From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V2 #300 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Thursday, May 21 1998 Volume 02 : Number 300 In this issue: BUFFY: Becoming, Part 2 Quote List BUFFY: Becoming Part 2 Re: BUFFY: Double Buffy? Bring it on!!! Re: BUFFY: Did Angel make Spike? BUFFY: Just a thought Re: BUFFY: David B. Fun in NYC Re: BUFFY: Did Angel make Spike? Re: BUFFY: Willow being possesed by Jenny???? BUFFY: Comments Re: BUFFY: Willow being possesed by Jenny???? BUFFY: the restoration spell BUFFY: You fall for it everytime Re: BUFFY: Comments Re: BUFFY: Comments BUFFY: David is NOT Married! + David is back next season! BUFFY: David back for next season??? BUFFY: season 3 BUFFY: Angel's blood Re: BUFFY: Season 3 BUFFY: Becoming Re: BUFFY: Becoming Re: BUFFY: Becoming Re: BUFFY: Angel's blood BUFFY: **Becoming song** Re: BUFFY: Becoming RE: BUFFY: **Becoming song** Re: BUFFY: The tonight show with Jay leno BUFFY: Who needs episodes on tape BUFFY: Becoming song lyrics BUFFY: The End Of BtVS?! See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 05:56:30 -0400 (EDT) From: Betsy Vera Subject: BUFFY: Becoming, Part 2 Quote List Becoming, Part 2 Quote List quote list part 2 of 2 B = Buffy, G = Giles, X = Xander, W = Willow, C = Cordelia, O = Oz, K = Kendra, A = Angel, As = Angelus, S = Spike, D = Drusilla, PS = Principal Snyder, Wh = Whistler J-Have we met? S-You hit me with an ax one time. Remember? Uh, "Get the hell away from my daughter!" J-Oh. So, do you, uh, live here in town? B-She killed Kendra. S-Dru bagged a Slayer? She didn't tell me. Good for her! Though not from your perspective, I suppose. J-Did she explode like that man out there? J-Honey, are you _sure_ you're a vampire slayer? I mean, have you tried _not_ being a slayer? It's because you didn't have a strong father figure, isn't it? J-Now that we know you're innocent... B-What? You thought I was guilty? Geeze, feelin' the love in this room. B-Get them involved, you'll get them killed. J-Well, you're not going to hurt them, are you? B-I'm a Slayer, not a postal worker. B-Do... do you think I chose to be like this? Do you have any idea how lonely it is, how dangerous? I would love to be upstairs watching TV or gossiping about boys or... god, even studying! But I have to save the world... again. C-So, Buffy's going for the big show-down, huh? I wish we could help, you know, without dying. W-I'm okay. X-You don't look okay. Does she? C-You should listen to him. The hair, it's so flat, and the lips... X-Could we stay on topic here, honey? C-What? W-There's no use arguing with me. Do you see my resolve face? You've seen it before, you know what it means. O-Okay, I pretty much missed out on some stuff, didn't I? Because this is all making a kind of sense that's... not. As-You know, I can stop the pain. You've been very brave, but it's over. You've given enough. Now let me make it stop. G-Please... As-Just tell me what I need to know. G-In order... to be worthy... you must perform the ritual... in a tutu. Pillock! As-All right, someone get the chain saw. S-Now, now, don't let's lose our temper. As-Keep out of it, sit-n-spin. S-You have your way with him, you'll never get to destroy the world. And I don't fancy spending the next month trying to get librarian out of the carpet. PS-You do know this is a crime scene, don't you? But then... you're a criminal, so that pretty much works out. PS-These are moments you want to savor. You wish time would stop so that you could live them over and over again. You're expelled. B-You never ever got a single date in high-school, did you? PS-Your point being? S-Uh, Drusilla... As-Honey... S-We are finished here, ducks. D-Sorry. I was in the moment. Wh-You know, raiding an Englishman's fridge is like dating a nun. You're never going to get the good stuff. X-Cavalry's here. Cavalry's a frightened guy with a rock, but it's here. X-Now that's a new look for you. B-It's a present for Angel. W-Are we ready? C-Stinky herbs are go. O-Did I mention I didn't take Latin? W-You don't have to understand it. You just have to say it -- I hope. S-Painful, isn't it? S-I don't want to hurt you, baby. Doesn't mean I won't. X-Giles! Giles! G-Xander? X-Can you walk? G-You're not real. X-Sure, I'm real. G-It's a trick. They get inside my head, make me see things I want. X-Then why would they make you see me? G-You're right. Let's go. As-My boy Acathla here is about to wake up. You're going to hell. B-Save me a seat. O-But we know the world didn't end, 'cause... check it out. W-I think the spell worked. I felt something go through me. C-Plus the Orb did that cool glow thing. END QUOTE LIST - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 06:31:42 -0600 From: David Simpson Subject: BUFFY: Becoming Part 2 I am still 7 digests behind getting caught up, but I decided I have to say something about the season-ender. WOW!!! I really enjoyed it. It was great. Last year, Prophecy Girl was my favorite episode of the season because it totally encapsulated the entire season in one episode and gave us closure. This year, Becoming part 2 has done the same. My wife couldn't talk for 10 minutes afterwards because of its intensity. Where do we go next season? I can only wait in awe for what Joss will do. David Simpson Angelus: Now that's everything, huh? No weapons... no friends... no hope. Take all that away... and what's left? Buffy: Me. - --- Becoming Part 2 (BtVS) - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 09:20:06 -0400 (EDT) From: Michael Hickerson Subject: Re: BUFFY: Double Buffy? Bring it on!!! > I think that if the third season were to be the > last (GOD FORBID), I would want a last chance to get all the Buffy > episodes on tape so I could cherish them forever (*corny string music > here*). Well, you're in luck. FX has purchased the syndication rights to Buffy. I am not sure when it goes into effect, but I'd think fall 1999 would be the earliest time they'd have enough eps to have a substantial block of episodes to re-air daily. Just as long as it doesn't replace X-Files, we'll all be happy.... Michael Hickerson - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 10:00:32 -0400 From: Jeff Rohaly Subject: Re: BUFFY: Did Angel make Spike? elizabeth yeung : >I know that this was discussed a while ago, but a friend of mine wanted >to know if Angel created Spike?? I know that Angel created Druscilla but >did he make Spike too? I wouldn't mind some clarification too. In School Hard, Spike called Angel his sire. In WML, Part 2, Giles tells Buffy that sire means the vamp who made you. But then somehow the idea started floating around that Drusilla made Spike and so we needed a new, more general meaning for sire. My question is where did this idea of Dru making Spike get started? I don't recall it being in any episode. And now with the flashbacks in B1, we see that Dru was still human in 1860 whereas Spike is supposed to be over 200 years old and thus Dru could not have made Spike. So are we not back to the notion that Angel did indeed make Spike? Jeff Rohaly - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 May 98 10:10:23 EDT From: (Charles Summers) Subject: BUFFY: Just a thought We know that Angel was the key to shutting the vortex down. When Buffy impaled him, energy was released that shut down the vortex. We are all just assuming Angel got sent to the demon dimension because the vortex closed, but do we really know that? It may be the logical conclusion, but it may not be what Joss had in mind. I don't know where else he could have gone, but Joss might surprise us. 3 months until we find out... - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 07:18:32 -0700 (PDT) From: Amiee Collier Subject: Re: BUFFY: David B. Fun in NYC - wrote: > This following thing is about David B.'s appearance at the WB store in > NYC today. I didn't get to see or meet him myself, so I'm just warning > you now I didn't get to him, either. But, I had an odd experience. I was in line about a block and a half away from the store. I learned that I fall into the you-know-you're-getting-old-when catagory, as I found myself talking more to the parents of the kids rather than resort to talking to all the screaming girls around me. (I'm only 24, but really, there's only so much I can take). My story's not as interesting, but here it is anyway: After the line was shut down (at about 4:35), the security guards said they would take the names and addresses of everyone and mail out autographed pictures. (I'm not holding my breath). So I handed mine in and tried to make my way to the subway. There was one woman I remember who yelled at the top of her lungs, "You can't do this! We have children here!" and "Boycott Buffy the Vampire Slayer!" This made me a little mad. I'm not sure what happened inside the store, but I'm POSITIVE it had nothing to do with David quitting. He's not the type of star to throw up his hands and say, "My hand hurts. Turn everyone away." I'm a very non-confrontational person, so I just kept walking. When I got to the front of the store, there were literally hundreds of people trying to get in or see David. While I was standing in line, about 10 people came up and asked what I was waiting for. "David Boreanez of Buffy the Vampire Slayer." They would always look at the line, smile, look back at me, laugh, and say, "okay.... thanks." That was probably the best part of the day, for me. == Amiee The Babe Known as Xander: "It's not easy having a good time ... Even smiling makes my face ache." - Frank, The Rocky Horror Picture Show _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 10:20:48 EDT From: BMTHESPIAN Subject: Re: BUFFY: Did Angel make Spike? In a message dated 98-05-21 10:03:34 EDT, you write: << >I know that this was discussed a while ago, but a friend of mine wanted >to know if Angel created Spike?? I know that Angel created Druscilla but >did he make Spike too? >> according to a chat JL did on talk city Dru was originally intended to be Spikes sire in the initial planning, but in the script it ended up being Angel who was Spikes sire. This expalns alot of the early confusion. But Angel is Spikes sire according to cannon. Brandi - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 11:22:47 -0400 (EDT) From: Robin Carrollmann Subject: Re: BUFFY: Willow being possesed by Jenny???? On Thu, 21 May 1998, TknoPagan wrote: > I don't think it would be safe to assume that is was her. Yes Jenny was > familiar with the arts, but as she said, most of the magics were lost. > So I imagined that she would not know that much in the use of them. > Jason The specific spell Willow was using is the one that Jenny rediscovered and put onto the yellow diskette. And though there is no proof that Jenny was the one who possessed Willow, there are several reasons to think it might be. 1. She had an emotional connection to Willow. 2. She was familiar with the spell. 3. She was killed *because* of the spell and before she could make use of it. The spirits of the dead are supposed to be very sensitive to unfinished tasks, especially ones which are related to their murders. Harper *** Robin Carroll-Mann harper at idt dot net .sigless at work - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 12:16:20 -0400 From: "David Leclair" Subject: BUFFY: Comments I have to say that I was very mad when I saw the Season Finale of Buffy. How could she kill Angel like that. He had his soul. I am very pissed at her and upset for Angel. I wanted to know, is David Boreanaz going to come back on Buffy next season?Thanx Marisa - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 09:39:15 -0700 (PDT) From: Amiee Collier Subject: Re: BUFFY: Willow being possesed by Jenny???? - ---Robin Carrollmann wrote: > On Thu, 21 May 1998, TknoPagan wrote: > > So I imagined that she would not know that much in the use of them. > the one who possessed Willow, there are several reasons to think it might Was Jenny translating the Romani text because she wasn't sure it was the soul restoration, or because she didn't know how to speak the ancient language? I assumed it was the latter. == Amiee The Babe Known as Xander: "It's not easy having a good time ... Even smiling makes my face ache." - Frank, The Rocky Horror Picture Show _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 13:28:16 EDT From: Tracyrr74 Subject: BUFFY: the restoration spell The annoying space... 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 We really do not know exactly what kind of restoration spell this was! Jenny said that the curse they used before on Angel was lost to her people! There was no way they could recurse him with THAT curse. Here are my thoughts: 1. She found a way to find that lost curse from her people OR 2. She somehow found another restoration spell. In this case it could be one that does not have the "happiness clause" in it. I don't remember hearing the original curse being called a restoration spell before - but hey I could be wrong - Also when Jenny was talking to Angelus about it I don't remember if she said she found a way to "curse" him again or if she said she found a way to "restore" his soul. I personally would take "curse" and "restoration spell" as two different things. But of course that could only be me! Sorry I got to thinking again!! lol I really need to stop drinking so much caffiene!!! Tracy - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 May 98 11:41:53 MDT From: Subject: BUFFY: You fall for it everytime I wonder if anyone else noticed the same thing I a did and had the the same reaction. Remember in Becoming part 1, Angel and Buffy were fighting while the Vamps invaded the library. It ended with the dialog: Angelus: It's not about you. Buffy starts running to the library. Angelus: You fall for it everytime. But in the scene with Darla, it goes someting like: Angel: Show me your world Darla: Close your eyes and I'll take you there. Darla proceeds to bite Angel and make him a Vamp In the final scene of Becoming part II. Buffy: Close your eyes Buffy stabs Angel and sends him to hell. When I saw that, my reaction was: "You(Angel) fall for it everytime." Keith - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 14:55:59 -0400 From: "Ryan Harrington" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Comments It was the only way to close the vortex. ~Ryan >How could she kill Angel like that. He had his soul. I am very pissed at - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 15:30:28 -0400 (EDT) From: Robin Carrollmann Subject: Re: BUFFY: Comments On Thu, 21 May 1998, David Leclair wrote: > I have to say that I was very mad when I saw the Season Finale of Buffy. > How could she kill Angel like that. He had his soul. > > Marisa > It hurt Buffy a lot to do that to Angel, but it was necessary to save the Earth from Hell. But we have no reason to think that Angel is dead. He was sucked into Hell, but stabbing a vampire in the stomach with a metal sword will not kill him. If she had cut off his head, that would be a different matter. Harper *** Robin Carroll-Mann harper at idt dot net .sigless at work - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 15:34:45 -0400 From: GORDON K CUMMING Subject: BUFFY: David is NOT Married! + David is back next season! Hello, Wednesday Night at 8:00, David Boreanaz had a live chat on aol. He clearly satated " I am officially not taken. I am not taken yet, I don't really have time for a relationship. But no I am noy married, that was a misprint." He also said " Again, I didn't die, i've just gone to hell and I'll be back. Just be ready for another great season, Joss is going to stir things up even more and when I come back I am going to have to answer to a lot of people. You're just going to have to wait and see what happens, sorry." He also said he is signed as a regular next season. Jennifer Cumming Keeper of Angel's House Keys Willow's Eagerness for Oz to get a Gold Star and Her Smiley Face Backpack. P.S. I am so sorry if this needed to be spoil protected. A hundered-thousand apologies, please don't be mad. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 15:56:05 EDT From: Anglkissz Subject: BUFFY: David back for next season??? In a message dated 98-05-21 15:48:41 EDT, you write: << He also said " Again, I didn't die, i've just gone to hell and I'll be back. Just be ready for another great season, Joss is going to stir things up even more and when I come back I am going to have to answer to a lot of people. You're just going to have to wait and see what happens, sorry." He also said he is signed as a regular next season. >> This doesn't mean he WILL be a regular cast members though. He probably will be in about 5 episodes or so. Someone (I forgot sorry) wrote this when he/she went to go see David in NY. <> I'm crying :( Brittany - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 May 98 16:15:59 EDT From: (Charles Summers) Subject: BUFFY: season 3 1. Gee, I hope SMG, Aly or Charimsa aren't married. I'd hate to miss my shot. (Get real people). (: 2. Hey, hell might be fun for a demon. If Angelus can stop Angel from being tortured or hide him somehow. 3. Is DB the star of this show? From reading this list, you would swear the show was centered around him. I wonder sometimes if I am watching an entirely different show than some people. Strange... - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 16:49:39 EDT From: VampGrl22 Subject: BUFFY: Angel's blood Hi guys! A Becoming II question- Didn't Giles say that the key to reviving the demon was Angel's blood? And that his blood was the only thing that could destroy the demon once he was brought forth? So why couldn't Buffy have just slit his hand (like Angelus did) and smeared the blood onto the statue to kill it? I know this wouldn't have given the dramatic ending killing Angel did, but it would mean that I wouldn't have to spend the summer in agony waiting to see what will happen... VampGirl Adoptive Mother to Fishman Gage Keeper of Dru's "Angel always knows what speaks to a girl's heart" (Including mine!) Keeper of Willow's interrogation techniques - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 16:53:51 EDT From: BuFFy SMG7 Subject: Re: BUFFY: Season 3 In a message dated 98-05-21 16:19:31 EDT, you write: << 3. Is DB the star of this show? From reading this list, you would swear the show was centered around him. I wonder sometimes if I am watching an entirely different show than some people. Strange... >> I agree with this statement. It is like DB is the star of BUFFY the Vampire Slayer. Not to be rude but LOOK AT THE NAME!!!! I mean if all the guys were raving about (the beautiful) SMG i think we would get complaints from girls pretty fast. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 May 98 16:58:58 EDT From: (Charles Summers) Subject: BUFFY: Becoming I thought Angel was the key. When she stabbed him energy was released and it closed the vortex. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 17:00:48 EDT From: BuFFy SMG7 Subject: Re: BUFFY: Becoming In a message dated 98-05-21 16:58:00 EDT, you write: << I thought Angel was the key. When she stabbed him energy was released and it closed the vortex. >> Then if the vortex was closed right after the sword hit him then why did angel fall into it? - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 May 98 17:12:51 EDT From: (Charles Summers) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Becoming Perhaps he was already caught in the vortex and couldn't get loose? - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 17:15:02 EDT From: MelMooney2 Subject: Re: BUFFY: Angel's blood In a message dated 5/21/1998 4:53:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: > Didn't Giles say that the key to reviving the demon was Angel's blood? And > that his blood was the only thing that could destroy the demon once he was > brought forth? So why couldn't Buffy have just slit his hand (like Angelus > did) and smeared the blood onto the statue to kill it? I think Whistler said the only way to close the vortex once it opened was with one blow to both Angel and the demon. Deny Everything, Mel - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 14:40:39 -0700 From: (Mica Vincent) Subject: BUFFY: **Becoming song** - --WebTV-Mail-930007530-766 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT someone posted the words to that becoming2 song...ack...i can't find them! - --WebTV-Mail-930007530-766 Content-Description: signature Content-Disposition: INLINE Content-Type: TEXT/HTML; CHARSET=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT - --WebTV-Mail-930007530-766-- - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 17:47:32 EDT From: BMTHESPIAN Subject: Re: BUFFY: Becoming In a message dated 98-05-21 17:06:12 EDT, you write: << Then if the vortex was closed right after the sword hit him then why did angel fall into it? >> Whistler said that one blow would distroy them both (Angel and the demon) Brandi - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 17:51:16 -0400 From: "Beth Mims" Subject: RE: BUFFY: **Becoming song** Is it possible to *NOT* send embedded sounds to the list? I'm frankly getting tired of downloading the buffy theme song in order to read a 2 line message. It is really becoming a hassle. Charles & Beth - -----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Mica Vincent Sent: Thursday, May 21, 1998 5:41 PM To: Subject: BUFFY: **Becoming song** - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 17:08:00 -0500 From: NiK Subject: Re: BUFFY: The tonight show with Jay leno >I didn't see a clip but I know they were making fun of pick up lines and they >were trying to get some guy to make up a pick up line to SMG, maybe that was >it, then again they could have shown a clip too, I wasn't really paying >attention, only listening. I saw it, all they did was go up to this guy in Hollywood and jay asked him if he could try to pick up one celeb who would it be. he responded with "buffy the vampire slayer" and then jay was having a tough time thinking of sarah michelle gellar. then jay asked the guy what he would say to her and he was like "how do you fight all those demons without getting scared?" not much of a pickup line, then they showed a 2 second clip of buffy. you didn't miss too much. - -NiK - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 18:06:14 -0400 From: "jmwalsh" Subject: BUFFY: Who needs episodes on tape A few days ago somthin posted and emergeny help request for tapes i have found a sourse that has evry tape so far to date please email me off list if you still need help ill be happy to do what i can - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 17:16:48 -0500 (CDT) From: Lisa Subject: BUFFY: Becoming song lyrics Here are the lyrics to Sarah McLachlan's "Full of Grace" on her "Surfacing" CD. The closed captioning isn't totally correct. This is what I got from the CD cover. Personally, I love this song and thought it was perfect for the episode. The winter here is cold and bitter It's chilled us to the bone Haven't seen the sun for weeks Too long, too far from home I feel just like I'm sinking And I claw for solid ground Pulled down by the undertow Never thought I could feel so low Through all the darkness I feel like letting go If all of the strength, all of the courage Come and lift me from this place I know I can love you much better than this Full of grace, my love It's better this way, I said Haven't seen this place before Everything we say and do Hurts us all the more It's just that we stay too long In the same old sickly scheme I'm pulled down by the undertow I never thought I could feel so low Through all the darkness I feel like letting go If all of the strength, all of the courage Come and lift me from this place I know I can love you much better than this Full of grace I know I can love you much better than this It's better this way Lisa Keeper of Willow's impersonation of "Be my deputy"; relief that her parents didn't let her have a puppy; and playing Doctor with Xander. Keeper of Xander's sideburns; priority of saving Buffy over averting the Apocalypse; and knowledge of where Angel's home is, even though none of the library gang had ever been there before. Keeper of Buffy's "Sorry Angel. Changed the locks." Keeper of Willow's "You're the Slayer, and we're like, the Slayerettes." Keeper of Angel's "It must just eat you up that I got there first." - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 18:37:30 EDT From: BuffySumr9 Subject: BUFFY: The End Of BtVS?! Ok - I've been hearing rumours that this was the final season of BtVS, and someone posted something from TVGUIDE saying that people wanted BtVS back. Is BtVS ending?! Was "Becoming Part Two" the last new episode of BtVS that we will ever see?! Someone please help clarify this! I'm very confused! Thanx! Lots 'o Luv Ash :-D - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V2 #300 *************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (