From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V2 #333 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Wednesday, June 10 1998 Volume 02 : Number 333 In this issue: BUFFY: OT: Scream 2 BUFFY: re: Seth Green in Paradise BUFFY: off topic BUFFY: Website Contest and "virus boy" BUFFY: ADMIN: Virus warnings BUFFY: Xander and Cordelia Re: BUFFY: Xander and Cordelia Re: BUFFY: OT: Scream 2 Re: BUFFY: Xander and Cordelia BUFFY: Appearances BUFFY: eps BUFFY: Buffy, the Comic Book BUFFY:WB Contest Re: BUFFY: re: Seth Green in Paradise BUFFY: Overnight ratings for KBD BUFFY: Article about Buffy BUFFY: Buffy tapes BUFFY: Fan Mail Re: BUFFY: Xander and Cordelia Re: BUFFY: Xander and Cordelia BUFFY: Newbie BUFFY: Admin: Policy Change (please read!) BUFFY: Seth Green BUFFY: stolen scenes BUFFY: I need help! BUFFY: Angel Chronicles Vol.1 Now for sale! BUFFY: Buffy schedule for next 2 weeks Re: BUFFY: Nick's twin brother BUFFY: Billboard sighting Re: BUFFY: Sarah's Pic on Main Page Re: BUFFY: Xander and Cordelia See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 09 Jun 1998 22:47:54 -0400 From: Mark Safransky Subject: BUFFY: OT: Scream 2 For those who love SMG, Scream 2 was released on video nationally today. Even for such a short appearance, Sarah was magnificient. What an acctress. Anyone notice she's been second banana to Jennifer Love Hewitt in IKWYDLS and to Neve Campbell in Scream 2. I think it's time SMG got to be the star of her own horror genre flick, oh wait, that will be Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the Motion Picture based on the TV show. Right. Coolness. Mark - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 9 Jun 1998 23:00:37 -0400 (EDT) From: "Kte'pi" Subject: BUFFY: re: Seth Green in Paradise I remember Paradise - Timothy Busfield (thirtysomething & Field of Dreams) was the father, iirc. Not sure about Seth Green being the son, but it could've been him. I'm almost positive, though, that the daughter was the actress who plays Robin on General Hospital. Seth Green IS in "Can't Buy Me Love", though :) He plays the little brother, and looks about eight. - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 9 Jun 1998 23:35:52 EDT From: Subject: BUFFY: off topic I know this is off topic and a no-no, per the list mommies, but I had to share this e-mail I received today regarding an e-mail virus. IMPORTANT! Please read! >> >> Subject: Warning -Forwarded >> >> Importance: High If you receive an email titled "WIN A HOLIDAY" DO NOT open it. It will erase everything on your hard drive. ........ This is a new, very malicious virus and not many people know about it. This information was announced yesterday morning from Microsoft; please share it with everyone that might access the internet. - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 09 Jun 1998 22:53:59 -0500 From: Kasey Johns Subject: BUFFY: Website Contest and "virus boy" At 11:35 PM 6/9/98 EDT, you wrote: >I know this is off topic and a no-no, per the list mommies, but I had to share >this e-mail I received today regarding an e-mail virus. List moms, can I smack this guy? Please? Pretty please? ObBuffy: ANNOUNCING THE TOP TEN STAKES WEBSITE POLL & CONTEST! It's time for the first-ever Top Ten Stakes fansite poll & awards, sponsored by Got a favorite Buffy site? E-mail the URL to us today. Nominations are open through June 27, and the 20 sites with the most nominations by that time will then be entered into fan voting from June 28 to July 19. All it takes is an e-mail. One nomination per e-mail address, so nominate wisely. And do it OFF LIST please, thanks. - --Kj Webmaster, - - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 00:42:21 -0400 From: sah Subject: BUFFY: ADMIN: Virus warnings I know folks mean well when they post :::GASP::: virus warnings . Let me just point out a couple of things: 1. If it's off topic, don't post it. No matter how dire. If it's something that's keeping you up at night contact me or Jill first. 2. The vast majority of these virus warnings are hoaxes, unleased by rude, inconsiderate little no-life turds who have nothing better to do than give free reign to their special brand of stupidity on the internet. That's why it's a good idea to check these things out with listowners before posting. I check out the virus warning web pages on a fairly regular basis, so I generally know what's what and what's not. And if it's something I *haven't* heard of, I'll be sure to check it out right away and get back to you. So, general rule of thumb: when in doubt, contact me or Jill and we'll check it out ASAP. Don't send it to the list--you're only doing exactly what those obnoxious shit-for-brains want you to do by passing it along. Thanks, - --sah sah * * NatPack * Jungle Patrol * Bishop * BBPG:TGLIL * BTVS Colistowner "It's the millennium. Motives are incidental." --Scream - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 02:31:53 EDT From: (fu nee) Subject: BUFFY: Xander and Cordelia After watching Go Fish again, I have second thoughts about Willow and Xander getting together. I mean, that just might happen, but I'm thinking that Cordelia and Xander are really suitable for each other. They are a sexy couple, very witty albeit sarcastic, and they genuinely care about each other. That scene in Go Fish where Cordelia thinks that Xander has turned into one of those fish creatures and tells him she'll still be his girlfriend and stand by him even though he's no longer human was touching in a funny sort of way. It proves that Cordy really loves Xander beyond the physical. Of course, Cordelia also appreciates his body (those scenes of him in the speedo) and the status he had as a swimming team stud, but I think she really loves him now. So, I'm guessing that next season, Cordy and Xand may break up and Willow and Xander may have a brief fling, but it will be Cordy and Xander together again sooner or later. Besides, now that we all know Oz has been signed to appear in all the episodes next year, it seems obvious that he's going to be Willow's boyfriend for awhile. funee who can't wait for the Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie starring the tv cast! _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 00:08:55 PDT From: "Jana De Witt" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Xander and Cordelia - ----Original Message Follows---- From: (fu nee) < Subject: Re: BUFFY: OT: Scream 2 is that the rental or like so you can buy it ?=BF?=BF?=BF=A7=0A - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 22:11:16 +1000 From: Andrew Parkinson Subject: Re: BUFFY: Xander and Cordelia ><--------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------ Yes........I can not see a Xander and Willow relationship going anywhere. Willow is much better suited to OZ, (although it is a little to cute on occasions). That said I can forsee them breaking up and getting back together - it is pretty standard in TV. I put my faith in the powers that be that it willbe done well. Andrew **************************************************************** Visit Slayer's Down Under at The Offical Keeper of: "There is a beautiful, big full moon outside tonight. It doesn't get more romantic than this. So shut up!" - Cordelia [Phases] **************************************************************** - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 08:58:24 EDT From: Subject: BUFFY: Appearances I haven't seen this mentioned yet, so i thought i'd let you know, Nicholas and Charisma (Xander and Cordelia) got the cover on the YM LOVE Issue.... VvLdyDruvV - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Jun 98 9:36:14 EDT From: (Charles Summers) Subject: BUFFY: eps Someone mentioned earlier that KbD was a good ep for Cordelia, and I totally agree. I think she stole an otherwise forgettable ep--"Tact is just not saying true stuff, I'll pass." Anyone else think certain eps were stolen by someone with a great set of lines or acting? I really thought Go Fish was a low point, but I think Willow stole the ep with her interrogation scenes. Priceless. Anyone got any others? Chas - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 00:58:39 +1000 From: Evan Harris Subject: BUFFY: Buffy, the Comic Book I got the following items from Dark Horse Comics.There is also a jpeg of the TPB photo cover (not original) and another of a page from #1. You can go directly to the images via these links (but I can't recall which link is which).... Image AImage B

Dark Horse Presents Annual 1998
By Mike Mignola, John Bolton, Matthew Burke, Pat McEown, J.L. Van Meter, Randy Green, Rick Ketcham, Dave Cooper, Shannon Wheeler, Steve Seagle, Stefano Gaudiano, John Arcudi, Scott Musgrove, Andi Watson, and Steve Weissman; covers by Mike Mignola and John Bo
This action packed 64-pages features the further adventures of Hellboy, Grendel Tales, Skeleton Key, Too Much Coffee Man, Phineas Page, and . . . Buffy the Vampire Slayer! Save your allowance and get in line, children, 'cuz this one is gonna go fast!
b&w, 64pg ... $4.95 On sale Aug 12, 1998

Buffy the Vampire Slayer #1
By Andi Watson & Joe Bennett & and Rick Ketcham & cover by Arthur Adams
Buffy Summers is not like other girls. She's been chosen to save the world from the vampire plague, and balancing saving the world with high school is no easy task. Presenting an all-new adventure of everyone's favorite slayer, written by Andi Watson, the creator of Skeleton Key, Joe Bennett, and Rick Ketcham, artist on Superman and Journey into Mystery.
FC, 32pg ... $2.95 On sale Sep 23, 1998

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Dust Waltz TPB
By Dan Brereton & Rick Ketcham & Laura Allred
Who are the mysterious sisters who have come to Sunnydale, and what are those nasty beasts that they have brought with them? It's Buffy's job as the slayer to find out, and do it but good! Of course, things can't help but be complicated -- one of the sister's has her sights on Angel! Balancing school books with the undead, Buffy takes the definition of awkward teen years to the extreme. Based on the popular television series!
SC, 80pg, FC ... $8.95 On sale Oct 14, 1998

Evan 'Azure' Harris                                             
  - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 12:01:07 -0400 (EDT) From: Monet Subject: BUFFY:WB Contest I just got the "Movieline" magazine with David Duchovny(sp?) on the cover, and I came across this ad for a contest. The reason the ad caught my attention was because I noticed Nicholas Brendon as one of the WB stars featured out of the three. (The other two are the girls from "Unahppily" and "The Jamie Foxx Show") The are all wearing sunglasses. I think the whole point of the contest is to go some display for whatever brand of sunglasses they were advertising and guess the three WB stars. DOn't hold me on that, though. I also think you win a chance to be on TV. Now whether that means a WB SHOW, I don't know. Just thought everyone would like to check it out! G:) ============================================================= "If you're gonna crack jokes, then I'm gonna pull out your rib cage and wear it as a hat." -Buffy (Buffy, the Vampire Slayer) ============================================================= - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 09:15:32 PDT From: "Mz. Gwyn" Subject: Re: BUFFY: re: Seth Green in Paradise I do know that Kimberly M. "Robin on GH" was not on that show, quite positive it was Seth Green, just not sure about Jennifer Love Hewitt << Not sure about Seth Green being the son, but it could've been him. I'm almost positive, though, that the daughter was the actress who plays Robin on General Hospital.>> ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 12:42:04 -0400 From: "Jeff Rohaly" Subject: BUFFY: Overnight ratings for KBD Last night's repeat of Killed By Death got a 3.9 rating/6 share in the overnight Nielsens for households. Overnight ratings are based on viewing in only 40 of the largest television markets, not the nation as a whole. The WB moved up to fourth for the night though, thanks to FOX's broadcast of game one of the Stanley Cup hockey finals, which finished dead last, beaten even by UPN. As a Canadian (albeit one who lived in the US most of this decade and thus gradually lost interest in the sport of hockey), I must obey my country's constitution and thus register my official disapproval. Here are the overnight numbers for the last few Buffy repeats: last week, WTTH & The Harvest got a 4.1/7, Phases (May 26, 8-9 pm eastern) had a 4.0/7, Passion (May 26, 9-10 pm eastern) received a 3.9/6 and back during the regular season, Innocence (April 21) scored a 3.6/6. The second installment of the animated series Invasion America that aired after Buffy got a 4.2 rating/6 share. Its first episode ran on Monday at 9 eastern, the time slot that first season Buffys take over starting next Monday. That premiere episode of IA also received a 4.2/6. The 7th Heaven that preceded it had a much stronger 5.1/9. [Note: As of June 1, 1998, the number of markets in the overnight Nielsen ratings increased from 39 to 40 with the addition of Jacksonville FL/Brunswick GA, the nation's 54th largest television market. This market does have a WB affiliate.] Jeff Rohaly (archive of Buffy's Nielsen ratings) - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 14:05:43 -0400 From: Kandace Rogers Subject: BUFFY: Article about Buffy Found the following the other day - thought some one this group might enjoy..... Entertainment Joyce Millman on why "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" rules (06/08/98) This is a news site that changes every day - if you can't find on main page under "Entertainment" check out archives. Kandace - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 10:59:00 -0700 From: "Karri" Subject: BUFFY: Buffy tapes I found out one more thing about the tapes. This is all I know, I know nothing more than this: The tapes will have 2-3 episodes on them. Please do not email me with anymore questions, I don't know anything else (I don't know price, release date). -Karri - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 15:09:53 -0500 From: "Patrick Kelly" Subject: BUFFY: Fan Mail I recently sent a letter to Sarah and then I emailed Scott Woodard to ask him if Sarah would get it. Here's what he said: "Your letter will automatically be forwarded to Sarah, so you can rest easy about that. Nobody here opens or reads any fan mail for our talent." That should put some people at ease. I know I am. Pat Kelly - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 15:12:45 EDT From: (fu nee) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Xander and Cordelia On Wed, 10 Jun 1998 00:08:55 PDT "Jana De Witt" writes: >If Willow and Xander were to hook-up next season, I don't think it >would >last because there wouldn't be much of a physical attracion, which Hmmmm...I think Xander would be physically attracted to Willow more as he matures. I mean, Willow isn't chopped liver. She's very pretty in a different way from Cordelia who is more like a Barbie doll (no sexist intent meant fans). Willow is kinda like the girl next door, the kind of girl most guys appreciate in the long run cause they have intelligence, sensitivity and depth. Cordelia has depth, but it's sorta screwed up. I get the feeling she spent too much time reading those Teen Magazines, that contain all these pictures of these models with all those stories of 'How To Be Popular" or "Tips on Dating" (that episode where she is so thrilled to be dating the fraternity guy points out exactly the kind of crap I'm talking about). Anyway, I just get a feeling that Cordelia and Xander are a couple, and that Xander and Willow might link up eventually, but it would be like in College or after college when they have careers and have matured (Xander is the one who has to do the maturing). funee _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 15:41:42 EDT From: (fu nee) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Xander and Cordelia One more thing about the Xander/Cordelia/Willow relationship possibilities. I think that the relationships can go just about any way Joss Whedon wants them to and that he is so talented and gifted that it will be believeable. Let's face it, Whedon is incredible. All the fans believed Willow and Xander were meant for each other, but do you see how episode by episode, using certain moments and scenes, he has endeared us to the sometimes awkward, oftentimes bitingly sarcastic, love/hate relationship that has formed between Cordelia and Xander? Xander and Cordelia started out with what I would call verbal foreplay, always picking on each other and several times in various episodes, they almost had an all out physical fight, which culminated in the episode where they are trapped in the basement hiding from that Worm man assassin. However, instead of fighting, Cordelia and Xander end up kissing and it escalates from there to more groping and face sucking -- hidden at first in closets -- then at remote locations in a car, finally being brought into the open and tested in the Valentine's day episode raising the relationship from physical to the beginning of something deeper. Superbly written episodes, developing the relationship, taking it through a progression of ups and downs, trials and tribulations, culminating in something meaningful with substance and plausability. Not only Cordelia and Xander's relationship, but the interactions between all the characters and the logic and connectivity in the whole series is very commendable. The fans are always kept guessing, with just enough information in the episodes to leave an entire universe of possibilities left open, adding to all the excitement and expectation which Whedon rarely fails to deliver. I was a big fan of Xena Warrior Princess. But if you've been a fan of that show, you know it's taken some very strange twists and turns, perhaps matching the quirky twists and turns of BtVS but lacking the development, logic and connectivity of BtVS. There is no doubt in my mind that BtVS not only ranks as the number one fantasy program on tv, but it also rises above the classification of that tv genre in attracting audiences who were previously not into that category of entertainment. Someone send this to Joss and tell him to send me an autographed pic! funee (: _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 20:48:46 +0200 From: Joachim Jordan Subject: BUFFY: Newbie Hello !! I'm new to the list and i already need your help. I'm german and i have only seen the Buffy movie, but not the TV series. A TV station wants to air the series, but there is not schedule up to now :(.... So, where can i get some tapes ? And there is also the advantage to watch it uncut and in the english original version. If you have seen some of the "cruel" things translators and cutters can do, you know what i'm talking about. BTW: Did they try to use "hip" language in the englisch original of the Buffy movie, too, or did they only cripple the german version with that ? Best regards, Joachim - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 15:58:13 -0400 From: sah Subject: BUFFY: Admin: Policy Change (please read!) Please read this. It's very important. Effective immediately, anyone who wishes to s*bscribe to any Buffy list on a "freemail" account (Geocities, Hotmail, etc.) will be required to provide us with a "permanent" e-mail address as a backup. We will under any circumstances reveal this permanent e-mail address to anyone. This is for our reference This new policy has become necessary because of the problems we've experienced with freemail accounts. They're too easy to set up and cancel, and there is so little recourse if the individual with the freemail account causes problems, that we have no choice but to enact this policy. The s*bscription information pages will be changed to reflect this policy. IF YOU ARE CURRENTLY S*BSCRIBED UNDER A FREEMAIL ADDRESS: as long as you stay s*bscribed, you do not need to provide us with this information. However, if you uns*b and want to res*b at some point, you will have to give us this information even if you were previously a s*bscriber through a freemail account. If we have to uns*b you for bouncing mail, again, you'll have to provide the information to res*b. If you have any questions regarding this, please contact us offlist. Thanks. sah and Jill and - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 14:01:29 -0700 From: Subject: BUFFY: Seth Green snip Seth Green IS in "Can't Buy Me Love", though :) He plays the little brother, and looks about eight. snip I just saw that movie again this past weekend. I thought that was Oz. Man, did he look young. Good thing he grew out of that scary/gawky stage. He sure turned out to be a cutie. Juliet - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 14:08:41 -0700 From: Subject: BUFFY: stolen scenes csummers said Anyone else think certain eps were stolen by someone with a great set of lines or acting? Definitely! KBD was a great piece of work for Cordy. Too many great lines to quote, but her discussion with Xander about jealousy was full of 'em. I can't remember which ep this Xander quote was from, but I think it was early on in season one. Actually, I think it was NKABOTFD. When Xander, Buffy and Willow were eating lunch in the cafeteria. Xander asked Buffy (rather loudly) how the slaying went last night. Buffy gave him a cold stare, and he said just as loud, "Laying. I meant how'd the laying go last night?" Classic Xander. I think Xander had a lot of scene steals in the first season. Unfortunately, I didn't start taping eps until Surprise. But I plan on catching up this summer, thanks to the WB gods. As far as season 2 goes, I think Cordy has been stealing many scenes. Just MHO. Juliet - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 14:18:31 Pacific Daylight Time From: Subject: BUFFY: I need help! Fellow Buffy fans, Due to a death in the family I was unable to watch B2. I was not exactly thinking clearly enough to tape it either. If someone could tape a copy for me I would be VERY appreciative. Please e-mail me off-list. I will pay shipping and handling and if I have anything to trade I will trade also. (episode wise) Thanks! Alia02 Keeper of Giles Inability to fight Buffy in training. Proud member of the East Coast Buffy Crew If I cry me a river of all my confessions will I drown in my shallow regret? - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check out my web page at "" - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why is College Club the largest and fastest growing college student site? Find out for yourself at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 17:50:32 -0400 From: GORDON K CUMMING Subject: BUFFY: Angel Chronicles Vol.1 Now for sale! Hey Everybody, The Angel Chronicles Vol.1 is now available at . There is a picture of the book. The cover of the book has Angel leaning on Buffy. Angel is wearing his traditional white top and black jacket. Buffy is wearing a red dress (the picture is from the waist up). It looks like a new picture. The caption on the cover reads: Three stories of desire, revenge, temptation and love. This is the description given for the book: After a century of killing without a care, the vampire Angelus was cursed with a conscience and eventually fled to Sunnydale, where he restricted his feeding to bloodbanks. Untril 16-year old Buffy Summers, the Vampire Slayer, arrived in town to battle vampires, demons and the Forces of Darkness. First, he has to convince her not to kill him. Then he has to convince himself not to fall in love with her. Now, collected for the first time, are three stories from the cult-hit TV series chronicling the begining of this star-crossed love story. Can Buffy and Angel survive life, death...and beyond? THERE ARE ALSO 10 FULL COLOR PICTURES OF ANGEL AND CAST INSIDE BOOK. The book is $4.50. Jennifer Cumming Keeper of Angel's House Keys. Buffy's stuffed dragon with the Pink Tutu. Willow's Smiley Face Backpack and Her Eagerness for Oz to get a Gold Star. Cordelia outfit matching Buffy's at the end of "Ted". - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 16:05:25 -0600 From: David Simpson Subject: BUFFY: Buffy schedule for next 2 weeks The schedule for Buffy episodes for the next 2 weeks is as follows: Monday, June 15 - The Witch Tuesday, June 16 - Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered Monday, June 22 - Never Kill a Boy on the First Date Tuesday, June 23 - Some Assembly Required David Simpson Buffy: Look... I know you feel badly about what happened, and I just wanted to say... good. Keep it up. --- Passion (BtVS) - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 18:07:01 EDT From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Nick's twin brother <> It's in the works, but it hasn't be set up yet. Kelly (his brother) is an actor, but he works in the arts department on Buffy right now. Nick said he'd love to have him on the show and do a twin thing, but since the third season just went into production planning, nothing is set yet. - -Michelle - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 18:24:41 -0400 From: "Ryan Harrington" Subject: BUFFY: Billboard sighting I was traveling northeast thru Knoxville, Tennessee today and I saw a Buffybillboard. It was blue and said Buffy the Vampire Slayer in red and it ad the pivture of Buffy and Angel on it that usually said "What is it about a dangerous woman?". I thought it was pretty cool to see. ~Ryan - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 15:42:32 -0700 (PDT) From: Dave-o-rino Subject: Re: BUFFY: Sarah's Pic on Main Page A copy of BtVS openening theme song can be found in an mp3 format at: Dave N. Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 18:33:37 -0500 From: NiK Subject: Re: BUFFY: Xander and Cordelia >Willow is kinda like the girl next door, the kind of >girl most guys appreciate in the long run cause they have intelligence, >sensitivity and depth. I love Willow! I think that she is the funniest person on the show, with Oz following behind in a close second. My favourite line of Willow's is "I'm gonna do work in the computer lab on school work that I have, so I cannot hang just now." I think Oz's best line is "I think I missed something, because this is making a kind of sense that's not." They are a perfect couple and I also think that Xander and Cordelia are more suited for each other. - -NiK Xianson - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V2 #333 *************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (