Return-Path: From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V1 #480 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 12:35:49 -0700 buffy-digest Monday, December 1 1997 Volume 01 : Number 480 In this issue: Re: BUFFY: Cinefantastique Vol 29 #11 BUFFY: Re: A New Undead Question Re: BUFFY: words Re: BUFFY: Cinefantastique Vol 29 #11 Re: BUFFY: Joss and Oz sightings Re: BUFFY: words BUFFY: A mistake in the Harvest? BUFFY: buffy-digest V1 #479 BUFFY: ADMIN: Housekeeping BUFFY: ADMIN: List rules BUFFY: Fox Trot Re: BUFFY: Angel and the blood delivery BUFFY: James Marsters Tv Credits BUFFY: Juliet Landau/Drusilla Film Credits BUFFY: Buffy Music Website Updates BUFFY: BtVS comments at LosCon 24 BUFFY: Todays (12/1/97) Foxtrot Comic BUFFY: Re: vampires and sunlight Re: BUFFY:words BUFFY: Buffy in Fox Trot Re: BUFFY: A mistake in the Harvest? BUFFY: Witch Re: BUFFY: Todays (12/1/97) Foxtrot Comic Re: BUFFY:words BUFFY: Re: buffy-digest V1 #472 Re: BUFFY: Todays (12/1/97) Foxtrot Comic See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 01 Dec 1997 01:30:32 PST From: "Black Fire" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Cinefantastique Vol 29 #11 ><< OK, I have never heard of this magaizine so if you could help me out on > where I might find it (meaning Cinefantastique). It would mean a great > deal to me. >> >i would also like more information about this magazine. Cinefantastique is a movie and television magazine that specializes in Sci-fi and Horror shows. Sort of like Starlog, but better. It can usually be found in comic book stores or stores specializing in movies and television. The Black Fire ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 01:26:06 -0800 From: "Christopher B. Castro" Subject: BUFFY: Re: A New Undead Question Jesse Jou wrote: >Okay. So is the vampiric demon relevant to the Buffyverse, one demon (like >Eyghon) or several? Oh, dear, Jesse. You've gone and resurrected yet another undead monster. *sigh*, well I might as well jump back in while it's out on the table. I believe that each vampire contains a separate demon, simply because: (1) If the same demon were possessing all vampires across the world, what would be their reason to treat each other unfavorably under any circumstance? We notice that Buffyverse vamps tend to work together, but even they have spats at times. (2) Remember the two-headed monster on Sesame Street? Think if there were one demon controlling all the vampires in the Buffyverse. If one gets staked, shouldn't it temporarily incapacitate the vampires around it, or at least make them stronger somehow (since the demon's power is condensed). It's just too inconceivable for me to believe that there's only one all-powerful demon controlling all the vampires in existence, rather than a specific type of "vampire demon" spawned long ago by the Old Ones for the purposes of taking back the world as their own. Like I mentioned on the lists a while back, I envision a long line of vamp demons taking numbers in Hell (or wherever they come from) and waiting for a body to inhabit, occasionally being thoroughly disappointed as a traffic jam harries the line when the Slayer gets involved "upstairs". }:)> Chris 2 **BABS Loremaster** Keeper of Xander's Cool, Giles' Kick of Disrespect (GASP) ===================================================================== BABS Homepage: ===================================================================== Cordelia: "I have to go home now. I have to take a bath and burn my clothes." Xander: "You have to go? Aw, too bad. Keep in touch. Buh-bye!" - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 01 Dec 1997 01:32:16 PST From: "Black Fire" Subject: Re: BUFFY: words >Now all we have to do is come up with an explanation for why a >16-year-old Californian girl would be talking in French metaphors... ;-) She *is* taking French... The Black Fire ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 05:17:31 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Cinefantastique Vol 29 #11 Cinfantastique can usually be found in comic book shops and some of the better bookstores such as Barnes & Noble. I hope this helps the people who are looking for a copy. - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 03:39:42 -0800 From: "Christopher B. Castro" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Joss and Oz sightings Jennifer Hale wrote: >Hey! Just saw "Alien Resurrection" last night, and as I'm sitting there >stuffing popcorn into my face, whose name should appear in the opening >credits but Joss Whedon's! I was so thrown off I forget what he did for the >movie (creative producer? assistant producer? writer?) Well, since nobody else seems to have answered your question here, I'll do so myself. Joss was the screenwriter for A:R. I saw it, myself, on the night it went to theatres and I have mixed opinions about it. It's different than the others in a strange sort of way, and that's all I'll say, because I'm not willing to put in spoiler protection if I divulge more. }:)> Chris 2 **BABS Loremaster** Keeper of Xander's Cool, Giles' Kick of Disrespect (GASP) ===================================================================== BABS Homepage: ===================================================================== Cordelia: "I have to go home now. I have to take a bath and burn my clothes." Xander: "You have to go? Aw, too bad. Keep in touch. Buh-bye!" - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 01 Dec 1997 08:12:14 -0600 From: "Jeff A. Harrell" Subject: Re: BUFFY: words Black Fire wrote: > > >Now all we have to do is come up with an explanation for why a > >16-year-old Californian girl would be talking in French metaphors... > ;-) > > She *is* taking French... Good point. Guess that pretty much wraps that up, then, huh. :-) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeff A. Harrell "Once we had printing presses, RIVA Technologies, Inc. we were pretty much doomed." -- Scott Adams - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 09:17:03 -0500 (EST) From: Carrie Subject: BUFFY: A mistake in the Harvest? I was rewatching the Harvest over the weekend and I was wondering (maybe this has been addressed before) in the scene when Buffy discovers how to get into the tunnels, she goes into the graveyard during the day and meets angel in the room where she foughht Luke. He is actually standing in the light. Did they make a mistake or maybe they hadn't decided to make him a vampire yet, Help me please...did anyone else notice this? ********************************************** - -carrie- GASPer, Keeper of Giles' Book Ends * Dru, "Do you love my insides? The parts you can't see?" * Spike, "Eyeballs to entrails, my sweet." * --from Halloween (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)* :-) ********************************************** - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 08:02:16 -0500 From: Schimmel <> Subject: BUFFY: buffy-digest V1 #479 Subject: Two Slayers? My theory on the Slayers is that Kendra will now be de-activated until Buffy dies again. After all, Giles has now informed Kendra's Watcher that Buffy has been revived; so I think Kendra will have to go back onto the waiting list. JMO, Sandra - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 09:51:31 -0500 From: sah Subject: BUFFY: ADMIN: Housekeeping Please remember, if you're going away for the holidays to uns*bscribe to the list, particularly if you have a mailbox that fills up quickly. If you suddenly find yourself not receiving mail you were probably uns*bscribed for bouncing. If an address bounces three times we remove it from the s*bscriber list. You havn't broken any rules, or anything. It's just that if you're subscribed to the regular list and your address starts bouncing, we will receive a bounce message from your ISP for every message that gets sent to the list. One weekend, when both AOL and JUNO had problems, I logged onto the administrative account to find over 600 bounce messages! Yikes! That was not fun. Just follow the normal s*bscribing procedure and you will be back on the list shortly. Thanks, - --sah - -- sah * * BUFFY: "Does it get easier?" GILES: "What do you want me to say?" BUFFY: "Lie to me." GILES: "Yes, it's terribly simple. The good guys are always stalwart and true, the bad guys are easily distinguished by their pointy horns or black hats. We always defeat them and save the day. No one ever dies, and everybody lives happily ever after." BUFFY: "Liar." - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 09:51:27 -0500 From: sah Subject: BUFFY: ADMIN: List rules Just a reminder: This week is a repeat, so no spoiler protection of the episode is necessary. Info on episodes that haven't yet aired, however, still needs to be spoil protected. Please take a close look at the spoiler protection and penalties outlined in rule 5. Thanks. Welcome! This list is for discussion of "Buffy The Vampire Slayer," both the TV series and the movie. The address to post messages to the list is BUFFY@XMISSION.COM. The buffy FAQ can be found at Please check it out ASAP--Cagey has done a wonderful job with it and it will answer a bunch of your questions about the show and fandom. PLEASE READ THE FAQ before posting questions to the list-- many common questions are covered there. Because we want this list to be a great place to talk about "Buffy," we are setting up a few ground rules. If you've ever been involved in a discussion list, many of these rules will look familiar. Hopefully, they'll make list life more interesting (and more fun) for everyone. Please note: we enforce these rules. This is an extremely high- volume list, and we want to make sure that the volume is relevant to the show. 1. Keep posts on topic. Topics should be related to Buffy the series, Buffy the movie, the actors involved in either project, etc.. Discussion of vampires in other universes is fine as long as they're being discussed in relation to the Buffy universe. 2. Please be careful with the use of strong imagery or language in consideration of younger list members. Think "rated PG." Also, no masking (replacing one letter of a potentially offensive word with an asterisk). 3. No advertising of non-Buffy related items or services. If you want to post information about Buffy-related merchandise, conventions, etc., clear it through one of us first. Also, no attachments, or binary files of any sort (including images, wavs, MOVs, etc). 4. Please don't post fiction to this list. There is a separate Buffy fiction list (subscription info below). NOTE: Due to numerous list violations and repeated warnings, the penalties for rule 5 have been temporarily modified. Currently, if you violate spoiler protection, you will be immediately uns*bscribed from the list for one week. 5. If you get advance information on a new episode, or see an episode earlier than the national viewing time, and you want to post about it, please do the following: **Mark the post as a "spoiler" in the subject header. **DO NOT give away the spoiler in the subject header--be vague! **Leave about twelve lines (blank or with non-spoiler info) at the top of the post. This ensures that anyone who doesn't like knowing about an episode ahead of time is "protected." :) The blank space is for people whose mailers automatically open up the next piece of mail, without giving them a chance to see "spoiler" in the header. Spoiler warnings are not necessary after the start of the episode's national viewing time, which is currently set at 9 p.m. Mondays, Eastern Standard Time. Spoiler warnings are not necessary for reruns. 6. Most importantly, there will be ABSOLUTELY NO FLAMING ONLIST. We have absolutely zero tolerance for this kind of behaviour. Flames can kill a list, permanently damage relationships, and make life a lot less fun for everyone. Broadly defined, a flame is a personally derogatory, inflammatory comment about another list member, their progenitors, or about any of the actors, writers, directors, producers or crew of "Buffy." Disagreements-- even heated ones-- are expected. But the minute you start slamming someone personally, you will face the Wrath of Jill and Sharon. First offense: offender is uns*bscribed for one week. Second offense: offender is uns*bscribed to the Buffy list for a minimum of three months. If the offender returns and flames again, they're offlist permanently. And no, it doesn't matter that the actors, writers, etc. from "Buffy" aren't onlist; we won't put up with anyone flaming them anyway. There are slander laws against it. It's also common courtesy. Determination of what is (and what is not) a flame is made by the listowners, and their decisions are final. Determinations of any penalties associated with flames are also made by the listowners, and their decisions are final. 7. Related to #6, the listowners reserve the right to "kill" any discussion threads which either of the listowners deem offensive, or which appear to be degenerating into a flame war. If either one of us declares a topic "dead," it's dead. Anyone who continues the discussion thread, against our express wishes, will be immediately uns*bscribed for one week. 8. Please limit quotes of a previous post to four lines maximum per point you are responding to. Buffy is a high traffic list, and we're asking s*bscribers to be mindful of wasted bandwidth when they respond to posts. For example, here's an original quote: >I just love Buuffy the Vampire Slayer. It's my favorite show, and about the only thing I watch on television anymore. I look forward to each and every episode. DOes anyone know hot to write to the stars of the show, or where to write to show our support? Willow is my favorite character, but I like Buffy a lot to. And Giles! Woo hoo! I recognize him from VR5.< If you want to ansewr this person's questions about where to write, there's no need to include the extra stuff, so your response should look like this: >Does >anyone know hot to write to the stars of the show, or where to write >to show our support? You can even clean it up further and put it onto two lines, but you get the picture. Only include the relevant stuff in your response, so that people get what you're talking about. Penalties: First offense: Offlist warning (clearly marked WARNING: Overquoting). Second offense: Removal from the list for one week. 9. Please limit your .sig to 6 lines maximum, but do include your name and email address at the bottom of each post so someone can respond to you privately if they want to. Penalties for not following this rule are the same as for #8. 10. Do NOT post personal information, or requests for personal information, about the cast, crew, etc. of "Buffy" to this list. Personal information includes (but is not limited to) home address, telephone number, email address (unless the individual gives it out freely), etc. It's certainly fine to discuss who's dating whom, or how tall someone is, or things like that. But anything that could constitute an invasion of personal privacy (or could potentially be some type of threat to any individual) is strictly forbidden on this list. The penalty for this is ONE warning-- ONE. If it happens again, that person is permanently uns*bscribed from this list. If you have any question over what you're posting, and whether it violates this rule, please email either one of us. 11. And last, but not least, we reserve the right to deny subscription (new, renewed, or continued) to the list for any individual(s). IF YOU'RE S*BSCRIBED TO THE REGULAR BUFFY LIST AND WISH TO CHANGE TO DIGEST: You need to uns*bscribe from the Buffy list, and res*bscribe to the digest. Send a message to In the body of the message, put uns*bscribe buffy Then, send a second message to In the body of the message, put s*bscribe buffy-digest You'll go through the same approval process that you got when you subbed to the regular Buffy list. If you're s*bscribed to the digest version, and want to change to regular mail, do the opposite-- unsub from buffy-digest, and resub to buffy. THE BUFFY FICTION LIST To s*bscribe to the Buffy Fiction list, follow the same procedures as listed above-- just substitute buffyfic or buffyfic-digest for buffy or buffy-digest. TO UNS*BSCRIBE FROM ANY BUFFY LIST send a message to In the body of the message put uns*bscribe buffy (or buffy-digest, or buffyfic, or buffyfic-digest) Again, welcome! If you have any questions about these rules, please contact either one of us offlist. If you have s*bscription problems or questions, the fastest way to get h*lp is to e-mail one of us at the addresses below, at the addy which is the "official" e-mail owner of the list. Jill Kirby ( sah ( Listowners & Lisa Rose ( Assistant Listowner Buffy the Vampire Slayer Discussion List - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 01 Dec 1997 10:35:03 -0500 From: Subject: BUFFY: Fox Trot Hi Everyone~ I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving break! Tonight's a repeat which is fine by me because it's the one Buffy episode I missed. I practically know everything that happens, but I will still enjoy watching it. Well, we KNOW that we have hit the big time now. Since I have off work today, I decided to take my time and read the morning paper. Low and behold, there is Buffy conversation right there in the comic, Fox Trot!! Here's what it says: Jason (The youngest brother) and Paige (the sister) are in the family room, Jason is in front of the t.v. and Paige is leaning over him. First box- Jason- (click) Paige- "Why'd you turn the TV off?" Second box- Jason- "um..." Paige- "Give me that clicker! Aha! I KNEW it! You were watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer!" Third Box- Jason- "I like the vampires, ok?!" Paige- "Jasonnn likes Buff-fy! Jasonnn likes Buff-fy!" Fourth box- Jason- "I'm not a weirdo!" It was really surprising to open the paper and see it. We've hit mainstream, in a deep, dark, evil sort of way! I hope you all get to see this. Enjoy the repeat tonight! Sunflower *Keeper of Angel's razor and coffee cup* - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 11:05:13 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Angel and the blood delivery In a message dated 97-11-28 22:11:26 EST, wrote: << " I've always thought it likely that Angel gets by on animal blood 'cause hospitals need the human stuff so badly, but the fact that he was there on delivery day shows I *could* be wrong." >> Just a note, I was watching a show on TV the other night about artificial blood for transfusions and they said that real blood could only be kept for six weeks, that's why the artificial blood was so great, it could be kept for years. So, Angel could be buying expired blood and drinking it. (Melissa S. Heckard) "Love makes you do the wacky." Willow, from Some Assembly Required "I wasn't going to use violence. I don't always use violence. Do I?" (Buffy) "The important thing is *you* believe that." (Xander) from Inca Mummy Girl - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 01 Dec 97 10:31:07 PST From: "Bridget Quinn" Subject: BUFFY: James Marsters Tv Credits Hi: Someone asked what other film/tv projects that James Marsters has done. I found one Tv credit for a British Television Movie: "Hillsborough" (1996) also known as "Inquest" James played the character of ACC Jackson Here is the plot: Drama Based on the real life events of April 1989 when ninety-five Liverp= ool Supporters were crushed to death during an F.A. Cup Semi-final match = against Nottingham Forest at Sheffield Wednesdays Hillsborough Stadium. = This movie follows three Liverpudlian families before the match, during = the tragedy and at the ensuing court battles which tried to decide who = was to blame and what went wrong. HEre is the site I went to in order to find this information: Bridget - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 01 Dec 97 10:34:05 PST From: "Bridget Quinn" Subject: BUFFY: Juliet Landau/Drusilla Film Credits Here are Juliet Landau's ("Drusilla") film credits for all who are inter= ested: Ravager (1997) Theodore REx (1995) Ed Wood (1994) Direct Hit (1994) Neon City (1992) Pump Up The Volume (1990) The Grifters (1990) uncredited role as Young Lilly Here is the site I went to in order to find this information: Bridget - - ------------------------------ Date: From: Subject: BUFFY: Buffy Music Website Updates Hi, All. I hope everyone enjoyed the holiday. The time off gave me a chance to transcribe lyrics. I've updated the Buffy Music Website to include lyrics for the two Four Star Mary songs features in IMG. I've also added the Willoughby lyrics for LtM. This is the last week I'll be accepting soundtrack surveys, so please consider answering the survey if you haven't. Thanks!! Leslie Natpack~HPotCoS~GASPer~AGA~Slayer~BotCoJ Buffy Music-- or - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 9:41:00 -0800 From: "Scott" Subject: BUFFY: BtVS comments at LosCon 24 So there I was sitting in a panel about Writing for TV/Film with J. Michael Strazcynski (Creator of Babylon 5, my other favorite show...), Marc Scott Zicree, Emma Bull, Will Shetterly, Mel Gilden and a few other authors and screenwriters, when a question is asked from the audience about recent TV shows and films and if the panel could comment on some of them. The mic is passed to Mel Gilden seated at the end of the table and he says, "I really love Buffy The Vampire Slayer." The room erupts in applause and hoots and all the panel nods and claps as well INCLUDING JMS! Anyway, it was nice to see that some respectable professionals in the entertainment industry have recognized Buffy's appeal as well. Scott The WB Television Network - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 09:55:08 -0800 From: Eric Gorr Subject: BUFFY: Todays (12/1/97) Foxtrot Comic Todays Foxtrot ( comic (which is on the comic page of my newspaper) mentioned Buffy. I don't know what the older sister's name is, but here is how it goes. Jason: Fight E-Mail Spam =======Insults, like violence, are the last resort of the incompetent...======= - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 01 Dec 1997 12:58:24 EST From: (Mike Kim) Subject: BUFFY: Re: vampires and sunlight >From: "Angel Denis" >in past episodes of Buffy we have seen >vampires standing in rooms with sun light and it didn't burn them as >long asthey were not in a derictlight. So does this mean if the sky >wasovercast they could walk during the day time. Just a thought. > >I've wondered about that too, I bet you're right. Seems to me that sunlight outside a dwelling is deadly -- diffused (cloud-covered) or direct. On the other hand, sunlight inside, although diffused, is not deadly unless the vampire is in direct path of a light ray but the diffused indoor sunlight will cause the vampire discomfort and pain. Just my opinion. I take as an example people who are on medication that causes sun sensitivity. They can be in a sunlight room as long as they don't catch direct sunlight, but if they go outside and catch even diffused sunlight they run the risk of an allergic response. Of course, such an analogy and line of reasoning may also lead to further query: Are people who are ill and on medication possessed by a demon? To which I would respond, "If their incisors are long and pointy, don't let them kiss your neck." funee (: - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 01 Dec 1997 14:00:03 -0500 From: Annie Subject: Re: BUFFY:words 'la petite mort' OK I'm a little slow and I was wondering what that up there means. Thanks again - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 14:02:48 +0000 From: "Augie De Blieck Jr." Subject: BUFFY: Buffy in Fox Trot Hi all, Imagine my surprise: This morning's (01 Dec) Fox Trot comic strip has a great Buffy-related strip. So go check out your local paper. This one's a keeper. - -Augie - ----------------------------------------------------------------- Augie De Blieck Jr. * * <*> "The avalanche has already started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote." -Kosh, "Believers" - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 01 Dec 1997 14:04:13 -0500 From: Edwin Nipper Subject: Re: BUFFY: A mistake in the Harvest? At 09:17 AM 12/1/97 -0500, you wrote: >get into the tunnels, she goes into the graveyard during the day and meets >angel in the room where she foughht Luke. He is actually standing in the >light. Did they make a mistake or maybe they hadn't decided to make him a >vampire yet, Help me please...did anyone else notice this? Vampires can only be killed by direct sunlight if they are exposed long enough. Indirect sunlight only bothers a vamp. Like in WML 2, when Angel was trapped in the cage by Kendra. The sun was shining into the room, and it was bothering Angel, but it wasnt deadly yet. It would have to actually touch him to harm him. As for what Angel feeds on, I seem to remember Willie the bartender telling Angel he had some fresh pig blood in WML 2. So Angel most likely feeds on animal blood as opposed to any form of human blood. This is probably not only to feed his hunger, but to keep his desire for human blood at bay. - ------------------------------------------------------------------- Edwin Nipper "The only people who have no fear are those too stupid to know what to be afraid of." - ------------------------------------------------------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 01 Dec 1997 14:05:02 -0500 From: Annie Subject: BUFFY: Witch Do y'all remember that Witch episode (my almost favorite right after WML 2)? Well In World History we had to do A video about some time in history and my group chose the Witch trials. We used the scene from the show where the find all the dolls and stuff except that I'm doing the spells at that moment. Sorry to go off track. Can't wait to see When She Was Bad again WooHoo Annie D-2 - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 14:12:42 +0000 From: "Augie De Blieck Jr." Subject: Re: BUFFY: Todays (12/1/97) Foxtrot Comic Hi Eric, > I don't know what the older sister's name is, but here is how it goes. That would be Paige. Jason is the science-fiction/comic book/computer fan, whose interest in girls is always denied. Hope that helps, - -Augie - ----------------------------------------------------------------- Augie De Blieck Jr. * * <*> "The avalanche has already started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote." -Kosh, "Believers" - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 01 Dec 1997 13:13:54 -0600 From: "Jeff A. Harrell" Subject: Re: BUFFY:words Annie wrote: > > 'la petite mort' (Actually, I think it's 'le,' but I'm so not French.) It literally means "the little death," and it's used as a synonym for... um... sexual... er... For the big whammy. You know. Fireworks. Trains going into tunnels. Waves crashing on a seashore. Rockets lifting off. You know. IT. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeff A. Harrell "Once we had printing presses, RIVA Technologies, Inc. we were pretty much doomed." -- Scott Adams - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 27 Nov 1997 12:17:39 -0800 From: "C. Henry Karcher" Subject: BUFFY: Re: buffy-digest V1 #472 >It's one of those little rarities, since Buffy was technically dead for >a bit. If one of them dies, my guess is that it would go back to there >being only one. Hmmm. I would expect that Kendra would be the "Official" slayer, since Buffy was 'dead'. It seems that to what/whoever assigns Slayer powers, Buffy is out of the running, since Kendra was activated, and didn't loose the powers when Buffy was revived. My take would be that if Kendra dies, new Slayer gets activated (Still two active slayers). If something (heaven forbid) should happend to Buffy, no new Slayer, down to one. Of course, if I'm right, the Watchers could create an army of Slayers but just "killing" the current Slayer, like in Flatliners, and revive her after several minutes go by. - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 01 Dec 1997 14:02:17 -0500 From: John Nestoriak Subject: Re: BUFFY: Todays (12/1/97) Foxtrot Comic Eric Gorr wrote: > > Todays Foxtrot ( comic (which is on the comic page of > my newspaper) mentioned Buffy. The official site should have the comic in question up in two weeks. If you're impatient and you paper doesn't carry the strip you can do the following. Go to and from there click on the foxtrot link. You can't go directly to the strip in one url due to the way that is setup. - -- John Nestoriak * "It's the non-relationship drink Software Engineer * of choice. It's not a date, it's The Telephone Connection * a caffeinated beverage." * - Willow on Coffee - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V1 #480 *************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (