From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V2 #292 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Tuesday, May 19 1998 Volume 02 : Number 292 In this issue: BUFFY: Buffy: Why new episodes? BUFFY: Buffy: Next weeks episodes! Re: BUFFY: Angel (spoilers) BUFFY: Buffy: Becoming 2 - Willow BUFFY: David On WB News? Re: BUFFY: Becoming Part 2 -- spoilers for those who haven't seen Re: BUFFY: Angel/Angelus distinction BUFFY: Becoming, etc. BUFFY: New Buffy Pictures BUFFY: Admin: NO spoiler space needed!! BUFFY: Angel Spinoff? Gag me with a spoon BUFFY: Spike and the house/Xanders love Re: BUFFY: Buffy: Becoming 2 - Willow Re: BUFFY: Angel Spinoff? Gag me with a spoon BUFFY: Angel's soul????? BUFFY: Spike Invite BUFFY: more questions BUFFY: I'm confused BUFFY: Re: Angel spin-off Re: Re: BUFFY: Angel Spinoff? Gag me with a spoon BUFFY: Season Finale - Spoilers BUFFY: Transcript of DB and SMG interviews on WB11 Re: BUFFY: about the spinoff and other things Re: BUFFY: Ally McBeal (NOT OT!) BUFFY: Becoming 2 Re: BUFFY: BIG QUESTION ABOUT BECOMING PART 2 See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 22:54:20 -0400 From: "John F. Adams" Subject: BUFFY: Buffy: Why new episodes? I am no tv expert but I was always under the idea that I season finally was just that the final new episode untill next season. But in the previews they said it was going to be a new ep? Can someone please help me out and explain what this means? Oh yea, and just to recap, since this is my first post on this list.. .. Zander did the right thing, but true it wasn't for the right reasons. ..Angel wasn;t too bad of a guy, although I kind of liked angelous, not "buffy wipped" angel. And last but not least. WILLOW RULES!!!!!! :) John F. Adams Dawson & Joey 4 EVER! - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 22:53:53 EDT From: Gwen470007 Subject: BUFFY: Buffy: Next weeks episodes! Hey everyone next weeks 2 episodes ( in the US atleast) will be 'Phases' and 'Passion' according to my local station Amanda - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 23:04:45 -0400 From: Mary Osif Subject: Re: BUFFY: Angel (spoilers) At 10:42 PM 5/19/1998 EDT, you wrote: >First the spoiler space: > >H >O > >H >U >M > > > > > >H >E >R >E > >W >E > >G >O > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >Yes he has been signed as a regular cast member for next season.... Joss will find a way to bring him back... if he doesn't i'll be majorly ticked for the rumored spinoff featuring Angel, I dunno if I buy into that yet...until it's really been confirmed legitimately I won't believe it... Well, I'm afraid you're all going to have to buy into the spinoff-thingy. On the WPIX News at 10, he said that the spinoff was about him. But, how can there be a spinoff of a dead guy? Really dead. Also, since I'm not one for typing long e-mails (I like reading everyone else's and nodding my head in agreement), I just have one comment about tonight's ep. I that wasn't/isn't love, what is? That was the most romantic thing I've ever seen. In a gruesome kind of way, of course. Oh, and how about Ox and Willow? Ohhhh, they're so cute! BTW, I made a Buffy convert with this ep. One problem, she only gets CBS, so we're going to have a sleepover so she can watch all of my Buffys on tape. Thanks for reading! Mary - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 23:02:48 EDT From: RayneFire Subject: BUFFY: Buffy: Becoming 2 - Willow Wow! I'm still reeling! What an incredible show! And I have faith in Joss about the whole Angel thing. Anyway, I have a theory on who possessed Willow while she was re-cursing Angelus. I think it was Angel's soul. When I rewatched it, I noticed that when Buffy knicked Angel with the sword, they flashed to Willow doing the latin, and she jumped at the same time. Almost like she was hurt as well. And then as soon as she finished the curse, his soul left and re-entered Angel's body. Just a thought. I absolutely loved Spike in this one! It was so good to have him back! Xander--I haven't been a huge fan of his for awhile now, but after tonight's episode, I'm bordering on hate. I can't believe he lied to Buffy! Bad Xander! Bad! And I thought SMG did an outstanding job tonight! Especially her scenes with her mom and at the end with Angel. (sob) That's so Joss to have the first season and second season end in a similar fashion....with Buffy making the ultimate sacrifice (1st season she sacrificed herself, this season...her love). And the humor was a perfect balance (Dru kissing Giles, Spike and Joyce scenes). Why didn't Angel just make a vamp out of Giles? That would have accomplished two things.....he would have gotten his answer on how to awaken the stone demon guy and he would have hurt Buffy. Who thinks next season's storyline arc will have something to do with the mayor? And on a side note, I will be really dissapointed if they do a spin off that revolves around Angel. He belongs on Buffy (the show...not the girl! Get your minds out of the gutter!) and if they take him away to create a spin off, they'll be taking away a large part of what makes the show successful. Well, off to attempt to sleep after that episode! - -Rayne - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 23:01:52 EDT From: BuffySumr9 Subject: BUFFY: David On WB News? I watched the whole news, something I never do, and I didn't see either David or Sarah?! Were they on? Was I watching the wrong channel? Or, did I just miss them? Lots 'o Luv Ashley :-D - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 23:09:28 EDT From: CatDancer8 Subject: Re: BUFFY: Becoming Part 2 -- spoilers for those who haven't seen Third season stuff. Info on cast. S P O I L E R S S P A C E In a message dated 98-05-19 22:07:15 EDT, you write: << How can Angel come back out of hell? sorry, i lack the vision ;) >> This is Buffy the Vampire Slayer. If they can give and take a soul from a vampire, they can take one out of hell. Anything can happen on this show. Joss, the God, will find away. I myself don't know for sure how, but that's all part of the fun. We've got all summer to think up how they're going to get him back in the world, Buffy back to Sunnydale and reunited with dear mother and Spike and Dru back in town. So don't worry, everyone will be back. - -Michelle. - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 23:12:50 EDT From: TraceyS71 Subject: Re: BUFFY: Angel/Angelus distinction First the spoiler space: In a message dated 98-05-19 21:23:46 EDT, you write: << Perhaps this was a mistake on David Boreanaz's part? I mean, mayhaps he didn't properly distinguish between the two? >> I don't quite follow what you guys are talking about... what distinction? I thought he did wonderful and could definitely tell when the curse was lifted... Tracey =0) - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 20:14:21 PDT From: "Erin Anderson" Subject: BUFFY: Becoming, etc. S P O I L E R S P A C E Hi! Complete newbie here, but I'm starting off right by putting in lots of spoiler space, right? I was planning to lurk for a while before I started actually saying anything, but I just had to comment on the second part of Becoming. I have to admit, I thought the first episode was a little lame and predictable. Mr. Pointy was pretty much the only redeeming quality for me. But the second episode more than made up for the first. I loved it. I still can't quite believe what they did to Angel. And Spike was great! I loved when he and Buffy's mom were sitting in the living room. The "haven't I seen you some where before?" thing was hilarious. I really, really hope that Spike and Drusilla come back. It just wouldn't be the same without them. As for Angel... well, since he gets his own spinoff, apparently he's not dead. So that's something. *And* he gets his soul back, I assume, or else he wouldn't be fighting demons. Does anyone know if he's going to be on Buffy next season at all? Erin ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 23:18:58 EDT From: CatDancer8 Subject: BUFFY: New Buffy Pictures Hey guys, just found some new Buffy pictures of Nick, Alyson, & David. Great pics that I haven't seen on the net yet. I'll have them on my page later tonight for those who don't have AOL. Otherwise, get them at keyword: teenpeople for AOL users. - -Michelle ^ go there later tonight for new pics. - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 22:21:03 -0500 (CDT) From: Jill Kirby Subject: BUFFY: Admin: NO spoiler space needed!! Once the episode has aired on the East coast, NO MORE SPOILER SPACE IS NEEDED! No more! Nada! Zip! Zilch! Please, everyone, cut out the space. We're very high-traffic when a new episode airs, and all that extra space is forcing digests more quickly than they need to be forced. Also, if someone's been signed to another year with the show, that information doesn't need to be spoiler protected. If, somehow, you get information on how someone is revived/brought back next season, that DOES need to be protected. Jill Jill Kirby ~~ ~~ NatPack ~~ ABotCoS ~~ NP4 ~~ Dreamer/Minstrel - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 23:19:37 EDT From: Iocaste Subject: BUFFY: Angel Spinoff? Gag me with a spoon So the WB is planning on doing a spin-off of Buffy, focusing on the tortured ramblings of a good vampire trying to reform his ways while haunted by memories of the past? Liked it better the first time I saw it -- when it was called "Forever Knight." You know, there are _so_ many opportunities for neat Buffy spin-offs, I'm really upset they chose the Angel angle. Not only is it woefully overdone, but (and I'm waiting for the flames, bring 'em on) David Boreanaz cannot act to save his life. I shudder to think of what it's going to be like when he has to carry an entire series. It's particularly painful when I think of _cool_ spinoffs they could have done - -- most obviously, Kendra's death could have triggered _another_ slayer, who could have been the focus of a new show. Spike & Dru would even be preferable to Angel -- at least they aren't doing Nick Knight's routine. Sigh. Ann - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 23:24:06 EDT From: JessTear Subject: BUFFY: Spike and the house/Xanders love if Buffy invited Spike into the house, doesn't that mean he can come back anytime and kill her moms? was no one thinking of this?? and did Xander mean he -loved- Willow, or was it the best friend kinda love? OMIGOD!! David looks so sexxy in the previews for his news interview - -Jess behold as I ascend, as I become all that I am, all that I've done, has led me to this - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 23:26:49 -0400 (EDT) From: "F.Y.G." Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy: Becoming 2 - Willow On Tue, 19 May 1998, RayneFire wrote: > Wow! I'm still reeling! What an incredible show! And I have faith in Joss > about the whole Angel thing. You and everybody else! It kicked ass! > Anyway, I have a theory on who possessed Willow while she was re-cursing > Angelus. I think it was Angel's soul. When I rewatched it, I noticed that I think it was Jenny's soul giving herself peace by helping. > Xander--I haven't been a huge fan of his for awhile now, but after tonight's > episode, I'm bordering on hate. I can't believe he lied to Buffy! Bad > Xander! Bad! He didn't forget what had happened, he saw how Buffy was hurt, He did the right thing IMHO. > And I thought SMG did an outstanding job tonight! Especially her scenes with > her mom and at the end with Angel. (sob) Here here, right so! F.Y.G./missile Founder and President of the Buffy Crew Delta Sigma Phi Sargent at Arms - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 22:33:59 -0500 (CDT) From: Jill Kirby Subject: Re: BUFFY: Angel Spinoff? Gag me with a spoon At 11:19 PM 5/19/98 EDT, Iocaste wrote: >So the WB is planning on doing a spin-off of Buffy, focusing on the tortured >ramblings of a good vampire trying to reform his ways while haunted by >memories of the past? Liked it better the first time I saw it -- when it >was called "Forever Knight." Oh, I can't see any possible similarites. :::heavy sarcasm::: Tortured vampire? Lots of flashbacks? Gee, all they need is an older blonde vampire calling Angel back to the dark side. I know a certain Canadian actor who might be available... >Not only is it woefully overdone, >but (and I'm waiting for the flames, bring 'em on) David Boreanaz cannot act >to save his life. I shudder to think of what it's going to be like when he >has to carry an entire series. Perhaps the fact that the spinoff doesn't start until fall 1998 will give DB time to develop. I'm not always a big DB fan, but I've seen some potential. > Spike & Dru would even be preferable >to Angel -- at least they aren't doing Nick Knight's routine. A Spike and Dru series would be If the Angel spinoff gives those two more air time, I'm all for it. Dysfunctional vampire relationships-- that's a good series topic. :) Heck, just put James Marsters on a chair reading the phone book. I'll watch. I loved his scenes with SMG tonight-- both of them have really good timing, and watching them work together is a real pleasure. Jill Jill Kirby ~~ ~~ NatPack ~~ ABotCoS ~~ NP4 ~~ Dreamer/Minstrel - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 23:33:37 EDT From: Rmkhnk Subject: BUFFY: Angel's soul????? Only your soul goes to heaven or hell, right? I thought Angel lost his soul when he was killed some 200 years ago. How can his soul just *now* be going to hell? - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 23:40:29 EDT From: PandyGrrl Subject: BUFFY: Spike Invite In a message dated 5/20/98 3:26:49 AM, you wrote: <> That's Angel's MO not Spike's. What does he care about Buffy or her mother? He promised Buffy he would skip town with Dru and he did. He has no reason to come back for Buffy's mother or herself. It was never a personal thing with Spike --in fact I have always thought that Spike sort of admired Buffy in a weird way-- Buffy is the slayer and he's a vampire. Now that she's not a threat to him or Dru he has no reson to want her harmed. Pandora - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 23:41:51 EDT From: JessTear Subject: BUFFY: more questions does anyone know, excuse my french and the pun, what in the blood hell Whistler meant when she had one thing left to lose? her friends, her life, Angel 'cause he knew what would happen? no, he couldn't have known, because he didn't even know Angel was bad again 'til he got to Sunnydale... musta meant her life, eh? oh yeah, and... In a message dated 5/19/98 8:36:20 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes: << Only your soul goes to heaven or hell, right? I thought Angel lost his soul when he was killed some 200 years ago. How can his soul just *now* be going to hell? >> a vampire retains his soul, it's their conscience they lose... I'm pretty clear this was bad wording on Joss' part... - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 23:42:04 EDT From: Tracyrr74 Subject: BUFFY: I'm confused I thought that metal(s) couldn't kill a vampire! You eith had to behead them (like she did to the one tonight) oe drive a wooded stake (or anything sharp and wooden) through their heart. I realize he is trapped in the vortex and all but dead? I personally think that he is just trapped and wounded (since only his blood could close it). What do you think? Tracy - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 23:44:17 EDT From: Rmkhnk Subject: BUFFY: Re: Angel spin-off In a message dated 98-05-19 23:08:05 EDT, you write: << if they take him (Angel) away to create a spin off, they'll be taking away a large part of what makes the show successful. >> I totally agree. Unless David turns into Superman and can star in two primetime shows at once. - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 23:45:55 EDT From: PandyGrrl Subject: Re: Re: BUFFY: Angel Spinoff? Gag me with a spoon In a message dated 5/20/98 3:35:15 AM, you wrote: <> I like David B. as well as the character of Angel itself. Admittedly, his "acting" can make me cringe at times but there has been steady improvement since he (Angel) changed. And he wasn't half bad in tonight's ep.(Except at the very end--Grr Arrg), in my humble opinion. He's a long way from stumbling over his lines like he did in the first season. Of course he did spend less time talking this season and more time smooching. Pandora - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 22:47:58 -0500 From: "mary wilkerson" Subject: BUFFY: Season Finale - Spoilers Okay, I usually lurk but this time - well I have to share: < < < < < < < < < < < < < < Hope that's enough. What wild ride with tonight's episode! Just a few observations: 1. Go Spike! Nice plan when it came together. I got the feeling he was enjoying kicking Angelus when he was down. 2. Xander - well buddy too little too late. It felt rather like poetic justice that he should finally admit feelings for Willow only to have the first name she speaks coming out of the coma be Oz. 3. Buffy - girlfriend you did the best you could in a bad situation. No easy, happy endings here. Where will she go and what will she do? After all, she's still only 17, no money, no job skills (being the Slayer probably wouldn't cut much with the Unemployment office). 4. I agree with a previous post that Xander not telling Buffy about Willow's attempt to return Angel's soul was probably the best move. After all, she had to learn that when everything else was gone, she still had herself to rely on. My problem is the motivation. It wasn't to insure her survival. It was again a spiteful attempt to rid himself of someone he never liked because the woman of his dreams wanted that person more than she liked him. Next season I hope to see some guilt on his part for lying and less rationalizing of his motives. And I hope that Cordelia finds another boy friend. Dense as she can be at times, she deserves better. 5. Last but not least - way to go Giles! Who would have thought that there was that much steel in that mild mannered Librarian (well, we would have but that's another story). Pain was no inducement to revealing the secret to the destruction of the world. It took a cruel emotional trick to get him to reveal the final step to the spell. Can't wait till next season. Margot. Mary W. - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 May 1998 00:05:15 -0400 From: Ann M Subject: BUFFY: Transcript of DB and SMG interviews on WB11 It's pretty long, but the comments of DB and SMG are really sweet. Enjoy everybody. :) ******************************************************************************* Reporter: And if you saw tonight's season finale of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, you saw the end of one of television's hottest romances with the death of Angel, the vampire. However, we have it on good authority that Angel is in fact alive. And in fact the WB is resurrecting the hunky vampire by giving David Boreanaz his own show next year. Roby Chavez talked with Boreanaz and Buffy's Sarah Michelle Gellar and got the inside scoop all about next season. [Cut to clip's from tonight's ep:] Buffy: Hello lover Angelus: I don't have time for you. Buffy: You don't have a lot of time left. Reporter: Dumping a boyfriend is never easy but when he's a vampire that's got your heart, killing him off is well, going to get a bit ugly. To say the couple fights a lot is an understatement. [Cut to Spike pummeling Angel from behind. Cut to Angel:] Angel (to Buffy) What's left? Buffy catches the sword between her hands. Buffy: Me. (Proceeds to knock Angel over backwards) The season finale is farewell for Buffy and Angel after a season of a forbidden heated affair. It took 4 days for the two stars to prepare for this swordfight. [Cut to fight] SMG: It was actually a very difficult fight. We all came out of that pretty bruised. I had some bad bruises, so there were some broken fingers and it was a brutal fight, but I think from the finished product it was incredibly worth it. DB: It was amazing how we just picked up on it, we just got into a groove, we were focused and we just let if fly and it was a great. It was a great battle and we had a lot fun with it. When it was over we didn't want it to be over, (laughs) we wanted to continue fighting with the swords. [Cut to clip of Buffy and Angel hugging] Angel: God, I feel like I haven't seen you for months. Reporter: But it was over and Angel was killed. Due to the demons, but not before a very moving emotional scene that left even the stars overwhelmed. Sarah Michelle Gellar knew it was goodbye. [Cut to Buffy and Angel's goodbye kiss. Ends with Buffy stabbing Angel, he begins to be sucked into the Vortex.] SMG: David and I are incredible friends, he's one of my best friends. And to do that heartbreaking scene, I was crying afterwards and for about 5 minutes we just kind of held each other there because it was where you have to break that line of , okay this isn't real. Reporter: But with vampires and television you're never realy dead. Especially when you're one of the new faces of Hollywood. It doesn't hurt to be a hunk too. David Boreanaz's spin off "Angel" will debut on the WB network in 1999. Angel moves to LA. DB: I gotta pay for a lot of my sins that I've done in the past you know 8 weeks of being evil. So if-when I come back I got a lot of people to answer to and its not gonna be fun. Reporter: The chemistry between Buffy and Angel has been a big hit. It has kept fans wanting more. Both stars say its because behind the scenes, they are friends. The only thing they won't say is whether or not there will be a reunion. DB: I'll go on back and visit her in Sunnydale and make sure that her next boyfriend is not, you know,treating her roughly or anything, because we can't have any of that. Reporter: It is a hit, but by the end of the finale even more questions remain. Like: How will Angel come back? Will he remember Buffy? Where is she going? Stay tuned. Roby Chavez for the WB11, news @ 10. ******************************************************************************** *Also afterwards they announced David Boreanaz will be available to chat live @ the WB11 website tomorrow. He didn't say a time. So I would check the site for more info. The address is And they mentioned that David will be at the Warner Brothers store in Manhattan tomorrow between 4 and 5 pm, but I believe that it's already been posted. Hope you guys enjoyed it, its my first attempt at transcribing so sorry for any strange typos or errors. And if you already saw the interview, sorry for the waste of space in your mailboxes. :) BTW, SMG was sporting her brown hair but it was straighter than we saw last week. She looked really cute. And of course David looked adorable in his sunglasses. - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 21:08:28 -0500 From: Amanda Subject: Re: BUFFY: about the spinoff and other things Sapphire wrote: > > This spinoff sounds strange, I do admit. Ummm...what????? I haven't been hanging on the list long, what spinoff?!?!?? Jennifer Carey - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 21:09:55 -0500 From: Amanda Subject: Re: BUFFY: Ally McBeal (NOT OT!) Wagner wrote: > > I watch "Ally McBeal" every week. Humm...intersting, cause I always thought SMG reminded me of a younger version of Kristia Flockheart. (sorry if that isn't spelled correctly. *F*) Jennifer Carey - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 May 1998 00:14:25 -0400 (EDT) From: Monet Subject: BUFFY: Becoming 2 (Sigh)...I KNEW that Joss would pull a heart-wrenching, jaw dropping finale just so us Slayerettes can experience that which is called "Buffy Withdrawl"! Ugh! This was an absolute great finale. It was prefectly paced (although I thought a FEW parts were slow, but then I usually have to watch a show twice before REALLY judging), the acting was superb (GO Sarah!), and the storyline was marvelous :) Who KNEW? (Well, maybe those who like spoilers). Granted, Angel isn't dead (metal sword) and Joss did leave it open for him to return, but still, Buffy made the audience FEEL how excruciating it was for her to do that. I mean, when she said "Close your eyes"..ack, tears almost sprang! I couldn't believe she did it, and right when his soul returned! But Buffy came to terms with her duty to protect the world, sacrificing the one thing she's longed for months. Spike and Buffy were an odd couple, that's for sure. But they were the only comic relief among the drama. Loved it when Joyce asked if they'd ever met before. And Buffy telling The reaction was great from both, and Joyce reacted like any mom would. (My mom told me she'd think I was crazy if I told her I was the Slayer). Kicking her out of the house? Harsh... My sister was all for Xander and Willow getting together all through last season and the first part of this one. But now she's all for Oz and Willow. However, when Xander did his big dramatic scene with Willow and said "I love you," my sister was all for them again. Then when she muttered, "Oz" ...oops there went my heart again. Needless to say, for that split second, my sister forgot all about Oz. Something big's gonna happen next season and his name is the MAYOR! All in all, Buffy got slammed left and right emotionally more than anything. Her world has just crashed and burned, and I REALLY felt for my favorite character. Joss always tries to make the good stories about Buffy learnng and growing and he didn't disappoint me one bit. And remember that "horror metaphor of high school"? Well, he touched upon another teenage tragedy: running away. Touching ending, seeing our Slayer trying to escape Sunnydale and all her loved ones. G :) ============================================================= "'Something weird is going on.' Isn't that our school motto?" -Xander (Buffy, the Vampire Slayer) ============================================================= - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 May 1998 00:16:50 EDT From: LilyRei Subject: Re: BUFFY: BIG QUESTION ABOUT BECOMING PART 2 In a message dated 98-05-19 22:07:37 EDT, you write: > I agree Xander did the right thing... but very much for the wrong reasons > I buy that. You know, in the end he may be the one that I feel sorriest for. Because if he doesn't get his act together QUICK, he's going to end up alone. Nothing like deciding to love somebody when they've found someone else, and have seen you at your jerkiest. No incentive for a girl to change her mind. LOL LilyRei - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V2 #292 *************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (