From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V2 #237 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Thursday, April 23 1998 Volume 02 : Number 237 In this issue: Re: BUFFY:National Enquirer article on SMG BUFFY: Major Spoilers For The Last Four Eps! SPOILERS Re: Re: BUFFY:National Enquirer article on SMG BUFFY: An observation about sex....and the Enquirer BUFFY: SPOILERS for Becoming 1&2 Re: BUFFY:National Enquirer article on SMG Re: BUFFY: An observation about sex....and the Enquirer Re: BUFFY: An observation about sex... BUFFY: Song for Buffy and Angel the soul.... Re: BUFFY:National Enquirer article on SMG BUFFY: ok he is married: confirmed! to who? BUFFY: Assorted Idiocies, aka Tabloids & eating disorders BUFFY: WGN BUFFY: slightly ot: a jenny/robia siting kind of BUFFY: Angel is not the bachelor we thought we knew!!! BUFFY: wgn BUFFY: that role-playing game thread... BUFFY: Need your help BUFFY: TV Guide Ad Re: BUFFY: WGN dropping WB? Re: BUFFY: Ratings & Episode Dates Re: BUFFY: Major Spoilers For The Last Four Eps! SPOILERS BUFFY: David's supposed marriage BUFFY: Song for Buffy and Angel the soul.... BUFFY: Angelus in school BUFFY: SMG Voting BUFFY: David's marriage Re: BUFFY: Angel is not the bachelor we thought we knew!!! BUFFY:National Enquirer article on SMG See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 12:53:29 -0400 (EDT) From: (JW) Subject: Re: BUFFY:National Enquirer article on SMG >"Buffy the Vampire Slayer has dropped to just 98 pounds and friends fear she's >fallen into the deadly clutches of an eating disorder!Actress Sarah Michelle >Gellar-the pert,pixieish star of the WB series-has lost about a dozen pounds >during the past season, Of course I wouldn't believe the Enquirer if they said that water was wet, but what is bad about this rumour is that we may be the cause. If many of you will recall at the start of last season we all took notice at the obvious weight loss that SMG had during the summer. And, she did look very thin in WSWB and the first couple of eps of the season. After the airing of WSWB many people on the list remarked they were concerned about her weight and were afraid something was wrong. I can't be precise but I think a couple of posts mentioned anorexia. If we brought it up; I'm sure that other Buffy and Sarah groups did as well, not to mention the thousand of individual fans across the country. I hope that our concern didn't lead to the seed for this trash to be planted. JW GASP Keeper "The Ripper" nickname Keeper Xander's Elvis Bust - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 14:17:54 EDT From: BuffySumr9 Subject: BUFFY: Major Spoilers For The Last Four Eps! SPOILERS Spoiler Space ********** ********* ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * - -- The whole cast has signed for at least another year. - -- There are gonna be plenty of superises coming this year and next year - -- Spike and Dru might die at the end of the season. - -- Pricipal Snyder plays an important part in the finale. - -- There might be an episode where Willow gets raped while walking to the Bronze. - -- There might an episode where the twin of Nicholas Brendon is on the show. He will be like Xander's evil twin. - -- The Master might come back in the season finale - -- Kendra might return in the season finale Rumors about "I Only Have Eyes For You" About a Ghost of a kid who had an affair with his teacher and killed her in 1955 on the day of the Sadie Hawkins dance. Now, as the night Sadie Hawkins dance approaches, he starts possessing anyone who comes near the spot the argrument took place and the person he possesses re-enacts the murder. - -- Giles and Joyce are not getting together - -- The yellow disk is found {It has been comfirmed by an oflist source that the disk is found in the Becomming part 1} - -- Miss Calendar appears as a ghost - -- Angel finds out that Oz is a werewolf Rumors about "Go Fish" - --Mysterious deaths of members of the Sunnydale High School Swimming Team - -- Xander (Nick) in a Speedo! - -- More Great Aly Scenes! - -- Our mysterious recurring guest star (listed as Jonathon) is one of the suspects! Rumors about the Season Finale - -- There will be a narrator known as the "Whistler" who will point things out during the finale. - -- Jamie Kennedy was not able to be in the finale, but he will appear next season. -- -- Kendra will return and die! - -- There will be a sword fight between Buffy and Angel. - -- Many flash back scenes. Possible of Darla making Angel a vampire and the Early days of Spike and Drusilla. - -- Angel definitely does not become good in the season finale. - -- Druscilla dies and Spike becomes good. - -- Angel kills Kendra and drains Buffy of most of her power. - -- Xander, Willow, and Giles all try to help but get hurt in the process. - -- Willow will be in a wheelchair, Giles will have broken fingers and Xander will have a broken arm. - -- There will be a hospital scence. - -- Cordelia will have an encounter with a snake. - -- The Season finale will end as a CLIFFHANGER (to be continued next season) with the strongest emotion being "shocked sadness"! I can't wait for these last two eps! I got these from the BtVS Fans Newsletter. I'm not sure how reliable they are. Lots 'o Luv Ashley Official Keeper of Buffy's Quote: "I can't live in the past anymore. Angel is gone. And nothings ever going to bring him back." - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 14:53:53 EDT From: Smellcore Subject: Re: Re: BUFFY:National Enquirer article on SMG In a message dated 4/23/98 4:56:47 PM, you wrote: <> I doubt it. I mean it isn't that far of stretch to claim SMG is anorexic. Look at her! If you watch WttH she looks healty but when you watch eps from the second season (such as "Innocence") and look at newer publicity shots (the Rolling Stone cover) most people would logically (if not truthfully) jump tp the conclusion that she has lost weight and let's face it she's pretty skinny. That's why that line in "Halloween" never made sense to me. When she and Willow are in the bathroom reading the Watcher diary and Willow's like "look how little her waist is" and Buffy likw whimpers or something. I was almost screaming "What? Are you blind??" Not that I think she's anorexice per se. I have no way of knowing. I'm just saying it 's a tiny step and there conclusions are. Pandora ( - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 12:02:17 -0700 From: "Ash or Shelley" Subject: BUFFY: An observation about sex....and the Enquirer Okay guys, get your old SMG/Buffy articles out, and follow me on this one: In the Aug 2-8 issue of TV Guide, with SMG on the cover, it says this about Buffy having sex: {quoted verbatim} "In the early stages of the show, both Gellar and Whedon concluded Buffy was a virgin. 'Eventually we'll bring up that issue,' says Whedon. 'The show deals with sex in the sense that high school kids think about it a lot. But it's not like Beverly Hills 90210. I've often said, "There will never be a 'Very Special Episode' of Buffy.' " Now when I first read this back in August, I assumed that meant that while the kiddies may dream and talk about sex a lot, there would be no losing virginity episodes. Is this what y'all interpreted it as, or did they just decide mid-season to have Buffy sleep with Angel? was this just a rouse to distract us from the idea that they might have sex, so we wouldn't expect it in Surprise/Innocence? What are all y'alls opinion? Also, to clarify something I posted earlier. I just re-read my own post and realize how naive I sounded, what I actually meant was that I used to read the Enquirer for fun, knowing full-well that the stories were bogus, but that I realize that others take it like the bible, and it's sad that they will think these non-sensical things about SMG. Thats all until I think of another tangent! (: Gidget Keeper of Willow's ability to get cuter every episode Defender of Oz - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 15:05:10 EDT From: Smellcore Subject: BUFFY: SPOILERS for Becoming 1&2 SPOILERS! S P O I L E R S P A C E These may or may not be true but boy do i have spoilers! If you don't wanna know turn back now! S P O I L E R S You have been warned. I heard that Spike will try to help the Scooby Gang restore Angel's soul but he goofs up and he gets his soul back. Angel doesnot turn good this season. The "big change" in Angel is that he gains Drusilla's power when she is killed (by either Kendra, Buffy, Angel or Spike). Also Angel kills Kendra which causes Buffy to lose her slaying abilities. Expect to see Giles, Willow and Xander in bandages and stuff (Giles is in a wheelchair). A new slayer is called to replace Kendra. That's all I can remember right now. I have no idea of knowing which of these are true and which are not but wow! It looks like it's going to be good. Pandora ( - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 15:08:38 EDT From: BuffySumr9 Subject: Re: BUFFY:National Enquirer article on SMG I think it's not that far - fetched to believe that SMG could be anorexic because she is *very* skinny. But, thinking of her height, she's probably around the safe weight mark. Besides, if she was anorexic, I don't think she would be as strong as she is right now. When we see her on the show, we know she does as many of her own stunts as she can. If she was anorexic, she probably would be very weak and she doesn't look to weak to me. But, what aggravates me about this article is that the National Enquierer has absolutly *no* right to print that about SMG! They don't know for a fact and that's just going around and bashing stars! If I was her, I would be pretty POed right now. Another thing, in the Rolling Stone article, it says a girl came up to SMG and said she didn't think she could make it in the acting buisness because she wasn't as skinny as SMG. So SMG said that it didn't matter how yuo looked or what weight yuo were or something like that. I'm not sure if this is positive or negative on SMG's behalf but it looks like positive to me. Lots 'o Luv Ashley Official Keeper of Buffy's Quote: "I can't live in the past anymore. Angel is gone. And nothings ever going to bring him back." - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 15:36:40 -0400 From: John Nestoriak Subject: Re: BUFFY: An observation about sex....and the Enquirer > [Joss said] I've often said, "There will > never be a 'Very Special Episode' of Buffy.' " I think the general interpretation of this was there'd never be a show focused on losing virginity. You remember all the "Tonight on a very special Blossom ..." ads? Seventh Heaven seems to do it now. "An episode the whole family will want to watch together." It all means a heavy handed moral was going to be dealt out. What happened on Buffy was a relationship that progressed to the point of becoming sexually intimate. It happened and there were consequences and emotions to be dealt with but it wasn't the focus of an episode. It was treated very mater of factly (this happens - we're not going to tell you it's wrong or right) and very maturely. Overall I was very pleased. - -- John Nestoriak * "My shoes are too tight, but it Software Engineer * doesn't matter because I have The Telephone Connection * forgotten how to dance." * - Londo Mollari (Babylon 5) - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 16:05:39 EDT From: CatDancer8 Subject: Re: BUFFY: An observation about sex... In a message dated 98-04-23 15:07:25 EDT, you write: << Is this what y'all interpreted it as, or did they just decide mid-season to have Buffy sleep with Angel? was this just a rouse to distract us from the idea that they might have sex, so we wouldn't expect it in Surprise/Innocence? What are all y'alls opinion? >> Well, also in that article or maybe it was a different one Joss stated that they would not pull a "Donna Martin." (for those of you not familiar with 90210 -- Donna was waiting till she got married to have sex...was is the keyword there.) They were going to bring the topic up one way or another and I think they way that they handled it was great. They were going to cover sex but I think what Joss was trying to say is that they wouldn't focus the entire episode on Buffy loosing her virginity. They melded other stuff into it and showed that having sex at her age can have it's concequeses as can having sex at any age. Just my $0.02 - -Michelle - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 16:45:37 EDT From: BuffySumr9 Subject: BUFFY: Song for Buffy and Angel the soul.... Here's a good song that Buffy and Angel could be singing together. Picture it, an eery split screen showing Buffy clutching a stake in the cemetary. The other half showing Angel looking down at her or something. Another SMcLachLan song! There is a guy that sings with her so I'll put it in parenthesis next to his lines. The rest is sung by SM. That guy would be Angel and SM would be Buffy! LOST by Sarah McLachlan ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By the shadows of a night I go I move away from the crowded room That sea of shallow faces masked in warm regret They don't know how to feel, they don't know what is lost Ohhh.... Lost in the darkness of a land Where all the hope thats offered is {Guy} Memories of being taken by the hand And we are led into the sun {Guy} But I don't have a hold on what is real Though we can only try {Guy} What is there to give or to believe Ohhhh.... {Guy} I want it all to go away I want to be alone Sympathy is wasted on my hollow shell I feel there is nothing left to fight for No reason for a cause And I can't hear your voice and I can't feel you near Ohhhh.... Lost in the darkness of a land Where all the hope thats offered is {Guy} Memories of being taken by the hand And we are led into the sun {Guy} But I don't have a hold on what is real Though we can only try {Guy} What is there to give or to believe Ohhhh.... {Guy} I wanted a change, knowing all I could do was try I was looking for someone.... Lots 'o Luv Ashley Official Keeper of Buffy's Quote: "I can't live in the past anymore. Angel is gone. And nothings ever going to bring him back." - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 16:52:55 EDT From: (Gabriel A Stitzel) Subject: Re: BUFFY:National Enquirer article on SMG Yadda yadda yadda. The National Enquirer isn't exactly known for its insightful journalistic articles. The only notable thing worth mentioning is that Sarah's actually in that trite piece of flopsum. There's an old adage in Hollywood....."You know you've made it....when you appear in the tabloids. That's when you're a star." THE ARCHANGEL _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 17:11:11 EDT From: TheBigG379 Subject: BUFFY: ok he is married: confirmed! to who? who is he married to? - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 17:26:37 EDT From: MKShmere Subject: BUFFY: Assorted Idiocies, aka Tabloids & eating disorders To my fellow Concerned fans, SMG has always been thin, even when I watched her as Kendall way back on All My Children, so I don't get as 'alarmed' as her 'inside sources' do. It occurs to me that these tabloids report on anything, from men that have babies to Michael Jackson's lack of nose. They are often ridiculed, and i am one of the many that go 'haha' at them. I read them in the line, though. Heeheeee. I forget why I wrote this..... Oh, yes! I heard in Seventeen, that SMG is a size 2. ok, that is very thin. I can't say that someone that thin is very healthy, no matter what their height is. SMG is extremely thin, which is kinda worrisome. I almost hate to watch her fighting, I'm afraid she'll break! But thats another thing. She has been reported to leave the show, which wasn't true. She never sleeps, because work days on an all-night setup show are hectic. And the size 2 thing occured a while back. She may have lots of pressure on her. This may lead to eating less, from lack of appetite, not bulimia or anorexia, which are mental disorders as well. The best thing to do is take every comment with a grain of salt and a new episode of buffy periodically. I hope she isn't tired or feeling sick. Thats all that can be done for her. BTW, I knew an actress that actually did have bulimia, and she seemed fine, but she felt horribly inadequate, continually skipping meals. (she was on a famous show, and her dad was my brother's agent. I won't give her name, i'll probably get a lawsuit) Unless someone catches SMG tired and refusing to eat to the point when she can't eat, we have to just believe the retraction statement, however unconvincing and weakly stated it is. kay, I'm gonna go get some more ice cream for my skinny bones! (ben&jerry's!!!) Mary Kay, the Starmuse - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 14:23:28 -0400 From: wparris Subject: BUFFY: WGN - ---Anderson T Le wrote: > > Ok, I'm panicking here. I heard a rumor that the WGN in Chiocago is > dropping the wb network. Is this true? Oh man, I need it because its > the only way I can catch it through the satellite feed. Please, can > someone confirm this for me? > > Anderson I think the reason there dropping Buffy is because Cubs fans want more Cubs games on TV. Atleast thats what there saying on message board. Everyone there is writing letters requesting more Cubs games. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 17:34:20 -0400 From: "jmwalsh" Subject: BUFFY: slightly ot: a jenny/robia siting kind of the brunette back up singer of savage garden looks very much like our jenny - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 17:34:07 EDT From: MKShmere Subject: BUFFY: Angel is not the bachelor we thought we knew!!! He is supposedly married (hmmmm), to Ingrid, the seldom mentioned girlfriend, errg wife of a year. How did he fail to mention he was taken for over a YEAR??? Completely like a man!!!!but thats kinda cute.... i'm sure Ingrid must be a little cheesed, like Velveeta... sincerely, Mary Kay, the Starmuse Then there was a star danced, and under that was I born *me* I mock you with my moneky pants! *Oz* I Only Have Eyes For You..... *the flamingos* - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 17:39:50 EDT From: Lizzie2ooo Subject: BUFFY: wgn can anyone positively confirm or deny that wgn is taking the wb off. i need to know b/c that is the only way i can see it. where i live we have no wb network and the only way i see buffy and dawson is b/c of wgn. leslie - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 17:41:45 EDT From: Blu2cool Subject: BUFFY: that role-playing game thread... Ok, I had no idea what you guys were talking about with all the clans, but I am involved in a role-playing game (online, through email), and I've had some trouble with some of my players. I currently need a couple of Willow's (that sounds strange, but if you read the first 7 parts, you'll understand) and a Cordelia, so if your interested in playing please feel free to visit our site (made by me) at . Email me personally if you are interested in playing in our game (I know I am gonna have to add in more players pretty soon, so if you kinda wanna be on a waiting list for them, let me know too). I got my current players from the guy who is running a couple of other games (find out about them at the Slayerette fanfic site, if you know where that is), so you can probably also get signed up there. Anyway, not to be long-winded or anything... Blu - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 15:39:00 -0700 From: "Karri" Subject: BUFFY: Need your help Can someone tell me a web page to go to that has a logo on it I can print out on a piece of paper. This means it can not be animated or attached to any pictures. Hopefully, just the logo and not a box around it, but I think thats pretty impossible. I don't want to bug the creative team here, I just want to do it myself but so far I haven't found anything. Please help if you can. -Karri - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 18:39:08 -0400 From: GORDON K CUMMING Subject: BUFFY: TV Guide Ad Hello, If anyone scans a copy of the New Buffy TV Guide Ad, could you please e-mail it to me. I would really appreciate it. Thanks ahead of time, Jennifer Cumming Keeper of Angel's House Keys Willow's Eagerness for Oz to get a Gold Star and Her Smiley Face Backpack. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 12:52:58 -1000 From: Anderson T Le Subject: Re: BUFFY: WGN dropping WB? Aww man, does anyone know wheWGN is dropping the WB? Is going to be at the end of the TV season? Worried, Anderson On Thu, 23 Apr 1998, Lord Bowler wrote: > ---Anderson T Le wrote: > > > > Ok, I'm panicking here. I heard a rumor that the WGN in Chiocago is > > dropping the wb network. Is this true? Oh man, I need it because its > > the only way I can catch it through the satellite feed. Please, can > > someone confirm this for me? > > > > Anderson > > >From what I understand it is true. When the WB first started up, WGN > agree to carry it the first couple of years to help it reach markets > where they could not get affilliates. (Tribune which owns WGN also > owns 25% of The WB) However, WGN did not want to be a permanent WB > affialiate because it would be difficult to carry more than a few > nights a week of WB programing and all of their sports programming. > Additionally if WGN was to carry the WB permanently it might > discourage the local stations that are needed for long term survival > from signing up. > > In markets where the only source for the WB has been WGN, Warner Bros. > has been setting up a service called WeB, which is sort of a local > cable-only station. > > == > Lord Bowler ( > "I take it that title is purely ficticious." > "Nah. I just made it up." > > _________________________________________________________ > DO YOU YAHOO!? > Get your free address at > > > - > > - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 19:37:24 EDT From: BloodSmple Subject: Re: BUFFY: Ratings & Episode Dates In a message dated 98-04-22 17:57:07 EDT, writes: << First there was going to be a repeat on May 5, but I know that's not true. >> That's NOT true? So, there will be a new episode on the 5th? This is definite? - -Erin - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 19:51:25 EDT From: BloodSmple Subject: Re: BUFFY: Major Spoilers For The Last Four Eps! SPOILERS SPOILERS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * In a message dated 98-04-23 14:24:03 EDT, writes: << -- Spike and Dru might die at the end of the season. >> OH GOD!!!! I'm *praying* that this is just a complete rumor!! I will be devastated if that is the case. :( ~Erin~ - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 17:01:40 PDT From: "Lady Cietdubh" Subject: BUFFY: David's supposed marriage okay, two things: 1- given the way he was confusing the storyline on Rosie...maybe he was confused with this as well? who knows..he may call her his wife even if they aren't married...they could be engaged...or it could be a private joke between the two of them 2- knowing that he does wear a claddagh, I checked my tape of Rosie at least when that was filmed he was still wearing it on the *right* hand not the left...if he follows the symbolism of the ring, then he's not married. but in any case..... ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 19:07:06 -0500 From: NiK Subject: BUFFY: Song for Buffy and Angel the soul.... >Another SMcLachLan song! Blah! I know I speak only for myself when saying this, but I've had enough of Sarah! I think if Buffy and Angel had a song about their relationship or whatever, it would HAVE to be a song by Bauhaus. Maybe "All We Ever Wanted Was Everything", maybe "Bela Lugosi's Dead" (If only it were Angel instead of Bela). A good My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult song would be "Ride The Mindway". Well, some of the lyrics wouldn't make sense in this case, but it's an awesome song no matter what. Ride The Mindway Confessions of A Knife My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult: We leave our lives behind a curtain It's hard to keep the demons back Sometimes we need to ride the mindway And trash our idle thoughts along the tracks Stray days Stray nights Daydreaming straight from the past Noise falls We crawl back to sleep Change ourselves back into monsters So wise have no doubts no sorrows no fears I've measured rhythm to the heedless ears Voices are calling for the fools now I'm the desperate, a slave just as you We leave our lives behind a curtain It's hard to keep the demons back We understand the black sky and its dying A schizophrenic child is ending time - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 20:01:55 -0400 From: (Richard A Hjulstrom) Subject: BUFFY: Angelus in school Hi everyone A question popped into my head. In Passions, Ms. Calendar was surprised to find Angelus in the school. Why? He had been in the school before, most recently in Innocence, and Ms. C. had been there too. Did they uninvite him? Elizabeth _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 19:51:18 -0400 From: Schimmel <> Subject: BUFFY: SMG Voting Ramadi wrote: <<>Hey, you can vote more than once! You just have to hang up your phone line (log off) and then log back on and you can vote for her again...>> don't perhaps feel that this MIGHT be a bit unethical??? Sandra - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 20:16:06 EDT From: Tracyrr74 Subject: BUFFY: David's marriage This is just from my personl experience. My fiancee (husband, bf) and I say we are married. We have lived together for 5 yrs. When we are mad at each other we say fiancee or boy/girl friend to other people. But to us we are married and to most other people we just haven't made it legal on paper - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 18:26:03 -0600 From: "newell" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Angel is not the bachelor we thought we knew!!! I think he kept it a secret to protect his private life from nosy females and the media. I think it was a smart move and I do agree it's definetly cute.I don't think Ingrid is alittle cheessed at all though.I'm sure she understood his intentions. Shonaille >Completely like a man!!!!but thats kinda cute.... i'm sure > Ingrid must be a little cheesed, like Velveeta... > - > - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 20:36:08 EDT From: (a a a) Subject: BUFFY:National Enquirer article on SMG >Ok I was in the grocery store in the check out isle and was looking at the >magizines and I looked up and saw SMG on the corner of the National >Enquirer.The headline said Anorexia horror for Buffy the Vampire Slayer >- -Friends Fear.I'll type out the article.It got me so mad because its >obviously >not true.Here it is: > >"Buffy the Vampire Slayer has dropped to just 98 pounds and friends fear >she's >fallen into the deadly clutches of an eating disorder!Actress Sarah Michelle >Gellar-the pert,pixieish star of the WB series-has lost about a dozen pounds >during the past season,say alarmed sources.What's worse,the more her >popularity grows,the more weight she wants to lose,reveal pals,who worry >about >the 5-foot-3 actress has beome anorexic."She's wasting away!"declared an >insider."The wardrobe crew have to keep having to adjust her costumes"One >remarked,'Pretty soon we'll just go out and buy Barbie clothes for her.'"But >it's no joke-even the producers are concerned."Compared to Sarah,Kate Moss >looks like Roseanne.And the more Sarah see's herself on magazine covers like >Rolling Stone,the more she believes she has a weight problem."Confided a >source close to the 21-year-old actress,who starred in the slasher flicks >"Scream 2" and "I Know What you did Last Summer":"Sarah's always been a wisp >of a girl but now she's so skinny ots frightening."If she wears a midriff- >bearing out-fit,you can seethe bones in her ribcage standing out."But she >can't pass a mirror without looking at herself and saying that she still >needs >to lose a few pounds.And she frequently goes on fasts consuming only >water."The star's spokesman, Jonathan Perry,told the ENQUIRER:"Like some >young >people with busy schedules ,perhaps she is not taking as good care of >herself >as she should.However,as far as I can see,she does not have an eating >disorder.I just had lunch with her recently and she appeared perfectly fine >to >me."Sarah herself told the insider:"Everyone says I'm too skinny-but this is >Hollywood.You can never be too rich oe too thin" >- -Michael Glynn and Jim Nelson > >There you have it.It has 2 pictures of her from the Blockbuster awards.Well >you guys can comment on it.Bye > >Dru Wow, very interesting. Not true, but like I said...interesting, and that's why this person wrote it. How can anyone believe anything from National Enquirer anyways? Hmm...I'm like...hungry now, so... Sparks _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V2 #237 *************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (