From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V2 #136 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Wednesday, February 25 1998 Volume 02 : Number 136 In this issue: Re: BUFFY: Can't Pass on Passion BUFFY: Jenny come back! BUFFY: *boo hoo hoo* I loved Passion! BUFFY: *boo hoo hoo* I loved Passion! Re: BUFFY: Willow's dad/Why Jenny?/Giles a suspect? Re: BUFFY: Passion: Crosses & other stuff Re: BUFFY: Passion--- My opinion BUFFY: Angel and his soul.... Passion Ruled! BUFFY: Re: Your Buffy Pages BUFFY: Buffy featured in EW Re: BUFFY: Passion Ramblings Re: BUFFY: Joining the Lynch Mob (Passion Spoilers) Re: BUFFY: Willow's dad/Why Jenny?/Giles a suspect? Re: BUFFY: What price a soul? BUFFY: Re: Hope for Angel Re: BUFFY: Passion: Crosses & other stuff Re: BUFFY: Passion-ramblings continued Re: BUFFY: Joining the Lynch Mob (Passion Spoilers) Re: BUFFY: Angel's Vocie Over BUFFY: Re: NOT Joinig the Lynch Mob Re: BUFFY: Passion Points BUFFY: Passion quote list (1/2) BUFFY: Passion quote list (2/2) See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 20:44:00 +0000 From: Jack Welsh Subject: Re: BUFFY: Can't Pass on Passion Antonio Greaney Delgado wrote: > So much to say on this ep. Killing Jenny was OK, although I was still > hoping for Oz to die. Funny...I keep thinking the same thing: only I wish WILLOW would die - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 20:44:22 +0000 From: Jack Welsh Subject: BUFFY: Jenny come back! I think they should have Giles and Willow find the disk and get Angel's soul back. But I'm hoping that with restoring his soul the spell also clears his recent killings, thus bringing Jenny back for good. - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 16:43:07 PST From: "Sara Barton" Subject: BUFFY: *boo hoo hoo* I loved Passion! Well, unfortunately and to my complete dismay, I was wrong. For those of you who have read my previous posts and who have seen 'Passion' you know what I am talking about. I wanted soooooooooooo badly for Jenny to live, but she didn't. :( It was unbelievably sad when Angel killed her. My heart broke when Giles walked up the stairs, thinking he and Jenny would be getting back together, and saw her dead on his bed. And I cried when he called Buffy to tell her what happened. Allison Hanningon did an excellent job with that scene. I really liked the voice over's that Angel did. It brought an eerie-ness the the whole ep. I was cherring Buffy on when she was kicking Angel's arse. I actually wanted her to kill him, but I knew she wouldn't. The scene with Buffy and Giles at the end after she got him out of the factory was very heartfelt. This has got to be one of my favorite eps. The acting and writing was marvelous, although I wish Xander's lines could have been a bit wittier, but hey, you can't have it all. After watching this ep, I have come to a sad, bitter conclusion. There is no way that Giles, Willow, or Buffy will ever be able to forgive Angel, and that there is no hope for him and Buffy to get back together. Even thought I wish that when his soul is returned there will be a happy reconciliation, I know that it won't happen. *sArA* I LOVED PASSION! I LOVE BUFFY! ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 16:43:57 PST From: "Sara Barton" Subject: BUFFY: *boo hoo hoo* I loved Passion! Well, unfortunately and to my complete dismay, I was wrong. For those of you who have read my previous posts and who have seen 'Passion' you know what I am talking about. I wanted soooooooooooo badly for Jenny to live, but she didn't. :( It was unbelievably sad when Angel killed her. My heart broke when Giles walked up the stairs, thinking he and Jenny would be getting back together, and saw her dead on his bed. And I cried when he called Buffy to tell her what happened. Allison Hanningon did an excellent job with that scene. I really liked the voice over's that Angel did. It brought an eerie-ness the the whole ep. I was cherring Buffy on when she was kicking Angel's arse. I actually wanted her to kill him, but I knew she wouldn't. The scene with Buffy and Giles at the end after she got him out of the factory was very heartfelt. This has got to be one of my favorite eps. The acting and writing was marvelous, although I wish Xander's lines could have been a bit wittier, but hey, you can't have it all. After watching this ep, I have come to a sad, bitter conclusion. There is no way that Giles, Willow, or Buffy will ever be able to forgive Angel, and that there is no hope for him and Buffy to get back together. Even thought I wish that when his soul is returned there will be a happy reconciliation, I know that it won't happen. *sArA* I LOVED PASSION! I LOVE BUFFY! ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 19:38:48 From: Theodore Jay Miller Subject: Re: BUFFY: Willow's dad/Why Jenny?/Giles a suspect? At 12:10 PM 2/25/98 EST, Trudi wrote: >Not necessarily. Most Jewish parents, even not super-religious ones, >might be a bit disconcerted to see their daughter put up a big ol' cross >in her bedroom! Willow also said she couldn't watch "A Charlie Brown Christmas" at home, which does sound on the strict side. Theodore Jay Miller - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 19:48:06 From: Theodore Jay Miller Subject: Re: BUFFY: Passion: Crosses & other stuff At 01:00 PM 2/25/98 EST, you wrote: > Hunter D said: > What an indignity to compromise one's religious heritage in >the name of survival. ;-b But shouldn't Stars of David work just as well as >crosses? > Possibly it's a matter of the specific ritual. A Star of David might work if you spent a few weeks doing the appropriate research: translating the spell into Hebrew and replacing inappropriate references, analyzing what Jewish elements most correspond to holy water and the stuff they had to burn, testing different possibilities out by inviting vampires in and then seeing whether you can repel them, etc. But they didn't have time to do all that, and just putting up a Star of David alone wouldn't be sufficient to reverse the actual invitation (although if Angel actually TOUCHED the Star of David, he might get burned.) Theodore Jay Miller Keeper of Willow's potential dreidel lesson for her egg baby (BE) - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 20:02:36 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Passion--- My opinion On Tue, 24 Feb 1998, Thu Ngo wrote: > I really hate Angel now. I hope Spike kills him. Spike, Xander, and > Giles. Hell, I'll be glad to help them! Yes! Spike! And let Buffy get in some shots too... I can see the scene now: Spike has his strength back (somehow), and challenges Angel for supremacy. They fight...yadda yadda yadda....they come to a draw. Spike runs off and hides in his new lair, but Angel is too weak to move very far. He crawls to the nearest house...why, yes! It's the Summer's residence to gain some shelter from the encroaching dawn, tries to fake his way past Buffy saying that he got his soul back, and she leaves him out in the yard to get a sunburn that goes down to the bone. Vindictive? Me? Never.... Anyway, I loved this episode. I loved the manner of Jenny's death; so final that there can be NO doubt. She ain't coming back. Not good riddance...I liked her, though I felt she was never developed enough. However, where was Oz? He punches Xander because Willow is upset, but when she's traumatized by the fish, where is he? I loved the scene with Angel gently stroking Buffy's cheek. It was the same gesture we've seen from him before, but with such a different connotation. I'm reminded of the petty tyrant, gently holding the face of the young peasant girl whose village has just been burned to the ground, smiling at his newest toy. The line between love and hate is so thin, and both involve some serious obsession. We can actually see how much Angel loved her from the extent of Angelus's obsession with her. Truly evil, truly cruel, and truly wonderful (from a purely artistic POV, of course...) Speaking of artists (But we weren't talking about artists! Shuttup.) Angelus is an incredible artist. I'm not talking about his portraits, but rather the artistry with which he manipulated Giles in that priceless scene. Can you admire someone's work, even though that work makes you hate the person totally? I hope so. Anyway, that was a total non-sequitor letter, but then again, such is my life. Cheers! Tracey Keeper of the Cluelessness of the Rest of the School - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 20:27:18 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: Angel and his soul.... Passion Ruled! In a message dated 98-02-25 14:34:51 EST, you write: << Again I have to say that no matter what everyone else on the list is saying the real Angel has no control over tha actions of the demon controlling him. Think about it like this: we have all had not so great thoughts about what we would want to do to someone(the guy who cut you off on the way home from school, the kid that picked on your new shoes, whatever) but we have a conscience that prevents us (well most of us) from acting on those impulses. Angel is operating without a conscience right now. Granted his actions are reprehensible but he is not the one working the switches in his mind. I think that it will take time but eventually the old angel will be back and eventually when the scars have healed a bit the ang will forgive. Well except for Xander. I think they will all just be happy to have gotten rid of evil Angel without having to kill the man he once was. >> I totally agree with you on this! All you Angel haters right now listen up! It's not our Angel hurting these people who took him in and loved him when noone else would! It's Angelus, the demon! Remember that guy who lurked deep inside Angel yet never came out until the curse was removed? I'll betcha anything the Slayerette gang will be relieved to have Angel back to normal when they find that disk that so stupidly fell to the floor! I also think he and Buffy will find themselves at the beginning again as it was during the first season when they relationship started off. The usual angst. But as Buffy learns to trust him more, it'll be back to Angel and Buffy in love. Lots 'o Luv Ashley "I can't live in the past anymore. Angel is gone. Nothing is ever going to bring him back." -- Buffy "Passion" - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 17:28:17 PST From: "ayla zee" Subject: BUFFY: Re: Your Buffy Pages Hi, my email crashed last night and I lost all the URLs of list member's Buffy pages. If you could email me your URL offlist it would be greatly appreciated cause they were all really good! obBuffy: I'm sure that Jenny is going to appear in later episodes in flashbacks (especially next week) so we'll probably get to see more of her. ayla ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 20:30:26 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: Buffy featured in EW Just thought I'd let everyone know, Buffy and Dawson's Creek are going to be featured in this week's Entertainment Weekly. Look for it this weekend!!! - -Michelle - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 21:46:57 -0400 From: (Katharine Zandy) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Passion Ramblings Mz. Gwyn,,Internet writes: > I also have to comment on Xander & Buffy dancing again, what does Cordy think >about that? In the clip, Cordy is sitting at the table behind them, talking with Willow. She doesn't look angry or anything. And, after they leave the Bronze (when they're walking outside), Xander has his arm around her, so she can't be too annoyed about it. Katy Keeper of Buffy's Birthday and the way Buffy smiles at Angel - ------------------------------------------------------ This message sent using the FirstClass SMTP/NNTP Gateway. From: Choate Rosemary Hall 333 Christian St. Wallingford, CT. 06492 - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 20:53:18 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Joining the Lynch Mob (Passion Spoilers) In a message dated 98-02-25 17:06:12 EST, writes: << Kill the monster, kill him!!! Blood must answer for blood! Remember the Calendar! >> Hey, are you from Texas? I thought only we Texans could rally the troops like that! :-) Well, Angel to me is still redeemable, if and/or when he regains his soul. I predict a very large story arc of sin, forgiveness, and redemption in our futures (and maybe we're talking season 3--I don't mean next week). To me, watching Buffy and the others struggle through their learned aversion for and fear of him while he tries to regain their trust could create some fantastic, angsty, Joss Whedonesque moments. Holding a flag for the good Angel, Jennifer Hale - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 21:05:53 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Willow's dad/Why Jenny?/Giles a suspect? In a message dated 98-02-25 18:59:27 EST, writes: << the police have to let him go, remember that little line guilty till proven innocent? Plus it doesn't take that long to lift finger prints and I bet Angelus's were all over Jenny, the champagne, the drawing, and the note, not Giles's. >> They had to let him go *if* there wasn't enough evidence to charge him. And maybe Angel *did* leave prints everywhere, but if he did, it was a conscious choice not to let Giles be implicated. I mean, think about it--if Angel had worn gloves and *not* left fingerprints, I think Giles would be rotting in the hoosegow right now. Maybe the police would buy someone else killing Jenny, but if the person left the body in Giles' bed with a note and all kinds of setup, they clearly must be sending a message to *Giles.* So the police would want to know who might want to hurt Giles, whose "I don't know's" would start to tick them off after awhile. But the fact is, this is TV, and if the powers that be decide to drop it with Giles not being charged despite the fact that he's the obvious suspect, more power to 'em. I really don't want to see a "Buffy" episode set in a courtroom. Incidentally, does anyone have any non-spoiler speculation about whether we're going to see the weird Principal Snyder/sheriff "conspiracy" again? At the end of "School Hard," it was clearly suggested that the principal and the sheriff both knew weird things were up in Sunnydale. For a minute last night, I was sure that the sheriff had pulled some strings to get Giles released because he knows about the vampires! Jennifer Hale - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 21:10:53 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: What price a soul? I don't think that a soul is merely a conscience, no. It is the essence of a person. Their personality, likes/dislikes, spirit...AND conscience. The demon that is in possession of his body wants to kill her friends not Angel. Sheesh. Kelly Keeper of my own dignity and unwillingness to participate in the silly keeper thing. "Every finger in the room is pointing at me. I wanna spit in their faces but then i get afraid of what that could bring." Tori Amos - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 21:11:45 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: Re: Hope for Angel Smellcore wrote: <> I agree with this interpretation - that Angel is operating without a conscience - but that's exactly why I DO hold him responsible, to a degree. I DON'T believe that it's just a demon possessing his body and Angel himself has nothing at all to do with it. As others have said in the past, Dru is a vampire but still seems to have feelings for her dead family, Dalton was a vampire but he was still a bookworm, Spike is a vampire but has feelings of affection and tenderness for Dru. So I think when you're a vampire, it IS still you, but it's you without a conscience and with a demon egging you on to act out your bad impulses. I think the demon possibly AMPLIFIES the bad impulses we all have, and the lack of conscience frees the vampire to act on all those bad impulses, but ultimately, they ARE Angel's bad impulses and he's choosing to act on them. I don't think it's like being possessed, where something else is totally controlling you; I think it's more like losing all inhibitions and all morality. If Angel were simply possessed, and it wasn't really HIM doing the bad things, then why would he feel guilty when he got his soul back? Trudi - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 18:05:20 -0800 From: Lisa Rose Subject: Re: BUFFY: Passion: Crosses & other stuff At 07:48 PM 2/25/98, Theodore Jay Miller wrote: >But they didn't have time to do all that, >and just putting up a Star of David alone wouldn't be sufficient to reverse >the actual invitation (although if Angel actually TOUCHED the Star of >David, he might get burned.) That's an interesting image, David being burned by the Star of David. Lisa - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 18:10:02 -0800 From: Lisa Rose Subject: Re: BUFFY: Passion-ramblings continued At 04:26 PM 2/25/98 -0700, Lady Cietdubh wrote: >Someone on the list mentioned this past week that they didn't see where >Jenny and Willow had been all that close. But, it was there. Maybe we haven't seen it until now because the implication was that Willow has been hiding her fondness of Jenny from the others for fear of seeming disloyal to Buffy. As soon as the gang came to the computer lab door, Willow suddenly became very formal with Ms. C. and acted as though they were just have a routine student/teacher interaction. We just haven't seen them alone together since Jenny's betrayal until now. Lisa - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 18:21:29 -0800 From: Lisa Rose Subject: Re: BUFFY: Joining the Lynch Mob (Passion Spoilers) At 08:53 PM 2/25/98 EST, wrote: >In a message dated 98-02-25 17:06:12 EST, writes: > ><< Kill the monster, > kill him!!! Blood must answer for blood! > Remember the Calendar! >> > > >Hey, are you from Texas? I thought only we Texans could rally the troops like >that! :-) In truth, I was being somewhat tongue-in-cheek. It was exactly that "vengeance at any cost" attitude that got the gypsies into trouble in the first place (and the images of us storming Angel's mountain castle were kinda Transylvanian->Romanian->Romany). But at the moment he smiled in delight at seeing Buffy and Willow break down in Buffy's house, I wanted to stake him myself, no questions asked. Speaking of which, Joyce came in to comfort them. Presumably she asked what was wrong. What did they tell her? That Angel killed one of their teachers? Boy, would she be freaked about him coming after that! BTW, he killed Ms. Calendar. His fingerprints have to be all over. Why not have the police jail him? Steel bars could hold him in Willie's club. And maybe sunlight would hit him at some point on the way to his arraignment.... Lisa - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 21:24:08 EST From: Jtrsjuliet Subject: Re: BUFFY: Angel's Vocie Over That would make sense about the Angel thing but then what about Buffy at the end...and anyway if Angels soul is gone then how could it be talking? Laura Keeper of Willows suggeston that Buffy blow something up to get kicked outa school Keeper of Willows fear of boyz - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 21:30:47 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: Re: NOT Joinig the Lynch Mob C'mon people! As soon as they bring back "nice" Angel the very same people leading the mob to stake his poor undead self are going to be cheering for everyone to forgive him. I'm enjoying the ride. Yeah, that's right! I LAUGHED when he killed Jenny. Hard and for a long time. I hope he kills more people (hopefully Xander-he bugs me). You know he's going to be good again so why not just enjoy this bit while it lasts? Kelly Keeper of my own dignity and unwillingness to become involved in the silly keeper thing. "Every finger in the room is pointing at me. Wanna spit in their faces but then I get afraid of what that could bring." Tori Amos - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 18:34:40 -0800 From: Dawn Subject: Re: BUFFY: Passion Points wrote: > The other part I didn't really care for was Xander's "I told you so" sp= eech. > How inappropriate! There they were grieving over Jenny and worried abo= ut > Giles, and then Xander jumps in with I told you so. And he was so hars= h about > it! He had to know the guilt that Buffy was feeling, and he just added= to it. I agree. I just got really mad at Xander when he goes into that. Now, I m= ay be biased, since I'm a Buffy/Angel 'shipper all the way, but I thought that = was so uncalled for. And, IMNSHO, he wasn't even right! True, he *did* hate Ange= l before the rest of them "jumped on the bandwagon", but that, IMO, was a complete= ly different person than the one we see in this episode. He hated Angel beca= use he was jealous that Buffy loved Angel instead of him. Angel was a kind, cari= ng, sweet person that loved Buffy with all of his heart. Angelus is a cruel, evil, = soulless demon that is bent on destroying Buffy. Buffy and her friends hate Angelu= s *because* he is a demon, not for any other reason. Xander is a different = story. He hates both Angel and Angelus, Angel because of the reason stated above, a= nd Angelus for the same reason as the rest of the Scooby Gang. IMHO, he has = no right to say "I told you so!". He told them what, that *Angel* couldn't be trus= ted, that *Angel* was a blood-sucking demon that was just waiting to attack them. O= kay, he didn't say that, but he implied it. He was wrong. Angel is as much a vict= im in this as Buffy is. Angel has been doing nothing but brooding for the last = 100 years, believing that he was responsible for hundreds, possibly thousands= , of deaths. He has suffered enough, and to make him, Angel, who was *not* res= ponsible for all those deaths, be punished for being happy is just cruel. He has s= aid, or at least implied, that he had no control over what the demon did, that al= l he could do was watch. The gypies didn't consider that he was not in control= of his actions, although they did know that he had no soul, or else they couldn'= t have restored it. I think Angel is out there somewhere, forced to stand by and= watch as his body destroys the woman he loves and all of her friends, which, might= I add, are more like her family. It must be terrible torture for him. I'm not tr= ying to make Buffy's pain seem less important, because it is very important. I ju= st think that we pay more attention to Buffy's pain because we don't see Angel's p= ain. I'm done rambling now, feel free to reply. Dawn- Presidential Advisor of Subjects of Buffon= ia, Secretary of Willites and Buffaholics Anonymous, GASPer, BABSer, Member o= f RABID(a.k.a. Hellmouth=92s Angels), Keeper of Giles' Chess Pieces, Angel'= s Window Shades, Xander=92s Skirt(Reptile Boy), Buffy's Crystal Necklace and Happy= face Backpack, Willow's Flower Earrings and Lava Lamp, Cordelia=92s Car Stereo - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 21:39:02 -0500 (EST) From: Betsy Vera Subject: BUFFY: Passion quote list (1/2) Quote list compiled by Maureen Wynn ( Bug her about mistakes, not me, okay? Maureen's quote lists are archived at: - - (Sunnydale Slayers) and - - (Cagey) - ----------------------------------------- Passion quote list B=Buffy, W=Willow, X=Xander, C=Cordelia, G=Giles, As=Angelus, J=Joyce, S=Spike, D=Drucilla (note: V.O. = voice over, C.C. = closed captioning) As V.O.-Passion... it lies in all of us. Sleeping, waiting, and though unwanted, unbidden, it will stir, open its jaws... and howl. As C.C.-Passion... is born... And though uninvited, unwelcome, unwanted... like a cancer... it takes root. It festers... it bleeds... it scabs... only to rupture. Buffy, Willow and Xander leaving the Bronze, no dialogue heard, C.C.: B-It's purple. W-It's a purple wedding. B-That's not why I go. W-Why not? B-Because. Yubba-dubba-dub-dub. X-Hey, hey, hey, what are you guys talking about up there? As V.O.-It speaks to us, guides us; passion rules us all. And we obey. What other choice do we have? X-A visit from the pointed-tooth fairy. X-You know, I think there may be a valuable lesson for you gals here about inviting strange men into your bedrooms. C-Oh, god. I invited him into my car once. That means he can come into my car whenever he wants. X-Yep, you're doomed to having to give any of his vamp pals a lift whenever they feel like it. And those guys never chip in for gas. B-Giles, there has to be some sort of spell to reverse the invitation, right? Like a barrier, a no-shoes, no-pulse, no- service kind of thing? C-Yeah, that works for a car, too? X-Hello! Excuse me, but have you ever heard of knocking? Kid-We're supposed to get some books. On Stalin. X-Does this look like a Barnes & Noble? G-This is the school library, Xander. X-Since when? G-So, Angel has decided to step up his harassment of you? C-By sneaking into her room and leaving stuff at night? Why doesn't he just slit her throat, or strangle her while she's sleeping, or cut her heart out? What? I'm trying to help. G-It's classic battle strategy, to throw one's opponent off his game. He's just trying to provoke you. To taunt you. To goad you into some mishap of some sort. X-The "nyah-nyah-nyah-nyah-nyah-nyah!" approach to battle? G-Yes, Xander. Once more you've managed to boil a complex thought down to its simplest possible form. X-Yeah, the more people who know the secret, the more it cheapens it for the rest of us. G-I told you, I will find a spell. B-What about until you find a spell? C-Until then, you and your mother are welcome to ride around with me in my car. G-I know how hard this is for you. All right, I don't. But as the Slayer, you don't have the luxury of being a slave to your passions. You mustn't let Angel get to you... no matter how provocative his behavior may become. B-So what you're basically saying is, "just ignore him, and maybe he'll go away"? G-Yes, precisely. X-Hey, how come Buffy doesn't get a snotty "once again you boil it down to the simplest form" thing? Watcher's pet. MC-I might be a little late tomorrow. Do you think you could cover my class until I show? W-Really? Me? Teach the class? Sure! MC-Cool. W-Oh, wait. What if they don't recognize my authority? What if they try to convince me that you always let them leave class early? What if there's a fire drill? What if there's a fire? MC-Willow, you're gonna be fine. And I'll try not to be too late, okay? W-Okay, good. Earlier is good. Will I have the power to assign detention? Or make them run laps? B-Willow, I thought I might take in a class. Figured I could use someone who knows where they are. W-Sorry, I have to talk to her. She's a teacher and teachers are to be respected, even if they're only filling in until the real teacher shows up, because otherwise chaos could ensue... G-Since Angel lost his soul, he's regained his sense of whimsy. MC-Well, that sounds bad. MC-I know you feel betrayed. G-Yes, well, that's one of the unpleasant side-effects of betrayal. J-You can tell me anything. I've read all the parenting books. You cannot surprise me. B-We're sort of dating -- _were_ dating. Going through a serious off-again phase right now. J-Don't tell me. He's changed. He's not the same guy you fell for? B-In a nutshell. W-I swear, men can be such jerks sometimes. Dead _or_ alive. B-I just hope Giles can find a keep-out spell soon. I know I'll sleep easier when I can... sleep easier. W-He's like book-man. B-Hey, sorry about your fish. W-It's okay, we hadn't really had time to bond yet... although for the first time, I'm glad my parents didn't let me have a puppy. D-I brought something for you. Poor thing. She's an orphan. Her owner died... without a fight. Do you like her, hmmmm? I brought her especially for you... to cheer you up. And I've named her Sunshine. Open wide! S-I won't have you feeding me like a child, Dru. As-Why not? She already bathes you, carries you around, and changes you like a child. D-We were worried. S-No, we weren't. D-You must forgive Spike. He's just a bit testy tonight. Doesn't get out much any more. As-Well, maybe next time I'll bring you with me, Spike. Might be handy to have you around if I ever need a really good parking space. As-As a guest, if there's anything I can do for you, any... responsibility I can assume while you're spinning your wheels... Anything I'm not already doing, that is. (end part 1 of 2) - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 21:48:28 -0500 (EST) From: Betsy Vera Subject: BUFFY: Passion quote list (2/2) Quote list compiled by Maureen Wynn ( Bug her about mistakes, not me, okay? Maureen's quote lists are archived at: - - (Sunnydale Slayers) and - - (Cagey) - ----------------------------------------- Passion quote list Part 2 of 2 B=Buffy, W=Willow, X=Xander, C=Cordelia, G=Giles, As=Angelus, J=Joyce, S=Spike, D=Drucilla (note: V.O. = voice over, C.C. = closed captioning) Shopkeeper-How may I serve you today? Love potion? perhaps a voodoo doll for that unfaithful... MC-I need an Orb of Thesulah. Sh-Oh, you're in the trade. Sh-Not that it's any of my business, really, but uh, what are you planning on conjuring up... if you can decipher the text? MC-A present for a friend of mine. Sh-Really. What are you going to give him? MC-His soul. X-And what did you two do last night? W-We had kind of a "pajama party sleep-over with weapons" thing. X-Oh, and I don't suppose either of you had the presence of mind to locate a camera to capture the moment? W-I have to go - I have a class to teach in about five minutes, and I have to arrive early to glare disapprovingly at the stragglers. Oh, darn, she's here. Five hours of lesson planning yesterday down the drain... B-Look... I know you feel badly about what happened, and I just wanted to say... good. Keep it up. G-I found the ritual to revoke the invitation to vampires. C-Oh, thank goodness. I actually had to talk my grandmother into switching cars with me last night. G-The ritual's very basic, actually. It's just the recitation of a few rhyming couplets, burning of moss herbs, sprinkling of holy water... B-All stuff I have in my house. G-...hanging of crosses. W-I'm going to have a hard time explaining this to my dad. B-You really think it'll bother him? W-Ira Rosenberg's only daughter nailing crucifixes to her bedroom wall? I have to go over to Xander's house just to watch "A Charlie Brown Christmas" every year. B-I see your point. W-Although it is worth while to see him do the Snoopy dance. C-Willow, are you aware that there are no fish in your aquarium? W- B-Sorry, Angel. I changed the locks. MC-Angel. How did you get in here? As-I was invited. The sign in front of the school -- "Formatia trans sicere educatorum." MC-"Enter all ye who seek knowledge." As-What can I say? I'm a knowledge seeker. MC-Angel, I've got good news. As-I've heard. You went shopping at the local boogedy-boogedy store. As-You know what I hate the most about these things? They're so damn fragile. Must be that shoddy gypsy craftsmanship. As-I never cease to be amazed how much the world has changed in just two and a half centuries. It's a miracle to me. As-"The ritual of restoration." Wow. This... this brings back memories. MC-Wait, that's your... As-Oh, my cure? No, thanks. Been there, done that, and deja vu just isn't what it used to be. As-Looks like I get to kill two birds with one stone. And teacher makes three. As-Oh, good. I need to work up an appetite first. As-Sorry, Jenny. This is where you get off. Ah, I never get tired of doing that. G-The ritual go all right? W-Oh, yeah, it went fine. Well, it went fine until Angel showed up and told Buffy's mom that he and Buffy had - well, you know, that they had - you know... You do know, right? G-Oh, yes. Sorry. W-Oh, good, 'cause I just realized that being a librarian and all, you maybe didn't know. G-Oh, thank you, I got it. G-Perhaps I should intervene on Buffy's behalf with her mother. Maybe say something? W-Sure. Like, what would you say? G-Wh... uh... You will tell Buffy I dropped by? W-You bet. J-Don't expect me to ever stop caring about you, because it's never going to happen. I love you more than anything in the world. That would be your cue to, uh, roll your eyes and tell me I'm grossing you out. B-You're not. J-Oh, well. I guess that was the talk. B-So, how'd it go? J-I don't know. It was my first. AS V.O.-Passion is the source of our finest moments. The joy of love, the clarity of hatred, and the ecstasy of grief. C.C.: W-Was it horrible? B-Ah, it wasn't great, but at least it's over. Ah, soon it'll be your turn. B-I'm not worried about what he wants. I'm worried about what he's going to do. W-Look, all his weapons are gone. C-But I thought he kept his weapons at the library. X-No, those are his everyday weapons. These were his good weapons. The ones he breaks out when company comes to visit. C-So, Giles is going to kill Angel, then? X-Well, it's about time somebody did. W-Xander! X-I'm sorry, but let's not forget that I hated Angel long before you guys jumped on the bandwagon. So I think I deserve a little something for not saying "I told you so" long before now. And if Giles wants to go after the fiend that murdered his girlfriend, I say "Faster, pussycat. Kill, kill." B-You're right. X-Thank you. S-Are you insane? We're supposed to kill the bitch, not leave gag gifts in her friends' beds. D-But, Spike, the bad teacher was going to restore Angel's soul. S-And what if she did? If you ask me, I find myself preferring the old Buffy-whipped Angelus. This new, improved one is not playing with a full sack. I love a good slaughter as much as the next bloke, but his little pranks will only leave us with one incredibly brassed-off Slayer. As-Don't worry, roller-boy. I've got everything under control. As-Jeez, whatever happened to wooden stakes? S-Uh-uh. No fair going into the ring unless he tags you first. As-All right, you've had your fun. But you know what it's time for now? B-_My_ fun. G-Why did you come here? This wasn't your fight. B-Are you trying to get yourself killed? You can't leave me. I can't do this alone. As V.O.-It hurts sometimes more than we can bear. If we could live without passion, maybe we'd know some kind of peace. But we would be hollow. Empty rooms, shuttered and dank. Without passion, we'd be truly dead. END - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V2 #136 *************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (