Return-Path: From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V1 #477 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Date: Sun, 30 Nov 1997 10:17:45 -0700 buffy-digest Sunday, November 30 1997 Volume 01 : Number 477 In this issue: BUFFY: SMG in Ent. Weekly Re: BUFFY: Darla Re: BUFFY: Slayer Discrepancy and some more stuff BUFFY: Movie Hype BUFFY: Giles from WML1? Re: BUFFY: Ratings BUFFY: Keeper & Guardian Updates Re: BUFFY: Darla Re: BUFFY: ARE YOU READY???? BUFFY: WBS chat room..come on in! BUFFY: really good buffy chat room BUFFY: Why I Hate Buffy (lengthy rant) Re: BUFFY: Darla BUFFY: BtVS Web Sites: ICQ Forum TONIGHT and TOMORROW NIGHT ONLY BUFFY: whats on monday? BUFFY: words Re: BUFFY: assassins at school Re: BUFFY: Knowing your lines . . . Re: BUFFY: words BUFFY: "Reptile Boy" quote Re: BUFFY: My WML2 Ramblings BUFFY: Cinefantastique Vol 29 #11 Re: BUFFY: Slayer Discrepancy and some more stuff BUFFY: how many episodes? BUFFY: Good News on the Ratings Front Re: BUFFY: how many episodes? Re: BUFFY: words Re: BUFFY: how many episodes? BUFFY: Any Singaporeans here? BUFFY: ICQ List - Last Chance, Today! Re: BUFFY: Slayer Discrepancy and some more stuff Re: BUFFY:WML 1&2 and Sunnydale location See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 29 Nov 1997 16:24:53 -0500 (EST) From: "F.Y.G." Subject: BUFFY: SMG in Ent. Weekly I got the new issue with the Alien Resurrection cover and I only found 2 tid-bits. page 36 "... (issue is importance of counterprogramming-ask Scott not me about this) The exceptions are CBS, which is going for an older audience, and the WB, which is going much younger" with shows like Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Smart Guy." and on page 38 is has a piture of SMG as a good for TV winners...caption says "Spreading the production deals around buffs new talent" missile Founder and President of the Buffy Crew Delta Sigma Phi Sargent at Arms - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 29 Nov 1997 15:27:38 -0600 From: "Jeff A. Harrell" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Darla Ryan Harrington wrote: > > Does anyone think there is still hope for Darla???? Alas, only in flashbacks. And signature files. And rabid speculation about just exactly how much neck Angel got in his day. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeff A. Harrell "Once we had printing presses, RIVA Technologies, Inc. we were pretty much doomed." -- Scott Adams - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 29 Nov 97 13:50:05 PST From: "Adamson" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Slayer Discrepancy and some more stuff Okay I have no idea if this has been mentioned or what so I thought I wou= ld give my take on the topic. This is also my first post so forgive me = if I step on anyones toes or what ever! > Ok, if another slayer is called when one slayer dies, how did Kendra's > parents know that she would have to train to be the slayer? I had thought about this way back before WML part one or two was aired. = I think too much! Anyways if a slayer dies, the new slayer comes. But = you can't just force a person to be a slayer at any moment. Well you cou= ld but that slayer would probably die within two seconds. So I am assumi= ng that they are many slayers to be out there waiting for the slayer that= was in line before them to die. There might be some discrepencies betwee= n my interpretaion and the real sotry becuase I have only seen about seve= n or eight Buffy eps. But then again, Buffy is a special case remember! Onto my next topic. I have no idea if this has been mentioned before or = not but if it has I will mention it again. In the last scene of WML2, = when Kendra and Buffy are saying their goodbyes, the shots keep on flippi= ng form behind Kendra's shoulder looking at Buffy, to behind Buffy's shou= lder looking at Kendra. Anyways if you look closely, when we are looking= at Buffy's face, Kendra's braid is over her shoulder handing in front, = when we are looking at Kendra's face, the braid is hanging staright down = her back. I don't think I was hullucianting because my friend and her = sister saw it as well when I pointed it out. Oh well it wasn't a big dea= l just a little nitpick! Well I think that is it for now. I may come lurking out of the shadows = again after I have seen another seven or eight episodes. Nuvzork Keeper of nothing related to Buffy or anything else in the show because = everything else is already taken! - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 29 Nov 1997 14:20:47 -0800 From: Sai Wong Subject: BUFFY: Movie Hype Hi, SMG is in the movie hype section of the new Movieline magazine (Dec/Jan 1998) which has Gillian Anderson on the cover. SMG is on page 20 Sai - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 29 Nov 1997 16:31:49 -0600 From: "Jeff A. Harrell" Subject: BUFFY: Giles from WML1? So I'm watching my tape of WML1, and there I see the scene inside the du Lac crypt. Giles explains the bit about the relics to Buffy ("Note to self: religion, freaky"), then looks up and sees the name. "Oh dear, oh dear." Buffy then rambles off about how she hates when he says that, but all I can think about it the fact that there's a point somewhere in one of the STAR WARS movies where C3P0 says exactly the same phrase, with exactly the same inflection. I'm pretty sure it was at the beginning of THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, but I'm not certain. So I'm wondering: coincidence, or subtle tribute, or something more... sinister? :-) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeff A. Harrell "Once we had printing presses, RIVA Technologies, Inc. we were pretty much doomed." -- Scott Adams - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 29 Nov 1997 18:00:42 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Ratings i don't know how the ratings work, can anyone explain what all those numbers mean? - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 29 Nov 1997 15:01:09 -0800 (PST) From: "'Mai' M. Kingsbury" Subject: BUFFY: Keeper & Guardian Updates I have updated the Ethan Keeper page, so everyone who requested something in the last week should go and take a peek and make sure things are as they should be. Ethan's Keepers can be found at: I also have updated the combined Guardian Angel and Keeper Page for Drusilla and Spike. It can be found at: - --Livia RHM#2.1, JitterDoug, GASPer, Spikette, Screaming True & Simon's Poppet Listmama: Co-Listmama: "Well, because Brett and I fancied Apricots!" --Edward "I Schleeped!" - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 29 Nov 1997 17:42:36 -0700 From: David Simpson Subject: Re: BUFFY: Darla On Sat, 29 Nov 1997, Ryan Harrington wrote: >Does anyone think there is still hope for Darla???? Nope. She is a pile of dust that has been swept out of the Bronze and tossed into the trash and now resides in the Sunnydale landfill. There were not even any of her bones left, so there is absolutely no chance of having any kind of revivification ritual for her. David Simpson Giles: The good guys are always stalwart and true, the bad guys are easily distinguished by their pointy horns or black hats, and we always defeat them and save the day. No one ever dies, and everybody lives happily ever after. Buffy: Liar. ---Lie to Me (BtVS)--- - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 29 Nov 1997 17:53:00 -0700 From: David Simpson Subject: Re: BUFFY: ARE YOU READY???? On Sat, 29 Nov 1997, Angela Mach wrote: >Scroll down people. This is something I kind of changed. It used to be a >chain letter but now I was thinking of changing it into a Buffy kinda >theme.If anyone else would like to change it, change it on the way.... >this will be fun!!!!!! So what do you all think?????? This was an incredible waste of bandwidth on the Buffy list. I am on digest mode and usually get 25 to 30 entries that come in on digest. With this pile of nothingness, I got only 7 before the remaining digest space was completely used up. Please do not do this again. ObBuffy: I rewatched Welcome to the Hellmouth this afternoon. I am again in awe of how well done it was as the pilot for the show, introducing all of the main characters, letting us learn about them, and leaving us wanting to know more. I love this show! David Simpson Snyder: Who do you think you are? Buffy: I'm the one that knows how to stop them. -- School Hard (BtVS) -- - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 29 Nov 1997 20:18:33 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: BUFFY: WBS chat room..come on in! heyla :o) After searching a bit on wbs, i couldn't find a Buffy chat room so I've created a private Buffy Chat. For those who have WBS experience it's: BuffyChat (remeber, case sensitive!) For those who haven't had wbs experience before: go to: (you have to register to chat, but it's free!) after you've registered go to private rooms and type in: BuffyChat in the "go to existing room" space. I'll be there for a bit tonight..gotta go net hope to see some of you there.. For (sorta) step by step instructions or a quick link to the room or for help check out my page: Hope to see ya soon! (btw..the handle i'll be on is: Slayer's Angel one of my many wbs alias as my sis can attest to..) 'later - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 29 Nov 1997 20:25:44 -0500 From: "Ryan Harrington" Subject: BUFFY: really good buffy chat room There is an awesome chat room for buffy i thought everyone knew about but i may be wrong tha addy is and you have to download a plugin but it only takes a second ryanh - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 29 Nov 1997 19:30:53 -0600 From: "Jeff A. Harrell" Subject: BUFFY: Why I Hate Buffy (lengthy rant) Today I did two things. I watched "What's My Line," parts one and two, back to back. Then I went Christmas shopping. And when I came home I was really grumpy. I have been watching "Buffy" for a while now-- I caught on this spring, lived for those twice-a-week reruns during the summer, and now I unplug my phone from eight to nine on Mondays. I could talk all day (and on occasion, have) about why I like it. What's on my mind right now is why it frustrates me. Going Christmas shopping on the weekend after Thanksgiving is the kiss of death, but I keep doing it every year. I go to the mall, or to three, and stand shoulder-to-shoulder with about a gazillion other people, all of us grouchy and uncomfortable, while that damned Bing Crosby song plays on tinny, metallic speakers in the ceiling. Then I drive home past houses where, apparently, crazy people live. You'd have to be insane to think that that many lights look _good_, right? There's something not-quite-right about anybody that puts an eight-foot-tall glowing statue of Santa Claus on the roof of his house. And I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be a crime if I were to kill that guy that spells out "GRACELAND" in tiny white lights and has a tapestry of Elvis in red hanging in his lawn. I swear upon all that's holy that I'm _not_ making any of this up. This might just be general holiday angst getting to me, but I don't think so. It just leads me to think about the other aspects of my life. I'm a computer systems consultant, which means that I get up every morning and go sit in a cubicle. I wear a white shirt and a name badge, which just goes to prove that the only difference between being a consultant and being a garden-variety drone is that I get paid better. Where I work, nobody ever says anything clever. Nobody ever gets my jokes. Nobody ever falls in love, or gets hurt, or becomes possessed by a hyena. (Well, there was that one time a middle-manager's secretary got drunk at the company picnic, but that's not the same thing.) And every week I come home and spend an hour (or, like, 48 minutes minus commercials) with a bunch of fictional characters that are vastly more interesting than everything else in my life put together. Okay, so I'm exaggerating. I have a bunch of great friends, and a job I enjoy (despite the cubicles), and so on and so on. Generally speaking, I _like_ my life. But that's the really frustrating part about this. I mean, it's not like I'm an unemployed, homeless, friendless loser whose only social interaction comes from yelling at the TV during episodes of "Touched by an Angel." (No offense to all you unemployed, homeless, friendless people out there.) I'm a pretty normal guy, with a pretty normal life, and I _still_ think that Buffy and Xander and Willow and Giles would be more interesting people to have over for dinner than anybody else I can imagine. Which, I guess, is the whole point. I mean, if I were to walk up to Joss and say, "Hey, you created some really great characters," I'm sure he'd take it as a compliment. At least, I hope so. I'd imagine that that was his idea in the first place. I just resent the fact that his characters can have such an affect on me. Like I told you, after I watched "What's My Line," I went shopping. From Buffy to the real world is a pretty shocking transition, one you shouldn't make abruptly. Almost immediately I found myself wishing I was back in front of the television again, back in that other place. You don't understand; this doesn't _happen_ to me. I'm supposed to be immune to this kind of thing, aren't I? Isn't it all just bread and circuses anyway? I mean, what are you supposed to do when the bread's really tasty and the circuses are better than your real life? It's a weird set of emotions I'm trying to express here. On the one hand, I really love Buffy a lot, and I'm completely grateful to Joss and the others who create it for letting me share it. But on the other hand, I like it _so_ much that it kinda bothers me. And then on the _other_ other hand, I get all pissed off that something's bothering me, and getting in the way of just enjoying it. Right about that time, I go and put in one of those tapes that I've obsessively made. I think it's about time for "Puppet Show." Gotta run. Thanks for letting me vent. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeff A. Harrell "Once we had printing presses, RIVA Technologies, Inc. we were pretty much doomed." -- Scott Adams - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 29 Nov 1997 19:32:59 -0600 From: "Jeff A. Harrell" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Darla David Simpson wrote: > There were not even any of her bones left, so there > is absolutely no chance of having any kind of > revivification ritual for her. Thereby virtually guaranteeing that one of the writers will come up with a way to bring her back. :-) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeff A. Harrell "Once we had printing presses, RIVA Technologies, Inc. we were pretty much doomed." -- Scott Adams - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 29 Nov 1997 20:33:38 -0600 From: Kasey Johns Subject: BUFFY: BtVS Web Sites: ICQ Forum TONIGHT and TOMORROW NIGHT ONLY What would you do if you had the option to create any feature you wanted on a Buffy website? What would it be? Well, here's your chance. Slayerville will host a forum in the ICQ BuffyChat room beginning at 9:00pm CT (10pm ET), a little under 30 minutes from now, and lasting until 10:00pm CT (11pm ET). If you would like to help shape the ultimate Buffy fan site on the 'Net, then come and join us. The BuffyChat chat room UIN# is 5487411. Just add that to your contact list and make a chat request. The room will open at 9:50 ET/8:50 CT tonight. If you don't have ICQ, you don't know what you're missing. Visit for details. - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Kasey - BtVS ICQ 5378942 (Slayerville) BtVS Chatroom &buffy #5487411 Buffy-Stargame Listowner -- Buffy ICQ Listmaster -- and much much more - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- "Bad vampires bite your neck. Good vampires bite other parts of your body." --Sarah Michelle Gellar, on MTV Live 11/21/97 - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 29 Nov 1997 21:45:22 -0500 From: "Ryan Harrington" Subject: BUFFY: whats on monday? I know that when she was bad is on monday but whats on the monday after that? ryanh - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 29 Nov 1997 21:52:22 -0500 From: Annie Subject: BUFFY: words OK, I have questions. I was thinking about my favorite quotes from the show and I thought "Hey I don't know what that means." so what does "spank your inner moppet" mean is it some weird perverse thing or what. And when Bufyy says to Angel "When you kiss me I want to die." is that a good or bad thing, 'cause he is dead so does she wnat to be like him or what? Annie - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 29 Nov 1997 22:14:39 -0500 (EST) From: Susan Cho Yuk Subject: Re: BUFFY: assassins at school On Sat, 29 Nov 1997, Robin Carrollmann wrote: > going to tackle it anyway. I doubt that a metal detector would do much > good. In many places, a police officer is required to carry his/her > weapon when on a department-arranged off-duty assignment. I think if > there *had* been a metal-detector, the fake cop would have shown the gun, > shrugged, and said matter-of-factly, "Sorry. Regulations." We had about 11 cops regularly at my high school when I attended. Both the police liaison officers and the other 8 cops who were assigned beats that "happened" to be the high school were not allowed to have their weapons on campus. There was the fear that a student would get their hands on it. They did have their sticks though. ObBuffy: I don't know if this has been answered before, but anyone know the schedule for then next couple of weeks. According to the trailers at the end of the show, Monday will be When She Was Bad. Susan - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 29 Nov 1997 20:51:50 -0500 From: "Karnell" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Knowing your lines . . . - ---------- > From: > To: > Subject: Re: BUFFY: Knowing your lines . . . > Date: Thursday, November 27, 1997 12:01 AM > > In a message dated 97-11-25 17:36:04 EST, you write: > > << *) The Xander/Cordelia kiss -- it was about time! It was getting pretty > boring watching those two spar and nothing happening. Everyone knew that > it was bound to happen, and the fact that we got two kisses was just too > much. I wonder if they're going to 'fess up to the others? >> > > This is what I've been wondering too. I keep picturing in my head how > everyone will just stare at the two of them with their mouths hanging open. > Ha ha. > > Kimmy > ( > > - > Well, I know Wills suspects something. When X+C were sparring in the library ("dork head"), Willow was standing behind and between them, and had a very curious expression on her face. Or, I could just be reading into things; it wouldn't be the first time. ~Karnell "The greater the artist, the greater the doubt; perfect coincidence is granted to the less talented as a consolation prize." --Robert Hughes - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 29 Nov 1997 21:22:37 -0600 From: "Jeff A. Harrell" Subject: Re: BUFFY: words Annie wrote: > What does "spank your inner moppet" mean? Is it some weird perverse > thing or what? Well, "moppet" means a small child. I think Cordelia meant that Buffy should reign in her inner child and quit throwing tantrums. > And when Buffy says to Angel, "When you kiss me I want to die," Is that a > good or bad thing, 'cause he is dead so does she want to be like him or > what? Good thing. Very good thing. :-) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeff A. Harrell "Once we had printing presses, RIVA Technologies, Inc. we were pretty much doomed." -- Scott Adams - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 29 Nov 1997 21:24:35 -0600 From: "Jeff A. Harrell" Subject: BUFFY: "Reptile Boy" quote I was just rewatching "Reptile Boy" and I recalled this gem of Giles's: "When you live atop a center of mystical convergence, it's only a matter of time before a fresh hell breaks loose." I'm gonna have to start using that one at work. :-) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeff A. Harrell "Once we had printing presses, RIVA Technologies, Inc. we were pretty much doomed." -- Scott Adams - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 30 Nov 1997 00:36:14 -0500 (EST) From: Sparky Dawntreader Subject: Re: BUFFY: My WML2 Ramblings The message I'm replying to here is a bit old, but there was something I wanted to mention in response to it anyway... On Tue, 25 Nov 1997, JACYNTHE wrote: > My favorite scene has to be the one between Spike and Angel, when the > blonde bad boy was almost goaded into staking Angel. Oh, how I wish I'd OK...this is a tad random, but did any of you watch the London "Real World"? Spike is constantly reminding me of Neil, the peroxide-blonde punk from that season. Right down to the biting sense of humor. ("Dinner and a movie" was one of the best lines ever.) It's pretty amusing, actually. >Xander and Cordelia. Ugh. Make it go away! > Well put. Mehitabel - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 30 Nov 1997 00:42:53 EST From: JNordheden Subject: BUFFY: Cinefantastique Vol 29 #11 The December issue of Previews contains ads for publications that will hit the stores in February 1998. One of these is the above mentioned issue. The ad shows it with a Buffy cover and "Coming in this issue-an inside look at the latest trend in teen horror with a cover story on the making of the hit TV series Buffy the Vampire Slayer complete with an episode guide. Also, interviews with creator Joss Whedon, stars Sarah Michelle Gellar, Alyson Hannigan, and Charisma Carpenter along with series director Bruce Seth Green." Again this is NOT the current issue. Jack Nordheden - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 30 Nov 1997 00:43:02 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Slayer Discrepancy and some more stuff I have a question. If there are two slayers now, and one of them dies, won't another one take the place of that one? And if that is the case, from now on there will always be 2 slayers right? - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 30 Nov 1997 01:27:47 -0500 From: "Ryan Harrington" Subject: BUFFY: how many episodes? How many eps are there gonna be this season?please say more than 12!!! ryanh - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 29 Nov 1997 23:16:26 -0800 From: (Mark Klassen) Subject: BUFFY: Good News on the Ratings Front This is an excerpt from Thursday, November 27, 1997 LA Times Calender section titled "The Television Sweepstakes Plucking Feathers From the Peacock". "A variety of factors have taken a toll on the major broadcasters, (ABC, CBS, NBC and FOX) including the WB and UPN networks. WB posted record results thanks in part to its Monday lineup of "7th Heaven" and "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," averaging 4.5 million viewers the nights it programs, a 14% increase over last November. UPN continues to average more viewers than WB, thanks largely to "Star Trek: Voyager," but the network witnessed a miinor ratings decline overall." Assuming the move to Tuesday night doesn't kill Buffy, this should bode very well for renewal next year, especially if the the February sweeps do as well or better. Also, "Dawson Creek" looks like it has the poetential to be a hit show, it's already got a lot of buzz, at least out here on the West Coast. This could be a big boost to Buffy, although it would be better if Buffy followed Dawson Creek instead of the other way around. Regarding the move to Tuesday, I actually have warm, fuzzy feelings towards Warner Brothers (and no, I have not been in the Scotch again). I think WB has done a good job of promoting Buffy. They seem to realize that they have a real gem on their hands. I'm not saying they wouldn't cancel the show in a heartbeat if it doesn't get the ratings they want, but I don't think they would let the show die due to lack of advertising. Between the promos, the billboards, the bookcovers, the exposure on local news, the newspaper articles, the side of bus advertisment, WB has actually put money behind the show in an effort to boost the ratings. I'm expecting (okay, praying) that the move to Tuesday night will receive a lot of fanfare and that everyone will at least know that Buffy is on at a new night and time. Later. Mark Klassen - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 29 Nov 1997 23:41:30 PST From: "Angel Denis" Subject: Re: BUFFY: how many episodes? >How many eps are there gonna be this season?please say more than 12!!! >ryanh I've heard that there are supposedly 22 episodes this year. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 30 Nov 1997 00:48:04 PST From: "Black Fire" Subject: Re: BUFFY: words >> What does "spank your inner moppet" mean? Is it some weird perverse >> thing or what? >Well, "moppet" means a small child. I think Cordelia meant that Buffy >should reign in her inner child and quit throwing tantrums. Ob: Actually a moppet is what they used to call a rag doll about oh... a couple centuries ago. The Black Fire ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 30 Nov 1997 00:51:50 PST From: "Black Fire" Subject: Re: BUFFY: how many episodes? >How many eps are there gonna be this season?please say more than 12!!! >ryanh A normal season runs about 22 to 24 episodes. The Black Fire ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 30 Nov 1997 04:43:10 -0800 (PST) From: Cheryl Heng Subject: BUFFY: Any Singaporeans here? Sorry if this doesn't concern everyone on the list, but is anyone here from Singapore? I am and I'm looking for the tapes for 'Welcome to the Hellmouth(P1&2)'. I have all the tapes except those 2, I would really appreciate it if you got in touch with me privately. Thanx. Cheryl Heng _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 30 Nov 1997 06:49:37 -0600 From: Kasey Johns Subject: BUFFY: ICQ List - Last Chance, Today! If you've been debating it, NOW is the time to act. Today at 5:00PM Central Time (that's 6pm on the East Coast and 3pm on the West) I will be performing the updates to the Buffy ICQ List. There's 44 messages sitting in that folder right now and I don't mind adding some more. All you need to do to join is have an ICQ number and a web browser. Go to this website: and fill out the form and submit it. And, if you're on the list and need to edit your entry: Finally, if you want to see the list: (Please note: the chat list is in a state of flux at the moment. I am working on combining the two files into one master list, which is much easier to maintain and keep accurate. Please bear with me, as I should have that up sometime this week.) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Kasey - BtVS ICQ 5378942 (Slayerville) BtVS Chatroom &buffy #5487411 Buffy-Stargame Listowner -- Buffy ICQ Listmaster -- and much much more - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- "Bad vampires bite your neck. Good vampires bite other parts of your body." --Sarah Michelle Gellar, on MTV Live 11/21/97 - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 30 Nov 1997 11:25:32 -0800 From: Lawless Subject: Re: BUFFY: Slayer Discrepancy and some more stuff wrote: > > I have a question. > If there are two slayers now, and one of them dies, won't another > one take the place of that one? And if that is the case, from now on > there will always be 2 slayers right? My take on this is that Kendra is the recognized slayer right now. If Buffy dies, I don't think a new one would be called until kendra dies. Lawless - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 30 Nov 1997 03:50:03 -0800 From: Ice Hunter Subject: Re: BUFFY:WML 1&2 and Sunnydale location I wrote: "I thought Joss had dropped a clue as to Sunnydale's locale when Angel said the ice rink was near Route 17." Judging from the e-mail I've received, some clarification is in order. I *know* Sunnydale doesn't exist and I *know* Buffy is filmed in Torrance (at least the High School exteriors). Earlier on the list there was speculation regarding where the fictional Sunnydale *might* be located, based on clues from the show (2 hrs. from LA, one Starbucks, 2&4 yr. schools, etc.). My post was meant as a follow-up to that debate. Sorry for not making that clear originally, I didn't realize it had been that long since the original discussion. - -- Ice Hunter ( Keeper of Willow's Coroner's Office Bookmark and Willow's Microscope Keeper of Marcie's Covert Operations Classroom Textbook Keeper of The Bronze's Coffee Cups Keeper of Bounty Hunter Three's Beretta 9mm Pistol - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V1 #477 *************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (