm on digest and it's all wacky right now. Hopefully I'll be in the know and reading new posts again soon. Anyone w/ any info, please contact me b/c I'm really confused! Alli's cell phone,sparkle purse, blue silk dress, X's Tweety Bird watch, B's pur-pink lamp,green sunglasses, suitcases, W's l.b. rolly hat,mar. quarterback T, J's earrings, "Effective Parenting" tapes, watch, G's dict. stand, A's shoes, J.C.'s circle-chain belt, D's black heels and vamp polish, Dr. G's slides, P&B's camo pants, L's notebook, SHS lockers, bb. Little B's @ the site! "Think of something cool, tell him I said it."-Buffy,PG ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 25 Oct 1997 12:40:39 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: HALLOWEEN SPOILER FROM SEVENTEEN ONLINE S P O I L E R T I M E ! ! I was reading the TV segment of Seventeen Online that tells what's good to watch this week. Here's what they wrote about Buffy. (The first show mentioned for Monday! Ally McBeal is listed second.) Monday, October 27 - --Poor Buffster. You just knew this wasn't going to be an easy holiday for her. In this creepy installment of Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, every trick-or-treater in town becomes his or her costume -- including the Slayer and her friends. Unfortunately, as a gown-sporting 18th century diva, Buffy forgets how to slay and Xander (a sergeant) and Willow (a ghost) have to fill in. (WB) ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 25 Oct 1997 12:56:54 -0400 (EDT) From: Betsy Vera Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy's arrival in Sunnydale (was: Buffy's Birthday) On Sat, 25 Oct 1997 wrote: > was on Jan 9, a Thursday. That's after the solstice. The crescent moon > would have happened on the *next* night, which is a Friday (which > matches; remember Cordy's line "Friday at the Bronze, no cover"?) So > Buffy must have started school sometime that week. Which means she Around here, the high school fall semester ends on January 23 (I remember that fall semester student-teachers weren't around for the end of the term because the college fall semester ended in December). So, if Buffy really arrived in Sunnydale in early January, that's almost at the *end* of the semester, so she'd have a lot to catch up on. Betsy -- Fanfic Resources: "This is like trying to watch the NYC stock boards and learn Latin at the same time." -- SusanG, re IRC ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 25 Oct 1997 13:57:49 From: Theodore Jay Miller Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy Article in NY Times At 12:34 PM 10/25/97 -0400, you wrote: >I was leafing through the New York Times this morning for the television >guide, and came across the Arts and Leisure Section. There I found a HUGE >picture of Buffy and a big article about the show. I got the NY Times today too, with that article. The NY Times has a website which reproduces the paper ( You have to register and get a password to visit the site, but it's free. The site still has last week's Arts and Leisure section there now, but if you check later on (tomorrow or whenever) they should have the Buffy article and picture there. Theodore Jay Miller ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 25 Oct 1997 16:23:28 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY:hottest I would just like to say that SMG waws voted the hottest actress. (no big supise there) she go 458 votes WOW!! Alyson was voted # 16 with 80 votes If you want to see where i got this infp from here it is Hottest Actress of the Web Top 20!: All-Time ... This might not work and if it doesn't and you want to see e-mail me privetly and i will send it to you ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 25 Oct 1997 13:44:01 -0700 From: Clint Alexander Subject: BUFFY: DARLA SIGHTING!!! The other night I was watching an ABC made for TV movie. It was about a bad girl who kills her mother and then covers it up. The bad girl was Darla and her boyfriend was David Chokachi. It was a pretty good movie, and if you didn't see it you probably will during summer reruns. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 25 Oct 1997 14:15:24 -0700 (PDT) From: elizabeth yeung Subject: Re: BUFFY: DARLA SIGHTING!!! On Sat, 25 Oct 1997, Clint Alexander wrote: > The other night I was watching an ABC made for TV movie. It was about a > bad girl who kills her mother and then covers it up. The bad girl was > Darla and her boyfriend was David Chokachi. It was a pretty good movie, > and if you didn't see it you probably will during summer reruns. If I think what you are talking about is the Sunday night movie last week, it's called "Bad to the Bone" (I think) and it starred Kristy Swanson, who played Buffy in the movie. ABC used that to advertise the movie. "David Chokachi from Baywatch, Jeremy London from Party of Five and Kristy Swanson from Buffy the Vampire Slayer." But anyhow, it wasn't the girl who played Darla. 55 more hours till Buffy....wait it's 56 since we are suppose to turn our clocks! Liz ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 25 Oct 1997 14:19:05 -0700 From: Lisa Rose Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy Trivia Question in NY Times At 01:57 PM 10/25/97, Theodore Jay Miller wrote: >The NY Times has a website which reproduces the paper ( >You have to register and get a password to visit the site, but it's free. >The site still has last week's Arts and Leisure section there now, but if >you check later on (tomorrow or whenever) they should have the Buffy article I surfed the New York Times site and the Buffy article is still not there. However, I did a search on "Buffy" and found out there is a Buffy question in the New York Times' Trivia Quiz #140: 7. David Boreanaz has attracted a legion of female fans as the character Angel on what current TV series? 1. Walker, Texas Ranger 2. Buffy The Vampire Slayer 3. Touched By An Angel 4. Boy Meets World 5. Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman Walker, Texas Ranger? As if!!! Lisa Keeper of Cordelia's Mop Closet Dressing Room & Prayer Alcove ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 25 Oct 1997 14:39:12 -0700 From: Lisa Rose Subject: Re: BUFFY: David B. Trivia Question in NY Times At 02:19 PM 10/25/97 -0700, Lisa Rose wrote: >I did a search on "Buffy" and found out there is a >Buffy question in the New York Times' Trivia Quiz #140: > > 7. David Boreanaz has attracted a legion of female fans as the > character Angel on what current TV series? I forgot to mention that this trivia quiz was from September 15, 1997 and the theme of the quiz (they always have themes) was "Things That End in the Letter 'Z'" (thus, "Boreanaz" was fair game, hmmm...sounds good!). Lisa "Reasons Why Angel is Better than Spike" 1. Angel isn't afraid of Ms. Summers ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 25 Oct 1997 18:34:56 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Fwd: BUFFY: Angel musings In a message dated 97-10-24 23:50:12 EDT, carrm@ucsu.Colorado.EDU writes: << Makes me wonder if it would be possible for Angel to do the same thing, feed off Buffy but not enough to hurt her. I doubt it would ever happen. I mean, he wouldn't want to bite her at all, and she's scared enough she'll turn into a vampire already >> The thing is that Angel doesn't want to feed off of any one especially buffy. Also, wouldn't buffy (not vamp out) attack him by slayer instinct....fangs beared to her ready to bite she would instictually kill him..... Another thing is she's already been bitten by the master last how could Angel do any more damage......and why hasn't something happened to Buffy do to the bite...... Jamie - --------------------- Forwarded message: From: carrm@ucsu.Colorado.EDU (Kerowyn) Sender: Reply-to: carrm@ucsu.Colorado.EDU (Kerowyn) To: (Buffy List) Date: 97-10-24 23:50:12 EDT Miss Hayse was talking about how they might or might not handle any kind of intimate situation between Angel and Buffy, and it got me thinking. Their talk in the graveyard led me to believe that Angel doesn't want to get too close to Buffy because he's afraid he'll lose control and bite her. I've been doing my research and in the original Dracula by Bram Stoker, the Dracmeister turns innocent women into vampires by feeding on them multiple times. I've also read Fred Saberhagen's books, and he depicts Dracula as a nice guy, who feeds on women but doesn't take enough to hurt them. Makes me wonder if it would be possible for Angel to do the same thing, feed off Buffy but not enough to hurt her. I doubt it would ever happen. I mean, he wouldn't want to bite her at all, and she's scared enough she'll turn into a vampire already. To get really nit-picky, what if she accidentaly bit him back and vamped out? Personally I like what they are doing on the show with the sexual tension, enough that it is an item. Although I'd love to see them live happily ever after, I don't think it's going to happen. *sigh* About the Angel money thing, it reminds me of Highlander, the movie and the show. Back before all-night ATM's, vampires could have had agents, servants, lawyers, that kind of thing, to represent them at the bank. A vampire who knows what he's doing could invest a little and then come back a hundred or so years later to collect. Or they could just steal it, like Amanda on Highlander the series. Maybe Angel could just work the night shift? Anyway, I think he's got a hoard stashed someplace. But that's just my opinion. Back to brainstorm fanfic... Kero Sometimes all you need is that second chance, and it's the only thing you're not going to get. Kerowyn carrm@ucsu.Colorado.EDU Keeper of Giles' Broadsword ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 25 Oct 1997 20:02:34 From: Theodore Jay Miller Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy Article in NY Times If you go to now, they have the Arts and Leisure section with the Buffy article. Theodore Jay Miller ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 25 Oct 1997 18:29:55 +0100 From: (Angela Mach) Subject: BUFFY: Halloween ep w/who is in it For a fact, Angel, Buffy, Xander, Cordelia, Willow, Giles, Spike and Dru is in it. I don't know if Ms. Calender is, but for sure they are all in it. Xander is a G.I joe, army kinda of guy, Willow is dressed in black leather pants(? not sure but that's what i think i saw) and a marron or red or some color in that catagory top she is a ghost or something , Angel in a black jacket white shirt inside, Buffy in a pink dress as a nobles women whom she thought was in love with Angel. oh and for the question someone asked about Angel yelling "No Buffy!", i played it in slow motion, and she was walking out the door. That's all I know. But it looks like a really good ep. Angela *co-pres of BtVS Fan Club*† Keeper of alotta things "Yah with their charmed lives, their movie star good looks, more money than you can count..."-Willow IKWYDLS is da bomb!!!! ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 25 Oct 1997 21:53:56 -0400 (EDT) From: James Bjorkman Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy Trivia Question in NY Times On Sat, 25 Oct 1997, Lisa Rose wrote: > However, I did a search on "Buffy" and found out there is a > Buffy question in the New York Times' Trivia Quiz #140: > 7. David Boreanaz has attracted a legion of female fans as the > character Angel on what current TV series? Wait! Wait! I think I know the answer to this! Let me answer! (Ok, put this down as another symptom of you know you watch too much Buffy when....) ObBuffy: If Angel bit Buffy, wouldn't she want to start biting people? I mean, the only reason *he* doesn't bite people is 'cuz of the curse, and she wouldn't be cursed, you know, by the Romani girl's family or whatever, like he was, 'cuz he was, you know, like, special that way. Unless, that is, they went back to, um, the Romani people, wherever they are (Czechoslovakia?), and asked them really, really nicely. "Please, please, evil Romani people, could you curse me the same way you cursed Angel, so that we can both be cursed and damned and happy together through all eternity?" Nah, that probably wouldn't happen. I mean, I don't think the Romani people cursed him because he *wanted* them to, righ? Thus, maybe they can never know true happiness together. Never the twain shall meet. Endless, unrequited love. I can see it now: Angel (settling in barcalounger in front of tv): Honey, you're not going out scavenging for victims again, are you? The 2032 World Series is on, and it looks like the Indians might finally beat the Marlins! Buffy (pouting, sprouting vamp face): Oh, Angel, you never want to go out and have any fun anymore! (Stamps foot). And you're getting a gut! Actually, that might not make for a bad series. Could call it "Married With Fangs" or something like that. jb "One hundred percent Swedish, 100% gorgeous, 100% staying at my house! Cordelia ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 25 Oct 1997 22:32:31 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: n.y. times I just finished reading the New York Times aritcle. While there weren't any spoilers in it; in fact there wasn't anything of substance pertaining to the show, it was an excellent article that had a lot of wonderful things to say about Buffy and the show. Comparing Buffy (and other teen-aged based shows) to teen shows of the past, the writer (for a first) actually praised teens of today for watching less television than their past counterparts.... There were a few statement by Joss Wheden....and many quotes from BTVS....... Jamie ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 25 Oct 1997 22:32:26 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: n.y. times I just finished reading the New York Times aritcle. While there weren't any spoilers in it; in fact there wasn't anything of substance pertaining to the show, it was an excellent article that had a lot of wonderful things to say about Buffy and the show. Comparing Buffy (and other teen-aged based shows) to teen shows of the past, the writer (for a first) actually praised teens of today for watching less television than their past counterparts.... There were a few statement by Joss Wheden....and many quotes from BTVS....... Jamie ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 26 Oct 1997 01:03:56 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: SMG in Soap Mag SMG is pictured in Soap Opera Digest (November 4) from the IKWYDLS. Cute pic with Eva LaRue! ObBuffy: I sent this before but never saw it drop. Did anyone notice in IMG when Ampata opened Buffy's drawer or weapons that Buffy has a set of brass knuckles with wooden spikes on the ends?? I would love to see her use those!!! Rayne ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 26 Oct 1997 01:30:24 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: Spike/Buffy photo! Well, I was bored, and rummaging around AOL to see what I could find, and I followed some links to a little Buffy blurb. Next to it was a great picture of a vamped out Spike about to bite Buffy! Click on the small pic, and it will take you to a much larger one! Here's the small write up (refers to the Halloween ep) WILL BUFFY MEET HER FATE THIS HALLOWEEN? -- Taking a bite out of Sunnydale - -- and possibly Buffy (Sarah Michelle Gellar) -- is Spike (recurring star James Marsters), a vicious vampire who has already killed at least two Slayers during his 200-year lifetime. Join Spike and a surprisingly ghoulish guest cast when chaos ensues on the "Halloween" episode of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" on Monday, Oct. 27 (9-10 p.m. ET) on The WB. Pictured: Sarah Michelle Gellar and James Marsters. Can't wait! Rayne ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 25 Oct 1997 23:40:27 -0600 From: "Jodie King" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy Article in NY Times If anyone transcribes the NY Times article to their website, would you please let me know. It sounds like a good one but unfortunately the NY Times on line is only available to folks outside the USA for a fee of $35/month. Jodie Proud Buffaholic, Buffyatric and member of Buffy, eh? Keeper of Angel's wisdom and intelligence. Defender of Angel's integrity "You have no idea what it's like to have done the things I've done...and to care." ------------------------------ End of buffy Digest V1 #395 *************************** To subscribe to buffy Digest, send the command: subscribe buffy-digest in the body of a message to "". If you want to subscribe something other than the account the mail is coming from, such as a local redistribution list, then append that address to the "subscribe" command; for example, to subscribe "local-buffy": subscribe buffy-digest A non-digest (direct mail) version of this list is also available; to subscribe to that instead, replace all instances of "buffy-digest" in the commands above with "buffy". Back issues are available for anonymous FTP from, in pub/lists/buffy/archive. These are organized by date.