From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V2 #24 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Tuesday, January 13 1998 Volume 02 : Number 024 In this issue: Re: BUFFY: What a Yolk! (SPOILERS) BUFFY: BAD MOM BUFFY: Angel&Buffy's Uncertain Future Re: BUFFY: TV Guide Spoilers/cynical speculation BUFFY: BW: Bad Eggs - Willow? Re: BUFFY: Bad Eggs, what a crack-up! (Spoilers) Re: BUFFY: Spoilers for Surprise-Spoiler Space Re: BUFFY: title mistake Re: BUFFY: Angels Inability Re: BUFFY: BW: Bad Eggs - Willow? BUFFY: What Exactly Is A Vampire? Re: BUFFY: BW: Bad Eggs - Willow? Re: BUFFY: title mistake BUFFY: David Boreanaz Re: BUFFY: vampires turn to dust Re: BUFFY: TV Guide on 2-parter - Spoilers Re: BUFFY: Award Shows Re: BUFFY: What Exactly Is A Vampire? BUFFY:General Bad Eggs rambling BUFFY: Bad Eggs - SPOILERS BUFFY: LOTION! (fwd) Re: BUFFY: LOTION! (fwd) SPOILER See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 12:58:46 EST From: RbSayre Subject: Re: BUFFY: What a Yolk! (SPOILERS) I Dig the subject line!! It had me in bouts of laughter! BOUTS!! :-) Lisa says- << Speaking of Xander, did my eyes deceive me, or was his hair more shaggy (ala season one) in the preview for next week than it has been in recent months? If so, thank heaven for small miracles! Bring back the mop-top!>> Amen to that. <<(Shaggy, hmmm, would Xander be the Shag-man in our attempts to map Buffy onto Scooby Doo?). >> See, now I wish I had been here for THIS discussion cuz I totally see the comparison!! This totally explains why I love BtVS as much as I do!! Also the whole thing with eating his child... thinking with his stomach... Definitely an ancestor of the great Shaggy (who, btw, I'm a dead ringer for, only without the bellbottoms). hee hee hee... i love this list! rick *because- the ziti!* -willow *i was blessed with a birth and a death and i guess i just want some say in between* -ani difranco - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 10:43:40 PST From: "miss hayse" Subject: BUFFY: BAD MOM Anyone else think that perhaps Joyce is a terrible mother? I don't think she's abusive by any means, just very obviously oblivious. I was a little pissed off about her grounding Buffy after the whole parasite adventure- obviously not even noticing that Buffy had a goose egg the size of a golf ball on her forehead! Not to mention the fact that the gallery she owns seems to keep her there until 11 pm every night. Add to this the apologetic atttitude she should harbor after the whole Ted incident (come on, Buffy should get some slack!). True, it was good to see them in the mall- shopping together. However, Joyce's nonchalance to #1, the gas leak which Buffy could have been trapped in and #2, the huge bump on her head- makes me a little pissy. It is also strangely reminiscent of the movie, in which the parents are completely oblivious to thier daughter. But Joyce has been set up to be a bit more loving. I was just disgusted by her lack of concern for Buffy's wellbeing. In fact, her behavior and attitude seemed very similar to our friend Principal Snyder, who also seems to think that corporal punishment is the only available recourse (of course with him, its more of the most readily welcomed recourse). just thought I'd spew a bit. Miss Hayse ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 13:30:28 EST From: SUGARMAG77 Subject: BUFFY: Angel&Buffy's Uncertain Future << It does sort of put a damper on Buffy and his future >> Here's my $.02, can you say "fertility clinic"? Just a thought (wouldn't that be amusing, though?) Kate Keeper of: Lil'Buffy's Nerf Darboard, Willow's Library Explosion, Cordelia's Barbie Dream Car - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 14:07:53 -0500 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: TV Guide Spoilers/cynical speculation >COMMENT ON A SPOILER > >1 > >2 > >3 > >4 > >5 > >* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * > > > > > > > > > > > > Miss Hayse says: > This coming Buffy seems to be an extreme of a "morning after" scenario. > my cynical mind sees this as a ploy to traumatize Buffy sexually, and make their > one night of passion an isolated, well-remembered evening- Buffy will be unsure > again, and their relationship will back up. I can certainly see this scenario being played out... as it allows TPTB to have their cake and eat it, too. They can have Buffy be sexually active (at least once ) and they can "prove" their responsibility by using the age-old, tired "bad things always happen to girls who have sex" routine. It was (and for the most part is still) a plot used over and over and over and over again. Teenaged girls always get pregnant, go mad, get slashed, lose their families and up homeless sluts..whenever they give in to demon lust. It goes like this. Buffy and Angel make love, Angel goes postal. Buffy is scared and remorseful. Angel is saved. Buffy learns the "lesson" that she must never have sex again (at least not with a vampire and not while she is still Slayer )(Like I said *never*) Buffy tells Angel that they can only "be friends". Then we spend the next two seasons with Buffy mooning over lost vampire love and over men/boys she can't have because she might endanger them or herself. ( sounds like Highlander!) What would I *like* to see? Angel and Buffy make love. Angel goes postal over something *totally* unrelated to the sex. Buffy is scared..but determined to carry on.. Angel is saved. Buffy realizes it wasn't the sex that messed things up and that Angel is the only bright spot in her world. They decide to be together as often as possible ..given the limitations of his nature and her work. The show goes on as before but with Angel and Buffy "committed" as opposed to estranged. And ..before someone says that would take all the sexual tension out of the show..well..I think decent writers could come up with sufficient plots that related to the troubles of a Slayer/vampire couple to make it work. Wendy (Of course it's possible that I am just fed up with TV shows that seem to think couples are death to drama.)(Perhaps most TV writers have never been part of a couple?)(:::snerk::) - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 14:42:04 EST From: SnOwBaLL30 Subject: BUFFY: BW: Bad Eggs - Willow? I'm putting in a poiler space because i'm sending this message to two lists and I don't remember which list requires spoiler spaces... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Well, First off that episode was really surprising. In lots and lots of ways. The whole Kissing every three minutes was surprising...then the plot itself was surprising - big bugs who cause their host to collect more eggs from the huge mama parasite underneath the school? Cowboy vampires..Cordy and Xander having to *look for the teacher in a closet* (teehee) Anyway..On to my question...When Willow said that her egg was Jewish...Does that mean that SHE is jewish? And what about Xander..Both of them have INCREDIBLY Jewish names...Harris and Rosenburg...You could not possibly get anymore Jewish. Does anyone know for sure? - -Diane Keeper of Cordy's kick - you know when she kicked Ethan! "Super, I kicked a guy!" Come on guys remember! - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 12:09:32 -0800 From: Lisa Rose Subject: Re: BUFFY: Bad Eggs, what a crack-up! (Spoilers) At 08:04 AM 1/13/98 -0600, Anime Nut wrote: > I live in Illinois, but I try to get out to California at least >once every summer. Now, I've confirmed this with others who live in CA, >and we're all pretty sure that the mall at the beginning of "Bad Eggs" is >the Sherman Oaks Galleria -- a rather lame mall, in my opinion. Yeah, I guess that's entirely possible. Those So. Cal. multi-levels all start to look the same to me after awhile (I've lived near the Beverly Center, the S.O. Galleria, & the Glendale Galleria (egads!) in various 1980's Southland incarnations, but darned if I can remember them precisely now). The Sherman Oaks Galleria actually would be the best teen homage choice IMHO, because it's the quintessential So. Cal. Valley mall. Wasn't it featured in both "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" and the seminal "Valley Girl" (the latter starring an adorable young Nick Cage, I might add), although I can already feel the sting of the corrections coming.... > Now, I'm not harping on the misidentification of a location in a >tv show, but this does bring to mind something that's bugged me ever since >"Ted": why do so many people here refuse to believe that the characters >in this show can actually travel outside of Sunnydale? I'm sure that explanation is possible, but it would seem like a patch to me. Cordy's laments to Buffy at the start of WttH suggested to me that they were a significant distance from "real" civilization. So I can't see Joyce casually squeezing a three or four hour round-trip drive to the nearest mall (to pick up the clothes Buffy forgot to get) into the tight schedule she mentioned she had for the next morning. >Take, for example, the miniature golf course in "Ted". After >that episode aired, I read tons o' posts from people recalling the >discussion at the end of WSWB. Yeah, Willow stated that there's no >mini-golf course in Sunnydale. Thanks for reminding me of this. I forgot to add it to the undead questions list! Lisa - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 07:57:44 +0000 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Spoilers for Surprise-Spoiler Space On Tue, 13 Jan 1998 00:45:21 EST TknoPagan writes: >Here is some spoilers I recieved from another person online......... > >1 >2 >3 >4 >5 >6 >7 >8 >9 >10 >11 >12 > > >Why can't we have any cool characters come back..Like Darla? I agree ! Darla should come back ! but she is ashes so i guess its pretty much inpossible ... wasn't that guy Luke ashes too ? Buffy killed him right ? so how is it possible he is coming back ? ^w^ Darla ^w^ Keeper of Darla's Lust for Angel "Few men can resist the innocence of a Catholic schoolgirl !" - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 08:02:09 +0000 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: title mistake Nuh uh the first part is called Surprises and the second part Innocence SPOILER on bottom ^w^ Darla ^w^ Keeper of Darla's Lust for Angel "Few men can resist the innocence of a Catholic schoolgirl !" >the first part is tiled suprise, and the second part is titeled >innocence. >this isn't true. the whole two parter is called innocence. >surprise is another eopisode taht has been misplaced in the sequence of >taping. originally tehy planned for bad eggs last week, surprise this week and >innocence next week, but something must have gone wrong. surprise is about a >gypsy man, nothing to do with this stuff... anyway, it has the same name for >both parts just like what's my line did! :-) its not a gypsy man its a gypsy woman ... Jenny ... Surprise Buffy the Vampire Slayer Mon, Jan 19 9:00pm WPIX Part 1 of 2. The gang plans a surprise party for Buffy's 17th birthday, as Dru (Juliet Landau) wraps up her own plan to erase the human race. Meanwhile, a recurring nightmare haunts the Slayer, who gets her wish of celebrating---alone---with Angel (David Boreanaz). Calendar: Robia LaMorte. Oz: Seth Green. Giles: Anthony S. Head. Cordelia: Charisma Carpenter. Xander: Nicholas Brendon. Willow: Alyson Hannigan. Innocence Buffy the Vampire Slayer  Tue,Jan 20 8:00pm WPIX Part 2 of 2. After their birthday-night tryst, Buffy finds Angel (David Boreanaz) a changed man. Meanwhile, Willow and Giles strike a tentative truce with their insignificant others in order to junk the Judge, as Buffy uses brute force to fight a foe close to her heart. Xander: Nicholas Brendon. Cordelia: Charisma Carpenter. Buffy: Sarah Michelle Gellar. Willow: Alyson Hannigan. Joyce: Kristine Sutherland. Giles: Anthony S. Head. - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 12:30:18 +0000 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Angels Inability Yeah when I heard that Angel couldn't have little vampies I was surprised that the list had mentioned it ... Now it leads me to believe that the Hellmouth needs a new slayer ... cause the only way that Angel and Buffy can be together forever is if Buffy is a Vampire ... cause Buffy will grow old and Angel will stay the same way .. forever young ... i think Buffy would make a kewl vamp .. she would be very hard to kill ... ^w^ Darla ^w^ Keeper of Darla's Lust for Angel "Few men can resist the innocence of a Catholic schoolgirl !" >Does anyone think that sometimes the writers are listening to what we are >saying? Here we are disucsing Angel's ability to have children and now we find >out. What a great way of letting the viewers know. It does sort of put a >damper on Buffy and his future. Not that the fact that he is a vampire didn't. - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 15:32:57 -0500 From: John Nestoriak Subject: Re: BUFFY: BW: Bad Eggs - Willow? > Anyway..On to my question...When Willow said that her egg was Jewish...Does > that mean that SHE is jewish? > And what about Xander..Both of them have INCREDIBLY Jewish names...Harris and > Rosenburg...You could not possibly get anymore Jewish. Based on the conversation I'd say that we can be reasonably sure that Willow is Jewish and Xander is Christian. At least as a heritage though neither seem to actively practice anything. > Does anyone know for sure? Of course not. Where would the fun be in that. :) Though personally I'd add Willow is Jewish to the list of "questions discussed on the mailing list that were later answered on the show". - -- John Nestoriak * "It's the non-relationship drink Software Engineer * of choice. It's not a date, it's The Telephone Connection * a caffeinated beverage." * - Willow on Coffee - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 15:42:18 From: Jeff Rohaly Subject: BUFFY: What Exactly Is A Vampire? >But how far is Joss going to stress credibility on having the demons >assume the former people's personalities? I agree there seems to be a fine line between the way that Giles, in the episode Angel, describes what a vampire is -- essentially a demon inhabiting a human host and retaining some of the memories and personality traits of that person -- and the way some of the vampires behave, which is more like the former person himself or herself, but turned evil. Or to put it another way, since I was just watching CNN, suppose that Drusilla turns Al Gore into a vampire. Then the way we are supposed to look at things is that we now have a demon inside the VP who will be somewhat wooden and boring and who will likely lull a victim to sleep with a speech about re-inventing government before clamping down on his or her jugular. But in no sense is that actually Al Gore, or even the evil side of Al Gore, doing the killing because the essence of Al Gore -- his soul, if you will -- was destroyed the moment that Drusilla had her way with him. (I'm not trying to be partisan; I'll leave it up to you to imagine a vampirized Newt Gingrich.) Given this, I have some problems with respect to Dru's torturing of Angel in What's My Line?. Why should the demon inhabiting Drusilla care what (the demon inhabiting) Angel did to Drusilla's mother, uncle and so on? I would think she might even respect and admire the type of cruelty that he displayed back then. In other cases, these demons don't seem to retain much love for their host's families. After all, the demon inhabiting Angel killed Angel's own family. Jeff Rohaly - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 15:46:12 -0500 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: BW: Bad Eggs - Willow? Diane asks: >.When Willow said that her egg was Jewish...Does >that mean that SHE is jewish? >And what about Xander..Both of them have INCREDIBLY Jewish names...Harris and >Rosenburg...You could not possibly get anymore Jewish. "Rosenburg" is generally Jewish and since Willow made a point of saying that her egg ( her *child* ) was Jewish I think it is safe to say Willow is Jewish. Harris is, by no means, an "INCREDIBLY" Jewish name.. the Harris Tweed people of Scotland could attest. Wendy - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 15:21:11 EST From: Buffy716 Subject: Re: BUFFY: title mistake In a message dated 98-01-12 22:53:23 EST, you write: << << the first part is tiled suprise, and the second part is titeled innocence. >> this isn't true. the whole two parter is called innocence. surprise is another eopisode taht has been misplaced in the sequence of taping. originally tehy planned for bad eggs last week, surprise this week and innocence next week, but something must have gone wrong. surprise is about a gypsy man, nothing to do with this stuff... anyway, it has the same name for both parts just like what's my line did! :-) >> OK, no. It isn't because if you read every single TV Guide type thingy and the main page when ever they get it up, you'll see these names are right. - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 15:31:28 EST From: SKloss7619 Subject: BUFFY: David Boreanaz Hello again. I just found out that David will be on the Keenan Ivory Wayans show on the 19th (monday). This should be something to see. Keeper of Coughing Not Speaking (TDA) Keeper of the Note Passed to Buffy in class. (LTM) - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 15:19:12 -0800 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: vampires turn to dust In case no one has mentioned it, there's a short blurb on Xander in next week's TV Guide (Jan 17-23) on page 6. Len R. _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 13:36:05 -0800 From: Julie Fundenberger Subject: Re: BUFFY: TV Guide on 2-parter - Spoilers Jessica wrote: >S >P >O >I >L >E >R > >S >P >A >C >E >! >! >! > > > Okay, here's my idea again (I don't think many people like it since I >never get any feedback, but I'll say it one more time.) > Angel and Buffy consumate there relationship somewhere in the >two-parter. Somehow Drusilla or somebody else takes Angel's soul away >from him, leaving him to be the unhindered evil man-feeding demon he >once was. He turns on Buffy (thus the betrayal) and she is forced to >fight him. Jenny, if she is a gypsy, eventually restores the curse thus >returning Angel to his normal self (EVENTUALLY!) What I've come to believe is that Jenny, as the gypsy, takes Angel's soul away from him (for what reason I don't know). That would explain why Buffy's peeved at her and it would answer the question of who betrays Buffy. I agree about Buffy and Angel consumating their the relationship. I haven't even thought of if or how Angel gets his soul back. > As to the clips of Angel being turned to dust, somehow I really doubt >that Joss would kill him off if he's bringing ratings to the show, so my >guess is that is probably one of Buffy's nightmares... Ohhhh, good thought. > Am I totally alone???? If I am, I promise this is the last time I'll >bring it up. :) I know how you feel, when I made my prediction for What's My Line (correctly I might add) hardly anyone responded (thank you to the few that did) and I even got a nasty response saying 'No-one cares!'. This list can be rather upsetting at times. Knightwatch - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 16:39:54 -0500 From: Lawless Subject: Re: BUFFY: Award Shows I thought that as of this month, WB is seen in 84% of this country. CatDancer8 wrote: > I noticed a lot of people talking about why Buffy isn't nomminated. First of > all, a show must be seen in over 51% of the country to be eligible. Buffy is > not. Especially since the WB is not a major network and it doesn't show to > that much of the country. That is why only the big time network shows get > nomminated. > > - - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 16:37:53 -0500 From: John Nestoriak Subject: Re: BUFFY: What Exactly Is A Vampire? > Why should the demon inhabiting Drusilla care what > (the demon inhabiting) Angel did to Drusilla's mother, uncle and so on? I > would think she might even respect and admire the type of cruelty that he > displayed back then. Ok, this may be a stretch but I think it works ... Angel tortured Dru before she became a vamp. She knew and resented him before he "made" her. So the resentment she carries is actually part of the "host memories and personality" that the vampire demon gets when it takes up residence. Angel on the other hand killed his family after becoming a vamp when he no longer cared about them. There's only one flaw with this theory (but I think I can fix that too). If Dru was "made" with a hatred and resentment of Angel then why was she apparently friendly (ahem) with him in the past? Well the theory continues that immediately after Dru was turned she was so crazed that she didn't remember/care. Now that she's had time to recover some of her faculties and think it over she remembers the old feelings. Or we could go with the simple explanation that if the vampires didn't retain the personality of the human they'd all be the same and it'd make for really boring TV :) - -- John Nestoriak * "It's the non-relationship drink Software Engineer * of choice. It's not a date, it's The Telephone Connection * a caffeinated beverage." * - Willow on Coffee - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 17:04:59 EST From: Courtjes5 Subject: BUFFY:General Bad Eggs rambling General Ramblings. Ramble #1 How did the egg have hand-like tentacles one night, when it grabbed ahold of Buffy's face, then the next night, it was a little scorpion thing? What's that about. Ramble #2 <> Well, I always thought Cordelia had a lot of self respect, but apparantly, she has had sex in a Miata on the top of a hill, so sex in a broom closet really is much safer in terms of accidently rolling off a cliff. (I still can't picture her doing that, though.) Ramble #3 Also, when Angel said "I can't...", why didn't he just say "I can't have children." That's not much of a personal, non-sayable confession. Now, "I can't have an erection" is a little more personal and not something you exactly want to share in a graveyard when your discussing futures. Ramble #4 <> She seemed to be the first to get attached to, therefore it's fitting she was in charge. It seems like Cordy got attacked second, then the rest of the student body. Ramble #5 In the opening segment (the part where they list all the actors), where does the last clip, where it shows everyone walking out of the library (Xander looking incredibly hot, BTW ;)...What ep is that from. End of general rambling _CJ_ "I propose Buffy slays them. All in favor, say "I". "Like Angel & I are just helpless slaves to passion." - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 14:28:53 -0800 From: "Sai Wong (Exchange)" Subject: BUFFY: Bad Eggs - SPOILERS S P O I L E R Finally a new epsiode, EGG-celent !!! I felt the scene when Buffy's egg (called EGG-burt I believe) reached out to Buffy was pretty scary. I though that Buffy would have been 'converted' to work for the dark side, however she was just drained of energy. Did not think much of the cowboy Vampires. They did not seem to fit in. I would have liked the episode to have just concentrated on the Egg story. The little aliens inside the eggs remined me of an episode on Star Trek TNG called 'Conspiracy' and the face huggers in Aliens. Scary. =:-s Did anyone catch the reason why the students were used by the mother alien ? My guess is that the mother alien was trapped underneath the school and wanted to be freed. The teacher stumbled across the alien and was 'converted' to a slave to the mother creature. The teacher was then used to find more slaves in order to free the mother creature. Buffy and Angel. All they did was smooch. I hope the series does not turn mushy on us. Why not show Buffy and Angel on a date to develope their relationship rather than having them kiss all the time. I don't mind Buffy and Angel kissing, but just kissing and nothing else is boring. Cordelia and Xander. I really liked their lovers tiff which spilled over into the class lesson regarding teenage hormones. More Cordelia and Xander please. Cordy's teddy bear backpack. I am surprised she took it to school. Did not seem to fit the ultra-trendy image Cordelia wishes to convey. Also, where are Cordelia's other hip friends nowadays ? However, I did like how the alien creature burst through the teddy's eyes in order to get out. Xander hard boiled his offspring. LOL !!! Lucky he took a look at the egg before he tried eating it. (Note : This episode might really but me off eating eggs. Did any of you have a hard boiled egg for breakfast this morning ?) Willow said she put her egg in the fridge. If this were true wouldn't the alien creature be dead, and therefore not be able to take Willow over ? However, if the alien creature had ALREADY taken over Willow, and made her lie to Buffy then this would explain things. Near the end of the episode I was waiting EGG-citedly for a great showdown between Buffy and the mother creature. But what a letdown :-( All the action was off camera and we were robbed of the showdown. Overall a good episode 7/10 Sai - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 17:34:17 -0500 (EST) From: Sparky Dawntreader Subject: BUFFY: LOTION! (fwd) Wow, it seems I could have known about this Lotion on Buffy thing a while ago, IF I actually read my mail instead of skimming it. In case you care, here's the scoop from Lotion's label (or old label, I can never remember) >>>>>>> File this one under "I Never Thought I'd See That!": spinART artists LOTION will be appearing on TV's "Buffy The Vampire Slayer"!!! Hoo ha! The boys are in L.A. as I type, shooting the episode which will air on January 28th. They will be featured in a club scene...I won't give away what happens, but it involves a werewolf and Lotion's drum set! Yikes! So tune in! (In case you caught the piece that was on MTV News, rest assured that they don't look like that anymore! They are shorn and shaven, those boys are!) And...for those of you in the L.A. area, Lotion will be playing at the Dragonfly on Friday, January 9th at 11 pm. Rumor has it that the whole cast and crew of "Buffy" is going to come out for the show, so get your autograph books ready! >>>>>>> Now that LAST part, I suspect you LA kids might be grateful for. If anyone goes, pick me up a goodie, ok? A Joss goodie. Or an Alyson goodie. OR whatever. :) Grinning, Mehitabel - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 18:01:59 -0500 (EST) From: sah Subject: Re: BUFFY: LOTION! (fwd) SPOILER I'm spoil protecting this post; you'll see why when you read it. When responding to it, please remember to spoil protect it. Remember kids, if a post is not properly spoil protected, you are responsible for making sure it is if you choose to reply to it. Thanks, - --sah ***** It's not my birthday It's not today. It's not my birthday So why do you lunge out at me? At 05:34 PM 1/13/98 -0500, you wrote: >Wow, it seems I could have known about this Lotion on Buffy thing a while >ago, IF I actually read my mail instead of skimming it. In case you care, >here's the scoop from Lotion's label (or old label, I can never remember) >>>>>>>> >File this one under "I Never Thought I'd See That!": >spinART artists LOTION will be appearing on TV's "Buffy The Vampire >Slayer"!!! Hoo ha! The boys are in L.A. as I type, shooting the episode >which will air on January 28th. They will be featured in a club scene...I >won't give away what happens, but it involves a werewolf and Lotion's >drum set! Yikes! So tune in! (In case you caught the piece that was on >MTV News, rest assured that they don't look like that anymore! They are >shorn and shaven, those boys are!) > >And...for those of you in the L.A. area, Lotion will be playing at the >Dragonfly on Friday, January 9th at 11 pm. Rumor has it that the whole >cast and crew of "Buffy" is going to come out for the show, so get your >autograph books ready! >>>>>>>> > >Now that LAST part, I suspect you LA kids might be grateful for. If anyone >goes, pick me up a goodie, ok? A Joss goodie. Or an Alyson goodie. OR >whatever. :) > >Grinning, >Mehitabel > > >- > > - -- sah * * NatPack * BotCoS * Jungle Patrol * BBPGrrl:TGLIL * Bishop * BTVS Listowner Nat's B&B: My homepage: "I've decided that as much as I want wild sex, right now I'd settle for someone to clean my house." --jk - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V2 #24 ************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (