From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V2 #21 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Monday, January 12 1998 Volume 02 : Number 021 In this issue: BUFFY: Join the East Coast Crew BUFFY: You voted...heres who you think is Buffy's betrayer... BUFFY: Angels Father? BUFFY: RE: David B./Angel *sighs* BUFFY: RE: David Borenaz's father BUFFY: Nick in TVGUIDE BUFFY: Does school have any pluses? BUFFY: David on R&KL BUFFY: DB was adorable on Regis! (was: Angels Father?) BUFFY: TV Guide on 2-parter - Spoilers Re: BUFFY: TV Guide on 2-parter - Spoilers BUFFY: WILLOW, WILLOW, WILLOW...did i mention WILLOW BUFFY: SPOLER FROM A WEB PAGE BUFFY: Bad Eggs...eww! BUFFY: Wow, what an Episode! BUFFY: Bad Eggs was funny! BUFFY: title mistake Re: BUFFY: Bad Eggs...eww! BUFFY: fleetwood mac and more BUFFY: the best side BUFFY: Bad to the Shell BUFFY: Bad Egg BUFFY: Re: Joyce Re: BUFFY: Bad Eggs...eww! BUFFY: My Bad Eggs Comments Re: BUFFY: ...... and ob buffy and a spoiler Re: BUFFY: Bad Eggs...eww! See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 17:50:06 -0500 (EST) From: "F.Y.G." Subject: BUFFY: Join the East Coast Crew Everyone in the Eastern Time Zone rejoice! There is a club for you! The Buffy Crew is a collection of dedicated fans of the show BTVS and all its actors that meet and talk about our favorite show. We have 60 plus members and our goal is to get more appearances by the cast on the East Coast. Check out the URL below on how to join! And for the entire Xmission list...stay tuned to the Crew as we go through a MAJOR change in January for the big move to Tuesday nights. missile Founder and President of the Buffy Crew Delta Sigma Phi Sargent at Arms - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 18:04:03 EST From: TS Bear Subject: BUFFY: You voted...heres who you think is Buffy's betrayer... Poll results for: January 5th - January 11th Question: Who is Buffy's betrayer in the upcoming two parter? Answered: 1. Angel - 86 2. Other - 84 3. Willow - 40 4. Ms. Calendar - 24 5. Xander - 20 6. Joyce - 16 7. Cordelia - 7 8. Giles - 5 This weeks poll: WHO BELONGS WITH XANDER, WILLOW OR CORDELIA???? VOTE NOW!!! Http:// Christine Have you joined the Lair of buffy webring yet?! Bad Eggs....less than 3 hours left!!!! *grin* Long live angelus! - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 15:33:12 PST From: "Colleen Matthews" Subject: BUFFY: Angels Father? So i was just eating dinner and the news was on. I live near Phila and was wtching channel 6. They showed a clip of Angel on Regis and Katie Lee, and I think they said the channel 6 wheater man, dave roberts was angels father.did anyone see this? I'd like to know if i'm on crack or if the wheather man is angel's father Colleen Keeper of Willow's ignorance regarding Oz's Admiration ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 19:02:05 EST From: (Shannon M Keane) Subject: BUFFY: RE: David B./Angel *sighs* Right now I am in total dispair....I forgot that David Borenaz was going to be on Regis and Kathy Lee!!! School was cancelled and I went back to bed....can any of you tell me (and others) what was covered in the interview? As much as I hate Kathy Lee I would have watched today's show.....] * ** *** ** * ** *** ** *SPOILER maybe....I just dont want to get in trouble ** *** ** * okay.....Angel turning in to dust....I hope not. But what if, since they are at the gate of the Hellmouth, Angel ended up with a split in personality....resulting in two separate Angels. One good....and one bad. Therefore Buffy has to kill the evil Angel and not the one we all know and love. A friend and I debated this idea today for a bit because we were bored with nothing better to do. Of course we are probably dead wrong, but it is food for thought. Also....referring back a few posts about the Principal being the betrayer....if it is to be someone she trusts...then it maynot be the Principal. He is not a very trust worthy person. (I did not trust the principal I had when I was student-teaching). Principals are seen as "the man". Therefore not trustworthy. Just my $.02 anyway =) Peace and love, Shannon :-) They've come to take me away!!! Ha-ha-hee-hee-ho-ho... - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 19:08:02 EST From: (Shannon M Keane) Subject: BUFFY: RE: David Borenaz's father Colleen M....... Sorry if I mispelled your name....I dont think you are on crack. I remember reading/hearing somewhere that his father is a weatherman on tv. I hope I am not wrong in my assupmtions. Peace and love, Shannon :-) They've come to take me away!!! Ha-ha-hee-hee-ho-ho... - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 18:48:02 EST From: CatDancer8 Subject: BUFFY: Nick in TVGUIDE Nicholas Brendon is on page 6 of TV guide with a little paragraph. There are also two, count 'em, two Buffy ads. They are on 122 and 146. Enjoy. Michelle. - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 17:28:46 -0600 From: (Katie Masters) Subject: BUFFY: Does school have any pluses? I missed yet another Buffy thing today because of school. I need tapes of the following things if anybody can find it in their heart to help a poor student. 1. Sarah on VIBE! 2. David on VIBE! 3. David on Regis and Kathie Lee 4. Sarah's second apperance on David Letterman 5. Charisma's first apperance on Keenan Ivory Wayans - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 19:18:34 EST From: CatDancer8 Subject: BUFFY: David on R&KL Here is the basis of what happened: David came out looking gorgeous as ever in a blue shirt and blue jacket. They got into a disscussion about him being a vampire, and what he eats. (pigs blood...maybe rats..ew!) They talked about how he was discovered when he was walking his dog Bertha Blue. And even before he was signed with his agent he got the gig at Buffy. The talk about how great the show is and how popular it has become coming out of no where. How great the cast is. Ron and him talk about how great the "family" relationship is in the entertainment industry...jokingly. They find his parents in the about how his dad is a "weathercaster". They mention how Kathie Lee and him did a fundraiser. How they are proud of him and how well he has done. David talks about how greatful he is for his family and their support. He goes on to talk about and promote the 2-parter. (no pigs will be envolved) They show a clip from "Ted" where Buffy is sitting on the chair bandaging Angel's hand up to the kissing part. His mom gets all emotional. Then he says when it's on and thats all. I wish they spent more time talking to him and not his parents. (no offense to his parents intended... :) Thats all!! Michelle - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 19:09:40 EST From: JRoseHale Subject: BUFFY: DB was adorable on Regis! (was: Angels Father?) In a message dated 98-01-12 18:40:39 EST, writes: << I'd like to know if i'm on crack or if the wheather man is angel's father >> Hee, hee. Yep, that's DB's father. I was told this when the show first started by a friend who watches that station. He was so cute on Regis! I just got home from work and watched it, and I thought it was adorable that his mother got all teary-eyed when he was talking about how much he loves his family, etc. He seems like a pretty good guy (which is certainly not the impression we often get about TV stars). Very happy to have his parents in the studio audience watching him and very happy in general to be on BtVS. He brought the clip from "Ted" of Buffy bandaging Angel's hand while talking about how much she hates it that her mom is dating again. I also have to say that, although I'm not Kathie Lee's biggest fan, I was very impressed that she was so nice to him and seemed to know a lot of background on his character (or maybe I've been watching too much Letterman--he prides himself on not knowing anything about his guests!). She was also very gracious to his parents ... Jennifer Hale - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 19:43:16 From: Theodore Jay Miller Subject: BUFFY: TV Guide on 2-parter - Spoilers Here's the TV Guide listings and "Noteworthy Viewing" info for the two-parter, and my comments on them. I'll leave a spoiler space: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1) Buffy the Vampire Slayer makes a major decision on her 17th birthday in the first episode of a gripping two-parter. The gang plans a party for Buffy's 17th birthday, as Dru wraps up her own plan to erase the human race. Meanwhile, a recurring nightmare haunts the Slayer, who gets her wish of celebrating - alone - with Angel. 2) The not-to-be-missed close of Buffy the Vampire Slayer's two-part birthday blowout finds Angel back in the bloodletting business; Jenny facing the fury of a Slayer scorned; and Willow raging against Xander. After their tryst, Buffy finds Angel a changed man. Meanwhile, Willow and Giles strike a tentative truce with their insignificant others in order to junk the Judge, as Buffy uses brute force to fight a foe close to her heart. This all sounds like Angel reverts to his nasty Angelus personality after trysting with Buffy: some mystical interaction of Slayer, vampire, and gypsy curse, perhaps? With Jenny Calendar involved in some way, if that's what has Buffy peeved at Jenny. Or does Buffy feel scorned because of Jenny's relationship with Giles; Giles isn't there to help Buffy when he's supposed to, because he's off trysting with Jenny? Getting back to Buffy and Angel, we may have the "Reptile Boy" type of lesson here; Buffy does something less role-model-worthy, and nasty consequences result. Or the Guenevere analogy would fit, with Buffy as Guenevere, Angel as Lancelot, and call it Giles as Arthur. Buffy has a tryst with Angel, in violation of her role as Slayer (I'd think that "no trysting with the vampires" is high on the list of rules for Slayers), just as Guenevere has a tryst with Lancelot, in violation of her marriage to Arthur. As a result, Angel is no longer fighting on the side of good, just as Guenevere's tryst led to Arthur losing Lancelot's services. Buffy fighting a foe close to her heart; the logical interpretation is that she fights Angel, who is out bloodletting, but it could refer to someone else who is close to Buffy's heart. A family member, such as Joyce, or one of Buffy's friends? And Willow raging against Xander sounds like Willow finds out about Xander's thing with Cordelia. So we have could have a theme where everyone's romantic trysts create problems all at once. Theodore Jay Miller - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 17:01:14 PST From: "Jessica Ritchie" Subject: Re: BUFFY: TV Guide on 2-parter - Spoilers S P O I L E R S P A C E ! ! ! Okay, here's my idea again (I don't think many people like it since I never get any feedback, but I'll say it one more time.) Angel and Buffy consumate there relationship somewhere in the two-parter. Somehow Drusilla or somebody else takes Angel's soul away from him, leaving him to be the unhindered evil man-feeding demon he once was. He turns on Buffy (thus the betrayal) and she is forced to fight him. Jenny, if she is a gypsy, eventually restores the curse thus returning Angel to his normal self (EVENTUALLY!) As to the clips of Angel being turned to dust, somehow I really doubt that Joss would kill him off if he's bringing ratings to the show, so my guess is that is probably one of Buffy's nightmares... Am I totally alone???? If I am, I promise this is the last time I'll bring it up. :) Jessica :) ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 19:10:59 -0600 From: Brenda Lyman Subject: BUFFY: WILLOW, WILLOW, WILLOW...did i mention WILLOW okay, now that i've got your attention...i just wanted to remind you as we get ready to watch a NEW (finally) ep of BtVS...WILLOW NEEDS KEEPERS TOO!!!! so, keep your eyes peeled...i want to see a full mailbox tomorrow :) oh, and by the way, in case you're looking for other keeper sites (even though i know you'll be looking for willow things first)...check out lisa's index to keeper sites for xander, angel, buffy, cordy, etc. Brenda the willow keepers look coming soon!!! - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 20:16:37 EST From: NICOLEDEN Subject: BUFFY: SPOLER FROM A WEB PAGE S P O L E R S P A C E ************************************* THIS IS EPISODE 2 OF THE 2 PARTER NEXT WEEK Buffy the Vampire Slayer Innocence: Buffy realizes she must destroy the evil Angel. (TVPG) Part 2 of 2 - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 21:01:16 -0600 From: "S." Subject: BUFFY: Bad Eggs...eww! Ok as of recent decree I suposedly don't need spoiler space so I won't put it here but you've been warned. Ok yeaaggghh. Those things reminded me of Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan when those bugs crawled in Sulu's (?) ear. Nasty. Liked the whole idea of a collective reminiscent of another Star Trek plotline. And of course the Cordy/Xander freakoid "relationship" continues to evolve in the way that everyone who's ever had a really emotionally damaging relationship can attest to the reality of (is that correct English) Anyway, my main thought on this ep was the whole Joyce grounding decree. Is it possible that this is a setup for next week's um...thing that we've been talking about that will maybe happen to her next week? (I remembered I didn't put any spoiler space up so that's why I've got the whole lame language there). I'm so psyched for next week. Thinking the small of Willow'w back is still sexy even with a parasite on it, S. - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 22:08:18 -0500 From: Subject: BUFFY: Wow, what an Episode! **SPOILER** If you have not seen tonight's episode yet. Hey gang, It's been a long time since we've seen a new episode, but...WOW...what the heck was that thing?? Ya know, I had an egg baby in high school and nothing like that ever happened. Huuummmm...was mine defective or something? In General, I thought it was pretty good but I really can't wait until next week. Uugghh, the suspense! I thought Cordelia and Xander were cute and Angel and Buffy are heating up. Did Angel do anything but kiss tonight? (Don't get me wrong, I am in no way complaining!) OK, call me slow about this whole vampire/sex thing, but when he said "I can't..." does this mean 1) He can't have children 2) He can't have sex 3) or both??? I know this has been an ongoing topic of discussion, but did we ever come up with a logical answer. Of course the words Buffy and logical do not seem to go together. Did you catch David on Regis and KL this morning? He looked great! Any guy that makes his Mom cry like that because she's so proud is definitely for me. And to think David and I grew up an hour and a half from one another. Too small a world. I've started watching the news out of Philly just for a glimpse of his Dad! Can't wait to see what everyone else thought. Keep counting down until the 19th! Have a great week! Sunflower ;) - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 22:26:57 -0500 (EST) From: "F.Y.G." Subject: BUFFY: Bad Eggs was funny! I have to say this...Joss made this the funniest episode yet. All I can say is that I never stopped laughing during the first 15 minutes...and the last 5. And now Joss has answered the question in the Buffyverse - Angel can't father a child! He said it in this episode, end of story. And as for next week, I will be glued to the TV like pollen on a flower. F.Y.G./missile Founder and President of the Buffy Crew Delta Sigma Phi Sargent at Arms - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 22:26:38 EST From: Tanjelli Subject: BUFFY: title mistake In a message dated 98-01-12 17:15:44 EST, schmotz writes: << the first part is tiled suprise, and the second part is titeled innocence. >> this isn't true. the whole two parter is called innocence. surprise is another eopisode taht has been misplaced in the sequence of taping. originally tehy planned for bad eggs last week, surprise this week and innocence next week, but something must have gone wrong. surprise is about a gypsy man, nothing to do with this stuff... anyway, it has the same name for both parts just like what's my line did! :-) •••••••••••••••••••••••• <3 from meeh! luv lots, jelli been willow's peak tangerine queen keeper of taco bells princess leia :-) :-) Kelli •••••••••••••••••••••••• - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 22:40:55 EST From: RbSayre Subject: Re: BUFFY: Bad Eggs...eww! In a message dated 98-01-12 22:26:16 EST, writes: boom boom boom BAM!! << Thinking the small of Willow'w back is still sexy even with a parasite on it, >> First- eww! Do you like Calmari? Second- anyone feel like Buffy might come out to her mom in that first bit at the mall? I was thinking for some reason, that it might happen in the two parter... But then I thought that it would kinda take some of the fun away. Let's just hope that Joyce doesn't go all Ronnie Blaklee & put iron bars over the windows (nightmare on elm street) ... or even worse, lose all her acting talent & wear bad makeup. Last (i think)- little squid thingies (not even going to attempt to spell or pronounce the real name- please, i just figured out how to say Boreanaz this morning, Kathie Lee has a purpose at last!) -when she was chasing it around the room I swear I was thinking ALIEN!! okay i shut up now. ;) peace, rick *the only hope you have of surviving this is to get out of this pit right now and... my god could you HAVE a dorkier outfit!?!* - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 20:19:39 PST From: "Keenan Itwasalatenite McCardell" Subject: BUFFY: fleetwood mac and more I want Fleetwood Mac to be a guest on the show sometime, they really rock! Anyway, I thought the recent episode was cool, butt a little bit mediocre in some scenes. However, the show is still Westside, and I dig it! I can't wait for next mon. and tues. eps., bectha they will really rule!! Sugar, spice, and everythang nice!! C-YA! ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 20:34:03 PST From: "Keenan Itwasalatenite McCardell" Subject: BUFFY: the best side I think the show is really Westside, which makes it the best side! Anyway, I would like to have a copy of the first episode, and the last episode of last season. I taped over those copies, and I would like to have a replacement, please email me. I appreciate it! Thanks a lot. You guys are the best! C-YA " Sheneneh......they call 'em Pay Day....." "Life is like a pool game, let me explain" -- Brian Shaw "It's all good from Diego to The Bay!" -- Dre Check out the pages: ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 23:33:35 -0500 From: Jesse Jou Subject: BUFFY: Bad to the Shell Tra la la! What an episode! I did like Bad Eggs ever so much. This is how I like to see teen romance handled, as dopey groping coupled with an absence of tongue. You know, there was definitely a "Fast Times at Sunnydale High" flavor to this episode, and I felt it strongest in the mall scenes. Perhaps Amy Heckerling could be persuaded to write a few episodes of Buffy? (Amy Heckerling, for those who don't know, is the conversant mind behind Fast Times at Ridgemont High and Clueless. The pairing makes sense if you think that Cher Horowitz in Clueless is a spiritual sister to pre-WB Buffy.) BTW, that mall locale reminded me of several other "teen" movies that poached upon the terrors of the mall world, namely the '80's schlock classic "Chopping Mall" starring Tony "My career died with Head of the Class" Dell, with cameos by Paul Bartel and Mary Woronov, and the climactic shootout in the "Boys Next Door" with Maxwell "Cool Rider" Caulfield. And of course the whole Bad Eggs conceit recalls everything from Invasion of the Body Snatchers to Wrath of Khan to Alien, etc. Buffy and the face hugger, after all. This episode was probably was one of the subtlest anti-sex messages in the series' history (next week's ep may top it), but not for the traditional horror logic of "if you have sex, you'll wind up on the end of a pike," but, in the language of behavior psychology, because of the paired association of sexual exploration with slimy egg thingies taking over your body. Now the next time one cuddles with one's honey, images of eggs erupting in one's face could be part of the psychological landscape. This is totally from the "cootie" school of boy/girl interactions. All this and Jeremy Ratchford, too! Anyone else remember him as Banshee from that nightmarishly horrid adaptation of Generation X on Fox a few years ago? The only good thing in that whole debacle. He was delightful this time out too, and I sensed something not unlike chemistry between his character and Buffy. It's inevitable: ever since Angelus got himself a Slayer, everyone's just got to have one. He's alive at the end so I hope he comes back later. That's it for now; maybe more later. JJ - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 23:37:56 -0500 From: Cory Zadek Subject: BUFFY: Bad Egg I loved Bad Egg! It more than made up for all those weeks of deprivation. I especially like that there were lots and lots of villains. No sooner than one revealed itself, another rose up like a hydra. Plus, with Willow a villain, and Joyce a villain, it looks like everybody has been a villian. Who else will become villainous (besides my spelling)? Maybe Joss will show up as an evil extra in some crowded scene at the Bronze. Smoochy, smoochy. Smoochy smoochy smoochy smooch smooch. Hmm. Could get a little tedious . . . but not with next week's two-parter. After that, I predict that sales of lip balm in Sunnydale will skyrocket, only to plummet when the audience finally gets more than it bargained for--as usual. Who will be the one to catch Cordy and Xander mugging each other in the closet? 3-2 odds on Buffy, with Willow as the last to know. But mabe one of Cordy's friends ... oops, I forgot, she doesn't have any friends since she started hanging out with the social leopards. I'm digesting, so I'll catch you all in the morning. I'm sooo glad Buffy's back! - --Cory *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* Cory Zadek The Mawsoleum, my Buffy site: Rest your soul @ The Master's Garden: - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 23:40:27 EST From: (Shannon M Keane) Subject: BUFFY: Re: Joyce What was up with Joyce suddenly being such an overly demanding parent? It annoyed me a little. The ending on how Buffy got around her mom to see Angel I found to be sweet. My best friend even found it to be kind of nice. Joyce needed to take a serious chill pill in my opinion. That huge mother bug thing was gross. I honestly thought "Aliens" meets maggots. YUCK!!! The baby ones were nasty enough, but the big one was yucky...I dont like squishy, crawlly things. Peace and love, Shannon :-) They've come to take me away!!! Ha-ha-hee-hee-ho-ho... - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 00:01:00 +0000 From: "Robin Carroll-Mann" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Bad Eggs...eww! And it came to pass on 12 Jan 98, that S. wrote: > Ok yeaaggghh. Those things reminded me of Star Trek II: Wrath of > Khan when those bugs crawled in Sulu's (?) ear. Nasty. Liked the > whole idea of a collective reminiscent of another Star Trek > plotline. Actually, it reminded me much more of Heinlein's _The Puppet Masters_, since those critters *did* reside on the backs of their hosts (the better to reach your spinal cord, m'dear). Anyone else wonder what would have happened if a hatchling had gotten onto a vampire? Harper *** Robin Carroll-Mann harper @ "Mostly Harmless" -- Douglas Adams Denial is a river in Sunnydale - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 23:41:41 EST From: Iocaste Subject: BUFFY: My Bad Eggs Comments Spoilers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I'll make this quick, since I'm in the midst of finals (so why am I watching Buffy?!?), but I really wanted to post my praise for this ep. Okay, sure the whole premise was a cross between Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Wrath of Khan, Dark Skies, and the Star Trek episode "Devil in the Dark". And sure when the thing came out of the egg and slept on Buffy I had a sudden urge to sing "Suddenly Seymour." And sure I laughed 'cause the special effects people put way too many sucking sounds in a kiss. And sure I wanted to scream about Buffy saying that all she thinks about in the future is Angel, because a) as the Slayer it's clearly untrue and b) it is manifestly anti- feminist. And sure one should never have the final fight scene take place off camera. But none of that matters, 'cause this ep was fun, fun, fun!!! I laughed, a shrieked in horrified delight, I squirmed when Giles put the thing on Mom's back, I cringed and laughed when Xander almost at the egg. And I cringed even more every time I saw Xander and Cordelia kiss. In short, I just had a _great_ time. And for the Buffy/Giles analysis: Well, they barely spoke here, so the best I can do is muse about the Mommy/Giles dynamic. Now, I am one who is _totally_ put off by the idea of Mommy and Giles as a couple, but I do have to admit Giles was sooooo cute in sympathizing with her. Boy, was I relieved when it turned out to have been Evil!Giles all along! Did anyone else get a hot flash when ASH collapsed? (If not, what is _wrong_ with me?) Ann - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 23:49:19 EST From: GelEbene Subject: Re: BUFFY: ...... and ob buffy and a spoiler SPOILERS*************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * <<(it can't be) in the summary for the second part (innocense) says "buffy realizes she must destroy the evil angel" noooo!!!! you can find the quote at >> Maybe the keyword here is the "evil" angel. Just how she could destroy only the evil in Angel, I don't know. All I know is I'll be so bummed if they write him off the show. List Owner~ The Russell Crowe Mailing List - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 00:11:24 -0500 (EST) From: "F.Y.G." Subject: Re: BUFFY: Bad Eggs...eww! On Tue, 13 Jan 1998, Robin Carroll-Mann wrote: > Anyone else wonder what would have happened if a hatchling had gotten > onto a vampire? > Actually we were thinking the same thing at our Buffy party. F.Y.G./missile Founder and President of the Buffy Crew Delta Sigma Phi Sargent at Arms - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V2 #21 ************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (