Return-Path: From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V1 #469 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 23:31:40 -0700 buffy-digest Tuesday, November 25 1997 Volume 01 : Number 469 In this issue: BUFFY: Buffy in Australia? Re: BUFFY: Re: WMLII So many things! Re: BUFFY: Buffy's Face =P~~ (wml ptII) BUFFY: Transcripts BUFFY: Future Ep SPOILER BUFFY: Vampire Strategy BUFFY: Buffy - Dru parallel Re: BUFFY: assassins at school Re: BUFFY: Vampire Strategy Re: BUFFY: What's My Line 2 - spoilers Re: BUFFY: assassins at school Re: BUFFY: Slayer Discrepancy BUFFY: cute willow :) Re: BUFFY: Vampire Strategy BUFFY: Scream 2 SPOILERS! BUFFY: can't stand willow BUFFY: One-Starbuck's town again.... BUFFY: Wanna Join the STARGAME Buffy List? BUFFY: The Buffy ICQ List Re: BUFFY: WML Part 2 nitpickers... BUFFY: Nov. 24 pics... BUFFY: WML Part 2 nitpickers... Re: BUFFY: Cordelia Re: BUFFY: Buffy - Dru parallel-sorta long comment Re: BUFFY: WML Part 2 nitpickers... Re: BUFFY: What's My Line II Reflections (Spoilers) BUFFY: Kendra's Existence BUFFY: mysterious rewind blurb during ep BUFFY: Willy... BUFFY: Willy,..again.... See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 21:22:34 -0500 From: Brian Taylor Subject: BUFFY: Buffy in Australia? I know someone mentioned this earlier, but I deleted it. Can someone send me more info about this? A friend wants to know. Brian Keeper of Willow's Vamp fighting ability, Tadpole dream, and uncanny ability to come up with strange comments - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 20:30:44 -0600 From: "Jeff A. Harrell" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Re: WMLII So many things! Jesse Jou wrote: > Agreed. I think this notion of teamwork was nicely demonstrated by the > partner switch at the end of WML 2. From a tactical standpoint it makes > sense: Buffy's fought Spike before and probably is better able to take his > measure than Kendra (who was looking like she was taking her lumps). While this may also be true, my impression was simply that Buffy wanted to beat the hell out of Spike personally. :-) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeff A. Harrell "Once we had printing presses, RIVA Technologies, Inc. we were pretty much doomed." -- Scott Adams - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 20:33:27 -0600 From: "Jeff A. Harrell" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy's Face =P~~ (wml ptII) wrote: > > "Have either of you ever considered modelling?" Hee hee. :-) >> > > The modeling bit? I was not expecting that at all. The WB I guess is > realizing that us adults are watching and not the kiddies! Hehahah Yah. Almost as funny was the look on Buffy's face afterward. I completely expected her to look at Kendra and say, "Maybe now I should hit him." :-) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeff A. Harrell "Once we had printing presses, RIVA Technologies, Inc. we were pretty much doomed." -- Scott Adams - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 19:37:14 -0600 From: (Katie Masters) Subject: BUFFY: Transcripts My wonderful television decided to go non verbal. It was during the scene where( I think) Giles and Kendra were talking about books. Then they leave and Buffy and Willow walk alone. Then it pans to, I think, Xander and Cordy in the basement. I missed the entire scene. Somebody want to transcripe it for me? Katie Keeper of Willow's leather mini, Cordy's Stakes, Buffy's Nail Polish & Past Popularity Angel's Adoptive Mother Guardian Angel of Spike's feeling of rejection towards Angel "What's Scarier than high school? Nothing!" Sarah Michelle Gellar - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 21:52:29 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: BUFFY: Future Ep SPOILER I'm new to the list, so I hope I'm doing the spoiler thing right:-) Apologies if this has been brought up already! S P O I L E R S P A C E I have too many thoughts, but here's the WGN spoiler for " Ted. " <> Two words: John Ritter?!!! - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 20:05:15 -0700 (MST) From: " St. Greyson" Subject: BUFFY: Vampire Strategy Kendra's remarks about how if she dies it won't matter because another will be chosen has got me to thinking. If we look at this from the vampire perspective, it almost seems unfair. Sure, Spike can kill 2(?) Slayers in his past, but no matter how many he kills, another one is going to pop up sooner or later. So really, what's his incentive to kill Buffy? He's gone toe to toe with her, and although he hasn't convincingly defeated her, he hasn't done so bad, either (oh, sure, he got his clock cleaned in the Halloween episode, but he was still in one piece when he lit out). So I think that perhaps Spike's (or Dru, if she's the main baddie now) best course of action would be to capture the Slayer and imprison her, keeping her just barely alive for years until she eventually dies of old age. That way, he's guaranteed maybe as much as 60 or 70 years of free reign, without worrying about a new Slayer he doesn't recognize popping out from behind a tree with a stake. Thoughts? Of course, capturing the Slayer may be as or more difficult as killing her . . . One last thought. I just loved the morbid-yet-funny line where Dru said with a smile "Say uncle. Oh, that's right, you killed my uncle." She may be insane, but she's still got a sense of humor. Okay, that's about it. Have a happy Thanksgiving everyone. And don't argue with your family too much. It's bad for the karma. So's dying, by the way, but that's another story . . . Greyson Keeper of Buffy's Dresser Drawer of Weapons Keeper of Willow's Aspirin UIN: 476898 - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 19:04:29 -0800 From: Subject: BUFFY: Buffy - Dru parallel Finally watching the episode and found an intriguing parallel: In the library Buffy was irate about Spike trying to kill her, the assassins being sent yet most of all she focused on "Nobody messes with my boyfriend." She as much as said that if Kendra had killed Angel then Buffy would had killed her. Dru, in the torture scenes focused on what Angel had done to her family and the people that she loved. Okay, she is crazy, whose fault is that? Yet her actions seemed justified in that he had caused great pain to the living and the undead. Does feeling really bad and honing brooding skills expiate such heinous acts? And in the same analogy, Spike and Angel act about the same when their ladies are doing the torture thing. Angel looked decidedly uncomfortable at the Bronze in WSWB when Buffy was torturing the female vampire and Spike made his comment in WML2 about not being into the pre-game show (Dru torturing Angel). Dru is recognized as a major player now and it really seems right that she should inflict a bit more payback. Angel seems to have forgiven himself far too easily. Preta *** Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes. - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 22:15:18 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: assassins at school In a message dated 97-11-25 10:01:56 EST, you write: << My question is. "Doesn't anyone worry >about assassins running around the school shooting the students?" >> I would think it's about time for metal detectors! how many guns and concealed weapons did that police-chick have?? geez. surprised synder wasn't there afterward commanding everyone around and would have been a great scene. there are no shot students here...this week. jewels ** Keeper of Willow's cheese tower (IMG)~~Keeper of Buffy's history test (N)~~ Keeper of Buffy's hunk explanation (A)~~Keeper of Xander's Betel nuts (RB)~~ Keeper of Xander's sore fist (RB) Keeper of Giles's Lost Weekend (TDA)~~patient of BAH, xander floor, rm 309~~GASPer~~"Oh, this is fun...." ~~Willow (H) "Come on people, this isn't a spectator sport." ~~Spike (SH) - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 20:21:05 -0600 From: (Katie Masters) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Vampire Strategy >Kendra's remarks about how if she dies it won't matter because another >will be >chosen has got me to thinking. If we look at this from the >vampire perspective, it >almost seems unfair. Sure, Spike can kill 2(?) >Slayers in his past, but no matter how >many he kills, another one is >going to pop up sooner or later. Isn't this sort of like what Giles said about the assasins? No matter how many you kill there will be another and another and another. >So really, what's his incentive to kill >Buffy? He's gone toe to toe with her, and although he hasn't convincingly >defeated her, he hasn't done so bad, either (oh, sure, he got his clock >cleaned in the Halloween episode, but he was still in one piece when he >lit out). Perhaps his motive to kill is that she has humiliated him, is in love with the person who hurt his Dru, etc., etc. >So I think that perhaps Spike's (or Dru, if she's the main >baddie now) best course of action would be to capture the Slayer and >imprison her, keeping her just barely alive for years until she eventually >dies of old age. The slayer would probably find a wway to break free, with the superhuman strength and all. ANd her friends and Angel would come for her, causing more trouble than it's worth. >That way, he's guaranteed maybe as much as 60 or 70 >years of free reign, without worrying about a new Slayer he doesn't >recognize popping out from behind a tree with a stake. Thoughts? Of >course, capturing the Slayer may be as or more difficult as killing her . But there are all those demon hunters out there that don't show up because the slayer is on top of things. If she was not, they would be all over. Plus, yes it would be extremly difficult. Katie Keeper of Willow's leather mini, Cordy's Stakes, Buffy's Nail Polish & Past Popularity Angel's Adoptive Mother Guardian Angel of Spike's feeling of rejection towards Angel "What's Scarier than high school? Nothing!" Sarah Michelle Gellar - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 22:22:16 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: What's My Line 2 - spoilers In a message dated 97-11-25 10:58:59 EST, you write: << There are FORTY-THREE churches. >> um, a one-starbucks town? that buffy gave ford a walking tour of? how do you squeeze in that many? how do you squeeze that many in a two-starbucks town? wow. anyone expect that? willow's praying comment was humorous. how i love that girl. she truly makes the show what it is. the same goes for the rest of the supporting cast..without xander, cordy, angel and giles, the show wouldnt' be as engrossing as it is. jewels ** Keeper of Willow's cheese tower (IMG)~~Keeper of Buffy's history test (N)~~ Keeper of Buffy's hunk explanation (A)~~Keeper of Xander's Betel nuts (RB)~~ Keeper of Xander's sore fist (RB) Keeper of Giles's Lost Weekend (TDA)~~patient of BAH, xander floor, rm 309~~GASPer~~"Oh, this is fun...." ~~Willow (H) "Come on people, this isn't a spectator sport." ~~Spike (SH) - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 22:32:14 -0500 (EST) From: "F.Y.G." Subject: Re: BUFFY: assassins at school On Tue, 25 Nov 1997 wrote: > I would think it's about time for metal detectors! how many guns and > concealed weapons did that police-chick have?? geez. How many weapon fights were shown in Buffy's school to warrant metal detectors.Its not like that school was in D.C. You know why Chill Clinton didn't go to public school...the Secret Service didn't want to be out gunned! OhBuffy: I would love to see another heated Xander/Cordelia kiss. missile Founder and President of the Buffy Crew Delta Sigma Phi Sargent at Arms - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 22:45:16 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Slayer Discrepancy In a message dated 97-11-25 15:14:29 EST, you write: << How did Kendra's parents know? >> it's been mentioned that kendra could possibly be from the Carribbean or Africa. perhaps in those countries the people have a more open mind to vampires and evil and do believe they exist rather than CA city folk. now, i'm drawing on my knowledge of tv and cliches, but arent' voodoo and premonitions and all sorts of delicious mystical stuff prevalent in their cultures? curses and supersititions and stuff. if that's true, then it would make sense that kendra's parents sensed something different about their child. i can see them taking little newborn kendra to the local shaman or spiritual woman who sees noble and great things in kendra's future, namely the great potential to become the slayer. the old woman then draws the curtains of her room closed, incense wafts heavily around the room, there is a power humming in the air, dust motes float in tiny rays of sunshine. she pulls an ancient book out and divulges the normal spiel about slayers...a girl with the strength and ability to fight the forces of darkness....etc. there is a man, she says, who watches over the girls and will watch over young kendra. the parents dazzled and stunned by the mystical happenings immediately give over their baby to her destiny. and so kendra trains under the great watcher's wing for 16 or so years of her life. um sorry to get carried away. but it has such great potential for a scene. i can see it in my mind's eye. such drama. jewels ** Keeper of Willow's cheese tower (IMG)~~Keeper of Buffy's history test (N)~~ Keeper of Buffy's hunk explanation (A)~~Keeper of Xander's Betel nuts (RB)~~ Keeper of Xander's sore fist (RB) Keeper of Giles's Lost Weekend (TDA)~~patient of BAH, xander floor, rm 309~~GASPer~~"Oh, this is fun...." ~~Willow (H) "Come on people, this isn't a spectator sport." ~~Spike (SH) - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 19:55:03 PST From: "Keenan Itwasalatenite McCardell" Subject: BUFFY: cute willow :) Oh my God! Willow is sooooo cute, and I love her smile, especially in yesterday's show!! Yeah!! Oh my God! She has the sweetest smile in the whole world!!! Alyson, keep on smilin', you're great. Willow's smile provides warmth and sweetness to the show, otherwise it is just another dark, sinister program. Oh my God!!! Yeah!! Itwasalatenite ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 23:04:32 +0000 From: "Robin Carroll-Mann" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Vampire Strategy And it came to pass on 25 Nov 97, that St. Greyson wrote: > Sure, Spike can kill 2(?) Slayers in his past, but no matter how many he kills, > another one is going to pop up sooner or later. So really, what's > his incentive to kill Buffy? Revenge. Spike is really, really annoyed with her because of the many times she's foiled his plans. It's not just an impersonal "me vampire you slayer" thing -- he wants this particular mortal girl dead. Robin, who is really, really annoyed that she taped the wrong channel last night Harper *** Robin Carroll-Mann harper @ "Mostly Harmless" -- Douglas Adams Denial is a river in Sunnydale - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 26 Nov 1997 00:13:24 +0000 From: Jack Welsh Subject: BUFFY: Scream 2 SPOILERS! spoilers out S p o i l e r s p a c e s p o i l e r s p a c e s p o i l e r s p a c e SCREAM II: SPOILERS!!! Ok...has anyone else read the (early, rough draft) of the script to Scream 2? I know that they made a lot of changes (and hopefully the cheesy ending) but in this version of the script SMG's character is so small...did they make it bigger? - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 26 Nov 1997 00:18:21 +0000 From: Jack Welsh Subject: BUFFY: can't stand willow I CAN'T stand Willow this season!!!!!! I thought after the halloween episode that she would actually have a good role but now she just interrupts with stupid lines. - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 22:13:39 -0600 (CST) From: Subject: BUFFY: One-Starbuck's town again.... On Tue, 25 Nov 1997, wrote: >um, a one-starbucks town? Y'know, people keep commenting on this, like the number of Starbucks is somehow an indicatior of size. How do we know Sunnydale doesn't have *one* Starbucks, and 3 Cuppa Joes and 2 Perky Pots? The latter 2 being *local*, not chain, coffee shops? Lots of small-to-middling sized towns only have one of a national chain, balanced by old-established local shops. Xander's remark about a "one-Starbucks town" could just as easily have been a commentary on Sunnydale's un-hip atmosphere (as evinced by the lack of tons of trendy stores) as on its size... Just a thought. :) Diane E "You know, Zaphod, if I had two heads like you do I could have great fun banging them against a wall." F. Prefect # D Echelbarger # # WWW HomePage: # - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 22:13:53 -0600 From: Kasey Johns Subject: BUFFY: Wanna Join the STARGAME Buffy List? Hey All! Need more DBI (Daily Buffy Intake?) Then join another discussion list! The Stargame Buffy list is looking for you! We just started, so traffic is minimal at the moment. To s*bscribe, send a message to with the command s*bscribe buffy or s*bscribe buffy-digest. - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kasey - Buffy Listowner at Stargame Slayerville - Buffy ICQ ListMaster BtVS ICQ 5378942 - Personal ICQ 5377948 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Bad vampires bite your neck. Good vampires bite other parts of your body." --Sarah Michelle Gellar, on MTV Live 11/21/97 - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 22:10:28 -0600 From: Kasey Johns Subject: BUFFY: The Buffy ICQ List ATTENTION BUFFY ICQ LIST MEMBERS! - --------------------------------- In the next few minutes, I'm going to upload the 'revised' edition of the Buffy ICQ List to the server. The additions that are sitting in my inbox haven't been touched yet, however... they will be added tomorrow. ANYWAYS, the plan is - please stop by and check your entry. As far as I know, I transferred everything, but I have a tendency to hit the Del key one too many times. Please address any changes to, or use the new web revision form at And, if you want to join the list, use or the new web entry form at Thanks, - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kasey - Buffy Listowner at Stargame Slayerville - Buffy ICQ ListMaster BtVS ICQ 5378942 - Personal ICQ 5377948 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Bad vampires bite your neck. Good vampires bite other parts of your body." --Sarah Michelle Gellar, on MTV Live 11/21/97 - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 23:17:09 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: WML Part 2 nitpickers... In a message dated 97-11-25 17:49:33 EST, you write: > hat Drusilla was able to sprinkle the hold water on Angel with her bare > hands? If it burns him, it should burn her. > > It was in a little glass container. She did not touch it directly. Napoleon Defenders of the Night - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 23:25:27 -0500 (EST) From: Betsy Vera Subject: BUFFY: Nov. 24 pics... ...have been uploaded. Once again, way too many pics, but I didn't have time to be selective. Eventually, I'll remove several, so get them while they're up. The ones from the promo are still there, but they've been renamed to match the rest. Betsy -- Fanfic Resources: Xander: "Angel's our friend! Except I don't like him." "Yeah, I've decided they were Mo and me in another life... " -- Dianne - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 21:26:45 -0700 From: David Simpson Subject: BUFFY: WML Part 2 nitpickers... On Tue, 25 Nov 1997, Sparky Dawntreader wrote: >A lot of nits have been picked about this episode, but the most obvious >one (to me at least, or my roommate, rather) hasn't come up - how is it >that Drusilla was able to sprinkle the hold water on Angel with her bare >hands? If it burns him, it should burn her. She wasn't sprinkling the holy water on Angel with her hands. It was in a small glass pitcher, and she poured it on him from the pitcher. She never got any on herself. David Simpson Cordelia: No one has suffered like I have suffered. Of course, I think that that kind of adversity builds character. Well, then I thought, "I already have a lot of character." Is it possible to have too much character? -- When She Was Bad (BtVS) -- - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 23:58:13 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Cordelia << Did you guys know Bianca Lawson (Kendra) had originally been cast as Cordelia but that since she was already committed to another series they gave that part to Charisma Carpenter? Also SMG auditioned for Cordelia but ended up getting the lead role. And Lawson's dad used to be on AMC with SMG. >> Bianca Lawson...her name her face looked familiar. What series is she committed to? Does anyone know what other work she has done? - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 26 Nov 1997 00:05:54 EST From: (JESSE BLACKSTONE) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy - Dru parallel-sorta long comment I concur. In fact that was the whole point I was trying to make with an earlier post that seemed to go over everyone's heads. Angel when he was first made a vampire, he was one of the most heinous vampires of all. Truly inventive in his evil acts and gloried in them. People seem to think that Dru and Angel has some passionate romance between them, implying a willingness on Dru's part. Angel messed with Dru's head so badly she went insane. He deliberately did it, because it amused him. He wanted her to go insane just not so much insane. The final act of tormenting her would have been when he made her a vampire just after she thought (with what was left of her sanity at that point) that she was finally safe from him. The culmination of that night would of course be sex (since this is a PG list we will not go thru whether it was willing or not) Remember what Angel said to Buffy about Dru, " ...that he was obsessed with her b/c she was so pure, so chaste." He wanted to make her the exact opposite of all the qualities he listed. Once the demon was inside Dru of course she became all of those things i.e. gloried in sex, although she was quite mad, the damage to her brain damaging the body and the memories it now held. The sad thing to me is that I believe what Dru is the most terrifying example of them all. What if the madness made Dru retain some of the emotions of the true Dru into the demon consicousness that now controls her actions/desires. The result would be the Dru we see, who tortures Angel for killing her family and tormenting her. Angel didn't immediatley abandon Dru, I would say his obsession with her continued afterwards awhile but that he tired of her relatively soon after and made Spike to take her off his hands. Or if Dru did make Spike only after Angelus abandoned her out of survival. In any event Dru is the one I truly feel sorry for and the most terrifying. I am sure we will see that Spike, and the Master for that matter, was an amateur in the vampire business compared to what horrors Drusilla will perpetrate. After all Drusilla learned from the best: Angelus...mind rape extraordinaire. In any event the torment that Angel experienced during WML part 2 does little to even the score for Drusilla.(Who I believe is rapidly becoming my favorite Character) J. Blackstone On Tue, 25 Nov 1997 19:04:29 -0800 writes: > Dru, in the torture scenes focused on what Angel had done to >her family and the people that she loved. Yet her actions seemed justified in that he had caused great pain to the living and the undead. Does feeling really bad and honing >brooding >skills expiate such heinous acts? Preta - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 26 Nov 1997 00:40:04 -0500 From: Crimson Subject: Re: BUFFY: WML Part 2 nitpickers... At 09:26 PM 11/25/97 -0700, you wrote: >On Tue, 25 Nov 1997, Sparky Dawntreader wrote: >>that Drusilla was able to sprinkle the hold water on Angel with her bare >>hands? If it burns him, it should burn her. >She wasn't sprinkling the holy water on Angel with her hands. It was in a >small glass pitcher, and she poured it on him from the pitcher. She never >got any on herself. >David Simpson > I thought I saw the same as Sparky.. when she first put her hand on Angel's chest.. it left a trail of water on him.. b4 she poured from anything.. Crimson - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 21:34:48 -0800 From: Lisa Rose Subject: Re: BUFFY: What's My Line II Reflections (Spoilers) At 08:44 AM 11/25/97 -0600, Jeff A. Harrell wrote: Re: The final shot of Dru carrying Spike from the church being like a black, gothic, demonic rendition of "La Pieta." >THANK YOU! I knew there was something about both the Buffy-holding-Angel >shot and the Dru-holding-Spike shot that tickled the back of my brain. >That was it! They were both pretty fair representations of La Pieta. >Now I can sleep again. :-) And her skin was so *luminous* against the charred black blackground, like demonic marble. The cross formed by their perpendicular bodies kinda hits it over the head, Mary carrying the body of her wounded Son (assuming Dru really did make Spike a vampire, and if she did, would that conversion qualify as an immaculate conception given that, although messy with blood, it did not require sexual intercourse?) And can you see a skull in that shot, with the windows of the church for its eyes, and Dru & Spike for its mouth? (the hellmouth!). In other posts you wrote: >Kendra wanted to beat him with a stick until candy came spilling out >it wasn't like NKABOTFD, which seems to have been ordered entirely a la carte. :-) >[Watchers] could have their own newsgroup, maybe alt.slay.watchers.announce, >or rec.arts.crossbow, or alt.eyghon.die.die.die. :-) ROTFL over these lines! (except now I can't get memories of "alt.barney.die.die.die" out of my mind). Lisa - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 26 Nov 1997 01:06:35 -0500 From: Joel Deziel Subject: BUFFY: Kendra's Existence OK, Buffy dies "only for a couple of minutes" and this is the excuse for a second slayer. This is OK, this is perfectly fine. But how could Kendra have trained under her watcher's wing for 16 years knowing she was to become a slayer, when Buffy was already lined up to be the slayer, and another slayer would have been alive at the time of both Buffy's and Kendra's time of birth? Buffy hadn't died yet, but Kendra was already training to become the slayer. Strange? Joel Deziel. - --- - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 26 Nov 1997 01:16:14 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: BUFFY: mysterious rewind blurb during ep i don't know if it was just my tv or what, but when willie came to drag angel out of the cage, the episode tape visually rewound. it rewound, showing all the scenes before it and then quickly flashed back to angel and willie. it was most bizarre. happened in like two seconds. before i could finish launching into a panic attack, it was over and like nothing had happened. anyone else? or was it just my tv? somehow i find that hard to believe. jewels ** Keeper of Willow's cheese tower (IMG)~~Keeper of Buffy's history test (N)~~ Keeper of Buffy's hunk explanation (A)~~Keeper of Xander's Betel nuts (RB)~~ Keeper of Xander's sore fist (RB) Keeper of Giles's Lost Weekend (TDA)~~patient of BAH, xander floor, rm 309~~GASPer~~"Oh, this is fun...." ~~Willow (H) "Come on people, this isn't a spectator sport." ~~Spike (SH) - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 26 Nov 1997 01:24:55 -0500 From: QUEEN C Subject: BUFFY: Willy... Quick question about last night's episode, that Willy guy a bartender? **************************** Buffy the Vampire Slayer Monday 9:00p.m. on the WB network "What am I, mass transportation?"--Cordelia Chase Keeper of Cordelia's Adidas Sneakers **************************** - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 26 Nov 1997 01:30:19 -0500 From: QUEEN C Subject: BUFFY: Willy,..again.... I forgot to add on the second part of the question, he a bartender or is he a vamp? **************************** Buffy the Vampire Slayer Monday 9:00p.m. on the WB network "What am I, mass transportation?"--Cordelia Chase Keeper of Cordelia's Adidas Sneakers **************************** - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V1 #469 *************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (