From: (buffy Digest) To: Subject: buffy Digest V1 #398 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: buffy Digest Tuesday, October 28 1997 Volume 01 : Number 398 In this issue: BUFFY: Halloween Ep! BUFFY: Halloween Episode Re: BUFFY: Next weeks episode...Spoiler Re: BUFFY: Halloween Spoilers BUFFY: Alyson and the Halloween episode....(spoilers) Re: BUFFY: Halloween Spoilers Re: BUFFY: Halloween BUFFY: Giles the Ripper (SPOILERS) Re: BUFFY: Giles' past Re: BUFFY: Giles' past BUFFY: Halloween Episode *spoilers* Re: BUFFY: Halloween Re: BUFFY: Halloween Ep! BUFFY: halloween spoilers and gushings BUFFY: "Halloween"--what a blast! (possible spoilers) Re: BUFFY: Halloween Ep! Re: BUFFY: Giles the Ripper (SPOILERS) Re: BUFFY: Where were the Power Rangers? BUFFY: halloween and maybe spoilers BUFFY: halloween spoilers BUFFY: Halloween Ep Question (spoilers?) BUFFY: Why doesn't Spike just *shoot* her? (SPOILERS for Halloween ep) BUFFY: Re: Buffy eye Re: BUFFY: Giles' past Re: BUFFY: halloween BUFFY: Story Morals for Each Character (SPOILERS for Halloween) BUFFY: Possible loophole Re: BUFFY: Giles' past Re: BUFFY: Possible loophole Re: BUFFY: Giles the Ripper (SPOILERS) Re: BUFFY: Possible loophole Re: BUFFY: Where were the Power Rangers? BUFFY: Halloween Ep -- Help! BUFFY: Halloween Latin Re: BUFFY: Giles' past Re: BUFFY: Halloween Spoilers See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 23:56:39 -0500 (EST) From: JACYNTHE Subject: BUFFY: Halloween Ep! M O R E T R E A T T H A N T R I C K Oh, wow.... In a word, incredible. It's the little things that caught me in this ep. The whole "I heard she's fast" scene. Brrrr. Talk about your high school nightmares. Now I wonder who started that rumor? ::cough cough:: Cordelia? ::cough cough:: The fact that Ethan used Latin instead of Wizard Gobbledeegook the way it's often done. (For the person who asked about the Latin, all I caught was 'Carpe Noctem' --a nod to FK fans, maybe?--"our", and the words for "blood" and "flesh", I think. By the time I realized it was actual Latin, the guy was halfway through his recitation.) The whole idea that Buffy wanted to make herself more attractive to Angel, but didn't feel enough confidence to ask him directly, says a lot about their relationship. It's progressed some in this ep, sure (mrrrrraaaaaoooow! Oh! Uh, sorry...I'm back now.), but it still has a way to go in the trust department. (JMO) And Willow. M'god. Willow rules. There is no question. Was I hallucinating or did Xander have a tattoo on his bicep in his solider-boy mode? During the pirate chase scene...I thought of IKWYDLS. I didn't put a spoiler for the movie, so I won't discuss it here, but folks who saw the movie can figure out what I mean. And Giles. *ulp* ::holds up hand:: I promise, I will never, ever return my library books so much as a minute late, ever again. Buffy, for all her physical toughness, is still kind of fragile emotionally, isn't she? (I'm thinking of the look on her face during Queen C's "*I'm* the Slayer" comment.) One thing I didn't like: the way the fight with Spike ended. It was kinda....lame. If he'd gotten a good shot in, *then* run off, I'd have been satisfied, but he just stood there, and Buffy just stood there...she's staked vamps in less time than that, and she had him flat on his back on the table there or whatever it was. (Ahem. Minds out of the gutter. ) But other than that... (Hey, anyone else expect Buffy to go to the freezer when Angel called for a steak? ) Okay, I'll wrap it up now. ~Jacynthe "Hi honey. I'm home." *wham!* "Gra, Dilseacht agus Cairdeas" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 23:56:28 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: BUFFY: Halloween Episode OK. What's the sitch? What is the official title of this incredibly AWESOME episode? Was this ep the BOMB, or what? Xander showing his manly side, Willow showing her womanly side, Giles showing his dark side....ROCK ME JOSS. You da MAN. I just can't wait for next Monday. - -----Smurf Smurf Keeper of Buffy's Faith ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 23:12:03 -0600 (CST) From: templar Subject: Re: BUFFY: Next weeks episode...Spoiler On Mon, 27 Oct 1997, Carrie wrote: > * > * > * > S > P > O > I > L > E > R > * > * > * > *** > After catching the gang in a series of lies, Buffy is glad to be > reunited with a friend (Jason Behr) from her old high school. > > *** Could this be the return of Pike?*** Nope. According to Joss Whedon himself, the TV-Buffy universe is different than the movie. No Pike... No Merrick. The events in the life of TV-Buffy just before WttH are very *similar* to what happened in the movie, but the guy who created both versions has made it clear he isn't going to be stuck with anything from the movie he doesn't want. Dave ( "I do think it's rather odd that a nation that prides itself on it's virility should feel compelled to strap on fourty pounds of protective gear just in order to play rugby." -- Rupert Giles, re: American football. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 23:27:19 -0600 (CST) From: templar Subject: Re: BUFFY: Halloween Spoilers On Mon, 27 Oct 1997, Mark Safransky wrote: > But of course the wildest was our friendly Watcher beating the snot out > of the bad guy. Is this the same guy who would get conked by every > assorted baddie that came along? Has Giles really done *that* badly in the past? In `The Pack', his opponent was using a quarterstaff vs. Giles bare hands. In PG, it was Buffy herself who dropped him--with a sucker punch! In WSWB, there were *several* vampires ganging up on the Slayerettes. We've only seen him go against a single unarmed normal human twice: frat-boy in RB, and now Eathan. Both these he handled quite nicely. Maybe folks have been underestimating Giles because we usually see him sparring with Buffy, and she *is* the Slayer. He should have problems handling her. Dave ( "I do think it's rather odd that a nation that prides itself on it's virility should feel compelled to strap on fourty pounds of protective gear just in order to play rugby." -- Rupert Giles, re: American football. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 00:52:59 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: BUFFY: Alyson and the Halloween episode....(spoilers) What an awesome episode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I did'nt notice but did Joss actually write this episode? Well anyway. Whoever wrote the story was very creative. The story keeps getting better. I like how at the end Buffy and Angel got all romantic like. But I still keep telling myself, HE'S A VAMPIRE! Something is bound to happen to Angel. Either in a negative or positive way. I mean cant you sense it coming? I mean Angel being a vamp boy still causes conflicts. So something has to give. Whether we choose to accept it or not. On a final note. CHECK OUT ALYSON! She's finally coming out of her shell. I was so proud. She even had great abs. Not that it's important. But it's a bonus. Benji ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 01:10:29 -0500 (EST) From: Robert Huff Subject: Re: BUFFY: Halloween Spoilers > Has Giles really done *that* badly in the past? Yes. I commented recently he might as well include a Stooges wig with his weapons. > Eathan. Both these he handled quite nicely. Maybe folks have > been underestimating Giles because we usually see him > sparring with Buffy, and she *is* the Slayer. He should have > problems handling her. Yes, and no. He's not the Slayer, she is; there's certain things he will _never_ match her at. But he is the Watcher - he's supposed to _train_ Slayers. If he can't be at least an instructive punching bag then he should give it up and find someone - like Angel - who can. Robert Huff ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 22:14:03 -0800 From: "Christopher B. Castro" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Halloween ** SPOILER SPACE ** * * * * * >And here I thought in Buffy I had found a safe haven from any more Jack The >Ripper storylines. . . > Or is it Rupert the Ripper? It's interesting to me how everyone is jumping to conclusions about our time-honored fable of England's horror icon, Jack the Ripper. All Ethan said was merely, 'the Ripper', which doesn't necessarily mean anything of the sort. Of course, I can see how anyone might come to such a conclusion. It sprung to my mind, of course. But it looks to me like there's something deeper and darker at work here. }:)> Chris 2 **Keeper of Xander's Cool** **BABS Loremaster** ===================================================================== BABS Homepage: ===================================================================== "I knew you were lyin'. Undead liar-guy." Xander L. Harris, BtVS ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 22:10:19 -0800 From: "Christopher B. Castro" Subject: BUFFY: Giles the Ripper (SPOILERS) W H A T T H E F * * K ? Sorry for the spoiler headers. I'm sure you'll noticed I censored them properly. I have very little to say about the Halloween episode other than a few things. Overall, I liked the episode immensely. The few weak parts involved the Angel/Buffy scenes. I just didn't think they introduced anything new and were a little overdone (this is MHO, not flame-bait). I also didn't feel Oz' character was developed any more than before. The Oz/Willow thing just isn't going anywhere. It's back to, "Who *is* that girl?" again. But let's get back to good stuff. Xander in military gear with a big gun. Need I say more? Lastly, Giles. See my spoiler headers for a general statement on this twist. It's creepy. Spooky. Insane! I'm not even sure I like it...but *what the HELL* are they doing with his character? I'm pretty darn sure it had nothing to do with the Janus costume-changy business, because Giles was Giles, but was also _someone else_. The Ripper? I think I'll leave this one alone until we get more clues. All I have to say is whatever taste Joss has given us tonight was very unexpected. }:)> Chris 2 **Keeper of Xander's Cool** **BABS Loremaster** ===================================================================== BABS Homepage: ===================================================================== "I knew you were lyin'. Undead liar-guy." Xander L. Harris, BtVS ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 22:19:06 -0800 From: "Christopher B. Castro" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Giles' past ** SPOILER SPACE ** * * * * * Mike wrote: >The way that Ethan kept calling him the Ripper made me immediately think >of Jack the Ripper, of course, but then I figured, Giles isn't over 100 >years old. That, in turn, got me thinking about the movie. If Giles was >like Maverick, then he could possibly have been Jack the Ripper. Any >comments on this? As I commented in another post, we should jump to any conclusions, here. Like the "sire" issue, I'm not entirely convinced that "the Ripper" means "Jack the Ripper". Am I the only one, though, who has almost completely flipped because of Giles' change in character? What the hell is going on? This is probably one of the last personas I'd expect Rupert Giles to embody. He's almost *evil*. I think that's the real issue here, not whether he's the reincarnation of or the actual Jack the Ripper. }:)> Chris 2 **Keeper of Xander's Cool** **BABS Loremaster** ===================================================================== BABS Homepage: ===================================================================== "I knew you were lyin'. Undead liar-guy." Xander L. Harris, BtVS ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 22:30:38 -0800 From: Shari Subject: Re: BUFFY: Giles' past Theodore Jay Miller wrote: > The complicated explanation is that Giles WAS Jack the Ripper. Via > reincarnation, time travel, mystic stuff, Vorlons, etc. he's still >around now, attempting to make up for his evil past. I thought it was interesting that at one point Ethan said, "And they thought the Ripper was dead!" That sounded like more of a direct statement than the more ambiguous, "Hello, Ripper," which as someone pointed out, could simply be a nickname for Rupert. Hopefully they'll go into a more detailed explanation. The title of episode #8, as someone posted a while ago, is "The Dark Age" so it looks like it could be really interesting! I got the impression that Giles and Ethan were old friends -- at first I thought brothers, but from the phrasing I'd say friends, at least...possibly former roommates or fraternity brothers or cult members, something like that. I loved Giles in this episode (and I'm not normally a big Giles fan) and I really liked Angel in this one, more than usual. The scene at the end in Buffy's bedroom was not bad, but I thought it much more appropriate to a normal teen dating situation than a Slayer and Vamp. I thought they would show him vamping out again as soon as they started kissing, but I guess we were supposed to assume that on our own, that things wouldn't progress too much further. I can see a possibility now of Xander and Cordelia getting together, for at least one episode, just commiserating on the unavailability of their real object of affection. Lots of possibilities for future episodes. I also like Oz and Willow not getting together just yet, and I loved seeing a different, more confident, side of Willow. It was also great to see Xander more confident and in control of himself. Wasn't that crazy about Spike and Dru this time around, but we'll see what they come up with next time. All in all, a very entertaining episode! Shari ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 22:34:51 -0800 (PST) From: Dave Ngan Subject: BUFFY: Halloween Episode *spoilers* If the quality of tv shows were rated by punches, I've been knocked out by Mike Tyson himself. Tonight's episode truly ranks high up there with our very most favorites, from this season and lasts. It made up for the dissappointing lack of quality/content of the previous 2 episodes except for WSWB. Some few observations: (you knew these had to be coming!!) *8^) 1) When Willow and Giles enter Ethan's costume shop, and they find Ethan in the back room--Giles tells Willow to leave. When she does, you hear the door open and close. But wasn't Willow still a ghost? Why didn't she just phase through the door? 2) Why didn't Buffy just kill off Spike when she had the chance? (I know this is an obvious answer--he's too important of a character to kill off, but if I were Buffy, I'll take any chance I get) 3) The issue about BtVs not having a "very special" Buffy has been played out to death on this list, as well as made clear by Joss himself on several occasions. But tonight's episode implied (at least to me anyways) that Buffy and Angel did a little more than smoochin'. And the fact that Buffy's mom wasn't Buffy's room...on her bed...I'll stop now. But if it did happen, then it was done rather non-chalantly--therefore keeping true to Joss's word that he didn't plan to make such a big deal about it. Which answers the question if Buffy (in the series) is a virgin or not. (Let's not open that can of worms again...) 4) Why didn't Oz stop the car and go talk to Willow?? Be a man, and get her phone #. =) 5) After Buffy fought the vampire in the pumpkin patch, and went to the Bronze, she had her hair up in the back. Which looked like SMG had longer and darker hair. But the next day, it seemed to be shorter and lighter. Was this scene filmed after IKWYDLS? 6) We know that both Xander and Buffy remembered everything that happened to them under their spell. Which means that Xander *did* see Willow in her sexy outfit. Will he see her differently now? any comments? 7) Willow....=P~~~~~~~~ Thanks for humoring people. You all take it easy. =) Dave N. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 22:35:44 -0800 From: "Christopher B. Castro" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Halloween >I wasn't even making that connection until some folks here on the list >mentioned it. Personally, I just figure `Ripper' was a "street name" for >Giles when he was younger. It's a natural take-off on Rupert. Thanks Dave, you've restored my faith in differing opinions. I hadn't entertained this notion, but it's about the most valid counter-argument I've heard so far. I wonder if he was a cruel sort of young chap. }:)> Chris 2 **Keeper of Xander's Cool** **BABS Loremaster** ===================================================================== BABS Homepage: ===================================================================== "I knew you were lyin'. Undead liar-guy." Xander L. Harris, BtVS ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 22:39:27 -0800 From: "Christopher B. Castro" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Halloween Ep! >(For the person who asked about the Latin, all I caught >was 'Carpe Noctem' --a nod to FK fans, maybe?--"our", and the words for >"blood" and "flesh", I think. By the time I realized it was actual Latin, >the guy was halfway through his recitation.) I did take five years of Latin in high school, and if I actually was in command of the TV right now I might take my tape and rewind it to listen to what Ethan was saying. I did catch, "Nobis monstra..." which means something like "Our abnormal ones" (yes 'monstrum' in Latin means abnormal or irregular, but is oftened used as monster). If someone would be willing to post the entire string of words Ethan recited I'll do my best to get them translated. }:)> Chris 2 **Keeper of Xander's Cool** **BABS Loremaster** ===================================================================== BABS Homepage: ===================================================================== "I knew you were lyin'. Undead liar-guy." Xander L. Harris, BtVS ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 02:00:39 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: BUFFY: halloween spoilers and gushings Hi everyone!!! oh gosh did i love this ep!!!! it has to be my favorite. it was pure sparkling genuis. the most classic moment? when the little monster/boy attacked the sweet old lady when she ran out of candy....hilarious. how many times have one of us wanted to do that as children and our candy quest was thwarted? also, willow was stunning! wow. you know what i thought was weird? that even as a sergeant, xander didnt' do a double take. i think anyone would have done that. even if her clothing wasn't such a switch from the norm. wow, is all i can say. maybe, she'll loosen up and occassionally wear mid-drifts or something equally wild? oh and i love that boy. he's so sweet. but was he driving on the right side? was the car brittish? excellent touch. joss is just bringing us closer one step at a time. gotta love the man! xander and cordelia are just hilarious together! did you guys catch that look cordy gave xander when he placed his shirt over her shoulders? she checked out his biceps! (god only knows i would have too, and i would have been less circumspect...i'd have to repeatedly wipe drool off my chin.) there's definetely something there. oh and not only was willow looking fantastic, she was also coming back quickly with great lines. her scene of exasperation before she went off to find giles was great. when giles told her to run, at ethan's shop, she did, but she never told any of the gang that giles would need help. you think she'd go for help. so i bet no one will question giles about how he knew the guy. sigh. until joss feels free to disclose it. sigh. buffy's costume, drove me insane! i kept waiting for her to jump up and kick someone. but no she simpered. it was a great change. remind me never to go back to that era when i finally fix my time travel machine. angel was most tender with her. but one question, when spike had buffy cornered, angel was struggling against this guys holding him and ineffectually i might add. you'd think he'd be stronger than some kids turned into demons for just one night. but oh well. the opening fight scene was the best i've ever seen! it was the buffy of old! throwing wicked punches and fab kicks. and "resourceful" too. that was such a cute touch with spike having a minion videotape it. so vampires can be picked up in some way photographically. note to mrs. summers: forget the cam on prom night. pop out the videocamera to catch angel's soulful look. xander killed me with little lady and ma'am talk. and that gun. he looked so funny and so gorgeous. the pirate was the kid who beat up on him wasn't it? hence the closure? oh wow. this was the best ep ever! adventure and laughs. oh how wonderful. there's never been a show that's affected me like this. i'm a rambling idiot now. but that's ok as long as a new ep of buffy is on every monday at 9pm on the dot. i wouldnt' want to see what happens when it's preempted......warning to the powers that be.....=) jewels "But I want to go with the man with the musket. Do you have a musket?" - ---buffy (H) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 02:06:17 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: BUFFY: "Halloween"--what a blast! (possible spoilers) Paranoid spoiler space for you tapers * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Wow! What a kick that episode was! An amazing plot, some terrific dialogue (I cheered out loud at the "What? She couldn't be Xena?!" line from Willow), tantalizing hints about Giles's past (Goodness! What earns you the nickname "Ripper"???), and, of course, Angel being all concerned, sexy, and Angel-like (i.e., sexy). ;-) Glad this is the first episode I decided to tape for posterity. I can already tell it's going to be well-worn in the VCR! Jennifer Hale ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 22:59:37 -0800 From: Lisa Rose Subject: Re: BUFFY: Halloween Ep! At 11:56 PM 10/27/97 -0500, JACYNTHE wrote: >(Hey, anyone else expect Buffy to go to the freezer when Angel called for >a steak? ) Yup, but then I realized an ancient noblewoman might not know that word either (and certainly not to look in a freezer for it). Or she could have done a plug for 1-800-COLLECT and asked him how he would like it. Lisa ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 23:08:48 -0800 From: Lisa Rose Subject: Re: BUFFY: Giles the Ripper (SPOILERS) At 10:10 PM 10/27/97 -0800, Christopher B. Castro wrote: >I also didn't feel >Oz' character was developed any more than before. The Oz/Willow thing just >isn't going anywhere. It's back to, "Who *is* that girl?" again. Maybe this is the extent of Oz's role, to do a standing "who's that girl?" joke in every episode (though I kinda doubt it). >Giles... creepy. Spooky. Insane! I'm not even sure I like it...but *what >the HELL* are they doing with his character? I'm pretty darn sure it had >nothing to do with the Janus costume-changy business, because Giles was >Giles, but was also _someone else_. The Ripper? Definitely the Janus two-faced thing was at least a symbol for the dark side of Giles, if not the cause. They made a point of all the dichotomies Janus represented, good vs. evil being one of them. But we already know the dark part of Giles isn't going completely back under the rug after this episodes. Lisa ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 22:53:46 -0800 From: Lisa Rose Subject: Re: BUFFY: Where were the Power Rangers? At 11:32 PM 10/27/97, Theodore Jay Miller wrote: >I guess Ethan had a selective inventory in his costume shop: lots of >demons and so on, but no Batman, Spider-Man, Power Rangers, etc. >to fight them. Good point! It would have been cool to see the Man of Steel mopping floors with demons. And Ethan was missing out on a gold mine by not carrying Xena costumes this year. 'Cept there might have been lots of little chakram decapitated former-demon kids by morning time. Hard to imagine no one was killed or maimed in all the chaos. Does it all go away when the spell is broken as in Nightmares? Lisa ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 02:09:45 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: BUFFY: halloween and maybe spoilers <<> wow! giles was incredibly sexy........i adore his dark side! but i am dying to find out. i can see this secret being hinted at for years......oh please, i want to know now! he looked so powerful and so confident, just standing there fingering his ring (signet ring? i wonder if it means something? maybe giles and ethan were at a boys' school together and a preppie hell's angels thing began?) while ethan lay writhing in pain on the ground. it was so strange to see our stuttering giles like that, but exhilarating just the same. jewels ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 02:10:19 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: BUFFY: halloween spoilers << "Nightmares" is probably one of my all-time faves.>> thank god someone finally said that! i love nightmares like nothing else. it was simply classic. <> spike does seem to threaten overmuch but then run at the sight of some rough going. gee, he really chickened out at the end of this ep. come on, he gets up backs away and then fairly runs out of there? please. dangerous, my caboose. personally i thought buffy was pretty fair when she let him stumble to his feet. i probably would have taken a few more hits with that stick! << And I loved the ending scene (and I know I'll be needled to death about this because I'm sure a lot of you will have hated this scene) with Buffy and Angel in her room. >> au contrare!!! i loved this scene sooo much. it was just soo sweet. they're finally moving on past that tortured stare at each other across the bronze routine. i thought we were going to fall back into that rut when she cancelled their date at the beginning of the ep. i'm such a hopeless romantic! jewels ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 23:23:23 -0800 From: Julie Fundenberger Subject: BUFFY: Halloween Ep Question (spoilers?) I haven't seen the episode from tonight, and I probably won't get to see it for about a week. Everyone keeps mentioning an Angel/Buffy scene or something, but no one has really said anything that gives me any klew as to what went on. Could someone email me and let me know what happened between Buffy and Angel? I would really appriciate it. Thanks. Knightwatch ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 23:34:22 -0800 From: Lisa Rose Subject: BUFFY: Why doesn't Spike just *shoot* her? (SPOILERS for Halloween ep) SPOILERS for Halloween ep... After a Season One, in which Master sat endlessly below reading books of ancient prophecy, didn't it really seem a bit weird to see a vampire welding a Camcorder and Spike watching the results on a bank of TV's (as though he were at Circuit City or something)? The times they are a changin' Spike is an old guy himself, but a bit more adaptive I guess. So if he is so hip with modern technology, WHY DOESN'T HE JUST *SHOOT* BUFFY?!!! No risk of being staked. Just grab a few of the gang, do a drive-by, and it's over. I guess it doesn't happen because that would be too easy (and end the story), and for not much of a logical reason beyond that. BTW, unless Giles has been faking weakness during their sparring, Buffy must be *very* strong to devastate ol' "Ripper" that easily. Lisa ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 23:44:57 -0800 From: Subject: BUFFY: Re: Buffy eye To the San Franciscans on the list: I sent a message complaining to WB20 about the eye and here is what they wrote back: KOFY WB20 wrote: > Dear Buffy Fans > > Thanks for letting us know your feelings about our Monster Eye contest. In > response here's what's happening. > > The Monster Eyes will be smaller and remain in the corner of the screen. > > Our production staff will select segments of the program where the monster > eyes are least obtrusive. > > We hope you'll play and score the $500 shopping spree at WB Studio Store! Sounds like they're a station that listens to their viewers! (And I'm not even in SF) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 23:51:57 -0800 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Giles' past Mike "Nelson" wrote: > Just a couple things about the Halloween episode. I thought it was one of > the best episodes this season. Just thinking about Giles' past, though. > The way that Ethan kept calling him the Ripper made me immediately think > of Jack the Ripper... I think Ethan was calling Giles' "Rupert", his first name..... ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 23:59:47 -0800 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: halloween Jack Welsh wrote: > Personally, I hated this episode. I thought it was so bad that it ranks > with some of the "classic" bad Buffy episodes like "I Robot, You Jane", > "Teacher's Pet" and "Nightmares". I rather enjoyed it. It was a lot of fun. I didn't think SMG did too good of acting when she was the 18th century girl. Her dialogue seemed very forced. Also principals generally don't have the authority to force students to participate in a "volunteer" program. I think the episode left an unanswered question. What about those kids Xander killed with his machine gun? Sure they were monsters, but when the spell was broke they would revert back to children. I liked the new Willow. Next week: Last thing we need, a new love for Buffy... Writers, end this silly love quintangle and stick to the slaying! ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 00:05:58 -0800 From: Lisa Rose Subject: BUFFY: Story Morals for Each Character (SPOILERS for Halloween) Spoilers for Halloween Ep.... There seemed to be some very strong messages for the characters in this episode, especially for Buffy and Willow: FOR BUFFY (and female viewers): "Be yourself, be strong. That's ultimately more attractive than frail, heavily-wrought beauty, despite what you may have been told." FOR WILLOW: "Don't hide. You are *far* more attractive than you think." (especially with Alyson's bod and that skimpy little outfit). FOR GILES: "You can't run from your dark side. It will find you and imperil those you're closest to." FOR XANDER: ??? FOR CORDY: ??? Speaking of Cordy, for those who think she was intermittently slayerlike tonight, I agree. There was a moment when noblewoman Buffy was falling apart, and Cordy was having to be firm with her... Cordy flashed this look that was downright fierce and scary. Whether it's in the cards or not, I could see her as a slayer tonight. Lisa ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 03:04:52 +0500 From: (coop) Subject: BUFFY: Possible loophole Spoiler space (just to be safe) Let me get some facts staright in my head....people who got costumes at Ethan's shop took on the pesona of their outfits, then why was Xander affected?? Did I miss something??? I coulda swore he said that he got his costume (fatigues) from the Army-Navy store for 2 bucks or something like that.... COOP!!! ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 00:38:42 -0800 (PST) From: Patrick Joseph Keane Subject: Re: BUFFY: Giles' past I am thinking that Giles has had a wild past. Fictionally, a character trying to atone for past sins is very common. Don't get me wrong, I don't mean over used or anything. So, my guess is that Giles, with his access to ancient spells and weapons etc.... may have rebelled against his destined path of Watcherdom. I remember in an episode him telling Buffy about it. So, he may have caused quite a bit of damage in his youth. Hence, the nickname of "Ripper". Ripping up towns people who got in his way. You know, stuff like that. I am also guessing that he did something that cost him someone very close to him and that is why he is always ready to wade into the fray if necessary. I can't wait to find out more about it. Couple of side notes: Willow- Holy smokes! So stunning I forgot my own name for a while. Xander- Definately being checked out by Cordy. Cordy- Coming closer to our Slayerettes, slowly but surely. Angel- A little too mushy at the end, but cool over all. Buffy- A renewed sense of self worth, always good. Oz- Time to bring him into the picture or get rid of him. (Personally, I'd like to see Willow twist a man around her little finger.) That's all. Loved the Ep. -Patk ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 04:36:41 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Possible loophole In a message dated 97-10-28 03:22:57 EST, writes: << Let me get some facts staright in my head....people who got costumes at Ethan's shop took on the pesona of their outfits, then why was Xander affected?? Did I miss something??? I coulda swore he said that he got his costume (fatigues) from the Army-Navy store for 2 bucks or something like that.... >> Um, Xander got his military fatigues at a surplus store, but he did buy that gun at Ethan's. So I guess the question is: So why didn't Xander turn into a gun? nevermind.. L8rz Chris >=) "Different versions of many men have come before you came All their questiona were similar, and the answers just tha same"-Noel Gallagher-"Going Nowhere" ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 01:55:00 -0800 From: "Christopher B. Castro" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Giles the Ripper (SPOILERS) ** SPOILERS -- BEWARE ** * * Lisa Rose wrote: >They made a point of >all the dichotomies Janus represented, good vs. evil being one >of them. But we already know the dark part of Giles isn't going >completely back under the rug after this episodes. I guess we could go as far as to say that while everyone else became their costumes, Giles' "costume" was shed, revealing his inner nature. Okay, maybe I'm reading too deeply into this. Can someone prove me wrong? }:)> Chris 2 **Keeper of Xander's Cool** **BABS Loremaster** ===================================================================== BABS Homepage: ===================================================================== "I knew you were lyin'. Undead liar-guy." Xander L. Harris, BtVS ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 01:58:06 -0800 From: "Christopher B. Castro" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Possible loophole **SPOILERS** * * * * >Let me get some facts staright in my head....people who got costumes at >Ethan's shop took on the pesona of their outfits, then why was Xander >affected?? Did I miss something??? I coulda swore he said that he got his >costume (fatigues) from the Army-Navy store Xander *did* get his costume from the Army surplus, but he got the _gun_ from Ethan's. If you notice, Xander looks down at his gun in confusion during the change. It's the focus of his transformation. It seems as though even if you left with a piece of lint from Ethan's shop you might be affected (I'd hate to think what you'd turn into, however. "Run! It's a giant, teenage dustbunny!!") }:)> Chris 2 **Keeper of Xander's Cool** **BABS Loremaster** ===================================================================== BABS Homepage: ===================================================================== "I knew you were lyin'. Undead liar-guy." Xander L. Harris, BtVS ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 02:04:41 -0800 From: "Christopher B. Castro" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Where were the Power Rangers? ** SPOILERS -- BEWARE ** * * * >It would have been cool to see the >Man of Steel mopping floors with demons. And >Ethan was missing out on a gold mine by not >carrying Xena costumes this year. I think we can safely assume that it was plan of Ethan's to keep a very low or nonexistent stock of superhero/benevolent protector costumes due to his intentions. He was probably hoping that whoever picked up the gun might take the shell-shocked Nam soldier outfit. Little did he know, Xander had some true chivalry in him. I was waiting for He-Man myself. }:)> Chris 2 **Keeper of Xander's Cool** **BABS Loremaster** ===================================================================== BABS Homepage: ===================================================================== "I knew you were lyin'. Undead liar-guy." Xander L. Harris, BtVS ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 06:39:10 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: BUFFY: Halloween Ep -- Help! I set my VCR to record, which it did. But then the tape got eaten!!! Please, if anyone out there recorded it, please make me a copy... I'd pay you, of course. If you can help me out, please e-mail me at . Thanks in advance. - --Isaac ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 22:20:00 -0800 From: "SCOTT" Subject: BUFFY: Halloween Latin I thought I'd dig the script for tonight's episode out to see what our good friend Ethan was saying in Latin, and much to my surprise, the script has all the text in English! So, for those interested, here is a translation of what was spoken in tonight's episode: S P O I L E R S P A C E FIRST BIT: "Janus, hear my plea. Take this night as your own. Come forth and show us your truth." SECOND BIT "The mask is made flesh. The heart is curdled by your holy presence. Janus, this night is yours!" Enjoy! Scott The WB Television Network ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 06:42:03 -0600 From: "Kasey Johns" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Giles' past > Mike "Nelson" wrote: > > > Just a couple things about the Halloween episode. I thought it was one of > > the best episodes this season. Just thinking about Giles' past, though. > > The way that Ethan kept calling him the Ripper made me immediately think > > of Jack the Ripper... > > I think Ethan was calling Giles' "Rupert", his first name..... I went back on the tape about 5 times... sounds like it could be either, but it's closer to Rupert than Ripper... ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 08:30:20 -0500 (EST) From: Betsy Vera Subject: Re: BUFFY: Halloween Spoilers On Mon, 27 Oct 1997, templar wrote: > Has Giles really done *that* badly in the past? In `The Pack', his The only read bad one was in The Witch, when he gets knocked out by "Amy" in the science lab. Betsy -- ------------------------------ End of buffy Digest V1 #398 *************************** To subscribe to buffy Digest, send the command: subscribe buffy-digest in the body of a message to "". 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