From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V2 #37 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Sunday, January 18 1998 Volume 02 : Number 037 In this issue: Re: BUFFY: That Was Entirely Pointless - SMG on SNL Re: BUFFY: RE: Willow rules BUFFY: SMG on SNL Re: BUFFY: That Was Entirely Pointless - SMG on SNL BUFFY: Sarah on SNL Re: BUFFY: RE: Willow rules Re: BUFFY: Alien/Star Trek "Conspiracy" episode BUFFY: Spoiler Sites Re: BUFFY: Spike & Dru collect body parts!? SPOILER Re: BUFFY: RE: Willow rules BUFFY: Sarah on SNL BUFFY: WB Celebrity Fair at the Seattle Centre House Re: BUFFY: SMG on SNL BUFFY: Etc ( 5 years, Movies, Luke ) Re: BUFFY: RE: Willow rules & SNL Re: BUFFY: RE: Willow rules & SNL BUFFY: Dawson's Creek website BUFFY: Spoiler BUFFY: How to pronounce " Gellar? " BUFFY: Buffy Tape Exchange Re: BUFFY: SNL, 5 more years and Cruel Intentions BUFFY: T-shirt on SNL BUFFY: "Willow Rules" Reason Re: BUFFY: T-shirt on SNL Re: BUFFY: Buffy Tape Exchange / AOL users please read Re: BUFFY: That Was Entirely Pointless - SMG on SNL Re: BUFFY: Etc ( 5 years, Movies, Luke ) Re: BUFFY: Etc ( 5 years, Movies, Luke ) Re: BUFFY: RE: Willow rules Re: BUFFY: RE: Willow rules Re: BUFFY: That Was Entirely Pointless - SMG on SNL and possible spoiler Re: BUFFY: That Was Entirely Pointless - SMG on SNL and possible spoiler Re: BUFFY: Etc ( 5 years, Movies, Luke ) Re: BUFFY: That Was Entirely Pointless - SMG on SNL and possible spoiler See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 10:33:13 EST From: Iocaste Subject: Re: BUFFY: That Was Entirely Pointless - SMG on SNL In a message dated 98-01-18 10:15:27 EST, you write: << > I couldn't watch the whole thing, the *porn* section > with the *tribute* to Diana was rude, crude, and > totally offensive to me, I'm really ashamed >> Oh -- I think you missed the joke here. I mean, that sketch was the best of the lot -- it was a dead-on parody of Robin Byrd, who is one of the most infamous (and ridiculous) television personalities. I doubt everyone can get her show -- I know you can get it in New York, but I'm assuming it isn't national. But for those of you who haven't seen it, let me assure you that the impersonation was _uncanny_ -- and SMG's turn as a stripper was not intended as a parody of Diana, but as a parody of _strippers_ who have pretensions of greatness. Of course, the best joke of the entire evening was Norm MacDonald's "I have to do this sketch now...." following on the heels of the big Weekend Update fiasco. Ann - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 10:45:03 EST From: Iocaste Subject: Re: BUFFY: RE: Willow rules Well, this is just my feeling, but if I were going to make a guess I'd say that SMG perhaps had a quarrel with Aly before the show and the sign was intended as an apology -- just because it doesn't really make sense any other way. But hey, that's just my own speculation. Ann - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 11:22:53 -0500 From: Annie Subject: BUFFY: SMG on SNL OK, a LOT of you guys thought that the show was god awful, but I totally disagree, I thought it was bloody hilarious! I loved all of the skits in the first hour. I'll have to admit it did drop towards the end but otherwise it was great. I don't know what you mean about the writing. I thought it was some of the best writing they've had in a long while. I mean this show was right up there with the Neve Campbell one, which kicked butt. I loved Goth Talk, but hey I always do. Too bad they didn't have the Spartan cheerleaders, or Mary Katharine Gallagher. That would have been hilarious. My favorite skits were the Robyn Byrd show, the Tara Lipinsky thing (I loved the Keri Strugg impersonation by Chris Kattan), the dysfunctional family, and the Spice Girls ads. I hated the music by Portishead though. I loved it when SMG put up that sign at the end. Now who could say that she is some prima donna? I cant wait till the show on Monday. Since we don't have school that day, my friends and I are going to have a Buffy party. Love, Annie Keeper of Willow's look of discomfort in the hormone lecure, Willow's excitement about the egg baby, and Willow's remorse after learning he had hit Xander - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 12:10:47 -0500 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: That Was Entirely Pointless - SMG on SNL Sonja Marie didn't like SNL:: >That was an extreme waste of Sarah's talent, if ever there was one! Umm...I would say that Sarah's biggest talent isn't comedy and her real reason for doing the show was publicity...for BtVS and for herself. No one expects SNL to be really funny anymore (ahhh... for the good old days of the first couple of seasons) (Ackroyd, Belushi, Chase, Newman, Curtin, Murray etc) is a place where new musical groups get a bit of exposure and actors play at being comedians for 90 minutes while plugging their latest movie/TV venture. >the *porn* section with the *tribute* to Diana was rude, crude, and totally offensive to me, Oh well..I found it very funny. Using Elton John's overplayed, sappy song for a strip show..very funny, IMGLO. Strippers have been striping to "great" music for a long the show some "class" donja know >And the Tara Lapinski segment was almost as worse, Again..that skit was one of the few that I found funny. The pristine world of sweet little dolls on ice that is really a cut-throat jungle...that's both true and funny. I'm sure Tara will survive the caricature. >I think Sarah could find better and more interesting things to do to >advance her career then this! Like what? While you may not have enjoyed SNL, I'm sure many others did. It allowed Sarah to do something different in front of a different audience.......people who may not watch Buffy... that's *good* for her career. Maybe Sarah had a good time? > the Buffy parody was horrid, Actually it was a dead-on parody of Seinfeld and was funny enough. SNL has made a career....a long and, at one time, distinguished career ..of being crude, rude, lewd and socially unacceptable. Why expect anything different just because SMG is hosting? Wendy - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 12:03:21 EST From: DaisyFoo14 Subject: BUFFY: Sarah on SNL Well, I totally missed the point of that "nice family dinner" skit.......was it a parody I just wasn't getting? The Spice Girls thing was hysterical...I didn't even realize she was one of them until the second commercial. She was frighteningly perfect for it. (Maybe SHE should be in the Spice Girls movie, instead.......) I loved the "Tiger Beat's Ultra Super Duper Love Show" thing. I hate all of those "bopper" magazines and stuff..........."Isn't JTT the dreamiest?" Very cute. Although I wasn't crazy about the Tara Lipinski skit, I thought it was cool that they incorporated Sarah's skating into a skit. All through that "Men Are From Mars" tapes skit, I thought they would plug in a "Buffy" skit, especially when they talked about Monday night television, and going into the woodshop to make things (like a stake!). Sarah was wonderful as Elaine, although I didn't like how the skit referred to the vampires as turning into bats and sleeping in coffins, since it wasn't consistent to the real show, but, whatever. What am I forgetting............the Goth Skit! She looked kinda cool as Countess Cobwella, and she played it very well. The lip sync clip was so cute! However, I also thought they would have her show "Black Magic Kingdom" be a Buffy spoof. However, my favorite part was when she held up the sign for Aly. That was too sweet!! I really didn't like the Robin Byrd thing. What was it a parody of? I just didn't get it when she stopped speaking midsentence.........was it mocking someone famous before my time? Sarah looked very...........well, skanky in that role...must've been the boots, the costume, and all those curls...that accent, too. Although direct comedy really isn't Sarah's best acting genre, (and although I usually laugh @ Xander more, Buffy cracks me up sometimes) I thought she was fantastic, and she proved she's a very versatile (she can be great in so many different roles!) and talented actress! Sorry if all of this has been said already...digest, you know. Alli C's cell phone,sparkle purse, light blue silk dress, X's Tweety Bird watch,Scooby Doo Shirt, robe in trash, newspaper @ Bronze, B's pur-pink lamp,green sunglasses,suitcases, W's light blue rolly hat, maroon quarterback shirt, Joyce's earrings, "Effective Parenting" tapes, watch, Giles' dict. stand, Jenny's circle-chain belt. "Think of something cool, tell him I said it."-Buffy,PG - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 12:25:28 -0500 From: Lawless Subject: Re: BUFFY: RE: Willow rules I assumed it was just a sign to say hey. Why should it be anything else? Lawless Iocaste wrote: > Well, this is just my feeling, but if I were going to make a guess I'd say > that SMG perhaps had a quarrel with Aly before the show and the sign was > intended as an apology -- just because it doesn't really make sense any other > way. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 10:33:22 -0700 From: David Simpson Subject: Re: BUFFY: Alien/Star Trek "Conspiracy" episode On Tue, 13 Jan 1998, Theo Ching wrote: >there's even a alien/demon intelligence living right under the HS campus? That's >it, enough is enough. There's a more efficient way to deal with all this once & >for all: I say the gov't should evacuate Sunnydale and then sterlize the area with >a nuke. ^_^; Or as my favorite line from Aliens goes: "Nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure." Sorry I am behind. I am trying to get caught up with my digests. David Simpson mailto: Buffy: Hi, guys. Miss me? --- When She Was Bad (BtVS) - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 09:44:33 -0800 (PST) From: Charlene Marie Vincent Subject: BUFFY: Spoiler Sites << Go visit a spoiler site if you have to know. ;) >> where are spoiler sites anyway? does anyone have any addys? Thanks. ~Caroline My site is a spoiler Site, but remember, a lot of stuff is just rumors Phred - - - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 11:21:48 -0600 From: (Katie Masters) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Spike & Dru collect body parts!? SPOILER >Here's some spoiler space > >M >A >J >I >O >R > >S >P >O >I >L >E >R > >S >P >A >C >E >Spike and Drusilla scheme to destroy the Slayer by collecting dismembered body >parts of a demon called "The Judge." I read on the official Buffy website that the judge will be played by Brian Thompson. Didn't he play Luke in the Pilot? - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 11:24:32 -0600 From: (Katie Masters) Subject: Re: BUFFY: RE: Willow rules >Well, this is just my feeling, but if I were going to make a guess I'd say >that SMG perhaps had a quarrel with Aly before the show and the sign was >intended as an apology -- just because it doesn't really make sense any other >way. No. I think that they haven't seen each other all week because Sarah's been working on SNL and she misses her since they usually see each other every day. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 11:04:47 +0000 From: Subject: BUFFY: Sarah on SNL >The Spice Girls thing was hysterical.. (Maybe >SHE should be in the Spice Girls movie, instead.......) woo hoo smg played my fav spice girl ~! victoria posh spice ~! i luved the cute dress she was wearing .. she could never ever replace victoria .. victoria is victoria if u cant tell i'm a huge spice girls fan i hated the whole cross between seinfeld and btvs ... probably cause i reawlly dislike seinfeld .. well anyways .. that was the skit i hated most ... Goth Skit ~! kewlie ~! i luved her outfit ~!~ smg pulls off the goth look well unlike the other two on the goth skit .. Countess Cobwella .. that is such a kewlie name ~! Love ya 637 ^w^ Darla ^w^ Omega Beta Zeta Sisters Til The End - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 11:27:14 -0800 From: "Sai Wong (Exchange)" Subject: BUFFY: WB Celebrity Fair at the Seattle Centre House Hello, Was watching the WB on Saturday and found out that Alyson Hannigan Nicholas Brendon will be appearing at the WB Celebrity Fair in the Seattle Center House on Sat Feb 7th Sai - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 11:16:51 +0000 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: SMG on SNL :: giggles :: i luv when she flipped off the camera ~! " what the hell are you looking at ? " :: gives them the finger :: " go usa ! ... ouch ! " Love ya 637 ^w^ Darla ^w^ Omega Beta Zeta Sisters Til The End >the Tara Lipinsky thing (I loved the Keri Strugg impersonation by >Chris Kattan - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 11:35:30 +0000 From: Subject: BUFFY: Etc ( 5 years, Movies, Luke ) >Btw, I just read on Lawless' web site that Sarah signed onto Buffy for >5 more years!! (Probably old news to everyone else, but it's the first I've >heard of it!) Woo hoo i guess this means that tv guide thing was actually just a rumor .. well anyways .. smg will always been seen as the vampire slayer by me >Also, does anyone know what her movie Cruel Intentions is going to be >about? >And what kind of character she plays? who is it again ? smg or aly ? sowie i forgot .. and i was wonder the same thing .. >Then if all that wasn't bad enough...LUKE comes back. >OhOh! Who is Luke? i thought luke was dust .. well if luke can come back .. why can't darla ? all he has is a new name .. com'n we need some more girl vampies ~! dru is getting lonely .. the only people she has to talk to is angelus and spike .. and angelus is sorta not all that available cause of the ::growls:: slayer.. dru needs some girlie friends ~! :: giggles :: ^w^ Darla ^w^ - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 15:11:52 -0500 From: Scott Nelson Subject: Re: BUFFY: RE: Willow rules & SNL - -->That's what I got out of it also. Kind of like a "Hi mom" kinda thing. I think that SMG on SNL did exactly what she set out to do. Have some fun and be silly. Let her hair down. Can she get better parts? Of course she can. But sometimes it is cool just to be silly and goof off. Sometimes the writers humor can be real abstract so you have to really pay attention to what they say and how the actors say it. Anyway, I enjoyed it just because I felt that I could join in to the "lets just goof off" mood, kind of the same mood when you are with your friends just goofing off and being funny. Some of that kind of stuff doesn't translate to the screen unfortunately. But hey, I will take what I can get...... Lawless wrote: > > I assumed it was just a sign to say hey. Why should it be anything else? > > Lawless > > Iocaste wrote: > > > Well, this is just my feeling, but if I were going to make a guess I'd say > > that SMG perhaps had a quarrel with Aly before the show and the sign was > > intended as an apology -- just because it doesn't really make sense any other > > way. > > - - -- - ---------------------------------------------------- Created using Netscape Communicator version 4.04! Scott R Nelson - Network Engineer for TLA Associates Office 1-703-356-0243 Ext. 26 Home@Los Angeles 1-213-400-8968 Home@Wash D.C. 1-202-270-8968 - ---------------------------------------------------- "Your superior intellect is no match for our puny weapons" -- The Simpsons - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 15:10:25 -0500 From: Annie Subject: Re: BUFFY: RE: Willow rules & SNL Scott Nelson wrote: > Anyway, I enjoyed it just because I felt that I could join in to the > "lets just goof off" mood, kind of the same mood when you are with your > friends just goofing off and being funny. That's exactly the way it's s'possed to be. Lorne Michaels (the Producer) said that the show was supposed to feel like all the network people had gone home and a bunch of kids had broken into the studio and where just messing around. That's my kind of funny. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 12:48:51 PST From: "Avatar Solutions" Subject: BUFFY: Dawson's Creek website Come check out my Dawson's Creek expansion in my website! - -Avatar ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 17:08:31 -0500 From: Python! Subject: BUFFY: Spoiler * * * * * * * * * Oh god, I just saw the commercial that has Angel turning into dust. I thought that when someone said it was someone's mistake that he did turn into dust. I cant believe it. I still think that is a dream, or he will be revived some how, but I dont think that it would be possible. Even though it says that Spike and Dru would be reviving that guy. I still think that it will be a dream because buffy is in that nightgown-dress thing. Why would she be wearing that?? Can someone respond to this?? Thanx. ^JeNnY^ - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 16:53:43 EST From: HU3RHEA2 Subject: BUFFY: How to pronounce " Gellar? " I'm sure this is a really obvious question, but: Ever since " Swan's Crossing, " I've been referring to SMG as " Sarah Gell- ARE, " while I hear others saying " GELL-ehr "<---Mr. Geller is a math teacher at my school. So which way is the correct (preferred?) way? - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 17:08:31 EST From: BlkPhoenix Subject: BUFFY: Buffy Tape Exchange Hiya, The Tape Exchange has been redone as part of my goal to update my site during my break. It's now split in to two sites, those who need episodes and what-not and those who have them. Please, if you can make copies, or have copies of what is needed, come visit the page, and if you need anything come on by too! Also, don't forget to list yourself in the Buffy State by State! Come on by: The site is being redone so keep on checking for updates! (however due to finals..*yuck* this week, is going to be a bit slow). Let me know what you think. 'later - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 17:23:18 EST From: Vass99 Subject: Re: BUFFY: SNL, 5 more years and Cruel Intentions In a message dated 98-01-18 01:49:56 EST, writes: << Also, does anyone know what her movie Cruel Intentions is going to be about? And what kind of character she plays? >> Hopefully she plays a character that lasts the entire movie - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 15:33:50 -0600 From: (Katie Masters) Subject: BUFFY: T-shirt on SNL In the the Tiger Beat Love Show skit, was the girl with the dark pigtails wearing a shirt with David on it or am I way too obbsessive? - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 17:33:09 -0500 From: Brian Taylor Subject: BUFFY: "Willow Rules" Reason I watched the end of SNL again (I taped it for a friend), and after she holds up the sign, sh points to it and mouths the words "I remembered!" So apparently it was a "Hi Mom!" type thing. Brian - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 17:41:47 EST From: O3rd iBlnd Subject: Re: BUFFY: T-shirt on SNL In a message dated 98-01-18 17:36:15 EST, writes: << In the the Tiger Beat Love Show skit, was the girl with the dark pigtails wearing a shirt with David on it or am I way too obbsessive? >> I watched my tape again (yes, i did record it) and no, it wasn't David. The Spice Girl thing was funny! Sarah looked JUST like Victoria (Posh Spice). Cobwella was funny! That video was funny! Tara Lipinsky was tight too. "I know who you are! You're that bad lady from 101 Dalmations!" "If I had a clone, I'd make out with myself" - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 17:49:54 EST From: BlkPhoenix Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy Tape Exchange / AOL users please read << >> That doesn't work. ============= Oh yeah...i forgot to add, for some reason the AOL browser isn't letting me (and some other people i know) into the Geocities sites via the member name URL. If you have Internet Explorer or Netscape it will work for those browsers. I don't know about the others though. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 18:01:31 EST From: O3rd iBlnd Subject: Re: BUFFY: That Was Entirely Pointless - SMG on SNL In a message dated 98-01-18 17:42:50 EST, writes: << Sonja Marie didn't like SNL:: >That was an extreme waste of Sarah's talent, if ever there was one! I don't agree! I thought it was funny. She was GREAT at playing Posh Spice, Victoria. >And the Tara Lapinski segment was almost as worse, That part kicked! > the Buffy parody was horrid, That was bad. Anyway, it was funny. That "I Miss You Aly" sign was sweet. Sarah's good at hating her parents. She did the "bag of pot" thing well. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 18:07:24 EST From: O3rd iBlnd Subject: Re: BUFFY: Etc ( 5 years, Movies, Luke ) In a message dated 98-01-18 17:59:35 EST, writes: << >Btw, I just read on Lawless' web site that Sarah signed onto Buffy for >5 more years!! (Probably old news to everyone else, but it's the first I've >> Actually, that's 5 more seasons. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 19:10:40 -0500 From: "Ryan Harrington" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Etc ( 5 years, Movies, Luke ) does that mean buffy will be on for 5 more seasons? or just is it if the show has 5 more seasons she is bound bye a contract to be in those seasons? - -ryanh >In a message dated 98-01-18 17:59:35 EST, writes: > ><< >Btw, I just read on Lawless' web site that Sarah signed onto Buffy for > >5 more years!! (Probably old news to everyone else, but it's the first > I've >> > > >Actually, that's 5 more seasons. > >- - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 19:18:29 EST From: Morpheus04 Subject: Re: BUFFY: RE: Willow rules << No. I think that they haven't seen each other all week because Sarah's been working on SNL and she misses her since they usually see each other every day. >> I don't agree with this at all. she didn't see any of her co workers wouldn't that make the other people on the show if she didn't say hi. it's just my opinioon thogh keeper of buffy's pink shirt keeper of Xander's stripped shirt keeper of Angel's charm Proud member of buffaholics Anonymous and East coast buffy crew - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 20:40:46 +0000 From: Jack Welsh Subject: Re: BUFFY: RE: Willow rules > Willow does rule. She is the unspoken hero of the show. I think What really bothers me about her character is the fact that she always has these really stupid lines to say in almost every episode! Buffy should stake Willow in the heart...then the show would be perfect - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 19:46:36 -0500 (EST) From: Susan Cho Yuk Subject: Re: BUFFY: That Was Entirely Pointless - SMG on SNL and possible spoiler On Sun, 18 Jan 1998, Iocaste wrote: > Oh -- I think you missed the joke here. I mean, that sketch was the best of > the lot -- it was a dead-on parody of Robin Byrd, who is one of the most > infamous (and ridiculous) television personalities. Thank you for the clarification. I didn't know who that was. I thought the sketch was finny. The dance was hilarious, and I loved the voice. Overall I thought SNL was better than most. Then again I may be biased since I really liked the host. Can someone explain the family sketch? I didn't get it. ObBuffy: So, the two parter is called Innocence, and Surprises is the following week? Is that the one with the Judge? Or am I getting confused? I know this is off subject, but why is Norm no longer doing the Weekend Update? I'm not sure if I like the Collin Quinn or the new "set." - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 19:49:09 EST From: Iocaste Subject: Re: BUFFY: That Was Entirely Pointless - SMG on SNL and possible spoiler In a message dated 98-01-18 19:46:44 EST, you write: << I know this is off subject, but why is Norm no longer doing the Weekend Update? I'm not sure if I like the Collin Quinn or the new "set." >> Apparently, some of the execs at NBC have hated Norm and the guy who writes the Weekend Update for years, and finally they just took him off the air, despite pretty universal agreement that he was the funniest thing about SNL. Not only is the cast furious, but apparently other NBC people are angry as well -- I've heard that Jerry Seinfeld and some of his staff berated one of the execs until he "ran away." So the whole thing is a wacky example of Hollywood infighting. Ann - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 19:49:45 EST From: Angel11261 Subject: Re: BUFFY: Etc ( 5 years, Movies, Luke ) << >Btw, I just read on Lawless' web site that Sarah signed onto Buffy for >5 more years!! (Probably old news to everyone else, but it's the first I've >> Actually, that's 5 more seasons. >> What's the difference? - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 20:10:40 -0500 (EST) From: "F.Y.G." Subject: Re: BUFFY: That Was Entirely Pointless - SMG on SNL and possible spoiler On Sun, 18 Jan 1998, Iocaste wrote: > In a message dated 98-01-18 19:46:44 EST, you write: > > << I know this is off subject, but why is Norm no longer doing the Weekend > Update? I'm not sure if I like the Collin Quinn or the new "set." > The answer is in the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly. F.Y.G./missile Founder and President of the Buffy Crew Delta Sigma Phi Sargent at Arms - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V2 #37 ************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (