From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V2 #44 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Tuesday, January 20 1998 Volume 02 : Number 044 In this issue: Re: BUFFY: A BIG question that stumps me. BUFFY: Surprise quote list (2/2) BUFFY: Ratings for Part 1 Re: BUFFY: Spoilers BUFFY: More "Deep Thoughts" about SMG on SNL Re: BUFFY: Surprise (SPOILERS OUT THE WAZOO) BUFFY: buffy merchandise BUFFY: Keeping BUFFY: Role-Reversal (SPOILERS for "Surprise") BUFFY: Harmony BUFFY: David Boreanaz Re: BUFFY: a little theory (related to tonight's eposide, kinda) BUFFY: SPOLIER: Succie, succie now.. BUFFY: 3 questions...(SPOLIER) BUFFY: Dru&Jenny and a little assistance please BUFFY: Angel? Re: BUFFY: More from Joss BUFFY: Character Question BUFFY: What's a 'hottie'? Re: BUFFY: Surprise (SPOILERS OUT THE WAZOO) BUFFY: Quick dressing, overseas, and dryness Re: BUFFY: More from Joss BUFFY: Nicky Brendon BUFFY: Joss, Tony and the Posting Board BUFFY: Last Night's episode See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 12:33:32 -0600 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: A BIG question that stumps me. Here's a question that does NOT require spoiler space according to listrules. Raininfire asks: >>Do you all think they made love with his "game face" on? This is my real problem with the whole thing. HOWEVER, as far back as Halloween, we noticed that Angel didn't vamp out under extreme duress (Spike was about to kill Buffy, Angel was watching.) How much have we seen his Game Face lately? I can't remember seeing it since the skating scene. Is Buffy's love (and his love for her) destroying the demon within??? That's the only thing that starts to make sense for me. If so, some of the stuff that is supposed to happen tonight should have interesting ramifications. Mia I *LOVE* this show! - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 13:43:51 -0500 (EST) From: Betsy Vera Subject: BUFFY: Surprise quote list (2/2) Quote list compiled by Maureen Wynn ( Bug her about mistakes, not me, okay? All of Maureen's Buffy quote lists are archived in the Sunnydale Slayers quote page at Surprise quote list Part 2 of 2 B=Buffy, J=Joyce, A=Angel, W=Willow, X=Xander, C=Cordelia, G=Giles, MC=Ms. Calendar (Janna Kalderash), O=Oz, D=Drusilla, S=Spike, DA=Dalton the Bookish Vamp B-Sorry, sacred duty, yada yada yada. B-Every time I see you, you're stealing something. You really should speak with someone about this klepto issue. C-Surprise! O-That pretty much sums it up. W-Are you okay? O-Yeah. Hey, did everybody see that guy just turn to dust? W-Oh, well, sorta... X-Yup, vampires are real, a lot of them live in Sunnydale, Willow will fill you in. W-I know it's hard to accept at first. O-Actually, it explains a _lot_. X-Well, clearly, the Hellmouth's answer to, "What do you get the Slayer who has everything?" B-Man, that thing had major grip. W-What was that? O-It looked like an arm. A-It can't be. She wouldn't. X-What, the vamp's version of "snakes in a can", or do you care to share? A-They call him the Judge. G-The Judge? This is he? A-Not all of him. B-Um, still needing backstory here? A-I gotta catch a cargo ship to Asia, maybe trek to Nepal... B-You know, those newfangled flying machines really are much safer than they used to be. D-You... lost my present. DA-I know. I'm sorry. S-It was a bad turn, man. She can't have her fun without the box. D-Make a wish. DA-What? D-I'm going to blow out the candles. X-But let's look at the upside for a moment. I mean, what kind of future would she have really had with him? She's got two jobs: Denny's waitress by day, Slayer by night, and Angel's always in front of the TV with a big blood belly and he's dreaming of the glory days, when Buffy still thought this whole creature of the night routine was a big turn on. W-You've thought way too much about this. X-No, no, that's just the beginning. Have I told you the part where I fly into town on my private jet, and take Buffy out for prime rib... W-Xander... X-...and she cries? G-His touch can literally burn the humanity out of you. A true creature of evil can survive the process. No human ever has. X-What's the problem? We send Cordy to fight this guy, and we go for pizza. G-Round robin? W-It's when everybody calls everybody else's mom, and tells them they're staying at everyone's house. B-Thus freeing us up for world saveage. W-And all-night keggers! What, only Xander gets to make dumb jokes? W-I can't get over how cool Oz was about all this. X-Gee, I'm over it. G-Seems Buffy needed some rest. A-Yeah, she hasn't been sleeping well, tossing and turning. She told me! Because of her dreams? S-Well, well, look what we have here... crashers. B-I'm sure our invitations just got lost in the mail. D-It's delicious. I only dreamed you'd come. Rrrr! A-Leave her alone! S-Yeah, that'll work. Now say "pretty please." A-Take me. Take me instead of her. S-Uh, you're not clear on the concept, pal. There is no "instead." Just first and second. END (part 2 of 2) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Betsy -- - NEW URL: "Just one more comment: Dru is a NatPacker! Ahahahahaha!!!!" - Lizbet - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 13:49:21 From: Jeff Rohaly Subject: BUFFY: Ratings for Part 1 The overnight ratings for last night are up at Ultimate TV: I don't know how long that URL will remain valid though. Anyway, it looks as though Buffy suffered from the big boost that Ally McBeal received from winning the Golden Globe on Sunday. Buffy was down from last week's 5.8 rating and 8 share (for Bad Eggs) to a 5.6 rating and 8 share (for Surprise). These are overnight household ratings, which means that they only come from the top 38 television markets -- the national household ratings will come later. Just for comparison, last week's 5.8 overnight turned into a 4.1 national rating. Since each national ratings point represents 980,000 households, that means that a little over 4 million households watched Buffy last week. (If you believe in this stuff anyway). Ally McBeal went from a 6.9 rating/10 share for last week's repeat to a 10.7 rating/15 share for this week's new episode. Jeff Rohaly - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 13:18:37 -0600 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Spoilers Sandra, You are tired of constant complaints about spoilers. Would you be referring to spoilers as in: this is what happened last night or as in: this is what's going to happen next week says TV Guide/somebody's website/a rumor. If the first, I agree. If the second, I have this to say: I love being on these lists and talking about the show, but I want to know NOTHING about what has yet to happen. I think I am within my rights to expect that if you are giving away secrets, you should give me a chance to bail. Furthermore, Joss Weedon would agree with me! Mia I *LOVE* this show! - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 11:33:27 -0800 From: Lisa Rose Subject: BUFFY: More "Deep Thoughts" about SMG on SNL A few more "deep thoughts" about Sarah on SNL: 5. Imho, it was a statement of their confidence in her abilities that she was in nearly every skit. Hosts who don't have as much range (especially non-actors such as Michael Jordan, "Space Jam" notwithstanding) often only get a handful of skits to be in. 6. "Goth Talk" reminded me humorously of the 'Sunset Club' in "Lie to Me" (though GT actually preceded LtM). Except that SNL's method of goth ridicule was to emphasize their teenage mundaneness, whereas BtVS suggested that the goths' romanticization and belief in the honor of truly evil creatures was naive, misplaced, and dangerous. (plus, some of them, like Diego, dressed pathetically!). GT seems to be another SNL cable-access answer to the long-departed Wayne's World. Thus, can a GT movie be far behind? (or for that matter, "NPR, The Movie" Oy! can you imagine?). 7. I thought the dysfunctional family dinner sketch was amusing (even Joss liked the "Dodge Stratus" line). But imho they've done better with this theme in the past. The "Dysfunctional Family Feud" in the early 90's, w/ Christian Slater hosting was incredible! Hey, Christian even turned into a werewolf in another sketch from the same episode. A coincidence? You be the Judge! Lisa - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 14:43:56 -0500 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Surprise (SPOILERS OUT THE WAZOO) On Mon, 19 Jan 1998 23:48:05 -0500 servobot writes: >Xander in general: Is it just me, or did every line out of his mouth >seem like a one liner tonight? It got real annoying after awhile, to >the point where I thought he was just being an ass for no real reason. >The lines were funny, but there was just too many of them and none of >the character. Amen! (He DID have too many 1-liners in the episode, and a lot of them I just found either tired/offensive (the "I spend, we'll grope", "pre-birthday spanking", "Angel in front of the TV with a big blood belly" (well, I thought THAT one was funny, but the whole line went on much too long.) >Spike and Dru: I love these guys. It's a shame they're probably not >going to be around next year (I've been told that each year of Buffy >is more or less self-contained True. However, there's been only one year, so there hasn't really been a pattern set up. > it is now Dru (Still a couple of burritos shy of a = >combination platter) taking care of Spike (The scene where she licked >his scar. Eeeeew!) It's an interesting role reversal (which is good; Spike was getting too prominent in the show, IMO, and the fact he's a cripple now makes him much more interesting.) >The Judge: Okay, my big problem. First off, I'm sorry he looks >dippy. He should be a bad guy on Lost In Space, not here, although it was >nice to see the actor again (I can't remember his name. Seen him for >years). He's Brian Thomsen (spelling may be off) who played Luke in the pilot episode and also played Shao Kahn in the abysmal Mortal Kombat sequel. I hated the costume, too, BTW. =============================================================== A Message from the Grand Nagus AKA Latinum Racer and Shadam - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 14:43:03 -0500 From: CLARE CHAFFEY Subject: BUFFY: buffy merchandise Hi everyone, Just thought I'd let you know that there is a company called Power Star that sell Buffy merchandise. They don't have a lot at the moment, just photos but they do have t-shirts and other things comong soon. They have= provided an excellent service to me and I have been a customer for quite = a while now. And no, I don't have a share in the company Here is their address: Hope this helps. Oh and a word about the MANIA site, I'm still waiting for an order from them, it's heading for over 3 months now and I've already been charged for it, now they are ignoring me!!!! Clare Chaffey - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 14:34:27 EST From: VampSlayr6 Subject: BUFFY: Keeping Can somebody help me out here? I want to be keeper of Giles party favor!!!! it was soooooo cute when he blew it. Beth - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 12:23:37 -0800 From: Lisa Rose Subject: BUFFY: Role-Reversal (SPOILERS for "Surprise") Spoilers for "Surprise"... Besides the obvious reversal in strength and wellness between Spike and Dru, does it seem that there has been a reversal in who is the voice of prudent restraint too? I'm thinking of two somewhat analogous situations here. In "Lie to Me," Spikey was all set to chomp Fordy's neck, no questions asked, when big-ears first approached them with his plan. It was Dru who had to verbally call Spike off, suggesting that Fordy might be of use to them. But now in "Surprise," Dru is about to gouge poor Dalton's eyes out (very Masterlike with the scaring gesture afterwards; and can you imagine a poor bookworm vamp without eyes?). Yet this time it's Spike who verbally calls Dru off, suggesting that Dalton might be of use to them. An interesting switch in parallel situations. BTW, are we to assume that Dalton's eyes would not have regrown if Dru had gouged them? (I smell an undead question here). Certain parts of vamps do regenerate (Angel's skin after being attacked by The Three or burned by Dru's holy water). But "Claw Vamp's" hand didn't regrow, nor did the eye of one of "The Three" (although both injuries could have been from before they were vamps). Perhaps it's as confusing and inconsistant as immie tissue, limb, and organ regeneration in Highlander? Lisa - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 15:13:32 EST From: DaisyFoo14 Subject: BUFFY: Harmony i don't have a lot of time to write a full response (it was awesome though.....I was all jittery today in school, and when I couldn't fall asleep last night, I kept repeating scenes in my head...) Anyway, I thought I saw Mercedes McNab in the Guest Starring lineup, but I didn't see Harmony. Anybody know where she was? kinda cool how they're bringing back first season guest stars! My favorite part was Willow w/ the monkey. It was just so cool! (That whole dream scene, and the music was really groovy.) Perhaps I'll post more once I'm all caught up w/ the digests. Can't wait for part 2!!!!!! Alli C's cell phone,sparkle purse, light blue silk dress, X's Tweety Bird watch,Scooby Doo Shirt, robe in trash, newspaper @ Bronze, B's purple-pink lamp,green sunglasses,suitcases, W's light blue rolly hat, maroon quarterback shirt, green and blue V-neck sweater, Giles' dict. stand, Jenny's circle-chain belt. "Think of something cool, tell him I said it."-Buffy,PG - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 15:33:18 EST From: SKloss7619 Subject: BUFFY: David Boreanaz Hello, David Boreanaz will be on the Keenan Ivory Wayans show on Monday the 26th. He got switched, probably so that he could talk about the special two parter. Keeper of WIllow's Note Passed to Buffy in class (LTM) Keeper of Willow's "Coughing not Speaking" (TDA) Keeper of Willow's science microscope used to hit Xander (BE) - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 15:48:29 EST From: Vass99 Subject: Re: BUFFY: a little theory (related to tonight's eposide, kinda) In a message dated 98-01-19 22:35:33 EST, writes: << Now I think Drusilla is that gypsy girl. Maybe that's just me, trying to connect too many things. But oh, how much sense it would make! >> Its not just you, I was watching with my friends, and after that gypsy guy said that my friend and I both said "Drusilla"? at the same time. Who knows? - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 16:23:58 -0800 From: Sebastian Luberto Subject: BUFFY: SPOLIER: Succie, succie now.. Good evening everybody!!! Geesh...last night's episode beat all!!!! It was the greatest! I have no complaints! Just some of my high points! 1.)At the beginning when Angel pulled Buffy into a kiss to stop her from! Ping! PING! 2.)The whole Willow and Oz scene...that was sooo sweet. Especially the part when Oz asked "I'm going to ask you out tomorrow night..and I'm kinda nervous about it." 3.)Mrs.Calendar saying she was from the clan that Angel killed...YIKES!!! 4.) That "Judge" dude who actually looks like the The Master on Prozac..DOUBLE YIKES!! 5.) Dru's freaking out over the flowers..major spasm...goodness, I wonder how she would react to a Hallmark card. 6.)And of course..that last scene where Buffy and know, "do it". My little sister came in during it and I was like "GET OUT! Adult audiences only!". But in fact, I was the one bouncing off the walls. Now in the mists of studying for exams, recording "Secrets of the Titanic" on Oprah, and writing essays...I'm patently anticipating tonight's episode, as well as Dawson's Creek. KUDOS TO BUFFY! Best episode yet!! Who-hoo! Ok,..Till tonight.. Jilbert :) Member of a bunch of Buffy clubs, Titanic-freak(3 times baby!), X-Phile, Romantic, Keeper of Xander's hair, dog tags, macho-manlyness, Angel's dark side, Willow's, inner demon, piggy bank, and Buffy's once in a full moon bitchiness. - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 16:36:27 -0800 From: Sebastian Luberto Subject: BUFFY: 3 questions...(SPOLIER) One thing!! I'M so sorry I didn't put a spolier space on my last message! I totally forgot!!! S P O L I E R Ok..on the episode.....How come Angel didn't "change" when he was fighting the vampires on the pier? And why did they betray us by showing Angel and Buffy's sex scene in the previews but not really in the show... Ok, and does any one know the addy for the Complete Keeper's list? Thanks, Jilbert:) - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 13:42:34 PST From: "Colleen Matthews" Subject: BUFFY: Dru&Jenny and a little assistance please > Now I think Drusilla is that gypsy girl. > > Maybe that's just me, trying to connect too many things. But oh, how much > sense it would make! > >> I never thought of it that way, but i guess it is possible. considering dru and the gypsy were from the same tribe(i think), but then again why would jenny give the arm to buffy if she was dru she would have known what it was and could've just taken it back to her place as opposed to sending angel off w/ it.dru and jenny are are related, but not one and the same Another thing, for english i have to right a pressuasive essay, i was thinking on doing it on do vamps really exsist and taking the yes side. if anyone has any info could you please email me THANKS Keeper of Willow's ignorance regarding Oz's Admiration ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 16:43:47 +1100 From: "jamiec" Subject: BUFFY: Angel? Hi, I'm really new to all this so please bear with me. In Australia they have just aired "Angel", and I was wondering, how can he just stop being a vampire? And how does the tattoo fit into it all? Jamie - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 16:53:28 -0800 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: More from Joss > in a couple of eps we're bringing Amy back Who was Amy? Len _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 16:49:57 -0800 From: Subject: BUFFY: Character Question You know, maybe I'm just dense and never picked up on this before, but is Drucilla (Juliet Landau) the daughter of Martin Landau and Barbara Bain? She looks a lot like Ms. Bain, only with Mr. Landau's darker coloring. They were great on "Mission: Impossible" and I know they're cult favorites from their work on "Space: 1999". Anyone out there in Buffy-land know for sure? Len _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 17:14:01 -0800 From: Subject: BUFFY: What's a 'hottie'? Buffy said something like "wake up and smell the hottie", according to the recently posted quote list. What's a hottie? I thought she was saying 'haughty', but that doesn't make much sense either. If this is some new slang, I guess I'm showing my age. Thanks in advance for any helpful replies. Len -- The days are okay and the sun can be fun but I live to see those rays slip away. -- Blue Oyster Cult _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 17:02:36 -0800 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Surprise (SPOILERS OUT THE WAZOO) On Tue, 20 Jan 1998 00:36:35 EST Jyinyang writes: >>Secondly, in the scene where he's about to kill Buffy and Angel drops >the >kleag >light on him. The Judge fell through the floor, right? > >My only logical explanation is that whatever fell on the Judge knocked >him >out, because he's still "weak", momentarily making him useless. My >guess is >that the tv or whatever bounced off his head, then dropped through the >floow >while he lay knocked out on the side, allowing Buffy and Angel to >escape. >Just my guess. > >Joce > >- > > Gee, I thought the stuff fell on him and he was knocked unconscious underneath all that stuff; I thought the hole in the ground was another result of the big drop--not where Judgie ended up. Len _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 17:04:01 EST From: DaisyFoo14 Subject: BUFFY: Quick dressing, overseas, and dryness Just a few more quick comments and eerie observations: How did Angel get dressed so quickly to get outside? Speed demon! (Ha!) How was he so dry after running in the rain? I was thoroughly wigged when he mentioend the thing w/ the planes and ships when I'd been pondering that a few days ago w/out any connection to the ep. Naughty, naughty were gonna watch her change, weren't you! Tsk- tsk. That was such an entertaining scene, and quite tastefully (and quickly!) done. When he got up to run outside, it took me a second before I realized they'd actually slept together already. Oops. Buffy @ 8 on throws off my internal clock! Alli's desk + desk chair, D's black heels + vamp nail polish, Dr. Gregory's slides, Pork & Beans' camo pants, Lance's notebook, Harmony's green scarf, K's wrist cuff bracelets, Joyce's earrings, "Effective Parenting" tapes, watch, Ted's Swingin' Bachelor Pad, pic of J (w/ B folded behind), SHS: lockers, bulletin board. Marcie's "Long Time, No See" Adopted Sis."Think of something cool, tell him I said it."-Buffy,PG - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 17:27:30 -0500 (EST) From: "Mike \"Nelson\"" Subject: Re: BUFFY: More from Joss > Who was Amy? She was in "The Witch". - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 16:38:43 -0600 (CST) From: nichole carrette Subject: BUFFY: Nicky Brendon I read somewhere(prob. on the web site) that Nicky Brendon has a twin brother. Does anyone know if they're identical? Or whaat he does? Cuz if they are identical, then that opens up a whole lot of possibilities for Xander on the show (re: evil twins, cloning). It's cheaper than special effects. Nichole "You are what you are, beautiful death" Tom Cruise as the Vampire Lestat (ps: what do you guys think of his being replaced with Daniel Day-Lewis for the sequel?) - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 14:40:12 -0800 (PST) From: Sonja Marie Subject: BUFFY: Joss, Tony and the Posting Board Hi all, Talked to Tony today and I mentioned that ppl thought Joss had shut down the Buffy Site and the PBoard, but it's not the case, they (Joss and Tony) tried to go on the Board last night, and couldn't! Tony says they're watching "Innocence" at Joss' tonight, and will try to go on again, I hope it's back up then! Later! Sonja Marie - The White Rose @--'->-- Paul Wylie Fan Pages - Owner of the Jeff Fahey, Paul Wylie, Anthony S. Head, & Buffy-Beta Lists Pres. of Giles' Appreciation Society Panters - GASP!- Keeper of Coats & Ties Anthony Stewart Head (Giles-BTVS) About What Fans Sent Him in the Mail: "Fair amount of lingerie, yeah, all of which I tried, none of which fitted" - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 17:49:21 -0500 (EST) From: (JW) Subject: BUFFY: Last Night's episode Below Contains Spoilers for The Buffy Episode airing January 19, 1997 Well the opening dream sequence was just strange, but it was good to see the bronze again. Dru's dusting of Angel was a pretty neat scene. I had almost forgotten about The Slayer's psychic like dream abilities. One question it brought to mind was Xander the monkey in the dream? Of course then Buffy must rush to ensure that Angel is safe. Her and Giles open an Office Supply Warehouse in Vegas, LOL. The scene outside school between Willow and Buffy was nice, seems like forever since we've seen them bond. So Oz is back, didn't he get shot before; we need bounty hunters with better aim. For a long time people said that Willow could do better than Xander because of the way he treated her. I think its time that Xander cope a clue and decide he can do better than Cordelia. She was pretty hard on him, for someone who last week came searching for some closet time. Was Giles's expression after Buffy said, "maxi-wig" I think, because he didn't get it or because he was concerned about the dream. So Dru and Spike are back, it was good to see them again. Looks like Spike is messed up wheeling around in a wheel chair. I don't see how Vamps recover from say Bullet wounds yet can also stay injured. Also both Dru and Spike were in the fire and had the roof fall in on them, so why wasn't Dru hurt? From the look of the hideout, the vamps must have changed Martha Stewart. It didn't seem very evil and demonic like. The talk about the party reminded me of the party talk back in SHD, was this in the works since then. Interesting that despite his injuries, Spike still seemed to be in charge of the relationship. Also surprising that Spike was able to keep any of the vamps working for him and Dru, without the power to back it up. Wouldn't think many vamps would want to work for crazy Dru. Well the rumors were right, Jenny is a gypsy. It appears that her and Giles have more in common than mutual attraction. She is also a watcher, "of sorts" and her assignment is to watch Angel. It was strange how the gypsy elder could tell that Angel was in less pain than before, and the warning about happiness. Also interesting was the revelation that Angel not only killed the girl, but everyone connected with her. That sounds a lot like what he did to Dru, but the time frame is all-wrong. So unless Joss is doing some rebooting of some origins, Angel just has a thing about killing the family of any girl he gets involved with. Now Jenny is suppose to break up Buffy and Angel, I think that might effect her relationship with Giles. Giles takes his responsibility to Buffy very seriously no telling how he will react. Loved Willow's big "Happy Birthday Buffy" entrance very perky. Way to go Giles deciding to go ahead with Buffy's party, despite the impending danger. What was with Jenny getting Buffy to come with her, was that the party plan? Or did Jenny have something else in mind. Doesn't matter she has to stop the evil stealing of body parts by vamps. Liked using the drumstick to dust the vamp, 101 ways to dust a vamp. Back in the Bronze, excuse me they rented out the entire Bronze for a private party. That seems a little excessive, they could have held it in the library. Perhaps some of the fan- speculation is true and Angel owns the Bronze. I'm sorry I don't buy Oz just accepting the whole vampire thing. I guess that makes him an official slayerette in training. Jenny gets her perfect opportunity to get rid of Angel with that arm. Why take a boat and go to Asia, tie it up with some concrete and drop it in middle of the ocean. Took years to find the Titanic, no one would ever find it. The big good-bye on the docks seemed very Casablanca like. But, why did Angel freak when Buffy went into the drink, she can knock down doors I think she can swim. LOL, Xander suggesting they send Cordy after the Judge, I guess he still smarting from earlier. Answer to question about how they get away with staying out late, a "round-robin" other words they lie through the teeth. "All night keggers" LOL. Foreshadowing of Jenny's possible betrayal showing up in Buffy's dream. Weird seeing Vampires wanting to party, Dru was ready to rock. It is good to see her out of those old white dresses and into something more modern. Dipping Blood (I assume) from the punch bowl, it all seemed very Forever Knight. Out comes Luke, sorry he's the Judge now, "Here comes da judge, here comes da judge" what you were all thinking it. He sort of looks like an evil smurf. Seems like the Judge has a problem with everyone, Dru and Spike's affection even reading books are evil to him. I would think a vamp might at least almost survive the process, but nerd-vamp was just toasted. The Judge had his "Demon sense" at full power, nailing Buffy and Angel. I was surprised that neither Angel or Buffy appeared to try and fight to escape off the catwalk. So Buffy kicked the Judge, was she immune to his touch or was it that she just hit the armor. Nice escape, perhaps in tonight's episode Buffy can get away without getting wet. Well it happened Buffy and Angel slept together. I give Joss credit for the way he handled it; it wasn't a big production it just happened. Then Angel wakes up in the middle of the night and runs out into the rain screaming in pain. So I assume this is where he returns to his evil ways. But, is it because he knew happiness and the curse was removed? Or, did the gypsy elder feel his happiness and remove the curse from a distance? This was a good episode, and I suppose makes up for Bad Eggs. It was an entertaining hour of television that kept me hooked till the credits. Like to give special kudos to SMG and Alyson in this episode. Interesting revelations about Ms. Calendar in this episode. Looks like from the previews of tonight's episode she will have to pay the price for it. I look forward to finding out what will be the price for Buffy and Angel's night of passion. I guess the moral for the episode is "don't have premarital sex or your boyfriend will become an evil demon". The Judge looks to be a fun villain, I said he looked like a smurf, perhaps a cross between a smurf and the "jem ha dar" from DS9. Can't be killed by any weapon forged by man, of course that was thousands of years ago. Would be funny to have Buffy, walk up to him and say " I've got me a bazooka here" then blow him up. I do hope that Ally McBeal's Golden Globe win, doesn't hurt the numbers for this show, and then hurt tonight's numbers. Anxiously waiting for tonight's episode JW GASP Keeper "The Ripper" nickname - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V2 #44 ************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (