Return-Path: From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V1 #402 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 14:21:46 -0700 buffy-digest Thursday, October 30 1997 Volume 01 : Number 402 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 08:08:50 -0600 From: Subject: Re[2]: BUFFY: Buffy shirts Hi, I'm new here . . . *BUFFY SHIRTS*??????? How do you get a buffy shirt??? Mia GASPer--Keeper of Giles' Cruel, Kick-Ass Side I *LOVE* this show! - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 09:32:35 -0400 From: Jesse Jou Subject: Re: BUFFY: Halloween Episode I'm going to be overquoting here, but I don't think this intriguing analysis can be reduced into four lines without losing much of its context. At 1:27 PM -0500 10/28/97, James Bjorkman (on xmission) wrote: >So here is the, um, metaphorically gelded Xander prancing about with his >drooping, very ineffectual little pop gun. Then the transformation occurs, >and voila! The gun is suddenly powerful. Xander now holds it, er, ;) up >so that he can, um, fire with it. The symbolism is pretty darn obvious to >me. Buffy's loss of power is Xander's gain. In the abstract, I'd agree with this, if we assume that a homeostatic relationship exists between the male and female in BtVS and that modifications in one necessitate adjustments in the other. But it seems to me that the transformations in this episode are really independent events. A gender politicked analysis as jb has done is certainly of interest, but also noteworthy are the notions of identity, reversal, and, imo, carnival in Halloween (we can't just abbreviate it as 'H'?). I noted on planetx that what Buffy turns into isn't a different person (i.e., a real, live 18th century noblewoman), but a stereotype. I'll expand that by saying the same is true of Xander. They don't adopt entirely new identities, but modes of behavior and attitudes congruent with a stereotyped and functional view of their costuming. Furthermore, these aren't new, or shadow, aspects of the characters of Xander and Buffy suddenly standing revealed, but only the barest sketch of character; these new persona don't even have names (yet PseudoBuffy, while ignorant of her name, apparently knows that she has a home as she demands that Willow return her to it. heh, go figure). The episode works because the actors play caricature and not reality. Seriously, how entertaining would it have been to see Xander wandering around carrying himself with genuine gravitas or Buffy behaving less foolishly? Cordelia is almost caricature herself as she is; her cat costume doesn't signify reversal, but self-identification as a "catty" woman herself. *She's* the one I would have liked to have seen turned into a simpering princess. This adoption of caricature is consistent with the spirit of carnival that informs holidays like Halloween or Mardi Gras (anecdotally, a number of my male friends who dress as women at Mardi Gras aren't really gay drag queens. The thrill is in the reversal of status quo permitted by the event. And this is why I still think Dionsysus is a better god for this ep than Janus.) As Buffy says, "It's 'come as you aren't' night." What happens to Buffy, Xander, and the others is the subordination of identity to reversal, taken to the extreme. It also contrasts with what happens to Willow. In that, rather than the reversal masking her true self, it exposes her. In previous eps, Willow's wardrobe covers as much as possible. Her choice of costume is telling: threatened by the implication of her own attractiveness, she throws on a blank, textureless, white sheet with the word to "Boo!" sewn on it (an abstract warning to any potential suitors who might try to get past the white sheet to the white-hot woman within, perhaps? homina.) When she "dies" (and thanks, Anime Nut, for the indelible image of Willow and Giles doin' the sexy dance), the sheet, which signifies what she's supposed to be, doesn't go with her. Instead she emerges in the outfit that she found so distressing only a few hours earlier, suddenly incapable of hiding her own appearance. This discomfort fades quickly when she's called to action (and only really reappears when Giles looks at her questioningly in the library. Also note that it's the attention to her uncharacteristically sexual appearance that precipitates the realization that deciphers the ep's mystery. One might facetiously state that sexy Willow gets the brain-juices a'flowing.) Throughout the episode we're told that the victims of the spell are suffering from some sort of amnesia, but at the end, at least Buffy and Xander confess to being aware of their changed circumstances, although helpless to act against them. (Parallel this with the Pack in which a much more convincing and sinister reversal occurs and the conspiracy of silence it spawns!) Buffy and Xander's experience leaves them unchanged, but Willow, at least until next week, finds a new confidence. This really isn't a response to jb's post and the argumentation is muddy (sorry, I'm not thinking clearly lately. it must be the brain lesions.), but I just thought I'd share my thoughts. JJ - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 08:21:58 -0600 From: Subject: Re[2]: BUFFY: Giles' past You said, about Giles, >At least, if I'm right in assuming we ARE talking about Giles here. How >can he be a vamp, period? We've seen him touch a cross constantly, >without that nifty special effect smoke billowing from his hands. If it's >all an act, he's VERY good at it. It's not possible at all. I distinctly recall him talking to Buffy *outside*. By *daylight*. Whatever he is, that ain't it. Mia GASPer--Keeper of Giles' Cruel, Kick-Ass Side I *LOVE* this show! - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 11:09:36 -0500 From: William Jensen Subject: BUFFY: "Halloween" episode feedback Sorry for the delay, but the "Halloween" episode feedback page is now online and available on The D.C./Metro Buffy the Vampire Slayer Crew web site. Thanks for your time! William Jensen The Buffy Crew WebMaster The D.C./Metro Buffy the Vampire Slayer Crew - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 09:41:11 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: BUFFY: Wizard-Action Figure I was reading a magazine called Wizard which contains mostly comics, cards, and other little info. Well they have been running a "Wizard's Tope Ten Action Figures We Would Like To See". Well Buffy is on # 2, with Stake pouncing action arms. Isn't it great! It is spreadin... Also as I was getting my hair cut, I noticed a YM magazine, so being a guy, touching this mag would ruin my life if seen in public(hahahha). So I remembered that this was the issue with Sarah's boots, so I grabbed it found the page and took off. So if anyone would like the scan oh her and her boots, please e-mail me privately! Thanks...... Jason Martinez - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 11:48:18 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: BUFFY: Lie To Me Don't scoop.... I just read on the BtVS page that Joss wrote and directed the next ep, Lie to Me!!! Now I'm on the edge of my seat! Can't wait! November sounds like it's going to be a great Buffy month!! Rayne "Who is that girl?" -Oz - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 11:55:22 -0500 From: "Tracey" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Halloween Ep! >> At 11:56 PM 10/27/97 -0500, JACYNTHE wrote: >> >(Hey, anyone else expect Buffy to go to the freezer when Angel called for >> >a steak? ) > >LOL... so I'm not the only one. I was already alughing at the thought when >I realized she wasn't really gonan do it... that would have been obvious >(joke wish) but very funny... tee hee Well, she did get a steak knife. ttfn Tracey - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 12:32:53 -0800 (PST) From: Kevin Fleck Subject: BUFFY: missed Halloween episode I am such an idiot. I forgot to reprogram my VCR clock for daylight savings time and ended up taping 7th Heaven instead of Buffy's Halloween episode. Fortunately, I saw IKWYDLS last night which helped ease the loss. If there is anyone out there who taped the episode and is willing to to take pity on a poor stupid Buffy fan, please email me at I'd be willing to pay for a copy, or shipping or whatever (or if this is the wrong place to post this, could someone politely point me to somewhere on the net where I could make my inquiry). Thanks in advance Kev - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 09:47:46 -0800 (PST) From: Sonja Marie Subject: BUFFY: Website Update - New Urls, Dead Links Hi all, I have added 16 more URLS to my Buffy Links Page at: There are now 389 pages listed! I've removed 8 dead links, if you know what happened to them please let me know, and as a new thing I'm listing those that are dead (as opposed to being removed by their owner etc) or I can no longer view so you can see if you site is among them: Angel and Me Gia's Unconditional *Love* for Slaying Giles' Library: Ya Know, To Look Things Up Kim's Buffy Page Welcome to the Bronze (AOL - WillowSlay) sooooo!! Sarah Alyson Hannigan: Buffy the Vampire Slayer A Discussion Board For Xander Fans! Send all comments to me privately! And if you are so inclined, PLEASE sign my guestbook! Tell me what you think of all MY HARD WORK, I want to know. Or at least drop me an email! If you have a page for the show or cast members and IT IS NOT LISTED already, please send me the URLS and I will add them next update. I decide if a page gets added or not, based on content and if I can actually view the page or not. Me no like Java or GPF's! Also email me if you are interested in the following: The Anthony Stewart Head Mailing List The Buffy Beta Fanfic Mailing List The Giles' Appreciation Society Panters (if you don't know what that is you haven't been here long enough :D). Sonja Marie - The White Rose @--'->-- Paul Wylie Fan Pages - Owner of the Jeff Fahey, Paul Wylie, Anthony S. Head, & Buffy Beta Lists Pres. of the Anthony Stewart Head Official Fan Club Pres. of Giles Appreciation Society Panters -GASP!- Keeper of Giles Coats&Ties "Hi, Sonja, it's uh, Tony Head.." Anthony Stewart Head (Giles-BTVS) To Me! - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 20:51:23 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Halloween Episode In a message dated 97-10-28 15:09:09 EST, you write: << Willow? The change actually disempowers her.Without a Buffy to do the dirty work and run feminist interference for her, she's nobody - she can't even turn a page! The loss of Feminine Fighting Power hurts her most of all. Buffy's loss hurts her most of all.>>> jb, wow. that was pure genuis. very profound. it was very interesting. some, however, would say that willow was actually a tad empowered last night. more sure of herself. though the page turning is a very good point to your theory. i think she at least gained more confidence. besides, it was her giving orders to xander and the rest. and she went off the save the day, by getting help from giles, while the others just tried to lay low in buffy's house. just a couple thoughts. jewels - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 13:47:49 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Halloween: this and that In a message dated 97-10-28 09:01:57 EST, writes: << Questions: - if it was supposed to be between 4 and 6 p.m., why was it dark? >> I don't know if this is true for other parts of the country, but around here (Northern Cali), it gets dark around 5:30 now, with Daylight savings being over and all, so it very well could've been dark by around 6. And you should also keep in mind what Buffy said after the kids got toothbrushes from that one house-"Come on, we still have time to hit one more house before I have to get you guys back" er sumthing to that effect, implying that it was close to 6... Yah... L8rz Chris >=) "The dream I have can never be. To photograph what the eye can't see. I fight to live another day. I live to find out come what may" - --Oasis--"My Sister Lover" - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 13:52:02 -0500 (EST) From: (JW) Subject: Re: BUFFY: 1775 ><< Alright, I did the math and Angel's age jives, but do we know where he was > when he became a vampire? I'm under the impression that he was in Europe, > am I right? IIRC in "Angel", Giles says Angel was from Ireland. JW GASP, Keeper of "The Ripper" nickname - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 13:51:22 -0500 (EST) From: (JW) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Halloween *spoiler* ><< Also, how come no vamping out when he and Buffy were kissing?? > >Maybe he just wasn't turned on :-). He might be vampire, but no one is that dead. JW GASP Keeper of "The Ripper" nickname - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 11:16:32 -0800 From: Kathy Matthes Subject: Re: BUFFY: Lots of thoughts on Hallowe'en Hi, I'm new to the list today. I don't know if lurking for awhile is the polite thing to do on this list, but this message caught my attention and I'd like to comment. >Someone also mentioned that it was odd to see Buffy and Angel seem so >normal in the little romantic episode. This is especially funny when you >consider Buffy's lament about not being a "normal" girl when she leaves >Angel at the Bronze instead of staying for her date, and the fact that >Angel is not very normal either. I suppose that some viewers may enjoy that Buffy and Angel were more "normal" in this episode. That is something that bothered me, mostly because Joss has created a rather trendy Beauty and the Beast situation (TV series not the cartoon). It is a gothic romance in the making, but it is also modern, trendy and enthralling. They have created the classic, tragic love story--on the order of Cathy and Heathcliff, Vincent and Cathy (Beauty and the Beast TV series), Cyrano and Roxanne, even Superman and Lois. What makes these such gripping stories is the wanting of love that can't be had. The tension created between these lovers is immense, tragic, poignant, inspiring, soul-wrenching. The moment that you allow these lovers to consummate their love, you lose the emotional power behind it (yes,on one level there is resolution--but that is for the end of the story, not while you are still trying to create a hit series). What is also attractive about these types of lovers is that the man is (except perhaps in Heathcliff's case) always heroic, noble, different than the common man, sensitive, creative, honest, passionate, romantic,----the ideal and the ideal that can't be grasped. Angel, in a sense, is another Vincent--coming from a different world, both a hero--always watching over and protecting Buffy--and a beast, noble yet savage, tender and frightfully lethal all in one. The way, until now, that they have shown Angel keeps him a mystery. The way they light him, shoot him mostly in shadows with his head angled slightly down, and the short lines they give him as well as the low tone of voice (almost a whisper) of his delivery all serve to create an air of mystery. Put him in normal lighting, give him normal dialog and make him act like a normal man, and you lose all of this. The "when you kiss me I wanna die" scene in Reptile Boy episode was one of the most powerful, touching, poignant, soul-wrenching scenes they have created, and the fact that they didn't kiss then made it tragic. You can see Angel's passion and his attempt to control it because of his concern for Buffy--that is his nobility; it's what makes him different than other men--even somehow moral. The audience WANTS them to kiss but they also don't want them to kiss, because the romantic tension is gripping. Throw him in bed with Buffy and you lose this incredible romantic tension between them (stuff like this kills shows really quickly). Put Angel and Buffy in Buffy's bedroom, in normal lighting and have them banter like normal folks and then kiss--you lose all the angst and intrigue. As mentioned by someone else, Buffy and Angel relationship is going too fast in the Halloween episode. In the previous episode or so, Buffy was studdering over the mere word "date" and they were very uneasy about it. At the end of the episode Angel asks Buffy is she wants to get coffee and Buffy teases him by saying yes, but she'll let him know. Next thing, they's sitting on Buffy's bed and Angel at least seems very out of character. Suddenly, he's not concerned about Buffy's welfare? Kissing (and even having sex) is something that we see all the time. The fascinating thing about this relationship is its romantic tension. I hope they don't blow it, but strive harder to keep this element--the sort of Vincent/Cathy pure love scenario--going. I was really disappointed with this episode because of this. Kathy Technical Consultant School of IR, USC - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 14:29:29 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Halloween Episode In a message dated 97-10-30 13:59:45 EST, jb wrote: << Willow? The change actually disempowers her.Without a Buffy to do the dirty work and run feminist interference for her, she's nobody - she can't even turn a page! >> I couldn't disagree with you more. Willow took total control of the situation, got Xander to believe her regarding what was happening, and even ordered soldier boy around. She was probably stronger is this ep than any other, and realized as much in the end when she opted NOT to don the ghost costume. I think she was symbolically stripping away the cover she's been hiding under her whole life. As for needing Buffy to run interference or she's nobody, I think just the opposite was true here. With Buffy utterly helpless, Willow shone more brightly than she possibly could have, or ever has before, in Buffy's shadow. Mike ( Keeper of Buffy's little white teddy bear & beeper Keeper of Little Buffy's Bubblegum Pink Bicycle Keeper of Cordelia's gym bag & Polynesian Sarong (and the Cordelia Keeper's Page - "When it comes to dating, I'm the slayer" Cordelia Chase to Buffy Summers, Halloween - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 14:35:02, -0500 From: (MR MARK A WENTWORTH) Subject: BUFFY: Insider information? Has anyone heard about the possible appearance of the Wolf Man? In WTTH, Giles did mention werewolves as a possible foe, in addition to vampires, demons, etc. On All Hallow's Eve eve, I am reminded that the werewolf was a tortured soul, a good person who is unable to control the evil they do. Remember how Lawrence Talbot, received the werewolf's bite by rescuing the old, gypsy, or Romani woman from the werewolf? (who, turned out to be her son, Bela; Bela Lugosi, no less!). What opportunity for more teenage angst. To Jill St. Kirby and Red Sonja: Great job handling the problems of this past week. - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 29 Oct 1997 02:30:27 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: BUFFY: halloween again and little points in that last fight scene, willow and cordy just sort of stand there looking bored while spike stalks buffy down. while xander and angel struggle valiantly--but on angel's part ineffectually, even though he is a vampire--to help her. i know that willow was a ghost and couldn't physically do something, but she didnt' even try or look worried. she wasn't fidgeting or shouting, trying to help angel or xander. i don't know what she could have done, but it was a little disconcerting to see her twidling her thumbs so to speak. only when xander was free, did she shout for him to use his gun. but what's cordy's excuse? didn't she know they were next on the blood-sucking list? and no one was even guarding her. i'm sure she could have made it to xander's gun which was also unguarded. but, oh well. oh, we finally got to see that picture that was hinted at in IMG. it's such a cute pose. maybe WB will sell that as a publicity photo? it looks much more personal than any of the other poses. jewels - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 18:23:27 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Spike+Dru+Angel= Confusion ^_^ Spoilers In a message dated 97-10-27 03:56:58 EST, you write: << This is further examplified by Spike's own comment about how Angel was "his Yoda". >> yeah, but spike also said that angel was his sire. which means angel sired spike. you know, in a sense, fathered him into demonness or what not. jewels - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 14:58:48 EST From: Letondu Subject: BUFFY: 5v06 Halloween - transcript The rough cut copy of my transcript for this episode has just been uploaded to: Enjoy Napoleon Defenders of the Night - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 12:16:45 -0800 From: Lisa Rose Subject: BUFFY: Assorted Replies to ROTFL's Christopher B. Castro wrote: >It seems as though even if you left with a piece of lint from Ethan's shop >you might be affected (I'd hate to think what you'd turn into, however. >"Run! It's a giant, teenage dustbunny!!") LOL! And you'd better pray no kid dressed as a Dustbuster this year! (I think the latter costumes are in decline now that James Spader's performance in "White Castle" is but a fading delicious memory). Jesse Jou wrote: >>FOR CORDY: ??? >(from her microrecorder) "If Party Town asks, the costume came that way. >'I thought the rips were a tribute to the torn chic of '80's couture, like >in Scandal's The Warrior' Note to self, X has been working out." Arf! And I had nearly forgotten the affectedly-crafted chaos of those years until you just lovingly dumped it back in our laps. Time to fill my hair back up with mousse and sleep on it again all night... Jared Cowan wrote: [Re: Why doesn't Spike just shoot Buffy?] >He probably wants to turn her into a vampire. Who better to have as your >General in combat than a (nay, thee!) combat veteran herself. She killed >The Master. "What do you want to do tonight Buffy" >"Same theing we do every night Spike try to take over Sunnydale." A chilling thought. Buffy turned to the dark side of the Hellmouth Force. Kills all her pals off by betraying their trust. No one left to answer the Slayer call now except for... Harmony! (and Aphrodesia waiting in line behind her). Robert Huff wrote: >The gun Xander got from the costume shop was some flavor of >s*b-machinegun, with a orange barrel cap (as required by many >communities to let the police know this is a toy and not the real >thing) Wow, this could open up a whole new terrorist market, tiny real machine guns with cheesy-looking plastic orange caps in the hands of midget assassins (dressed in Halloween costumes), to keep the cops off-guard. Lisa - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 15:22:03 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: BUFFY: Buffy's Noblelady Ok, I've posted a couple times before, so I"m just gonna skip the intoductions. Was buffy a English noblewoman? 'Cause I got the impression that she was party of the London ton, and not a southern belle. If this is true, then why was she using a southern accent? Also, this might have been brought up before, but the vampire that attacked Angel in Buffy's kitchen (?) was not invited in. Angel didn't leave the door open, so apparently he just waltzed into the Summer's home. I didn't think that that was possible. Jessica - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 15:33:08 -0500 (EST) From: Gabby Hon Subject: Re: BUFFY: Spike+Dru+Angel= Confusion ^_^ Spoilers On Mon, 27 Oct 1997 wrote: > In a message dated 97-10-27 03:56:58 EST, you write: > > << This is further examplified by Spike's own comment about how Angel was > "his Yoda". >> > > yeah, but spike also said that angel was his sire. which means angel sired > spike. you know, in a sense, fathered him into demonness or what not. 'sire' has many connotations, not only meaning to 'father directly' or 'give birth to'. kings have long been called 'sire' - it is a term used more metaphorically than literally to denote a father or a mentor - it is a term of respect for someone older and wiser, a leader. gabby - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 15:50:42 EST From: RayneFire Subject: BUFFY: Ratings and special effects While I was digging and found that note about What's My Line, I also found an interesting comment the ratings (different article). "Fox's rookie charmer ``Ally McBeal'' (6.0-9) also stumbled to season-low numbers. That same hour, WB's ``Buffy the Vampire Slayer'' (3.7-6) staked its highest rating to date." They were talking about the week of October 20-26, and that was the Invisible Girl episode! Highest ratings (so far) on a rerun! Buffy is on the rise!!! (WB was up 7% total for the week). Also found a small article on the special effects "On "Buffy The Vampire Slayer," meanwhile, the company has the enviable task of blowing up vampires. "It's really cool when you can say part of your job is blowing up vampires," said Stephen Brand, DMC's 3-D effects supervisor. DMC spent considerable time creating the explosions and even filmed bags of flour being blown up and plaster models being smashed. In particular they wanted to retain some of the look of the old Bela Lugosi Dracula films, but also add a splash of CGI gore. So each time Buffy slays a vampire every drop of liquid is sucked out of its body, which then turns to dust and explodes. The show's producers where so happy with the effect that they included it in the opening titles. " Just thought I'd share Rayne "Who is that Girl?" -Oz - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 15:40:51 EST From: RayneFire Subject: BUFFY: What's My Line Spoiler! Wow! Oh wow! I was in shock after I read this! Spoiler below for What's My Line (two parter) below 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I was digging around AOL and found this photo and blurb for What's My Line! Photo caption reads: MEET THE NEW SLAYER IN A SPECIAL TWO-PART EPISODE --- During the brief moment last season when Buffy (Sarah Michelle Gellar) was killed at the hands of The Master, Kendra (guest star Bianca Lawson, "Saved By The Bell: The New Class") the vampire slayer, was born. The two are extreme opposites and to Buffy's chagrin, she must join forces with Kendra to save the man who means the most to her --- Angel (David Boreanaz) in "What's My Line, Part 1 and Part 2" airing on Monday, Nov. 17 and 24 (9-10 p.m. ET) Photo (left to right): Sarah Michelle Gellar, Bianca Lawson. - ----------------- I guess this answers quite a few questions about when the next slayer is called! I can't wait! Rayne "Who is that girl?" -Oz - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 13:07:08 -0800 (PST) From: "'Mai' M. Kingsbury" Subject: BUFFY: Re: the Spike list To join the Spike (and Dru and Angel and Vampires in General) Mailing list, send a message to with only the word s*bscribe in the message body. just make sure you fill in the u in s*bscribe. I just can't type it here, or This List will get messed up. - --Livia RHM#2.1, JitterDoug extrordinare, GASPer, Spikette & Screaming True ListMom,,, Guardian of: All things Longinus, Glas' Spooky voice, Diana's Inner Fire, Tully's Pecs, Shannon's Mama, Drusilla's Memories of Prague & Spike's Inner Child. Keeper of anything that makes Willow "do the whacky." - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 16:14:57 -0500 (EST) From: James Bjorkman Subject: Re: BUFFY: Halloween Episode For some reason I just got this today - I thought jewels meant this privately, so originally I merely gave a short thank you off list. Now, I think revisiting this topic on list would be useful because all the usual suspects with axes to grind are piling on re my Willow comments. I'm frankly getting sick of seeing the same unoriginal criticisms over and over, so I'll explain my original comments this one time. On Tue, 28 Oct 1997 wrote: > wow. that was pure genuis. very profound. it was very interesting. No comment. (I couldn't resist keeping that in!) > some, however, would say that willow was actually a tad empowered last night. > more sure of herself. though the page turning is a very good point to your > theory. jewels, because you are being so nice about it, let me explain what I was thinking when I wrote that. The pure, superficial symbolism is that, with Buffy eliminated as a force, Willow becomes literally a mere shadow of her former self. She becomes all thought, with no action permitted in the physical world (besides verbal comments). Some would say that was the situation of women in the past, i.e., they weren't allowed to do more to influence history than convince men to do things. I was reading in a deeper symbolism to this than you thought reasonable, perhaps. > i think she at least gained more confidence. Oh, I'll agree with that completely. No question. Being invulnerable will do that to a person! Casting off the robe at the end supports this. > besides, it was her giving orders to xander and the rest. Orders, of course, that she could in no way enforce except through persuasion. See my comments above. Cordy, of course, thought this was inappropriate. I doubt Cordy would have followed any such 'orders." The guys had no problem with it, though, perhaps because that's a very traditional pattern. A surprisingly old-fashioned way for a woman to act - through men. I'm surprised that all the "progressives" on this list think this is some great feminist empowerment, but you make great points! > and she went off to save the day, by getting help from giles, while the > others just tried to lay low in buffy's house. She was the only one who could, of course. The others wouldn't have made it, having physical bodies. Again, getting a man, Giles, to do the real work. See above. But I agree, there is more there to the Willow transformation than I originally allowed, and people can reasonably read it differently than I did. I'm at least partially convinced by your comments, and let me tell you, that's some achievement! Teaches me not to write my episode analyses quickly between classes! > just a couple thoughts. Some *much appreciated* thoughts. Thanks again! I always enjoy your posts. jb "...when it comes to slaying, *I'm* the slayer!" Cordelia - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 16:19:35 -0500 From: Becky Subject: Re: BUFFY: Giles' past At 10:51 PM 10/29/97 -0600, you wrote: >Tracey was caught saying... (about Giles' past) >> That's what I thought of too. Maybe he's a good vampire like Angel. > If Giles were a vampire, he wouldn't be able to work at the high school during the day, duh!! - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 16:17:59 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: BUFFY: Willow in Halloween >>Was afraid we wouldn't get to see Willow under her Sheet, WOW! Willow you go girl.<< Someone should start an online club for Willow called WOW -- Willow's Our Woman! (Thought of that b/c EVERYONE'S been saying wow in response to Willow.) Aol's mail was down yesterday, so I didn't get a chance to post any comments, and they've basically all been said by now. Two things, though. In RB, Buffy and Angel were on the lines of a relationship that couldn't be a relationship. Now, we've got Buffy telling Willow "My Mom's going to be out, so Angel's coming over" or something like that. Hmmmm......when and how did they decide to work things out? Second comment: in IMG, Cordy was w/ Devon, right? However, in RB, she had a little fling w/ Richard. Then, in Halloween, it seemed like she was still w/ Devon, or had been up until the ep. Was the fling w/ Richard simply a fling that Devon didn't know about, but she was w/ them both? I'm so confused.......... Alli's cell phone,sparkle purse, blue silk dress, X's Tweety Bird watch, B's pur-pink lamp,green sunglasses, suitcases, W's l.b. rolly hat,mar. quarterback T, J's earrings, "Effective Parenting" tapes, watch, G's dict. stand, A's shoes, J.C.'s circle-chain belt, D's black heels and vamp polish, Dr. G's slides, P&B's camo pants, L's notebook, SHS lockers, bb. Little B's @ the site! "Think of something cool, tell him I said it."-Buffy,PG - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V1 #402 ***************************