From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V2 #384 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Wednesday, July 22 1998 Volume 02 : Number 384 In this issue: Re: BUFFY: new characters on btvs Re: BUFFY: new characters on btvs BUFFY: List Re: BUFFY: Sunnydale County? BUFFY: Review--"Nightmares" BUFFY: Clothing line BUFFY: Katie Holmes? BUFFY: Could have been Buffy? Re: BUFFY: annointed one BUFFY: Review--"The Dark Age" Re: BUFFY: annointed one BUFFY: SPOILERS: New season Re: BUFFY: Sunnydale County? Re: BUFFY: Blah blah generation, vampires and short of evil guys Re: BUFFY: POSSIBLE Spoilers BUFFY: Angel& Buffy the Vamp Slayer BUFFY: Oz a senior???? Re: BUFFY: Angel& Buffy the Vamp Slayer Re: BUFFY: What the heck?! BUFFY: PICTURES wanted BUFFY: Two reasons for liking Dark Ages and other ramblings BUFFY: The Vampire Diaries Re: BUFFY: Angel& Buffy the Vamp Slayer BUFFY: Please help me BUFFY: This whole Xander/Buffy thing BUFFY: Content-Type: text/plain Re: BUFFY: cordy-LA Re: BUFFY: Could have been Buffy? Re: BUFFY: Could have been Buffy? See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 08:43:14 -0400 (EDT) From: Gubs Subject: Re: BUFFY: new characters on btvs > sudden random thought: why is everyone on the show an only child? isn't that > strange? we know buffy is definitely an only child. willow, xander, cordy, > oz....i'm assuming they all are simply because none have popped up. Probobly because Joss needed to limit the number of people in the scooby gang and I know from personal experience how hard it is to keep secrets from siblings. I mean could you imagine willows five year old little brother running after the gang, finding out about vampires and then demanding to came every night so as not to tell the parental units. That would not be pretty. Gubs,, - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 09:07:56 -0400 (EDT) From: Michael Hickerson Subject: Re: BUFFY: new characters on btvs > I mean could you imagine willows five year old > little brother running after the gang, finding out about vampires and then > demanding to came every night so as not to tell the parental units. That > would not be pretty. In keeping with the Scooby gang theme, I believe they'd have to call him Scrappy. :-) Michael - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 09:30:48 EDT From: Subject: BUFFY: List Does anyone know if is that same as - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 09:32:28 EDT From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Sunnydale County? Sunnydale isn't really a city though right? I live in the bay area and their is a Sunnyvale California. - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 09:35:13 -0400 (EDT) From: Michael Hickerson Subject: BUFFY: Review--"Nightmares" Warning: If having all the twists and turns of an episode of Buffy is one of your "Nightmares" I suggest you turn back now. Major SPOILERS for "Nightmares" are just ahead.... In short: Excellent work. As some of you know, the first two or three weeks of season one, I wasn't happy with the overall stories. Yes, they were good in some points, but they didn't quite have the magic that I'd come to associate with Buffy. I'm afraid I'm having to eat those words now, because looking back I can see that those episodes served a very important purpose--to set up the character and their dynamics so that the last few eps (Angel, the Pack, Nightmares, even to some extent IRYJ) could kick some major vampire butt. Joss, I will never doubt you again. That all said, "Nightmares" is an episode that takes all of what we know about the characters and used it to produce a taut, rivetting, and scary hour of Buffy. Yes, I say scary. I am usually on the edge of my seat watching Buffy due to the superlative use of dramatic tension on the show. But I can't remember an episode of Buffy that is quite as unnerving as "Nightmares" turned out to be. And you've got to give a lot of credit to the script and the direction. Of course, the script was from a story by Joss and the direction from Bruce Seth Green, so that's a great pedigree right there. And while I've been wholly impressed by Green's direction in the past, I was stunned by it here. His fusing of the nightmare images into the everyday world was done subtly but surrealy enough to be unnerving, but also to keep your eyes glued to the screen. It was amazing to watch how seamlessly the two worlds came together when it was necessary. And the beginning moments with the spiders, Xander's lack of clothes, and Buffy's dad were just so superlative done that all I can do is rave about them here. But once the "Nightmares" became more prevelant in our world, the jarring non-reality of them was really done. One sequence I particularily liked was Buffy's meeting the Master in the graveyard. The direction here really made the scene click. Of course, it was helped in no small part by some superb performances by Sarah Michelle Gellar and Mark Metcalf. I've been a bit underwhelmed by the Master since the opening episode, but here he was everything I wanted in the ultimate bad guy. Scary, teasing, toying, cruel. And his earlier scene with the Annoited One when he put his hand on the cross to face his fear of it was very well done as well. (And coming off the closing shot of "Angel" was a nice little bit of parallel structure for the show). But what set "Nightmares" apart really was how strong the images presented in those dreams were on screen. This is the type of epiosde that is similar to Star Trek's "The Naked Time" in which having a working familarity with the characters makes it better. Joss has placed this story late enough in the series run so that the images and nightmares presented can come out of characters we know and love. If the story is placed too early (such as TNG's "The Naked Now") it can come off as cliched, obtrussive, and misplaced. But this late in season one, we've had a chance to get to know a bit more about each character (though Cordy really gets the short end of the stick all around in her dreams!) and so getting to see what frightens them is quite fun. I liked that Giles fears were losing his mind (it seemed almost like he was getting Alzheimers, which I can see as being a great fear to him) and failing Buffy, while Willow's was facing a huge crowd. Buffy's fears were well founded and really seemed to make a lot more sense having also seen the flashbacks in Becoming, Part One. But the thing that throws this episode over the top and into the realm of being a great episode along the lines of Lie to Me is the explanation. It's not just a simple ending really. Instead, the entire dream runoff comes from one traumatized child. And I've got to be honest--what the coach did was scarier than any of the images we saw on screen. And what could have easily been a subject that was treated as a bad "After School Special" topic was handled with grace and sensitivity here. There were enough hints as to what had happened, without having to tell us right out. We are to draw our own conclusions about what's happened and that really works. Personally, I loved the idea of the boy having to face his fear in order to free them all from their fears. And the monster he created was pretty scary, and really seemed a lot more horrifying than the last monster we saw in a hospital in Killed by Death. So, all in all, I've got to say, this one is definitely a keeper. In fact, I'd have to say it ranks up there as my favorite first season episode to date. I guess that about wraps it up, except for a few small things... --The monster that chased the boy and Buffy...was it played by the same guy who was the coach? I tried to see but couldn't ever tell. If so, that's a really cool detail. --Buffy's fear of not being as powerful as she thinks she is was a nice touch. And the scene with her dad in the dreamworld was like being punched in the gut. Sarah Michelle Gellar really gave a great, great performance here. --Of course, so did the whole cast. It was an all around great acting effort. They all stood out in their own way. --Some of the nightmares had a funny streak--eps the "cool" guy with his mom kissing him. I love the way this show combines humor and horor, when necessary. Well, that's about it for now. Easily one of the best Buffy episodes I've ever seen and one I will definately be watching again and again.... My rating: 10.0 (out of 10.0) Next up: There's an invisible girl in Sunnydale.... "You slay...we party." --Xander Michael Hickerson - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 08:44 EST From: (Kelli Sucher) Subject: BUFFY: Clothing line According to the Fashion!Dallas section of the Dallas Morning News (7/22), 20th Century Fox will introduce a BTVS clothing and jewelry line. It could be in stores as early as this summer. It will be based on the character, not SMG. The article didn't say much, but there will be baby shirts that say "Good", "Bad" or "Slayer". There is a pic of Buffy holding a stake, as well as a pic of Ally McBeal, who is also getting a line. Anyone else have anymore info? Some of the DMN stuff came from Brandweek, but I don't know if it is a magazine or industry publication. Kelli Keeper of Willow's gradebook - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 09:54:22 EDT From: Subject: BUFFY: Katie Holmes? P O S S I B L E S P O I L E R ! Does anyone know if Katie Holmes will guest star in Buffy at any time? That would be kool....she could be like a slayer from another country and they team up against the master!! LOL! Um....this is off you think Katie Holmes will EVER do a movie with SMG and JLH and CC that will be rated PG-13....notice how all the fine chics love doing horrors! I don't like horror movies! - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 07:02:01 PDT From: "Marat Sade" Subject: BUFFY: Could have been Buffy? >>The way _I_ heard it was that Sarah went to audtion for Cordy because of her work on AMC. While she was there, she asked to be able to try out for Buffy and she got the part.<< She did audtion to be Cordy and decided to try out for Buffy and it took her something like reading the part 17 times before she got it. Marat - ------------------------------------------------- "I had everything wintin my reach I had money and stuff Each and every call Too much but never enough Tear it up and watch it fall" -The Sisters of Mercy - --------------------------------------------------- ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 21:00:54 -0500 From: Janis Subject: Re: BUFFY: annointed one > I don't know if this is the same but there is also a set of books called The > Vampire Diaries... > There are four novels. > The Awakening, The Struggle, The Fury, and the fourth wasn't originally part > of the trilogy, but i've lost it and can't recall the title. > I've read those. The first 3 were really good, but the fourth seemed contrived. Another great one is called "The Silver Kiss," same idea. I forgot who it's by though. Isis OB: Anyone know what ep is on next tuesday? - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 10:07:02 -0400 (EDT) From: Michael Hickerson Subject: BUFFY: Review--"The Dark Age" Warning: If you've got a deep, dark demon in your past that hones in on SPOILER information and kills rather than letting you read it, I suggest you turn back now. SPOILERS for "The Dark Age" are just ahead. In short: A interesting episode. When I first saw "The Dark Age" back in November, I remember there was a lot of hype surrounding it. A lot of it had to do with the fact that we would finally learn a bit about Giles past and that he held a deep, dark secret there. I was intrigued and so when I first tuned into the episode, I was initially disappointed. I am not really sure why, because my subsequent viewings of the story have really made me realize it's one of the stronger first half Buffy eps of the season. A large portion of my initial dissapointment stems from two factors--the hype and that it followed Lie to Me, which was the nicest surpise of the season. However, were I to just dismiss The Dark Age as an episode that tried but didn't live up to expectations, I'd be doing it a grave injustice. A very grave injustice. Because "The Dark Age" is about everything I love most in Buffy--namely character exploration. We got to see a bit more not only about Giles, but also about Jenny and Buffy as well. And for the most part, all the scenes worked incredibly well. I liked the fact that Buffy was very protective of Giles, esp. when confronting Ethan. And overall as bad guy, Ethan worked pretty well, coming off as meancing when he had to be. I am glad that he got away and I hope that we see him again in future episodes. There were two really great things that stood out in the story for me, though. One was how Giles followed a path similar to the one we've seen Buffy on this year. She has been resisting her role as the Chosen One and questioning it a great deal. We see that Giles did the exact same thing and suffered horrible consequences for it. I like the fact that the consequences of his past actions come back to haunt him and might show Buffy that there is such a thing as rebelling too far. It may have consequences farther down the road that you initially realized. The scene with Jenny in the end so heartbreaking. But, I've got to give credit to Anthony Stewart Head and Robia LaMorte--they made the scene exactly as it needed to be--awkward, forced, and difficult for both sides. The pain on Giles face as Jenny turns away from him was like being hit in the gut. The other thing I liked was the role reversal that Buffy and Giles had. The coda here reflected Lie to Me a bit, with Buffy in the role of offering sage wisdom instead of Giles. Also, seeing her as the cool headed, solution offering partner in their dynamic was a nice change. To see Giles dishelved and out of his element was really well done and a nice contrast to the usually straight laced Giles we've come to know and love. It's these types of things that make the stories that much better. What didn't work, thought, was Ethan's plot to get rid of the monster they'd released. The problem is it had all the subtlely of train wreck and I couldn't help but think that Buffy should have been less trusting of him. He did pull that stunt in Halloween, but yet Buffy is not as wary of him as she should be. Overall, that took the episode down a few points for me. Otherwise, it was really quite enjoyable. So, that about wraps it up, except for a few small things... --So, Buffy doesn't want her mom to see the tatoo but then wear a top in which it woudl be easily revealed? Huh? --I liked the use of Angel to destroy the demon. A nice touch. --Willow's shouting at Cordy and Xander in the library was really a nice touch and foreshadows her stepping in as Ms. Calendar's replacment later a bit. --Was it ever explained why Ethan calls Giles, "Ripper"? I may have missed this. Well, that's about it for now. All in all, an episode that was a whole lot better than I originally gave it credit for. My rating: 8.0 (out of 10.0) Next up: Buffy faces an opponent she can't see.... "Bay City Rollers, now that's music..." "I can't believe you just said that." --Giles & Buffy. Michael Hickerson - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 10:24:46 -0400 From: "Jeff Rohaly" Subject: Re: BUFFY: annointed one wrote: > OB buffy: has anyone noticed the annointed one's weird special effects voice? > there's an eerie echo to his words and deeper tenor to his voice than that of > a child. i don't remember those effects on his voice during his brief > appearance second season. or am i wrong? It seemed to be more pronounced in Nightmares than in the other first season episodes and as far as I can tell, you're right that they dropped it for the second season. Reminds me of how, back in the golden ages of the mid-80s, the Visitors in V lost their resonating voices after the switch from the miniseries to the TV series. Ah, V-The Series; brings back fond memories of that powerhouse NBC Friday night lineup -- V, Hunter, and to top it all off, Miami Vice. Jeff Rohaly - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 10:36:48 EDT From: Subject: BUFFY: SPOILERS: New season Spoilers ahead: . . . . 3 . . . . 2 . . . . 1 . . . . . If you haven't already heard, according to our favorite television rumormonger, E!'s Wanda, the new season starts with Buffy moving to another town, trying to live under the alias of "Anne." According to Wanda, "She tries to rid herself of her slaying ways, but she encounters some vampire types and, of course, realizes that she's the slayer no matter where she tries to hide. Meanwhile, Cordy, Willow, Oz and Xander try to step in for the missing Buffy and fight the vamps--which, I'm told, provides for some comedic moments." Hmmm, I wonder if it's a twist off Woody Allen's Anne Hedonia (a.k.a. Annie Hall). Some people in the Buffy newsgroup have expressed dismay over this, because they see such a move as character "backsliding." But I see it as a logical progression of emotions. She just frickin' sent her ex-lover to hell. "That's not a thing you just forget," as Lover-Demon himself would say. Whaddy'all think? Matt - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 10:43:10 EDT From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Sunnydale County? In a message dated 7/22/98 2:53:15 AM !!!First Boot!!!, writes: << Does anyone have an idea what county Sunnydale's in >> no i don't think "sunnydale" exsist - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 10:45:36 EDT From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Blah blah generation, vampires and short of evil guys In a message dated 7/22/98 6:37:55 AM !!!First Boot!!!, writes: << the vampires in BtVS belong to one of the White Wolf vampire clans. >> how would you know what clan there in or not - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 10:52:21 EDT From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: POSSIBLE Spoilers In a message dated 7/22/98 12:00:58 AM !!!First Boot!!!, writes: << >>>S >>>P >>>O >>>I >>>L >>>E >>>R >>>S <> why not there two of willows best friends willow only didn't approve of cord cuz the way she treted them and willow kinda liked him and plus buffy wouldn't do that to willow but if she did i don't think willow would get mad - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 11:22:39 -0700 From: jim Subject: BUFFY: Angel& Buffy the Vamp Slayer Hello everyone, I don't know if anyone else feels this way but I sincerely hope that in 1999 Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the series Angel are back to back. I mean because I know that Buffy is still scheduled for 8:00 p.m on Tuesdays and now that Dawson's Creek moved there is a slot open,(Dawsons Creek is moving to 8:00 p.m on Wednesdays) although they are probably going to fill that up that slot this season. Well, it was just one of my random thoughts. Jill Keeper of Buffy's "goodbye" note Keeper of Xander's concern for Willow's health - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 11:27:41 -0700 From: jim Subject: BUFFY: Oz a senior???? Hello everyone, just thinking while I was writing up some mail yesterday. Oz was a senior at the end of the second season. Is he going to Community college, a real college, or is he going to repeat? I really don't think it's possible to repeat if your girlfriend is Willow though. Well, just some random thoughts. Jill Keeper of Buffy "goodbye" note Keeper of Xander's concern for Willow's health - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 11:31:00 -0400 (EDT) From: Suzanne Subject: Re: BUFFY: Angel& Buffy the Vamp Slayer When was it said that Dawson's was moving?? I think the Buffy/Dawson's combo is perfect. What would follow Buffy? . I mean because I know that Buffy is still >scheduled for 8:00 p.m on Tuesdays and now that Dawson's Creek moved >there is a slot open,(Dawsons Creek is moving to 8:00 p.m on Wednesdays) ***************************** "Uh Sue, one of your friends is getting sick in the bathroom" ***************************** - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 10:34:27 -0500 (CDT) From: John Hsieh Subject: Re: BUFFY: What the heck?! Don't get me wrong, but am I the only one that thinks that Xander is a big goofball, and that Buffy would never see him in any other way? I mean, come on. This is Buffy, the chosen one, the one to stand against the demons and the forces of darkness. Xander just doesn't have that aura, or complex that Angel had that would make someone of Buffy's stature fall for him. I always saw Buffy falling for someone with more "depth," if you will. Xander and Cordelia are perfect for each other. Xander and Buffy? No. Maybe when Hell freezes over. - -john - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: John Hsieh Curriculum: Biological Chemistry Phone: (773) 667-1421 E-mail: Homepage: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 20:05:20 -0700 From: "Slayer01" Subject: BUFFY: PICTURES wanted Hi I was wondering Does anyone know of a place that has pictures of 1. Buffy in vamp form (from NIGHTMARES) 2. A picture of the tattoo (mark of Egyon) 3. A picture of that b/w picture of Giles younger 4. A decent picture of Egyon 5. A picture of Billy 6. A picture of Angel fighting the eygon inside him. 7. A picture of Jenny as Eygon (or Egyon as Jenny) Slayer01 - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 20:14:01 -0700 From: "Slayer01" Subject: BUFFY: Two reasons for liking Dark Ages and other ramblings I just have to say that I actually liked THE DARK AGES but only for two reasons. 1. Angel 2. Ethan (need I continue)(well I will anyway) I thought it was really cute the looks that Angel and Buffy gave each other when they were talking about the blood bags. Also I thought it was nice when Angel was fighting the demon inside him. Did anyone notice that little oouaah he made just before he collapsed, it sounded a lot like the oouuahh in Becoming2 when he got his soul back(or it could have been when he was stabbed (I'm repressing ya see)) Also I wish they would make Ethan a regular cast member. It is nice to have a bad character who is not a demon and doesn't get staked. I mean he is human and he is not on their side. Can't think of anyone else (apart from Snyder and who knows what side he is on)? I think it was kind of cool that we saw a different part of Giles but I didn't like the whole Jenny/egyon thing. I mean it was bad enough when Xander was taken over by a hyena but this really pushed the limit of craziness. Buffy was really nice about the whole thing to Giles, if I were her I would have asked him to pay for the tattoo removal. I also saw some similarities between this episode and IOHEFY. In the sense of that both Buffy and Giles blame themselves for something and the guilt is tearing them apart. Yes I know that it was not Buffy's fault that Angel turned bad and that it was Giles's fault the demon was unleashed. But in a sense it wasn't or if it was then it was too long a go and he has changed. Slayer01 babbling on as usual - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 09:10:07 -0700 From: Subject: BUFFY: The Vampire Diaries >I don't know if this is the same but there is also a set of books >called The Vampire Diaries, the vampire lore is different because apparently a >vampire can chose to be good or bad--they still have their souls and it's just >choosing a lifestyle of sucking the blood out of humans or ducks. Has anyone here considered the notion that signficant portions of what have been presented as vampire fact insofar on Buffy may prove erroneous later on in the series? :) >The Awakening, The Struggle, The Fury, and the fourth wasn't >originally part of the trilogy, but i've lost it and can't recall the title. 'tis Dark Reunion, I believe. :) Sean :) _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 12:47:17 EDT From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Angel& Buffy the Vamp Slayer In a message dated 98-07-22 11:36:41 EDT, stsbf02@Moravian.EDU writes: > When was it said that Dawson's was moving?? I think the > Buffy/Dawson's combo is perfect. What would follow Buffy? Dawson's Creek will be moving to Wednesday's at 8pm (trying to give 90210 a run for it's money). Buffy will remain on Tuesday's at 8 and it will be followed by a new show called "Felicity". This is the show with the biggest press buzz that will be debut on the WB this fall. It's supposed to be like "Ally McBeal in college". Dawson's Creek will be followed by another new drama called "Charmed" which stars Shannen Doherty as one of three sisters who discovers they're witches. This actually says a lot about Buffy. The WB thought highly enough about Buffy to move it to Tuesdays to become a strong lead in for Dawson's Creek, and it thinks that Buffy will be a good companion and lead in for Felicity as well. - -Rayne - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 13:40:09 EDT From: Subject: BUFFY: Please help me I had to completely delete everything on my computer and redo it, because the manufacturer loaded it wrong. I lost my Buffy screen saver. Does anyone out there have any copies of the screen savers that are at It's down and I can't get to it. I also lost all my avis! Flagg if you're out there...please get it back up! I'm totally flipping out! I am so mad at this computer (I would not recommend Gateway!!!) If anyone has the screen saver that has the entire cast, please email it to me. Thanks so much. Jen - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 13:44:19 EDT From: Subject: BUFFY: This whole Xander/Buffy thing "Hi! For those of you who just turned in, everyone here is a crazy person." No, no, I'm only kidding, and I had to find a way to work in a Xander quote, just to prove that I still like the guy. You guys know I love you all. However, I think this whole Xander/Buffy relationship would not be a good idea at all. First, as I've said before, Xander is nowhere near mature enough to be with Buffy, in addition to the fact that there is just no way he could ever understand her life. That was one thing that made the Buffy/Angel relationship so perfect. Second, if any of the members of the original Scooby three got together, it would just change the dynamic of the entire show, whether it was Willow and Xander or Buffy and Xander or (I hope not) Willow and Buffy. Third, part of the great ensemble feel of the show comes from the unrequited crush triangle. You know how the X-Files would start to suck if Mulder and Scully ever did get together, no matter how much we all root for it? I'm afraid the same thing would happen to Buffy. The sexual tension is a driving force behind the show. Anyway, just my NSHO. : ) A - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 11:11:31 PDT From: "miss hayse" Subject: BUFFY: Content-Type: text/plain RE: Hey guys~! Does anyone have an idea what county Sunnydale's in. I don't thin it ever says exactly. How close is it to LA, anyway? * * * This is, of course completely biased- but let me tell you a little bit about the town they call Redlands, CA: 1)The original root name of the town had something to do with "fire"- Red Lands- 2)The Satanic Bible mentions Redlands as a place of the second coming of the Devil and as a vortex spot for dark forces. (unsubstantiated, but a steady rumor) 3)There are more churches per capita in Redlands then anywhere else in California. (to combat the omnipresent evil) 4)The county it is in has the highest rate of Satanism in the state. 5)It is 50 minutes away from L.A. 6)It is a one Starbucks town. 7)Lots of Earthquakes. * * * These facts are all true, and have been of some note to many Buffy-lovers that have lived there. I, personally went to school there for 5 years, and we have always considered it a given that Redlands was the hell mouth. Combine that with the evil that comes from this county being the crystal meth supplyer for the west coast, and the gangs, and you have a constant battleground. In any case, I think that Sunnydale could very easily be any suburb of LA- but I thought I'd share the rumors that have sustained me while living in S. California. Miss Hayse (tan & happy) ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 12:18:04 -0600 From: (Katie Masters) Subject: Re: BUFFY: cordy-LA At 12:55am 7/22/98, Jennifer Bishop wrote: >Maybe she moves there to go to college on a cheerleading scholarship at >UCLA or something, not necessarily making a break-up from Xander >necessary. I mean, they aren't that far away. >IMHO, that would work well, since they are graduating this year. No, they graduate at the end of next season. They were juniors this year. But here's my theroy. MAybe Cordy is turned into a vampire or something. Vampire not might work if ANgel has his soul back, but some kind of a good demon, like whistler. Katie Keeper of Buffy's Nail Polish, WIllow's leather mini, Cordelia's stakes, and the heart necklace Xander gave cordy on V-Day. Guardian of Spike's feelings of rejection from Angel & Angel's adoptive mother Keeper of Roses Wine colored dress & white chiffon "All you need is romance. And chapstick." - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 12:25:16 -0600 From: (Katie Masters) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Could have been Buffy? >She did audtion to be Cordy and decided to try out for Buffy and it took >her something like reading the part 17 times before she got it. Not really. They asked her back more than they usually would, like 8 or 9. The reason they did this is because she kept wearing long skirts. They wanted to know if she had good legs. If this had been me, I would have walked out of there. Does anyone agree with me when I say SMG is getting a reputation as a slut in the entertainment world? I'm not saying she is but that's what people are starting to think of her and in Hollywood that's all that matters to casting agents and directors. Sorry. Katie Keeper of Buffy's Nail Polish, WIllow's leather mini, Cordelia's stakes, and the heart necklace Xander gave cordy on V-Day. Guardian of Spike's feelings of rejection from Angel & Angel's adoptive mother Keeper of Roses Wine colored dress & white chiffon "All you need is romance. And chapstick." - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 13:29:47 -0500 (EST) From: Gabby Hon Subject: Re: BUFFY: Could have been Buffy? On Wed, 22 Jul 1998, Katie Masters wrote: > walked out of there. Does anyone agree with me when I say SMG is getting a > reputation as a slut in the entertainment world? I'm not saying she is but > that's what people are starting to think of her and in Hollywood that's all > that matters to casting agents and directors. huh? how exactly did you reach this conclusion? cheers, gabby - ----- - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V2 #384 *************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (