From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V2 #199 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Saturday, March 28 1998 Volume 02 : Number 199 In this issue: Re: BUFFY: SMG's tattoo BUFFY: Mindless thoughts BUFFY: Kicks BUFFY: Re:Buffy kicks Re: BUFFY: Darla? Re: BUFFY: Re:Buffy kicks Re: BUFFY: Entertainment Weekly Re: BUFFY: IKWYDLS Re: BUFFY: Buffy vs. DC Re: BUFFY: Xander Keepers (was: "Buffy vs. DC") Re: BUFFY: Buffy vs. DC Re: BUFFY: SMG's tattoo Re: BUFFY: SMG's tattoo BUFFY: SMG in US Magazine Re: BUFFY: IKWYDLS on Videotape? Re: BUFFY: The Oscars BUFFY: Sarah in All My Children Re: BUFFY: SARAH'S LIFE BUFFY: nitpick site, WML1 [none] Re: BUFFY: nitpick site, WML1 Re: BUFFY: Buffy vs. DC, Agreed BUFFY: Spin-off ? Re: BUFFY: Re:Buffy kicks Re: BUFFY: Buffy vs. DC Re: BUFFY: nitpick site, WML1 Re: BUFFY: nitpick site, WML1 BUFFY: BUFFY CATALOG BUFFY: Cruel Inventions Re: BUFFY: Spin-off ? Re: BUFFY: nitpick site Re: BUFFY: Entertainment Weekly Re: BUFFY: Spin-off ? Re: BUFFY: nitpick site, WML1 BUFFY: online Angel Club See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 27 Mar 98 22:44:32 PST From: "JohnH" Subject: Re: BUFFY: SMG's tattoo . but inside it said she just got a tattoo. > *lol* Why are you LOL at SMG getting a tattoo? What's wrong with that? In = find you to be very insensitive to Sarah and I think that you should know= that she is THE prime example of integrity! - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 27 Mar 1998 23:00:14 -0500 From: Susan Foster Subject: BUFFY: Mindless thoughts Okay, just for a little fun, may I throw a couple fun topics out? Questions: 1.) We all know about the ala poster by now, and from what I know about it, it is a picture of the full cast. My question is, if they were to do single posters of the characters, what books would they be holding? To explain, the series of ala posters, from what I understand, when they have the actors (not characters) on the posters, they are holding their favorite books. Now, say, Giles were to be on one. What book would he be holding? Maybe... a book from Time/Life (WttH reference)? Or perhaps, the Computers for Dummies book that some say he was holding in SAR? Those are just some silly thoughts I had. What do you guys suggest? 2.) Okay, the spinoff they are talking about in Entertainment Weekly....could it be Catherine the (wishes she was) Teenage Witch? Ooh, ouch, I can see the tomatoes coming already. And actually, wasn't there a discussion several months ago, joking about spinoffs? Dododododo... (can't you hear the Twilight Zone music?). For me personally, I cheered to see Our Favorite Slayer (not to be confused with our favorite family, the Simpsons) once again in EW. I think it is nearly a weekly thing with that mag. Yay! - -- Susan Foster *** " She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come." - Proverbs 31:25 *** - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 27 Mar 98 23:04:17 PST From: "JohnH" Subject: BUFFY: Kicks How did Buffy learn all of those kicks and punches? Rachel "It's nudie magazine day" B.Madison - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 27 Mar 1998 23:13:07 EST From: KPet44 Subject: BUFFY: Re:Buffy kicks Do you mean Buffy or Sarah? Because Sarah has a brown belt in tai kwon do, so that's how she knows the kicks and punches. As for Buffy, she probably had no choice but to teach herself. When you're fighting vamps you kind of have to make do. When she came to Sunnydale Giles started to try and help her train some. It's my theory that she probably has some natural instinct on how to fight since she is the slayer. Did any of that make sense? Kendra Keeper of Buffy's fever/Buffy's balloons/Angel's perfect hair/Willow's pretend fear of frogs and the way she played doctor/Spike's wheelchair/Dru's temporary obsession with Xander/Jenny's heartfelt apologies/Oz's apology to Willow/The Sunnydale Hospital/Kendra's cool and unique name/Ethan's shop lease/Buffy's powergirl nickname/ - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 27 Mar 1998 20:12:06 -0800 From: Lisa Rose Subject: Re: BUFFY: Darla? At 08:21 PM 3/27/98 EST, Vanrico wrote: >Can someone help? Who is Darla? I missed this person. >Thanks Rick How could you miss Darla? She rocked! Check out her shrine at: It might all come back to you. Lisa - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 27 Mar 1998 23:20:26 EST From: Daphne1784 Subject: Re: BUFFY: Re:Buffy kicks In a message dated 98-03-27 23:16:34 EST, you write: << As for Buffy, she probably had no choice but to teach herself. When you're fighting vamps you kind of have to make do. When she came to Sunnydale Giles started to try and help her train some. It's my theory that she probably has some natural instinct on how to fight since she is the slayer. Did any of that make sense?>> If you remember from the movie ( which has been on TV for a million times) Buffy already knew basic gymnastic moves but Merric ( her first watcher ) taught her all those kicks and punches - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 27 Mar 1998 23:28:40 From: Theodore Jay Miller Subject: Re: BUFFY: Entertainment Weekly At 07:21 PM 3/27/98 EST, locaste wrote: >>The WB is already talking about creating >> a spin-off of Buffy the Vampire Slayer >A spin-off? With Kendra? Or what? It doesn't say in the article. The fall 1999 date is suggestive, though; that would be when the teens are due to start college. They wouldn't all have to go to college in Sunnydale if some were spun off into another series set in a college somewhere else. So how about a spin-off called "Willow and Werewolf", about Willow and Oz attending MIT or Cal Tech or whatever and fighting evil in their spare time, using Willow's science and computer stuff and Oz gaining the ability to change to werewolf every night and control it? Just a thought. Theodore Jay Miller Keeper of Willow's potential dreidel lesson for her egg baby (BE), Willow's medical knowledge (KBD), Dalton's love of reading - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 27 Mar 1998 23:17:24 -0600 From: Ray Watts Subject: Re: BUFFY: IKWYDLS I know what you did last summer. Movie with SMG Ray LMcint6188 wrote: > Call me an oxyMORON ;), but what does IKWYDLS mean? > Lins > > - - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 00:17:44 EST From: Nightbl377 Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy vs. DC OK, I will attempt to clarify myself again, but I'm not sure it'll really work. First of all, I never said that the emotional turmoil in Buffy was unrealistic, did I? I said that the FACT that Angel was a 242-year-old vampire was unrealistic. Nothing about the emotion between Buffy and Angel being unrealistic. Second of all, I'm sorry for not clarifyng myself further on this point; what I left out was that I found the EMOTIONAL problems on Buffy to be more realistic than those on DC. I don't know why that is; I just sem to connect more with the characters on Buffy than those on DC. Though, in case LMcint6188 is reading this, I do know quite a few people who call themselves master. They think they're vampires, too. And just to clarify the rest of what I've said, I didn't mean to impose my opinion on other people. In my experience, with the people I hang out with, Buffy is more realistic than DC. If you really have a problem with my saying this, then you have some other affliction than the addiction we Buffy fans share; i.e., I realize I'll never live this down and nobody here will ever take me seriously again, so stop e- mailing me personally. I was just trying to get some kind of conversation going, not a holy war against my beliefs. Greyfang Keeper of nothing yet, but hopefully soon... P.S.- does anyone know what happened to the person who runs the Xander Keeper site? I sent in a Keeper request at least a week ago, and still no response. Is this normal? Or should I make some sort of comment on how UPS is faster than the site owner? - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 27 Mar 1998 21:25:18 -0800 From: Lisa Rose Subject: Re: BUFFY: Xander Keepers (was: "Buffy vs. DC") At 12:17 AM 3/28/98 EST, Nightbl377 wrote: >P.S.- does anyone know what happened to the person who runs the Xander Keeper >site? I sent in a Keeper request at least a week ago, and still no response. >Is this normal? Or should I make some sort of comment on how UPS is faster >than the site owner? She's been having some problems (including her ISP dumping her webpage, and having to restore it from a backup that was not completely current). Please be patient with her, she hasn't forgotten you. If you don't see your item after awhile longer (or if you've disappeared from the page), please send her a *gentle* reminder. Thanks, Lisa Visit the Keeper Index at: - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 98 00:27:23 PST From: "JohnH" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy vs. DC so stop e- > mailing me personally. I was just trying to get some kind of conversati= on > going, not a holy war against my beliefs. > Greyfang Who was e-mailing you personally and what were they saying? - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 01:20:12 EST From: DIESEL456 Subject: Re: BUFFY: SMG's tattoo In a message dated 98-03-27 22:47:40 EST, writes: << Why are you LOL at SMG getting a tattoo? What's wrong with that? In find you to be very insensitive to Sarah and I think that you should know that she is THE prime example of integrity! >> Normally i wouldn't be a snitch... but I got caught before for calling someone shallow.... so isn't "insensitive" flaming? Anyway... I bought the rolling stone magazine and i think if you're gonna get a tatoo... then Sarah got it in the right place. I also think that the idea is very original. And I do happen to agree that Sarah is a young woman of utmost integrity. I also found that Sarah is absolutely NOTHING like Buffy. When i think of Sarah, often times... I think "Buffy". I now have a more complete view of Sarah Michelle Gellar "ther person". - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 98 01:31:41 PST From: "JohnH" Subject: Re: BUFFY: SMG's tattoo > Normally i wouldn't be a snitch... but I got caught before for calling = someone > shallow.... so isn't "insensitive" flaming? > It was a joke, you know, kind of like Alanis Morisette's career. JohnH "Who did you think I would be, Ha well you got me instead" = J.Napolitano - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 02:33:58 EST From: Vendeta 26 Subject: BUFFY: SMG in US Magazine SMG makes 2 pics and a small text bio in the april issue of US. (is that Us like in "Us and Them" or US as in "the US of A"?) The first pic is on page 12 (the second page of the table of contents) it's pretty good, the second pic takes up 1.75 pages, and is... (well i'll let you make your own decisiouns, the first page is nice but the second half coulda been left out.) The text, goes on about how "tireless" an actress she is, her working in Scream 2, IKWYDLS, her life as Susan Lucci's daughter, the current project Cruel Inventions, and the Show BtVS. They qoute her talking about how well she likes the atmosphere of the cast on the show, and make cute jokes about her being the "hardest-working teen idol in showbiz", talking "in typical breathless mode" and wanting to work in a Broadway show. All together not a bad piece but then again i have yet to read anything bad about SMG. Keeper of the first tear Buffy shed for Angel. ~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~ "I'm the slayer, I need to know these things. You can't keep me in the dark any longer. LOOK AT ME when I talk to you!!" ~ Buffy ~ "This is what happens when you have school on Saturdays." ~ Cordy ~ ~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~v~ - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 04:09:26 EST From: TknoPagan Subject: Re: BUFFY: IKWYDLS on Videotape? In a message dated 3/26/98 10:26:42 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes: << went to Best Buy yesterday to purchase a copy of IKWYDLS, but they didn't have it. According to an employee, the company in charge of everything (Miramax?) suddenly changed their minds (for an unknown reason) and decided not to release the movie on March 24th as planned. >> Okay, being in the movie business has taught me this...When they release a movie, it does not always come out for sale. You can go to a blockbuster or any video store and they can order it for you. It will probably cost you around 100.00. They do this with most movies. The only explanantion I can give you would be to find somone to dub it for you. My only reason for a company doing this would be that they want to get as much rental out of it before they seel it. The same thing happened with Scream, Braveheart, and The Birdcage. It did come out for rental, I know this because I was the first one there to rent it so I could record my copy. I hope this has helped you some. Please dont be irrational and buy it for 100.00, more than likely Blockbuster will have it priced for Previosuly Viewed, or if you have cable, call Pay per View. Jason - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 04:20:40 EST From: TknoPagan Subject: Re: BUFFY: The Oscars In a message dated 3/27/98 3:08:19 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes: << yep, she played casey. her new film is cruel inventions. dunno who she plays, when it's gonna b released or what the film is about. ids >> Actually Sarah played CiCi Cooper, which I believe was considered short for Casey in Scream 2. I believe her new movie is called Cruel Intentions also starring her co-star Ryan Phillipe from I Know What You Did Last Summer. Jason - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 08:44:04 -0800 From: belotur Subject: BUFFY: Sarah in All My Children Hi there! I was wondering if any of Buffy fans who watched our dearest SMG in that soap opera called "All My Children", could do that exchange thing. I mean, I would love to exchange some material with those who have the "All My Children" episodes in which Sarah appears. I am so curious to watch her playing the role of that strange girl and ,also, be able to watch one of the most important roles of her career which made Sarah win an EMMY. Hope to her from you soon! Aida from Brazil. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 08:24:16 -0700 From: "newell" Subject: Re: BUFFY: SARAH'S LIFE Lawless wrote: <> I think that's really sweet that our Sarah is like that even though I am not surprised. How did you find that out? Do you know her personally? Shonaille - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 11:53:27 EST From: VampGrl22 Subject: BUFFY: nitpick site, WML1 Hey guys, did someone from this list give the address for the Buffy nitpickers site? Ihad the site bookmarked, and when I tried to access it today, it told me that the "requested URL does not exist." Can anyone help me here? On to WML1... If Kendra really is a vampire slayer, and she thought that Buffy was a vamp when she attacked her in Angel's bed, why did she go after her with an ax? Would the metal ax blade have done anything to a vamp? (besides tick it off?) Anyways, while I was watching this ep, I developed a theory. Granted, its not a very good theory, but I'll share it anyways. I don't think that Kendra is really another Slayer at all, I think that she is just another assassin from the order of whatever-the-heck they were called. Here are my reasons. First, if Kendra wasn't an assassin, then who was Dru's tarot card of the Jaguar refering to? Surley not the older police lady who attacks Buffy in pt. 2, she doesn't really call to mind a jungle cat, while Kendra does. Second, the incident in Angel's room where Kendra attacks Buffy with the ax. If Kendra was honset with Buffy and is a Slayer and did think Buffy was a vamp, then shouldn't she have known better that to attack a sleeping, virtually defenseless vamp with an ax as opposed to a stake? But if Kendra was one of the assassins, then it would make alot more sense - she knew that Buffy was the Slayer and not a vamp, and she was trying to kill her with the ax. Third, if Kendra was one of the assassins, it would explain why no more assassins came when she left, even though it was stated (I cant remember by whom- Giles?) that the order of Teraka(?) would keep sending people no matter how many one killed, until the target was killed. So, bear with me here. Kendra trys to fight Buffy in Angel's room, and discovers how strong she is. Kendra is a clever assassin, and she discovers what Angel is to later tell Spike - "to kill this girl, you have to love her" (or at least know her pretty well). So Kendra decides to bide her time, and lurk, learning all she can about the Slayer (this is when she pretends to leave Sunnydale) before returning (as rumor has it that she will) in the two- part season finale, to try and collect her bounty by killing our Slayer... This is why I dont post very often, I get a little carried away with myself :) VampGrl BRLQ member #67 - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 10:04:09 -0700 From: Descending Muse Subject: [none] Does anyone else remember a very young very brunette SMG from "Swans Crossing"? *************Reality is For Those Who Lack Imagination*********** I've Found it.. What?.... Eternity. It is where the sun meets the sea.... - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 13:09:04 EST From: Smellcore Subject: Re: BUFFY: nitpick site, WML1 In a message dated 3/28/98 4:56:39 PM, you wrote: <> Because beheading works just as good as a stake through the heart? That's my theory. And by the way, Kendra is not one of the assassins. Buffy and Co. nuked all of the ones in Sunnydale in WML pt. 2 and the contract on Buffy's life became null and void when Spike "died" in the church fire. Meaning: If they weren't going to get paid for killing Buffy then she was no longer in danger from the Order of Teraka. Pandora ( - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 11:05:34 -0700 From: "newell" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy vs. DC, Agreed Greygang <> I completly agree with you. DC is so full of it, teenagers really don't talk like that in general. Most schools have there own little slang, that's why I can identify with Buffy more than DC. And that Dawson's face annoys me greatly. It's cylinder and blunt and his hair ahs got to go. Sorry, but I really get riled up when it comes to any mention of Dawsson's Creek. Shonaille - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 13:15:40 -0500 From: GORDON K CUMMING Subject: BUFFY: Spin-off ? I think a Buffy Spin-off would be a really bad idea. I don't know why they'd want to do this! I've been watching Buffy since the first episode ever aired and I wouldn't want anything to happen to jeopardize it's ratings. I mean if the Spin-off dosen't do well people that haven't watched Buffy before might be turned off thinking it's like the Spin-off. Jennifer Cumming Keeper of Angel's House Keys Willow's Eagerness for Oz to get a Gold Star and Her Smiley Face Backpack. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 10:41:12 PST From: "Lady Cietdubh" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Re:Buffy kicks > > > As for Buffy, she probably had no choice but to teach herself. >It's my theory that she probably has some natural instinct on how to >fight since she is the slayer. Did any of that make sense? Actually, isn't that something we can actually take from the movie? It's stated in the series that she already knew she was the slayer. She told Giles "Why can't you guys just leave me a lone?" From the movie we know that she had a teacher in L.A. who taught her how to fight. The movie also states that she did gymnastics as a kid. Why can't that just transfer over? Lady Cietdubh *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* GASP!, MCTP, Keeper of: Willow's Brill[iant] idea to rid Ms. Calendar of the Demon (TDA) -and- Joyce's broken dish (S) ========================================================================= Visit me at Visionary Keep - -or- at the Hall of Inspiration *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 14:08:58 EST From: LMcint6188 Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy vs. DC In a message dated 98-03-28 00:20:35 EST, writes: << I realize I'll never live this down and nobody here will ever take me seriously again, so stop e- mailing me personally. I was just trying to get some kind of conversation going, not a holy war against my beliefs. >> I hope my conversation with you wasnt mistaken as a "holy war" against your beliefs.... I love to debate with people and alot of the things you said I actually agreed with. Thankyou for opening my eyes to your opinions, and I hope their is another topic we will be able to converse about soon. Thanx Lins - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 14:16:01 EST From: LMcint6188 Subject: Re: BUFFY: nitpick site, WML1 In a message dated 98-03-28 11:56:21 EST, writes: << On to WML1... If Kendra really is a vampire slayer, and she thought that Buffy was a vamp when she attacked her in Angel's bed, why did she go after her with an ax? Would the metal ax blade have done anything to a vamp? (besides tick it off?) >> I think if you decaoitate a Vamp they are pretty much deacesed (again). I love your theory by the way... I qoute McDonalds commercials~~ "It could happen!" Lins - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 14:26:54 -0500 From: Mark Subject: Re: BUFFY: nitpick site, WML1 VampGrl22 wrote: <> This is *extremely* clever. I'm fairly sure you're wrong, but let me nevertheless lend some additional support to your very creative hypothesis. Kendra was ostensibly sent, *knowingly*, by *her* watcher, to a region in which the latter must have known that Giles was the responsible party. Giles *did* know and acknowledge the name of her supposed watcher, if I'm recalling it correctly, so apparently, the community of watchers have some awareness of one another. (They must, anyway, since they pass on their diaries.) So Kendra *should have been told* to contact Giles, which she failed to do before her confrontation with Buffy. And then, of course, there's the incident in the cargo bay of that plane, in which Kendra attacked an innocent airline employee pretty viciously. Aren't the slayers supposed to be "good guys?" Mark - -- keeper of Willow's diffidence - ------------------------------------ "it could be's not, though." - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 11:29:51 PST From: "susan moura" Subject: BUFFY: BUFFY CATALOG Hi, I'm sorta new to the I might have missed the information about the Buffy poster and catalog. I was wondering if anyone how had any information could e-mail me some information on how to get the poster or catalog???? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~Susan "A broken heart my never heal" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 15:15:45 EST From: FReDxMeRTz Subject: BUFFY: Cruel Inventions I was flipping through the new "Buzz Weekly", and there was a little picture of Ryan Phillipe and Reese Witherspoon with the Columbia Pictures Logo in the backgroud, and it was like a promo for Cruel Inventions, so what this is leading to, is where was SMG ?!? I hope she was too busy for it, they better not neglect the star of the movie, after all ! - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 16:23:17 EST From: CalliScrlt Subject: Re: BUFFY: Spin-off ? Why wouldn't a Buffy spin-off be a good idea? Hercules has it's Xena: Warrior Princess, and that does great. Granted, some spin-offs are terrible, but with Joss at the helm, it might actually work. What about one involving a werewolf pack? (Joss would have to amend his rule of Werewolves only changing on the full moon to include doing it at will, but with all this gypsy stuff, that would be easy to swallow) Buffy already focuses on Vampires. They could hang around a suburb near Sunnydale. Occassionally, they could guest star on each other's shows, and kick some vampire butt. Okay, weird idea, but I's a wolf fan. :) Amys. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 13:41:03 -0800 From: Lisa Rose Subject: Re: BUFFY: nitpick site At 11:53 AM 3/28/98 EST, VampGrl22 wrote: >Hey guys, did someone from this list give the address for the Buffy nitpickers >site? Ihad the site bookmarked, and when I tried to access it today, it told >me that the "requested URL does not exist." Can anyone help me here? Yes, that's odd. The URL was: and it was working just a few days ago. Kerowyn and I have been corresponding offlist about transferring the Undead Question list to her site, so maybe her nitpick page is currently in transition. For now, you can look at the Undead Question list (where Kerowyn drew many of the nitpicks from) at: It's been updated to about the middle of season two. Lisa - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 16:59:10 -0500 (EST) From: "F.Y.G." Subject: Re: BUFFY: Entertainment Weekly I saw the issue and it just hints at the spin-off but what is also neat is that a few pages later it talks about how people are getting sick of Dawson's Creek and all the publicity over it. F.Y.G./missile Founder and President of the Buffy Crew Delta Sigma Phi Sargent at Arms - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 17:00:13 EST From: CD10579 Subject: Re: BUFFY: Spin-off ? CalliScrlt wrote: >>Why wouldn't a Buffy spin-off be a good idea?<< I think it'd be a terrible idea! The reason is simple...Joss' attention and focus would be divided. I want his full attention devoted to BfVS!!! It brings David E. Kelley to mind -- I love his stuff, but as soon as he latches on to his next creation, the quality of his old series suffers. I'm not saying this would happen with Joss, but I find it impossible to believe that a person can put 100% of himself into *two* series at once. - -CD - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 15:15:42 -0700 From: Kerowyn Subject: Re: BUFFY: nitpick site, WML1 VampGrl22 wrote: > > Hey guys, did someone from this list give the address for the Buffy nitpickers > site? Ihad the site bookmarked, and when I tried to access it today, it told > me that the "requested URL does not exist." Can anyone help me here? > Sorry to confuse you all, but yes, I did change the URL for the Nitpicker's Guide. I was waiting to post the change until I had my new Posting Board up and running. I've included a whole section for comments, from this list and sent to me personally. Now you can access a "comments" form to send to me, and I'll add your message to the Posting Board. Hopefully this will make the site more interactive, plus make it easier for you to send me suggestions for new nitpicks or changes for old ones. Maybe if things get carried away on this list, you can use the Nitpicker's Guide for the truly obsessed (that includes me :) to discuss things ad nauseam. So look for it sometime this weekend! Oh, and the new URL is Hope to hear from you soon, Kerowyn - -- Kerowyn, Duchess of Buffonia Check out the new Nitpicker's Guide to Buffy Keeper of Giles' Broadsword and proud GASPer Keeper of Willow's Ear Slurp on Xander Keeper of Willow's Ax of Unrequited Love - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 17:27:59 -0700 From: "newell" Subject: BUFFY: online Angel Club There is a cool online Angel club for fans at this addy: It's really cool. Shonaille - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V2 #199 *************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (