From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V2 #207 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Friday, April 3 1998 Volume 02 : Number 207 In this issue: Re: BUFFY: Kathie Lee called Buffy a Tramp!!! BUFFY: Great Buffy review BUFFY: Buffy, Batman and big stars Re: BUFFY: Something I've been pondering Re: BUFFY: Re:Buffy:Multiple slayers BUFFY: Kendra BUFFY: Angel-human BUFFY: The Assassin BUFFY: SPOILERS!!! Re: Re: BUFFY: RE: Something I've Been pondering Re: Re: BUFFY: RE: Something I've Been pondering BUFFY: Reptile Boy Problem and James Marsters chat BUFFY: Pants Re: BUFFY: Question for all who want to answer Re: BUFFY: Question for all who want to answer BUFFY: WML BUFFY: My Last Defense of Kathi Lee-Not Bashing-BtVS Related BUFFY: Buffy & Angel Poll Re: BUFFY: Question for all who want to answer BUFFY: WML2 Re: Re[2]: BUFFY: Something I've been pondering BUFFY: CC Wrong About Schedule? BUFFY: IKWYDLS BUFFY: Screensavers BUFFY: Anthony Stewart on Sci-Fi Channel BUFFY: ikwydls? See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 19:39:50 EST From: EYAJSVULQ Subject: Re: BUFFY: Kathie Lee called Buffy a Tramp!!! - ----------> "TO HELL WITH KATHY LEE GIFFORD!!!!!" <---------- In a message dated 4/1/1998 6:43:49 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: << In the immortal words of South Park: "TO HELL WITH KATHY LEE GIFFORD!!!!!" She is just like Leno and Letterman, they don't really care about their guests unless they're really big or amazing. F.Y.G./missile Founder and President of the Buffy Crew Delta Sigma Phi Sargent at Arms - >> - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 19:43:13 EST From: RayneFire Subject: BUFFY: Great Buffy review In the February issue of SFX (the one with SMG on the cover) not only is there a feature article, but on page 80 there is a review of the show (they're just starting season 1 in the UK). Thanks to AOL's Buffy TVS Online for providing this text. SFX BtVS Review February, 1998 BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER "Fanstastic and fun, this is a great piece of understated horror" A potent blend of horror and comedy, this is what the film should've been like... Production Company: Warner Brothers Executive Producer: Joss Whedon Starring: Sarah Michelle Gellar, Anthony Stewart Head, Charisma Carpenter Showing: Sky One, Saturdays, 8pm. Reviewer: Anthony Brown. Take one so so film, remove the big name who made it something out of the ordinary, and convert it into a TV series. It's a familar process, but the telly version of BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER bucks the trend by being a lot better than the movie. True, Anthony Stewart Head's no Donald Sutherland, but he's not supposed to be, and that's the sort of trick which makes the TV series work. The PR hyperbole might imply it's an airhead high school comedy with a does of fantasy; sort of Clueless meets Saved by the Bell meets the X Files; but the actual episodes are relentlessly serious, with the humour emerging from the way the characters attempt to deal with the doubly weird life they live. Most of the usual cliches are avoided, with Buffy's school chums being dragged into her noctural activities as the champion of good against evil right from the start; none of this 'Lois Lane, the stupidest woman in history' stuff. And then there's the shameless plot device of Buffy's new home town being founded on the Hellmouth, which explains why ever ancient evil imaginable, from the regular villainy of the Master to the occasional villain of the week, flocks to Summerdale and its high school. This is a series which understands when you can ask the audience to give you a little leeway, and just as importantly when you have to work for you money and make the plotting watertight. If only Brannon Braga and the plot reset machine over on Voyager understood the same. The Whole thing smacks of a series where an ambitious writer producer has been given the room to do it his own thing, and show the movie execs what he can achieve if they just leave him alone. Even the run of the mill filler episodes such as "I Robot, You Jane" and "Invisible Girl" are impressive, The cast have caught the style well enough to realise they don't have to emphasise the contrast between high school dating antics and vampire staking mayhem. It's simply there, and brought to the fore by the way Sarah Michelle Gellar is utterly air headed in the corridor lockers, business like as soon as the supernatural raises its head, and evne thoughtful when left to consider the oddities of her life ("I Robot, You Jane" includes the classic moment when she comforts Willow; not unnaturally distressed that the only boy ever to take an interest in her has proved to be a medieval demon; by reminding her that Buffy's own boyfriend happens to be a vampire). Similarly, the other teenagers balance the outwardly cliched bases of their characters (wallflower swot, pleasant nerd, bitchy prom queen) with something a little deeper, and in some cases this develops into a plot line a season or so down the road. It's not exactly arc plotting, but characters' pasts come back to haunt them, explaining why Rupert is so ill at ease in his role as Watcher, Miss Calender knows a little more than you'd expect and Buffy is drawn to the mysterious Angel. In contrast to the screwball comedy of the film, Buffy's TV incarnation is an effective piece of understated horror, with some intrigue for the future, some great fantasy ideas and enough fun to keep anyone watching week after week. SFX Rating: A. (Rating system quickly explained. A+ is tops) - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 17:39:00 -0800 From: "Karri" Subject: BUFFY: Buffy, Batman and big stars <"...Sarah Michelle Geller will be starring in the next Batman Movie. Subject: Re: BUFFY: Something I've been pondering When (yes when, I want it to happen!) Angel gets his soul back, despite all the personal conflict she will have inside, how are they ever going to be a couple again? I question this because if he changes when he experiences true happiness, then it could happen easily again if they were going to be a couple. -Karri - -First off I wanted to say I'm so glad I found this list where people discuss BtVS since it's my favorite show and most of my friends say it's a kid's show and won't watch it much less talk about it. I've thought way to much about this though and I don't think that Angel's soul will come back with a clause, but even if it did I don't think that he'll be experiencing true happiness in Buffy's lifetime. When she met him he had already been suffering for what he had done for one hundred years so the memory and guilt wasn't as new as the memories and guilt for what he has done now will be. He'll remember what happened and why it happened every time he sees her so even though they may be together it will never be with the innocence they had before. Buffy has seen the demon he's had under control and even if she can get past what happened while his soul was gone she'll never forget or trust him with the completeness she did before. Angel also will never let himself forget again what he is or forgive himself for forgetting in the first place. I think Buffy will forgive Angel and want to rebuild their relationship long before he will. She's always been the strong one in their relationship, he would have backed off at any time without her pushing for them. something I've been wondering-does anyone have any ideas on how the whole gang will forgive Angel? I don't think it will be easy for any of them but if they're going to keep Angel on the show he has to be kinda accepted/forgiven, doesn't he? Sorry this got so long, I have a tendency to ramble Andrea ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 20:09:54 EST From: Daphne1784 Subject: Re: BUFFY: Re:Buffy:Multiple slayers > I had a thought. What if something happens, and both Buffy and Kendra > die? I mean, both are the slayer now so, if they both die will two > slayers get called? Ok in we know that Buffy died for a minute which calls another slayer which was kendra. That automatically deactivated Buffy as the slayer. Since she was revived she still has the birthright but another slayer won't be called if she dies again because one was already called. There would only be another slayer called if Kendra died. Also if a slayer lives to 25 which is highly unlikely ( Buffy could do it ) they're automatically deactivated and another slayer is called. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 21:05:25 EST From: Krystey567 Subject: BUFFY: Kendra said "Maybe it's not just Buffy and Kendra who are close in age. There might be a whole pool of "proto-Slayers" out there, spread across the world, some of them in their mid-teens, and others younger, down to infancy. " But what about the quote at the beginning of the show... "There is one slayer born into every generation." To me, that rules out the possibilities of "proto-Slayers" out there and even Kendra because only one person would be born a generation. This is why I liked someone's idea of her being an assassin. Now I really believe that Kendra is a slayer and not an assassin. I just liked the idea because there are just too many loopholes and unanswered questions for me with another slayer. In the movie (yes yes I know, the movie was a totally seperate entity), the slayers were reincarnated. It seems to me that's how it would be on the TV show too (not necesarily reincarnated but one born when the other dies thus leaving the 15 or so year gap someone mentioned) based on the quotes that they tell us at the beginning of the show and from the pilot "one born into every generation", "one girl in all the world". While I think the whole Kendra thing was an interesting plot twist and an excellent cliff hanger, it just doesn't fit. Krystalyn - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 17:43:00 -0800 From: "Karri" Subject: BUFFY: Angel-human Subject: BUFFY: The Assassin I have a question about the bug assassin. He can only be killed in his disassembled form,right? Xander and Cordelia killed quite a few bugs when they were trapped in Buffy's house. When he came back, shouldn't he be missing an arm or a leg or at least a couple of fingers? Krystey - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 20:19:19 EST From: Daphne1784 Subject: BUFFY: SPOILERS!!! Ok I'm not sure if this is a spoiler but I just wanted to let you know what I saw * ** *** **** ***** ****** ******* ********* ********** *********** ************ ************* ************** *************** **************** ***************** ****************** ******************* ****************** ***************** **************** *************** ************** ************* ************ *********** ********** ********* ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * ** *** **** ***** ****** ******* ********* ********** *********** ************ ************* ************** *************** **************** ***************** ****************** ******************* ****************** ***************** **************** *************** ************** ************* ************ *********** ********** ********* ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * On E! they did an interview with Willow and they were showing some scenes with them rehearsing for one of there shows and it was Buffy, Willow, and Kendra in the library which i guess can kind of confirm that she will be in an episode and there was a athletic bag on the table with swords which could confirm the sword fight with Buffy - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 21:16:23 EST From: Smellcore Subject: Re: Re: BUFFY: RE: Something I've Been pondering In a message dated 4/2/98 11:17:47 PM, you wrote: <> If they can make him human again what do they need Buffy for? She could just walk around and make every vamp human again. No muss, no fuss. Which brings me to my next point----> When they give Angel his soul back they have to work it out so it only works for Angel (ie. certain things are required for the restoration that only work for Angel. I don't know what). Otherwise who needs a vampire slayer? Pandora ( Join Love Always, Angel go to: Tell 'em I sent ya! Keeper of Willow's wheelchair drivin' skills and Jenny's last words;RABID!!!;MCTP - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 21:21:46 EST From: Smellcore Subject: Re: Re: BUFFY: RE: Something I've Been pondering In a message dated 4/2/98 11:49:17 PM, you wrote: <> Angelus still remembers everything that happened to Angel. Just as Angel always remembered what happened to Angelus. Why would he age? He didn't before. . . Pandora ( - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 21:46:20 EST From: Smellcore Subject: BUFFY: Reptile Boy Problem and James Marsters chat Has anyone noticed the little mistake at the end of Reptile Boy? Buffy, Xander and Willow are sitting down at the Bronze talking. . . Right around where Buffy is talking about how Angel turned into a GRRR- watch the background Angel walks away from the table first and then turns around again and come toward them. You could argue that he was debating about whether to talk to them or not but it looks funky. I know! I know! I'm nit-picking! On an unrelated note I just read the James Marsters chat transcript and I thought it was really cute when he was saying "I wanna beat up Angel. If I could just beat up Angel." I'm pretty sure there are many fans (myself included) that want to see him and Angel throw down. It's the Ultimate Bad Boy Fighting Championship! Pandora ( - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 02 Apr 1998 22:57:32 EST From: "Maeve MacDermod" Subject: BUFFY: Pants Okay... here's the concept. My sister (Hi Maialaia) recieved an email with quotes from Star Wars with certain words changed to pants (which I never got to!) but then she changed the quotes from another show the same way, and now I carry on the family tradition and present to you.... Pants: The Buffy Generation..... Angel: Don't turn your back on this. You've got to be ready. Buffy: For what? Angel: For the pants. That gym was full of vampi... pants. Oh, hey, you forgot your... pants? Gym was cancelled due to the extreme dead guy in the pants. If you need a pants to cry on, or just to nibble on... I didn't think there'd be pants on campus. To make a vampire they have to suck your pants. And then you have to suck their pants. It's like a whole big pants thing. A stake through the heart, a little pants - it's like falling off a log. Oh, yay, it's my pants. You're like pants with arms. What is your pants trauma? We're having a talk with pants in it. Why do we have to devise these pants - isn't that what nerds are for? I can hear the pants in the earth. That's a plus. I don't like pants. I'm going to take a stand and say they're not good. Pants-girl, that's me. Okay, I'll give you improved marks for that one. Ripping the pants out - it's a strong visual, it's not predictable. I didn't pay attention. To someone with big pants? What kind of a girly name is "Pants" anyway? Needs should definitely be met, as long as it doesn't require pants the next day. There are no pants, but it's dark and musty; you'll feel right at home. That's okay. I don't wanna go. I'm just gonna go home, lie down, and listen to country music. The music of pants. Well, obviously, Kevin has underestimated the power of my icy pants. You know, for someone who's all-powerful, you sure do like pants. Ted: Your pants. Willow: Oh, what a day! Thank you! T: Well, you know, little lady, it's not just for looks, it's for building strong pants B: pants…. Here, pants…. X: What do we know? W: Well, apparently, the secret ingredient is _not_ pants. . Buffy, how about a nice game of Pants? Have any to suggest... want this for your very own page... Go ahead! Mae Head of OAFCon Art Department, Mailing list liason, and all around Convention Hyper Ceili Convention Committee The Once and Future Convention Bringing Earthies and ROARiors together, June 12-15, 1998 ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 23:58:47 EST From: Nightbl377 Subject: Re: BUFFY: Question for all who want to answer I wonder if, by some strange twist of fate, a Slayer lives longer than normal by several years, she would be "retired" at some point? Is there like a mandatory retirement age or something? Yes, I know, I think too much. Greyfang - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 3 Apr 1998 00:30:05 EST From: Calah41517 Subject: Re: BUFFY: Question for all who want to answer I don't think there is a retirement age. The slayer can't just retire. She would have to be killed. In order for there to be a new slayer the old slayer would have to die. After thinking about it, I feel sorry for the slayer. Knowing if she lives she will have to die soon anyway so there could be a new slayer. Thats just a thought - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 3 Apr 1998 00:35:47 -0500 From: (summer king) Subject: BUFFY: WML Did anyone else notice this? I didn't record it cause I already had the episodes on tape, but now I can't find them, or else I would check it myself. When Cordy and Xander are running out of Buffy's house after the basement scene, Cordy has bugs on here from the Taraka guy. Xander hoses her off (quite exuberantly I might add). Did any one else hear her say Nick when she was squealing? I'd really appreicated it if i could get some feedback, considering I can't check for myself (smacks own hand 'Bad Buffy fan, bad, bad!') Thanks! Summer (Raven) ********************************************************** 'Ravens Realm of Buffy the Vampire Slayer' Member of The Eastern Buffy tVS Crew, Love Always Angel, Save Angel from the Evil Slayer Association "Sanity is the Playground of the Unimaginative!" ************************************************************ _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 3 Apr 1998 01:31:54 EST From: TknoPagan Subject: BUFFY: My Last Defense of Kathi Lee-Not Bashing-BtVS Related In a message dated 4/2/98 3:43:36 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes: << Listen, It is just a TV show, but since some of us our loyal fans, and you don't call someone a tramp in a teasing manner, I also think we should stop by your house and hang you for being a trater. >> Okay, lets be a bit immature here. I know that some people here are die hard fans, such as myself. But you can't go trashing people for soemthing they say. This will be my last comment about this string because I think it is plain childish and immature. Take for example in BtVS, Willow and Buffy have called Chrodelia every name in the book, plus some. It provides humor for the audience, just as Kathi Lee was doing. Kathi Lee was PURELY joking about the clip. Anthony made a face whihc was kind of sarcastic, like "Oh, boo hoo, Poor Buffy!", Kathi Lee was purely doing her job and joking with the guests. Jason TknoPagan - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 3 Apr 1998 01:35:49 EST From: LilyRei Subject: BUFFY: Buffy & Angel Poll Hey! Since things are quiet on the Buffy front, I've added a poll to my web page for anyone who has a preference about what should happen with Buffy and Angel. It's just for fun, and I'm hoping for as much participation as possible. If you're interested go to: LilyRei Heart of the Slayer ***** Giles: "I'm leaning towards blind panic." BtVS Innocence - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 3 Apr 1998 07:16:38 EST From: Daphne1784 Subject: Re: BUFFY: Question for all who want to answer Since there is a slayer for each generation a slayer is automatically "retired" or "deactivated" when they turn 25. - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 3 Apr 1998 09:46:19 CST From: "Daryl Rodriguez" Subject: BUFFY: WML2 There are a few parts to WML2 that I thought made it the best Buffy episode yet. The first part was when Kendra and Buffy was in the office of the library and Kendra shot the lamp out with a crossbow. Another scene that I liked was right after that, when Kendra says something and Buffy replies:"I tink we will make him". she sounded just like Kendra. It was cool. Also, I liked the part when The gang was fighting in the church. Kendra's shirt gets ripped and she says:"That was me favorite shirt! That was me only shirt!" And the last part that I liked was when Dru carried Spike out of the church. Anyone else like the scenes. Daryl Rodriguez Daryl Rodriguez - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 03 Apr 1998 09:56:35 -0500 (EST) From: S2200225@NICKEL.LAURENTIAN.CA Subject: Re: Re[2]: BUFFY: Something I've been pondering An interesting twist on the Angel issue would be that Angel gets the "unconditional" soul restoration, but noone knows about it. It seems fairly obvious that Jenny would not give Angel's soul back if it had the previous "Gypsy curse" strings still attached, but at the same time, nobody else necessarily knows that. We, as viewers would know that it is safe for Buffy to go near him, and we'd all be kicking ourselves knowing that, but noone else would. Since Buffy's already resolved herself to hating Angel, the only person who would suffer would be Angel (Hey, I like the sound of this). The bad guy would get his do, we'd still have the sexual tension in the air, Xander can still hate him, every so often they'll find an ambiguous clue and it's something that wouldn't necessarily get resolved for many YEARS. Hmmmm, man I've gotta get my sorry carcass a writing job... --Keeper of the wiggins, the wacky, and the happy, and Willow's 'deputy' laugh; GASPer; AMSG champ. - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 03 Apr 1998 11:59:00 From: Jeff Rohaly Subject: BUFFY: CC Wrong About Schedule? I read a transcript (on the Buffy newsgroup) of Charisma Carpenter's chat last night that occurred on some website that is beyond the limits of my ancient computer. She was obviously confused because she said that the four remaining new episodes begin airing April 24 but that's a Friday. I'm really hoping that she was at least correct about the April part though. I've mentioned before that I think it would make sense that the new shows start again on April 28 (a Tuesday) even though everyone has been saying they begin on May 5. The reason is that May Sweeps run from April 23 until May 20. With that May 5th start date it would mean The WB is showing a repeat during the first week of Sweeps and is waiting until after Sweeps are over to show the season finale -- that doesn't seem like a wise move. Anyway, I'm hoping the lovely and talented Ms. Carpenter was close to correct on this. By the way, the rest of the chat didn't seem to break any new ground. I was pretty disappointed that Charisma said she hasn't been able to line up any projects for the summer hiatus. Jeff Rohaly - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 3 Apr 1998 11:00:57 -0600 From: (Paula Cobb) Subject: BUFFY: IKWYDLS SMG's movie "I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER" was the #1 video rental its' first week in release! Paula "The world kills the young, the brave, the good and gentle, the noble and the kind, the intelligent and the artistic. If you are none of these, you may be sure it will kill you also... but it may take its' time." - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 03 Apr 1998 19:07:53 +0200 From: Lisa Skywalker Subject: BUFFY: Screensavers Hi, I`ve complete Buffy-ised my computer with a desktop theme and startup/shutdown screens, now all I need is a screensaver.. if you know of any available for download on the web, please let me know =) Thanks! Lisa aka. Spike`s Girl Keeper of Willow`s sluggishness and Willow`s mature attitude in the face of sadness - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 3 Apr 1998 14:11:30 -0500 From: "John R. Backus" Subject: BUFFY: Anthony Stewart on Sci-Fi Channel This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_0032_01BD5F0A.663E1BE0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I just saw Anthony Stewart on Sci-Fi Buzz. Its a show about Sci-Fi stuff = involved on TV and the Bg Screen.. ect.. The interview talked about his = character and his thoughts about being on the show. All in all, a good = interview. I'll try to post a capture of the interview and post it somewhere for = people to see. John R. Backus - ------=_NextPart_000_0032_01BD5F0A.663E1BE0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I just saw Anthony Stewart on Sci-Fi Buzz. Its a = show about=20 Sci-Fi stuff involved on TV and the Bg Screen.. ect.. The=20 interview talked about his character and his thoughts about being on the = show.=20 All in all, a good interview.
I'll try to post a capture of the interview and post = it=20 somewhere for people to see.
John R. Backus
- ------=_NextPart_000_0032_01BD5F0A.663E1BE0-- - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 3 Apr 1998 09:48:41 -1000 From: David A Popovich Subject: BUFFY: ikwydls? it was stated earlier that the reason there are delays in the dvd version of ikwydls is because of the trailer saying it was from the creator of scream, and that there was a big issue about that and everything. i was just wondering what is the issue it is referring to? did the writer of scream also write ikwydls? could somebody please fill me in on the info? thanx. cheers - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ id like to be under the sea in an octopus's garden in the shade :-) - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V2 #207 *************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (