From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V2 #43 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Tuesday, January 20 1998 Volume 02 : Number 043 In this issue: BUFFY: Buffy and Angel Pics on MANIA Re: BUFFY: Dru-Jenny (Talk about preview) Re: BUFFY: a little theory (related to tonight's eposide, kinda) Re: BUFFY: Dru-Jenny (Talk about preview) Re: BUFFY: Surprise BUFFY: Review of the Willow&Monkey ep (SPOILERS) Re: : Part One (Re: BUFFY: This episode) Re: BUFFY: You be the Judge! (SPOILERS for 1/19 Part One) BUFFY: Innocence - possible spoiler Re: BUFFY: Surprise BUFFY: Review--"Surprise" **SPOILERS!!** Re: BUFFY: SMG SNL BUFFY: I hear ya knocking but you can't come in Re: BUFFY: SMG on SNL BUFFY: SNL, Surprise comments Re: BUFFY: Fw: Hello People It's a newbie!!! BUFFY: Comments about Part 1 - Spoilers BUFFY: Fannish Party Game Re: BUFFY: Part 1 BUFFY: Bad Eggs Request Re[2]: BUFFY: Part 1 Re: BUFFY: Alas Poor Dalton..... BUFFY: Surprise quote list (1/2) See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 01:23:03 +1100 From: Evan Harris Subject: BUFFY: Buffy and Angel Pics on MANIA As well as a brief mention of the two-parter there are two pics of Buffy and Angel on Mania's news page -  The Daily Buzz: Tuesday, January 20, 1998

If this has already been mentioned, I apologise - I haven't had time to read the digest yet. - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 09:46:40 -0500 (EST) From: Gabby Hon Subject: Re: BUFFY: Dru-Jenny (Talk about preview) > I haven't rewatched the episode yoet, but in one scene, I seem to remeber > a quick flash from Jenny to Dru, supporting what has already been mentioned > as Dru being the Gypsy Angel killed. Someone questioned this theory, but > Jenny's uncle made it pretty darn clear--he just didn't name Dru by name, > but the scenarios were exact. this doesn't float for two reasons: 1. gypsies come from (traditionally - and certainly would have at the time that angel killed this gypsy girl) eastern europe - hence the uncle's lovely romanian accent. please note that Drusilla is nothing if not straight cockney - she's from England, born and raised - that's the sort of accent one doesn't pick up for giggles. 2. why oh why would a gypsy enter into a convent - as we have been told that Drusilla did. if you want to answer 'to protect her from the vampire', think again: if they could put a curse on angel after he bit her, they certainly could have put a curse on him beforehand. therefore, Drusilla is not the gypsy girl that angel put the bite on which earned him his curse. gabby - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 08:51:32 -0600 From: Mike Gori Subject: Re: BUFFY: a little theory (related to tonight's eposide, kinda) Sparky Dawntreader wrote: > >Angel has his soul because gypsies gave it back to him in a curse > after he tormented a girl of their tribe, correct? And when >Drusilla > first turns up, Angel tells Buffy that he drove Drusilla insane by > killing her entire family and everyone she cared >about.......when the > old gypsy man who came to talk to Jenny said that Angel was > responsible for killing the entire family of >their tribe's most > beloved girl. Now I think Drusilla is that gypsy girl. YES, YES, YES.......I am sooooo glad that I wasn't the only one thinking this. How ironic is it. Ms Calendar's "mission" is to make sure that Angel suffers, and Angel is the one who saved her life when she was possessed with that demon. This could turn into one of the most intriguing story lines of the season. I can't wait to find out where this goes. What about Giles? mike - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 08:56:05 -0600 From: Mike Gori Subject: Re: BUFFY: Dru-Jenny (Talk about preview) Dan Compora wrote: > >I haven't rewatched the episode yoet, but in one scene, I seem to > remeber a quick flash from Jenny to Dru, supporting what has already > been mentioned as Dru being the Gypsy Angel killed. Someone > questioned this theory, but Jenny's uncle made it pretty darn > clear--he just didn't name Dru by name, but the scenarios were exact. You're right.....I re-watched it and in the dream Buffy has with the scene of Dru's party, we see a quick flash of Jenny (Jenni?). I strongly belive that she is at least a member of Dru's gypsy clan, if not in some way directly related to Dru. WOW! - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 09:43:39 EST From: CatDancer8 Subject: Re: BUFFY: Surprise In a message dated 98-01-20 01:25:12 EST, you write: << << Brian looked really great as the Judge.>> Who's Brian? :-) Is he someone we've seen before? >> Yeah, he played Luke in the first two episodes of Buffy. Buffy killed him though. And at a convention, Brian asked Joss if he could come back on the show and "not" be a vampire. I guess Joss agreed. - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 09:10:47 -0600 (CST) From: Anime Nut Subject: BUFFY: Review of the Willow&Monkey ep (SPOILERS) S P O I L E R S P A C E Hey, everybody! Is there any truth to the rumor that this was originally conceived as a two-hour episode? What I mean is, several months ago, I heard that the first Tuesday-night episode would be 2 hours long, to be shown in one part, instead of two parts over two nights. I have a feeling this is true, since last night's "cliffhanger" ending struck me as extremely awkward. As far as I'm concerned, cliffhangers work when you're completely aware of the present situation and danger. In this case, after the "To be continued" words flashed on the screen, I just sat there for a minute and said to myself, "Huh?" It's obvious that whatever happened to Angel will be fully explained in "Innocence", but that detracts from the nail-biting suspense that I've come to associate with cliffhangers. Also, am I alone in thinking that the whole cast looked and sounded extremely tired in the first daytime scenes at Sunnydale High? Pay particular attention to Aly's and Nick's voices. Sure, Willow was nervous in her conversation with Oz, but her whole voice just sounded..."different" the whole time she was talking with Buffy at the beginning of the ep. Meanwhile, Xander was practically speaking in monotones at Cordy's locker. The next time we see these characters, everything seems restored to normal. Perhaps the actors got some much needed rest? Joss: Your cast needs some R&R, stat!!! Yes, you have a tight schedule to adhere to. Everybody does. However, if giving your cast and crew additional rest means a longer wait between episodes, then believe me, many of us will wait! The last thing I wanna' read about is Sarah or David suffering a nervous breakdown during filming, so for the love of the show and humanity, REST!!! Finally, I must comment that this ep demonstrated just about everything that "Bad Eggs" did wrong. Buffy's and Angel's romantic scenes in "Surprise" achieve a level of soulfulness and sensuality that we haven't felt in the series' relationships since "Angel" aired. To all those who complained that "Bad Eggs" contained too much kissing, consider the fact that "Surprise" contains roughly the same amount of time devoted to kisses. However, it's the context and compassion in "Surprise" that justifies the scenes and makes them just as exciting as any of the show's fight sequences -- and that's saying a lot. Cheers, Anime Nut ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() ()_() (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) Alan "Anime Nut" Hufana Keeper of Willow's Chewed-up Pen The Al-Files at Domain of the Slain at - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 10:11:23 -0500 From: Subject: Re: : Part One (Re: BUFFY: This episode) >>>Drusilla was the gypsy girl that Angel killed. > >>Nope..the math doesn't work. Vickie suggest: >Scenario: Angelus goes in tortures Dru, her family and the village as a >whole some two hundred or so years ago. The gypsies that made it through >alive cursed Angel with his soul yada yada yada. Sorry...but we need to do that math thing again Your scenario doesn't work because it would mean that the Gypsies waited a hundred years after Dru's "death" *before* they cursed Angel. Here's how it goes. Angel is about 241. Dru is about 240 too..i.e. he made her soon after he became a vampire. Angel was "cursed" about 90-100 years ago ( What does Giles say in "Angel" ..something about no record of him feeding on humans for 90 years? And Angel says he hasn't feed on humans since the day he was cursed.) So..there is at least a 100 year span between Dru becoming a vampire and the Gypsy curse. Why would the Gypsies wait so long to curse him? They wouldn't. >Hey anything's better than assuming that there is actual math involved. Sadly, into each List a little math must fall. Wendy - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 10:20:08 -0500 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: You be the Judge! (SPOILERS for 1/19 Part One) Lisa wonders: >5. Did she *really* have sex with him? She >was still wearing some of her clothes in bed. ::chuckle::: I admit to waiting to see who would suggest this first. ::chuckle:::::: Yes..I think they had sex. It is entirely possible to have sex with some of your clothes on - even the very first time (In fact, I'd wager many teens have some of their clothes on the first time ) . Or ... one can take them all off, have sex, and then slip something back on - for warmth or for "security" or even modesty. Wendy - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 10:37:33 EST From: "Angel Williams" Subject: BUFFY: Innocence - possible spoiler Hey everyone!!! Since i live in Toronto, we got to see both eps last night!!! Before you read any further, I have to warn everyone to stay away from the Bronze at, if you don't want to know what happened on Innocence, or read any further.... Enjoy tonight, Angel Read on for more info if you want to.... s p o i l e r ? ? ? ? ? ? All I can say, is that everything that has been supposed or suggested isn't even close... Watch for a rift to come between Jenny and Giles, and for an Angel you haven't seen yet... Look out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy the show tonight!!!!!!! I remain faithfully, Angel..... ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 09:34:28 -0600 (CST) From: "Grace M. Lee" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Surprise On Mon, 19 Jan 1998, F.Y.G. wrote: > > Brian was originally Luke the vessel from season one. He was also > Shao Kahn in Mortal Kombat: Annihlation. Yup. I saw his name on the opening credits and I had to question, "Wait, I thought Buffy dusted him!" But in the best X-Files tradition, I like how they re-use actors in different episodes. Brian Thompson was also the Mighty Morphin' Alien Bounty Hunter on the X-Files. glee - ------ When most I wink, then do mine eyes best see For all the day they view things unrespected. - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 10:46:59 -0500 (EST) From: Michael Hickerson Subject: BUFFY: Review--"Surprise" **SPOILERS!!** Warning: If you avoid SPOILERS like a gypsy curse, then you might want to turn back now. There are major SPOILERS just ahead for "Surprise." In short: A nicely done episode. Being a Trek fan, I am always hesitant about two part episodes on any show--especially those that claim they will "forever change" a show. I generally see these as being a giant set-up into the "what if" so we can hit the big reset button at the end, leaving the audience a bit disappointed. (Of the three modern Treks, DS9 had been the one that most managed to avoid this cliche until the recent end of the Dominion War arc.) So, I came into the Buffy two night event with a bit of excitment and bit of hesitation. I'm glad to report that part one, at least, lived up to my expectations and beyond. It had all of the strenghts that makes Buffy such a strong show. And while one of my major complaints last week about Bad Eggs was there was way too much going on, there was just as much development going on here. The main difference was that since it is a two-part episode, there can be a large number of plotlines none of which get the short end of the stick. Overall, I thought there was a good balance struck here. You had the tension of Spike and Dru's latest plan to destroy Buffy and Angel coupled with the tension of just who is Jenny and why is she watching over Angel to the romantic tensions between Angel and Buffy, Xander and Cordy, and Willow and Oz. And while some of these got a bit more screen time than others, each was given a moment to sparkle and shine and really add something to the plot overall. I've got to admit that I really enjoyed the return of a new, healed, and very evil Druscilla. I like the way that the assembling of the pieces of the Judge had enough time to develop and be dramatic so that his first appearance on screen was very suspenseful. It's nice to see that our heroes are fighting to keep in step with Dru's plan instead of her being behind and playing catch up. Of course, the obvious questions that arise are if armies couldn't stop the Judge, what makes us think that Buffy and the crew can. I have some feelings about how this might turn out in part two. Most of them involved either a sarcifice by Jenny or Angel's curse being lifted and then his surrending his soul to stop the Judge. Not sure what will happen there, but that's just my two cents. I've got to admit that I liked the fact that Spike is still recovering from whatever happened to him at the end of WML, part two. It raised that episode a bit in my estimation since there are consequenes to what happened in the church. And it was good to see Dru as a stronger vampire without necessarily restoring her sanity too much. She is still chilling here but there is a much more evil chill to it. I hope we see a lot more of it in part two. So, that plotline is pretty much moving forward at a good pace. The other threads are just as involving and interesting to watch. We had the issue of Buffy's b'day and with that change, a desire to take her relationship with Angel to a whole new level. It was nice to see her talking about it with Willow and also nice to know that it didn't turn out to be just a dream, like I thought it might be. Watching them explore what is going on together and then making the decision together. I like the idea that Buffy actually has a thought process of wanting to be intimate with Angel and considers all of the consequences with Willow before she actually does sleep with him. I think it's also nice that Angel seems willing to talk about them as well. It's nice to see them not just jump into bed. Last week's conversation set this sequence up rather well. I just wonder what kind of unintended consequences will come up in part two. We saw a hint of those in the cliffhanger (and was it just me or did Angel get dressed pretty quickly! :-) ) and I think we will see more. I wonder if Buffy will end up having to face the very real possibility of having to take Angel out in part two. I just throw these things out there. Next up in the old development department wsa the whole Willow/Oz relationship. I had complained last week that he was conspiciously absent. But he's back here. I loved the sequences where Oz and Willow decide to go out. Probably the funniest moment in the show for me was the line about, "That's what I like--you're unpredictable." The whole scene was sweet and fun and really seemed to ring true. I like the way developed last night and hope to see it continue. And Oz's reaction to the vampire thing was also hilarious. I love his wry, sarcastic humor. It's a good compliment to Xander. Speaking of Xander, I really felt with him on his whole relationship with Cordy. Not a lot of screen time was devoted to this, but the two or three moments we got worked well. I had said I was tired of this relationship, but looking back I realize I was tired of it being just used for a quick laugh or a yuck. If it delves into depths like this--with Xander being hurt and bitter as he tries to understand just what is going on there, it works for me. So, overall, there is a lot of nice development going on here. I am anxious to see what part two does with all of the plot threads and how they come together. Hopefully, it will all work out well. As long as they avoid that reset button, I will be a happy, happy camper. Rating: 9.0 (could drop or go up depending on part 2!) Next up: The Judge is in town and looking to set up court. *************************************************************** *Michael Hickerson* *************************************************************** *"Just look behind your own soul and the person that you'll * * see just might remind you of me." --Colin Raye * *************************************************************** - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 10:50:06 EST From: Kemilla Subject: Re: BUFFY: SMG SNL the only parts I liked about SNL this week were the spice girls smallpox & rhemetoid arthritis skits, the begining monologue, the Ted Kazinski skit, the BuffytvS/Seinfeld..and the end where she held up the sign to Willow..that was so sweet! the rest of the show was lame. Btw..speaking of really lame shows, I made myself watch the Keenan Ivory Wayans show last night for David, and he wasn't on! The TV guide said he was going to he going to be rescheduled? - -alissa - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 09:02:58 -0800 From: Denise Logsdon Subject: BUFFY: I hear ya knocking but you can't come in *SPOILER* ? Hi guys, I was wondering. We know that a vampire can't enter a persons home without being invited, right? So now that Angel has lost his soul will he still be able to enter Buffys house? I would think that once they are invited then that's it, evil or not. We know that the evil Angel likes to torture his victims by killing off their family and friends, so I would think that one of the first things he would do is to go to Buffys house and kill Joyce. This is, of course, assuming that he isn't *cured* by the end of the show (which I don't think he will be). It's not like Buffy and Joyce could just up and move to a new house. Maybe Buffy will just string a lot of garlic around the house: "I know it smells awfull mom, but I heard from a very reliable source, that garlic keeps those nasty biting......bugs away. You don't want to be bit by a bug do you?" Anyway, just a thought. Denise - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 10:53:26 -0600 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: SMG on SNL Annie liked SMG on SNL. OK, could you *please* explain the "nice family dinner" skit to me? Mia who totally didn't get it! - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 12:14:27 -0500 (EST) From: Monet Subject: BUFFY: SNL, Surprise comments > Spoilers for Surprise > > 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5 > 6 > 7 > 8 > 9 > 10 All in all, a wonderful, edgy show. It wasn't as funny as the others, but there was good reason behind that. I'll have to admit, it wasn't one of the best ones. Yet at the same time, it dealt with issues that are usually touchy, especially with younger viewers (even some older ones, I'm sure). And Joss and the crew did a good job in dealing with the whole "It's time.." thing from Buffy confiding with Willow in her expectations, to when we see Angel and Buffy lying side by side at the end. Yet truthfully, as one other Slayerette said: > 2) I'm really sick of Buffy: The Vampire Slayer becoming The Buffy and Angel > Show. I know lots of people probably loved it, but all I can say is ... ugh! At least I know I'm not alone in this. I like Angel, don't get me wrong, but my favorite character is Buffy Summers herself and there are plenty of times where she loses this identity of being Buffy, the kick-butt vampire slayer. I'm not saying Buffy's not allowed to give into passion, but sometimes when I see the two of them together, I'm thinking "Yikes! It's a soap opera in disguise!" I just don't want the show to go into that direction. When I see Willow and Oz or even Xander and Cordelia, it's not so bad and I don't think of soap operas that much. But with Angel and Buffy, it's one mushy line after another. Oh, and I just realized that the whole monkey thing in Buffy's dream with Willow in it is Oz in disguise! Reminisent of the whole animal cracker thing at the end of WML where Oz talks about the monkey cracker and includes a french voice to go with it. As for my comments on Sarah being on SNL, she did a wonderful job! I watched it with my friends who never catch BtVS and don't even know who SMG is (until now) and who had mutal agreement with me that SNL really sucks after Dana, Mike, Dennis, Victora, and the rest of the awesome crew had left, and we ALL thought it was hilarious! Who says Sarah isn't a comedian? Maybe that's what made it all the funnier. She throws in some pretty hilarious lines in BtVS, usually overshadowed by Willow's or Xander's quips. I was afraid she'd stumble over lines or openly look at the cue cards, but actually a few of the regs did that. The dysfuntional family skit was the best! "I hate you, you big, fat turd!" Hehehe... G :) =============================================================== Buffy: "Tonight the dead pull a Pinky and the Brain, and try to take over the world." Xander: "Willow, are you pondering what I'm pondering?" Willow: "Yes, Xander. Indeed." (Buffy, the Vampire Slayer) =============================================================== - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 11:06:57 -0600 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Fw: Hello People It's a newbie!!! Hi! Welcome to the List! By now, our Listmoms should have sent you rules and etiquette. The biggest thing for lots of us is to not SPOIL upcoming episodes for people if you have (or think you have) info on what happens. Put SPOILER in your header and spoiler SPACE in your text (that's for people like me who just click on the "next msg" icon without looking at headers). Buffy's a great show. I'm 42, living proof that it appeals to intelligent people of all ages :-) ! Mia I *LOVE* this show! - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 09:41:56 -0800 From: "Sai Wong (Exchange)" Subject: BUFFY: Comments about Part 1 - Spoilers First some spoiler space S P O I L E R This was a good "setup episode" for tonights second half. So Ms. Calender has a secret mission. however, she did seem very reluctant to follow her orders from her Uncle. Maybe she will try and help Buffy/Angel in the end. As some of you on the list have also said, I don't want the Buffy/Angel relationship to just solely consist of mushy kissing scenes. Why not see them on a proper date sharing their time together. Also Angel seems to be taking over some of Gile's duties. We see more of Buffy/Angel going out Slaying than Buffy/Giles. So Oz now knows about Buffy being the Slayer. I wonder if he will now become a slayette and join in the action. It seems strange that so many people know Buffy's secret, and have kept it quite, why Buffy doesn't just tell her mom that she is the slayer. The ending of the episode had me puzzled by Angels reaction. It looked like Angel had a massive attack of the cramps !!! However, on analysing this, I think that somehow because Buffy and Angel did the "thing", Angel's soul was being lost. I assume Ms. Calender could have placed a spell on Angel (when she helped him get some dry cloths) so that if Angel and Buffy did consumate their relationship, Angel would loose his soul. Just my guess. Sai - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 12:54:48 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: BUFFY: Fannish Party Game Okay, I have officially decided 10-hour trips alone in the car are dangerous. Not necessarily because of fatigue, per se, but because of the ideas that attack me when I have nowhere to hide! :-) Usually they're fanfic ideas. This time it was a game. It isn't exactly on topic, except that listmembers are always getting together for parties, and this could be something to do (as if we're ever short on things to do...) The following bit of madness was born of a number of influences, mostly recently a joke in someone's .sig about "Sex Clue" (Mulder on the roof with Sydney Bloom, or something like that)... (Anyone who can come up with a good name for the game, please email me offlist with your suggestions. I will choose a name by the completely nonscientific, subjective method of saying "Yeah, I like that one best", and the person who suggests it will have my undying gratitude because I can't afford anything else.) Three decks of cards: Character, Place and Plot Device (the last preferably of the total cliche variety). Each player draws one card from each deck, and has to come up with a story involving the resulting random combination. (You know, "Sabrina Spellman in Xander's locker with amnesia." "Janette on Duncan MacLeod's barge with a doomsday device." "Brisco County, Jr. on the bridge of the White Star finds a baby." That kind of thing.) Players have an agreed-upon amount of time to write a vignette, or an outline or opening paragraphs of a longer story--enough to establish all three of the elements from the cards they drew. (Or a whole story, if you're Susan Garrett and there's a laptop and sufficient Amaretto on hand... ) There's not a real "winner", unless people want to vote on the resulting stories. Variations: Could be elements from one fandom, instead of crossovers, although the latter tends to lead to more silliness. Award "extra points" for every series player can name that has *never* used the Plot Device they drew. (Double extra points if they drew "learns of imminent mass destruction by meteor/asteroid.") Could draw more than one Character or Place card. Could have each player "contribute" one Character, one Place and one Plot Device to the lottery. I'm actually going to make up a virtual set of cards and put it on a Web page. Email me if you want to know when it's ready, or if you don't have Web access and want an email copy of the list. But I'm sure everyone here is perfectly capable of creating a colorful deck all on their own... ;-) Valerie Lynn Meachum * NatPack*SunS*B'wayBaby*PlaysWithSwords*IotCoS BBPGrrl:TSFTS*BOotCoJ*Slayer Manque*8thHCotA "Me too. Can I have a deluded destiny too? I live in Washington, I need a deluded destiny." -- Gina - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 12:47:17 EST From: Buffy716 Subject: Re: BUFFY: Part 1 Was it me or did that episode go by so fast???? I was so cought up in it and all of a sudden I looked at the clock and there was only five minutes left. I can't wait for tonight's episode. Buffy716 - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 10:09:07 -0800 From: Adamson Subject: BUFFY: Bad Eggs Request I was wondering if anyone out there in Buffy land could send me a copy of the episode Bad Eggs. Not a tape but a transcript. I don't get Buffy at my house but my friend does and she usually tapes it. However, she felt that it wasn't necessary to tape this weeks for some apparent reason even though it was the first part of a two parter. So if anyone would be so kind I would really appreciate it. Thanks a bundle! Kati - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 12:17:04 -0600 From: Subject: Re[2]: BUFFY: Part 1 Ahem. This AOL.COM guy with an unpronouncable "id" (who COULD be using his name like an honest man) Cussed somebody out for "spoiling" Innocence. On THIS list (as opposed to Buffy-Watchers), spoiler space is NOT REQUIRED once the ep has aired. SO, Mr. AOL should re-read his list rules, and get off the list if he can't deal with it. Mia Who loves this show but is cranky today. - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 12:13:48 -0600 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Alas Poor Dalton..... This Judge thing is really cool! Was anyone else surprised when there was *nothing* left of Dalton??? and he'd survived Dru almost putting out his eyes and everything! I would have thought there'd be some really ignorant evil vamp thing left afterwards. I wonder how long the Judge is going to lay off Dru and Spike (WAYYYY to human! Yes!) Yes, they brought him back, and that stops him for the moment, but that stink will never be out of his nostrils while he's around them. Will they maybe end up fighting WITH Buffy AGAINST the Judge? Mia I *LOVE* this show! - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 13:37:34 -0500 (EST) From: Betsy Vera Subject: BUFFY: Surprise quote list (1/2) Quote list compiled by Maureen Wynn ( Bug her about mistakes, not me, okay? Surprise quote list Part 1 of 2 B=Buffy, J=Joyce, A=Angel, W=Willow, X=Xander, C=Cordelia, G=Giles, MC=Ms. Calendar (Janna Kalderash), O=Oz, D=Drusilla, S=Spike, DA=Dalton the Bookish Vamp A-Still, not every dream you have comes true. I mean, what else did you dream last night? Can you remember? B-I dreamt... that Giles and I opened an office supply warehouse in Vegas. A-See my point? A-What if what? B-I'm sorry. Were we talking? B-God, you feel... A-You have to go to school. B-Right. I know. This is me... I'm going... B-This is nice. I like seeing you first thing in the morning. A-It's bedtime for me. B-Well, then, I like seeing you at bedtime. Uh, eh... You know what I mean. A-I think so. What do you mean? B-I like seeing you. W-"I like you at bedtime"? You actually said that? W-Carpe diem. You told me that once. B-"Fish of the day"? W-Not carp, carpe. It means "seize the day." B-Right. I think we're going to. Seize it. Once you get to a certain point, then seizing is sort of inevitable. W-Wow. B-Yeah. W-Wow... B-Oh! W-Wow... B-Hey, speaking of "wow" potential, there's Oz over there. What are we thinking, any sparkage? W-He's nice. Hey, I like his hands. B-A fixation on insignificant detail is a definite crush sign. W-I don't know, though. He's a senior. B-You think he's too old 'cause he's a senior? _Please_, my boyfriend had a bicentennial. B-You can't spend the rest of your life waiting for Xander to wake up and smell the hottie. O-See, our band's kind of moving towards this new sound where we suck, so... practice. W-I bet you have a lot of groupies. O-It happens. Now, I'm living groupie-free nowadays. I'm clean. O-I'm gonna ask you to go out with me tomorrow night... and I'm kind of nervous about it, actually. It's interesting. W-Oh, well, if it helps at all, I'm gonna say yes. O-Yeah, it helps. It creates a comfort zone. Do you want to go out with me tomorrow night? W-Oh, I can't! O-Well, see, I like that you're unpredictable. W-Well, you could be... my date. O-All right. I'm in. W-I said "date." X-This thing with us, despite our better judgment, it keeps happening. Maybe we should just admit that we're dating. C-Groping in a broom closet isn't dating. You don't call it a date until the guy spends money. X-Fine, I'll spend, then we'll grope, whatever. C-I, on the other hand, have everything to be ashamed of. X-You know what? Enough said. Forget it. It must have been my multiple personality guy talking. I call him Idiot Jed, glutton for punishment. G-Everything in order for the party? X-Absolutely. You ready to get down, you funky party weasel? G-Here comes Buffy. Now remember: discretion is the better part of valor. X-You could have just said, "shhh!" God, are all you Brits such drama queens? X-Buffy, I feel a pre-birthday spanking coming on. MC-I'd curb that impulse if I were you, Xander. X-Check, cancel spanking. G-If Drusilla is alive, it could be a very... cataclysmic state of affairs. X-Again, so many words! Couldn't you just say, "we'd be in trouble"? G-Go to class, Xander. X-Gone. Notice the economy of phrasing: "Gone." Simple. Direct. B-I know. I should keep my Slayer-cool. But it's Angel, which automatically equals maxi-wig. D-These flowers... are wrong. They're all... wrong! I can't abide them! S-Let's try something different with the flowers then. J-So, does 17 feel any different than 16? B-It's funny you should ask that. You know, I woke up feeling more responsible, mature, and level-headed. J-Really? It's uncanny. B-I now possess the qualities one looks for in a ... licensed driver. G-Dreams aren't prophecies, Buffy. You dreamt that the Master had risen, but you stopped it from happening. X-You ground his bones to make your bread. B-That's true. Except for the bread part. X-Well, that's not a perky birthday puppy. W-So much for our surprise party. I bought little hats and everything. MC-He wants to meet you some place near his house, 'cause he had to run home and get a book or something. B-'Cause heaven knows there aren't enough books in the library. MC-Uh, he's very thorough. B-Oh, which is not too bad. It's kind of manly in an obsessive- compulsive kind of way, don't you think? END PART 1 (of 2) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Betsy -- - NEW URL: "Just one more comment: Dru is a NatPacker! Ahahahahaha!!!!" - Lizbet - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V2 #43 ************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (