From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V2 #286 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Monday, May 18 1998 Volume 02 : Number 286 In this issue: BUFFY: Re: Channel 7 Phone Number BUFFY: Hellos and thoughts for all on the recent fights Re: BUFFY: Sires and personality... Re: BUFFY: Buffy flashback BUFFY: Re: Why is Drusilla Catholic? Just a thought.... Re: BUFFY: David on Ktla ch 5 Re: BUFFY: Why is Drusilla Catholic? Just a thought.... BUFFY: re: dru as a catholic Re: BUFFY: re: dru as a catholic BUFFY: re: dru as a catholic BUFFY: Just checking... BUFFY: TV Guide Ad BUFFY: buffy theme song BUFFY: I met DB : ) BUFFY: *~~*Buffy Screen Saver?*~~* BUFFY: Do you kiss your mother with that mouth? Re: BUFFY: Buffy flashback Re: BUFFY: Do you kiss your mother with that mouth? Re: BUFFY: Do you kiss your mother with that mouth? BUFFY: Re: willow's movie Re: BUFFY: Watcher Network BUFFY: Spectrum Magazine See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 18:21:54 +0800 From: The Rowcrofts Subject: BUFFY: Re: Channel 7 Phone Number Ok channel 7 have disappointed me and telling me that buffy would be back on wednesday 27th may. Somebody was after channel 7 number is brisbane: the number is (07) 3369 7777 Anyone on the list from perth or it's surrounding, please e-mail me off-line. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 07:54:20 PDT From: "Diana Lisky" Subject: BUFFY: Hellos and thoughts for all on the recent fights Hello everyone, I apologize for lurking, but merely *reading* all of my mail has become a major time consumer. This is my first post (cheers for me) and I'm doing a lot of SPOILING, so if that's not your bag, baby, you better back out now. =) First, a few thoughts on this big let's-all-gang-up-on-Xander thing we have going on here. ANGEL IS DEAD. Angelus is not Angel, and it's morbid to keep bringing someone back from the dead. This curse restores Angelus' Angel-like-qualities, but when you sit down and think about it, it ain't Angel. It's merely a demon with a conscience. Plus, all this Xander-bashing is giving me a complex. NOW, some information on the New Slayer....and Spike...and Dru. S P O I L E R S P A C E According to my sources, there will be a new Slayer in the 3rd season. Good News. Now, Bad News: she looks exactly like Buffy. SMG in dual roles? Gag me--that's like Urkel and his stupid cousin on Family Matters, if we all remember that show from our TGIF watching days. That's so cheezy-let's hope this is one of those spoilers that doesn't pan out. Bad News for Spike and Dru fans (me!)--supposedly, in Becoming Part 2 (I can't believe they can't come up with different names for the two episodes...) Dru kicks the bucket, and Spike tries to curse Angel with a soul (darnit, Spike, some of us prefer Angelus!) and accidently curses himself instead. He turns into quite a wimp, and the comic relief for the angst-ridden episode. I hope, again, that this doesn't pan out, cuz Spike is the kind of evil boy that Sunnydale needs around. =) Well, that's all for now. See you all later! DianaLisky/Kimberly *Do you worry that you're not liked/how long till you break/ you're happy cause you smile/but how much can you fake/An ordinary boy an ordinary name/but ordinary's just not good enough today ---"Superman's Dead" Our Lady Peace %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% *Mulder: Who cut the cheese? Scully: Since you won't be making it to the conference... Mulder: Par-ty! Scully: However, I must remind you, this goes against the Bureau's policy of male and female agents consorting in the same hotel room while on assignment Mulder: Try any of that Tailhook crap on me, Scully, and I'll kick your ass. --"Detour" The X-Files %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% * Where are my angels?/Where's my golden one?/Where's my hope/ now that my heroes have gone?/Some are being beaten/Some are being born/And some can't tell the difference anymore - --"Amen" Jewel %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% * Angel: Buffy. Buffy: Angel. Xander: (lowers his voice) Xander. - --"Reptile Boy" Buffy the Vampire Slayer %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% *paranoia paranoia/everybody's coming to get me/just say you never met me/I'm going underground with the moles/hear the voices in my head/I swear to god it sounds like they're snoring/but if you're bored then you're boring/the agony and the irony, they're killing me" --"Flagpole Sitta" Harvey Danger %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% *Mrs. K: Are there any questions? Bart? Bart: Is it possible to make a half-man, half-monkey? Mrs. K: No, Bart, that would be playing god. Bart: God, Schmod! I want my monkey-man! --The Simpsons %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% *Like anyone would be/I am flattered by your fascination with me/Like any hot-blooded woman/I have simply wanted an object to crave --"Uninvited" Alanis Morissette %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% *Daria: (pauses) They're not going to make fun of me? Jane: For peeing in the woods? They're in a band, Daria. Those boys puke on each other on a regular basis. Jesse: (to Trent) That reminds me. You owe me a shirt. - --"Road Worrier" Daria %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CONTACTING ME: (Ha! Like you'd want to?) E-Mail: Yahoo Pager: AngelicDetour AOL Instant Messenger: AngelLost %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 13:09:22 EDT From: JasPalo Subject: Re: BUFFY: Sires and personality... >Some are just happy roaming and eating, while others, like Angel, Darla, Spike, >and Dru, are out to destroy the whole freaking world every ep. I am wondering if >the vamps sire has alot to do with personality, like in The Kindred. Good point... Since becoming a vampire usually requires the drinking of a sire's blood, the sire's vamp traits might get passed along with it. Or, if the sire trains the newly birthed vampire (Darla and Angelus, Angelus and Spike...), he or she might learn to be that way directly (the old "nature vs. nurture" debate). Until we see a different breed or clan of vampires in the "Buffyverse," we may never know... Jason - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 13:31:23 EDT From: S E Caban Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy flashback In a message dated 5/13/98 10:41:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: << See, a lot of kids "go out" with someone, as in he's my boyfriend/she's my girlfriend, not as in date. They might hang out after school, but it's rarely a "date." Do you see what I'm trying to say? >> Thats what kids did when they were like 10 and 11. Not for the most popular girl that is 15. She probably went out on her first date at 9. SE Well thats how it works here... - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 14:14:55 EDT From: (fu nee) Subject: BUFFY: Re: Why is Drusilla Catholic? Just a thought.... Jennifer Cooke Am I the only one who's ever wondered why Drusilla is Catholic? I mean have been a minority at the time. I'm not ever sure if there were >convents in England at the time (there weren't any in England in 18th >century, but things may have loosened up a bit). Also, from her accent >she would seem lower-class, which I think would make it more unlikely Sounds like a very intelligent question. I assumed Drusilla was an upper class girl with a rich influential family and that Angel was also rich upper class. But, it looks like Angel was of a lower class than I thought. However, it still looks like Dru was from a well to do family. Didn't it? She didn't look like she was dressed like a peasant. She was well dressed, I think...maybe, I should watch the episode again just to check it out what she was wearing in the confessional. I'm thinking that MAYBE the writers just made them Catholic, or at least, Dru was Catholic, for the sake of the story. Angel was in the confessional not because he was or wasn't Catholic, he was there for food. Yes, this may be the case of the fan (meaning you: Jennifer Cooke) being more historically savvy than the writers of BtVS, picking on a very valid point that that BtVS writers thought they could slip by us, in which case, I recommend they do a pennance of 10 Our Fathers, 10 Hail Mary's, and a Partridge in a Pear Tree for good measure. Then again, I'm sure there were people of both upper and lower classes in England who might have been the odd exception Catholic or Protestant. Good point! funee (: _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 12:07:36 -0700 (PDT) From: Butterfly Girl Subject: Re: BUFFY: David on Ktla ch 5 Actually, I think it is on KTLA *morning news* (i thought it was Good Morning America, because I didn't know what it was called. But it is their morning news at 7am. That's all I know. I heard it a few days ago but I can't remember when they said it would happen. Well, I didn't hear it. But they said David Boreanaz, from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Sorry, I don't know anything else. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 12:24:50 PDT From: "Mike Stone" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Why is Drusilla Catholic? Just a thought.... Funee is probably correct in assuming that the writers didn't do their homework on this one, but still, it certainly is not imporbable that Drusilla is Catholic. I'm not sure about the 18th century, but even today in England, about 2/5ths of the population is still Catholic, and there were probably a greater number still before Protestantism was imposed during those times. As far as Ireland, it is most likely that Angel would have been Catholic, as most Irish people were and still are, regardless of classes - -- generally speaking, of course. Although, it is still possible that Angel could have been Protestant during that particular time since the English were battling for the Irish territory, and later that century to be driven back out, returning back to Roman Catholicism. Still, I may be speaking out of school on Protestantism; for all I know, all the old rituals and traditions of Catholicism may have continued for a short while within the Protestant church, and I don't recall that Drusilla was specifically referred to as Catholic in the show. Perhaps someone else can shed more light on that particular aspect of the new relgion of those times? In any case, my point is, I didn't think there was anything strange about it at all. We know that Drusilla was going to enter into the sisterhood, and with that in place it's only natural that she would have been Catholic, in my mind. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 12:33:27 -0700 From: "Deborah" Subject: BUFFY: re: dru as a catholic This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_0030_01BD818F.FDD5DE00 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <> well if she went into the convent and took holy orders as a nun, then = she was catholic bucko :) ~deborah~ - ------=_NextPart_000_0030_01BD818F.FDD5DE00 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
<<and I don't recall that Drusilla was specifically referred = to as=20 Catholic in the show. >>
well if she went into the convent and took holy orders as a nun, = then she=20 was catholic bucko :)
          = ~deborah~
- ------=_NextPart_000_0030_01BD818F.FDD5DE00-- - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 12:36:50 PDT From: "Mike Stone" Subject: Re: BUFFY: re: dru as a catholic ><Catholic in the show. >> > >well if she went into the convent and took holy orders as a nun, then = >she was catholic bucko :) > ~deborah~ > > That's my point; for all I know, Protestants may have continued some of those traditions for a while. As most religions go, they usually take a while before they come into agreement into what their traditions will be, and how their belief system is structured. Even Christmas wasn't celebrated like it is today until the 1700-1800's. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 14:50:28 -0500 From: Amber Wilkinson Subject: BUFFY: re: dru as a catholic Mike Stone wrote: > That's my point; for all I know, Protestants may have continued some of > those traditions for a while. As most religions go, they usually take a > while before they come into agreement into what their traditions will > be, and how their belief system is structured. Doesn't hold up in this case. The Protestant Reformation was in the 1500s. They completely broke with Catholic tradition and eliminated everything that wasn't in the Bible. No nuns, no confessions; the only sacraments were Baptism and Communion. So Drusilla is not Protestant. She should be Anglican. (AKA Church of England, the origin of Episcopalian, which Americans might recognize better.) That does have confessions, and nuns. So that's probably what she is. It's really very like Catholicism, only a little more liberal. (Now; I don't know about then.... Amber - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 May 98 16:37:17 PDT From: "Sapphire" Subject: BUFFY: Just checking... I am having e-mail problems, sorry for the intrusion :) Sapphire: Keeper of Willow's momentary obsession with sore thumbs, Willow's whimper of sadness for her dead fish and her fake frog fit in = KBD "First off, a policy statement: I would pay cash money to watch Duchovny = read from the phone book" - Caryn Weiner, movie reviewer. EW. Amen sister. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 17:49:52 -0400 From: GORDON K CUMMING Subject: BUFFY: TV Guide Ad Hello Everybody, Could someone please e-mail me with a link to the TV Guide Ad for "Becoming Part 2". Thanks, Jennifer Cumming Keeeper of Angel's House Keys Willow's Smiley Face Backpack and Her Eagerness for Oz to get a Gold Star. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 16:06:50 PDT From: "travis stone" Subject: BUFFY: buffy theme song do's anyone no where I can get the music or tablature for the buffy theme song Trav Keeper of what ever the hell I feel like taking at any given moment ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 16:58:01 PDT From: "Colleen M" Subject: BUFFY: I met DB : ) I had won a contest run by my local WB17 out of Philadelphia. The prize was going to a night club on Tues, May12 were there was a 'private' screening of BtVS and Dawson's Creek. And David Boreanaz was there to meet all the winners, sign autographs etc, etc. The event started at 7, my friends and i got to the club a couple minutes after 7. There was a line outside full of almost all girls. While we were waiting in line, a camera man came up to my friends and i. it was confusing because we didn't know if he was recording us or not. So then it looked like he was taking the camera and going up and down my friend's legs. it was kind of scary. So we waited in line for a little while, gave the people our tickets. We each got a WB17 tshirt, a BtVS postcard and a Dawson's Creek postcard. Then we were let lose into the club. the 50 winners, their guests, and the people from WB17 and Q102(radion station that also sponsered the event), adn the other people working were the only ones allowed in, so it wasn't crowded. My friends and i made a bathroom run, and then checked outthe food situation. The was a bar were you had to pay for alcohol, but other drinks were free, and then there was the Hooters girls giving out curly fries and fried chicken. (I was glad we had stopped at wawa on the way and got hoagies) Then we took a few pics, and stuff like that and before we knew it, the Q102 lady was announcing how David was in the house, and then, he walked through into a vip section. Then Buffy came on, but it was hard to watch knowing that 'angel' himself was in a room just a couple steps away.During a commercial break, he went out to a table to sign autographs. my friends and i got into line, (which wasn't too long) and waited. It was difficult to try and watch buffy while waiting in line to meet David. So i missed a lot of the show, but thankfully, my vcr was set at home. As we got closer in line and started taking pics of David w/ my camera, and watching buffy became less and less important. Kind of crazy how a show that i never miss a episode can be put on the back burner. When i was almost to the front it dawned on me that i didn't really have anything that i wanted to say to him. when i got to the front, he asked for my name for the autograph. (when i get a scanner, i'll scan it and put it on my page, )it was a black and white photo,and of course he signed on a black part in black marker, no what sense does that make? I think my friend, rosie( had the approipriate words to describe it, "awesome. like a dream. not able to speak in complete sentences b/c the only thing running through your mind was 'ohmygod, i am 2 feet away from angel'" I was there w/ 3 friends and my mom, and we all had cameras and wanted pics w/ him, but it was dumb because hje was on the other side of a table and stuff. so we rotated taking picture of him signing the autograph while we were standing tehrer./ i was slightly dissapointed because i wanted a pic of w/ me, my 3 friends and him in it, but what can you do. well thats about all i can write now, i have to go, i'll finish my story later. ~colleen~ ~Official Keeper of " These flowers are wrong! They are all wrong! I can't abide them"-Dru ~Keeper of Oz's Potenial 'gold stars' ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 18:31:54 -0700 From: (Mica Vincent) Subject: BUFFY: *~~*Buffy Screen Saver?*~~* - --WebTV-Mail-490639649-6482 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT Anyone know a place the web where I can download a Buffy screen saver? - --WebTV-Mail-490639649-6482 Content-Description: signature Content-Disposition: INLINE Content-Type: TEXT/HTML; CHARSET=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT - --WebTV-Mail-490639649-6482-- - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 21:45:39 -0500 From: andrea navin Subject: BUFFY: Do you kiss your mother with that mouth? Hey Guys, I was just watching TV and I saw a commercial for Sony Playstation that had this old women saying about her grandson: " Does he kiss his mother with that mouth?" which of course made me think about Buffy's line to Willow on the phone which was really similar " Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" I wonder whether it's an inside joke or something? I just had to share that. Oh yeah, My mother used to speak romainain so I'm going to see if she can translate what the gypsy was saying. Let's hope she can! luv andrea - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 21:55:49 EDT From: Jyinyang Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy flashback >>Thats what kids did when they were like 10 and 11. Not for the most popular >>girl that is 15. She probably went out on her first date at 9. Never underestimate the maturity levels of high schoolers. Joce - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 21:58:32 EDT From: JessTear Subject: Re: BUFFY: Do you kiss your mother with that mouth? I'm pretty clear that whole thing has to do with a dirty mouth... ya know, you swear and someone says "do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" it's just a figure of speech, having to do with being astonished at the language... when I was giving birth to my daughter, I was swearing hella lot, and the nurse said "do you plan on kissing the baby with that mouth?" just my pocket change- - -Jess - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 22:21:57 -0400 From: Lawless Subject: Re: BUFFY: Do you kiss your mother with that mouth? It's a common saying that's been used for at least the last ten years. Lawless andrea navin wrote: > had this old women saying about her grandson: " Does he kiss his mother > with that mouth?" which of course made me think about Buffy's line to > Willow on the phone which was really similar " Do you kiss your mother > with that mouth?" - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 10:49:56 +0800 From: The Rowcrofts Subject: BUFFY: Re: willow's movie >hi guys...i went to see 'deep impact' tonight and i saw the trailer for >a movie coming out soon with alyson h. in it...unfortunely i can't >remember the title, i think it was soemthing like 'dead man on >campus'...zack from 'saved by the bell' and the guy who played the >drummer from 'that thing you do' are the looked like a cool >movie, but the highlight is that our willow is in it!! be on the look >out!! yep your right the movie with willow in it is called Dead Man on Campus it's comes out on July 24 and as: Cast (in alphabetical order) Mark-Paul Gosselaar .... Cooper - Zack from the orginal Saved by the Bell Alyson Hannigan .... Lucy - Everyone favourite character Willow from BtVS Poppy Montgomery - from devil in a blue dress Tom Everett Scott .... Josh - from that thing you do Australian dates haven't been released yet, but i keep you in form. David ICQ UIN: 1905443 - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 22:41:36 -0500 From: Amanda Subject: Re: BUFFY: Watcher Network JessTear wrote: > > Forgive me for my lack of knowledge... but is there actually a "Watcher > Network" that was/was not contacted when Buffy bit the big one(excuse the pun) > for the few minutes in the first season? Or was it some supernatural > force(obviously these slayers are picked somehow, I don't think it's a > decision made by the watchers) that said "whoops, that one down, time to get > another one in contention." Because if it's not left to the watchers, and the > Slayers are just replaced as they die, wouldn't it be natural to think Kendra > would be replaced? > Xander the Vampire Slayer... heh, now that would make for some interesting > storylines... he is, after all, getting better with his ability to kick > vampire butt... > > just a random thought, not very well articulated... > -Jess > > - Now this to me, I think, would lead up to a wonderful X-over with the tv show Highlander. For those who don't watch Highlander, it was a show about a guy who has lived for 400 years, from the Highlands of Scotland, and just basically about what he does in everyday life, including fighting other Immortals, because there can only be one (sort of like Only One Slayer) anyways, in Highlander, there are also Watchers. Mortal men and women who watch the Immortals, but can never interfer. The Watchers is this big organization, spanning the world. Now, I believe, the Watchers in the Buffy universe or similar. I think there are many Watchers in the Buffy universe, who just watch the charge, and will come in active whenever the current Slayer dies. ((It seems that the Slayers have a very short life span, so this would occur)) Um, that's about it. Um, I'm also a newbie. Only got onto the list yesterday. :) Hi all!! Jennifer Carey - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 09:25:24 EDT From: RayneFire Subject: BUFFY: Spectrum Magazine I have a question about Spectrum magazine. I know the current one (#13) has Buffy on the cover and reviews season one. And that the next one (#14) will review season 2, but my question Spectrum a monthly magazine? Quarterly? Does anyone know? Also, does anyone regularly post the print ads for Buffy from TV Guide to their web site? Unfortunately, my TV Guide doesn't have them (because my WB station was bought out by UPN). And I hate to miss them! Thanks! - -Rayne - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V2 #286 *************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (