From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V2 #287 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Monday, May 18 1998 Volume 02 : Number 287 In this issue: Re: BUFFY: Re: willow's movie BUFFY: Re: Why is Drusilla Catholic? BUFFY: Angel's class BUFFY: David is married Re: BUFFY: Re: Why is Drusilla Catholic? BUFFY: Angel - Irish Catholic? Re: BUFFY: SMG too thin!? Re: BUFFY: Angel - Irish Catholic? BUFFY: last posting BUFFY: 8X10 Photos for sale BUFFY: Xander BUFFY: i met DB(part2) BUFFY: i met DB(part2) BUFFY: evil vamps Re: BUFFY: Angel - Irish Catholic? BUFFY: Angel's possible soul return next season (spoiler) Re: BUFFY: Re: Why is Drusilla Catholic? See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 09:26:56 -0400 (EDT) From: Lizza M Morales 98 Subject: Re: BUFFY: Re: willow's movie Hey just wanted to give my .02 on the moive Dead Man on Campus...Williow is most definitly in it. It is a Paramount release, two of my friends are in it and have had nothing but positive words to say about Alyson. It comes out in July so we should all be on summer break and have no excuse not to go see it. :) - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 10:33:44 -0500 From: Valerie Meachum Subject: BUFFY: Re: Why is Drusilla Catholic? > From: (fu nee) > Sounds like a very intelligent question. I assumed Drusilla was an upper > class girl with a rich influential family and that Angel was also rich > upper class. But, it looks like Angel was of a lower class than I > thought. However, it still looks like Dru was from a well to do family. > Didn't it? She didn't look like she was dressed like a peasant. Actually, I had the reverse impression. Angel had a brocade waistcoat with fairly liberal trim, and was talking about stealing the family silver. His drinking buddy had a quite elaborately trimmed coat, and I suspect Angel had left a similar one in the pub they were being thrown out of. He had money--maybe not "class", but money. As for Dru--she's in a thin calico with skirts too short for her (probably outgrown) and no crinolines at *all*, let alone hoops, which were pretty firmly established in fashion by then. Even a middle-class girl wouldn't have been caught dead in that, especially in church. Also, she speaks of the men who work in the mines as if they live in her neighborhood--and indeed, a well-to-do young lady would be unlikely to even be *told* the news about the cave-in that confirmed her premonition. > From: "Mike Stone" > I'm not sure about the 18th century, but even today in England, about > 2/5ths of the population is still Catholic, and there were probably a > greater number still before Protestantism was imposed during those > times. Protestantism was "imposed" at various times, probably most notably about 300 years before that when Elizabeth I deposed her Catholic sister Mary Queen of Scots. By 1860 it was no longer *illegal* to be Catholic, but it wasn't exactly the wisest move socially. Dru's working-class family could be either, however, without anyone "above" them caring much one way or the other. It's also possible that she's of Scots or Irish extraction, and even possible that as a little girl she immigrated with her family from Ireland during the Potato Famine of 1848. Who knows; Angel may even have followed her. I'm not saying I *definitely* think this is the case, just using it to illustrate the wide range of possibilities we have here. > As far as Ireland, it is most likely that Angel would have been > Catholic, as most Irish people were and still are, regardless of classes > - -- generally speaking, of course. Mmmm, not *entirely* regardless of classes. I'm a little fuzzy on when various laws were in effect, but if his family were landowners (and clearly they had money from *somewhere*) they were quite likely to have been Protestant--possibly even to have converted within a few generations of Angel's time in order to *gain* the opportunities denied Irish Catholics during the harshest periods of British rule. I'm having fun speculating about that scenario, actually, since the Catholic tenants (who may so recently have been his family's neighbors) would cross the street to avoid him, and the British gentry would still look down on him. He wouldn't feel he belonged anywhere, and it isn't hard to think that would lead him to the kind of aimless adolescent rebellion that plunked him right into Darla's lap. > Still, I may be speaking out of school on Protestantism; for all I know, > all the old rituals and traditions of Catholicism may have continued for > a short while within the Protestant church, and I don't recall that > Drusilla was specifically referred to as Catholic in the show. Perhaps > someone else can shed more light on that particular aspect of the new > relgion of those times? To a certain extent, but again that was 300 years before Drusilla. Confession itself is one of the sticking points of doctrine between the two factions--to Protestants it would be one of the *worst* examples of having to go through Church hierarchy to have any relationship with God. Any time a character goes to confession, it's pretty much a guarantee that they're in a Catholic church, no matter what the era. I was also kinda impressed that they knew enough to have her wearing a chapel veil--somebody on staff has at least a nodding acquaintance with pre-Vatican II Catholicism. :-) > From: Amber Wilkinson > She should be Anglican. (AKA Church of England, the origin of > Episcopalian, which Americans might recognize better.) That does have > confessions, and nuns. So that's probably what she is. It's really > very like Catholicism, only a little more liberal. (Now; I don't know > about then.... *blinkblink* CoE has confession? Wow, if that's the case I've been *seriously* misinformed. (That's not sarcastic; it's being genuinely taken aback that what I've gone at least 20 years assuming to be the case may not be.) I mean, I know there are differences between CoE and American Episcopalian (*they* don't have confession, do they?); but I didn't think that was one of them. - -- Valerie Lynn Meachum ~ NatPack~SunS~IotCoS~BOotCoJ~BBPGrrl~RHotA~BRLQ#71 The WiliQueen's Woods: "They answered a few important questions. Did Angel know what he was getting into? what did he look like in tight pants and flowy shirts and other historical wear? Things like that..." -- MB - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 10:29:04 -0400 From: Schimmel <> Subject: BUFFY: Angel's class Funee wrote: < But, it looks like Angel was of a lower class than I thought.> I don't think so. He couldn't have been very poor because he spoke of stealing his father's silverware. In 1753 only someone quite well-off would eat with silver; the poor would use pewter or even wood. Sandra - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 09:52:03 -0500 From: "Keryn Aikman" Subject: BUFFY: David is married Hey all- I do not know if this was mentioned or not, but in the new Entertainment Weekly- the one with Godzilla gracing the cover.. there is a sidebar about David (Touched By Angel of Hell--I think was the headline). anyhow in the article it mentioned that David did indeed recently wed his longtime girlfriend. I know the article was mentioned, but I didn't know if his marriage was or not. K - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------- "I know I may look like a rhinocerous... but I am rather thin skinned really..." Benny from Circle Of Friends (movie) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 08:58:55 PDT From: "Terri Morris" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Re: Why is Drusilla Catholic? >I mean, I know there are differences between CoE and American >Episcopalian (*they* don't have confession, do they?); but I >didn't think that was one of them. Since everyone is throwing their 2 cents in about this, I thought I'd add mine. I'm Episcopalian and my grandmother is Anglican. All three churches have many rituals in common, but only Catholics have individual confession. Episcopalians and Anglicans have 'general confession' where we all confess our sins together ("By what we have done and by what we have left undone, etc."). It is possible in the Episcopal church to have individual confession with a priest. My bet is that Dru's family was Catholic because some of their ancestors had 'the sight', like Dru, and felt cursed. By turning to Catholicism, maybe they felt the discipline and doctrine of the church would help redeem themselves in the eye's of God. Dymphna ~Is this thing on?~ ~Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool~ "From this life to the next" ~The Once and Future Convention: June 12-14, 1998~ Guardian Angel of Spike's and Dru's Inner Demons Keeper of the Dents in Spike's Wheelchair ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 13:31:42 EDT From: (fu nee) Subject: BUFFY: Angel - Irish Catholic? Hi everyone: I guess if you saw Becoming, Part I, you saw the opening flashback scenes of Angel -- before he was a vampire --emerging from a pub in Galway, Ireland, speaking with what was obviously an Irish accent. Then, later, in another flashback scene we see Angel as a vampire without the accent in a Catholic confessional killing a priest and talking to Dru. The question arose here, if Angel was Catholic. I'm thinking that he might very well have been, but this past week while at Wal-Mart, I got to talking to one of the employees who had a very pronounced Irish accent and in the course of conversation, I asked him: "Are you Roman Catholic?" He replied that there was not distinction, at least in Ireland between Protestant and Catholic. First time I've heard that! He seemed to suggest, that there were no clear distinctions between Catholic and Protestant religions as practiced in Ireland. Very weird. Anyway, I think Angel was Catholic, and I'm thinking that maybe Angel was not only in that Confessional to munch on a priest, but also maybe because he knew Drusilla would be there and that was part of his plan to harass her. Or, maybe that was the FIRST time he saw Dru? I'm also thinking that Angel might have been Catholic and that his sacrilege of killing a priest was his vampiric nature expressing itself in the most evil way by violating his former human beliefs in God as a Catholic. Oh, one other thing, Angel in London, in the Catholic Church confessional with Dru? I'm wondering about an Irish Catholic -- vampire or human -- in England. The Irish and English have a historic rivalry like many other neighboring countries such as Japan and China, Palestine and Israel. I remember my high school Algebra teacher, who was from Ireland and lived in England for awhile, telling us: "Boy, nothing gets you madder than to be walking down the street and seeing a sign hanging on a door: 'No Irish Allowed'." So, maybe Angel was also taking a bite out an English priest as part of a payback for English tyranny over the Irish? funee _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 14:10:52 EDT From: Vass99 Subject: Re: BUFFY: SMG too thin!? I heard from a friend today that Howard Stern said that Sarah was anorexic. It was on his show today that he said this, I don't know if anyone else heard it. I still refuse to believe it!!! - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 11:22:34 -0700 (PDT) From: Amiee Collier Subject: Re: BUFFY: Angel - Irish Catholic? - ---fu nee wrote: > He replied that there was not distinction, at least in Ireland between > Protestant and Catholic. First time I've heard that! He seemed to > suggest, that there were no clear distinctions between Catholic and > Protestant religions as practiced in Ireland. Very weird, indeed. Since there are Protestent factions that walk into Catholic neighborhoods and basically kill anyone (according to stories my Belfast relatives have told me, but they're Catholic and maybe a little biasted). The Irish history has deep-rooted conflict between these two religions. There was a time (during the potato famine) when Catholics couldn't get any food, but if you switched to Protestent, you'd be well taken care of. But, since this isn't a religious discussion list, I'll move on. > harass her. Or, maybe that was the FIRST time he saw Dru? I'm also I got the impression that he KNEW she was the one in confession and this was in the middle of his mission to drive her insane -- before he killed her family and all that. >I'm wondering about an Irish Catholic -- vampire or human -- > in England. I'll have to watch my tape again, but maybe his Irish brogue was vanishing by that point. Anyway, I don't think he was the type of monster to care if someone knew he was Irish. He could just kill them. :) Just my opinion. == Amiee The Babe Known as Xander: "And the Francie-Brady-Not-a-Bad-Bastard-Anymore Award goes to -- Great God, I think it's Francie Brady." - The Butcher Boy by Patrick McCabe _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 13:36:31 CST From: "Daryl Rodriguez" Subject: BUFFY: last posting To all the wonderful people on the list, It has been fun reading all the postings that you have put up on the list, and a very good list to read. I have enjoyed the thousands of e-mail messages that I get a week. But, sadly, I must go soon. This is probably to be my last posting. I hope that someday I will return. I give thanks to everyone for the wonderful time! I will continue to be a Buffy fan as long as I live. I can't wait till Tuesday when I can see the season finale. And so, now I go. Adieu! Syonara! Adios! and all that junk. Thanks for the time, - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 11:36:15 -0700 (PDT) From: Amiee Collier Subject: BUFFY: 8X10 Photos for sale I got my Rick's Movie Graphics catalog today, and it has a few Buffy items (the order number proceeds description): (Color=$5.50, B&W=$3.50) SMG Headshot, b/w- SG1B1 SMG as Buffy waist-up, color-SG1C1 SMG, CC, AH, color-SG1C2 AH, SMG, CC, NB, color-SG1C3 SMG as Buffy waist-up quartering to camera, color-SG1C4 SMG as Buffy standing w/stake, color-SG1C5 Jennifer Love Hewitt and SMG (with hat) from IKWYDLS, b/w-JH1B1 Call 1-800-252-0425 to order, or visit ( to request a catalog). To New Yorkers: I was walking around at lunch today (by Madison Square Garden), and people were already beginning to pile in for the Godzilla premiere. Get there early if you want to see Sarah! == Amiee The Babe Known as Xander: "And the Francie-Brady-Not-a-Bad-Bastard-Anymore Award goes to -- Great God, I think it's Francie Brady." - The Butcher Boy by Patrick McCabe _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 11:34:11 -0700 From: Kimberly Subject: BUFFY: Xander Okay. This is my very first post. I'm coming out of lurkdom for Xander. He is not my fav character and I certainly don't agree with him on the Angel/Angelus issue but with everyone saying that he hs never lost anyone close to him I had to put in my .02. Okay, in the very first episode when Buffy first moved to the 'hellmouth' Xander and Willow were both hanging out with a friend named Jessie. It was said that they had all known each other since grade school so I assume that they were pretty tight. Jessie ended up being turned into a vamp and Xander killed him in the second half of the 2 part opener. So, I believe that he has every right to his opinion in this matter. He might not have been close with Ms. Calender but thats not true with Jessie. (sliding back into lurker mode) Kimberly - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 13:10:15 PDT From: "Colleen M" Subject: BUFFY: i met DB(part2) this is part two, if you missed part one, it's on the bottom so after we got out autographs, we were hanging around in the area that he was signing other peoples, taking pictures etc. then he started to lean forward, next to people for pics,and i was like, dud i want a pic like that, so we re got in line and this time, i bought the ticket to get into club egypt w/ me.He had a beer that he was drinking. my friend wanted the bottle, but didn't have the nerve to ask. my mom suggested that i ask him if he'd like to bite my neck. i found that funny coming from my mom. so i had him sign my ticket and he made some comment about double dipping in line. i was going to taake a pic of my friend lauren and him. lauren had her camera and something for him to sign, and instead of giving me the camera and him the thing to sign, she handed david the camera. he kinda looked at it like yeah, what on earth am i supossed to do with this. it was funny, my friend really should be a then it was back to watching the end of buffy. they gave away varios prizes, from buffy tshirts to calada(i know it's mispelled) rings. unfortunately i didn't win anything. the Q102 lady came back on the announcer and said david is celebrating his birthday this weekend, and we have a birthday cake for him. so the everyone sang happy birhtday and he blew out he candles. everyone got a piece and a container that was sitting next to the cake had the candles in it. i took one for memrabila, and then i thoutgh well my friends are going to want them too, so i grabbed 4 more and left. fortunetaly no one gave me a hard time about it. david did the weather for wb17 (ironic w/ his father being the local channel 6 weatherman) and a couple of preweather, "stay tuned because i'll being doing the weather" shoots, where me and my friends were in the background. during the weather, he said something about how he loves to go to ocean city new jersey, which was cool because that is where my friends and i go to school. maybe i'll run into him over thek summer(yeah right i wish)during the weather he also was holding 2 cardboard paper clouds. one of which he threw, and i caugt!! it says "hi dad" on it. i must say that david is a very friendly, personable, and funny person. he interacted well w/ everyone, definately crowd friendly. there was a girl in a wheelchair there, who he took the time to go over and talk to, and afterwards, when everyone was leaving he went and talked to her again. i couldn't help but think of the show and angel saying 'roller boy' to spike, but david went out of his way to talk to her, and i thought that was really nice. i think that about sums up the night. aside from the drive home to realize i had recourded the wb station in new york so i don't have myself on the news w/ david, but my friend's father recorded it, so i'll be able to see it sooner or later. ~colleen~ Offical Keeper of the line "Does anybody else feel like they've been Keyser Sozed?"-Xander ~Keeper of Willow's egg "delivery" to Buffy > >I had won a contest run by my local WB17 out of Philadelphia. The prize >was going to a night club on Tues, May12 were there was a 'private' >screening of BtVS and Dawson's Creek. And David Boreanaz was there to >meet all the winners, sign autographs etc, etc. The event started at 7, >my friends and i got to the club a couple minutes after 7. There was a >line outside full of almost all girls. While we were waiting in line, a >camera man came up to my friends and i. it was confusing because we >didn't know if he was recording us or not. So then it looked like he was >taking the camera and going up and down my friend's legs. it was kind of >scary. So we waited in line for a little while, gave the people our >tickets. We each got a WB17 tshirt, a BtVS postcard and a Dawson's Creek >postcard. Then we were let lose into the club. the 50 winners, their >guests, and the people from WB17 and Q102(radion station that also >sponsered the event), adn the other people working were the only ones >allowed in, so it wasn't crowded. My friends and i made a bathroom run, >and then checked outthe food situation. The was a bar were you had to >pay for alcohol, but other drinks were free, and then there was the >Hooters girls giving out curly fries and fried chicken. (I was glad we >had stopped at wawa on the way and got hoagies) Then we took a few pics, >and stuff like that and before we knew it, the Q102 lady was announcing >how David was in the house, and then, he walked through into a vip >section. Then Buffy came on, but it was hard to watch knowing that >'angel' himself was in a room just a couple steps away.During a >commercial break, he went out to a table to sign autographs. my friends >and i got into line, (which wasn't too long) and waited. It was >difficult to try and watch buffy while waiting in line to meet David. So >i missed a lot of the show, but thankfully, my vcr was set at home. As >we got closer in line and started taking pics of David w/ my camera, and >watching buffy became less and less important. Kind of crazy how a show >that i never miss a episode can be put on the back burner. When i was >almost to the front it dawned on me that i didn't really have anything >that i wanted to say to him. when i got to the front, he asked for my >name for the autograph. (when i get a scanner, i'll scan it and put it >on my page, )it was a black >and white photo,and of course he signed on a black part in black >marker, no what sense does that make? I think my friend, >rosie( had the approipriate words to describe it, >"awesome. like a dream. not able to speak in complete sentences b/c the >only thing running through your mind was 'ohmygod, i am 2 feet away from >angel'" I was there w/ 3 friends and my mom, and we all had cameras and >wanted pics w/ him, but it was dumb because hje was on the other side of >a table and stuff. so we rotated taking picture of him signing the >autograph while we were standing tehrer./ i was slightly dissapointed >because i wanted a pic of w/ me, my 3 friends and him in it, but what >can you do. > > >well thats about all i can write now, i have to go, i'll finish my story >later. > >~colleen~ > > >~Official Keeper of " These flowers are wrong! They are all wrong! I >can't abide them"-Dru >~Keeper of Oz's Potenial 'gold stars' > >______________________________________________________ >Get Your Private, Free Email at > >- > > ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 13:10:21 PDT From: "Colleen M" Subject: BUFFY: i met DB(part2) this is part two, if you missed part one, it's on the bottom so after we got out autographs, we were hanging around in the area that he was signing other peoples, taking pictures etc. then he started to lean forward, next to people for pics,and i was like, dud i want a pic like that, so we re got in line and this time, i bought the ticket to get into club egypt w/ me.He had a beer that he was drinking. my friend wanted the bottle, but didn't have the nerve to ask. my mom suggested that i ask him if he'd like to bite my neck. i found that funny coming from my mom. so i had him sign my ticket and he made some comment about double dipping in line. i was going to taake a pic of my friend lauren and him. lauren had her camera and something for him to sign, and instead of giving me the camera and him the thing to sign, she handed david the camera. he kinda looked at it like yeah, what on earth am i supossed to do with this. it was funny, my friend really should be a then it was back to watching the end of buffy. they gave away varios prizes, from buffy tshirts to calada(i know it's mispelled) rings. unfortunately i didn't win anything. the Q102 lady came back on the announcer and said david is celebrating his birthday this weekend, and we have a birthday cake for him. so the everyone sang happy birhtday and he blew out he candles. everyone got a piece and a container that was sitting next to the cake had the candles in it. i took one for memrabila, and then i thoutgh well my friends are going to want them too, so i grabbed 4 more and left. fortunetaly no one gave me a hard time about it. david did the weather for wb17 (ironic w/ his father being the local channel 6 weatherman) and a couple of preweather, "stay tuned because i'll being doing the weather" shoots, where me and my friends were in the background. during the weather, he said something about how he loves to go to ocean city new jersey, which was cool because that is where my friends and i go to school. maybe i'll run into him over thek summer(yeah right i wish)during the weather he also was holding 2 cardboard paper clouds. one of which he threw, and i caugt!! it says "hi dad" on it. i must say that david is a very friendly, personable, and funny person. he interacted well w/ everyone, definately crowd friendly. there was a girl in a wheelchair there, who he took the time to go over and talk to, and afterwards, when everyone was leaving he went and talked to her again. i couldn't help but think of the show and angel saying 'roller boy' to spike, but david went out of his way to talk to her, and i thought that was really nice. i think that about sums up the night. aside from the drive home to realize i had recourded the wb station in new york so i don't have myself on the news w/ david, but my friend's father recorded it, so i'll be able to see it sooner or later. ~colleen~ Offical Keeper of the line "Does anybody else feel like they've been Keyser Sozed?"-Xander ~Keeper of Willow's egg "delivery" to Buffy > >I had won a contest run by my local WB17 out of Philadelphia. The prize >was going to a night club on Tues, May12 were there was a 'private' >screening of BtVS and Dawson's Creek. And David Boreanaz was there to >meet all the winners, sign autographs etc, etc. The event started at 7, >my friends and i got to the club a couple minutes after 7. There was a >line outside full of almost all girls. While we were waiting in line, a >camera man came up to my friends and i. it was confusing because we >didn't know if he was recording us or not. So then it looked like he was >taking the camera and going up and down my friend's legs. it was kind of >scary. So we waited in line for a little while, gave the people our >tickets. We each got a WB17 tshirt, a BtVS postcard and a Dawson's Creek >postcard. Then we were let lose into the club. the 50 winners, their >guests, and the people from WB17 and Q102(radion station that also >sponsered the event), adn the other people working were the only ones >allowed in, so it wasn't crowded. My friends and i made a bathroom run, >and then checked outthe food situation. The was a bar were you had to >pay for alcohol, but other drinks were free, and then there was the >Hooters girls giving out curly fries and fried chicken. (I was glad we >had stopped at wawa on the way and got hoagies) Then we took a few pics, >and stuff like that and before we knew it, the Q102 lady was announcing >how David was in the house, and then, he walked through into a vip >section. Then Buffy came on, but it was hard to watch knowing that >'angel' himself was in a room just a couple steps away.During a >commercial break, he went out to a table to sign autographs. my friends >and i got into line, (which wasn't too long) and waited. It was >difficult to try and watch buffy while waiting in line to meet David. So >i missed a lot of the show, but thankfully, my vcr was set at home. As >we got closer in line and started taking pics of David w/ my camera, and >watching buffy became less and less important. Kind of crazy how a show >that i never miss a episode can be put on the back burner. When i was >almost to the front it dawned on me that i didn't really have anything >that i wanted to say to him. when i got to the front, he asked for my >name for the autograph. (when i get a scanner, i'll scan it and put it >on my page, )it was a black >and white photo,and of course he signed on a black part in black >marker, no what sense does that make? I think my friend, >rosie( had the approipriate words to describe it, >"awesome. like a dream. not able to speak in complete sentences b/c the >only thing running through your mind was 'ohmygod, i am 2 feet away from >angel'" I was there w/ 3 friends and my mom, and we all had cameras and >wanted pics w/ him, but it was dumb because hje was on the other side of >a table and stuff. so we rotated taking picture of him signing the >autograph while we were standing tehrer./ i was slightly dissapointed >because i wanted a pic of w/ me, my 3 friends and him in it, but what >can you do. > > >well thats about all i can write now, i have to go, i'll finish my story >later. > >~colleen~ > > >~Official Keeper of " These flowers are wrong! They are all wrong! I >can't abide them"-Dru >~Keeper of Oz's Potenial 'gold stars' > >______________________________________________________ >Get Your Private, Free Email at > >- > > ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 16:50:02 EDT From: TrudiRose Subject: BUFFY: evil vamps <> I honestly don't think Spike has any interest in destroying the world. I think he'd be just as happy to be king of the vamps, destroy the Slayer, and generally have fun. He did have a hand in resurrecting the Judge, true, but I got the impression it was only to make Dru happy. Look at the scene when she asks if she can open her present, and he smiles and says, "Just a peek, love" - - I really think his pleasure was in seeing her happy. And with this new armageddon thing - this Alcatha or whatever the heck it's called - Spike clearly couldn't care less about it. In fact, he ENJOYED the fact that it DIDN'T work, because it's ruining Angel's plans. Angel and Dru were all upset and frustrated, but Spike just smiled and taunted, "Someone wasn't worthy." (It's interesting that now it doesn't bother him that Dru was unhappy - his main goal is just to thwart Angel). So I don't think Spike is in the same category as Angel and Dru. Trudi - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 May 98 16:07 CDT From: (Xan Laurence) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Angel - Irish Catholic? >---fu nee wrote: > >> He replied that there was not distinction, at least in Ireland >between >> Protestant and Catholic. First time I've heard that! He seemed to >> suggest, that there were no clear distinctions between Catholic and >> Protestant religions as practiced in Ireland. > >Very weird, indeed. Since there are Protestent factions that walk into >Catholic neighborhoods and basically kill anyone (according to stories >my Belfast relatives have told me, but they're Catholic and maybe a >little biasted). The Irish history has deep-rooted conflict between >these two religions. There was a time (during the potato famine) when >Catholics couldn't get any food, but if you switched to Protestent, >you'd be well taken care of. But, since this isn't a religious >discussion list, I'll move on. I'll bet that that he misunderstood the question and thought that he was being asked whether there was a difference in the *accent* of a Catholic or a Protestant in Ireland. The answer to that would be, not really, since accent is based on where you grew up, your social class, and also, more so than in the U.S., where you went to school. But there are definitely differences in Protestant and Catholic religious practices, whether in Ireland or anywhere else! >== >Amiee >The Babe Known as Xander: >"And the Francie-Brady-Not-a-Bad-Bastard-Anymore Award goes to -- Great >God, I think it's Francie Brady." - The Butcher Boy by Patrick McCabe > >_________________________________________________________ >DO YOU YAHOO!? >Get your free address at > > >- Xan Laurence Champlin Community Library 12154 Ensign Ave. N. Champlin, MN 55316 (612) 427-1010 - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 14:17:07 PDT From: "Diana Lisky" Subject: BUFFY: Angel's possible soul return next season (spoiler) Hey again all, this is re to a message I read questioning whether or not Angel would get his soul returned to him in the third season. I don't know much, but I'll say what I know. S P O I L E R S P A C E I've heard that if (if, why do they tell us if?) Angel gets his soul back (bleh, I like bad bad Angelus better than boring I'm-so-sorry Angel) it will be in the 3rd season. And Buffy will not "welcome him back with open arms." Well duh. But that's all I know, and hey, it could be wrong! But for now, that's as good as it gets. =) Hope that helps clarify a little! =) Deny Everything DianaLisky/Kimberly *Do you worry that you're not liked/how long till you break/ you're happy cause you smile/but how much can you fake/An ordinary boy an ordinary name/but ordinary's just not good enough today ---"Superman's Dead" Our Lady Peace %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% *Mulder: Who cut the cheese? Scully: Since you won't be making it to the conference... Mulder: Par-ty! Scully: However, I must remind you, this goes against the Bureau's policy of male and female agents consorting in the same hotel room while on assignment Mulder: Try any of that Tailhook crap on me, Scully, and I'll kick your ass. --"Detour" The X-Files %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% * Where are my angels?/Where's my golden one?/Where's my hope/ now that my heroes have gone?/Some are being beaten/Some are being born/And some can't tell the difference anymore - --"Amen" Jewel %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% * Angel: Buffy. Buffy: Angel. Xander: (lowers his voice) Xander. - --"Reptile Boy" Buffy the Vampire Slayer %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% *paranoia paranoia/everybody's coming to get me/just say you never met me/I'm going underground with the moles/hear the voices in my head/I swear to god it sounds like they're snoring/but if you're bored then you're boring/the agony and the irony, they're killing me" --"Flagpole Sitta" Harvey Danger %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% *Mrs. K: Are there any questions? Bart? Bart: Is it possible to make a half-man, half-monkey? Mrs. K: No, Bart, that would be playing god. Bart: God, Schmod! I want my monkey-man! --The Simpsons %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% *Like anyone would be/I am flattered by your fascination with me/Like any hot-blooded woman/I have simply wanted an object to crave --"Uninvited" Alanis Morissette %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% *Daria: (pauses) They're not going to make fun of me? Jane: For peeing in the woods? They're in a band, Daria. Those boys puke on each other on a regular basis. Jesse: (to Trent) That reminds me. You owe me a shirt. - --"Road Worrier" Daria %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CONTACTING ME: (Ha! Like you'd want to?) E-Mail: Yahoo Pager: AngelicDetour AOL Instant Messenger: AngelLost %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 14:35:56 PDT From: "Quick Silver921" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Re: Why is Drusilla Catholic? I'm not quite sure on all the history stuff, but I know, that my mom's family was catholic since thier ancestors came here in like the 1800's or something, & they were from Ireland, & Scotland & Wales, & Checkolvakia (sp?). & my dad's Great great great granfather came here around the middle of the 1800's, & they were Catholic & Baptist, from Ireland. So... Around Dru's time, there might have been Catholicism in Ireland, although I don't know about London. Of course I could be totally wrong, so don't take my word for any of this, which isn't really saying that much... Cause I'll warn you these are just the ramblings of a 13-year-old girl's family history... Also, some of you were talking about how Dru can't be catholic, because people were protestant or something in England, I thought they just had thhe church of England. BTW: I don't knoww if any of you know or care, but Whistler will be in Part 2 tomorrow. Also, could someone send me a list of any recent magazine articles on thhe BtVS crew of late? if there are any. Thanx, Kelly (o o) - -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-oOOo-(_)-oOOo-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- - -"My world is all askew" Willow RB, -"You were my Yoda Man!" Spike SH - - Keeper of alot of things!& member of MCTP - -"Showgirls, absolutely frightening!" Randy, Scream2 - -"My mom & dad are gonna be so mad at me!" Stu, Scream - - Homepage - - Buffy Page ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V2 #287 *************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (